►N_QStateMachine_Internal | |
CGoToStateTransition | |
►NMaemo | |
CCommonParams | |
CDBusDispatcher | DBusDispatcher is a class that can send DBUS method call messages and receive unicast signals from DBUS objects |
CDBusDispatcherPrivate | |
CGConfItemFast | |
CIAPConf | |
CIAPConfPrivate | |
CIAPMonitor | |
CIAPMonitorPrivate | |
CIcd | |
CIcdAddressInfoResult | |
CIcdIPInformation | |
CIcdPrivate | |
CIcdScanResult | |
CIcdStateResult | |
CIcdStatisticsResult | |
CNetworkProxyFactory | |
CPendingCallInfo | |
CProxyConf | |
CProxyConfPrivate | |
►NQAccessible2 | The QAccessible2 namespace defines constants relating to IAccessible2-based interfaces |
CTableModelChange | |
►NQAudio | The QAudio namespace contains enums used by the audio classes |
CRegisterMetaTypes | |
►NQCss | |
CAttributeSelector | |
CBackgroundData | |
CBasicSelector | |
CBorderData | |
CBrushData | |
CColorData | |
►CDeclaration | |
CDeclarationData | |
CImportRule | |
CLengthData | |
CMediaRule | |
CPageRule | |
CParser | |
CPseudo | |
CScanner | |
CSelector | |
CStyleRule | |
►CStyleSelector | |
CNodePtr | |
CStyleSheet | |
CSymbol | |
CValue | |
CValueExtractor | |
►NQDBusPendingReplyTypes | |
CForEach | |
CSelect | |
CSelect< 0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 > | |
►NQDeclarativeJS | |
►NAST | |
CArgumentList | |
CArrayLiteral | |
CArrayMemberExpression | |
CBinaryExpression | |
CBlock | |
CBreakStatement | |
CCallExpression | |
CCaseBlock | |
CCaseClause | |
CCaseClauses | |
CCatch | |
CConditionalExpression | |
CContinueStatement | |
CDebuggerStatement | |
CDefaultClause | |
CDeleteExpression | |
CDoWhileStatement | |
CElementList | |
CElision | |
CEmptyStatement | |
CExpression | |
CExpressionNode | |
CExpressionStatement | |
CFalseLiteral | |
CFieldMemberExpression | |
CFinally | |
CForEachStatement | |
CFormalParameterList | |
CForStatement | |
CFunctionBody | |
CFunctionDeclaration | |
CFunctionExpression | |
CFunctionSourceElement | |
CIdentifierExpression | |
CIdentifierPropertyName | |
CIfStatement | |
CLabelledStatement | |
CLocalForEachStatement | |
CLocalForStatement | |
CNestedExpression | |
CNewExpression | |
CNewMemberExpression | |
CNode | |
CNotExpression | |
CNullExpression | |
CNumericLiteral | |
CNumericLiteralPropertyName | |
CObjectLiteral | |
CPostDecrementExpression | |
CPostIncrementExpression | |
CPreDecrementExpression | |
CPreIncrementExpression | |
CProgram | |
CPropertyName | |
CPropertyNameAndValueList | |
CRegExpLiteral | |
CReturnStatement | |
CSourceElement | |
CSourceElements | |
CSourceLocation | |
CStatement | |
CStatementList | |
CStatementSourceElement | |
CStringLiteral | |
CStringLiteralPropertyName | |
CSwitchStatement | |
CThisExpression | |
CThrowStatement | |
CTildeExpression | |
CTrueLiteral | |
CTryStatement | |
CTypeOfExpression | |
CUiArrayBinding | |
CUiArrayMemberList | |
CUiFormal | |
CUiFormalList | |
CUiImport | |
CUiImportList | |
CUiObjectBinding | |
CUiObjectDefinition | |
CUiObjectInitializer | |
CUiObjectMember | |
CUiObjectMemberList | |
CUiParameterList | |
CUiProgram | |
CUiPublicMember | |
CUiQualifiedId | |
CUiScriptBinding | |
CUiSignature | |
CUiSourceElement | |
CUnaryMinusExpression | |
CUnaryPlusExpression | |
CVariableDeclaration | |
CVariableDeclarationList | |
CVariableStatement | |
CVisitor | |
CVoidExpression | |
CWhileStatement | |
CWithStatement | |
►NEcma | |
CRegExp | |
CDiagnosticMessage | |
CEngine | |
►CLexer | |
Ckeyword | |
CMemoryPool | |
CNameId | |
CNodePool | |
►CParser | |
CSavedToken | |
CValue | |
►CTextWriter | |
CMove | |
CReplace | |
►NQDeclarativeParser | |
CLocation | |
CLocationRange | |
CLocationSpan | |
►CObject | |
CDynamicProperty | |
CDynamicSignal | |
CDynamicSlot | |
CScriptBlock | |
CProperty | |
CValue | |
CVariant | |
►NQDeclarativePrivate | |
CAttachedPropertySelector | |
CAttachedPropertySelector< T, 1 > | |
Chas_attachedPropertiesMember | |
Chas_attachedPropertiesMethod | |
Chas_attachedPropertiesMethod< T, false > | |
CQDeclarativeElement | |
CRegisterAutoParent | |
CRegisterComponent | |
CRegisterInterface | |
CRegisterType | |
CStaticCastSelector | |
CStaticCastSelectorClass | |
CStaticCastSelectorClass< From, To, sizeof(int)> | |
►NQDeclarativeRewrite | |
CRewriteBinding | |
CSharedBindingTester | |
►NQImageScale | |
CQImageScaleInfo | |
►NQMdi | |
CControlContainer | |
CControlElement | |
CControlLabel | |
CControllerWidget | |
CIconTiler | |
CMinOverlapPlacer | |
CPlacer | |
CRearranger | |
CRegularTiler | |
CSimpleCascader | |
►NQmlJSDebugger | |
CAbstractLiveEditTool | |
CAbstractTool | |
CAbstractViewInspector | |
CBoundingBox | |
CBoundingBoxPolygonItem | |
CBoundingRectHighlighter | |
CColorPickerTool | |
CInspectorProtocol | |
CLiveLayerItem | |
CLiveRubberBandSelectionManipulator | |
CLiveSelectionIndicator | |
CLiveSelectionRectangle | |
CLiveSelectionTool | |
CLiveSingleSelectionManipulator | |
CQDeclarativeInspectorPlugin | |
CQDeclarativeViewInspector | |
CQDeclarativeViewInspectorPrivate | |
►CQmlToolBar | |
CUi | |
CSelectionRectShape | |
CSubcomponentMaskLayerItem | |
CToolBarColorBox | |
CZoomTool | |
►NQPatternist | The namespace for the internal API of QtXmlPatterns |
►NOptimizationPasses | Contains a set of common OptimizerPass instances |
CCoordinator | |
CAbsFN | Implements the function fn:abs() |
►CAbstractDateTime | Base class for classes implementing values related to time, date or both |
CCaptureTable | Acts as a mapping table for AbstractDateTime::create() and describes where certain fields in a QRegExp pattern can be found for a particular W3C XML Schema date/time type |
CAbstractDateTimeComparator | Compares sub-classes of AbstractDateTime |
CAbstractDateTimeMathematician | Performs arithmetics between two AbstractDateTime values |
CAbstractDateTimeToDateCaster | Casts an AbstractDateTime instance to SchemaTime |
CAbstractDateTimeToDateTimeCaster | Casts an AbstractDateTime instance to DateTime |
CAbstractDateTimeToGDayCaster | Casts a xs:date or xs:dateTime atomic value to xs:gDay |
CAbstractDateTimeToGMonthCaster | Casts a xs:date or xs:dateTime atomic value to xs:gMonth |
CAbstractDateTimeToGMonthDayCaster | Casts a xs:date or xs:dateTime atomic value to xs:gMonthDay |
CAbstractDateTimeToGYearCaster | Casts a xs:date or xs:dateTime atomic value to xs:gYear |
CAbstractDateTimeToGYearMonthCaster | Casts a xs:date or xs:dateTime atomic value to xs:gYearMonth |
CAbstractDateTimeToTimeCaster | Casts an AbstractDateTime instance to SchemaTime |
►CAbstractDuration | Base class for classes implementing durations |
CCaptureTable | Acts as a mapping table for AbstractDuration::create() and describes where certain fields in a QRegExp pattern can be found for a particular W3C XML Schema duration type |
CAbstractDurationComparator | Compares sub-classes of AbstractDuration |
CAbstractDurationToDayTimeDurationCaster | Casts an AbstractDuration instance to DayTimeDuration |
CAbstractDurationToDurationCaster | Casts an AbstractDuration instance to Duration |
CAbstractDurationToYearMonthDurationCaster | Casts an AbstractDuration instance to YearMonthDuration |
CAbstractFloat | Base template class for Float and Double classes |
CAbstractFloatComparator | Compares xs:double values |
CAbstractFloatMathematician | Performs arithmetics between AbstractFloat values (Float and Double classes) |
CAbstractFloatSortComparator | Compares xs:double values for the purpose of sorting |
CAbstractFunctionFactory | Supplies convenience code for the function factories |
CAbstractNodeTest | A name test that is of the type prefix:ncName |
CAbstractXmlPullProvider | |
CAccelIterator | Abstract base class for Iterators for the AccelTree, that contains common functions and members |
►CAccelTree | Stores an XML document using the XPath Accelerator scheme, also known as pre/post numbering |
CBasicNodeData | Houses data for a node, and that all node kinds have |
CAccelTreeBuilder | Builds an AccelTree from a stream of XML/Item events received through the NodeBuilder interface |
CAccelTreePrivate | |
CAccelTreeResourceLoader | Handles requests for documents, and instantiates them as AccelTree instances |
CAddingAggregate | Base class for the implementations of the fn:avg() and fn:sum() function |
CAdjustDateTimeToTimezoneFN | Implements the function fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone() |
CAdjustDateToTimezoneFN | Implements the function fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone() |
CAdjustTimeToTimezoneFN | Implements the function fn:adjust-time-to-timezone() |
CAdjustTimezone | Base class for classes implementing functions changing the timezone on values |
CAggregator | Carries a staticType() implementation appropriate for functions which returns a singleton value derived from its first argument |
CAncestorIterator | Iterates along the ancestor or ancestor-or-self axis in an AccelTree |
CAndExpression | Implements XPath 2.0's logical expression and |
CAnyAtomicType | Implements the type xs:anyAtomicType |
CAnyItemType | Represents the item() item type |
CAnyNodeType | Represents the node() item type |
CAnySimpleType | Represents the xs:anySimpleType item type |
CAnyToDerivedStringCaster | Casts an xs:boolean instance to a derived type of xs:integer |
CAnyType | Represents the xs:anyType item type |
CAnyURI | A value of type xs:anyURI |
CAnyURIType | Implements the type xs:anyURI |
CApplyTemplate | When combined with other components, implements xsl:apply-templates |
CArgumentConverter | UntypedAtomicConverter for ArgumentReference, if needed |
CArgumentReference | A reference to an argument declared in a UserFunction |
CArithmeticExpression | Implements arithmetics, such as multiplication and subtraction |
CAtomicCaster | AtomicCaster is an abstract base class for classes that performs casting between two atomic values of specific types |
CAtomicCasterLocator | |
CAtomicComparator | Base class for classes responsible of comparing two atomic values |
CAtomicComparatorLocator | |
CAtomicMathematician | Base class for classes that performs arithmetic operations between atomic values |
CAtomicMathematicianLocator | |
CAtomicString | Implements the value instance of the xs:string type |
CAtomicType | Base class for all classes that implements atomic types |
CAtomicTypeVisitor | |
CAtomicTypeVisitorResult | |
CAtomicValue | Base class for all classes representing atomic values |
CAtomizer | Performs atomization. Effectively, it is an implementation of the fn:data() function |
CAttributeConstructor | Constructs an element node. This covers both computed and directly constructed element nodes |
CAttributeIterator | Implements axis attribute for the AccelTree |
CAttributeNameValidator | Ensures the lexical space of the string value of the Item returned from its child Expression is an NCName. Also possibly changes the name by generating a prefix if one is needed |
CAutoPtr | A smart pointer very similar to std::auto_ptr |
CAutoPtrRef | |
CAvgFN | Implements the function fn:avg() |
CAxisStep | A step in a path expression that with an axis and a node test evaluates to a sequence of nodes from the context item |
CBase64Binary | Implements the value instance of the xs:base64Binary type |
CBase64BinaryComparatorLocator | |
CBase64BinaryToHexBinaryCaster | Casts a xs:base64Binary atomic value to xs:hexBinary |
CBase64BinaryType | Implements the type xs:base64Binary |
CBaseURIFN | Implements the function fn:base-uri() |
CBasicTypesFactory | Factory for creating schema types for the types defined in XSL-T 2.0 |
CBinaryDataComparator | Compares xs:base64Binary and xs:hexBinary values |
CBoolean | Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type |
CBooleanComparator | Compares xs:boolean values |
CBooleanComparatorLocator | |
CBooleanFN | Implements the function fn:boolean() |
CBooleanIdentifier | Matches boolean literals |
CBooleanToAbstractFloatCaster | Casts a value of type xs:boolean to xs:double or xs:float |
CBooleanToDecimalCaster | Casts a value of type xs:boolean to xs:decimal |
CBooleanToDerivedIntegerCaster | Casts an xs:boolean instance to a derived type of xs:integer |
CBooleanToIntegerCaster | Casts a value of type xs:boolean to xs:integer |
CBooleanType | Implements the type xs:boolean |
CBuiltinAtomicType | Instances of this class represents types that are sub-classes of xs:anyAtomicType |
CBuiltinNodeType | Instances of this class represents types that are sub-classes of node() , such as processing-instruction() |
CBuiltinTypes | Provides access to singleton instances of ItemType and SchemaType sub-classes |
CByIDCreator | Creates a particular Expression instance identified by an Expression::ID |
CByIDIdentifier | Identifies Expression instances by their Expression::id() |
CBySequenceTypeIdentifier | Identifies Expression instances based on their static type |
CCachingIterator | An QAbstractXmlForwardIterator that gets its item from a cache unless its empty, in which case it continues to populate the cache as well as deliver on its own from a source QAbstractXmlForwardIterator |
CCallSite | Abstract base-class for Expression instances that are callsites to other components, such as templates or user functions |
CCallTargetDescription | Contains metadata for a callable component, such as a function or template |
CCallTemplate | Implements xsl:call-template |
CCardinality | Represents a cardinality, a possible , often represented by occurrence indicators |
CCardinalityVerifier | Verifies that the sequence an Expression evaluates to conforms to a Cardinality |
CCaseInsensitiveStringComparator | Performs case insensitive string comparison between xs:anyUri , xs:string , and xs:untypedAtomic |
CCastableAs | Implements XPath 2.0's castable as expression |
CCastAs | Implements XPath 2.0's cast as expression |
CCastingPlatform | Provides casting functionality for classes, such as CastAs or NumberFN, which needs to perform casting |
CCeilingFN | Implements the function fn:ceiling() |
CChildIterator | Iterates along the child axis in an AccelTree |
CCodepointEqualFN | Implements the function fn:codepoint-equal() |
CCodepointsToStringFN | Implements the function fn:codepoints-to-string() |
CCollationChecker | Checks that its operand evaluates to a supported string collation |
CCollectionFN | Implements the function fn:collection() |
CColoringMessageHandler | |
CColorOutput | |
CColorOutputPrivate | |
CCombineNodes | Implements XPath 2.0's operators for combining node sequences: union , intersect and except |
CCommentConstructor | Constructs a comment node. This covers both computed and directly constructed text nodes |
CCommonSequenceTypes | Provides access to singleton instances of SequenceType sub-classes |
CCommonValues | A collection of common values |
CCompareFN | Implements the function fn:compare() |
CComparesCaseAware | Base-class for functions that compares strings and provides an opportunity to optimize compares intended to be case insensitive |
CComparingAggregator | Base class for the implementations of the fn:min() and fn:max() function |
CComparisonFactory | Provides compare(), which is a high-level helper function for comparing atomic values |
CComparisonIdentifier | Determines whether an Expression is a value or general comparison or both, with a certain operator |
CComparisonPlatform | Provides comparison functionality for classes that compare Items, such as ValueComparison or MaxFN |
CCompressedWhitespace | A compression facility for whitespace nodes |
CComputedNamespaceConstructor | Constructs a namespace on an element, and naturally only appears as a child of ElementConstructor |
CConcatFN | Implements the function fn:concat() |
CConstructorFunctionsFactory | A function factory that handles the builtin constructor functions, such as xs:time() |
CContainsFN | Implements the function fn:contains() |
CContextItem | Implements the context item, the dot: . |
CContextNodeChecker | Helper class that checks that the context node is a document node |
CCopyOf | Does node copying in a parameterized way, in order to deal with namespace preservation/inheritance |
CCountFN | Implements the function fn:count() |
CCppCastingHelper | Provides convenience methods for performing static casts between C++ classes |
CCurrentDateFN | Implements the function fn:current-date() |
CCurrentDateTimeFN | Implements the function fn:current-dateTime() |
CCurrentFN | Implements XSL-T's function fn:current() |
CCurrentItemContext | A DynamicContext that maintains the focus, a sequence of items |
CCurrentItemStore | Creates a DynamicContext which provides the focus item for the function fn:current() |
CCurrentTimeFN | Implements the function fn:current-time() |
CDate | Implements the value instance of the xs:date type |
CDateComparatorLocator | |
CDateMathematicianLocator | |
CDateTime | Implements the value instance of the xs:dateTime type |
CDateTimeComparatorLocator | |
CDateTimeDurationMathematician | Performs arithmetics between an AbstractDateTime value and an AbstractDuration value |
CDateTimeFN | Implements the function fn:dateTime() |
CDateTimeMathematicianLocator | |
CDateTimeType | Implements the type xs:dateTime |
CDateType | Implements the type xs:date |
CDayFromAbstractDateTimeFN | Extracts the day property from a sub-class of AbstractDateTime such as DateTime or Date. This function implements fn:day-from-dateTime() and fn:day-from-date() |
CDaysFromDurationFN | Implements the function fn:days-from-duration() |
CDayTimeDuration | Implements the value instance of the xs:dayTimeDuration type |
CDayTimeDurationComparatorLocator | |
CDayTimeDurationMathematicianLocator | |
CDayTimeDurationType | Implements the type xs:dayTimeDuration |
CDecimal | Implements the value instance of the xs:decimal type |
CDecimalComparator | Compares xs:decimal values |
CDecimalComparatorLocator | |
CDecimalMathematician | |
CDecimalMathematicianLocator | |
CDecimalType | Implements the type xs:decimal |
CDeduplicateIterator | Performs deduplication of the nodes on its source list |
CDeepEqualFN | Implements the function fn:deep-equal() |
CDefaultCollationFN | Implements the function fn:default-collation() |
CDelegatingDynamicContext | Base class for dynamic contexts that are created from an existing one |
CDelegatingNamespaceResolver | Contains a set of bindings, plus a pointer to another resolver which is delegates requests to, in case it can't handle a lookup on its own |
CDelegatingSourceLocationReflection | |
CDelegatingStaticContext | Delegates all members to a second instance. Used for sub-classing |
CDerivedInteger | Represents instances of derived xs:integer types, such as xs:byte |
CDerivedIntegerDetails | |
CDerivedIntegerDetails< TypeByte > | |
CDerivedIntegerDetails< TypeInt > | |
CDerivedIntegerDetails< TypeLong > | |
CDerivedIntegerDetails< TypeNegativeInteger > | |
CDerivedIntegerDetails< TypeNonNegativeInteger > | |
CDerivedIntegerDetails< TypeNonPositiveInteger > | |
CDerivedIntegerDetails< TypePositiveInteger > | |
CDerivedIntegerDetails< TypeShort > | |
CDerivedIntegerDetails< TypeUnsignedByte > | |
CDerivedIntegerDetails< TypeUnsignedInt > | |
CDerivedIntegerDetails< TypeUnsignedLong > | |
CDerivedIntegerDetails< TypeUnsignedShort > | |
CDerivedIntegerType | |
CDerivedString | Represents instances of derived xs:string types, such as xs:normalizedString |
CDerivedStringType | |
CDescendantIterator | Implements axis descendant and descendant-or-self for the AccelTree |
CDeviceResourceLoader | Base class for resource loaders that manage device variables |
CDistinctIterator | Filters another sequence by removing duplicates such that the items are unique |
CDistinctValuesFN | Implements the function fn:distinct-values() |
CDocAvailableFN | Implements the function fn:doc-available() |
CDocFN | Implements the function fn:doc() |
CDocumentConstructor | Constructs a text node. This covers both computed and directly constructed text nodes |
CDocumentContentValidator | Receives QAbstractXmlReceiver events and validates that they are correct, before sending them on to a second QAbstractXmlReceiver |
CDocumentFN | Implements XSL-T's function fn:document() |
CDocumentProjector | |
CDocumentURIFN | Implements the function fn:document-uri() |
CDoubleComparatorLocator | |
CDoubleMathematicianLocator | |
CDoubleType | Implements the type xs:double |
CDuration | Implements the value instance of the xs:duration type |
CDurationComparatorLocator | |
CDurationDurationDivisor | Performs division between DayTimeDuration and DayTimeDuration, or YearMonthDuration and YearMonthDuration |
CDurationDurationMathematician | Performs arithmetics between DayTimeDuration and DayTimeDuration, or YearMonthDuration and YearMonthDuration |
CDurationNumericMathematician | Performs division or multiplication between either DayTimeDuration or YearMonthDuration and Double values |
CDurationType | Implements the type xs:duration |
CDynamicContext | Carries information and facilities used at runtime, and hence provides a state for that stage in a thread-safe manner |
CDynamicContextStore | Evaluates its operand with an assigned DynamicContext, not the one passed to one of the evaluation functions |
CEBVExtractor | Calculates the Effective Boolean Value of its operand |
CEBVType | Represents the type for which a value of can an Effective Boolean Value be extracted from |
CElementAvailableFN | Implements the function fn:unparsed-text() |
CElementConstructor | Constructs an element node. This covers both computed and directly constructed element nodes |
CElementDescription | A structure that lists the optional and required attributes of an element. Used with MaintainingReader |
CElementNamespaceHandler | A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements |
CEmptyContainer | Base class for expressions that has no operands |
CEmptyIterator | An QAbstractXmlForwardIterator which always is empty |
CEmptySequence | Implements the value instance of empty sequence: () |
CEmptySequenceType | Represents the empty-sequence() type |
CEncodeForURIFN | Implements the function fn:encode-for-uri() |
CEncodeString | Provides functionality for encoding strings. Sub-classed by various function implementations |
CEndsWithFN | Implements the function fn:ends-with() |
CEnumUnion | A union of all the enums the parser uses |
CErrorFN | Implements the function fn:error() |
CEscapeHtmlURIFN | Implements the function fn:escape-html-uri() |
CEvaluationCache | Evaluates to the same result as its operand, but ensures the operand is evaluated once even if this Expression is evaluated several times |
CExceptIterator | Implements the except operator. That is, the computation of the sequence of nodes from one sequence, that doesn't appear in the other |
CExistence | Implements the functions fn:exists() and fn:empty() |
CExpression | Base class for all AST nodes in an XPath/XQuery/XSL-T expression |
CExpressionCreator | A factory for creating Expression instances |
CExpressionFactory | The central entry point for compiling expressions |
CExpressionIdentifier | Abstract base class for all classes that identify Expressions based on some criteria |
CExpressionSequence | Implements the comma(",") operator, the sequence constructor |
CExpressionVariableReference | A reference to a variable declared with declare variable or let |
CExpressionVisitor | |
CExpressionVisitorResult | |
CExternalVariableLoader | Responsible for loading and declaring available external variables |
CExternalVariableReference | A reference to an external variable |
CExtractFromDateTimeFN | Helper class for implementing functions extracting components from date/time values |
CExtractFromDurationFN | Helper class for implementing functions extracting components from durations |
CFalseFN | Implements the function fn:false() |
CFieldNode | A helper class for validating identity constraints |
CFirstItemPredicate | A predicate that always selects the first item from its sequence |
CFloatComparatorLocator | |
CFloatMathematicianLocator | |
CFloatType | Implements the type xs:float |
CFloorFN | Implements the function fn:floor() |
CFocus | A DynamicContext that maintains the focus, a sequence of items |
CFollowingIterator | Implements axis following for the AccelTree |
CForClause | Implements XPath 2.0's for expression |
CFunctionArgument | Carries meta data for a function argument as found in XPath's builtin functions and user declared functions in XQuery and XSL-T |
CFunctionAvailableFN | Implements XSL-T 2.0's XPath function fn:function-available() |
CFunctionCall | Base class for implementations of builtin functions |
CFunctionFactory | An entry point for looking up and creating FunctionCall instances |
CFunctionFactoryCollection | A FunctionFactoryCollection instance is a FunctionFactory in its own right, but looks in its contained collection of factories for requested functions |
CFunctionSignature | Represents the signature of an XPath function |
CGDay | Implements the value instance of the xs:gDay type |
CGDayComparatorLocator | |
CGDayType | Implements the type xs:gDay |
CGeneralComparison | Implements XPath 2.0's general comparions, such as the = operator |
CGenerateIDFN | Implements the function fn:generate-id() |
CGenericDynamicContext | A DynamicContext supplying basic information that always is used |
CGenericNamespaceResolver | Generic namespace resolver which resolves lookups against entries in a QHash |
CGenericPredicate | A predicate that can handle all kinds of predicates and is therefore not very efficient, but can cope with all the tricky scenarios |
CGenericSequenceType | |
CGenericStaticContext | Provides setters and getters for the properties defined in StaticContext |
CGMonth | Implements the value instance of the xs:gMonth type |
CGMonthComparatorLocator | |
CGMonthDay | Implements the value instance of the xs:gYearMonth type |
CGMonthDayComparatorLocator | |
CGMonthDayType | Implements the type xs:gMonthDay |
CGMonthType | Implements the type xs:gMonth |
CGYear | Implements the value instance of the xs:gYear type |
CGYearComparatorLocator | |
CGYearMonth | Implements the value instance of the xs:gYearMonth type |
CGYearMonthComparatorLocator | |
CGYearMonthType | Implements the type xs:gYearMonth |
CGYearType | Implements the type xs:gYear |
CHexBinary | Implements the value instance of the xs:hexBinary type |
CHexBinaryComparatorLocator | |
CHexBinaryToBase64BinaryCaster | Casts a xs:hexBinary atomic value to xs:base64Binary |
CHexBinaryType | Implements the type xs:hexBinary |
CHoursFromAbstractDateTimeFN | Extracts the minute property from a sub-class of AbstractDateTime such as DateTime or SchemaTime. Implements the functions fn:hours-from-dateTime() and fn:hours-from-time() |
CHoursFromDurationFN | Implements the function fn:hours-from-duration() |
CIdFN | Implements the function fn:id() |
CIdrefFN | Implements the function fn:idref() |
CIfThenClause | Implements XPath 2.0's conditional expression if([expr]) then [expr] else [expr] |
CImplicitTimezoneFN | Implements the function fn:implicit-timezone() |
CIndexOfFN | Implements the function fn:index-of() |
CIndexOfIterator | Forms an QAbstractXmlForwardIterator over a sequence of integers, which each is the position of where a search parameter appeared in another QAbstractXmlForwardIterator |
CInScopePrefixesFN | Implements the function fn:in-scope-prefixes() |
CInsertBeforeFN | Implements the function fn:insert-before() |
CInsertionIterator | Conceptually inserts one QAbstractXmlForwardIterator into another, make two QAbstractXmlForwardIterator instances appear as one |
CInstanceOf | Implements XPath 2.0's instance of expression |
CInteger | Implements the value instance of the xs:integer type |
CIntegerComparator | Compares xs:integer values |
CIntegerComparatorLocator | |
CIntegerIdentifier | Matches numeric literals that are of type xs:integer and has a specific value |
CIntegerMathematician | Performs arithmetics between Integer values |
CIntegerMathematicianLocator | |
CIntegerType | Implements the type xs:integer |
CIntersectIterator | Implements the intersect operator. That is, the computation of the intersection between two sequences of nodes |
CIriToURIFN | Implements the function fn:iri-to-uri() |
CItem | Represents an item in the XPath 2.0 Data Model |
CItemCacheCell | Represents a cache entry for a single Item, as opposed to for a sequence of items |
CItemMappingIterator | Proxies another QAbstractXmlForwardIterator, and for each item, returns the Item returned from a mapping function |
CItemSequenceCacheCell | Represents a cache entry for a sequence of items |
CItemType | Base class for the XPath Data Model's type hierarchy |
CItemVerifier | Verifies that the items in a sequence an Expression evaluates is of a certain ItemType |
CIteratorVector | |
CLangFN | Implements the function fn:lang() |
CLastFN | Implements the function fn:last() |
CLetClause | Represents a let -clause, but is only used at compile time |
CListIterator | Bridges values in Qt's QList container class into an QAbstractXmlForwardIterator |
CListIteratorPlatform | Helper class for ListIterator, and should only be instantiated through sub-classing |
CLiteral | Houses an AtomicValue, making it available as an Expression |
CLiteralSequence | Houses a sequence of atomic values, making it available as an Expression |
CLocalNameFN | Implements the function fn:local-name() |
CLocalNameFromQNameFN | Implements the function fn:local-name-from-QXmlName() |
CLocalNameTest | A name test that is of the type *:local-name |
CLowerCaseFN | Implements the function fn:lower-case() |
CMaintainingReader | Base class for tokenizers that reads XML formats. This is XSLTTokenizer, and the W3C XML Schema parser |
CMatchesFN | Implements the function fn:matches() |
CMergeIterator | |
CMinutesFromAbstractDateTimeFN | Extracts the minutes property from a sub-class of AbstractDateTime such as DateTime or Date. Implements the functions fn:minutes-from-dateTime() and fn:minutes-from-time() |
CMinutesFromDurationFN | Implements the function fn:minutes-from-duration() |
CMonthFromAbstractDateTimeFN | Implements the functions fn:month-from-dateTime() and fn:month-from-date() |
CMonthsFromDurationFN | Implements the function fn:months-from-duration() |
CMultiItemType | Represents multiple types such as document() or xs:integer |
CNamedSchemaComponent | Base class for all named components that can appear in a W3C XML Schema |
CNameFN | Implements the function fn:name() |
CNamePool | Store names such as namespace bindings and QNames and allows them to be referenced in efficient ways |
CNamespaceBinding | Represents a namespace binding: a prefix, and a namespace URI |
CNamespaceConstructor | Constructs a namespace on an element, and naturally only appears as a child of ElementConstructor |
CNamespaceNameTest | A name test that is of the type prefix:* |
CNamespaceResolver | Base class for namespace resolvers |
CNamespaceSupport | A helper class for handling nested namespace declarations |
CNamespaceURIFN | Implements the function fn:namespace-uri() |
CNamespaceURIForPrefixFN | Implements the function fn:namespace-uri-from-QXmlName() |
CNamespaceURIFromQNameFN | Implements the function fn:local-name-from-QXmlName() |
CNCNameConstructor | Ensures the lexical space of the string value of the Item returned from its child Expression is an NCName |
CNetworkAccessDelegator | A value based class that hands out QNetworkAccessManager appropriately for variable bindings |
CNetworkLoop | An helper class which enables QNetworkAccessManager to be used in a blocking manner |
CNilledFN | Implements the function fn:nilled() |
CNodeBuilder | Receives QAbstractXmlReceiver events and builds a node tree in memory that afterwards can be retrieved via builtNode() |
CNodeComparison | Implements the node comparison operators >> , << , and is |
CNodeIndexStorage | |
CNodeNameFN | Implements the function fn:node-name() |
CNodeNamespaceResolver | A NamespaceResolver that use a QXmlNodeModelIndex's in-scope namespace bindings for resolving namespaces |
CNodeSortExpression | De-duplicates and sorts in document order the content that its operand returns |
CNoneType | Represents the special none type |
CNormalizeSpaceFN | Implements the function fn:normalize-space() |
CNormalizeUnicodeFN | Implements the function fn:normalize-unicode() |
CNOTATIONType | Implements the type xs:NOTATION |
CNotFN | Implements the function fn:not() |
CNumberFN | Implements the function fn:number() |
CNumeric | Base class for all numeric values |
CNumericToAbstractFloatCaster | Casts a numeric value, such as xs:integer or xs:float , to xs:double or xs:float |
CNumericToBooleanCaster | Casts any numeric value to xs:boolean |
CNumericToDecimalCaster | Casts a numeric value, such as xs:double or xs:decimal , to xs:integer or xs:decimal , depending on IsInteger |
CNumericToDerivedIntegerCaster | Casts any numeric instance to a derived type of xs:integer |
CNumericType | Represents the internal and abstract type fs:numeric |
COperandsIterator | A helper class that iterates a tree of Expression instances. It is not a sub-class of QAbstractXmlForwardIterator |
COperandSwitcherMathematician | Delegates an AtomicMathematician and switches its operands |
COptimizationPass | Describes how a particular optimization pass should be carried out |
►COrderBy | Performs the sorting by being a parent to ForClause |
COrderSpec | |
COrderSpecTransfer | |
COrExpression | Implements XPath 2.0's logical expression or |
COutputValidator | Receives QAbstractXmlReceiver events and validates that they are correct, before sending them on to a second QAbstractXmlReceiver |
CPairContainer | Base class for expressions that has exactly two operands |
CParameterizedAtomicTypeVisitor | |
CParentNodeAxis | Corresponds to the expression parent::node() |
CParserContext | Contains data used when parsing and tokenizing |
CPath | Implements the path expression, containing two steps, such as in html/body |
CPatternFlag | Used internally by PatternPlatform and describes a flag that affects how a pattern is treated |
CPatternPlatform | Contains functionality for functions and expressions that uses regular expressions |
CPositionalVariableReference | A reference to an at variable, declared with the for -part in XQuery's FLWOR expression |
CPositionFN | Implements the function fn:position() |
CPrecedingIterator | Implements axis preceding for the AccelTree |
CPrefixFromQNameFN | Implements the function fn:prefix-from-QXmlName() |
CProcessingInstructionConstructor | Constructs an element node. This covers both computed and directly constructed element nodes |
CProjectedExpression | |
CProjectedNodeTest | |
CProjectedPath | |
CProjectedStep | |
CPullBridge | Bridges a QPatternist::SequenceIterator to QAbstractXmlPullProvider |
CQAbstractXmlReceiver | A push interface for the XPath Data Model. Similar to SAX's ContentHandler |
CQIODeviceDelegate | |
CQNameComparator | Compares xs:QName values |
CQNameComparatorLocator | |
CQNameConstructor | Creates an xs:QName value from a lexical QName using statically known namespace bindings |
CQNameFN | Implements the function fn:QXmlName() |
CQNameTest | A name test that is of the type prefix:ncName |
CQNameType | Implements the type xs:QName |
CQNameValue | Implements the value instance of the xs:QName type |
CQtXmlPatterns | Provides a translation context & functions for the QtXmlPatterns module |
CQuantifiedExpression | Implements XPath 2.0's quantification expressions some and every |
CRangeExpression | Implements XPath 2.0's to expression |
CRangeIterator | RangeIterator represents a sequence of integers between a start and end value |
CRangeVariableReference | A reference to a variable declared with for or a quantification expression, but not for instance a let binding |
CReceiverDynamicContext | A DynamicContext that has a specialized QAbstractXmlReceiver |
CReferenceCountedValue | A template class that reference counts a value |
CReflectYYLTYPE | |
CRemovalIterator | Removes one items at a specified position from an input QAbstractXmlForwardIterator |
CRemoveFN | Implements the function fn:remove() |
CReplaceFN | Implements the function fn:replace() |
CReportContext | A callback for reporting errors |
CResolveQNameFN | Implements the function fn:resolve-QXmlName() |
CResolveURIFN | Implements the function fn:resolve-uri() |
CResourceDelegator | Delegates to another ResourceLoader, but in case a URI is in an exception list, it delegates to a different loader |
CResourceLoader | Responsible for handling requests for opening files and node collections |
CReturnOrderBy | Together with OrderBy, it implements XQuery 1.0's order by expression |
CReverseFN | Implements the function fn:reverse() |
CRootFN | Implements the function fn:root() |
CRoundFN | Implements the function fn:round() |
CRoundHalfToEvenFN | Implements the function fn:round-half-to-even() |
CSchemaComponent | Base class for all constructs that can appear in a W3C XML Schema |
CSchemaTime | Implements the value instance of the xs:time type |
CSchemaTimeComparatorLocator | |
CSchemaTimeMathematicianLocator | |
CSchemaTimeType | Implements the type xs:time |
CSchemaType | Base class for W3C XML Schema types |
CSchemaTypeFactory | A factory creating schema types |
CSecondsFromAbstractDateTimeFN | Extracts the seconds property from a sub-class of AbstractDateTime such as DateTime or Date. Implements the functions fn:seconds-from-dateTime() and fn:seconds-from-time() |
CSecondsFromDurationFN | Implements the function fn:seconds-from-duration() |
CSelfToSelfCaster | Casts a value to itself. Essentially, this AtomicCaster does nothing |
CSequenceMappingIterator | Proxies another QAbstractXmlForwardIterator, and for each item, returns the Sequence returned from a mapping function |
CSequenceType | A SequenceType instance represents the type of a sequence of Item instances |
CSiblingIterator | Iterates along the sibling axes in an AccelTree |
CSimpleContentConstructor | Constructs simple content as specified for attributes in direct element constructors in XQuery |
CSingleContainer | Base class for expressions that has exactly one operand |
CSingleTokenContainer | A TokenSource which contains one Tokenizer::Token |
CSingletonIterator | An QAbstractXmlForwardIterator over exactly one item |
CSortTuple | Represents a value and its sort keys in FLOWR's order by clause |
CSourceLocationReflection | Base class for all instances that represents something at a certain location |
CStackContextBase | Base class for all DynamicContext classes that needs to supply variables. It has a new frame for local caches, position iterators, expressions, range variables, template parameters but notably continues to delegate global caches |
CStandardLocalNames | |
CStandardNamespaces | |
CStandardPrefixes | |
CStartsWithFN | Implements the function fn:starts-with() |
CStaticBaseUriContainer | Base class for functions that needs to store the static base URI for use at runtime |
CStaticBaseURIContext | A StaticContext that changes the static base URI. of items |
CStaticBaseURIFN | Implements the function fn:static-base-uri() |
CStaticBaseURIStore | A compile time only AST node that changes the static base URI, used when xml:base attributes appears |
CStaticCompatibilityContext | Has the XPath Compatibility Mode activated. Used for XSL-T 2.0's compatibility mode |
CStaticCompatibilityStore | A compile time only AST node that changes the backwareds compatibility mode. Used for XSL-T 2.0's backwards compatibility mode |
CStaticContext | Carries information and facilities used at compilation time |
CStaticCurrentContext | A StaticContext that carries a specified static type for the current item, as returned by fn:current() , but otherwise delegates to another StaticContext |
CStaticFocusContext | A StaticContext that carries a specified static type for the context item, but otherwise delegates to another StaticContext |
CStaticNamespaceContext | A StaticContext that carries a specified namespace resolver for the context item, but otherwise delegates to another StaticContext |
CStaticNamespacesContainer | A helper subclass that stores a NamespaceResolver for the static namespaces |
CStringComparator | Performs case sensitive string comparison between xs:anyUri , xs:string , and xs:untypedAtomic |
CStringComparatorLocator | |
CStringFN | Implements the function fn:string() |
CStringJoinFN | Implements the function fn:string-join() |
CStringLengthFN | Implements the function fn:string-length() |
CStringListIterator | |
CStringToAbstractFloatCaster | Casts a string value, xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic , to xs:double or xs:float |
CStringToBase64BinaryCaster | Casts a xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic atomic value to xs:base64Binary |
CStringToBooleanCaster | Casts any string value, xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic , to xs:boolean |
CStringToCodepointsFN | Implements the function fn:string-to-codepoints() |
CStringToDateCaster | Casts a xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic atomic value to xs:date |
CStringToDateTimeCaster | Casts a xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic atomic value to xs:dateTime |
CStringToDayTimeDurationCaster | Casts a xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic atomic value to xs:dayTimeDuration |
CStringToDecimalCaster | Casts a string value, xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic , to xs:decimal |
CStringToDerivedIntegerCaster | Casts an xs:string instance to a derived type of xs:integer |
CStringToDurationCaster | Casts a xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic atomic value to xs:duration |
CStringToGDayCaster | Casts a xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic atomic value to xs:gDay |
CStringToGMonthCaster | Casts a xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic atomic value to xs:gMonth |
CStringToGMonthDayCaster | Casts a xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic atomic value to xs:gYearMonth |
CStringToGYearCaster | Casts a xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic atomic value to xs:gYear |
CStringToGYearMonthCaster | Casts a xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic atomic value to xs:gYearMonth |
CStringToHexBinaryCaster | Casts a xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic atomic value to xs:hexBinary |
CStringToIntegerCaster | Casts a string value, xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic , to xs:integer |
CStringToTimeCaster | Casts a xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic atomic value to xs:time |
CStringToYearMonthDurationCaster | Casts a xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic atomic value to xs:yearMonthDuration |
CStringType | |
CSubsequenceFN | Implements the function fn:subsequence() |
CSubsequenceIterator | Picks out a slice from another QAbstractXmlForwardIterator, specified by a start and end position |
CSubstringAfterFN | Implements the function fn:substring-after() |
CSubstringBeforeFN | Implements the function fn:substring-before() |
CSubstringFN | Implements the function fn:substring() |
CSumFN | Implements the function fn:sum() |
CSystemPropertyFN | Implements XSL-T 2.0's XPath function fn:system-property() |
CTagValidationHandler | |
CTargetNode | A helper class for validating identity constraints |
CTemplate | Contains data related to a template |
CTemplateInvoker | Base class for classes that invokes templates, such as CallTemplate and ApplyTemplate |
CTemplateMode | Houses the data specific to the templates for a certain mode |
CTemplateParameterReference | A reference to a template parameter declared with xsl:param |
CTemplatePattern | Houses the data necessary for a template pattern |
CTemporaryTreesRedirectingContext | |
CTextNodeConstructor | Constructs a text node. This covers both computed and directly constructed text nodes |
CTimezoneFromAbstractDateTimeFN | Extracts the timezone property from a sub-class of AbstractDateTime such as DateTime or Date. Implements the functions fn:timezone-from-dateTime() , fn:timezone-from-time() and fn:timezone-from-date() |
CToAnyURICaster | Casts a string value to xs:anyURI |
CToAnyURICasterLocator | |
CToBase64BinaryCasterLocator | |
CToBooleanCasterLocator | |
CToCodepointsIterator | Represents a stream of Unicode codepoints, which are computed from a string |
CToDateCasterLocator | |
CToDateTimeCasterLocator | |
CToDayTimeDurationCasterLocator | |
CToDecimalCasterLocator | |
CToDerivedIntegerCasterLocator | |
CToDerivedStringCasterLocator | |
CToDoubleCasterLocator | |
CToDurationCasterLocator | |
CToFloatCasterLocator | |
CToGDayCasterLocator | |
CToGMonthCasterLocator | |
CToGMonthDayCasterLocator | |
CToGYearCasterLocator | |
CToGYearMonthCasterLocator | |
CToHexBinaryCasterLocator | |
CToIntegerCasterLocator | |
CTokenizeFN | Implements the function fn:tokenize() |
CTokenizer | Base class for all tokenizers |
CTokenLookup | |
CTokenMap | |
CTokenRevealer | Delegates another Tokenizer, and while doing so prints the tokens it delivers to stderr |
►CTokenSource | Base class for components that needs to return tokens |
CToken | |
CTokenValue | The value the parser, but not the tokenizers, uses for tokens and non-terminals |
CToQNameCasterLocator | |
CToSchemaTimeCasterLocator | |
CToStringCaster | Casts any atomic value to xs:string |
CToStringCasterLocator | |
CToUntypedAtomicCaster | Casts any atomic value to xs:untypedAtomic |
CToUntypedAtomicCasterLocator | |
CToYearMonthDurationCasterLocator | |
CTraceCallback | TraceCallback is a MappingCallback and takes care of the tracing of each individual item |
CTraceFN | Implements the function fn:trace() |
CTranslateFN | Implements the function fn:translate() |
CTreatAs | Implements XPath 2.0's treat as expression |
CTripleContainer | Base class for expressions that has exactly three operands |
CTrueFN | Implements the function fn:true() |
CTruthPredicate | A predicate which is optimized for filter expressions that are of type xs:boolean |
CTypeAvailableFN | Implements XSL-T 2.0's XPath function fn:type-available() |
CTypeChecker | Contains functions that applies Function Conversion Rules and other kinds of compile-time type checking tasks |
CUnaryExpression | Implements XPath 2.0 unary expression, (-|+)ValueExpr |
CUnionIterator | Implements the except operator. That is, the computation of the sequence of nodes from one sequence, that doesn't appear in the other |
CUnlimitedContainer | Base class for expressions that has any amount of operands |
CUnparsedEntityPublicIDFN | Implements XSL-T 2.0's XPath function fn:unparsed-entity-public-id() |
CUnparsedEntityURIFN | Implements XSL-T 2.0's XPath function fn:unparsed-entity-uri() |
CUnparsedTextAvailableFN | Implements the function fn:unparsed-text-available() |
CUnparsedTextFN | Implements the function fn:unparsed-text() |
CUnresolvedVariableReference | Compile time only AST-node which is a marker for variable references whose declaration has not yet appeared in the source code |
CUntyped | Represents the complex W3C XML Schema type xs:untyped |
CUntypedAtomic | Implements the value instance of the xs:untypedAtomic type |
CUntypedAtomicConverter | Casts every item in a sequence obtained from evaluating an Expression, to a requested atomic type |
CUntypedAtomicType | Implements the type xs:untypedAtomic |
CUpperCaseFN | Implements the function fn:upper-case() |
CURILoader | |
CUserFunction | A function created with XQuery's declare function declaration |
CUserFunctionCallsite | Performs a call to a UserFunction |
CValidate | Handles XQuery 1.0's validate expression |
CValidationError | Used for signalling casting errors |
CValueComparison | Implements XPath 2.0 value comparions, such as the eq operator |
CValueFactory | Provides fromLexical(), which allows instantiation of atomic values from arbitrary types |
CVariableDeclaration | Represents a declared variable. Only used at the compilation stage |
CVariableLoader | |
CVariableReference | Baseclass for classes being references to variables |
CVariantListIterator | |
CWithParam | Carries meta data for xsl:with-param as encountered in template callsites such as xsl:call-template and xsl:apply-templates |
CXPath10CoreFunctions | Supplies the functions available in XPath 1.0 |
CXPath20CoreFunctions | Handles the functions defines in XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Function and Operators, except those also available in XPath 1.0 |
CXPathHelper | Contains helper and utility functions |
CXQueryTokenizer | A hand-written tokenizer which tokenizes XQuery 1.0 & XPath 2.0, and delivers tokens to the Bison generated parser |
CXsdAlternative | Represents a XSD alternative object |
CXsdAnnotated | Base class for all XSD components with annotation content |
CXsdAnnotation | Represents a XSD annotation object |
CXsdApplicationInformation | Represents a XSD appinfo object |
CXsdAssertion | Represents a XSD assertion object |
►CXsdAttribute | Represents a XSD attribute object |
CScope | Describes the scope of an attribute |
CValueConstraint | Describes the value constraint of an attribute |
CXsdAttributeGroup | Represents the XSD attributeGroup object |
CXsdAttributeReference | A helper class for attribute reference resolving |
CXsdAttributeTerm | A base class for all attribute types |
►CXsdAttributeUse | Represents a XSD attribute use object |
CValueConstraint | |
►CXsdComplexType | Represents a XSD complexType object |
CContentType | Describes the content type of a complex type |
COpenContent | Describes the open content object of a complex type |
CXsdDocumentation | Represents a XSD documentation object |
►CXsdElement | Represents a XSD element object |
CScope | |
CTypeTable | |
CValueConstraint | |
CXsdFacet | Represents a XSD facet object |
CXsdIdCache | Helper class for keeping track of all existing IDs in a schema |
CXsdIdentityConstraint | Represents a XSD identity constraint object |
CXsdInstanceReader | The schema instance reader |
CXsdModelGroup | Represents a XSD model group object |
CXsdNotation | Represents a XSD notation object, which should not be confused with the atomic type xs:NOTATION |
CXsdParticle | Represents a XSD particle object |
CXsdParticleChecker | A helper class to check validity of particles |
CXsdReference | A helper class for element and group reference resolving |
CXsdSchema | Represents a XSD schema object |
CXsdSchemaChecker | Encapsulates the checking of schema valitity after reference resolving has finished |
CXsdSchemaContext | A context for schema parsing and validation |
CXsdSchemaDebugger | |
CXsdSchemaHelper | Contains helper methods that are used by XsdSchemaParser, XsdSchemaResolver and XsdSchemaChecker |
CXsdSchemaMerger | A helper class that merges two schemas into one |
CXsdSchemaParser | Implements the parsing of XML schema file |
CXsdSchemaParserContext | A context for schema parsing |
►CXsdSchemaResolver | Encapsulates the resolving of type/element references in a schema after parsing has finished |
CAlternativeType | |
CAlternativeTypeElement | |
CAttributeType | |
CComplexBaseType | |
CComplexContentType | |
CElementType | |
CKeyReference | |
CRedefinedAttributeGroups | |
CRedefinedGroups | |
CSimpleListType | |
CSimpleRestrictionBase | |
CSimpleUnionType | |
CSubstitutionGroupAffiliation | |
CXsdSchemaSourceLocationReflection | An implementation of SourceLocationReflection that takes a QSourceLocation |
CXsdSchemaTypesFactory | Factory for creating schema types for the types defined in XSD |
CXsdSimpleType | Represents a XSD simpleType object |
CXsdStateMachine | A state machine used for evaluation |
CXsdStateMachineBuilder | A helper class to build up validation state machines |
CXsdTagScope | A namespace class that contains identifiers for the different scopes a tag from the xml schema spec can appear in |
CXsdTerm | A base class for all particles of a model group |
CXsdTypeChecker | The class that provides methods for checking a string against a type |
CXsdUserSchemaType | A base class for all user defined simple and complex types |
CXsdValidatedXmlNodeModel | A delegate class that wraps around a QAbstractXmlNodeModel and provides additional validation specific information |
CXsdValidatingInstanceReader | The validating schema instance reader |
►CXsdWildcard | Represents a XSD wildcard object |
CNamespaceConstraint | |
CXsdXPathExpression | Represents a XSD assertion object |
CXSLT20CoreFunctions | Handles the functions defines in XSL-T 2.0, except those also available in XPath 2.0 |
CXSLTNodeTest | Represents node() in patterns in XSL-T, which are just like how node() usually is, except that it doesn't match document nodes |
CXSLTSimpleContentConstructor | Implements XSL-T's construction of simple content, which is different from XQuery's approach |
CXSLTTokenizer | Tokenizes XSL-T 2.0 documents |
CXSLTTokenLookup | |
CYearFromAbstractDateTimeFN | Extracts the year property from a sub-class of AbstractDateTime such as DateTime or Date. This function implements fn:year-from-dateTime() and fn:year-from-date() |
CYearMonthDuration | Implements the value instance of the xs:yearMonthDuration type |
CYearMonthDurationComparatorLocator | |
CYearMonthDurationMathematicianLocator | |
CYearMonthDurationType | Implements the type xs:yearMonthDuration |
CYearsFromDurationFN | Implements the function fn:years-from-duration() |
►NQPdf | |
CByteStream | |
CPaperSize | |
CStroker | |
►NQScript | |
►NAST | |
CArgumentList | |
CArrayLiteral | |
CArrayMemberExpression | |
CBinaryExpression | |
CBlock | |
CBreakStatement | |
CCallExpression | |
CCaseBlock | |
CCaseClause | |
CCaseClauses | |
CCatch | |
CConditionalExpression | |
CContinueStatement | |
CDebuggerStatement | |
CDefaultClause | |
CDeleteExpression | |
CDoWhileStatement | |
CElementList | |
CElision | |
CEmptyStatement | |
CExpression | |
CExpressionNode | |
CExpressionStatement | |
CFalseLiteral | |
CFieldMemberExpression | |
CFinally | |
CForEachStatement | |
CFormalParameterList | |
CForStatement | |
CFunctionBody | |
CFunctionDeclaration | |
CFunctionExpression | |
CFunctionSourceElement | |
CIdentifierExpression | |
CIdentifierPropertyName | |
CIfStatement | |
CLabelledStatement | |
CLocalForEachStatement | |
CLocalForStatement | |
CNewExpression | |
CNewMemberExpression | |
CNode | |
CNotExpression | |
CNullExpression | |
CNumericLiteral | |
CNumericLiteralPropertyName | |
CObjectLiteral | |
CPostDecrementExpression | |
CPostIncrementExpression | |
CPreDecrementExpression | |
CPreIncrementExpression | |
CProgram | |
CPropertyName | |
CPropertyNameAndValueList | |
CRegExpLiteral | |
CReturnStatement | |
CSourceElement | |
CSourceElements | |
CStatement | |
CStatementList | |
CStatementSourceElement | |
CStringLiteral | |
CStringLiteralPropertyName | |
CSwitchStatement | |
CThisExpression | |
CThrowStatement | |
CTildeExpression | |
CTrueLiteral | |
CTryStatement | |
CTypeOfExpression | |
CUnaryMinusExpression | |
CUnaryPlusExpression | |
CVariableDeclaration | |
CVariableDeclarationList | |
CVariableStatement | |
CVisitor | |
CVoidExpression | |
CWhileStatement | |
CWithStatement | |
CAPIShim | |
CClassObjectDelegate | |
CDeclarativeObjectDelegate | |
►CFunctionWithArgWrapper | |
CData | |
►CFunctionWrapper | |
CData | |
CGlobalClientData | |
CGlobalObject | |
►CLexer | |
Ckeyword | |
COriginalGlobalObjectProxy | |
CQMetaObjectPrototype | |
►CQMetaObjectWrapperObject | |
CData | |
CQObjectConnection | |
CQObjectConnectionManager | |
CQObjectData | |
►CQObjectDelegate | |
CData | |
CQObjectNotifyCaller | |
CQObjectPrototype | |
CQObjectPrototypeObject | |
CQObjectWrapperInfo | |
►CQScriptActivationObject | Represent a scope for native function call |
CQScriptActivationObjectData | |
CQScriptMetaArguments | |
CQScriptMetaMethod | |
CQScriptMetaType | |
►CQtFunction | |
CData | |
►CQtPropertyFunction | |
CData | |
CQVariantDelegate | |
CQVariantPrototype | |
CSaveFrameHelper | |
CStaticQtMetaObject | |
►CSyntaxChecker | |
CResult | |
CTimeoutCheckerProxy | |
CUStringSourceProviderWithFeedback | |
►NQtConcurrent | The QtConcurrent namespace provides high-level APIs that make it possible to write multi-threaded programs without using low-level threading primitives |
►Ninternal | The QtConcurrent::internal namespace contains QtConcurrent implementation details |
CExceptionHolder | |
CExceptionStore | |
CException | Base class for exceptions that can transferred across threads |
CUnhandledException | Unhandled exception in a worker thread |
►NQTest | The QTest namespace contains all the functions and declarations that are related to the QTestLib tool |
CFatalSignalHandler | |
CIgnoreResultList | |
CQBenchmarkIterationController | Used by the QBENCHMARK macro to drive the benchmarking loop |
CQTestDataSetter | |
CQTouchEventSequence | Used to simulate a sequence of touch events |
CTestFuncCleanup | |
CTestFunction | |
►NQtMultimediaInternal | |
CMacInputDevice | |
CQAudioBufferList | |
CQAudioInputBuffer | |
CQAudioOutputBuffer | |
CQAudioPacketFeeder | |
►NQtPrivate | |
CHasResultType | |
CQEnableIf | |
CQEnableIf< true, T > | |
CQMetaTypeIdHelper | |
CQMetaTypeIdHelper< T, false > | |
CQScopedArrayEnsureSameType | |
CQScopedArrayEnsureSameType< const X, X > | |
CQScopedArrayEnsureSameType< X, X > | |
►NQtStringBuilder | |
CConvertToTypeHelper | |
CConvertToTypeHelper< T, QString > | |
►NQUnicodeTables | |
CProperties | |
►NQWSKeyboard | |
CComposing | |
CMapping | |
C_DndMessage | |
C_DndPot | |
C_DndReceiverProp | |
C_DndSrcProp | |
C_DndTop | |
C_EdgeTableEntry | |
C_GUID | |
C_IapAddTimer | |
C_MAT2 | |
C_PvrQwsDrawable | |
C_qt_BuiltInFormatStruct | |
C_ScanLineList | |
C_ScanLineListBlock | |
CAbstractXmlPullProvider | Pull-based stream interface for the XPath Data Model |
CAccessibleElement | |
CAccessibleFactory | |
CAccessibleFxItem | |
CActiveObject | |
CAnchorAnimation | The AnchorAnimation element animates changes in anchor values |
CAnchorChanges | The AnchorChanges element allows you to change the anchors of an item in a state |
CAnchorData | Represents an edge (anchor) in the internal graph |
CAnchorVertex | |
CAnchorVertexPair | |
CAnimatedImage | The AnimatedImage element extends the features of the Image element, providing a way to play animations stored as images containing a series of frames, such as those stored in GIF files |
CAnimation | The Animation element is the base of all QML animations |
CArgEscapeData | |
CAttr | |
CAudioPlayerDelegate | |
CAuthCookie | |
CAuthHeader | |
CAuthMessage | |
CAuthRecord | |
CAVAudioOutput | |
CAVBackend | |
CAVMediaObject | |
CAVMediaObjectPrivate | |
CB5Index | |
CB5Map | |
CBackEase | |
CBBScopedLoopLevelCounter | |
CBeginPaintInfo | |
CBehavior | The Behavior element allows you to specify a default animation for a property change |
CBigint | |
CBinding | The Binding element allows arbitrary property bindings to be created |
CBlend_ARGB24_on_RGB16_SourceAlpha | |
CBlend_ARGB24_on_RGB16_SourceAndConstAlpha | |
CBlend_ARGB32_on_ARGB32_SourceAlpha | |
CBlend_ARGB32_on_ARGB32_SourceAndConstAlpha | |
CBlend_ARGB32_on_RGB16_SourceAlpha | |
CBlend_ARGB32_on_RGB16_SourceAndConstAlpha | |
CBlend_RGB16_on_RGB16_ConstAlpha | |
CBlend_RGB16_on_RGB16_NoAlpha | |
CBlend_RGB32_on_RGB32_ConstAlpha | |
CBlend_RGB32_on_RGB32_NoAlpha | |
CBlendSrcGeneric | |
CBorderImage | The BorderImage element provides an image that can be used as a border |
CBounceEase | |
CBpsChannelScopeSwitcher | |
CbpsIOHandlerData | |
CCachedShader | |
CCapabilitiesToStateMask | |
CCentralFileHeader | |
CCharacterData | |
CClipData | |
CCloseButton | |
CCNTextCodecs | |
CCodecs | |
CColorAnimation | The ColorAnimation element animates changes in color values |
CColorOutput | Outputs colored messages to stderr |
CColumn | The Column item arranges its children vertically |
CCompatAccessibleFactory | |
CComponent | The Component element encapsulates a QML component definition |
CConnections | A Connections element describes generalized connections to signals |
CConnmanMap | |
CContextData | |
CControlList | |
CCountryLanguage | |
CDataDescriptor | |
CDataPtrContainer | |
CDDSFormat | |
CDecorationDefault | |
CDecorationStyled | |
CDecorationWindows | |
CDelegatingReflectionExpression | |
CDetailButton | |
CDirectFBScreenDriverPlugin | |
CDndData | |
Cdndenum_mapper | |
CDndTargets | |
CDndTargetsTableEntryRec | |
CDndTargetsTableRec | |
CDocument | |
CDocumentImpl | |
CDoubleValidator | This element provides a validator for non-integer numbers |
CDrawHelper | |
CEAGLPaintDevice | |
CEAGLPlatformContext | |
CEAGLView | |
C<EAGLViewDelegate> | |
CEdgeTable | |
CEGLNullWSScreen | |
CEGLNullWSScreenPlugin | |
CEGLNullWSWindowSurface | |
CElasticEase | |
CElement | |
CEndOfDirectory | |
CEngineInstanceHolder | |
CEventLoopHelper | |
CFAREnforcer | Enforces the False Authentication Rate |
CFileHeader | |
Cfill_data | |
CFlatListModel | |
CFlatListScriptClass | |
CFlatNodeData | |
CFlatNodeObjectData | |
CFlickable | The Flickable item provides a surface that can be "flicked" |
CFlipable | The Flipable item provides a surface that can be flipped |
CFlow | The Flow item arranges its children side by side, wrapping as necessary |
CFocusPanel | The FocusPanel item explicitly creates a focus panel |
CFocusScope | The FocusScope object explicitly creates a focus scope |
CFolderListModel | The FolderListModel provides a model of the contents of a file system folder |
CFontFile | |
CFontLoader | The FontLoader element allows fonts to be loaded by name or URL |
CfunctorData | |
CFxGridItem | |
CFxListItem | |
CGestureArea | The GestureArea item enables simple gesture handling |
CGestureAreaQmlPlugin | |
CGfxTransformedDriver | |
CGfxVncDriver | |
CGIdleTimerSource | |
CGLProgram | |
Cglyph_metrics_t | |
CGPollFDWithQSocketNotifier | |
CGPostEventSource | |
CGQWSEventSource | |
CGradient | The Gradient item defines a gradient fill |
CGradientStop | The GradientStop item defines the color at a position in a Gradient |
►CGraph | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CGraphPath | Representation of a valid path for a given vertex in the graph |
CGrid | The Grid item positions its children in a grid |
CGridView | The GridView item provides a grid view of items provided by a model |
CGSocketNotifierSource | |
CGTimerSource | |
CGUserEventSource | |
CGX11EventSource | |
CHackWidget | |
CHexString | |
CIapAddTimer | |
CIapMonitor | |
CIAxServerBase | |
CICd2DetailsDBusStruct | |
CIcdNetworkConfigurationPrivate | |
►CICOReader | |
CIcoAttrib | |
CIdBlock | Data record for the manifest file |
CImage | The Image element displays an image in a declarative user interface |
CindexTbl_t | |
CInputPrivate | |
CIntValidator | This element provides a validator for integer values |
CIsWindowAndNotDrawerOrSheetTest | |
CIsWindowTest | |
CItem | The Item is the most basic of all visual items in QML |
CJoiningPair | |
CJPTextCodecs | |
CJSAgentBreakpointData | |
CJSAgentCoverageData | |
CJSAgentStackData | |
CJSAgentWatchData | |
CKeyboardLayoutItem | |
CKeyEvent | The KeyEvent object provides information about a key event |
CKeyMap | |
CKeyMapEntryStruct | |
CKeyNavigation | The KeyNavigation attached property supports key navigation by arrow keys |
CKeyPair | |
CKeyRecord | |
CKeyRecorder | |
CKeys | The Keys attached property provides key handling to Items |
CKeywordHelper | |
CKnownWM | |
CKRTextCodecs | |
CLayoutItem | The LayoutItem element allows declarative UI elements to be placed inside Qt's Graphics View layouts |
CLayoutMirroring | The LayoutMirroring attached property is used to mirror layout behavior |
CLibraryData | |
CLinearGradientValues | |
CListData | |
CListElement | The ListElement element defines a data item in a ListModel |
CListInstance | |
CListModel | The ListModel element defines a free-form list data source |
CListView | The ListView item provides a list view of items provided by a model |
CLoader | The Loader item allows dynamically loading an Item-based subtree from a URL or Component |
CLocalFileHeader | |
Cmac_enum_mapper | |
CMacOutputDevice | |
CMacSocketInfo | |
CMacSpecialKey | |
CMacTimerInfo | |
Cmap | |
►CMetaObjectGenerator | |
CMethod | |
CProperty | |
CMethodData | |
CModelIndexIterator | |
CModelNode | |
CModelNodeMetaObject | |
CModelObject | |
CMouseArea | The MouseArea item enables simple mouse handling |
CMouseEvent | The MouseEvent object provides information about a mouse event |
Cmy_error_mgr | |
Cmy_jpeg_destination_mgr | |
Cmy_jpeg_source_mgr | |
CNamedNodeMap | |
CNamedNodeMapClass | |
CNamedPaperSize | |
CNameprepCaseFoldingEntry | |
CNestedListModel | |
CNetstatusInterfaceCleanupHelper | |
CNetstatusInterfaceListCleanupHelper | |
CNode | |
CNodeImpl | |
CNodeList | |
CNodeListClass | |
CNormalizationCorrection | |
CNSFrameView | |
C<NSMenuDelegate > | |
C<NSSoundDelegate > | |
CNSStatusItem(Qt) | |
CNSThemeFrame | |
CNSTitledFrame | |
C<NSWindowDelegate > | |
CNumberAnimation | The NumberAnimation element animates changes in qreal-type values |
CObjectData | |
CObjectPathProperties | |
COperator | |
COraFieldInfo | |
COutputPrivate | |
Cp5s_deleter | |
CPackage | Package provides a collection of named items |
CPaintDeviceHelper | |
CPaintEventInfo | |
CParallelAnchorData | |
CParallelAnimation | The ParallelAnimation element allows animations to be run in parallel |
CParallelAnimationWrapper | |
CParentAnimation | The ParentAnimation element animates changes in parent values |
CParentChange | The ParentChange element allows you to reparent an Item in a state change |
CParticleMotionGravity | The ParticleMotionGravity object moves particles towards a point |
CParticleMotionLinear | The ParticleMotionLinear object moves particles linearly |
CParticleMotionWander | The ParticleMotionWander object moves particles in a somewhat random fashion |
CParticles | The Particles object generates and moves particles |
CPath | A Path object defines a path for use by PathView |
CPathAttribute | The PathAttribute allows setting an attribute at a given position in a Path |
CPathCubic | The PathCubic defines a cubic Bezier curve with two control points |
CPathElement | PathElement is the base path type |
CPathLine | The PathLine defines a straight line |
CPathPercent | The PathPercent manipulates the way a path is interpreted |
CPathQuad | The PathQuad defines a quadratic Bezier curve with a control point |
CPathView | The PathView element lays out model-provided items on a path |
CPauseAnimation | The PauseAnimation element provides a pause for an animation |
CPerformComparison | Helper class for ComparisonFactory::fromLexical() which exposes CastingPlatform appropriately |
CPerformValueConstruction | Helper class for ValueFactory::fromLexical() which exposes CastingPlatform appropriately |
CPinchArea | The PinchArea item enables simple pinch gesture handling |
CPinchEvent | The PinchEvent object provides information about a pinch event |
CPixmapEntry | |
Cpointer_image | |
CPropertyAction | The PropertyAction element allows immediate property changes during animation |
CPropertyAnimation | The PropertyAnimation element animates changes in property values |
CPropertyChanges | The PropertyChanges element describes new property bindings or values for a state |
CPseudoElementInfo | |
CPvrEglScreen | |
CPvrEglScreenPlugin | |
CPvrEglScreenSurfaceFunctions | |
CPvrEglWindowSurface | |
CPvrHeader | |
CPvrQwsDisplay | |
CPvrQwsRect | |
CPvrQwsScreenInfo | |
CQ3AccessibleScrollView | |
CQ3AccessibleTextEdit | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for richtext editors |
Cqabgr8888 | |
CQAbstractAnimation | Base of all animations |
CQAbstractAnimationAction | |
CQAbstractAnimationPrivate | |
CQAbstractAudioDeviceInfo | Access for QAudioDeviceInfo to access the audio device provided by the plugin |
CQAbstractAudioInput | Access for QAudioInput to access the audio device provided by the plugin |
CQAbstractAudioOutput | Access for QAudioOutput to access the audio device provided by the plugin |
CQAbstractButton | Abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons |
CQAbstractButtonPrivate | |
CQAbstractConcatenable | |
CQAbstractDeclarativeData | |
CQAbstractDynamicMetaObject | |
CQAbstractEventDispatcher | Interface to manage Qt's event queue |
CQAbstractEventDispatcherPrivate | |
►CQAbstractFileEngine | Abstraction for accessing the filesystem |
CExtensionOption | Extended input argument to QAbstractFileEngine's extension support |
CExtensionReturn | Extended output argument to QAbstractFileEngine's extension support |
CMapExtensionOption | |
CMapExtensionReturn | |
CUnMapExtensionOption | |
CQAbstractFileEngineHandler | Way to register custom file engines with your application |
CQAbstractFileEngineHandlerList | |
CQAbstractFileEngineIterator | Iterator interface for custom file engines |
CQAbstractFileEngineIteratorPrivate | |
CQAbstractFileEnginePrivate | |
►CQAbstractFontEngine | Base class for font engine plugins in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CFixedPoint | QAbstractFontEngine::FixedPoint defines a point in the place using 26.6 fixed point precision |
CGlyphMetrics | QAbstractFontEngine::GlyphMetrics defines the metrics of a single glyph |
CQAbstractFontEnginePrivate | |
CQAbstractGraphicsShapeItem | Common base for all path items |
CQAbstractGraphicsShapeItemPrivate | |
CQAbstractHostInfoLookupManager | |
CQAbstractItemDelegate | Used to display and edit data items from a model |
CQAbstractItemModel | Abstract interface for item model classes |
►CQAbstractItemModelPrivate | |
CChange | |
CPersistent | |
CQAbstractItemView | Basic functionality for item view classes |
CQAbstractItemViewPrivate | |
CQAbstractListModel | Abstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list models |
CQAbstractMessageHandler | Callback interface for handling messages |
CQAbstractMessageHandlerPrivate | |
CQAbstractNetworkCache | Interface for cache implementations |
CQAbstractNetworkCachePrivate | |
CQAbstractPageSetupDialog | Base for implementations of page setup dialogs |
CQAbstractPageSetupDialogPrivate | |
CQAbstractPlatformMenuBar | The platform-specific implementation of a menubar |
CQAbstractPrintDialog | Base implementation for print dialogs used to configure printers |
CQAbstractPrintDialogPrivate | |
CQAbstractProxyModel | Base class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering or other data processing tasks |
CQAbstractProxyModelPrivate | |
CQAbstractScrollArea | Scrolling area with on-demand scroll bars |
CQAbstractScrollAreaFilter | |
CQAbstractScrollAreaPrivate | |
CQAbstractScrollAreaScrollBarContainer | |
CQAbstractSlider | Integer value within a range |
CQAbstractSliderPrivate | |
CQAbstractSocket | Base functionality common to all socket types |
CQAbstractSocketEngine | |
CQAbstractSocketEnginePrivate | |
CQAbstractSocketEngineReceiver | |
CQAbstractSocketPrivate | |
CQAbstractSpinBox | Spinbox and a line edit to display values |
CQAbstractSpinBoxPrivate | |
CQAbstractState | Base class of states of a QStateMachine |
CQAbstractStatePrivate | |
CQAbstractTableModel | Abstract model that can be subclassed to create table models |
CQAbstractTestLogger | |
►CQAbstractTextDocumentLayout | Abstract base class used to implement custom layouts for QTextDocuments |
CPaintContext | The QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext class is a convenience class defining the parameters used when painting a document's layout |
CSelection | The QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection class is a convenience class defining the parameters of a selection |
CQAbstractTextDocumentLayoutPrivate | |
CQAbstractTransition | Base class of transitions between QAbstractState objects |
CQAbstractTransitionPrivate | |
CQAbstractUndoItem | |
CQAbstractUriResolver | Callback interface for resolving Uniform Resource Identifiers |
CQAbstractVideoBuffer | Abstraction for video data |
CQAbstractVideoBufferPrivate | |
CQAbstractVideoSurface | Base class for video presentation surfaces |
CQAbstractVideoSurfacePrivate | |
CQAbstractXmlForwardIterator | The QAbstractXmlForwardIterator class is a base class for forward iterators |
CQAbstractXmlNodeModel | Abstract base class for modeling non-XML data to look like XML for QXmlQuery |
CQAbstractXmlNodeModelPrivate | |
CQAbstractXmlReceiver | Callback interface for transforming the output of a QXmlQuery |
CQAbstractXmlReceiverPrivate | |
CQAccessible | Enums and static functions relating to accessibility |
CQAccessible2Interface | |
CQAccessibleAbstractScrollArea | |
CQAccessibleAbstractSlider | |
CQAccessibleAbstractSpinBox | |
CQAccessibleActionInterface | Implements support for the IAccessibleAction interface |
CQAccessibleApplication | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for QApplication |
CQAccessibleBridge | Base class for accessibility back-ends |
CQAccessibleBridgeFactoryInterface | |
CQAccessibleBridgePlugin | Abstract base for accessibility bridge plugins |
CQAccessibleButton | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for button type widgets |
CQAccessibleCalendarWidget | |
CQAccessibleComboBox | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for editable and read-only combo boxes |
CQAccessibleDial | |
CQAccessibleDialogButtonBox | |
CQAccessibleDisplay | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for widgets that display information |
CQAccessibleDockWidget | |
CQAccessibleDoubleSpinBox | |
CQAccessibleEditableTextInterface | Implements support for the IAccessibleEditableText interface |
CQAccessibleEvent | Used to query addition accessibility information about complex widgets |
CQAccessibleFactoryInterface | |
CQAccessibleGroupBox | |
CQAccessibleHeader | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for header widgets |
CQAccessibleHierarchyManager | |
CQAccessibleIconView | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for icon views |
CQAccessibleImageInterface | Implements support for the IAccessibleImage interface |
CQAccessibleInterface | Defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects |
CQAccessibleInterfaceEx | |
CQAccessibleInterfaceWrapper | |
CQAccessibleItemRow | |
CQAccessibleItemView | |
CQAccessibleLineEdit | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for widgets with editable text |
CQAccessibleListBox | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for list boxes |
CQAccessibleListView | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for list views |
CQAccessibleMainWindow | |
CQAccessibleMdiArea | |
CQAccessibleMdiSubWindow | |
CQAccessibleMenu | |
CQAccessibleMenuBar | |
CQAccessibleMenuItem | |
CQAccessibleObject | Implements parts of the QAccessibleInterface for QObjects |
CQAccessibleObjectEx | |
CQAccessibleObjectPrivate | |
CQAccessiblePlainTextEdit | |
CQAccessiblePlugin | Abstract base for accessibility plugins |
CQAccessibleProgressBar | |
CQAccessibleScrollArea | |
CQAccessibleScrollBar | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for scroll bars |
CQAccessibleSimpleEditableTextInterface | Convenience class for text-based widgets |
CQAccessibleSlider | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for sliders |
CQAccessibleSpinBox | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for spinbox widgets |
CQAccessibleStackedWidget | |
CQAccessibleTabBar | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for tab bars |
CQAccessibleTable2 | |
CQAccessibleTable2Cell | |
CQAccessibleTable2CellInterface | |
CQAccessibleTable2CornerButton | |
CQAccessibleTable2HeaderCell | |
CQAccessibleTable2Interface | |
CQAccessibleTableInterface | |
CQAccessibleTextBinding | |
CQAccessibleTextBrowser | |
CQAccessibleTextEdit | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for richtext editors |
CQAccessibleTextInterface | Implements support for the IAccessibleText interface |
CQAccessibleTextWidget | |
CQAccessibleTitleBar | |
CQAccessibleToolBox | |
CQAccessibleToolButton | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for tool buttons |
CQAccessibleTree | |
CQAccessibleValueInterface | Implements support for the IAccessibleValue interface |
CQAccessibleWidget | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for QWidgets |
CQAccessibleWidgetEx | |
CQAccessibleWidgetPrivate | |
CQAccessibleWidgetStack | Implements the QAccessibleInterface for widget stacks |
CQAccessibleWorkspace | |
CQACConnectionObject | |
CQAction | Abstract user interface action that can be inserted into widgets |
CQActionAnimation | |
CQActionEvent | Event that is generated when a QAction is added, removed, or changed |
CQActionGroup | Groups actions together |
CQActionGroupPrivate | |
CQActionPrivate | |
CQAdoptedThread | |
CQAElement | |
CQAhiScreen | |
CQAhiScreenCursor | |
CQAhiScreenPlugin | |
CQAhiScreenPrivate | |
CQAInterface | |
CQAlphaPaintEngine | |
CQAlphaPaintEnginePrivate | |
CQAlphaWidget | |
CQAnimationActionProxy | |
CQAnimationDriver | Used to exchange the mechanism that drives animations |
CQAnimationDriverPrivate | |
CQAnimationGroup | Abstract base class for groups of animations |
CQAnimationGroupPrivate | |
CQApplication | Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settings |
CQApplicationPrivate | |
CQArabicProperties | |
Cqargb4444 | |
Cqargb6666 | |
Cqargb8555 | |
Cqargb8565 | |
CQArgument | |
CQArgument< T & > | |
CQAtomicInt | Platform-independent atomic operations on integers |
CQAtomicPointer | The QAtomicPointer class is a template class that provides platform-independent atomic operations on pointers |
CQAuBucket | |
CQAuBucketNAS | |
CQAuBucketQWS | |
CQAudioDeviceFactory | |
CQAudioDeviceInfo | Interface to query audio devices and their functionality |
CQAudioDeviceInfoInternal | |
CQAudioDeviceInfoPrivate | |
CQAudioEngineFactoryInterface | |
CQAudioEnginePlugin | |
CQAudioFormat | Stores audio parameter information |
CQAudioFormatPrivate | |
CQAudioInput | Interface for receiving audio data from an audio input device |
CQAudioInputPrivate | |
CQAudioOutput | Interface for sending audio data to an audio output device |
CQAudioOutputPrivate | |
CQAudioRingBuffer | |
CQAuServer | |
CQAuServerMac | |
CQAuServerNAS | |
CQAuServerNull | |
CQAuServerQWS | |
CQAuServerWindows | |
CQAuthDevice | Pass-through QIODevice sub-class for authentication |
CQAuthenticator | Authentication object |
CQAuthenticatorPrivate | |
CQAxAggregated | Abstract base class for implementations of additional COM interfaces |
CQAxBase | Abstract class that provides an API to initialize and access a COM object |
CQAxBasePrivate | |
CQAxBindable | Interface between a QWidget and an ActiveX client |
CQAxClass | |
CQAxClientSite | |
CQAxConnection | |
CQAxEngineDescriptor | |
CQAxEventSink | |
CQAxExceptInfo | |
CQAxFactory | Defines a factory for the creation of COM components |
CQAxHostWidget | |
CQAxMetaObject | |
CQAxObject | QObject that wraps a COM object |
CQAxScript | Wrapper around script code |
CQAxScriptEngine | Wrapper around a script engine |
CQAxScriptManager | Bridge between application objects and script code |
CQAxScriptManagerPrivate | |
CQAxScriptSite | |
CQAxSelect | |
CQAxServerAggregate | |
CQAxServerBase | |
CQAxSignalVec | |
CQAxWidget | QWidget that wraps an ActiveX control |
CQBalloonTip | |
CQBasicAtomicInt | |
CQBasicAtomicPointer | |
CQBasicKeyEventTransition | Transition for Qt key events |
CQBasicKeyEventTransitionPrivate | |
CQBasicMouseEventTransition | Transition for Qt mouse events |
CQBasicMouseEventTransitionPrivate | |
CQBasicTimer | Timer events for objects |
CQBasicUnixFontDatabase | |
CQBBAbstractVirtualKeyboard | |
CQBBBpsEventFilter | |
CQBBBuffer | |
CQBBButtonEventNotifier | |
►CQBBClipboard | |
CMimeData | |
CQBBCursor | |
CQBBEngine | |
CQBBEnginePlugin | |
CQBBGLContext | |
CQBBGLPaintDevice | |
CQBBGLWindowSurface | |
CQBBInputContext | |
CQBBIntegration | |
CQBBIntegrationPlugin | |
CQBBNativeInterface | |
CQBBNavigatorEventHandler | |
CQBBNavigatorEventNotifier | |
►CQBBRasterWindowSurface | |
CScrollOp | |
CQBBRootWindow | |
CQBBScreen | |
CQBBScreenEventHandler | |
CQBBScreenEventThread | |
CQBBSystemLocaleData | |
CQBBVirtualKeyboardBps | |
CQBBVirtualKeyboardPps | |
CQBBWindow | |
CQBearerEngine | |
CQBearerEngineFactoryInterface | |
CQBearerEngineImpl | |
CQBearerEnginePlugin | |
CQBenchmarkCallgrindMeasurer | |
CQBenchmarkContext | |
CQBenchmarkEvent | |
CQBenchmarkGlobalData | |
CQBenchmarkMeasurerBase | |
CQBenchmarkResult | |
CQBenchmarkTestMethodData | |
CQBenchmarkTimeMeasurer | |
CQBenchmarkValgrindUtils | |
CQBezier | |
Cqbgr555 | |
Cqbgr565 | |
CQBidiControl | |
CQBidiStatus | |
CQBig5Codec | |
CQBig5hkscsCodec | |
CQBitArray | Array of bits |
CQBitField | |
CQBitmap | Monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps |
CQBitRef | Internal class, used with QBitArray |
CQBlendBase | |
CQBlittable | |
CQBlittablePixmapData | |
CQBlittablePrivate | |
CQBlitterPaintEngine | |
CQBlitterPaintEnginePrivate | |
CQBmpHandler | |
CQBool | |
CQBoolBlocker | |
CQBooleanComboBox | |
CQBoolToType | |
CQBoxLayout | Lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically |
CQBoxLayoutItem | |
CQBoxLayoutPrivate | |
CQBrush | Defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainter |
CQBrushData | |
CQBrushDataPointerDeleter | |
CQBrushPatternImageCache | |
►CQBspTree | |
CData | |
CNode | |
CQBuffer | QIODevice interface for a QByteArray |
CQBufferPrivate | |
CQBuiltInMimes | |
CQButtonGroup | Container to organize groups of button widgets |
CQButtonGroupPrivate | |
►CQByteArray | Array of bytes |
CData | |
►CQByteArrayMatcher | Holds a sequence of bytes that can be quickly matched in a byte array |
CData | |
CQByteDataBuffer | |
CQByteDeviceWrappingIoDevice | |
CQByteRef | |
►CQCache | |
CNode | |
CQCacheItem | |
CQCalendarDateSectionValidator | |
►CQCalendarDateValidator | |
CSectionToken | |
CQCalendarDayValidator | |
CQCalendarDelegate | |
CQCalendarModel | |
CQCalendarMonthValidator | |
CQCalendarPopup | |
CQCalendarTextNavigator | |
CQCalendarView | |
CQCalendarWidget | Monthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a date |
CQCalendarWidgetPrivate | |
CQCalendarYearValidator | |
CQCalToolButton | |
CQCDEStyle | CDE look and feel |
CQCFString | |
CQCFType | |
CQChar | 16-bit Unicode character |
CQCharRef | Helper class for QString |
CQCheckBox | Checkbox with a text label |
CQCheckBoxPrivate | |
CQCheckPoint | |
CQChildEvent | Event parameters for child object events |
CQClassFactory | |
CQCleanlooksStyle | Widget style similar to the Clearlooks style available in GNOME |
CQCleanlooksStylePrivate | |
CQClipboard | Access to the window system clipboard |
CQClipboardData | |
CQClipboardEvent | Parameters used in a clipboard event |
CQClipboardINCRTransaction | |
CQClipboardPrivate | |
CQClipboardWatcher | |
►CQClipData | |
CClipLine | |
CQCloseEvent | Parameters that describe a close event |
CQCMapEntry | |
CQCocoaAutoReleasePool | |
CQCocoaColorPanelDelegate | |
CQCocoaDropData | |
CQCocoaEventLoopIntegration | |
CQCocoaFontPanelDelegate | |
CQCocoaIntegration | |
CQCocoaIntegrationPlugin | |
CQCocoaPageLayoutDelegate | |
CQCocoaScreen | |
CQCocoaWindow | |
CQCocoaWindowCustomThemeFrame | |
CQCocoaWindowSurface | |
CQCoeFepInputContext | |
►CQCoeFepInputMaskHandler | |
CMaskInputData | |
CQCoincidingEdge | |
CQColor | Colors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values |
CQColorDialog | Dialog widget for specifying colors |
CQColorDialogPrivate | |
CQColorGroup | Color groups for each widget state |
CQColorLuminancePicker | |
CQColormap | |
CQColormapPrivate | |
CQColorPicker | |
CQColorShower | |
CQColorShowLabel | |
CQColorWell | |
CQColSpinBox | |
CQColumnView | Model/view implementation of a column view |
CQColumnViewDelegate | This is a delegate that will paint the triangle |
CQColumnViewGrip | |
CQColumnViewGripPrivate | |
CQColumnViewPreviewColumn | |
CQColumnViewPrivate | |
CQComboBox | Combined button and popup list |
CQComboBoxDelegate | |
CQComboBoxListView | |
CQComboBoxPrivate | |
CQComboBoxPrivateContainer | |
CQComboBoxPrivateScroller | |
CQComboMenuDelegate | |
CQCommandLinkButton | Vista style command link button |
CQCommandLinkButtonPrivate | |
CQCommonListViewBase | |
CQCommonStyle | Encapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUI |
CQCommonStylePrivate | |
CQCompleter | Completions based on an item model |
CQCompleterItemDelegate | |
CQCompleterPrivate | |
CQCompletionEngine | |
CQCompletionModel | |
CQCompletionModelPrivate | |
CQConcatenable | |
CQConcatenable< char > | |
CQConcatenable< char[N]> | |
CQConcatenable< const char * > | |
CQConcatenable< const char[N]> | |
CQConcatenable< HexString< T > > | |
CQConcatenable< QByteArray > | |
CQConcatenable< QChar > | |
CQConcatenable< QCharRef > | |
CQConcatenable< QLatin1Char > | |
CQConcatenable< QLatin1Literal > | |
CQConcatenable< QLatin1String > | |
CQConcatenable< QString > | |
CQConcatenable< QStringBuilder< A, B > > | |
CQConcatenable< QStringRef > | |
CQConfFile | |
CQConfFileCustomFormat | |
CQConfFileSettingsPrivate | |
CQConicalGradient | Used in combination with QBrush to specify a conical gradient brush |
CQConicalGradientData | |
CQConnectionDict | |
CQConnmanAgentInterface | |
CQConnmanCounterInterface | |
CQConnmanDBusHelper | |
CQConnmanEngine | |
CQConnmanEnginePlugin | |
CQConnmanManagerInterface | |
CQConnmanProfileInterface | |
CQConnmanServiceInterface | |
CQConnmanTechnologyInterface | |
CQConstString | Wrapper for constant Unicode string data |
CQContextMenuEvent | Parameters that describe a context menu event |
CQContiguousCache | The QContiguousCache class is a template class that provides a contiguous cache |
CQContiguousCacheData | |
CQContiguousCacheTypedData | |
CQCopChannel | Communication capabilities between clients in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQCopChannelPrivate | |
CQCopServerRegexp | |
CQCoreApplication | Event loop for console Qt applications |
CQCoreApplicationData | |
CQCoreApplicationPrivate | |
CQCoreFuriCuri | |
CQCoreGlobalData | |
CQCoreGraphicsPaintEngine | |
CQCoreGraphicsPaintEnginePrivate | |
CQCoreGraphicsSystem | |
CQCoreTextFontDatabase | |
CQCoreTextFontEngine | |
CQCoreTextFontEngineMulti | |
CQCoreWlanEngine | |
CQCoreWlanEnginePlugin | |
►CQCosmeticStroker | |
CPoint | |
CPointF | |
CQCP949Codec | Handles encoding and decoding of text in CP949 encoding |
CQCriticalSection | |
CQCrossingEdge | |
CQCryptographicHash | Way to generate cryptographic hashes |
CQCryptographicHashPrivate | |
CQCssKnownValue | |
CQCssScanner_Generated | |
CQCUPSSupport | |
CQCursor | Mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape |
CQCursorData | |
CQCustomEvent | Support for custom events |
CQCustomRasterPaintDevice | Provided to activate hardware accelerated paint engines in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQCustomScopedPointer | |
CQCustomTypeInfo | |
CQDashedStrokeProcessor | |
CQDashStroker | |
CQDataBuffer | |
CQDataStream | Serialization of binary data to a QIODevice |
CQDataStreamPrivate | |
CQDataWidgetMapper | Mapping between a section of a data model to widgets |
►CQDataWidgetMapperPrivate | |
CWidgetMapper | |
CQDate | Date functions |
CQDateEdit | Widget for editing dates based on the QDateTimeEdit widget |
CQDateTime | Date and time functions |
CQDateTimeEdit | Widget for editing dates and times |
CQDateTimeEditPrivate | |
►CQDateTimeParser | |
CSectionNode | |
CStateNode | |
CQDateTimePrivate | |
CQDB2Driver | |
CQDB2DriverPlugin | |
CQDB2DriverPrivate | |
CQDB2Result | |
CQDB2ResultPrivate | |
CQDBusAbstractAdaptor | Base class of D-Bus adaptor classes |
CQDBusAbstractAdaptorPrivate | |
CQDBusAbstractInterface | Base class for all D-Bus interfaces in the QtDBus binding, allowing access to remote interfaces |
CQDBusAbstractInterfaceBase | |
CQDBusAbstractInterfacePrivate | |
CQDBusActivateObjectEvent | |
►CQDBusAdaptorConnector | |
CAdaptorData | |
CQDBusArgument | Used to marshall and demarshall D-Bus arguments |
CQDBusArgumentPrivate | |
CQDBusCallDeliveryEvent | |
CQDBusConnection | Connection to the D-Bus bus daemon |
CQDBusConnectionCallbackEvent | |
CQDBusConnectionConstructor | |
CQDBusConnectionInterface | Access to the D-Bus bus daemon service |
CQDBusConnectionManager | |
►CQDBusConnectionPrivate | |
CObjectTreeNode | |
CSignalHook | |
CWatchedServiceData | |
CWatcher | |
CQDBusContext | Allows slots to determine the D-Bus context of the calls |
CQDBusContextPrivate | |
CQDBusCustomTypeInfo | |
CQDBusDefaultConnection | |
CQDBusDemarshaller | |
CQDBusDispatchLocker | |
CQDBusError | Error received from the D-Bus bus or from remote applications found in the bus |
CQDBusErrorInternal | |
CQDBusInterface | Proxy for interfaces on remote objects |
CQDBusInterfacePrivate | |
►CQDBusIntrospection | Information about introspected objects and interfaces on D-Bus |
CArgument | One argument to a D-Bus method or signal |
CInterface | Information about one interface on the bus |
CMethod | Information about one method |
CObject | Information about one object on the bus |
CObjectTree | Complete information about one object node and its descendency |
CProperty | Information about one property |
CSignal | Information about one signal |
CQDBusLockerBase | |
CQDBusMarshaller | |
CQDBusMessage | One message sent or received over the D-Bus bus |
CQDBusMessagePrivate | |
CQDBusMetaObject | |
►CQDBusMetaObjectGenerator | |
CMethod | |
CProperty | |
CType | |
CQDBusMetaObjectPrivate | |
CQDBusMetaType | Meta-type registration system for the QtDBus module |
CQDBusMetaTypeId | |
CQDBusMutexLocker | |
CQDBusObjectPath | Enables the programmer to identify the OBJECT_PATH type provided by the D-Bus typesystem |
CQDBusPendingCall | Refers to one pending asynchronous call |
CQDBusPendingCallPrivate | |
CQDBusPendingCallWatcher | Convenient way for waiting for asynchronous replies |
CQDBusPendingCallWatcherHelper | |
CQDBusPendingCallWatcherPrivate | |
►CQDBusPendingReply | The QDBusPendingReply class contains the reply to an asynchronous method call |
CSelect | |
CQDBusPendingReplyData | |
CQDBusReadLocker | |
CQDBusReply | The QDBusReply class stores the reply for a method call to a remote object |
CQDBusServer | Peer-to-peer communication between processes on the same computer |
CQDBusServiceWatcher | Allows the user to watch for a bus service change |
CQDBusSignature | Enables the programmer to identify the SIGNATURE type provided by the D-Bus typesystem |
►CQDBusSlotCache | |
CData | |
CQDBusUnixFileDescriptor | Holds one Unix file descriptor |
CQDBusUnixFileDescriptorPrivate | |
CQDBusVariant | Enables the programmer to identify the variant type provided by the D-Bus typesystem |
CQDBusVirtualObject | Used to handle several DBus paths with one class |
CQDBusWatchAndTimeoutLocker | |
CQDBusWriteLocker | |
CQDBusXmlParser | |
►CQDebug | Output stream for debugging information |
CStream | |
CQDeclarativeAbstractAnimation | |
CQDeclarativeAbstractAnimationPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeAbstractBinding | |
CQDeclarativeAbstractBoundSignal | |
CQDeclarativeAbstractExpression | |
CQDeclarativeAction | |
CQDeclarativeActionEvent | |
CQDeclarativeAnchorAnimation | |
CQDeclarativeAnchorAnimationPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeAnchorChanges | |
CQDeclarativeAnchorChangesPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeAnchorLine | |
CQDeclarativeAnchors | |
CQDeclarativeAnchorSet | |
CQDeclarativeAnchorSetPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeAnchorsPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeAnimatedImage | |
CQDeclarativeAnimatedImagePrivate | |
CQDeclarativeAnimationGroup | |
CQDeclarativeAnimationGroupPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeAnimationPropertyUpdater | |
CQDeclarativeApplication | |
CQDeclarativeApplicationPrivate | |
►CQDeclarativeBasePositioner | Base for QDeclarativeGraphics layouts |
CPositionedItem | |
CQDeclarativeBasePositionerPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeBehavior | |
CQDeclarativeBehaviorPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeBind | |
CQDeclarativeBinding | |
►CQDeclarativeBindingCompiler | |
CExpression | |
►CQDeclarativeBindingCompilerPrivate | |
CResult | |
CQDeclarativeBindingPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeBindingProfiler | |
CQDeclarativeBindPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeBorderImage | |
CQDeclarativeBorderImagePrivate | |
►CQDeclarativeBoundSignal | |
CScopeGuard | |
►CQDeclarativeBoundSignalParameters | |
CMetaObject | |
CQDeclarativeBulkValueAnimator | |
CQDeclarativeBulkValueUpdater | |
CQDeclarativeCleanup | The QDeclarativeCleanup provides a callback when a QDeclarativeEngine is deleted |
CQDeclarativeColorAnimation | |
CQDeclarativeColumn | |
CQDeclarativeCompiledBindings | |
►CQDeclarativeCompiledBindingsPrivate | |
CBinding | |
►CQDeclarativeCompiledData | |
CCustomTypeData | |
CTypeReference | |
►CQDeclarativeCompiler | |
CBindingContext | |
CBindingReference | |
CComponentCompileState | |
CComponentStat | |
CQDeclarativeComponent | Encapsulates a QML component definition |
CQDeclarativeComponentAttached | |
►CQDeclarativeComponentPrivate | |
CConstructionState | |
CQDeclarativeConnections | |
CQDeclarativeConnectionsParser | |
CQDeclarativeConnectionsPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeContents | |
CQDeclarativeContext | Defines a context within a QML engine |
►CQDeclarativeContextData | |
CContextGuard | |
CQDeclarativeContextPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeContextScriptClass | |
CQDeclarativeCurve | |
CQDeclarativeCustomParser | Allows you to add new arbitrary types to QML |
CQDeclarativeCustomParserNode | |
CQDeclarativeCustomParserNodePrivate | |
CQDeclarativeCustomParserProperty | |
CQDeclarativeCustomParserPropertyPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeData | |
CQDeclarativeDataBlob | The QDeclarativeDataBlob encapsulates a data request that can be issued to a QDeclarativeDataLoader |
CQDeclarativeDataExtended | |
CQDeclarativeDataLoader | Abstracts loading files and their dependencies over the network |
CQDeclarativeDebugClient | |
CQDeclarativeDebugClientPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeDebugConnection | |
CQDeclarativeDebugConnectionPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeDebugContextReference | |
CQDeclarativeDebugData | |
CQDeclarativeDebugEngineReference | |
CQDeclarativeDebugEnginesQuery | |
CQDeclarativeDebugExpressionQuery | |
CQDeclarativeDebugFileReference | |
CQDeclarativeDebuggerStatus | |
CQDeclarativeDebuggingEnabler | |
CQDeclarativeDebugHelper | |
CQDeclarativeDebugObjectExpressionWatch | |
CQDeclarativeDebugObjectQuery | |
CQDeclarativeDebugObjectReference | |
CQDeclarativeDebugPropertyReference | |
CQDeclarativeDebugPropertyWatch | |
CQDeclarativeDebugQuery | |
CQDeclarativeDebugRootContextQuery | |
CQDeclarativeDebugServer | |
CQDeclarativeDebugServerConnection | |
CQDeclarativeDebugServerPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeDebugService | |
CQDeclarativeDebugServicePrivate | |
CQDeclarativeDebugTrace | |
CQDeclarativeDebugWatch | |
CQDeclarativeDelayedError | |
►CQDeclarativeDirParser | |
CComponent | |
CPlugin | |
CQDeclarativeDomBasicValuePrivate | |
CQDeclarativeDomComponent | Sub-component within a QML document |
CQDeclarativeDomDocument | Root of a QML document |
CQDeclarativeDomDocumentPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeDomDynamicProperty | |
CQDeclarativeDomDynamicPropertyPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeDomImport | Import statement |
CQDeclarativeDomImportPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeDomList | List of values assigned to a QML property |
CQDeclarativeDomObject | Object instantiation |
CQDeclarativeDomObjectPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeDomProperty | One property assignment in the QML DOM tree |
CQDeclarativeDomPropertyPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeDomValue | Generic Qml value |
CQDeclarativeDomValueBinding | Property binding |
CQDeclarativeDomValueLiteral | Literal value |
CQDeclarativeDomValuePrivate | |
CQDeclarativeDomValueValueInterceptor | Value interceptor assignment value |
CQDeclarativeDomValueValueSource | Value source assignment value |
CQDeclarativeDrag | |
CQDeclarativeEasingValueType | |
CQDeclarativeEngine | Environment for instantiating QML components |
CQDeclarativeEngineDebug | |
CQDeclarativeEngineDebugClient | |
CQDeclarativeEngineDebugPrivate | |
►CQDeclarativeEngineDebugService | |
CQDeclarativeObjectData | |
CQDeclarativeObjectProperty | |
►CQDeclarativeEnginePrivate | |
CCapturedProperty | |
CSimpleList | |
CQDeclarativeError | Encapsulates a QML error |
CQDeclarativeErrorPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeExpression | Evaluates JavaScript in a QML context |
CQDeclarativeExpressionPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeExtensionInterface | |
CQDeclarativeExtensionPlugin | Abstract base for custom QML extension plugins |
CQDeclarativeFastProperties | |
CQDeclarativeFlickable | |
►CQDeclarativeFlickablePrivate | |
CAxisData | |
CVelocity | |
CQDeclarativeFlickableVisibleArea | |
CQDeclarativeFlipable | |
CQDeclarativeFlipablePrivate | |
CQDeclarativeFlow | |
CQDeclarativeFlowPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeFocusPanel | |
CQDeclarativeFocusScope | |
CQDeclarativeFolderListModel | [class begin] |
CQDeclarativeFolderListModelPrivate | [code] |
CQDeclarativeFontLoader | |
CQDeclarativeFontLoaderPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeFontObject | |
CQDeclarativeFontValueType | |
CQDeclarativeGestureArea | |
CQDeclarativeGestureAreaParser | |
CQDeclarativeGestureAreaPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeGlobalScriptClass | |
CQDeclarativeGradient | |
CQDeclarativeGradientStop | |
CQDeclarativeGraphics_DerivedObject | |
CQDeclarativeGraphicsWidget | |
CQDeclarativeGraphicsWidgetPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeGrid | |
CQDeclarativeGridScaledImage | |
CQDeclarativeGridView | |
CQDeclarativeGridViewAttached | |
CQDeclarativeGridViewPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeGuard | |
CQDeclarativeGuardedContextData | |
CQDeclarativeGuardImpl | |
CQDeclarativeImage | |
CQDeclarativeImageBase | |
CQDeclarativeImageBasePrivate | |
CQDeclarativeImagePrivate | |
CQDeclarativeImageProvider | Interface for supporting pixmaps and threaded image requests in QML |
CQDeclarativeImageProviderPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeImplicitSizeItem | |
CQDeclarativeImplicitSizeItemPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeImplicitSizePaintedItem | |
CQDeclarativeImplicitSizePaintedItemPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeImportDatabase | Manages the QML imports for a QDeclarativeEngine |
CQDeclarativeImportedNamespace | |
CQDeclarativeImports | Encapsulates one QML document's import statements |
CQDeclarativeImportsPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeInclude | |
CQDeclarativeInfo | |
CQDeclarativeInfoPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeInspectorInterface | |
CQDeclarativeInspectorService | |
►CQDeclarativeInstruction | |
CAssignBindingInstruction | |
CAssignCustomTypeInstruction | |
CAssignSignalObjectInstruction | |
CAssignValueInterceptorInstruction | |
CAssignValueSourceInstruction | |
CBeginInstruction | |
CCreateComponentInstruction | |
CCreateInstruction | |
CCreateSimpleInstruction | |
CDeferInstruction | |
CFetchAttachedInstruction | |
CFetchInstruction | |
CFetchQmlListInstruction | |
CFetchValueInstruction | |
CInitInstruction | |
CSetIdInstruction | |
CStoreBoolInstruction | |
CStoreColorInstruction | |
CStoreDateInstruction | |
CStoreDateTimeInstruction | |
CStoreDoubleInstruction | |
CStoreFloatInstruction | |
CStoreIntegerInstruction | |
CStoreMetaInstruction | |
CStoreObjectInstruction | |
CStoreRealPairInstruction | |
CStoreRectInstruction | |
CStoreScriptInstruction | |
CStoreScriptStringInstruction | |
CStoreSignalInstruction | |
CStoreStringInstruction | |
CStoreTimeInstruction | |
CStoreUrlInstruction | |
CStoreVector3DInstruction | |
►CQDeclarativeIntegerCache | |
CData | |
CQDeclarativeItem | Most basic of all visual items in QML |
CQDeclarativeItemAccessor | |
CQDeclarativeItemChangeListener | |
CQDeclarativeItemKeyFilter | |
CQDeclarativeItemModule | |
►CQDeclarativeItemPrivate | |
CAnchorLines | |
CChangeListener | |
CQDeclarativeJSGrammar | |
CQDeclarativeKeyEvent | |
CQDeclarativeKeyNavigationAttached | |
CQDeclarativeKeyNavigationAttachedPrivate | |
►CQDeclarativeKeysAttached | |
CSigMap | |
CQDeclarativeKeysAttachedPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeLayoutItem | |
CQDeclarativeLayoutMirroringAttached | |
CQDeclarativeListAccessor | |
CQDeclarativeListElement | |
CQDeclarativeListModel | |
►CQDeclarativeListModelParser | |
CListInstruction | |
CListModelData | |
►CQDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent | |
CChange | |
CData | |
CSync | |
CVariantRef | |
CQDeclarativeListProperty | The QDeclarativeListProperty class allows applications to expose list-like properties to QML |
CQDeclarativeListReference | Allows the manipulation of QDeclarativeListProperty properties |
CQDeclarativeListReferencePrivate | |
CQDeclarativeListScriptClass | |
CQDeclarativeListView | |
CQDeclarativeListViewAttached | |
CQDeclarativeListViewPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeLoader | |
CQDeclarativeLoaderPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeMatrix4x4ValueType | |
CQDeclarativeMetaType | |
►CQDeclarativeMetaTypeData | |
CModuleInfo | |
CQDeclarativeMouseArea | |
CQDeclarativeMouseAreaPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeMouseEvent | |
CQDeclarativeNetworkAccessManagerFactory | Creates QNetworkAccessManager instances for a QML engine |
CQDeclarativeNotifier | |
►CQDeclarativeNotifierEndpoint | |
CNotifier | |
CSignal | |
CQDeclarativeNullableValue | |
CQDeclarativeNumberAnimation | |
CQDeclarativeObjectMethodScriptClass | |
CQDeclarativeObjectScriptClass | |
CQDeclarativeOpenMetaObject | |
CQDeclarativeOpenMetaObjectPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeOpenMetaObjectType | |
CQDeclarativeOpenMetaObjectTypePrivate | |
CQDeclarativePackage | |
CQDeclarativePackageAttached | |
►CQDeclarativePackagePrivate | This attached property holds the name of an item within a Package |
CDataGuard | |
CQDeclarativePaintedItem | Abstract base class for QDeclarativeView items that want cached painting |
►CQDeclarativePaintedItemPrivate | |
CImageCacheItem | |
CQDeclarativeParallelAnimation | |
CQDeclarativeParentAnimation | |
CQDeclarativeParentAnimationPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeParentChange | |
CQDeclarativeParentChangePrivate | |
CQDeclarativeParserStatus | Updates on the QML parser state |
CQDeclarativeParticle | |
CQDeclarativeParticleMotion | Base class for particle motion |
CQDeclarativeParticleMotionGravity | |
CQDeclarativeParticleMotionLinear | |
►CQDeclarativeParticleMotionWander | |
CData | |
CQDeclarativeParticles | |
CQDeclarativeParticlesPainter | |
CQDeclarativeParticlesPrivate | |
►CQDeclarativePath | |
CAttributePoint | |
CQDeclarativePathAttribute | |
CQDeclarativePathCubic | |
CQDeclarativePathElement | |
CQDeclarativePathLine | |
CQDeclarativePathPercent | |
CQDeclarativePathPrivate | |
CQDeclarativePathQuad | |
CQDeclarativePathView | |
CQDeclarativePathViewAttached | |
CQDeclarativePathViewPrivate | |
CQDeclarativePauseAnimation | |
CQDeclarativePauseAnimationPrivate | |
CQDeclarativePen | Pen used for drawing rectangle borders on a QDeclarativeView |
CQDeclarativePinch | |
CQDeclarativePinchArea | |
CQDeclarativePinchAreaPrivate | |
CQDeclarativePinchEvent | |
CQDeclarativePixmap | |
CQDeclarativePixmapData | |
CQDeclarativePixmapKey | |
CQDeclarativePixmapNull | |
CQDeclarativePixmapReader | |
CQDeclarativePixmapReaderThreadObject | |
►CQDeclarativePixmapReply | |
CEvent | |
CQDeclarativePixmapStore | |
CQDeclarativePointFValueType | |
CQDeclarativePointValueType | |
CQDeclarativeProperty | Abstracts accessing properties on objects created from QML |
CQDeclarativePropertyAction | |
CQDeclarativePropertyActionPrivate | |
CQDeclarativePropertyAnimation | |
CQDeclarativePropertyAnimationPrivate | |
►CQDeclarativePropertyCache | |
CData | |
CRData | |
CValueTypeData | |
CQDeclarativePropertyChanges | |
CQDeclarativePropertyChangesParser | |
►CQDeclarativePropertyChangesPrivate | |
CExpressionChange | |
CQDeclarativePropertyMap | Allows you to set key-value pairs that can be used in QML bindings |
CQDeclarativePropertyMapMetaObject | |
CQDeclarativePropertyMapPrivate | |
CQDeclarativePropertyPrivate | |
CQDeclarativePropertyValueInterceptor | Inherited by property interceptors such as Behavior |
CQDeclarativePropertyValueSource | Interface for property value sources such as animations and bindings |
►CQDeclarativeProxyMetaObject | |
CProxyData | |
CQDeclarativeQmldirData | |
►CQDeclarativeQtScriptExpression | |
CDeleteWatcher | |
CQDeclarativeQuaternionValueType | |
CQDeclarativeRectangle | |
CQDeclarativeRectanglePrivate | |
CQDeclarativeRectFValueType | |
CQDeclarativeRectValueType | |
CQDeclarativeRefCount | |
CQDeclarativeRegisteredComponentData | |
CQDeclarativeRepeater | |
CQDeclarativeRepeaterPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeReplaceSignalHandler | |
CQDeclarativeRotationAnimation | |
CQDeclarativeRotationAnimationPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeRow | |
CQDeclarativeScaleGrid | Allows you to specify a 3x3 grid to use in scaling an image |
CQDeclarativeScene | |
CQDeclarativeScriptAction | |
CQDeclarativeScriptActionPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeScriptData | |
CQDeclarativeScriptEngine | |
►CQDeclarativeScriptParser | |
CImport | |
CJavaScriptMetaData | |
CTypeReference | |
CQDeclarativeScriptParserJsASTData | |
CQDeclarativeScriptString | Encapsulates a script and its context |
CQDeclarativeScriptStringPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeSequentialAnimation | |
CQDeclarativeSimpleAction | |
CQDeclarativeSizeFValueType | |
CQDeclarativeSizeValueType | |
CQDeclarativeSmoothedAnimation | |
CQDeclarativeSmoothedAnimationPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeSpringAnimation | |
►CQDeclarativeSpringAnimationPrivate | |
CSpringAnimation | |
CQDeclarativeSqlQueryScriptClass | |
CQDeclarativeState | |
CQDeclarativeStateChangeScript | |
CQDeclarativeStateChangeScriptPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeStateGroup | |
CQDeclarativeStateGroupPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeStateOperation | |
CQDeclarativeStateOperationPrivate | |
►CQDeclarativeStatePrivate | |
COperationGuard | |
CQDeclarativeStyledText | |
CQDeclarativeStyledTextPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeSystemPalette | |
CQDeclarativeSystemPalettePrivate | |
CQDeclarativeText | |
CQDeclarativeTextEdit | |
CQDeclarativeTextEditPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeTextInput | |
CQDeclarativeTextInputPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeTextLayout | Version of QStaticText that works with QTextLayouts |
CQDeclarativeTextLayoutPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeTextPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeTimeLine | Timeline for controlling animations |
CQDeclarativeTimeLineCallback | |
CQDeclarativeTimeLineObject | |
►CQDeclarativeTimeLinePrivate | |
COp | |
CTimeLine | |
CQDeclarativeTimeLineValue | Value that can be modified by QDeclarativeTimeLine |
CQDeclarativeTimeLineValueProxy | |
CQDeclarativeTimer | |
CQDeclarativeTimerPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeTransition | |
CQDeclarativeTransitionManager | |
CQDeclarativeTransitionManagerPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeTransitionPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeTranslate | |
CQDeclarativeTranslatePrivate | |
CQDeclarativeType | |
►CQDeclarativeTypeData | |
CScriptReference | |
CTypeDataCallback | |
CTypeReference | |
CQDeclarativeTypeInfo | |
CQDeclarativeTypeLoader | |
►CQDeclarativeTypeNameCache | |
CData | |
CRData | |
CQDeclarativeTypeNameScriptClass | |
CQDeclarativeTypeNotAvailable | |
CQDeclarativeTypePrivate | |
CQDeclarativeUtilModule | |
CQDeclarativeValueType | |
CQDeclarativeValueTypeCopy | |
CQDeclarativeValueTypeFactory | |
CQDeclarativeValueTypeObject | |
CQDeclarativeValueTypeProxyBinding | |
CQDeclarativeValueTypeReference | |
CQDeclarativeValueTypeScriptClass | |
CQDeclarativeVector2DValueType | |
CQDeclarativeVector3dAnimation | |
CQDeclarativeVector3DValueType | |
CQDeclarativeVector4DValueType | |
CQDeclarativeView | Widget for displaying a Qt Declarative user interface |
CQDeclarativeViewPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeViewSection | |
CQDeclarativeVisualDataModel | |
CQDeclarativeVisualDataModelData | |
CQDeclarativeVisualDataModelDataMetaObject | |
CQDeclarativeVisualDataModelParts | |
CQDeclarativeVisualDataModelPartsMetaObject | |
►CQDeclarativeVisualDataModelPrivate | |
CCache | |
CObjectRef | |
CQDeclarativeVisualItemModel | |
CQDeclarativeVisualItemModelAttached | |
►CQDeclarativeVisualItemModelPrivate | |
CItem | |
CQDeclarativeVisualModel | |
CQDeclarativeVME | |
►CQDeclarativeVMEMetaData | |
CAliasData | |
CMethodData | |
CPropertyData | |
►CQDeclarativeVMEMetaObject | |
CList | |
CQDeclarativeVMEObjectStack | |
CQDeclarativeVMEStack | |
CQDeclarativeVMEVariant | |
CQDeclarativeWatcher | |
CQDeclarativeWatchProxy | |
CQDeclarativeWorkerScript | |
CQDeclarativeWorkerScriptEngine | |
►CQDeclarativeWorkerScriptEnginePrivate | |
CScriptEngine | |
CWorkerScript | |
CQDeclarativeXMLHttpRequest | |
CQDeclarativeXmlListModel | |
CQDeclarativeXmlListModelPrivate | |
CQDeclarativeXmlListModelRole | |
CQDeclarativeXmlQueryEngine | |
CQDeclarativeXmlQueryResult | |
CQDeclarativeXmlQueryThreadObject | |
CQDecoration | Base class for window decorations in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQDecorationAction | |
CQDecorationDefault | Base class providing default window decorations |
CQDecorationFactory | Creates window decorations in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQDecorationFactoryInterface | |
CQDecorationPlugin | Abstract base class for window decoration plugins in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQDecorationStyled | |
CQDecorationWindows | |
CQDefaultAnimationDriver | |
CQDefaultFactoryCleaner | |
CQDefaultItemEditorFactory | |
CQDeferredGraphicsSystemChange | |
CQDesktopScreenWidget | |
CQDesktopServices | Methods for accessing common desktop services |
CQDesktopWidget | |
CQDesktopWidgetImplementation | |
►CQDesktopWidgetPrivate | |
CQDeviceClosedNotifier | |
CQDial | Rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer) |
CQDialog | Base class of dialog windows |
CQDialogButtonBox | Widget that presents buttons in a layout that is appropriate to the current widget style |
CQDialogButtonBoxPrivate | |
CQDialogPrivate | |
CQDialPrivate | |
CQDir | Access to directory structures and their contents |
CQDirectFbBlitter | |
CQDirectFbBlitterPlatformPixmap | |
CQDirectFbConvenience | |
CQDirectFBCursor | |
CQDirectFbGLContext | |
CQDirectFbInput | |
CQDirectFbIntegration | |
CQDirectFbIntegrationPlugin | |
CQDirectFBInterfaceCleanupHandler | |
CQDirectFBKeyboardHandler | |
CQDirectFBKeyboardHandlerPrivate | |
CQDirectFbKeyMap | |
CQDirectFBMouseHandler | |
CQDirectFBMouseHandlerPrivate | |
CQDirectFBPaintDevice | |
CQDirectFBPaintEngine | |
CQDirectFBPaintEnginePrivate | |
CQDirectFBPixmapData | |
CQDirectFBPointer | |
CQDirectFBScreen | |
CQDirectFbScreen | |
CQDirectFBScreenCursor | |
CQDirectFBScreenPrivate | |
CQDirectFbWindow | |
CQDirectFBWindowSurface | |
CQDirectFbWindowSurface | |
CQDirectPainter | Direct access to the underlying hardware in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQDirectPainterPrivate | |
CQDirIterator | Iterator for directory entrylists |
CQDirIteratorPrivate | |
CQDirIteratorPrivateIteratorStack | |
CQDirModel | Data model for the local filesystem |
►CQDirModelPrivate | |
CQDirNode | |
CSavedPersistent | |
CQDirPrivate | |
CQDirSortItem | |
CQDirSortItemComparator | |
CQDisabledNetworkReply | |
►CQDnotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine | |
►CDirectory | |
CFile | |
CQDnotifySignalThread | |
CQDockAreaLayout | |
CQDockAreaLayoutInfo | |
CQDockAreaLayoutItem | |
CQDockWidget | Widget that can be docked inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktop |
CQDockWidgetItem | |
CQDockWidgetLayout | |
►CQDockWidgetPrivate | |
CDragState | |
CQDockWidgetTitleButton | |
CQDomAttr | One attribute of a QDomElement |
CQDomAttrPrivate | |
CQDomCDATASection | XML CDATA section |
CQDomCDATASectionPrivate | |
CQDomCharacterData | Generic string in the DOM |
CQDomCharacterDataPrivate | |
CQDomComment | XML comment |
CQDomCommentPrivate | |
CQDomDocument | XML document |
CQDomDocumentFragment | Tree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument |
CQDomDocumentFragmentPrivate | |
CQDomDocumentPrivate | |
CQDomDocumentType | Representation of the DTD in the document tree |
CQDomDocumentTypePrivate | |
CQDomElement | One element in the DOM tree |
CQDomElementPrivate | |
CQDomEntity | XML entity |
CQDomEntityPrivate | |
CQDomEntityReference | XML entity reference |
CQDomEntityReferencePrivate | |
CQDomHandler | |
CQDomImplementation | Information about the features of the DOM implementation |
CQDomImplementationPrivate | |
CQDomNamedNodeMap | Collection of nodes that can be accessed by name |
CQDomNamedNodeMapPrivate | |
CQDomNode | Base class for all the nodes in a DOM tree |
CQDomNodeList | List of QDomNode objects |
CQDomNodeListPrivate | |
CQDomNodePrivate | |
CQDomNotation | XML notation |
CQDomNotationPrivate | |
CQDomProcessingInstruction | XML processing instruction |
CQDomProcessingInstructionPrivate | |
CQDomText | Text data in the parsed XML document |
CQDomTextPrivate | |
CQDoubleSpinBox | Spin box widget that takes doubles |
CQDoubleSpinBoxPrivate | |
CQDoubleValidator | Range checking of floating-point numbers |
CQDoubleValidatorPrivate | |
CQDrag | Support for MIME-based drag and drop data transfer |
CQDragEnterEvent | Event which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters it |
CQDragLeaveEvent | Event that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves it |
CQDragManager | |
CQDragMoveEvent | Event which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progress |
CQDragPrivate | |
CQDragResponseEvent | |
CQDrawQueueItem | |
CQDri2Context | |
CQDri2ContextPrivate | |
CQDropData | |
CQDropEvent | Event which is sent when a drag and drop action is completed |
CQDummyInputContext | |
CQDummyWindowSurface | |
CQDynamicBufferResourceRoot | |
CQDynamicFileResourceRoot | |
CQDynamicPropertyChangeEvent | Event parameters for dynamic property change events |
CQEasingCurve | Easing curves for controlling animation |
CQEasingCurveFunction | |
CQEasingCurvePrivate | |
CQEditorInfo | |
CQEffects | |
CQEglContext | |
CQEglContextTracker | |
CQEglFSIntegration | |
CQEglFSPaintDevice | |
CQEglFSScreen | |
CQEglFSWindow | |
CQEglFSWindowSurface | |
CQEglIntegrationPlugin | |
CQEGLPlatformContext | |
CQEglProperties | |
CQElapsedTimer | Fast way to calculate elapsed times |
CQElapsedTimerConsistentTimeHack | |
CQEmptyItemModel | |
CQEmptyModel | |
CQEmulationPaintEngine | |
CQErrorMessage | Error message display dialog |
CQErrorMessagePrivate | |
CQErrorMessageTextView | |
CQETWidget | |
CQEucJpCodec | |
CQEucKrCodec | |
CQEvent | Base class of all event classes |
CQEventDispatcherBlackberry | |
CQEventDispatcherBlackberryPrivate | |
CQEventDispatcherBlackberryQPA | |
CQEventDispatcherGlib | |
CQEventDispatcherGlibPrivate | |
CQEventDispatcherMac | |
CQEventDispatcherMacPrivate | |
CQEventDispatcherQPA | |
CQEventDispatcherQPAPrivate | |
CQEventDispatcherQWS | |
CQEventDispatcherQWSPrivate | |
CQEventDispatcherUNIX | |
CQEventDispatcherUNIXPrivate | |
CQEventDispatcherWin32 | |
CQEventDispatcherWin32Private | |
CQEventDispatcherX11 | |
CQEventDispatcherX11Private | |
CQEventLoop | Means of entering and leaving an event loop |
CQEventLoopPrivate | |
CQEventSizeOfChecker | |
CQEventSizeOfChecker< sizeof(QEvent)> | |
CQEventTransition | QObject-specific transition for Qt events |
CQEventTransitionPrivate | |
CQEventUserEventRegistration | |
CQExceptionNotifier | |
CQExpandingLineEdit | |
CQExplicitlySharedDataPointer | The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object |
CQExtendedInformation | |
CQExtraWidget | |
CQFactoryInterface | |
CQFactoryLoader | |
CQFactoryLoaderPrivate | |
CQFakeDevice | |
CQFastMutex | |
CQFbScreen | |
CQFbWindow | |
CQFbWindowSurface | |
CQFile | Interface for reading from and writing to files |
CQFileDialog | Dialog that allow users to select files or directories |
CQFileDialogArgs | |
CQFileDialogComboBox | |
CQFileDialogLineEdit | |
CQFileDialogListView | |
►CQFileDialogPrivate | |
CQtMacFilterName | |
CQtMacNavFilterInfo | |
CQFileDialogTreeView | |
CQFileIconProvider | File icons for the QDirModel and the QFileSystemModel classes |
CQFileIconProviderPrivate | |
CQFileInfo | System-independent file information |
CQFileInfoGatherer | |
CQFileInfoPrivate | |
CQFileOpenEvent | Event that will be sent when there is a request to open a file or a URL |
CQFileOpenEventPrivate | |
CQFilePrivate | |
CQFileSystemEngine | |
►CQFileSystemEntry | |
CFromInternalPath | |
CFromNativePath | |
CQFileSystemIterator | |
CQFileSystemMetaData | |
CQFileSystemModel | Data model for the local filesystem |
►CQFileSystemModelPrivate | |
CFetching | |
CQFileSystemNode | |
CQFileSystemModelSorter | |
CQFileSystemModelVisibleFinder | |
CQFileSystemWatcher | Interface for monitoring files and directories for modifications |
CQFileSystemWatcherEngine | |
CQFileSystemWatcherPrivate | |
CQFinalState | Final state |
CQFinalStatePrivate | |
CQFixed | |
Cqfixed2d | |
CQFixedPoint | |
CQFixedSize | |
CQFlag | Helper data type for QFlags |
CQFlags | The QFlags class provides a type-safe way of storing OR-combinations of enum values |
CQFlickGesture | |
CQFlickGesturePrivate | |
CQFlickGestureRecognizer | |
CQFocusEvent | Event parameters for widget focus events |
CQFocusFrame | Focus frame which can be outside of a widget's normal paintable area |
CQFocusFramePrivate | |
CQFocusHelper | |
CQFont | Font used for drawing text |
CQFontBig5Codec | |
CQFontBig5hkscsCodec | |
►CQFontCache | |
CEngine | |
CKey | |
CQFontComboBox | Combobox that lets the user select a font family |
CQFontComboBoxPrivate | |
CQFontconfigDatabase | |
CQFontDatabase | Information about the fonts available in the underlying window system |
►CQFontDatabasePrivate | |
CApplicationFont | |
CQFontDef | |
CQFontDialog | Dialog widget for selecting a font |
CQFontDialogPrivate | |
►CQFontEngine | |
CFaceId | |
CGlyphCacheEntry | |
CKernPair | |
CProperties | |
CQFontEngineBox | |
CQFontEngineData | |
CQFontEngineDirectWrite | |
CQFontEngineFactoryInterface | |
►CQFontEngineFT | |
CGlyph | |
CGlyphAndSubPixelPosition | |
CQGlyphSet | |
CQFontEngineFTRawFont | |
CQFontEngineGlyphCache | |
CQFontEngineInfo | Describes a specific font provided by a font engine plugin |
CQFontEngineInfoPrivate | |
CQFontEngineMac | |
►CQFontEngineMacMulti | |
CShaperItem | |
CQFontEngineMulti | |
CQFontEngineMultiFT | |
CQFontEngineMultiQPA | |
CQFontEngineMultiQWS | |
CQFontEngineMultiWin | |
CQFontEngineMultiXLFD | |
CQFontEnginePlugin | Base class for font engine factory plugins in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQFontEnginePluginPrivate | |
►CQFontEngineQPA | |
CBlock | |
CGlyph | |
CHeader | |
CTag | |
►CQFontEngineQPF | |
CBlock | |
CGlyph | |
CHeader | |
CTag | |
CQFontEngineQPF1 | |
CQFontEngineQPF1Data | |
CQFontEngineWin | |
CQFontEngineX11FT | |
CQFontEngineXLFD | |
CQFontFamilyDelegate | |
CQFontGb18030_0Codec | |
CQFontGb2312Codec | |
CQFontGbkCodec | |
CQFontInfo | General information about fonts |
CQFontJis0201Codec | |
CQFontJis0208Codec | |
CQFontKsc5601Codec | |
CQFontLaoCodec | |
CQFontListView | |
CQFontMetrics | Font metrics information |
CQFontMetricsF | Font metrics information |
CQFontPrivate | |
CQFontSubset | |
CQForeachContainer | |
CQForeachContainerBase | |
CQFormLayout | Manages forms of input widgets and their associated labels |
CQFormLayoutItem | |
CQFormLayoutPrivate | |
CQFraction | |
CQFragment | |
CQFragmentFindHelper | |
►CQFragmentMap | |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
►CQFragmentMapData | |
CHeader | |
CQFrame | Base class of widgets that can have a frame |
CQFrameInfo | |
CQFramePrivate | |
CQFreetypeFace | |
CQFSCompleter | QCompleter that can deal with QFileSystemModel |
CQFSEventsFileSystemWatcherEngine | |
CQFSFileEngine | Implements Qt's default file engine |
CQFSFileEngineIterator | |
CQFSFileEnginePrivate | |
CQFtp | Implementation of the client side of FTP protocol |
CQFtpCommand | |
CQFtpDTP | |
CQFtpPI | |
CQFtpPrivate | |
CQFullCoverage | |
►CQFuture | The QFuture class represents the result of an asynchronous computation |
Cconst_iterator | The QFuture::const_iterator class provides an STL-style const iterator for QFuture |
CQFutureCallOutEvent | |
CQFutureCallOutInterface | |
CQFutureInterface | |
CQFutureInterfaceBase | |
CQFutureInterfaceBasePrivate | |
CQFutureIterator | Java-style const iterator for QFuture |
CQFutureSynchronizer | The QFutureSynchronizer class is a convenience class that simplifies QFuture synchronization |
CQFutureWatcher | The QFutureWatcher class allows monitoring a QFuture using signals and slots |
CQFutureWatcherBase | |
CQFutureWatcherBasePrivate | |
CQGb18030Codec | |
CQGb2312Codec | Conversion to and from the Chinese GB2312 encoding |
CQGbkCodec | Conversion to and from the Chinese GBK encoding |
CQGenericArgument | Internal helper class for marshalling arguments |
CQGenericEngine | |
CQGenericEnginePlugin | |
CQGenericMatrix | The QGenericMatrix class is a template class that represents a NxM transformation matrix with N columns and M rows |
CQGenericPlugin | Abstract base class for window-system related plugins in Qt QPA |
CQGenericPluginFactory | Creates window-system related plugin drivers in Qt QPA |
CQGenericPluginFactoryInterface | |
CQGenericReturnArgument | Internal helper class for marshalling arguments |
CQGesture | Gesture, containing properties that describe the corresponding user input |
CQGestureEvent | Description of triggered gestures |
CQGestureEventPrivate | |
►CQGestureManager | |
CObjectGesture | |
CQGesturePrivate | |
CQGestureRecognizer | Infrastructure for gesture recognition |
CQGIFFormat | |
CQGifHandler | |
CQGifPlugin | |
►CQGL2GradientCache | |
CCacheInfo | |
CQGL2GradientCacheWrapper | |
CQGL2PaintEngineEx | |
CQGL2PaintEngineExPrivate | |
CQGL2PEVectorPathCache | |
CQGL2PEXVertexArray | |
CQGLBlurTextureCache | |
CQGLBlurTextureInfo | |
CQGLBuffer | Functions for creating and managing GL buffer objects |
CQGLBufferPrivate | |
CQGLCmap | |
CQGLCMapCleanupHandler | |
CQGLCmapPrivate | |
►CQGLColormap | Used for installing custom colormaps into a QGLWidget |
CQGLColormapData | |
CQGLContext | Encapsulates an OpenGL rendering context |
CQGLContextGroup | |
CQGLContextGroupList | |
CQGLContextGroupResource | |
CQGLContextGroupResourceBase | |
CQGLContextPrivate | |
CQGLContextResource | |
CQGLContextResourceBase | |
CQGLCustomShaderEffectStage | |
CQGLCustomShaderStage | |
CQGLCustomShaderStagePrivate | |
CQGLDefaultExtensions | |
CQGLDefaultOverlayFormat | |
CQGLEllipseMaskGenerator | |
CQGLEngineSelector | |
CQGLEngineShaderManager | |
CQGLEngineShaderProg | |
CQGLEngineSharedShaders | |
CQGLEngineThreadStorage | |
CQGLExtensionFuncs | |
CQGLExtensionMatcher | |
CQGLExtensions | |
CQGLFBOGLPaintDevice | |
CQGLFontTexture | |
CQGLFormat | Display format of an OpenGL rendering context |
CQGLFormatPrivate | |
CQGLFramebufferObject | Encapsulates an OpenGL framebuffer object |
CQGLFramebufferObjectFormat | Format of an OpenGL framebuffer object |
CQGLFramebufferObjectFormatPrivate | |
CQGLFramebufferObjectPool | The QGLFramebufferObject class provides a pool of framebuffer objects for offscreen rendering purposes |
CQGLFramebufferObjectPrivate | |
CQGLFunctions | Cross-platform access to the OpenGL/ES 2.0 API |
CQGLFunctionsPrivate | |
CQGLFunctionsPrivateEx | |
CQGLGlobalShareWidget | |
CQGLGlyphCache | |
CQGLGlyphCoord | |
CQGLGlyphTexture | |
►CQGLGradientCache | |
CCacheInfo | |
CQGLGraphicsSystem | |
CQGLGraphicsSystemPlugin | |
CQGLLineMaskGenerator | |
CQGLMaskGenerator | |
►CQGLMaskTextureCache | |
CCacheInfo | |
CCacheLocation | |
CQuadTreeNode | |
CQGlobalNetworkProxy | |
CQGlobalStatic | |
CQGlobalStaticDeleter | |
CQGlobalStaticDeleter< QBrushData > | |
CQGlobalStaticDeleter< QPenPrivate > | |
CQGLOffscreen | |
CQGLOverlayWidget | |
CQGLPaintDevice | |
CQGLPathMaskGenerator | |
CQGLPBufferGLPaintDevice | |
CQGLPixelBuffer | Encapsulates an OpenGL pbuffer |
CQGLPixelBufferPrivate | |
CQGLPixmapBlurFilter | |
CQGLPixmapColorizeFilter | |
CQGLPixmapConvolutionFilter | |
CQGLPixmapData | |
CQGLPixmapDropShadowFilter | |
CQGLPixmapFilter | |
CQGLPixmapFilterBase | |
CQGLPixmapGLPaintDevice | |
CQGLPoint | |
CQGLPrivateCleanup | |
CQGLProgramCache | |
CQGLRect | |
CQGLRectMaskGenerator | |
CQGLScreen | This class encapsulates an OpenGL screen driver |
CQGLScreenPrivate | |
CQGLScreenSurfaceFunctions | Encapsulates the functions for creating native windows and pixmaps for OpenGL ES |
CQGLShader | Allows OpenGL shaders to be compiled |
CQGLShaderPrivate | |
CQGLShaderProgram | Allows OpenGL shader programs to be linked and used |
CQGLShaderProgramPrivate | |
CQGLShaderStorage | |
CQGLShareContextScope | |
CQGLSharedResourceGuard | |
CQGLSignalProxy | |
►CQGLStrokeCache | |
CCacheInfo | |
CQGLTemporaryContext | |
CQGLTemporaryContextPrivate | |
CQGLTexture | |
CQGLTextureCache | |
CQGLTextureCacheKey | |
CQGLTextureDestroyer | |
CQGLTextureGlyphCache | |
CQGLTexturePool | |
CQGLTexturePoolPrivate | |
CQGLThreadContext | |
CQGLTrapezoid | |
CQGLTrapezoidMaskGenerator | |
CQGLWidget | Widget for rendering OpenGL graphics |
CQGLWidgetGLPaintDevice | |
CQGLWidgetPrivate | |
CQGLWindowSurface | |
CQGLWindowSurfaceGLPaintDevice | |
CQGLWindowSurfacePrivate | |
CQGLXContext | |
CQGlyphJustification | |
CQGlyphLayout | |
CQGlyphLayoutArray | |
CQGlyphLayoutInfo | |
CQGlyphLayoutInstance | |
CQGlyphRun | Direct access to the internal glyphs in a font |
CQGlyphRunPrivate | |
CQGradient | Used in combination with QBrush to specify gradient fills |
CQGradientBrushData | |
►CQGradientCache | |
CCacheInfo | |
CQGradientData | |
CQGraphicsAnchor | Anchor between two items in a QGraphicsAnchorLayout |
CQGraphicsAnchorLayout | Layout where one can anchor widgets together in Graphics View |
CQGraphicsAnchorLayoutPrivate | QGraphicsAnchorLayout private methods and attributes |
CQGraphicsAnchorPrivate | |
CQGraphicsBlurEffect | Blur effect |
CQGraphicsBlurEffectPrivate | |
CQGraphicsColorizeEffect | Colorize effect |
CQGraphicsColorizeEffectPrivate | |
CQGraphicsDropShadowEffect | Drop shadow effect |
CQGraphicsDropShadowEffectPrivate | |
CQGraphicsEffect | Base class for all graphics effects |
CQGraphicsEffectPrivate | |
CQGraphicsEffectSource | Source on which a QGraphicsEffect is installed on |
CQGraphicsEffectSourcePrivate | |
CQGraphicsEllipseItem | Ellipse item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsEllipseItemPrivate | |
CQGraphicsGridLayout | Grid layout for managing widgets in Graphics View |
CQGraphicsGridLayoutPrivate | |
CQGraphicsItem | Base class for all graphical items in a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsItemAnimation | Simple animation support for QGraphicsItem |
►CQGraphicsItemAnimationPrivate | |
CPair | |
►CQGraphicsItemCache | |
CDeviceData | |
CQGraphicsItemCustomDataStore | |
CQGraphicsItemEffectSourcePrivate | |
CQGraphicsItemGroup | Container that treats a group of items as a single item |
CQGraphicsItemGroupPrivate | |
CQGraphicsItemPaintInfo | |
►CQGraphicsItemPrivate | |
CExtraStruct | |
CTransformData | |
CQGraphicsLayout | Base class for all layouts in Graphics View |
CQGraphicsLayoutItem | Can be inherited to allow your custom items to be managed by layouts |
CQGraphicsLayoutItemPrivate | |
CQGraphicsLayoutPrivate | |
CQGraphicsLinearLayout | Horizontal or vertical layout for managing widgets in Graphics View |
CQGraphicsLinearLayoutPrivate | |
CQGraphicsLineItem | Line item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsLineItemPrivate | |
CQGraphicsObject | Base class for all graphics items that require signals, slots and properties |
CQGraphicsOpacityEffect | Opacity effect |
CQGraphicsOpacityEffectPrivate | |
CQGraphicsPathItem | Path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsPathItemPrivate | |
CQGraphicsPixmapItem | Pixmap item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsPixmapItemPrivate | |
CQGraphicsPolygonItem | Polygon item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsPolygonItemPrivate | |
CQGraphicsProxyWidget | Proxy layer for embedding a QWidget in a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsProxyWidgetPrivate | |
CQGraphicsRectItem | Rectangle item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsRectItemPrivate | |
CQGraphicsRotation | Rotation transformation around a given axis |
CQGraphicsRotationPrivate | |
CQGraphicsScale | Scale transformation |
CQGraphicsScalePrivate | |
CQGraphicsScene | Surface for managing a large number of 2D graphical items |
►CQGraphicsSceneBspTree | |
CNode | |
CQGraphicsSceneBspTreeIndex | Implementation of a BSP indexing algorithm for discovering items in QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsSceneBspTreeIndexPrivate | |
CQGraphicsSceneBspTreeVisitor | |
CQGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent | Context menu events in the graphics view framework |
CQGraphicsSceneContextMenuEventPrivate | |
CQGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent | Events for drag and drop in the graphics view framework |
CQGraphicsSceneDragDropEventPrivate | |
CQGraphicsSceneEvent | Base class for all graphics view related events |
CQGraphicsSceneEventPrivate | |
CQGraphicsSceneFindItemBspTreeVisitor | |
CQGraphicsSceneHelpEvent | Events when a tooltip is requested |
CQGraphicsSceneHelpEventPrivate | |
CQGraphicsSceneHoverEvent | Hover events in the graphics view framework |
CQGraphicsSceneHoverEventPrivate | |
CQGraphicsSceneIndex | Base class to implement a custom indexing algorithm for discovering items in QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsSceneIndexIntersector | |
CQGraphicsSceneIndexPathIntersector | |
CQGraphicsSceneIndexPointIntersector | |
CQGraphicsSceneIndexPrivate | |
CQGraphicsSceneIndexRectIntersector | |
CQGraphicsSceneInsertItemBspTreeVisitor | |
CQGraphicsSceneLinearIndex | Implementation of a linear indexing algorithm for discovering items in QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsSceneMouseEvent | Mouse events in the graphics view framework |
CQGraphicsSceneMouseEventPrivate | |
CQGraphicsSceneMoveEvent | Events for widget moving in the graphics view framework |
CQGraphicsSceneMoveEventPrivate | |
CQGraphicsScenePrivate | |
CQGraphicsSceneRemoveItemBspTreeVisitor | |
CQGraphicsSceneResizeEvent | Events for widget resizing in the graphics view framework |
CQGraphicsSceneResizeEventPrivate | |
CQGraphicsSceneWheelEvent | Wheel events in the graphics view framework |
CQGraphicsSceneWheelEventPrivate | |
CQGraphicsShaderEffect | |
CQGraphicsShaderEffectPrivate | |
CQGraphicsSimpleTextItem | Simple text path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsSimpleTextItemPrivate | |
CQGraphicsSvgItem | QGraphicsItem that can be used to render the contents of SVG files |
CQGraphicsSvgItemPrivate | |
CQGraphicsSystem | |
CQGraphicsSystemEx | |
CQGraphicsSystemFactory | |
CQGraphicsSystemFactoryInterface | |
CQGraphicsSystemPlugin | |
CQGraphicsTextItem | Text item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene to display formatted text |
CQGraphicsTextItemPrivate | |
CQGraphicsTransform | Abstract base class for building advanced transformations on QGraphicsItems |
CQGraphicsTransformPrivate | |
CQGraphicsView | Widget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsScene |
CQGraphicsViewPrivate | |
CQGraphicsWidget | Base class for all widget items in a QGraphicsScene |
►CQGraphicsWidgetPrivate | |
CWindowData | |
CQGraphicsWidgetStyles | |
CQGridBox | |
CQGridLayout | Lays out widgets in a grid |
CQGridLayoutBox | |
CQGridLayoutEngine | |
CQGridLayoutItem | |
CQGridLayoutMultiCellData | |
CQGridLayoutPrivate | |
CQGridLayoutRowData | |
CQGridLayoutRowInfo | |
CQGridLayoutSizeTriple | |
CQGroupBox | Group box frame with a title |
CQGroupBoxPrivate | |
CQGtkPainter | |
CQGtkStyle | Widget style rendered by GTK+ |
CQGtkStyleFilter | |
CQGtkStylePrivate | |
CQGtkStyleUpdateScheduler | |
CQGuiEventDispatcherGlib | |
CQGuiEventDispatcherGlibPrivate | |
CQGuiEventDispatcherWin32 | |
CQGuiPlatformPlugin | |
CQGuiPlatformPluginInterface | |
CQHackWidget | |
►CQHash | The QHash class is a template class that provides a hash-table-based dictionary |
Cconst_iterator | The QHash::const_iterator class provides an STL-style const iterator for QHash and QMultiHash |
Citerator | The QHash::iterator class provides an STL-style non-const iterator for QHash and QMultiHash |
CQHashableLatin1Literal | |
►CQHashData | |
CNode | |
CQHashDummyNode | |
CQHashDummyValue | |
CQHashNode | |
CQHBoxLayout | Lines up widgets horizontally |
CQHeaderView | Header row or header column for item views |
►CQHeaderViewPrivate | |
CSectionSpan | |
CQHelpEvent | Event that is used to request helpful information about a particular point in a widget |
CQHideEvent | Event which is sent after a widget is hidden |
CQHistoryState | Means of returning to a previously active substate |
CQHistoryStatePrivate | |
CQHolder | |
CQHomogeneousCoordinate | |
CQHostAddress | IP address |
CQHostAddressPrivate | |
CQHostInfo | Static functions for host name lookups |
CQHostInfoAgent | |
►CQHostInfoCache | |
CQHostInfoCacheElement | |
CQHostInfoLookupManager | |
CQHostInfoPrivate | |
CQHostInfoResult | |
CQHostInfoRunnable | |
CQHoverEvent | Parameters that describe a mouse event |
CQHttp | Implementation of the HTTP protocol |
CQHttpCloseRequest | |
CQHttpHeader | Header information for HTTP |
CQHttpHeaderPrivate | |
CQHttpMultiPart | Resembles a MIME multipart message to be sent over HTTP |
CQHttpMultiPartIODevice | |
CQHttpMultiPartPrivate | |
CQHttpNetworkConnection | |
CQHttpNetworkConnectionChannel | |
CQHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate | |
CQHttpNetworkHeader | |
CQHttpNetworkHeaderPrivate | |
CQHttpNetworkReply | |
CQHttpNetworkReplyPrivate | |
CQHttpNetworkRequest | |
CQHttpNetworkRequestPrivate | |
CQHttpNormalRequest | |
CQHttpPart | Holds a body part to be used inside a HTTP multipart MIME message |
CQHttpPartPrivate | |
CQHttpPGHRequest | |
CQHttpPrivate | |
CQHttpRequest | |
CQHttpRequestHeader | Request header information for HTTP |
CQHttpRequestHeaderPrivate | |
CQHttpResponseHeader | Response header information for HTTP |
CQHttpResponseHeaderPrivate | |
CQHttpSetHostRequest | |
CQHttpSetProxyRequest | |
CQHttpSetSocketRequest | |
CQHttpSetUserRequest | |
CQHttpSocketEngine | |
CQHttpSocketEngineHandler | |
CQHttpSocketEnginePrivate | |
CQHttpThreadDelegate | |
CQIBaseDriver | |
CQIBaseDriverPlugin | |
CQIBaseDriverPrivate | |
CQIBaseEventBuffer | |
CQIBaseResult | |
CQIBaseResultPrivate | |
CQIcdEngine | |
CQIcdEnginePlugin | |
CQIcon | Scalable icons in different modes and states |
CQIconDirInfo | |
CQIconDragEvent | Indicates that a main icon drag has begun |
CQIconEngine | Abstract base class for QIcon renderers |
CQIconEngineFactoryInterface | |
CQIconEngineFactoryInterfaceV2 | |
CQIconEnginePlugin | Abstract base for custom QIconEngine plugins |
CQIconEnginePluginV2 | Abstract base for custom QIconEngineV2 plugins |
►CQIconEngineV2 | Abstract base class for QIcon renderers |
CAvailableSizesArgument | This struct represents arguments to virtual_hook() function when id parameter is QIconEngineV2::AvailableSizesHook |
CQIconLoader | |
CQIconLoaderEngine | |
CQIconLoaderEngineEntry | |
CQIconModeViewBase | |
CQIconPrivate | |
CQIconTheme | |
►CQIconvCodec | |
CIconvState | |
CQICOPlugin | |
CQIdentityProxyModel | Proxies its source model unmodified |
CQIdentityProxyModelPrivate | |
CQImage | Hardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint device |
CQImageData | |
CQImageIOHandler | Defines the common image I/O interface for all image formats in Qt |
CQImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface | Factory interface for QImageIOPlugin |
CQImageIOHandlerPrivate | |
CQImageIOPlugin | Defines an interface for writing an image format plugin |
CQImagePixmapCleanupHooks | |
CQImageReader | Format independent interface for reading images from files or other devices |
CQImageReaderPrivate | |
CQImageTextKeyLang | |
CQImageTextureGlyphCache | |
CQImageVideoBuffer | |
CQImageVideoBufferPrivate | |
CQImageWriter | Format independent interface for writing images to files or other devices |
CQImageWriterPrivate | |
CQIncompatibleFlag | |
CQIncrementalSleepTimer | |
CQIndexMapper | |
CQInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine | |
CQInputContext | Abstracts the input method dependent data and composing state |
CQInputContextFactory | Creates QInputContext objects |
CQInputContextFactoryInterface | |
CQInputContextPlugin | Abstract base for custom QInputContext plugins |
CQInputContextPrivate | |
CQInputDialog | Simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user |
CQInputDialogDoubleSpinBox | |
CQInputDialogPrivate | |
CQInputDialogSpinBox | |
CQInputEvent | Base class for events that describe user input |
►CQInputMethodEvent | Parameters for input method events |
CAttribute | The QInputMethodEvent::Attribute class stores an input method attribute |
CQInt64Set | |
CQIntegerForSize | |
CQIntegerForSize< 1 > | |
CQIntegerForSize< 2 > | |
CQIntegerForSize< 4 > | |
CQIntegerForSize< 8 > | |
CQIntegerForSizeof | |
CQInterfaceFactory | |
CQInternal | |
CQInternal_CallBackTable | |
CQInternalMimeData | |
CQIntersection | |
CQIntersectionFinder | |
CQIntersectionPoint | |
CQIntfbScreen | Implements a screen driver for the INTEGRITY framebuffer drivers |
CQIntfbScreenPrivate | |
CQIntKeyboardListenThread | |
CQIntMouseHandler | |
CQIntMouseListenThread | |
CQIntMousePrivate | |
CQIntRect | |
CQIntValidator | Validator that ensures a string contains a valid integer within a specified range |
CQIODevice | Base interface class of all I/O devices in Qt |
CQIODevicePrivate | |
CQIODevicePrivateLinearBuffer | |
CQIPv6Address | |
CQIsciiCodec | Conversion to and from the ISCII encoding |
CQItemDelegate | Display and editing facilities for data items from a model |
►CQItemDelegatePrivate | |
CIcon | |
CQItemEditorCreator | The QItemEditorCreator class makes it possible to create item editor creator bases without subclassing QItemEditorCreatorBase |
CQItemEditorCreatorBase | Abstract base class that must be subclassed when implementing new item editor creators |
CQItemEditorFactory | Widgets for editing item data in views and delegates |
CQItemSelection | Manages information about selected items in a model |
CQItemSelectionModel | Keeps track of a view's selected items |
CQItemSelectionModelPrivate | |
CQItemSelectionRange | Manages information about a range of selected items in a model |
CQItemViewInterfaceFactory | |
CQJisCodec | |
CQJpegHandler | |
CQJpegHandlerPrivate | |
CQJpegPlugin | |
CQJpUnicodeConv | |
CQJpUnicodeConv_JISX0221_ASCII | |
CQJpUnicodeConv_JISX0221_JISX0201 | |
CQJpUnicodeConv_Microsoft | |
CQJpUnicodeConv_Sun | |
CQJpUnicodeConv_Unicode_ASCII | |
CQJpUnicodeConv_Unicode_JISX0201 | |
CQJSDebuggerAgent | |
CQJSDebuggerAgentPrivate | |
CQJSDebugService | |
CQJustificationPoint | |
CQKbdDriverFactory | Creates keyboard drivers in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQKbdDriverPlugin | Abstract base class for keyboard driver plugins in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQKdPointFinder | |
►CQKdPointTree | |
CNode | |
CQKeyBinding | |
CQKeyEvent | Describes a key event |
CQKeyEventEx | |
CQKeyEventTransition | Transition for key events |
CQKeyEventTransitionPrivate | |
CQKeyMapper | |
CQKeyMapperPrivate | |
CQKeySequence | Encapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcuts |
CQKeySequencePrivate | |
CQKqueueFileSystemWatcherEngine | |
CQLabel | Text or image display |
CQLabelPrivate | |
CQLastResortMimes | |
CQLatin15Codec | |
CQLatin1Char | 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character |
CQLatin1Codec | |
CQLatin1Literal | Thin wrapper around string literals used in source code |
CQLatin1String | Thin wrapper around an US-ASCII/Latin-1 encoded string literal |
CQLayout | Base class of geometry managers |
CQLayoutItem | Abstract item that a QLayout manipulates |
CQLayoutParameter | |
CQLayoutPrivate | |
CQLayoutStruct | |
CQLayoutStyleInfo | |
CQLCDNumber | Displays a number with LCD-like digits |
CQLCDNumberPrivate | |
CqLess< Item::List > | Functor used by Qt's qSort() and qStableSort(). Used for FLWOR's order by expression |
CQLibrary | Loads shared libraries at runtime |
CQLibraryInfo | Information about the Qt library |
CQLibraryInfoPrivate | |
CQLibraryPrivate | |
CQLibrarySettings | |
CQLine | Two-dimensional vector using integer precision |
CQLinearGradient | Used in combination with QBrush to specify a linear gradient brush |
CQLinearGradientData | |
►CQLineControl | |
CCommand | |
CMaskInputData | |
CQLineEdit | One-line text editor |
CQLineEditPrivate | |
CQLineF | Two-dimensional vector using floating point precision |
►CQLinkedList | The QLinkedList class is a template class that provides linked lists |
Cconst_iterator | The QLinkedList::const_iterator class provides an STL-style const iterator for QLinkedList |
Citerator | The QLinkedList::iterator class provides an STL-style non-const iterator for QLinkedList |
CQLinkedListData | |
CQLinkedListNode | |
CQLinuxFb_Shared | |
CQLinuxFbIntegration | |
CQLinuxFbIntegrationPlugin | |
CQLinuxFbIntegrationPrivate | |
CQLinuxFbScreen | Implements a screen driver for the Linux framebuffer |
CQLinuxFbScreenPrivate | |
CQLinuxInputKbdDriver | |
CQLinuxInputKeyboardHandler | |
CQLinuxInputMouseHandler | |
CQLinuxInputPlugin | |
CQLinuxTPMouseDriver | |
►CQList | The QList class is a template class that provides lists |
Cconst_iterator | The QList::const_iterator class provides an STL-style const iterator for QList and QQueue |
Citerator | The QList::iterator class provides an STL-style non-const iterator for QList and QQueue |
CNode | |
►CQListData | |
CData | |
CQListModel | |
CQListModelGreaterThan | |
CQListModelInterface | Can be subclassed to provide C++ models to QDeclarativeGraphics Views |
CQListModelLessThan | |
CQListModeViewBase | |
CQListView | List or icon view onto a model |
CQListViewItem | |
CQListViewLayoutInfo | |
CQListViewPrivate | |
CQListWidget | Item-based list widget |
CQListWidgetItem | Item for use with the QListWidget item view class |
CQListWidgetItemPrivate | |
CQListWidgetMimeData | |
CQListWidgetPrivate | |
►CQLocale | |
CData | |
CQLocalePrivate | |
CQLocalServer | Local socket based server |
►CQLocalServerPrivate | |
CListener | |
CQLocalSocket | Local socket |
CQLocalSocketPrivate | |
CQLock | Wrapper for a system shared semaphore |
CQLockData | |
CQLockHandle | |
CQMacAnimateCursor | |
CQMacAppleEventTypeSpec | |
CQMacCGContext | |
CQMacCocoaAutoReleasePool | |
CQMacCocoaViewContainer | |
CQMacCocoaViewContainerPrivate | |
CQMacDndAnswerRecord | |
CQMacFontPath | |
CQMacInputContext | |
CQMacMenuAction | |
CQMacMime | |
CQMacMimeData | |
CQMacNativeWidget | |
CQMacNativeWidgetPrivate | |
►CQMacPasteboard | |
CPromise | |
CQMacPasteboardMime | Converts between a MIME type and a |
CQMacPasteboardMimeAny | |
CQMacPasteboardMimeFileUri | |
CQMacPasteboardMimeHTMLText | |
CQMacPasteboardMimePlainText | |
CQMacPasteboardMimeSource | |
CQMacPasteboardMimeTiff | |
CQMacPasteboardMimeTypeName | |
CQMacPasteboardMimeUnicodeText | |
CQMacPasteboardMimeUrl | |
CQMacPasteboardMimeVCard | |
CQMacPattern | |
CQMacPinchGestureRecognizer | |
CQMacPixmapData | |
CQMacPrintEngine | |
CQMacPrintEnginePrivate | |
CQMacQuartzPaintDevice | |
CQMacScrollOptimization | |
►CQMacSettingsPrivate | |
CSearchDomain | |
CQMacSmartQuickDrawRegion | |
CQMacSoundDelegate | |
CQMacStyle | |
►CQMacStylePrivate | |
CButtonState | |
CQMacSwipeGestureRecognizer | |
CQMacWindowChangeEvent | |
CQMacWindowFader | |
CQMacWindowSurface | |
CQMacWindowSurfacePrivate | |
CQMainWindow | Main application window |
►CQMainWindowLayout | |
CToolBarSaveState | |
CQMainWindowLayoutState | |
CQMainWindowPrivate | |
CQMainWindowTabBar | |
►CQMap | The QMap class is a template class that provides a skip-list-based dictionary |
Cconst_iterator | The QMap::const_iterator class provides an STL-style const iterator for QMap and QMultiMap |
Citerator | The QMap::iterator class provides an STL-style non-const iterator for QMap and QMultiMap |
►CQMapData | |
CNode | |
CQMapNode | |
CQMapPayloadNode | |
CQMargins | Defines the four margins of a rectangle |
CQMatchData | |
CQMatrix | 2D transformations of a coordinate system |
CQMatrix4x4 | 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D space |
CQMaxHeap | |
CQMdiArea | Area in which MDI windows are displayed |
CQMdiAreaPrivate | |
CQMdiAreaTabBar | |
CQMDIControl | |
CQMdiSubWindow | Subwindow class for QMdiArea |
►CQMdiSubWindowPrivate | |
COperationInfo | |
CQMeeGoExtensions | |
CQMeeGoGraphicsSystem | |
CQMeeGoGraphicsSystemPlugin | |
CQMeeGoGraphicsSystemSwitchHandler | |
CQMeeGoImageInfo | |
CQMeeGoLivePixmapData | |
CQMeeGoPixmapData | |
CQMeeGoRasterPixmapData | |
CQMemoryVideoBuffer | System memory allocated video data buffer |
CQMemoryVideoBufferPrivate | |
CQMenu | Menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menus |
CQMenuBar | Horizontal menu bar |
CQMenuBarExtension | |
►CQMenuBarPrivate | |
CQMacMenuBarPrivate | |
CQWceMenuBarPrivate | |
CQMenuMergeItem | |
►CQMenuPrivate | |
CQMacMenuPrivate | |
CQMenuCaused | |
CQMenuScroller | |
CQWceMenuPrivate | |
CQMessageBox | Modal dialog for informing the user or for asking the user a question and receiving an answer |
►CQMessageBoxDetailsText | |
CTextEdit | |
CQMessageBoxPrivate | |
CQMetaCallEvent | |
CQMetaClassInfo | Additional information about a class |
CQMetaEnum | Meta-data about an enumerator |
CQMetaEnumBuilder | Enables modifications to an enumerator definition on a meta object builder |
CQMetaEnumBuilderPrivate | |
CQMetaMethod | Meta-data about a member function |
CQMetaMethodBuilder | Enables modifications to a method definition on a meta object builder |
CQMetaMethodBuilderPrivate | |
CQMetaObject | Meta-information about Qt objects |
CQMetaObjectBuilder | |
CQMetaObjectBuilderPrivate | |
CQMetaObjectExtraData | |
CQMetaObjectPrivate | |
CQMetaProperty | Meta-data about a property |
CQMetaPropertyBuilder | Enables modifications to a property definition on a meta object builder |
CQMetaPropertyBuilderPrivate | |
CQMetaType | Manages named types in the meta-object system |
CQMetaTypeGuiHelper | |
CQMetaTypeId | |
CQMetaTypeId2 | |
CQMimeData | Container for data that records information about its MIME type |
CQMimeDataPrivate | |
CQMimeDataStruct | |
CQMimeDataWrapper | |
CQMimeSource | Abstraction of objects that provided formatted data of a certain MIME type |
CQMimeSourceWrapper | |
CQMinimalIntegration | |
CQMinimalIntegrationPlugin | |
CQMinimalScreen | |
CQMinimalWindowSurface | |
CQML | The QML global Qt object provides useful enums and functions from Qt |
CQmlApplicationViewer | |
CQmlApplicationViewerPrivate | |
CQmlFolderListModelPlugin | [class decl] |
CQmlOstPlugin | |
CQmlOstPluginPrivate | |
CqmlshaderspluginPlugin | |
CQMMXCommonIntrinsics | |
CQMngHandler | |
CQMngHandlerPrivate | |
CQMngPlugin | |
CQModelIndex | Used to locate data in a data model |
CQModifKeyName | |
CQMotifStyle | Motif look and feel |
CQMotifStylePrivate | |
CQMouseDriverFactory | Creates mouse drivers in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQMouseDriverPlugin | Abstract base class for mouse driver plugins in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQMouseEvent | Parameters that describe a mouse event |
CQMouseEventEx | |
CQMouseEventTransition | Transition for mouse events |
CQMouseEventTransitionPrivate | |
CQMoveEvent | Event parameters for move events |
CQMovie | Convenience class for playing movies with QImageReader |
CQMoviePrivate | |
CQMultiHash | The QMultiHash class is a convenience QHash subclass that provides multi-valued hashes |
CQMultiInputContext | |
CQMultiInputContextPlugin | |
CQMultiMap | The QMultiMap class is a convenience QMap subclass that provides multi-valued maps |
CQMultipleHIObjectFactory | |
CQMultiScreen | |
CQMultiScreenCursor | |
CQMultiScreenPrivate | |
CQMutableSetIterator | |
CQMutex | Access serialization between threads |
CQMutexData | |
CQMutexLocker | Convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking mutexes |
CQMutexPool | Pool of QMutex objects |
CQMutexPrivate | |
CQMutexUnlocker | |
CQMYSQLDriver | |
CQMYSQLDriverPlugin | |
CQMYSQLDriverPrivate | |
CQMYSQLResult | |
►CQMYSQLResultPrivate | |
CQMyField | |
CQNativeGestureEvent | |
CQNativeImage | |
CQNativeImageHandleProvider | |
CQNativeSocketEngine | Low level access to a socket |
CQNativeSocketEnginePrivate | |
CQNativeWifiEngine | |
CQNativeWifiEnginePlugin | |
CQNetmaskAddress | |
CQNetworkAccessAuthenticationManager | |
CQNetworkAccessBackend | |
CQNetworkAccessBackendFactory | |
CQNetworkAccessBackendFactoryData | |
►CQNetworkAccessCache | |
CCacheableObject | |
CNode | |
CQNetworkAccessCacheBackend | |
CQNetworkAccessCachedFtpConnection | |
CQNetworkAccessCachedHttpConnection | |
CQNetworkAccessFileBackend | |
CQNetworkAccessFileBackendFactory | |
CQNetworkAccessFtpBackend | |
CQNetworkAccessFtpBackendFactory | |
CQNetworkAccessHttpBackend | |
CQNetworkAccessHttpBackendFactory | |
CQNetworkAccessManager | Allows the application to send network requests and receive replies |
CQNetworkAccessManagerPrivate | |
CQNetworkAddressEntry | Stores one IP address supported by a network interface, along with its associated netmask and broadcast address |
CQNetworkAddressEntryPrivate | |
CQNetworkAuthenticationCache | |
CQNetworkAuthenticationCredential | |
CQNetworkCacheMetaData | Cache information |
CQNetworkCacheMetaDataPrivate | |
CQNetworkConfiguration | Abstraction of one or more access point configurations |
CQNetworkConfigurationManager | Manages the network configurations provided by the system |
CQNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate | |
CQNetworkConfigurationPrivate | |
CQNetworkCookie | Holds one network cookie |
CQNetworkCookieJar | Implements a simple jar of QNetworkCookie objects |
CQNetworkCookieJarPrivate | |
CQNetworkCookiePrivate | |
CQNetworkDiskCache | Very basic disk cache |
CQNetworkDiskCachePrivate | |
CQNetworkHeadersPrivate | |
CQNetworkInterface | Listing of the host's IP addresses and network interfaces |
CQNetworkInterfaceManager | |
CQNetworkInterfacePrivate | |
CQNetworkManagerConnectionActive | |
CQNetworkManagerConnectionActivePrivate | |
CQNetworkManagerEngine | |
CQNetworkManagerEnginePlugin | |
CQNetworkManagerInterface | |
CQNetworkManagerInterfaceAccessPoint | |
CQNetworkManagerInterfaceAccessPointPrivate | |
CQNetworkManagerInterfaceDevice | |
CQNetworkManagerInterfaceDevicePrivate | |
CQNetworkManagerInterfaceDeviceWired | |
CQNetworkManagerInterfaceDeviceWiredPrivate | |
CQNetworkManagerInterfaceDeviceWireless | |
CQNetworkManagerInterfaceDeviceWirelessPrivate | |
CQNetworkManagerInterfacePrivate | |
CQNetworkManagerIp4Config | |
CQNetworkManagerIp4ConfigPrivate | |
CQNetworkManagerSettings | |
CQNetworkManagerSettingsConnection | |
CQNetworkManagerSettingsConnectionPrivate | |
CQNetworkManagerSettingsPrivate | |
CQNetworkProxy | Network layer proxy |
CQNetworkProxyFactory | Fine-grained proxy selection |
CQNetworkProxyPrivate | |
CQNetworkProxyQuery | Used to query the proxy settings for a socket |
CQNetworkProxyQueryPrivate | |
CQNetworkReply | Data and headers for a request sent with QNetworkAccessManager |
CQNetworkReplyDataImpl | |
CQNetworkReplyDataImplPrivate | |
CQNetworkReplyFileImpl | |
CQNetworkReplyFileImplPrivate | |
CQNetworkReplyImpl | |
CQNetworkReplyImplPrivate | |
CQNetworkReplyPrivate | |
CQNetworkRequest | Holds a request to be sent with QNetworkAccessManager |
CQNetworkRequestPrivate | |
CQNetworkSession | Control over the system's access points and enables session management for cases when multiple clients access the same access point |
CQNetworkSessionManagerPrivate | |
CQNetworkSessionPrivate | |
►CQNetworkSessionPrivateImpl | |
CStatistics | |
CQNlaEngine | |
CQNlaEnginePlugin | |
CQNlaThread | |
CQNmDBusHelper | |
CQNoDebug | |
CQNonContiguousByteDevice | A QNonContiguousByteDevice is a representation of a file, array or buffer that allows access with a read pointer |
CQNonContiguousByteDeviceBufferImpl | |
CQNonContiguousByteDeviceByteArrayImpl | |
CQNonContiguousByteDeviceFactory | Creates a QNonContiguousByteDevice out of a QIODevice, QByteArray etc |
CQNonContiguousByteDeviceIoDeviceImpl | |
CQNonContiguousByteDeviceRingBufferImpl | |
CQNonContiguousByteDeviceThreadForwardImpl | |
CQNSImageView | |
CQNSListener | |
CQNSMenu | |
CQNSOpenSavePanelDelegate | |
CQNSPanelProxy | |
CQNSStatusItem | |
CQNSView | |
CQNSWindowDelegate | |
CQNSWindowProxy | |
CQNtlmBuffer | |
CQNtlmPhase1Block | |
CQNtlmPhase1BlockBase | |
CQNtlmPhase2Block | |
CQNtlmPhase2BlockBase | |
CQNtlmPhase3Block | |
CQNtlmPhase3BlockBase | |
CQNullInputDevice | |
CQNullOutputDevice | |
CQObject | Base class of all Qt objects |
CQObjectCleanupHandler | Watches the lifetime of multiple QObjects |
CQObjectConnectionListVector | |
CQObjectData | |
►CQObjectPrivate | |
CConnection | |
CConnectionList | |
CExtraData | |
CSender | |
CQObjectUserData | |
CQOCIBatchCleanupHandler | |
CQOCIBatchColumn | |
►CQOCICols | |
COraFieldInf | |
CQOCIDriver | |
CQOCIDriverPlugin | |
CQOCIDriverPrivate | |
CQOCIResult | |
CQOCIResultPrivate | |
CQOCIRowId | |
CQODBCDriver | |
CQODBCDriverPlugin | |
CQODBCDriverPrivate | |
CQODBCPrivate | |
CQODBCResult | |
CQOfonoDataConnectionManagerInterface | |
CQOfonoDBusHelper | |
CQOfonoManagerInterface | |
CQOfonoModemInterface | |
CQOfonoNetworkOperatorInterface | |
CQOfonoNetworkRegistrationInterface | |
CQOfonoPrimaryDataContextInterface | |
CQOfonoSimInterface | |
CQOfonoSmsInterface | |
CQOleDataObject | |
CQOleDropSource | |
CQOleDropTarget | |
CQOleEnumFmtEtc | |
CQOnScreenRasterPaintEngine | |
CQOpenGL2PaintEngineState | |
CQOpenGLCoordinateOffset | |
CQOpenGLImmediateModeTessellator | |
CQOpenGLPaintEngine | |
CQOpenGLPaintEnginePrivate | |
CQOpenGLPaintEngineState | |
CQOpenGLTessellator | |
CQOpenGLTrapezoidToArrayTessellator | |
CQOpenKODEEventLoopIntegration | |
CQOpenKODEIntegration | |
CQOpenKODEPlugin | |
CQOpenKODEScreen | |
CQOpenKODEWindow | |
CQOpenSslLocks | |
►CQOpenUrlHandlerRegistry | |
CHandler | |
CQOptionTreeItem | |
CQOrderedMutexLocker | |
CQOstDevice | |
CQOstDevicePrivate | |
CQOutlineMapper | |
CQOutputStrategy | |
CQPacket | Encapsulates an unfragmentable packet of data to be transmitted by QPacketProtocol |
CQPacketAutoSend | |
CQPacketProtocol | Encapsulates communicating discrete packets across fragmented IO channels, such as TCP sockets |
CQPacketProtocolPrivate | |
CQPAEventDispatcherGlib | |
CQPAEventDispatcherGlibPrivate | |
CQPAGenerator | |
CQPagePreview | |
CQPageSetupDialog | Configuration dialog for the page-related options on a printer |
CQPageSetupDialogPrivate | |
CQPageSetupWidget | |
CQPaintBuffer | |
CQPaintBufferCacheEntry | |
►CQPaintBufferCacheEntryV2 | |
CFlags | |
CQPaintBufferCommand | |
CQPaintBufferEngine | |
CQPaintBufferEnginePrivate | |
CQPaintBufferPrivate | |
CQPaintBufferResource | |
CQPaintBufferSignalProxy | |
CQPaintDevice | |
CQPaintDeviceRedirection | |
CQPaintEngine | Abstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platform |
CQPaintEngineCleanupHandler | |
CQPaintEngineEx | |
CQPaintEngineExPrivate | |
CQPaintEngineExReplayer | |
CQPaintEnginePrivate | |
CQPaintEngineState | Information about the active paint engine's current state |
►CQPainter | Performs low-level painting on widgets and other paint devices |
CPixmapFragment | This class is used in conjunction with the QPainter::drawPixmapFragments() function to specify how a pixmap, or sub-rect of a pixmap, is drawn |
CQPainterClipInfo | |
CQPainterDummyState | |
►CQPainterPath | Container for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and reused |
CElement | The QPainterPath::Element class specifies the position and type of a subpath |
CQPainterPathData | |
CQPainterPathPrivate | |
CQPainterPathPrivateDeleter | |
CQPainterPathStroker | Used to generate fillable outlines for a given painter path |
CQPainterPathStrokerPrivate | |
CQPainterPrivate | |
CQPainterReplayer | |
CQPainterState | |
CQPaintEvent | Event parameters for paint events |
CQPair | |
CQPalette | Color groups for each widget state |
CQPalettePrivate | |
CQPanGesture | Describes a panning gesture made by the user |
CQPanGesturePrivate | |
CQPanGestureRecognizer | |
CQParallelAnimationGroup | Parallel group of animations |
CQParallelAnimationGroupPrivate | |
CQPartialCoverage | |
CQParticlesQmlModule | |
CQPathClipper | |
CQPathEdge | |
►CQPathSegments | |
CIntersection | |
CSegment | |
CQPathVertex | |
CQPauseAnimation | Pause for QSequentialAnimationGroup |
CQPauseAnimationPrivate | |
CQPcMouseDriver | |
CQPdfBaseEngine | |
CQPdfBaseEnginePrivate | |
CQPdfEngine | |
CQPdfEnginePrivate | |
CQPdfPage | |
CQPen | Defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes |
CQPenPrivate | |
CQPersistentModelIndex | Used to locate data in a data model |
CQPersistentModelIndexData | |
CQPFFontMetrics | |
CQPFGenerator | |
CQPFGlyph | |
CQPFGlyphMetrics | |
CQPFGlyphTree | |
CQPicture | Paint device that records and replays QPainter commands |
CQPictureFormatInterface | |
CQPictureFormatPlugin | Abstract base for custom picture format plugins |
CQPictureHandler | |
CQPictureIO | Parameters for loading and saving pictures |
CQPictureIOData | |
CQPicturePaintEngine | |
CQPicturePaintEnginePrivate | |
CQPicturePrivate | |
CQPinchGesture | Describes a pinch gesture made by the user |
CQPinchGesturePrivate | |
CQPinchGestureRecognizer | |
CQPixmap | Off-screen image representation that can be used as a paint device |
CQPixmapBlurFilter | Blur filtering for pixmaps |
CQPixmapBlurFilterPrivate | |
►CQPixmapCache | Application-wide cache for pixmaps |
CKey | The QPixmapCache::Key class can be used for efficient access to the QPixmapCache |
CKeyData | |
CQPixmapCacheEntry | |
CQPixmapColorizeFilter | Colorizing filtering for pixmaps |
CQPixmapColorizeFilterPrivate | |
CQPixmapConvolutionFilter | Convolution filtering for pixmaps |
CQPixmapConvolutionFilterPrivate | |
CQPixmapData | |
CQPixmapDataFactory | |
CQPixmapDropShadowFilter | Convenience class for drawing pixmaps with drop shadows |
CQPixmapDropShadowFilterPrivate | |
CQPixmapFilter | Basic functionality for pixmap filter classes |
CQPixmapFilterPrivate | |
CQPixmapIconEngine | |
CQPixmapIconEngineEntry | |
CQPlaceHolderItem | |
CQPlainTestLogger | |
CQPlainTextDocumentLayout | Implements a plain text layout for QTextDocument |
CQPlainTextDocumentLayoutPrivate | |
CQPlainTextEdit | Widget that is used to edit and display plain text |
CQPlainTextEditControl | |
CQPlainTextEditPrivate | |
CQPlastiqueStyle | Widget style similar to the Plastik style available in KDE |
CQPlastiqueStylePrivate | |
CQPlatformClipboard | |
CQPlatformCursor | Information about pointer device events (movement, buttons), and requests to change the currently displayed cursor |
CQPlatformCursorImage | Set of graphics intended to be used as cursors |
CQPlatformCursorPrivate | |
CQPlatformEventLoopIntegration | |
CQPlatformEventLoopIntegrationPrivate | |
CQPlatformFontDatabase | Makes it possible to customize how fonts are discovered and how they are rendered |
CQPlatformGLContext | Abstraction for native GL contexts |
CQPlatformGLContextPrivate | |
CQPlatformGLThreadContext | |
CQPlatformIntegration | Entry for WindowSystem specific functionality |
CQPlatformIntegrationFactory | |
CQPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface | |
CQPlatformIntegrationPlugin | |
CQPlatformMenuBarFactoryInterface | |
CQPlatformNativeInterface | |
CQPlatformScreen | Abstraction for visual displays |
CQPlatformSoftwareCursor | |
CQPlatformWindow | Abstraction for top-level windows |
CQPlatformWindowFormat | Display format of an OpenGL rendering context and if possible attributes of the corresponding QPlatformWindow |
CQPlatformWindowFormatPrivate | |
CQPlatformWindowPrivate | |
CQPluginLoader | Loads a plugin at run-time |
CQPMCache | |
CQPngHandler | |
CQPngHandlerPrivate | |
CQPNGImageWriter | |
CQPodList | |
CQPodPoint | |
CQPODVector | |
CQPoint | Defines a point in the plane using integer precision |
CQPointer | The QPointer class is a template class that provides guarded pointers to QObject |
CQPointF | Defines a point in the plane using floating point precision |
►CQPollingFileSystemWatcherEngine | |
CFileInfo | |
CQPolygon | Vector of points using integer precision |
CQPolygonClipper | |
CQPolygonF | Vector of points using floating point precision |
CQPolylineSet | |
CQPoolEntry | |
CQPostEvent | |
CQPostEventList | |
CQPPDOptionsEditor | |
CQPPDOptionsModel | |
CQPpmHandler | |
CQPreviewPaintEngine | |
CQPreviewPaintEnginePrivate | |
CQPrevNextCalButton | |
CQPrintDialog | Dialog for specifying the printer's configuration |
CQPrintDialogPrivate | |
CQPrintEngine | Defines an interface for how QPrinter interacts with a given printing subsystem |
CQPrinter | Paint device that paints on a printer |
CQPrinterDescription | |
CQPrinterInfo | Gives access to information about existing printers |
CQPrinterInfoPrivate | |
CQPrinterInfoPrivateDeleter | |
CQPrinterPrivate | |
CQPrintPreviewDialog | Dialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer output |
CQPrintPreviewDialogPrivate | |
CQPrintPreviewWidget | Widget for previewing page layouts for printer output |
CQPrintPreviewWidgetPrivate | |
CQPrintPropertiesDialog | |
CQProcEnvKey | |
CQProcess | Used to start external programs and to communicate with them |
CQProcessEnvironment | Holds the environment variables that can be passed to a program |
►CQProcessEnvironmentPrivate | |
CMutexLocker | |
COrderedMutexLocker | |
CQProcessInfo | |
CQProcessManager | |
►CQProcessPrivate | |
CChannel | |
CQProgressBar | Horizontal or vertical progress bar |
CQProgressBarPrivate | |
CQProgressDialog | Feedback on the progress of a slow operation |
CQProgressDialogPrivate | |
CQPropertyAnimation | Animates Qt properties |
CQPropertyAnimationPrivate | |
CQPropertyAssignment | |
CQProxyFontEngine | |
CQProxyModel | Support for processing data passed between another model and a view |
CQProxyModelPrivate | |
CQProxyScreen | Generic interface to QScreen implementations |
CQProxyScreenCursor | Generic interface to QScreenCursor implementations |
CQProxyStyle | Convenience class that simplifies dynamically overriding QStyle elements |
CQProxyStylePrivate | |
CQPSPrintEngine | |
CQPSPrintEnginePrivate | |
CQPSQLDriver | |
CQPSQLDriverPlugin | |
CQPSQLDriverPrivate | |
CQPSQLResult | |
CQPSQLResultPrivate | |
CQPushButton | Command button |
CQPushButtonPrivate | |
CQQnxMouseHandler | Implements a mouse driver for the QNX devi-hid input manager |
CQQnxScreen | Implements a screen driver for QNX io-display based devices |
CQQnxScreenContext | |
CQQuaternion | Quaternion consisting of a vector and scalar |
CQQueue | The QQueue class is a generic container that provides a queue |
CQRadialFetchSimd | |
CQRadialGradient | Used in combination with QBrush to specify a radial gradient brush |
CQRadialGradientData | |
CQRadioButton | Radio button with a text label |
CQRadioButtonPrivate | |
CQRasterBuffer | |
CQRasterFloatPoint | |
CQRasterGraphicsSystem | |
CQRasterizer | |
CQRasterizerPrivate | |
CQRasterPaintEngine | Enables hardware acceleration of painting operations in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQRasterPaintEnginePrivate | |
►CQRasterPaintEngineState | |
CFlags | |
CQRasterPixmapData | |
CQRasterWindowSurface | |
CQRasterWindowSurfacePrivate | |
CQRawFont | Access to a single physical instance of a font |
CQRawFontPrivate | |
►CQRBTree | |
CNode | |
CQReadLocker | Convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking read-write locks for read access |
CQReadNotifier | |
CQReadWriteLock | Read-write locking |
CQReadWriteLockPrivate | |
CQRealRect | |
CQRect | Defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision |
CQRectF | Defines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precision |
CQRectVectorPath | |
CQRegExp | Pattern matching using regular expressions |
CQRegExpAnchorAlternation | |
CQRegExpAtom | |
CQRegExpAutomatonState | |
CQRegExpCharClass | |
CQRegExpCharClassRange | |
►CQRegExpEngine | |
CBox | |
CQRegExpEngineKey | |
CQRegExpLookahead | |
CQRegExpMatchState | |
CQRegExpPrivate | |
CQRegExpValidator | Used to check a string against a regular expression |
►CQRegion | Clip region for a painter |
CQRegionData | |
CQRegionPrivate | |
CQRegionSpan | |
CQRelatedTableModel | |
CQRelation | |
CQRenderRule | |
CQResizeEvent | Event parameters for resize events |
CQResource | Interface for reading directly from resources |
CQResourceFileEngine | |
CQResourceFileEngineIterator | |
CQResourceFileEnginePrivate | |
CQResourcePrivate | |
CQResourceRoot | |
CQReturnArgument | |
CQRfbClientCutText | |
►CQRfbDualColorHextile | |
CRect | |
CQRfbEncoder | |
CQRfbFrameBufferUpdateRequest | |
CQRfbHextileEncoder | |
CQRfbKeyEvent | |
CQRfbMultiColorHextile | |
CQRfbPixelFormat | |
CQRfbPointerEvent | |
CQRfbRawEncoder | |
CQRfbRect | |
CQRfbServerInit | |
CQRfbSetEncodings | |
CQRfbSingleColorHextile | |
Cqrgb444 | |
Cqrgb555 | |
Cqrgb565 | |
Cqrgb666 | |
Cqrgb888 | |
Cqrgb_gl_rgba | |
CQRgbMap | |
CQRiffChunk | |
CQRingBuffer | |
CQRollEffect | |
CQRowsRemoval | |
CQRubberBand | Rectangle or line that can indicate a selection or a boundary |
CQRubberBandPrivate | |
CQRunnable | Base class for all runnable objects |
CQRuntimeGraphicsSystem | |
CQRuntimePixmapData | |
CQRuntimeWindowSurface | |
►CQScanConverter | |
CIntersection | |
CLine | |
CQScanThread | |
CQScopedArrayPointer | The QScopedArrayPointer class stores a pointer to a dynamically allocated array of objects, and deletes it upon destruction |
CQScopedLoopLevelCounter | |
CQScopedPointer | The QScopedPointer class stores a pointer to a dynamically allocated object, and deletes it upon destruction |
CQScopedPointerArrayDeleter | |
CQScopedPointerDeleter | |
CQScopedPointerPodDeleter | |
CQScopedPointerSharedDeleter | |
CQScopedSharedPointer | |
CQScopedValueRollback | The QScopedValueRollback class resets a variable to its previous value on destruction |
CQScreen | Base class for screen drivers in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQScreenCursor | Base class for screen cursors in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQScreenDriverFactory | Creates screen drivers in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQScreenDriverFactoryInterface | |
CQScreenDriverPlugin | Abstract base class for screen driver plugins in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQScreenLinuxFbPlugin | |
CQScreenPrivate | |
CQScriptable | Access to the Qt Script environment from Qt C++ member functions |
CQScriptablePrivate | |
CQScriptAnalysis | |
CQScriptBreakpointData | Data associated with a breakpoint |
CQScriptBreakpointDataPrivate | |
CQScriptBreakpointsItemDelegate | |
CQScriptBreakpointsModel | |
CQScriptBreakpointsModelPrivate | |
CQScriptBreakpointsWidget | |
CQScriptBreakpointsWidgetInterface | |
CQScriptBreakpointsWidgetInterfacePrivate | |
CQScriptBreakpointsWidgetPrivate | |
CQScriptClass | Interface for defining custom behavior of (a class of) Qt Script objects |
CQScriptClassPrivate | |
CQScriptClassPropertyIterator | Iterator interface for custom Qt Script objects |
CQScriptClassPropertyIteratorPrivate | |
CQScriptCompleteExpressionJob | |
CQScriptCompleteScriptsJob | |
CQScriptCompletionProviderInterface | |
CQScriptCompletionTask | |
CQScriptCompletionTaskInterface | |
CQScriptCompletionTaskInterfacePrivate | |
CQScriptCompletionTaskPrivate | |
CQScriptContext | Qt Script function invocation |
CQScriptContextInfo | Additional information about a QScriptContext |
CQScriptContextInfoPrivate | |
CQScriptDBusConnection | |
CQScriptDBusInterfaceConstructor | |
CQScriptDBusMessageConstructor | |
CQScriptDebugger | Qt Script debugger |
CQScriptDebuggerAgent | This class implements a state machine that uses the low-level events reported by the QScriptEngineAgent interface to implement debugging- specific functionality such as stepping and breakpoints |
CQScriptDebuggerAgentPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerBackend | Base class of debugger back-ends |
CQScriptDebuggerBackendEventReceiver | |
CQScriptDebuggerBackendPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerCodeFinderWidget | |
CQScriptDebuggerCodeFinderWidgetInterface | |
CQScriptDebuggerCodeFinderWidgetInterfacePrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerCodeFinderWidgetPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerCodeView | |
CQScriptDebuggerCodeViewInterface | |
CQScriptDebuggerCodeViewInterfacePrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerCodeViewPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerCodeWidget | |
CQScriptDebuggerCodeWidgetInterface | |
CQScriptDebuggerCodeWidgetInterfacePrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerCodeWidgetPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerCommand | Command issued to a QScriptDebuggerFrontend |
CQScriptDebuggerCommandEvent | |
CQScriptDebuggerCommandExecutor | The QScriptDebuggerCommandExecutor applies debugger commands to a back-end |
CQScriptDebuggerCommandExecutorPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerCommandFinishedEvent | |
CQScriptDebuggerCommandPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerCommandSchedulerFrontend | |
CQScriptDebuggerCommandSchedulerInterface | |
CQScriptDebuggerCommandSchedulerJob | |
CQScriptDebuggerCommandSchedulerJobPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerConsole | Core functionality of a debugger console |
CQScriptDebuggerConsoleCommand | Base class of console commands |
CQScriptDebuggerConsoleCommandGroupData | Holds data associated with a console command group |
CQScriptDebuggerConsoleCommandGroupDataPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerConsoleCommandJob | |
CQScriptDebuggerConsoleCommandJobPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerConsoleCommandManager | |
CQScriptDebuggerConsoleCommandManagerPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerConsoleCommandPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerConsoleGlobalObject | |
CQScriptDebuggerConsoleGlobalObjectPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerConsoleHistorianInterface | |
CQScriptDebuggerConsolePrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerConsoleWidget | |
CQScriptDebuggerConsoleWidgetInterface | |
CQScriptDebuggerConsoleWidgetInterfacePrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerConsoleWidgetPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerEvent | |
CQScriptDebuggerEventEvent | |
CQScriptDebuggerEventHandlerInterface | |
CQScriptDebuggerEventPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerFrontend | Base class of debugger front-ends |
CQScriptDebuggerFrontendEventReceiver | |
CQScriptDebuggerFrontendPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerJob | |
CQScriptDebuggerJobPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerJobSchedulerInterface | |
CQScriptDebuggerLocalsItemDelegate | |
CQScriptDebuggerLocalsModel | |
CQScriptDebuggerLocalsModelNode | |
CQScriptDebuggerLocalsModelPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerLocalsWidget | |
CQScriptDebuggerLocalsWidgetInterface | |
CQScriptDebuggerLocalsWidgetInterfacePrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerLocalsWidgetPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerObjectSnapshotDelta | |
CQScriptDebuggerPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerResponse | Front-end's response to a QScriptDebuggerCommand |
CQScriptDebuggerResponseHandlerInterface | |
CQScriptDebuggerResponsePrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerScriptedConsoleCommand | Encapsulates a command defined in a script |
CQScriptDebuggerScriptedConsoleCommandJob | |
CQScriptDebuggerScriptedConsoleCommandJobPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerScriptedConsoleCommandPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerScriptsModel | |
►CQScriptDebuggerScriptsModelPrivate | |
CNode | |
CQScriptDebuggerScriptsWidget | |
CQScriptDebuggerScriptsWidgetInterface | |
CQScriptDebuggerScriptsWidgetInterfacePrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerScriptsWidgetPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerShowLineJob | |
CQScriptDebuggerStackModel | |
CQScriptDebuggerStackModelPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerStackWidget | |
CQScriptDebuggerStackWidgetInterface | |
CQScriptDebuggerStackWidgetInterfacePrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerStackWidgetPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerStandardWidgetFactory | |
CQScriptDebuggerValue | Script value |
CQScriptDebuggerValuePrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerValueProperty | |
CQScriptDebuggerValuePropertyPrivate | |
CQScriptDebuggerWidgetFactoryInterface | |
CQScriptDebugOutputWidget | |
CQScriptDebugOutputWidgetInterface | |
CQScriptDebugOutputWidgetInterfacePrivate | |
CQScriptDebugOutputWidgetPrivate | |
►CQScriptDeclarativeClass | |
CObject | |
CPersistentIdentifier | |
CValue | The QScriptDeclarativeClass::Value class acts as a container for JavaScript data types |
CQScriptDeclarativeClassPrivate | |
►CQScriptEdit | |
CBreakpointData | |
CQScriptEditExtraArea | |
CQScriptEngine | Environment for evaluating Qt Script code |
CQScriptEngineAgent | Interface to report events pertaining to QScriptEngine execution |
CQScriptEngineAgentPrivate | |
CQScriptEngineDebugger | QScriptEngine debugger |
CQScriptEngineDebuggerBackend | |
CQScriptEngineDebuggerBackendPrivate | |
CQScriptEngineDebuggerFrontend | In-process debugger frontend |
CQScriptEngineDebuggerFrontendPrivate | |
CQScriptEngineDebuggerPrivate | |
CQScriptEnginePrivate | |
CQScriptErrorLogWidget | |
CQScriptErrorLogWidgetInterface | |
CQScriptErrorLogWidgetInterfacePrivate | |
CQScriptErrorLogWidgetPrivate | |
CQScriptExtensionInterface | |
CQScriptExtensionPlugin | Abstract base for custom QScript extension plugins |
CQScriptGrammar | |
CQScriptItem | |
CQScriptLine | |
CQScriptMessageHandlerInterface | |
CQScriptNewBreakpointWidget | |
►CQScriptObject | |
CData | |
CQScriptObjectDelegate | |
CQScriptObjectPrototype | |
►CQScriptObjectSnapshot | |
CDelta | |
►CQScriptParser | |
CLocation | |
CValue | |
CQScriptProgram | Encapsulates a Qt Script program |
CQScriptProgramPrivate | |
CQScriptScriptData | Holds data associated with a script |
CQScriptScriptDataPrivate | |
►CQScriptStaticScopeObject | Represents a static scope object |
CData | |
CPropertyInfo | |
CQScriptStdMessageHandler | Implements a message handler that writes to standard output |
CQScriptStdMessageHandlerPrivate | |
CQScriptString | Acts as a handle to "interned" strings in a QScriptEngine |
CQScriptStringPrivate | |
CQScriptSyntaxCheckResult | Result of a script syntax check |
CQScriptSyntaxCheckResultPrivate | |
CQScriptSyntaxHighlighter | |
CQScriptToolTipJob | |
CQScriptToolTipProviderInterface | |
CQScriptTypeInfo | |
CQScriptValue | Acts as a container for the Qt Script data types |
CQScriptValueIterator | Java-style iterator for QScriptValue |
CQScriptValueIteratorPrivate | |
CQScriptValuePrivate | |
CQScriptValueProperty | |
CQScriptValuePropertyPrivate | |
►CQScriptXmlParser | |
CResult | |
CQScrollArea | Scrolling view onto another widget |
CQScrollAreaPrivate | |
CQScrollBar | Vertical or horizontal scroll bar |
CQScrollBarPrivate | |
CQSegfaultHandler | |
CQSemaphore | General counting semaphore |
CQSemaphorePrivate | |
CQSequentialAnimationGroup | Sequential group of animations |
►CQSequentialAnimationGroupPrivate | |
CAnimationIndex | |
CQSessionManager | Access to the session manager |
CQSessionManagerPrivate | |
►CQSet | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CQSettings | Persistent platform-independent application settings |
CQSettingsGroup | |
CQSettingsIniKey | |
CQSettingsIniSection | |
CQSettingsKey | |
CQSettingsPrivate | |
►CQSGGeometry | |
CAttribute | |
CAttributeSet | |
CColoredPoint2D | |
CPoint2D | |
CTexturedPoint2D | |
CQShapedPixmapWidget | |
CQSharedData | Base class for shared data objects |
CQSharedDataPointer | The QSharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an implicitly shared object |
CQSharedMemory | Access to a shared memory segment |
CQSharedMemoryLocker | Helper class |
CQSharedMemoryPrivate | |
CQSharedNetworkSessionManager | |
CQSharedPointer | The QSharedPointer class holds a strong reference to a shared pointer |
CQShivaContext | |
CQShortcut | Used to create keyboard shortcuts |
CQShortcutEntry | |
CQShortcutEvent | Event which is generated when the user presses a key combination |
CQShortcutMap | |
CQShortcutMapPrivate | |
CQShortcutPrivate | |
CQShowEvent | Event that is sent when a widget is shown |
CQSidebar | |
CQSideBarDelegate | |
CQSignalDumper | |
CQSignalEventGenerator | |
CQSignalMapper | Bundles signals from identifiable senders |
CQSignalMapperPrivate | |
CQSignalSpy | |
CQSignalSpyCallbackSet | |
CQSignalTransition | Transition based on a Qt signal |
CQSignalTransitionPrivate | |
CQSimpleTextCodec | |
CQSimplex | Linear Programming problem solver based on the two-phase simplex method |
CQSimplexConstraint | |
CQSimpleXmlNodeModel | Implementation of QAbstractXmlNodeModel sufficient for many common cases |
CQSimpleXmlNodeModelPrivate | |
CQSimplexVariable | |
CQSingleDesktopWidget | |
CQSingleShotTimer | |
CQSize | Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision |
CQSizeF | Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precision |
CQSizeGrip | Resize handle for resizing top-level windows |
CQSizeGripPrivate | |
CQSizePolicy | |
CQSjisCodec | |
CQSlider | Vertical or horizontal slider |
CQSliderPrivate | |
CQSmoothedAnimation | |
CQSmSocketReceiver | |
CQSocketEngineHandler | |
CQSocketEngineHandlerList | |
CQSocketNotifier | Support for monitoring activity on a file descriptor |
CQSockNot | |
CQSockNotType | |
CQSocks5Authenticator | |
CQSocks5BindData | |
CQSocks5BindStore | |
CQSocks5ConnectData | |
CQSocks5Data | |
CQSocks5PasswordAuthenticator | |
CQSocks5RevivedDatagram | |
CQSocks5SocketEngine | |
CQSocks5SocketEngineHandler | |
CQSocks5SocketEnginePrivate | |
CQSocks5UdpAssociateData | |
CQSoftKeyManager | |
CQSoftKeyManagerPrivate | |
CQSolidData | |
CQSortedModelEngine | |
CQSortFilterProxyModel | Support for sorting and filtering data passed between another model and a view |
CQSortFilterProxyModelGreaterThan | |
CQSortFilterProxyModelLessThan | |
►CQSortFilterProxyModelPrivate | |
CMapping | |
CQSound | Access to the platform audio facilities |
CQSoundPrivate | |
CQSourceLocation | Identifies a location in a resource by URI, line, and column |
CQSpacerItem | Blank space in a layout |
CQSpanBuffer | |
►CQSpanCollection | |
CSpan | |
CQSpanData | |
CQSpinBox | Spin box widget |
CQSpinBoxPrivate | |
CQSpinBoxValidator | |
CQSplashScreen | Splash screen that can be shown during application startup |
CQSplashScreenPrivate | |
CQSplitter | Implements a splitter widget |
CQSplitterHandle | Handle functionality of the splitter |
CQSplitterHandlePrivate | |
CQSplitterLayoutStruct | |
CQSplitterPrivate | |
CQSpontaneKeyEvent | |
CQSqlCachedResult | |
CQSqlCachedResultPrivate | |
CQSqlDatabase | Connection to a database |
CQSqlDatabasePrivate | |
CQSqlDriver | Abstract base class for accessing specific SQL databases |
CQSqlDriverCreator | The QSqlDriverCreator class is a template class that provides a SQL driver factory for a specific driver type |
CQSqlDriverCreatorBase | Base class for SQL driver factories |
CQSqlDriverFactoryInterface | |
CQSqlDriverPlugin | Abstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins |
CQSqlDriverPrivate | |
CQSqlError | SQL database error information |
CQSqlField | Manipulates the fields in SQL database tables and views |
CQSqlFieldPrivate | |
CQSqlIndex | Functions to manipulate and describe database indexes |
CQSQLite2Driver | |
CQSQLite2DriverPlugin | |
CQSQLite2DriverPrivate | |
CQSQLite2Result | |
CQSQLite2ResultPrivate | |
CQSQLiteDriver | |
CQSQLiteDriverPlugin | |
CQSQLiteDriverPrivate | |
CQSQLiteResult | |
CQSQLiteResultPrivate | |
CQSqlNullDriver | |
CQSqlNullResult | |
CQSqlQuery | Means of executing and manipulating SQL statements |
CQSqlQueryModel | Read-only data model for SQL result sets |
CQSqlQueryModelPrivate | |
CQSqlQueryPrivate | |
CQSqlRecord | Encapsulates a database record |
CQSqlRecordPrivate | |
CQSqlRelation | Stores information about an SQL foreign key |
CQSqlRelationalDelegate | Delegate that is used to display and edit data from a QSqlRelationalTableModel |
CQSqlRelationalTableModel | Editable data model for a single database table, with foreign key support |
CQSqlRelationalTableModelPrivate | |
CQSqlResult | Abstract interface for accessing data from specific SQL databases |
CQSqlResultPrivate | |
CQSqlTableModel | Editable data model for a single database table |
►CQSqlTableModelPrivate | |
CModifiedRow | |
CQSslCertificate | Convenient API for an X509 certificate |
CQSslCertificatePrivate | |
CQSslCipher | SSL cryptographic cipher |
CQSslCipherPrivate | |
CQSslConfiguration | Holds the configuration and state of an SSL connection |
CQSslConfigurationPrivate | |
CQSslError | SSL error |
CQSslErrorList | |
CQSslErrorPrivate | |
CQSslKey | Interface for private and public keys |
CQSslKeyPrivate | |
CQSslSocket | SSL encrypted socket for both clients and servers |
CQSslSocketBackendPrivate | |
CQSslSocketGlobalData | |
CQSslSocketPrivate | |
CQStack | The QStack class is a template class that provides a stack |
CQStackedLayout | Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time |
CQStackedLayoutHFW | |
CQStackedLayoutPrivate | |
CQStackedWidget | Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time |
CQStackedWidgetPrivate | |
CQStackTextEngine | |
CQStandardInterfaceFactory | |
CQStandardItem | Item for use with the QStandardItemModel class |
CQStandardItemEditorCreator | The QStandardItemEditorCreator class provides the possibility to register widgets without having to subclass QItemEditorCreatorBase |
CQStandardItemModel | Generic model for storing custom data |
CQStandardItemModelGreaterThan | |
CQStandardItemModelLessThan | |
CQStandardItemModelPrivate | |
CQStandardItemPrivate | |
CQState | General-purpose state for QStateMachine |
►CQStateMachine | Hierarchical finite state machine |
CSignalEvent | Qt signal event |
CWrappedEvent | Inherits QEvent and holds a clone of an event associated with a QObject |
►CQStateMachinePrivate | |
CHandler | |
CQStatePrivate | |
CQStaticText | Enables optimized drawing of text when the text and its layout is updated rarely |
CQStaticTextItem | |
CQStaticTextPrivate | |
CQStaticTextUserData | |
CQStatusBar | Horizontal bar suitable for presenting status information |
►CQStatusBarPrivate | |
CSBItem | |
CQStatusTipEvent | Event that is used to show messages in a status bar |
CQStretchParameter | |
►CQString | Unicode character string |
CData | |
CNull | |
CQStringBuilder | The QStringBuilder class is a template class that provides a facility to build up QStrings from smaller chunks |
CQStringBuilder< QByteArray, QByteArray > | |
CQStringBuilder< QString, QString > | |
CQStringCapture | |
CQStringList | List of strings |
CQStringListModel | Model that supplies strings to views |
►CQStringMatcher | Holds a sequence of characters that can be quickly matched in a Unicode string |
CData | |
CQStringRef | Thin wrapper around QString substrings |
CQStringSplitter | |
CQStroker | |
►CQStrokerOps | |
CElement | |
CQStyle | Abstract base class that encapsulates the look and feel of a GUI |
CQStyledItemDelegate | Display and editing facilities for data items from a model |
CQStyledItemDelegatePrivate | |
CQStyleFactory | Creates QStyle objects |
CQStyleFactoryInterface | |
CQStyleHintReturn | Style hints that return more than basic data types |
CQStyleHintReturnMask | Style hints that return a QRegion |
CQStyleHintReturnVariant | Style hints that return a QVariant |
CQStyleOption | Stores the parameters used by QStyle functions |
CQStyleOptionButton | Used to describe the parameters for drawing buttons |
CQStyleOptionComboBox | Used to describe the parameter for drawing a combobox |
CQStyleOptionComplex | Used to hold parameters that are common to all complex controls |
CQStyleOptionDockWidget | Used to describe the parameters for drawing a dock widget |
CQStyleOptionDockWidgetV2 | |
CQStyleOptionFocusRect | Used to describe the parameters for drawing a focus rectangle with QStyle |
CQStyleOptionFrame | Used to describe the parameters for drawing a frame |
CQStyleOptionFrameV2 | Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.1 or above |
CQStyleOptionFrameV3 | Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.1 or above |
CQStyleOptionGraphicsItem | Used to describe the parameters needed to draw a QGraphicsItem |
CQStyleOptionGroupBox | Describes the parameters for drawing a group box |
CQStyleOptionHeader | Used to describe the parameters for drawing a header |
CQStyleOptionMenuItem | Used to describe the parameter necessary for drawing a menu item |
CQStyleOptionProgressBar | Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a progress bar |
CQStyleOptionProgressBarV2 | Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a progress bar in Qt 4.1 or above |
CQStyleOptionQ3DockWindow | Used to describe the parameters for drawing various parts of a Q3DockWindow |
CQStyleOptionQ3ListView | Used to describe the parameters for drawing a Q3ListView |
CQStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem | Used to describe an item drawn in a Q3ListView |
CQStyleOptionRubberBand | Used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a rubber band |
CQStyleOptionSizeGrip | Used to describe the parameter for drawing a size grip |
CQStyleOptionSlider | Used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a slider |
CQStyleOptionSpinBox | Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a spin box |
CQStyleOptionTab | Used to describe the parameters for drawing a tab bar |
CQStyleOptionTabBarBase | Used to describe the base of a tab bar, i.e |
CQStyleOptionTabBarBaseV2 | Used to describe the base of a tab bar, i.e |
CQStyleOptionTabV2 | Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a tabs in Qt 4.1 or above |
CQStyleOptionTabV3 | Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a tabs in Qt 4.5 or above |
CQStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame | Used to describe the parameters for drawing the frame around a tab widget |
CQStyleOptionTabWidgetFrameV2 | Used to describe the parameters for drawing the frame around a tab widget |
CQStyleOptionTitleBar | Used to describe the parameters for drawing a title bar |
CQStyleOptionToolBar | Used to describe the parameters for drawing a toolbar |
CQStyleOptionToolBox | Used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a tool box |
CQStyleOptionToolBoxV2 | Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.3 or above |
CQStyleOptionToolButton | Used to describe the parameters for drawing a tool button |
CQStyleOptionViewItem | Used to describe the parameters used to draw an item in a view widget |
CQStyleOptionViewItemV2 | Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.2 or above |
CQStyleOptionViewItemV3 | Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.3 or above |
CQStyleOptionViewItemV4 | Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.4 or above |
CQStylePainter | Convenience class for drawing QStyle elements inside a widget |
CQStylePlugin | Abstract base for custom QStyle plugins |
CQStylePrivate | |
CQStyleSheetBackgroundData | |
CQStyleSheetBorderData | |
CQStyleSheetBorderImageData | |
CQStyleSheetBoxData | |
CQStyleSheetGeometryData | |
CQStyleSheetImageData | |
CQStyleSheetOutlineData | |
CQStyleSheetPaletteData | |
CQStyleSheetPositionData | |
CQStyleSheetStyle | |
CQStyleSheetStyleCaches | |
CQStyleSheetStylePrivate | |
CQStyleSheetStyleRecursionGuard | |
CQStyleSheetStyleSelector | |
CQSubpathBackwardIterator | |
CQSubpathFlatIterator | |
CQSubpathForwardIterator | |
CQSupportedWritingSystems | Used when registering fonts with the internal Qt fontdatabase |
CQSvgAnimateColor | |
CQSvgAnimateTransform | |
CQSvgAnimation | |
CQSvgArc | |
CQSvgAttributes | |
CQSvgCircle | |
CQSvgCompOpStyle | |
CQSvgCssAttribute | |
CQSvgDefs | |
CQSvgEllipse | |
CQSvgExtraStates | |
CQSvgFillStyle | |
CQSvgFillStyleProperty | |
CQSvgFont | |
CQSvgFontStyle | |
CQSvgG | |
CQSvgGenerator | Paint device that is used to create SVG drawings |
CQSvgGeneratorPrivate | |
CQSvgGlyph | |
CQSvgGradientStyle | |
CQSvgHandler | |
CQSvgIconEngine | |
CQSvgIconEnginePrivate | |
CQSvgIconPlugin | |
CQSvgImage | |
CQSvgIOHandler | |
CQSvgIOHandlerPrivate | |
CQSvgLine | |
CQSvgNode | |
CQSvgOpacityStyle | |
CQSvgPaintEngine | |
►CQSvgPaintEnginePrivate | |
C_attributes | |
CQSvgPath | |
CQSvgPlugin | |
CQSvgPolygon | |
CQSvgPolyline | |
CQSvgQualityStyle | |
CQSvgRect | |
CQSvgRefCounted | |
CQSvgRefCounter | |
CQSvgRenderer | Used to draw the contents of SVG files onto paint devices |
CQSvgRendererPrivate | |
CQSvgSolidColorStyle | |
CQSvgStrokeStyle | |
CQSvgStructureNode | |
CQSvgStyle | |
CQSvgStyleProperty | |
CQSvgStyleSelector | |
CQSvgSwitch | |
CQSvgText | |
CQSvgTinyDocument | |
CQSvgTransformStyle | |
CQSvgTspan | |
CQSvgUse | |
CQSvgVideo | |
CQSvgViewportFillStyle | |
CQSvgWidget | Widget that is used to display the contents of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files |
CQSvgWidgetPrivate | |
CQSwipeGesture | Describes a swipe gesture made by the user |
CQSwipeGesturePrivate | |
CQSwipeGestureRecognizer | |
CQSymSQLDriver | |
CQSymSQLDriverPlugin | |
CQSymSQLDriverPrivate | |
CQSymSQLResult | |
CQSymSQLResultPrivate | |
CQSyntaxHighlighter | Allows you to define syntax highlighting rules, and in addition you can use the class to query a document's current formatting or user data |
CQSyntaxHighlighterPrivate | |
CQSysInfo | Information about the system |
CQSystemConfigurationProxyFactory | |
CQSystemError | |
CQSystemLibrary | |
►CQSystemLocale | |
CCurrencyToStringArgument | |
CQSystemLocaleData | |
CQSystemLocalePrivate | |
CQSystemSemaphore | General counting system semaphore |
CQSystemSemaphorePrivate | |
CQSystemTrayIcon | Icon for an application in the system tray |
CQSystemTrayIconPrivate | |
CQSystemTrayIconQMenu | |
CQSystemTrayIconSys | |
Cqt_addrinfo | |
Cqt_auto_repeat_data | |
Cqt_float_point | |
CQT_FT_BBox_ | |
CQT_FT_Bitmap_ | |
CQT_FT_Outline_ | |
CQT_FT_Outline_Funcs_ | |
CQT_FT_Raster_Funcs_ | |
CQT_FT_Raster_Params_ | |
CQT_FT_Span_ | |
CQT_FT_Vector_ | |
Cqt_in6_addr | |
Cqt_init_timestamp_data | |
Cqt_mac_cg_transform_path | |
Cqt_mac_enum_mapper | |
CQT_Point | |
CQT_PointF | |
Cqt_section_chunk | |
Cqt_semun | |
CQT_smcConn | |
Cqt_sockaddr | |
Cqt_sockaddr_in6 | |
Cqt_sockaddr_storage | |
Cqt_sync_request_event_data | |
Cqt_tablet_motion_data | |
Cqt_token_info | |
Cqt_xfixes_selection_event_data | |
CQTabBar | Tab bar, e.g |
►CQTabBarPrivate | |
►CTab | |
CTabBarAnimation | |
CQTableCornerButton | |
CQTableModel | |
CQTableModelGreaterThan | |
CQTableModelLessThan | |
CQTabletDeviceData | |
CQTabletEvent | Parameters that describe a Tablet event |
CQTableView | Default model/view implementation of a table view |
CQTableViewPrivate | |
CQTableWidget | Item-based table view with a default model |
CQTableWidgetItem | Item for use with the QTableWidget class |
CQTableWidgetItemPrivate | |
CQTableWidgetMimeData | |
CQTableWidgetPrivate | |
CQTableWidgetSelectionRange | Way to interact with selection in a model without using model indexes and a selection model |
CQTabWidget | Stack of tabbed widgets |
CQTabWidgetPrivate | |
CQTapAndHoldGesture | Describes a tap-and-hold (aka LongTap) gesture made by the user |
CQTapAndHoldGesturePrivate | |
CQTapAndHoldGestureRecognizer | |
CQTapGesture | Describes a tap gesture made by the user |
CQTapGesturePrivate | |
CQTapGestureRecognizer | |
CQTcpServer | TCP-based server |
CQTcpServerConnection | |
CQTcpServerConnectionPrivate | |
CQTcpServerPrivate | |
CQTcpSocket | TCP socket |
CQTcpSocketPrivate | |
CQtDBusScriptPlugin | |
CQTDSDriver | |
CQTDSDriverPlugin | |
CQTDSDriverPrivate | |
CQTDSResult | |
CQTDSResultPrivate | |
CQTemporaryFile | I/O device that operates on temporary files |
CQTemporaryFileEngine | |
CQTemporaryFilePrivate | |
►CQTessellator | |
CTrapezoid | |
CVertex | |
►CQTessellatorPrivate | |
CEdge | |
CEdgeSorter | |
CIntersection | |
CIntersectionLink | |
CScanline | |
CVertex | |
CVertices | |
CQTestAccessibility | |
CQTestAccessibilityEvent | |
CQTestBasicStreamer | |
CQTestCharBuffer | |
CQTestCoreElement | |
CQTestCoreList | |
CQTestData | |
CQTestDataPrivate | |
CQTestDelayEvent | |
CQTestElement | |
CQTestElementAttribute | |
CQTestEvent | |
CQTestEventList | |
CQTestEventLoop | |
CQTestFileLogger | |
CQTestFontEngine | |
CQTestLightXmlStreamer | |
CQTestLiteStaticInfoPrivate | |
CQTestLog | |
CQTestLogger | |
CQTestResult | |
CQTestTable | |
►CQTestTablePrivate | |
CDataList | |
CElementList | |
CQTestXmlStreamer | |
CQTestXunitStreamer | |
►CQTextBlock | Container for text fragments in a QTextDocument |
Citerator | The QTextBlock::iterator class provides an iterator for reading the contents of a QTextBlock |
CQTextBlockData | |
CQTextBlockFormat | Formatting information for blocks of text in a QTextDocument |
CQTextBlockGroup | Container for text blocks within a QTextDocument |
CQTextBlockGroupPrivate | |
CQTextBlockUserData | Used to associate custom data with blocks of text |
CQTextBoundaryFinder | Way of finding Unicode text boundaries in a string |
CQTextBoundaryFinderPrivate | |
CQTextBrowser | Rich text browser with hypertext navigation |
►CQTextBrowserPrivate | |
CHistoryEntry | |
CQTextCharFormat | Formatting information for characters in a QTextDocument |
►CQTextCodec | Conversions between text encodings |
CConverterState | |
CQTextCodecCleanup | |
CQTextCodecFactoryInterface | |
CQTextCodecPlugin | Abstract base for custom QTextCodec plugins |
CQTextCodecUnalignedPointer | |
CQTextControl | |
CQTextControlPrivate | |
CQTextCopyHelper | |
CQTextCursor | Offers an API to access and modify QTextDocuments |
CQTextCursorPrivate | |
CQTextDecoder | State-based decoder |
CQTextDocument | Holds formatted text that can be viewed and edited using a QTextEdit |
CQTextDocumentFragment | Piece of formatted text from a QTextDocument |
CQTextDocumentFragmentPrivate | |
CQTextDocumentLayout | |
CQTextDocumentLayoutPrivate | |
CQTextDocumentPrivate | |
CQTextDocumentWithImageResources | |
CQTextDocumentWriter | Format-independent interface for writing a QTextDocument to files or other devices |
CQTextDocumentWriterPrivate | |
►CQTextEdit | Widget that is used to edit and display both plain and rich text |
CExtraSelection | The QTextEdit::ExtraSelection structure provides a way of specifying a character format for a given selection in a document |
CQTextEditControl | |
CQTextEditMimeData | |
CQTextEditPrivate | |
CQTextEncoder | State-based encoder |
►CQTextEngine | |
CFontEngineCache | |
CLayoutData | |
CSpecialData | |
CQTextFormat | Formatting information for a QTextDocument |
CQTextFormatCollection | |
►CQTextFormatPrivate | |
CProperty | |
CQTextFragment | Holds a piece of text in a QTextDocument with a single QTextCharFormat |
CQTextFragmentData | |
►CQTextFrame | Frame in a QTextDocument |
Citerator | Iterator for reading the contents of a QTextFrame |
CQTextFrameData | |
CQTextFrameFormat | Formatting information for frames in a QTextDocument |
CQTextFrameLayoutData | |
CQTextFramePrivate | |
CQTextHtmlElement | |
CQTextHtmlEntity | |
CQTextHtmlExporter | |
►CQTextHtmlImporter | |
CList | |
CRowColSpanInfo | |
CTable | |
CTableCellIterator | |
►CQTextHtmlParser | |
CExternalStyleSheet | |
CQTextHtmlParserNode | |
CQTextHtmlStyleSelector | |
CQTextImageFormat | Formatting information for images in a QTextDocument |
CQTextImageHandler | |
CQTextInlineObject | Inline object in a QTextLayout |
CQTextItem | All the information required to draw text in a custom paint engine |
CQTextItemInt | Internal QTextItem |
CQTextItemIntCopy | |
►CQTextLayout | Used to lay out and render text |
CFormatRange | The QTextLayout::FormatRange structure is used to apply extra formatting information for a specified area in the text layout's content |
CQTextLayoutStruct | |
CQTextLength | Encapsulates the different types of length used in a QTextDocument |
CQTextLine | Line of text inside a QTextLayout |
CQTextLineItemIterator | |
CQTextList | Decorated list of items in a QTextDocument |
CQTextListFormat | Formatting information for lists in a QTextDocument |
CQTextListPrivate | |
CQTextObject | Base class for different kinds of objects that can group parts of a QTextDocument together |
CQTextObjectHandler | |
CQTextObjectInterface | Allows drawing of custom text objects in QTextDocument |
CQTextObjectPrivate | |
CQTextOdfWriter | |
►CQTextOption | Description of general rich text properties |
CTab | Each tab definition is represented by this struct |
CQTextOptionPrivate | |
CQTextStream | Convenient interface for reading and writing text |
CQTextStreamManipulator | |
CQTextStreamPrivate | |
CQTextTable | Table in a QTextDocument |
CQTextTableCell | Properties of a cell in a QTextTable |
CQTextTableCellFormat | Formatting information for table cells in a QTextDocument |
CQTextTableData | |
CQTextTableFormat | Formatting information for tables in a QTextDocument |
CQTextTablePrivate | |
CQTextUndoCommand | |
CQTextureData | |
CQTexturedBrushData | |
►CQTextureGlyphCache | |
CCoord | |
CGlyphAndSubPixelPosition | |
CQtFontDesc | |
CQtFontEncoding | |
CQtFontFamily | |
CQtFontFoundry | |
CQtFontSize | |
►CQtFontStyle | |
CKey | |
CQtFreetypeData | |
CQtFriendlyLayoutWidget | |
CQTgaFile | |
CQTgaHandler | |
CQTgaPlugin | |
CQtHDC | |
CQThread | Platform-independent way to manage threads |
►CQThreadData | |
CFlaggedDebugSignatures | |
CQThreadPool | Manages a collection of QThreads |
CQThreadPoolPrivate | |
CQThreadPoolThread | |
CQThreadPrivate | |
CQThreadStorage | The QThreadStorage class provides per-thread data storage |
CQThreadStorageData | |
CQTickAnimationProxy | |
CQtIcoHandler | Support for the ICO image format |
CQTiffHandler | |
CQTiffPlugin | |
CQTileRules | Holds the rules used to draw a pixmap or image split into nine segments, similar to [CSS3 border-images](http://www |
CQTime | Clock time functions |
CQTimeEdit | Widget for editing times based on the QDateTimeEdit widget |
CQTimeLine | Timeline for controlling animations |
CQTimeLinePrivate | |
CQTimer | Repetitive and single-shot timers |
CQTimerEvent | Parameters that describe a timer event |
CQTimerInfo | |
CQTimerInfoList | |
CQTipLabel | |
CQTLWExtra | |
CQtMWMHints | |
CQtObject | The QtObject element is the most basic element in QML |
CQToolBar | Movable panel that contains a set of controls |
CQToolBarAreaLayout | |
CQToolBarAreaLayoutInfo | |
CQToolBarAreaLayoutItem | |
CQToolBarAreaLayoutLine | |
CQToolBarChangeEvent | Event that is sent whenever a the toolbar button is clicked on Mac OS X |
CQToolBarExtension | |
CQToolBarInHIToolbarInfo | |
CQToolBarItem | |
CQToolBarLayout | |
►CQToolBarPrivate | |
CDragState | |
CQToolBarSeparator | |
CQToolBox | Column of tabbed widget items |
CQToolBoxButton | |
►CQToolBoxPrivate | |
CPage | |
CQToolButton | Quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar |
CQToolButtonPrivate | |
CQToolTip | Tool tips (balloon help) for any widget |
CQtopiaPrintBuffer | |
CQtopiaPrintEngine | |
CQtopiaPrintEnginePrivate | |
►CQTornOffMenu | |
CQTornOffMenuPrivate | |
►CQTouchEvent | Parameters that describe a touch event |
CTouchPoint | Information about a touch point in a QTouchEvent |
CQTouchEventTouchPointPrivate | |
CQtPropertyBag | |
CQTraceGraphicsSystem | |
CQTraceGraphicsSystemPlugin | |
CQTraceWindowSurface | |
CQTransColor | |
CQTransform | 2D transformations of a coordinate system |
CQTransformedScreen | Implements a screen driver for a transformed screen |
CQTransformedScreenPrivate | |
CQTransformImageVertex | |
CQTranslator | Internationalization support for text output |
CQTranslatorPrivate | |
►CQTransportAuth | Authenticate a message transport |
CData | |
CQTransportAuthPrivate | |
►CQTreeModel | |
CSkipSorting | |
CQTreeModelGreaterThan | |
CQTreeModelLessThan | |
CQTreeModelPrivate | |
CQTreeView | Default model/view implementation of a tree view |
CQTreeViewItem | |
►CQTreeViewPrivate | |
CAnimatedOperation | |
CQTreeWidget | Tree view that uses a predefined tree model |
CQTreeWidgetItem | Item for use with the QTreeWidget convenience class |
CQTreeWidgetItemIterator | Way to iterate over the items in a QTreeWidget instance |
CQTreeWidgetItemIteratorPrivate | |
CQTreeWidgetItemPrivate | |
CQTreeWidgetPrivate | |
CQTriangleSet | |
CQTriangulatingStroker | |
►CQTriangulator | |
►CComplexToSimple | |
CCompareEdges | |
CEdge | |
CEvent | |
CIntersection | |
CSplit | |
CMonotoneToTriangles | |
►CSimpleToMonotone | |
CCompareVertices | |
CEdge | |
CQTsciiCodec | |
CQtScriptDebuggerResourceInitializer | |
CQTsLibMouseHandler | |
CQTsLibPlugin | |
Cqttf_font_tables | |
Cqttf_head_table | |
Cqttf_hhea_table | |
Cqttf_maxp_table | |
Cqttf_name_table | |
CQTtfGlyph | |
CQTtfNameRecord | |
CQTtfStream | |
CQTtfTable | |
CQTypeInfo | |
CQTypeInfo< T * > | |
CQUdpSocket | UDP socket |
CQUdpSocketPrivate | |
CQUIKitAppDelegate | |
CQUIKitEventLoop | |
CQUIKitIntegration | |
CQUIKitIntegrationPlugin | |
CQUIKitScreen | |
CQUIKitSoftwareInputHandler | |
CQUIKitWindow | |
CQUIKitWindowSurface | |
Cquint18 | |
Cquint24 | |
Cquint32p | |
CQUndoAction | |
CQUndoCommand | Base class of all commands stored on a QUndoStack |
CQUndoCommandPrivate | |
CQUndoGroup | Group of QUndoStack objects |
CQUndoGroupPrivate | |
CQUndoModel | |
CQUndoStack | Stack of QUndoCommand objects |
CQUndoStackPrivate | |
CQUndoView | Displays the contents of a QUndoStack |
CQUndoViewPrivate | |
CQUnicodeControlCharacter | |
CQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu | |
CQUnifiedTimer | |
CQUnixPrintWidgetPrivate | |
CQUnixSocket | Unix domain socket |
CQUnixSocketMessage | Encapsulates a message sent or received through the QUnixSocket class |
CQUnixSocketMessagePrivate | |
CQUnixSocketPrivate | |
CQUnixSocketRights | Encapsulates QUnixSocket rights data |
CQUnixSocketRightsPrivate | |
CQUnixSocketServer | Unix domain socket based server |
CQUnixSocketServerPrivate | |
CQUnsortedModelEngine | |
CQUpdateLaterEvent | |
CQUrl | Convenient interface for working with URLs |
CQUrlErrorInfo | |
CQUrlInfo | Stores information about URLs |
CQUrlInfoPrivate | |
CQUrlModel | |
CQUrlParseData | |
CQUrlPrivate | |
CQUtf16 | |
CQUtf16BECodec | |
CQUtf16Codec | |
CQUtf16LECodec | |
CQUtf32 | |
CQUtf32BECodec | |
CQUtf32Codec | |
CQUtf32LECodec | |
CQUtf8 | |
CQUtf8Codec | |
CQUuid | Stores a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) |
CQValidator | Validation of input text |
CQValidatorPrivate | |
CQVariant | Acts like a union for the most common Qt data types |
CQVariantAnimation | Abstract base class for animations |
CQVariantAnimationPrivate | |
CQVariantPrivateSharedEx | |
CQVarLengthArray | |
CQVarLengthGlyphLayoutArray | |
CQVBoxLayout | Lines up widgets vertically |
CQVector | The QVector class is a template class that provides a dynamic array |
CQVector2D | Vector or vertex in 2D space |
CQVector3D | Vector or vertex in 3D space |
CQVector4D | Vector or vertex in 4D space |
CQVectorData | |
►CQVectorPath | |
CCacheEntry | |
CQVectorPathCmd | |
►CQVectorPathConverter | |
CQVectorPathData | |
CQVectorTypedData | |
CQVertexIndexVector | |
CQVertexSet | |
CQVFbHeader | |
CQVFbIntegration | |
CQVFbIntegrationPlugin | |
CQVFbKeyboardHandler | |
CQVFbKeyData | |
CQVFbMouseHandler | |
CQVFbScreen | Implements a screen driver for the virtual framebuffer |
CQVFbScreenKeyboardHandler | |
CQVFbScreenMouseHandler | |
CQVFbScreenPrivate | |
CQVFbWindow | |
CQVFbWindowSurface | |
CQVGCompositionHelper | |
CQVGEGLWindowSurfaceDirect | |
CQVGEGLWindowSurfacePrivate | |
CQVGFontEngineCleaner | |
CQVGGraphicsSystem | |
CQVGGraphicsSystemPlugin | |
CQVGImagePool | |
CQVGImagePoolPrivate | |
CQVGPaintEngine | |
CQVGPaintEnginePrivate | |
CQVGPainterState | |
CQVGPixmapBlurFilter | |
CQVGPixmapColorizeFilter | |
CQVGPixmapConvolutionFilter | |
CQVGPixmapData | |
CQVGPixmapDropShadowFilter | |
CQVGSharedContext | |
CQVGWindowSurface | |
CQVideoFrame | Representation of a frame of video data |
CQVideoFramePrivate | |
CQVideoSurfaceFormat | Stream format of a video presentation surface |
CQVideoSurfaceFormatPrivate | |
CQVistaBackButton | |
CQVistaHelper | |
CQVNCClientCursor | |
CQVNCCursor | |
CQVNCDirtyMap | |
CQVNCDirtyMapOptimized | |
CQVNCIntegration | |
CQVNCIntegrationPlugin | |
CQVNCScreen | Implements a screen driver for VNC servers |
CQVNCScreenPrivate | |
CQVNCServer | |
CQVolatileImage | |
CQVolatileImageData | |
CQVolatileImagePaintEngine | |
CQVolatileImagePaintEnginePrivate | |
CQWaitCondition | |
CQWaitConditionEvent | |
CQWaitConditionPrivate | |
CQWatermarkLabel | |
CQWaylandBuffer | |
CQWaylandClipboard | |
CQWaylandClipboardSignalEmitter | |
CQWaylandCursor | |
CQWaylandDisplay | |
CQWaylandEglIntegration | |
CQWaylandEglWindow | |
CQWaylandGLContext | |
CQWaylandGLIntegration | |
CQWaylandGLWindowSurface | |
CQWaylandInputDevice | |
CQWaylandIntegration | |
CQWaylandIntegrationPlugin | |
CQWaylandMimeData | |
CQWaylandNativeInterface | |
CQWaylandReadbackEglContext | |
CQWaylandReadbackEglIntegration | |
CQWaylandReadbackEglWindow | |
CQWaylandReadbackGlxContext | |
CQWaylandReadbackGlxIntegration | |
CQWaylandReadbackGlxWindow | |
CQWaylandScreen | |
CQWaylandSelection | |
CQWaylandShmBuffer | |
CQWaylandShmWindow | |
CQWaylandShmWindowSurface | |
CQWaylandWindow | |
CQWaylandWindowManagerIntegration | |
CQWaylandXCompositeBuffer | |
CQWaylandXCompositeEGLContext | |
CQWaylandXCompositeEGLIntegration | |
CQWaylandXCompositeEGLWindow | |
CQWaylandXCompositeGLXContext | |
CQWaylandXCompositeGLXIntegration | |
CQWaylandXCompositeGLXWindow | |
CQWceMenuAction | |
CQWeakPointer | The QWeakPointer class holds a weak reference to a shared pointer |
CQWellArray | |
CQWellArrayData | |
CQWExtra | |
CQWhatsThat | |
CQWhatsThis | Simple description of any widget, i.e |
CQWhatsThisAction | |
CQWhatsThisClickedEvent | Event that can be used to handle hyperlinks in a "What's This?" text |
CQWhatsThisPrivate | |
CQWheelEvent | Parameters that describe a wheel event |
CQWidget | Base class of all user interface objects |
CQWidgetAction | Extends QAction by an interface for inserting custom widgets into action based containers, such as toolbars |
CQWidgetActionPrivate | |
CQWidgetAnimator | |
CQWidgetBackingStore | |
CQWidgetBackingStoreTracker | Class which allows tracking of which widgets are using a given backing store |
CQWidgetData | |
CQWidgetEffectSourcePrivate | |
CQWidgetExceptionCleaner | |
CQWidgetItem | Layout item that represents a widget |
CQWidgetItemData | |
CQWidgetItemV2 | |
CQWidgetPaintContext | |
CQWidgetPrivate | |
CQWidgetResizeHandler | |
CQWin32PrintEngine | |
CQWin32PrintEnginePrivate | |
CQWinConfigRequest | |
CQWindowsAccessible | |
CQWindowsCEStyle | |
CQWindowsCEStylePrivate | |
CQWindowsEnumerate | |
►CQWindowsFileSystemWatcherEngine | |
CHandle | |
CPathInfo | |
CQWindowsFileSystemWatcherEngineThread | |
CQWindowsLocalCodec | |
CQWindowsMime | Maps open-standard MIME to Window Clipboard formats |
CQWindowsMimeHtml | |
CQWindowsMimeImage | |
CQWindowsMimeList | |
CQWindowsMimeText | |
CQWindowsMimeURI | |
CQWindowsMobileStyle | |
CQWindowsMobileStylePrivate | |
CQWindowsPipeWriter | |
CQWindowsSockInit | |
CQWindowsSockInit2 | |
CQWindowsStyle | Microsoft Windows-like look and feel |
CQWindowsStylePrivate | |
CQWindowsSystemProxy | |
CQWindowStateChangeEvent | Window state before a window state change |
CQWindowSurface | Drawing area for top-level windows |
CQWindowSurfacePrivate | |
CQWindowsVistaAnimation | |
CQWindowsVistaPulse | |
CQWindowsVistaStyle | Look and feel suitable for applications on Microsoft Windows Vista |
CQWindowsVistaStylePrivate | |
CQWindowsVistaTransition | |
CQWindowsXPStyle | Microsoft Windows XP-like look and feel |
CQWindowsXPStylePrivate | |
►CQWindowSystemInterface | |
CTouchPoint | |
►CQWindowSystemInterfacePrivate | |
CActivatedWindowEvent | |
CCloseEvent | |
CEnterEvent | |
CGeometryChangeEvent | |
CKeyEvent | |
CLeaveEvent | |
CLocaleChangeEvent | |
CMouseEvent | |
CPlatformPanelEvent | |
CScreenAvailableGeometryEvent | |
CScreenCountEvent | |
CScreenGeometryEvent | |
CTouchEvent | |
CUserEvent | |
CWheelEvent | |
CWindowStateChangedEvent | |
CWindowSystemEvent | |
CQWinEventNotifier | |
►CQWingedEdge | |
CTraversalStatus | |
CQWinInputContext | |
CQWinMsgHandlerCriticalSection | |
CQWinNativePanGestureRecognizer | |
CQWinSettingsPrivate | |
CQWizard | Framework for wizards |
CQWizardAntiFlickerWidget | |
CQWizardDefaultProperty | |
CQWizardField | |
CQWizardHeader | |
CQWizardLayoutInfo | |
CQWizardPage | Base class for wizard pages |
CQWizardPagePrivate | |
CQWizardPrivate | |
CQWizardRuler | |
CQWorkspace | Workspace window that can be used in an MDI application |
CQWorkspaceChild | |
CQWorkspacePrivate | |
CQWorkspaceTitleBar | |
CQWorkspaceTitleBarPrivate | |
CQWriteLocker | Convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking read-write locks for write access |
CQWriteNotifier | |
CQWritingSystemsPrivate | |
►CQWSAddPropertyCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSCalibratedMouseHandler | Mouse calibration and noise reduction in Qt for Embedded Linux |
►CQWSChangeAltitudeCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSClient | Encapsulates a client process in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQWSClientPrivate | |
CQWSCommand | |
CQWSCommandStruct | |
►CQWSConnectedEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSConvertSelectionCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSCreateCommand | |
►CQWSCreationEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSCursor | |
►CQWSDefineCursorCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSDirectPainterSurface | |
►CQWSDisplay | Display for QWS; it is an internal class |
CData | |
CQWSEmbedCommand | |
►CQWSEmbedEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSEmbedWidget | Enables embedded top-level widgets in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQWSEmbedWidgetPrivate | |
CQWSEvent | Encapsulates an event in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQWSEventDispatcherGlib | |
CQWSEventDispatcherGlibPrivate | |
►CQWSFocusEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSFontCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSFontEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSGetPropertyCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSGLWindowSurface | Drawing area for top-level windows with Qt for Embedded Linux on EGL/OpenGL ES |
CQWSGLWindowSurfacePrivate | |
►CQWSGrabKeyboardCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSGrabMouseCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSGraphicsSystem | |
►CQWSIdentifyCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSIMEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSIMInitEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSIMMouseCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSIMQueryEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSIMResponseCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSIMUpdateCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSInputContext | |
CQWSInputMethod | International input methods in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQWSInternalWindowInfo | |
CQWSIntKbPrivate | |
CQWSIntKeyboardHandler | |
CQWSKbPrivate | |
CQWSKeyboardHandler | Base class for keyboard drivers in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQWSKeyboardHandlerFactoryInterface | |
►CQWSKeyEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSLinuxInputKbPrivate | |
CQWSLinuxInputKeyboardHandler | |
CQWSLinuxInputMouseHandler | |
CQWSLinuxInputMousePrivate | |
CQWSLinuxTPMouseHandler | |
CQWSLinuxTPMouseHandlerPrivate | |
CQWSLocalMemSurface | |
CQWSLock | |
►CQWSMaxWindowRectEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSMemorySurface | |
►CQWSMouseEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSMouseHandler | Base class for mouse drivers in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQWSMouseHandlerFactoryInterface | |
CQWSMouseHandlerPrivate | |
CQWSOnScreenSurface | |
CQWSPcMouseHandler | |
CQWSPcMouseHandlerPrivate | |
CQWSPcMouseSubHandler | |
CQWSPcMouseSubHandler_intellimouse | |
CQWSPcMouseSubHandler_mouseman | |
CQWSPcMouseSubHandler_mousesystems | |
CQWSPcMouseSubHandler_ms | |
CQWSPcMouseSubHandler_serial | |
►CQWSPlaySoundCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSPointerCalibrationData | Container for mouse calibration data in Qt for Embedded Linux |
►CQWSPositionCursorCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSPropertyManager | |
CData | |
►CQWSPropertyNotifyEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSPropertyReplyEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSProtocolItem | |
►CQWSQCopMessageEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSQCopRegisterChannelCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSQCopSendCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSQnxKeyboardHandler | Implements a keyboard driver for the QNX devi-hid input manager |
►CQWSRegionCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSRegionDestroyCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSRegionEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSRegionMoveCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSRegionNameCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSRemovePropertyCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSRepaintRegionCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSRequestFocusCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSScreenSaver | Base class for screensavers in Qt for Embedded Linux |
►CQWSScreenTransformationEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSScreenTransformCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSSelectCursorCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSSelectionClearEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSSelectionNotifyEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSSelectionRequestEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSServer | Encapsulates a server process in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CKeyboardFilter | Base class for global keyboard event filters in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQWSServerCleaner | |
►CQWSServerPrivate | |
►CSelectionOwner | |
CTime | |
CQWSServerSignalBridge | |
CQWSServerSocket | |
►CQWSSetOpacityCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSSetPropertyCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
►CQWSSetSelectionOwnerCommand | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSSharedMemory | |
CQWSSharedMemSurface | |
CQWSSignalHandler | |
CQWSSignalHandlerPrivate | |
CQWSSocket | |
CQWSSoundServerBucket | |
CQWSSoundServerClient | |
►CQWSSoundServerPrivate | |
CCompletedInfo | |
CPresetVolume | |
CQWSSoundServerProvider | |
CQWSSoundServerStream | |
CQWSTslibMouseHandler | Implements a mouse driver for the Universal Touch Screen Library, tslib |
CQWSTslibMouseHandlerPrivate | |
CQWSTtyKbPrivate | |
CQWSTtyKeyboardHandler | |
CQWSUmKeyboardHandler | |
CQWSUmKeyboardHandlerPrivate | |
CQWSWindow | Encapsulates a top-level window in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQWSWindowInfo | |
►CQWSWindowOperationEvent | |
CSimpleData | |
CQWSWindowPrivate | |
CQWSWindowSurface | Drawing area for top-level windows in Qt for Embedded Linux |
CQWSWindowSurfacePrivate | |
CQWSYellowSurface | |
CQX11AlphaDetector | |
►CQX11Data | |
CPatternFills | |
CScrollInProgress | |
CSolidFills | |
CQX11EmbedContainer | XEmbed container widget |
CQX11EmbedContainerPrivate | |
CQX11EmbedWidget | XEmbed client widget |
CQX11EmbedWidgetPrivate | |
CQX11GLPixmapData | |
CQX11GLSharedContexts | |
CQX11GLWindowSurface | |
CQX11Info | Information about the X display configuration |
CQX11InfoData | |
CQX11MenuBar | |
CQX11MenuBarFactory | |
CQX11PaintEngine | |
CQX11PaintEnginePrivate | |
CQX11PixmapData | |
CQX11WindowAttributes | |
CQX11WindowSurface | |
CQX11WindowSurfacePrivate | |
CQXbmHandler | |
►CQXcbConnection | |
CCallInfo | |
CQXcbIntegration | |
CQXcbIntegrationPlugin | |
CQXcbKeyboard | |
CQXcbNativeInterface | |
CQXcbObject | |
CQXcbResourceMap | |
CQXcbScreen | |
CQXcbShmImage | |
CQXcbWindow | |
CQXcbWindowSurface | |
CQXdndDropTransaction | |
CQXImageWrapper | |
►CQXIMInputContext | |
CICData | |
CQXlibClipboard | |
CQXlibClipboardMime | |
CQXlibCursor | |
CQXlibDisplay | |
CQXlibEglIntegration | |
CQXlibIntegration | |
CQXlibIntegrationPlugin | |
CQXlibKeyboard | |
CQXlibMime | |
CQXlibMWMHints | |
CQXlibNativeInterface | |
CQXlibResourceMap | |
CQXlibScreen | |
CQXlibShmImageInfo | |
CQXlibStatic | |
CQXlibWindow | |
CQXlibWindowSurface | |
►CQXmlAttributes | XML attributes |
CAttribute | |
CQXmlAttributesPrivate | |
CQXmlCharRange | |
CQXmlContentHandler | Interface to report the logical content of XML data |
CQXmlDeclHandler | Interface to report declaration content of XML data |
CQXmlDefaultHandler | Default implementation of all the XML handler classes |
CQXmlDefaultHandlerPrivate | |
CQXmlDTDHandler | Interface to report DTD content of XML data |
CQXmlEntityResolver | Interface to resolve external entities contained in XML data |
CQXmlErrorHandler | Interface to report errors in XML data |
CQXmlFormatter | Implementation of QXmlSerializer for transforming XQuery output into formatted XML |
CQXmlFormatterPrivate | |
CQXmlInputSource | Input data for the QXmlReader subclasses |
CQXmlInputSourcePrivate | |
CQXmlItem | Either an XML node or an atomic value |
CQXmlLexicalHandler | Interface to report the lexical content of XML data |
CQXmlLocator | XML handler classes with information about the parsing position within a file |
CQXmlLocatorPrivate | |
CQXmlName | Name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way |
CQXmlNamePool | Table of shared strings referenced by instances of QXmlName |
CQXmlNamespaceSupport | Helper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support |
CQXmlNamespaceSupportPrivate | |
CQXmlNodeModelIndex | Identifies a node in an XML node model subclassed from QAbstractXmlNodeModel |
CQXmlParseException | Used to report errors with the QXmlErrorHandler interface |
CQXmlParseExceptionPrivate | |
CQXmlPatternistCLI | |
CQXmlQuery | Performs XQueries on XML data, or on non-XML data modeled to look like XML |
CQXmlQueryPrivate | |
CQXmlReader | Interface for XML readers (i.e |
CQXmlResultItems | Iterates through the results of evaluating an XQuery in QXmlQuery |
CQXmlResultItemsPrivate | |
CQXmlSchema | Loading and validation of a W3C XML Schema |
CQXmlSchemaPrivate | |
CQXmlSchemaValidator | Validates XML instance documents against a W3C XML Schema |
CQXmlSchemaValidatorPrivate | |
CQXmlSerializer | Implementation of QAbstractXmlReceiver for transforming XQuery output into unformatted XML |
CQXmlSerializerPrivate | |
CQXmlSimpleReader | Implementation of a simple XML parser |
CQXmlSimpleReaderLocator | |
►CQXmlSimpleReaderPrivate | |
CExternEntity | |
CExternParameterEntity | |
CParseState | |
CXmlRef | |
CQXmlStream | |
CQXmlStreamAttribute | Single XML attribute |
CQXmlStreamAttributes | Vector of QXmlStreamAttribute |
CQXmlStreamEntityDeclaration | DTD entity declaration |
CQXmlStreamEntityResolver | Entity resolver for a QXmlStreamReader |
CQXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration | Namespace declaration |
CQXmlStreamNotationDeclaration | DTD notation declaration |
►CQXmlStreamPrivateTagStack | |
CNamespaceDeclaration | |
CTag | |
CQXmlStreamReader | Fast parser for reading well-formed XML via a simple streaming API |
CQXmlStreamReader_Table | |
►CQXmlStreamReaderPrivate | |
CAttribute | |
CDtdAttribute | |
CEntity | |
CEntityDeclaration | |
CNotationDeclaration | |
CValue | |
CQXmlStreamSimpleStack | |
CQXmlStreamStrategy | |
CQXmlStreamStringRef | |
CQXmlStreamWriter | XML writer with a simple streaming API |
CQXmlStreamWriterPrivate | |
CQXmlTestLogger | |
CQXmlUtils | This class contains helper functions related to XML, for validating character classes, productions in the XML specification, and so on |
CQXpmHandler | |
CQXRenderTessellator | |
CQZeroTimerEvent | |
CQZipPrivate | |
►CQZipReader | QZipReader class provides a way to inspect the contents of a zip archive and extract individual files from it |
CFileInfo | Represents one entry in the zip table of contents |
CQZipReaderPrivate | |
CQZipStreamStrategy | |
CQZipWriter | QZipWriter class provides a way to create a new zip archive |
CQZipWriterPrivate | |
CRadialFetchPlain | |
CRadialGradientValues | |
CRectangle | The Rectangle item provides a filled rectangle with an optional border |
CRegExpValidator | This element provides a validator, which counts as valid any string which matches a specified regular expression |
CRegisterAnchorLineAtStartup | |
CRegistryKey | |
CRendezvous | |
CRepeater | The Repeater element allows you to repeat an Item-based component using a model |
CRequestAnalyzer | |
CRGBData | |
CRotation | The Rotation object provides a way to rotate an Item |
CRotationAnimation | The RotationAnimation element animates changes in rotation values |
CRow | The Row item arranges its children horizontally |
CRUsbOstComm | |
CScalableEntry | |
CScale | The Scale element provides a way to scale an Item |
CScreenVfbDriver | |
CScriptAction | The ScriptAction element allows scripts to be run during an animation |
CSelectWorker | |
CSequentialAnchorData | |
CSequentialAnimation | The SequentialAnimation element allows animations to be run sequentially |
CSerializedData | |
CShaderEffect | |
CShaderEffectBuffer | |
►CShaderEffectItem | The ShaderEffectItem object alters the output of given item with OpenGL shaders |
CSourceData | |
CShaderEffectSource | The ShaderEffectSource object encapsulates the source content for the ShaderEffectItem |
CShivaVGGraphicsSystem | |
CShivaVGGraphicsSystemPlugin | |
CShivaVGWindowSurface | |
CShivaVGWindowSurfacePrivate | |
CSmoothedAnimation | The SmoothedAnimation element allows a property to smoothly track a value |
CSoundInfo | |
CSourceAndConstAlpha | |
CSourceOnlyAlpha | |
CSpringAnimation | The SpringAnimation element allows a property to track a value in a spring-like motion |
CSSIDInfo | |
Cstat | |
CState | The State element defines configurations of objects and properties |
CStateChangeScript | The StateChangeScript element allows you to run a script in a state |
CStateGroup | The StateGroup element provides state support for non-Item elements |
CStaticQtMetaObject | |
CStringSplitter | Helper class for IdFN |
CStrokeHandler | |
CSummary16 | |
CSurfaceCache | |
CSxeRegistryLocker | |
CSystemPalette | The SystemPalette element provides access to the Qt palettes |
CTBand_ | |
CTCell_ | |
CText | The Text item allows you to add formatted text to a scene |
CTextEdit | The TextEdit item displays multiple lines of editable formatted text |
CTextInput | The TextInput item displays an editable line of text |
CTextureBuffer | |
CTga16Reader | |
CTga24Reader | |
CTga32Reader | |
CTgaReader | |
CThemeMapData | |
CThemeMapKey | |
CTickAnimationProxy | |
CTimer | The Timer item triggers a handler at a specified interval |
Ctm | |
CTransform | The Transform elements provide a way of building advanced transformations on Items |
CTransition | The Transition element defines animated transitions that occur on state changes |
CTranslate | The Translate object provides a way to move an Item without changing its x or y properties |
CTRaster_ | |
CTslibMouseDriver | |
CTWorker_ | |
CTWTextCodecs | |
CTypeNameData | |
CUCS2Pair | |
CUpdate | |
CUrlContextData | |
Cusr_key_entry | This comes from the SXE kernel patch file include/linux/lidsif |
CValueTypeSerializedData | |
CVDMDelegateDataType | |
CVector3dAnimation | The Vector3dAnimation element animates changes in QVector3d values |
CVisualDataModel | The VisualDataModel encapsulates a model and delegate |
CVisualItemModel | The VisualItemModel allows items to be provided to a view |
CWindowsToISOListElt | |
CWinTimerInfo | |
Cwl_xcomposite_listener | |
CWorkerDataEvent | |
CWorkerErrorEvent | |
CWorkerLoadEvent | |
CWorkerRemoveEvent | |
CWorkerScript | The WorkerScript element enables the use of threads in QML |
CXdndData | |
CXlfdEncoding | |
CXmlListModel | The XmlListModel element is used to specify a read-only model using XPath expressions |
CXmlQueryJob | |
CXmlRole | The XmlRole element allows you to specify a role for an XmlListModel |
CXPThemeData | |
CXsdSchemaToken | |