| JSC::ASSERT_CLASS_FITS_IN_CELL (QScript::QObjectPrototype) |
| JSC::ASSERT_CLASS_FITS_IN_CELL (QScript::QMetaObjectWrapperObject) |
| JSC::ASSERT_CLASS_FITS_IN_CELL (QScript::QMetaObjectPrototype) |
| JSC::ASSERT_CLASS_FITS_IN_CELL (QScript::QtFunction) |
| JSC::ASSERT_CLASS_FITS_IN_CELL (QScript::QtPropertyFunction) |
static JSC::JSValue | QScript::callQtMethod (JSC::ExecState *exec, QMetaMethod::MethodType callType, QObject *thisQObject, const JSC::ArgList &scriptArgs, const QMetaObject *meta, int initialIndex, bool maybeOverloaded) |
static unsigned | QScript::flagsForMetaProperty (const QMetaProperty &prop) |
static bool | QScript::hasMethodAccess (const QMetaMethod &method, int index, const QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions &opt) |
static int | QScript::indexOfMetaEnum (const QMetaObject *meta, const QByteArray &str) |
static bool | QScript::isEnumerableMetaProperty (const QMetaProperty &prop, const QMetaObject *mo, int index) |
static QMetaMethod | QScript::metaMethod (const QMetaObject *meta, QMetaMethod::MethodType type, int index) |
static QByteArray | QScript::methodName (const char *signature, int nameLength) |
| Makes a deep copy of the first nameLength characters of the given method signature and returns the copy. More...
static bool | QScript::methodNameEquals (const QMetaMethod &method, const char *signature, int nameLength) |
| Returns true if the name of the given method is the same as that specified by the (signature, nameLength) pair, otherwise returns false. More...
static int | QScript::methodNameLength (const QMetaMethod &method) |
| Calculates the length of the name of the given method by looking for the first '(' character. More...
static JSC::JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL | QScript::qmetaobjectProtoFuncClassName (JSC::ExecState *exec, JSC::JSObject *, JSC::JSValue thisValue, const JSC::ArgList &) |
static JSC::JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL | QScript::qobjectProtoFuncFindChild (JSC::ExecState *exec, JSC::JSObject *, JSC::JSValue thisValue, const JSC::ArgList &args) |
static JSC::JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL | QScript::qobjectProtoFuncFindChildren (JSC::ExecState *exec, JSC::JSObject *, JSC::JSValue thisValue, const JSC::ArgList &args) |
static JSC::JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL | QScript::qobjectProtoFuncToString (JSC::ExecState *exec, JSC::JSObject *, JSC::JSValue thisValue, const JSC::ArgList &) |
static QScriptable * | QScript::scriptableFromQObject (QObject *qobj) |
static QVariant | QScript::variantFromValue (JSC::ExecState *exec, int targetType, JSC::JSValue value) |