Qt 4.8
#import <qnsthemeframe_mac_p.h>
Protected Variables | |
NSString * | displayName |
int | leftGroupTrackingTagNum |
NSButton * | modeButton |
char | mouseInsideLeftGroup |
char | mouseInsideRightGroup |
int | rightGroupTrackingTagNum |
NSSize | showToolbarPreWindowSize |
NSImage * | showToolbarTransitionImage |
NSButton * | toolbarButton |
int | toolbarVisibleStatus |
int | widgetState |
Protected Variables inherited from NSTitledFrame | |
id | fileButton |
int | resizeFlags |
NSSize | titleCellSize |
Protected Variables inherited from NSFrameView | |
NSString * | _title |
NSButton * | closeButton |
char | frameNeedsDisplay |
NSButton * | minimizeButton |
char | resizeByIncrement |
NSSize | resizeParameter |
int | shadowState |
unsigned int | styleMask |
unsigned char | tabViewCount |
NSCell * | titleCell |
NSButton * | zoomButton |
Definition at line 59 of file qnsthemeframe_mac_p.h.
- (struct _NSSize) _bottomCornerSize |
- (char) _canHaveToolbar |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (struct _NSPoint) _closeButtonOrigin |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (struct _NSPoint) _collapseButtonOrigin |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _commandPopupRect |
- (NSRect) _contentRectExcludingToolbar |
- (NSRect) _contentRectIncludingToolbarAtHome |
- (float) _contentToFrameMaxXWidth |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
+ (float) _contentToFrameMaxXWidth: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _contentToFrameMaxYHeight |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
+ (float) _contentToFrameMaxYHeight: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _contentToFrameMinXWidth |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
+ (float) _contentToFrameMinXWidth: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _contentToFrameMinYHeight |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
+ (float) _contentToFrameMinYHeight: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void *) _createWindowOpaqueShape |
- (id) _displayName |
- (float) _distanceFromToolbarBaseToTitlebar |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (void) _drawFrameInterior: | (NSRect *) | fp8 | |
clip: | (NSRect) | fp12 | |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void) _drawFrameRects: | (NSRect) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void) _drawGrowBoxWithClip: | (NSRect) | fp8 |
- (void) _drawResizeIndicators: | (NSRect) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void) _drawTitleBar: | (NSRect) | fp8 |
- (void) _drawToolbarTransitionIfNecessary |
- (void) _endLiveResizeAsTopLevel |
- (struct _NSPoint) _fileButtonOrigin |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _growBoxRect |
- (void) _growContentReshapeContentAndToolbarView: | (int) | fp8 | |
animate: | (char) | fp12 | |
- (char) _growWindowReshapeContentAndToolbarView: | (int) | fp8 | |
animate: | (char) | fp12 | |
- (char) _hasToolbar |
- (void) _hideToolbarWithAnimation: | (char) | fp8 |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (char) _inactiveButtonsNeedMask |
- (char) _isClosable |
- (char) _isMiniaturizable |
- (char) _isResizable |
- (char) _isSheet |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (char) _isUtility |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (NSRect) _leftGroupRect |
- (NSRect) _maxXBorderRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _maxXmaxYResizeRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _maxXminYResizeRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _maxXResizeRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _maxXTitlebarButtonsWidth |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _maxXTitlebarDecorationMinWidth |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _maxXTitlebarDragWidth |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _maxXTitlebarResizeRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _maxXTitlebarWidgetInset |
+ (float) _maxXTitlebarWidgetInset: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
- (float) _maxXWindowBorderWidth |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
+ (float) _maxXWindowBorderWidth: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _maxYBorderRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _maxYmaxXResizeRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _maxYminXResizeRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _maxYResizeRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _maxYTitlebarDragHeight |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _maxYWindowBorderHeight |
- (NSRect) _minXBorderRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _minXmaxYResizeRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _minXminYResizeRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _minXResizeRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _minXTitlebarButtonsWidth |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _minXTitlebarDecorationMinWidth |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _minXTitlebarDragWidth |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _minXTitlebarResizeRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _minXTitlebarWidgetInset |
+ (float) _minXTitlebarWidgetInset: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
- (float) _minXWindowBorderWidth |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
+ (float) _minXWindowBorderWidth: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _minYBorderRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _minYmaxXResizeRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _minYminXResizeRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _minYResizeRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _minYTitlebarButtonsOffset |
- (float) _minYTitlebarTitleOffset |
- (float) _minYWindowBorderHeight |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
+ (float) _minYWindowBorderHeight: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (char) _mouseInGroup: | (id) | fp8 |
- (void) _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity: | (NSRect) | fp8 | |
isVisibleRect: | (char) | fp24 | |
rectIsVisibleRectForView: | (id) | fp28 | |
topView: | (char) | fp32 | |
- (void *) _regionForOpaqueDescendants: | (NSRect) | fp8 | |
forMove: | (char) | fp24 | |
- (void) _resetDragMargins |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (void) _resetTitleBarButtons |
- (void) _reshapeContentAndToolbarView: | (int) | fp8 | |
resizeWindow: | (char) | fp12 | |
animate: | (char) | fp16 | |
+ (char) _resizeFromEdge |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
+ (float) _resizeHeight: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
- (NSRect) _rightGroupRect |
- (void) _setDisplayName: | (id) | fp8 |
- (void) _setMouseEnteredGroup: | (char) | fp8 | |
entered: | (char) | fp12 | |
- (void) _setSheet: | (char) | fp8 |
- (void) _setTextShadow: | (char) | fp8 |
- (void) _setToolbarShowHideResizeWeightingOptimizationOn: | (char) | fp8 |
- (void) _setUtilityWindow: | (char) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (unsigned int) _shadowFlags |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (float) _sheetHeightAdjustment |
- (char) _shouldBeTreatedAsInkEventInInactiveWindow: | (id) | fp8 |
- (void) _showHideToolbar: | (int) | fp8 | |
resizeWindow: | (char) | fp12 | |
animate: | (char) | fp16 | |
- (void) _showToolbarWithAnimation: | (char) | fp8 |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (float) _sideTitlebarWidth |
+ (float) _sideTitlebarWidth: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
- (struct _NSSize) _sizeOfTitlebarFileButton |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void) _startLiveResizeAsTopLevel |
- (void) _syncToolbarPosition |
- (void) _tileTitlebar |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _titlebarHeight |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
+ (float) _titlebarHeight: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) _titlebarTitleRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (id) _toolbar |
- (struct _NSPoint) _toolbarButtonOrigin |
- (void) _toolbarFrameSizeChanged: | (id) | fp8 | |
oldSize: | (struct _NSSize) | fp12 | |
- (char) _toolbarIsHidden |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (char) _toolbarIsInTransition |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (char) _toolbarIsShown |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (id) _toolbarView |
- (struct _NSSize) _topCornerSize |
- (void) _updateButtons |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void) _updateButtonState |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (void) _updateMouseTracking |
- (void) _updateWidgets |
- (char) _usingToolbarShowHideWeightingOptimization |
+ (unsigned int) _validateStyleMask: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (float) _windowBorderThickness |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
+ (float) _windowBorderThickness: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _windowFileButtonSpacingWidth |
+ (float) _windowFileButtonSpacingWidth: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
- (float) _windowResizeBorderThickness |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _windowResizeCornerThickness |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
+ (float) _windowSideTitlebarTitleMinWidth: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
- (float) _windowTitlebarButtonSpacingWidth |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
+ (float) _windowTitlebarButtonSpacingWidth: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
- (float) _windowTitlebarTitleMinHeight |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
+ (float) _windowTitlebarTitleMinHeight: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _windowTitlebarXResizeBorderThickness |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) _windowTitlebarYResizeBorderThickness |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (struct _NSPoint) _zoomButtonOrigin |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void) addFileButton: | (id) | fp8 |
- (char) constrainResizeEdge: | (int *) | fp8 | |
withDelta: | (struct _NSSize) | fp12 | |
elapsedTime: | (float) | fp20 | |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (float) contentAlpha |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (id) contentFill |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (NSRect) contentRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (NSRect) contentRectForFrameRect: | (NSRect) | fp8 | |
styleMask: | (unsigned int) | fp24 | |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void) dealloc |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void) drawFrame: | (NSRect) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void) drawRect: | (NSRect) | fp8 |
- (NSRect) frameRectForContentRect: | (NSRect) | fp8 | |
styleMask: | (unsigned int) | fp24 | |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void) handleSetFrameCommonRedisplay |
+ (void) initialize |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (id) initWithFrame: | (NSRect) | fp8 | |
styleMask: | (unsigned int) | fp24 | |
owner: | (id) | fp28 | |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (struct _NSSize) minFrameSize |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (struct _NSSize) minFrameSizeForMinContentSize: | (struct _NSSize) | fp8 | |
styleMask: | (unsigned int) | fp16 | |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
+ (float) minFrameWidthWithTitle: | (id) | fp8 | |
styleMask: | (unsigned int) | fp12 | |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (struct _NSSize) miniaturizedSize |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (id) modeButton |
- (void) mouseDown: | (id) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void) mouseEntered: | (id) | fp8 |
- (void) mouseExited: | (id) | fp8 |
- (id) newCloseButton |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (id) newFileButton |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (id) newMiniaturizeButton |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (id) newToolbarButton |
- (id) newZoomButton |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void) resetCursorRects |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void) setDocumentEdited: | (char) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void) setFrameSize: | (struct _NSSize) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (void) setThemeFrameWidgetState: | (int) | fp8 |
- (void) shapeWindow |
Implements NSFrameView.
- (char) shouldBeTreatedAsInkEvent: | (id) | fp8 |
+ (struct _NSSize) sizeOfTitlebarButtons: | (unsigned int) | fp8 |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (struct _NSSize) sizeOfTitlebarToolbarButton |
- (NSRect) titlebarRect |
Implements NSTitledFrame.
- (id) toolbarButton |
- (void) viewDidEndLiveResize |
protected |
Definition at line 71 of file qnsthemeframe_mac_p.h.
protected |
Definition at line 66 of file qnsthemeframe_mac_p.h.
protected |
Definition at line 65 of file qnsthemeframe_mac_p.h.
protected |
Definition at line 68 of file qnsthemeframe_mac_p.h.
protected |
Definition at line 69 of file qnsthemeframe_mac_p.h.
protected |
Definition at line 67 of file qnsthemeframe_mac_p.h.
protected |
Definition at line 64 of file qnsthemeframe_mac_p.h.
protected |
Definition at line 63 of file qnsthemeframe_mac_p.h.
protected |
Definition at line 61 of file qnsthemeframe_mac_p.h.
protected |
Definition at line 62 of file qnsthemeframe_mac_p.h.
protected |
Definition at line 70 of file qnsthemeframe_mac_p.h.