Qt 4.8
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NQAccessible2The QAccessible2 namespace defines constants relating to IAccessible2-based interfaces
 NQAudioThe QAudio namespace contains enums used by the audio classes
 NQPatternistThe namespace for the internal API of QtXmlPatterns
 NQtConcurrentThe QtConcurrent namespace provides high-level APIs that make it possible to write multi-threaded programs without using low-level threading primitives
 NQTestThe QTest namespace contains all the functions and declarations that are related to the QTestLib tool
 CAbstractXmlPullProviderPull-based stream interface for the XPath Data Model
 CAnchorAnimationThe AnchorAnimation element animates changes in anchor values
 CAnchorChangesThe AnchorChanges element allows you to change the anchors of an item in a state
 CAnchorDataRepresents an edge (anchor) in the internal graph
 CAnimatedImageThe AnimatedImage element extends the features of the Image element, providing a way to play animations stored as images containing a series of frames, such as those stored in GIF files
 CAnimationThe Animation element is the base of all QML animations
 CBehaviorThe Behavior element allows you to specify a default animation for a property change
 CBindingThe Binding element allows arbitrary property bindings to be created
 CBorderImageThe BorderImage element provides an image that can be used as a border
 CColorAnimationThe ColorAnimation element animates changes in color values
 CColorOutputOutputs colored messages to stderr
 CColumnThe Column item arranges its children vertically
 CComponentThe Component element encapsulates a QML component definition
 CConnectionsA Connections element describes generalized connections to signals
 CDoubleValidatorThis element provides a validator for non-integer numbers
 CFAREnforcerEnforces the False Authentication Rate
 CFlickableThe Flickable item provides a surface that can be "flicked"
 CFlipableThe Flipable item provides a surface that can be flipped
 CFlowThe Flow item arranges its children side by side, wrapping as necessary
 CFocusPanelThe FocusPanel item explicitly creates a focus panel
 CFocusScopeThe FocusScope object explicitly creates a focus scope
 CFolderListModelThe FolderListModel provides a model of the contents of a file system folder
 CFontLoaderThe FontLoader element allows fonts to be loaded by name or URL
 CGestureAreaThe GestureArea item enables simple gesture handling
 CGradientThe Gradient item defines a gradient fill
 CGradientStopThe GradientStop item defines the color at a position in a Gradient
 CGraphPathRepresentation of a valid path for a given vertex in the graph
 CGridThe Grid item positions its children in a grid
 CGridViewThe GridView item provides a grid view of items provided by a model
 CIdBlockData record for the manifest file
 CImageThe Image element displays an image in a declarative user interface
 CIntValidatorThis element provides a validator for integer values
 CItemThe Item is the most basic of all visual items in QML
 CKeyEventThe KeyEvent object provides information about a key event
 CKeyNavigationThe KeyNavigation attached property supports key navigation by arrow keys
 CKeysThe Keys attached property provides key handling to Items
 CLayoutItemThe LayoutItem element allows declarative UI elements to be placed inside Qt's Graphics View layouts
 CLayoutMirroringThe LayoutMirroring attached property is used to mirror layout behavior
 CListElementThe ListElement element defines a data item in a ListModel
 CListModelThe ListModel element defines a free-form list data source
 CListViewThe ListView item provides a list view of items provided by a model
 CLoaderThe Loader item allows dynamically loading an Item-based subtree from a URL or Component
 CMouseAreaThe MouseArea item enables simple mouse handling
 CMouseEventThe MouseEvent object provides information about a mouse event
 C<NSMenuDelegate >
 C<NSSoundDelegate >
 C<NSWindowDelegate >
 CNumberAnimationThe NumberAnimation element animates changes in qreal-type values
 CPackagePackage provides a collection of named items
 CParallelAnimationThe ParallelAnimation element allows animations to be run in parallel
 CParentAnimationThe ParentAnimation element animates changes in parent values
 CParentChangeThe ParentChange element allows you to reparent an Item in a state change
 CParticleMotionGravityThe ParticleMotionGravity object moves particles towards a point
 CParticleMotionLinearThe ParticleMotionLinear object moves particles linearly
 CParticleMotionWanderThe ParticleMotionWander object moves particles in a somewhat random fashion
 CParticlesThe Particles object generates and moves particles
 CPathA Path object defines a path for use by PathView
 CPathAttributeThe PathAttribute allows setting an attribute at a given position in a Path
 CPathCubicThe PathCubic defines a cubic Bezier curve with two control points
 CPathElementPathElement is the base path type
 CPathLineThe PathLine defines a straight line
 CPathPercentThe PathPercent manipulates the way a path is interpreted
 CPathQuadThe PathQuad defines a quadratic Bezier curve with a control point
 CPathViewThe PathView element lays out model-provided items on a path
 CPauseAnimationThe PauseAnimation element provides a pause for an animation
 CPerformComparisonHelper class for ComparisonFactory::fromLexical() which exposes CastingPlatform appropriately
 CPerformValueConstructionHelper class for ValueFactory::fromLexical() which exposes CastingPlatform appropriately
 CPinchAreaThe PinchArea item enables simple pinch gesture handling
 CPinchEventThe PinchEvent object provides information about a pinch event
 CPropertyActionThe PropertyAction element allows immediate property changes during animation
 CPropertyAnimationThe PropertyAnimation element animates changes in property values
 CPropertyChangesThe PropertyChanges element describes new property bindings or values for a state
 CQ3AccessibleTextEditImplements the QAccessibleInterface for richtext editors
 CQAbstractAnimationBase of all animations
 CQAbstractAudioDeviceInfoAccess for QAudioDeviceInfo to access the audio device provided by the plugin
 CQAbstractAudioInputAccess for QAudioInput to access the audio device provided by the plugin
 CQAbstractAudioOutputAccess for QAudioOutput to access the audio device provided by the plugin
 CQAbstractButtonAbstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons
 CQAbstractEventDispatcherInterface to manage Qt's event queue
 CQAbstractFileEngineAbstraction for accessing the filesystem
 CQAbstractFileEngineHandlerWay to register custom file engines with your application
 CQAbstractFileEngineIteratorIterator interface for custom file engines
 CQAbstractFontEngineBase class for font engine plugins in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQAbstractGraphicsShapeItemCommon base for all path items
 CQAbstractItemDelegateUsed to display and edit data items from a model
 CQAbstractItemModelAbstract interface for item model classes
 CQAbstractItemViewBasic functionality for item view classes
 CQAbstractListModelAbstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list models
 CQAbstractMessageHandlerCallback interface for handling messages
 CQAbstractNetworkCacheInterface for cache implementations
 CQAbstractPageSetupDialogBase for implementations of page setup dialogs
 CQAbstractPlatformMenuBarThe platform-specific implementation of a menubar
 CQAbstractPrintDialogBase implementation for print dialogs used to configure printers
 CQAbstractProxyModelBase class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering or other data processing tasks
 CQAbstractScrollAreaScrolling area with on-demand scroll bars
 CQAbstractSliderInteger value within a range
 CQAbstractSocketBase functionality common to all socket types
 CQAbstractSpinBoxSpinbox and a line edit to display values
 CQAbstractStateBase class of states of a QStateMachine
 CQAbstractTableModelAbstract model that can be subclassed to create table models
 CQAbstractTextDocumentLayoutAbstract base class used to implement custom layouts for QTextDocuments
 CQAbstractTransitionBase class of transitions between QAbstractState objects
 CQAbstractUriResolverCallback interface for resolving Uniform Resource Identifiers
 CQAbstractVideoBufferAbstraction for video data
 CQAbstractVideoSurfaceBase class for video presentation surfaces
 CQAbstractXmlForwardIteratorThe QAbstractXmlForwardIterator class is a base class for forward iterators
 CQAbstractXmlNodeModelAbstract base class for modeling non-XML data to look like XML for QXmlQuery
 CQAbstractXmlReceiverCallback interface for transforming the output of a QXmlQuery
 CQAccessibleEnums and static functions relating to accessibility
 CQAccessibleActionInterfaceImplements support for the IAccessibleAction interface
 CQAccessibleApplicationImplements the QAccessibleInterface for QApplication
 CQAccessibleBridgeBase class for accessibility back-ends
 CQAccessibleBridgePluginAbstract base for accessibility bridge plugins
 CQAccessibleButtonImplements the QAccessibleInterface for button type widgets
 CQAccessibleComboBoxImplements the QAccessibleInterface for editable and read-only combo boxes
 CQAccessibleDisplayImplements the QAccessibleInterface for widgets that display information
 CQAccessibleEditableTextInterfaceImplements support for the IAccessibleEditableText interface
 CQAccessibleEventUsed to query addition accessibility information about complex widgets
 CQAccessibleHeaderImplements the QAccessibleInterface for header widgets
 CQAccessibleIconViewImplements the QAccessibleInterface for icon views
 CQAccessibleImageInterfaceImplements support for the IAccessibleImage interface
 CQAccessibleInterfaceDefines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects
 CQAccessibleLineEditImplements the QAccessibleInterface for widgets with editable text
 CQAccessibleListBoxImplements the QAccessibleInterface for list boxes
 CQAccessibleListViewImplements the QAccessibleInterface for list views
 CQAccessibleObjectImplements parts of the QAccessibleInterface for QObjects
 CQAccessiblePluginAbstract base for accessibility plugins
 CQAccessibleScrollBarImplements the QAccessibleInterface for scroll bars
 CQAccessibleSimpleEditableTextInterfaceConvenience class for text-based widgets
 CQAccessibleSliderImplements the QAccessibleInterface for sliders
 CQAccessibleSpinBoxImplements the QAccessibleInterface for spinbox widgets
 CQAccessibleTabBarImplements the QAccessibleInterface for tab bars
 CQAccessibleTextEditImplements the QAccessibleInterface for richtext editors
 CQAccessibleTextInterfaceImplements support for the IAccessibleText interface
 CQAccessibleToolButtonImplements the QAccessibleInterface for tool buttons
 CQAccessibleValueInterfaceImplements support for the IAccessibleValue interface
 CQAccessibleWidgetImplements the QAccessibleInterface for QWidgets
 CQAccessibleWidgetStackImplements the QAccessibleInterface for widget stacks
 CQActionAbstract user interface action that can be inserted into widgets
 CQActionEventEvent that is generated when a QAction is added, removed, or changed
 CQActionGroupGroups actions together
 CQAnimationDriverUsed to exchange the mechanism that drives animations
 CQAnimationGroupAbstract base class for groups of animations
 CQApplicationManages the GUI application's control flow and main settings
 CQArgument< T & >
 CQAtomicIntPlatform-independent atomic operations on integers
 CQAtomicPointerThe QAtomicPointer class is a template class that provides platform-independent atomic operations on pointers
 CQAudioDeviceInfoInterface to query audio devices and their functionality
 CQAudioFormatStores audio parameter information
 CQAudioInputInterface for receiving audio data from an audio input device
 CQAudioOutputInterface for sending audio data to an audio output device
 CQAuthDevicePass-through QIODevice sub-class for authentication
 CQAuthenticatorAuthentication object
 CQAxAggregatedAbstract base class for implementations of additional COM interfaces
 CQAxBaseAbstract class that provides an API to initialize and access a COM object
 CQAxBindableInterface between a QWidget and an ActiveX client
 CQAxFactoryDefines a factory for the creation of COM components
 CQAxObjectQObject that wraps a COM object
 CQAxScriptWrapper around script code
 CQAxScriptEngineWrapper around a script engine
 CQAxScriptManagerBridge between application objects and script code
 CQAxWidgetQWidget that wraps an ActiveX control
 CQBasicKeyEventTransitionTransition for Qt key events
 CQBasicMouseEventTransitionTransition for Qt mouse events
 CQBasicTimerTimer events for objects
 CQBitArrayArray of bits
 CQBitmapMonochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps
 CQBitRefInternal class, used with QBitArray
 CQBoxLayoutLines up child widgets horizontally or vertically
 CQBrushDefines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainter
 CQBufferQIODevice interface for a QByteArray
 CQButtonGroupContainer to organize groups of button widgets
 CQByteArrayArray of bytes
 CQByteArrayMatcherHolds a sequence of bytes that can be quickly matched in a byte array
 CQCalendarWidgetMonthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a date
 CQCDEStyleCDE look and feel
 CQChar16-bit Unicode character
 CQCharRefHelper class for QString
 CQCheckBoxCheckbox with a text label
 CQChildEventEvent parameters for child object events
 CQCleanlooksStyleWidget style similar to the Clearlooks style available in GNOME
 CQClipboardAccess to the window system clipboard
 CQClipboardEventParameters used in a clipboard event
 CQCloseEventParameters that describe a close event
 CQColorColors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values
 CQColorDialogDialog widget for specifying colors
 CQColorGroupColor groups for each widget state
 CQColumnViewModel/view implementation of a column view
 CQColumnViewDelegateThis is a delegate that will paint the triangle
 CQComboBoxCombined button and popup list
 CQCommandLinkButtonVista style command link button
 CQCommonStyleEncapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUI
 CQCompleterCompletions based on an item model
 CQConcatenable< char >
 CQConcatenable< char[N]>
 CQConcatenable< const char * >
 CQConcatenable< const char[N]>
 CQConcatenable< HexString< T > >
 CQConcatenable< QByteArray >
 CQConcatenable< QChar >
 CQConcatenable< QCharRef >
 CQConcatenable< QLatin1Char >
 CQConcatenable< QLatin1Literal >
 CQConcatenable< QLatin1String >
 CQConcatenable< QString >
 CQConcatenable< QStringBuilder< A, B > >
 CQConcatenable< QStringRef >
 CQConicalGradientUsed in combination with QBrush to specify a conical gradient brush
 CQConstStringWrapper for constant Unicode string data
 CQContextMenuEventParameters that describe a context menu event
 CQContiguousCacheThe QContiguousCache class is a template class that provides a contiguous cache
 CQCopChannelCommunication capabilities between clients in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQCoreApplicationEvent loop for console Qt applications
 CQCP949CodecHandles encoding and decoding of text in CP949 encoding
 CQCryptographicHashWay to generate cryptographic hashes
 CQCursorMouse cursor with an arbitrary shape
 CQCustomEventSupport for custom events
 CQCustomRasterPaintDeviceProvided to activate hardware accelerated paint engines in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQDataStreamSerialization of binary data to a QIODevice
 CQDataWidgetMapperMapping between a section of a data model to widgets
 CQDateDate functions
 CQDateEditWidget for editing dates based on the QDateTimeEdit widget
 CQDateTimeDate and time functions
 CQDateTimeEditWidget for editing dates and times
 CQDBusAbstractAdaptorBase class of D-Bus adaptor classes
 CQDBusAbstractInterfaceBase class for all D-Bus interfaces in the QtDBus binding, allowing access to remote interfaces
 CQDBusArgumentUsed to marshall and demarshall D-Bus arguments
 CQDBusConnectionConnection to the D-Bus bus daemon
 CQDBusConnectionInterfaceAccess to the D-Bus bus daemon service
 CQDBusContextAllows slots to determine the D-Bus context of the calls
 CQDBusErrorError received from the D-Bus bus or from remote applications found in the bus
 CQDBusInterfaceProxy for interfaces on remote objects
 CQDBusIntrospectionInformation about introspected objects and interfaces on D-Bus
 CQDBusMessageOne message sent or received over the D-Bus bus
 CQDBusMetaTypeMeta-type registration system for the QtDBus module
 CQDBusObjectPathEnables the programmer to identify the OBJECT_PATH type provided by the D-Bus typesystem
 CQDBusPendingCallRefers to one pending asynchronous call
 CQDBusPendingCallWatcherConvenient way for waiting for asynchronous replies
 CQDBusPendingReplyThe QDBusPendingReply class contains the reply to an asynchronous method call
 CQDBusReplyThe QDBusReply class stores the reply for a method call to a remote object
 CQDBusServerPeer-to-peer communication between processes on the same computer
 CQDBusServiceWatcherAllows the user to watch for a bus service change
 CQDBusSignatureEnables the programmer to identify the SIGNATURE type provided by the D-Bus typesystem
 CQDBusUnixFileDescriptorHolds one Unix file descriptor
 CQDBusVariantEnables the programmer to identify the variant type provided by the D-Bus typesystem
 CQDBusVirtualObjectUsed to handle several DBus paths with one class
 CQDebugOutput stream for debugging information
 CQDeclarativeBasePositionerBase for QDeclarativeGraphics layouts
 CQDeclarativeCleanupThe QDeclarativeCleanup provides a callback when a QDeclarativeEngine is deleted
 CQDeclarativeComponentEncapsulates a QML component definition
 CQDeclarativeContextDefines a context within a QML engine
 CQDeclarativeCustomParserAllows you to add new arbitrary types to QML
 CQDeclarativeDataBlobThe QDeclarativeDataBlob encapsulates a data request that can be issued to a QDeclarativeDataLoader
 CQDeclarativeDataLoaderAbstracts loading files and their dependencies over the network
 CQDeclarativeDomComponentSub-component within a QML document
 CQDeclarativeDomDocumentRoot of a QML document
 CQDeclarativeDomImportImport statement
 CQDeclarativeDomListList of values assigned to a QML property
 CQDeclarativeDomObjectObject instantiation
 CQDeclarativeDomPropertyOne property assignment in the QML DOM tree
 CQDeclarativeDomValueGeneric Qml value
 CQDeclarativeDomValueBindingProperty binding
 CQDeclarativeDomValueLiteralLiteral value
 CQDeclarativeDomValueValueInterceptorValue interceptor assignment value
 CQDeclarativeDomValueValueSourceValue source assignment value
 CQDeclarativeEngineEnvironment for instantiating QML components
 CQDeclarativeErrorEncapsulates a QML error
 CQDeclarativeExpressionEvaluates JavaScript in a QML context
 CQDeclarativeExtensionPluginAbstract base for custom QML extension plugins
 CQDeclarativeFolderListModel[class begin]
 CQDeclarativeImageProviderInterface for supporting pixmaps and threaded image requests in QML
 CQDeclarativeImportDatabaseManages the QML imports for a QDeclarativeEngine
 CQDeclarativeImportsEncapsulates one QML document's import statements
 CQDeclarativeItemMost basic of all visual items in QML
 CQDeclarativeListPropertyThe QDeclarativeListProperty class allows applications to expose list-like properties to QML
 CQDeclarativeListReferenceAllows the manipulation of QDeclarativeListProperty properties
 CQDeclarativeNetworkAccessManagerFactoryCreates QNetworkAccessManager instances for a QML engine
 CQDeclarativePackagePrivateThis attached property holds the name of an item within a Package
 CQDeclarativePaintedItemAbstract base class for QDeclarativeView items that want cached painting
 CQDeclarativeParserStatusUpdates on the QML parser state
 CQDeclarativeParticleMotionBase class for particle motion
 CQDeclarativePenPen used for drawing rectangle borders on a QDeclarativeView
 CQDeclarativePropertyAbstracts accessing properties on objects created from QML
 CQDeclarativePropertyMapAllows you to set key-value pairs that can be used in QML bindings
 CQDeclarativePropertyValueInterceptorInherited by property interceptors such as Behavior
 CQDeclarativePropertyValueSourceInterface for property value sources such as animations and bindings
 CQDeclarativeScaleGridAllows you to specify a 3x3 grid to use in scaling an image
 CQDeclarativeScriptStringEncapsulates a script and its context
 CQDeclarativeTextLayoutVersion of QStaticText that works with QTextLayouts
 CQDeclarativeTimeLineTimeline for controlling animations
 CQDeclarativeTimeLineValueValue that can be modified by QDeclarativeTimeLine
 CQDeclarativeViewWidget for displaying a Qt Declarative user interface
 CQDecorationBase class for window decorations in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQDecorationDefaultBase class providing default window decorations
 CQDecorationFactoryCreates window decorations in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQDecorationPluginAbstract base class for window decoration plugins in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQDesktopServicesMethods for accessing common desktop services
 CQDialRounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer)
 CQDialogBase class of dialog windows
 CQDialogButtonBoxWidget that presents buttons in a layout that is appropriate to the current widget style
 CQDirAccess to directory structures and their contents
 CQDirectPainterDirect access to the underlying hardware in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQDirIteratorIterator for directory entrylists
 CQDirModelData model for the local filesystem
 CQDockWidgetWidget that can be docked inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktop
 CQDomAttrOne attribute of a QDomElement
 CQDomCDATASectionXML CDATA section
 CQDomCharacterDataGeneric string in the DOM
 CQDomCommentXML comment
 CQDomDocumentXML document
 CQDomDocumentFragmentTree of QDomNodes which is not usually a complete QDomDocument
 CQDomDocumentTypeRepresentation of the DTD in the document tree
 CQDomElementOne element in the DOM tree
 CQDomEntityXML entity
 CQDomEntityReferenceXML entity reference
 CQDomImplementationInformation about the features of the DOM implementation
 CQDomNamedNodeMapCollection of nodes that can be accessed by name
 CQDomNodeBase class for all the nodes in a DOM tree
 CQDomNodeListList of QDomNode objects
 CQDomNotationXML notation
 CQDomProcessingInstructionXML processing instruction
 CQDomTextText data in the parsed XML document
 CQDoubleSpinBoxSpin box widget that takes doubles
 CQDoubleValidatorRange checking of floating-point numbers
 CQDragSupport for MIME-based drag and drop data transfer
 CQDragEnterEventEvent which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters it
 CQDragLeaveEventEvent that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves it
 CQDragMoveEventEvent which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progress
 CQDropEventEvent which is sent when a drag and drop action is completed
 CQDynamicPropertyChangeEventEvent parameters for dynamic property change events
 CQEasingCurveEasing curves for controlling animation
 CQElapsedTimerFast way to calculate elapsed times
 CQErrorMessageError message display dialog
 CQEventBase class of all event classes
 CQEventLoopMeans of entering and leaving an event loop
 CQEventSizeOfChecker< sizeof(QEvent)>
 CQEventTransitionQObject-specific transition for Qt events
 CQExplicitlySharedDataPointerThe QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object
 CQFileInterface for reading from and writing to files
 CQFileDialogDialog that allow users to select files or directories
 CQFileIconProviderFile icons for the QDirModel and the QFileSystemModel classes
 CQFileInfoSystem-independent file information
 CQFileOpenEventEvent that will be sent when there is a request to open a file or a URL
 CQFileSystemModelData model for the local filesystem
 CQFileSystemWatcherInterface for monitoring files and directories for modifications
 CQFinalStateFinal state
 CQFlagHelper data type for QFlags
 CQFlagsThe QFlags class provides a type-safe way of storing OR-combinations of enum values
 CQFocusEventEvent parameters for widget focus events
 CQFocusFrameFocus frame which can be outside of a widget's normal paintable area
 CQFontFont used for drawing text
 CQFontComboBoxCombobox that lets the user select a font family
 CQFontDatabaseInformation about the fonts available in the underlying window system
 CQFontDialogDialog widget for selecting a font
 CQFontEngineInfoDescribes a specific font provided by a font engine plugin
 CQFontEnginePluginBase class for font engine factory plugins in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQFontInfoGeneral information about fonts
 CQFontMetricsFont metrics information
 CQFontMetricsFFont metrics information
 CQFormLayoutManages forms of input widgets and their associated labels
 CQFrameBase class of widgets that can have a frame
 CQFSCompleterQCompleter that can deal with QFileSystemModel
 CQFSFileEngineImplements Qt's default file engine
 CQFtpImplementation of the client side of FTP protocol
 CQFutureThe QFuture class represents the result of an asynchronous computation
 CQFutureIteratorJava-style const iterator for QFuture
 CQFutureSynchronizerThe QFutureSynchronizer class is a convenience class that simplifies QFuture synchronization
 CQFutureWatcherThe QFutureWatcher class allows monitoring a QFuture using signals and slots
 CQGb2312CodecConversion to and from the Chinese GB2312 encoding
 CQGbkCodecConversion to and from the Chinese GBK encoding
 CQGenericArgumentInternal helper class for marshalling arguments
 CQGenericMatrixThe QGenericMatrix class is a template class that represents a NxM transformation matrix with N columns and M rows
 CQGenericPluginAbstract base class for window-system related plugins in Qt QPA
 CQGenericPluginFactoryCreates window-system related plugin drivers in Qt QPA
 CQGenericReturnArgumentInternal helper class for marshalling arguments
 CQGestureGesture, containing properties that describe the corresponding user input
 CQGestureEventDescription of triggered gestures
 CQGestureRecognizerInfrastructure for gesture recognition
 CQGLBufferFunctions for creating and managing GL buffer objects
 CQGLColormapUsed for installing custom colormaps into a QGLWidget
 CQGLContextEncapsulates an OpenGL rendering context
 CQGLFormatDisplay format of an OpenGL rendering context
 CQGLFramebufferObjectEncapsulates an OpenGL framebuffer object
 CQGLFramebufferObjectFormatFormat of an OpenGL framebuffer object
 CQGLFramebufferObjectPoolThe QGLFramebufferObject class provides a pool of framebuffer objects for offscreen rendering purposes
 CQGLFunctionsCross-platform access to the OpenGL/ES 2.0 API
 CQGlobalStaticDeleter< QBrushData >
 CQGlobalStaticDeleter< QPenPrivate >
 CQGLPixelBufferEncapsulates an OpenGL pbuffer
 CQGLScreenThis class encapsulates an OpenGL screen driver
 CQGLScreenSurfaceFunctionsEncapsulates the functions for creating native windows and pixmaps for OpenGL ES
 CQGLShaderAllows OpenGL shaders to be compiled
 CQGLShaderProgramAllows OpenGL shader programs to be linked and used
 CQGLWidgetWidget for rendering OpenGL graphics
 CQGlyphRunDirect access to the internal glyphs in a font
 CQGradientUsed in combination with QBrush to specify gradient fills
 CQGraphicsAnchorAnchor between two items in a QGraphicsAnchorLayout
 CQGraphicsAnchorLayoutLayout where one can anchor widgets together in Graphics View
 CQGraphicsAnchorLayoutPrivateQGraphicsAnchorLayout private methods and attributes
 CQGraphicsBlurEffectBlur effect
 CQGraphicsColorizeEffectColorize effect
 CQGraphicsDropShadowEffectDrop shadow effect
 CQGraphicsEffectBase class for all graphics effects
 CQGraphicsEffectSourceSource on which a QGraphicsEffect is installed on
 CQGraphicsEllipseItemEllipse item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsGridLayoutGrid layout for managing widgets in Graphics View
 CQGraphicsItemBase class for all graphical items in a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsItemAnimationSimple animation support for QGraphicsItem
 CQGraphicsItemGroupContainer that treats a group of items as a single item
 CQGraphicsLayoutBase class for all layouts in Graphics View
 CQGraphicsLayoutItemCan be inherited to allow your custom items to be managed by layouts
 CQGraphicsLinearLayoutHorizontal or vertical layout for managing widgets in Graphics View
 CQGraphicsLineItemLine item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsObjectBase class for all graphics items that require signals, slots and properties
 CQGraphicsOpacityEffectOpacity effect
 CQGraphicsPathItemPath item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsPixmapItemPixmap item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsPolygonItemPolygon item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsProxyWidgetProxy layer for embedding a QWidget in a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsRectItemRectangle item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsRotationRotation transformation around a given axis
 CQGraphicsScaleScale transformation
 CQGraphicsSceneSurface for managing a large number of 2D graphical items
 CQGraphicsSceneBspTreeIndexImplementation of a BSP indexing algorithm for discovering items in QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsSceneContextMenuEventContext menu events in the graphics view framework
 CQGraphicsSceneDragDropEventEvents for drag and drop in the graphics view framework
 CQGraphicsSceneEventBase class for all graphics view related events
 CQGraphicsSceneHelpEventEvents when a tooltip is requested
 CQGraphicsSceneHoverEventHover events in the graphics view framework
 CQGraphicsSceneIndexBase class to implement a custom indexing algorithm for discovering items in QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsSceneLinearIndexImplementation of a linear indexing algorithm for discovering items in QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsSceneMouseEventMouse events in the graphics view framework
 CQGraphicsSceneMoveEventEvents for widget moving in the graphics view framework
 CQGraphicsSceneResizeEventEvents for widget resizing in the graphics view framework
 CQGraphicsSceneWheelEventWheel events in the graphics view framework
 CQGraphicsSimpleTextItemSimple text path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsSvgItemQGraphicsItem that can be used to render the contents of SVG files
 CQGraphicsTextItemText item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene to display formatted text
 CQGraphicsTransformAbstract base class for building advanced transformations on QGraphicsItems
 CQGraphicsViewWidget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsScene
 CQGraphicsWidgetBase class for all widget items in a QGraphicsScene
 CQGridLayoutLays out widgets in a grid
 CQGroupBoxGroup box frame with a title
 CQGtkStyleWidget style rendered by GTK+
 CQHashThe QHash class is a template class that provides a hash-table-based dictionary
 CQHBoxLayoutLines up widgets horizontally
 CQHeaderViewHeader row or header column for item views
 CQHelpEventEvent that is used to request helpful information about a particular point in a widget
 CQHideEventEvent which is sent after a widget is hidden
 CQHistoryStateMeans of returning to a previously active substate
 CQHostAddressIP address
 CQHostInfoStatic functions for host name lookups
 CQHoverEventParameters that describe a mouse event
 CQHttpImplementation of the HTTP protocol
 CQHttpHeaderHeader information for HTTP
 CQHttpMultiPartResembles a MIME multipart message to be sent over HTTP
 CQHttpPartHolds a body part to be used inside a HTTP multipart MIME message
 CQHttpRequestHeaderRequest header information for HTTP
 CQHttpResponseHeaderResponse header information for HTTP
 CQIconScalable icons in different modes and states
 CQIconDragEventIndicates that a main icon drag has begun
 CQIconEngineAbstract base class for QIcon renderers
 CQIconEnginePluginAbstract base for custom QIconEngine plugins
 CQIconEnginePluginV2Abstract base for custom QIconEngineV2 plugins
 CQIconEngineV2Abstract base class for QIcon renderers
 CQIdentityProxyModelProxies its source model unmodified
 CQImageHardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint device
 CQImageIOHandlerDefines the common image I/O interface for all image formats in Qt
 CQImageIOHandlerFactoryInterfaceFactory interface for QImageIOPlugin
 CQImageIOPluginDefines an interface for writing an image format plugin
 CQImageReaderFormat independent interface for reading images from files or other devices
 CQImageWriterFormat independent interface for writing images to files or other devices
 CQInputContextAbstracts the input method dependent data and composing state
 CQInputContextFactoryCreates QInputContext objects
 CQInputContextPluginAbstract base for custom QInputContext plugins
 CQInputDialogSimple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user
 CQInputEventBase class for events that describe user input
 CQInputMethodEventParameters for input method events
 CQIntegerForSize< 1 >
 CQIntegerForSize< 2 >
 CQIntegerForSize< 4 >
 CQIntegerForSize< 8 >
 CQIntfbScreenImplements a screen driver for the INTEGRITY framebuffer drivers
 CQIntValidatorValidator that ensures a string contains a valid integer within a specified range
 CQIODeviceBase interface class of all I/O devices in Qt
 CQIsciiCodecConversion to and from the ISCII encoding
 CQItemDelegateDisplay and editing facilities for data items from a model
 CQItemEditorCreatorThe QItemEditorCreator class makes it possible to create item editor creator bases without subclassing QItemEditorCreatorBase
 CQItemEditorCreatorBaseAbstract base class that must be subclassed when implementing new item editor creators
 CQItemEditorFactoryWidgets for editing item data in views and delegates
 CQItemSelectionManages information about selected items in a model
 CQItemSelectionModelKeeps track of a view's selected items
 CQItemSelectionRangeManages information about a range of selected items in a model
 CQKbdDriverFactoryCreates keyboard drivers in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQKbdDriverPluginAbstract base class for keyboard driver plugins in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQKeyEventDescribes a key event
 CQKeyEventTransitionTransition for key events
 CQKeySequenceEncapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcuts
 CQLabelText or image display
 CQLatin1Char8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character
 CQLatin1LiteralThin wrapper around string literals used in source code
 CQLatin1StringThin wrapper around an US-ASCII/Latin-1 encoded string literal
 CQLayoutBase class of geometry managers
 CQLayoutItemAbstract item that a QLayout manipulates
 CQLCDNumberDisplays a number with LCD-like digits
 CqLess< Item::List >Functor used by Qt's qSort() and qStableSort(). Used for FLWOR's order by expression
 CQLibraryLoads shared libraries at runtime
 CQLibraryInfoInformation about the Qt library
 CQLineTwo-dimensional vector using integer precision
 CQLinearGradientUsed in combination with QBrush to specify a linear gradient brush
 CQLineEditOne-line text editor
 CQLineFTwo-dimensional vector using floating point precision
 CQLinkedListThe QLinkedList class is a template class that provides linked lists
 CQLinuxFbScreenImplements a screen driver for the Linux framebuffer
 CQListThe QList class is a template class that provides lists
 CQListModelInterfaceCan be subclassed to provide C++ models to QDeclarativeGraphics Views
 CQListViewList or icon view onto a model
 CQListWidgetItem-based list widget
 CQListWidgetItemItem for use with the QListWidget item view class
 CQLocalServerLocal socket based server
 CQLocalSocketLocal socket
 CQLockWrapper for a system shared semaphore
 CQMacPasteboardMimeConverts between a MIME type and a
 CQMainWindowMain application window
 CQMapThe QMap class is a template class that provides a skip-list-based dictionary
 CQMarginsDefines the four margins of a rectangle
 CQMatrix2D transformations of a coordinate system
 CQMatrix4x44x4 transformation matrix in 3D space
 CQMdiAreaArea in which MDI windows are displayed
 CQMdiSubWindowSubwindow class for QMdiArea
 CQMemoryVideoBufferSystem memory allocated video data buffer
 CQMenuMenu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menus
 CQMenuBarHorizontal menu bar
 CQMessageBoxModal dialog for informing the user or for asking the user a question and receiving an answer
 CQMetaClassInfoAdditional information about a class
 CQMetaEnumMeta-data about an enumerator
 CQMetaEnumBuilderEnables modifications to an enumerator definition on a meta object builder
 CQMetaMethodMeta-data about a member function
 CQMetaMethodBuilderEnables modifications to a method definition on a meta object builder
 CQMetaObjectMeta-information about Qt objects
 CQMetaPropertyMeta-data about a property
 CQMetaPropertyBuilderEnables modifications to a property definition on a meta object builder
 CQMetaTypeManages named types in the meta-object system
 CQMimeDataContainer for data that records information about its MIME type
 CQMimeSourceAbstraction of objects that provided formatted data of a certain MIME type
 CQMLThe QML global Qt object provides useful enums and functions from Qt
 CQmlFolderListModelPlugin[class decl]
 CQModelIndexUsed to locate data in a data model
 CQMotifStyleMotif look and feel
 CQMouseDriverFactoryCreates mouse drivers in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQMouseDriverPluginAbstract base class for mouse driver plugins in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQMouseEventParameters that describe a mouse event
 CQMouseEventTransitionTransition for mouse events
 CQMoveEventEvent parameters for move events
 CQMovieConvenience class for playing movies with QImageReader
 CQMultiHashThe QMultiHash class is a convenience QHash subclass that provides multi-valued hashes
 CQMultiMapThe QMultiMap class is a convenience QMap subclass that provides multi-valued maps
 CQMutexAccess serialization between threads
 CQMutexLockerConvenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking mutexes
 CQMutexPoolPool of QMutex objects
 CQNativeSocketEngineLow level access to a socket
 CQNetworkAccessManagerAllows the application to send network requests and receive replies
 CQNetworkAddressEntryStores one IP address supported by a network interface, along with its associated netmask and broadcast address
 CQNetworkCacheMetaDataCache information
 CQNetworkConfigurationAbstraction of one or more access point configurations
 CQNetworkConfigurationManagerManages the network configurations provided by the system
 CQNetworkCookieHolds one network cookie
 CQNetworkCookieJarImplements a simple jar of QNetworkCookie objects
 CQNetworkDiskCacheVery basic disk cache
 CQNetworkInterfaceListing of the host's IP addresses and network interfaces
 CQNetworkProxyNetwork layer proxy
 CQNetworkProxyFactoryFine-grained proxy selection
 CQNetworkProxyQueryUsed to query the proxy settings for a socket
 CQNetworkReplyData and headers for a request sent with QNetworkAccessManager
 CQNetworkRequestHolds a request to be sent with QNetworkAccessManager
 CQNetworkSessionControl over the system's access points and enables session management for cases when multiple clients access the same access point
 CQNonContiguousByteDeviceA QNonContiguousByteDevice is a representation of a file, array or buffer that allows access with a read pointer
 CQNonContiguousByteDeviceFactoryCreates a QNonContiguousByteDevice out of a QIODevice, QByteArray etc
 CQObjectBase class of all Qt objects
 CQObjectCleanupHandlerWatches the lifetime of multiple QObjects
 CQPacketEncapsulates an unfragmentable packet of data to be transmitted by QPacketProtocol
 CQPacketProtocolEncapsulates communicating discrete packets across fragmented IO channels, such as TCP sockets
 CQPageSetupDialogConfiguration dialog for the page-related options on a printer
 CQPaintEngineAbstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platform
 CQPaintEngineStateInformation about the active paint engine's current state
 CQPainterPerforms low-level painting on widgets and other paint devices
 CQPainterPathContainer for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and reused
 CQPainterPathStrokerUsed to generate fillable outlines for a given painter path
 CQPaintEventEvent parameters for paint events
 CQPaletteColor groups for each widget state
 CQPanGestureDescribes a panning gesture made by the user
 CQParallelAnimationGroupParallel group of animations
 CQPauseAnimationPause for QSequentialAnimationGroup
 CQPenDefines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes
 CQPersistentModelIndexUsed to locate data in a data model
 CQPicturePaint device that records and replays QPainter commands
 CQPictureFormatPluginAbstract base for custom picture format plugins
 CQPictureIOParameters for loading and saving pictures
 CQPinchGestureDescribes a pinch gesture made by the user
 CQPixmapOff-screen image representation that can be used as a paint device
 CQPixmapBlurFilterBlur filtering for pixmaps
 CQPixmapCacheApplication-wide cache for pixmaps
 CQPixmapColorizeFilterColorizing filtering for pixmaps
 CQPixmapConvolutionFilterConvolution filtering for pixmaps
 CQPixmapDropShadowFilterConvenience class for drawing pixmaps with drop shadows
 CQPixmapFilterBasic functionality for pixmap filter classes
 CQPlainTextDocumentLayoutImplements a plain text layout for QTextDocument
 CQPlainTextEditWidget that is used to edit and display plain text
 CQPlastiqueStyleWidget style similar to the Plastik style available in KDE
 CQPlatformCursorInformation about pointer device events (movement, buttons), and requests to change the currently displayed cursor
 CQPlatformCursorImageSet of graphics intended to be used as cursors
 CQPlatformFontDatabaseMakes it possible to customize how fonts are discovered and how they are rendered
 CQPlatformGLContextAbstraction for native GL contexts
 CQPlatformIntegrationEntry for WindowSystem specific functionality
 CQPlatformScreenAbstraction for visual displays
 CQPlatformWindowAbstraction for top-level windows
 CQPlatformWindowFormatDisplay format of an OpenGL rendering context and if possible attributes of the corresponding QPlatformWindow
 CQPluginLoaderLoads a plugin at run-time
 CQPointDefines a point in the plane using integer precision
 CQPointerThe QPointer class is a template class that provides guarded pointers to QObject
 CQPointFDefines a point in the plane using floating point precision
 CQPolygonVector of points using integer precision
 CQPolygonFVector of points using floating point precision
 CQPrintDialogDialog for specifying the printer's configuration
 CQPrintEngineDefines an interface for how QPrinter interacts with a given printing subsystem
 CQPrinterPaint device that paints on a printer
 CQPrinterInfoGives access to information about existing printers
 CQPrintPreviewDialogDialog for previewing and configuring page layouts for printer output
 CQPrintPreviewWidgetWidget for previewing page layouts for printer output
 CQProcessUsed to start external programs and to communicate with them
 CQProcessEnvironmentHolds the environment variables that can be passed to a program
 CQProgressBarHorizontal or vertical progress bar
 CQProgressDialogFeedback on the progress of a slow operation
 CQPropertyAnimationAnimates Qt properties
 CQProxyModelSupport for processing data passed between another model and a view
 CQProxyScreenGeneric interface to QScreen implementations
 CQProxyScreenCursorGeneric interface to QScreenCursor implementations
 CQProxyStyleConvenience class that simplifies dynamically overriding QStyle elements
 CQPushButtonCommand button
 CQQnxMouseHandlerImplements a mouse driver for the QNX devi-hid input manager
 CQQnxScreenImplements a screen driver for QNX io-display based devices
 CQQuaternionQuaternion consisting of a vector and scalar
 CQQueueThe QQueue class is a generic container that provides a queue
 CQRadialGradientUsed in combination with QBrush to specify a radial gradient brush
 CQRadioButtonRadio button with a text label
 CQRasterPaintEngineEnables hardware acceleration of painting operations in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQRawFontAccess to a single physical instance of a font
 CQReadLockerConvenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking read-write locks for read access
 CQReadWriteLockRead-write locking
 CQRectDefines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision
 CQRectFDefines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precision
 CQRegExpPattern matching using regular expressions
 CQRegExpValidatorUsed to check a string against a regular expression
 CQRegionClip region for a painter
 CQResizeEventEvent parameters for resize events
 CQResourceInterface for reading directly from resources
 CQRubberBandRectangle or line that can indicate a selection or a boundary
 CQRunnableBase class for all runnable objects
 CQScopedArrayPointerThe QScopedArrayPointer class stores a pointer to a dynamically allocated array of objects, and deletes it upon destruction
 CQScopedPointerThe QScopedPointer class stores a pointer to a dynamically allocated object, and deletes it upon destruction
 CQScopedValueRollbackThe QScopedValueRollback class resets a variable to its previous value on destruction
 CQScreenBase class for screen drivers in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQScreenCursorBase class for screen cursors in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQScreenDriverFactoryCreates screen drivers in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQScreenDriverPluginAbstract base class for screen driver plugins in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQScriptableAccess to the Qt Script environment from Qt C++ member functions
 CQScriptBreakpointDataData associated with a breakpoint
 CQScriptClassInterface for defining custom behavior of (a class of) Qt Script objects
 CQScriptClassPropertyIteratorIterator interface for custom Qt Script objects
 CQScriptContextQt Script function invocation
 CQScriptContextInfoAdditional information about a QScriptContext
 CQScriptDebuggerQt Script debugger
 CQScriptDebuggerAgentThis class implements a state machine that uses the low-level events reported by the QScriptEngineAgent interface to implement debugging- specific functionality such as stepping and breakpoints
 CQScriptDebuggerBackendBase class of debugger back-ends
 CQScriptDebuggerCommandCommand issued to a QScriptDebuggerFrontend
 CQScriptDebuggerCommandExecutorThe QScriptDebuggerCommandExecutor applies debugger commands to a back-end
 CQScriptDebuggerConsoleCore functionality of a debugger console
 CQScriptDebuggerConsoleCommandBase class of console commands
 CQScriptDebuggerConsoleCommandGroupDataHolds data associated with a console command group
 CQScriptDebuggerFrontendBase class of debugger front-ends
 CQScriptDebuggerResponseFront-end's response to a QScriptDebuggerCommand
 CQScriptDebuggerScriptedConsoleCommandEncapsulates a command defined in a script
 CQScriptDebuggerValueScript value
 CQScriptEngineEnvironment for evaluating Qt Script code
 CQScriptEngineAgentInterface to report events pertaining to QScriptEngine execution
 CQScriptEngineDebuggerQScriptEngine debugger
 CQScriptEngineDebuggerFrontendIn-process debugger frontend
 CQScriptExtensionPluginAbstract base for custom QScript extension plugins
 CQScriptProgramEncapsulates a Qt Script program
 CQScriptScriptDataHolds data associated with a script
 CQScriptStaticScopeObjectRepresents a static scope object
 CQScriptStdMessageHandlerImplements a message handler that writes to standard output
 CQScriptStringActs as a handle to "interned" strings in a QScriptEngine
 CQScriptSyntaxCheckResultResult of a script syntax check
 CQScriptValueActs as a container for the Qt Script data types
 CQScriptValueIteratorJava-style iterator for QScriptValue
 CQScrollAreaScrolling view onto another widget
 CQScrollBarVertical or horizontal scroll bar
 CQSemaphoreGeneral counting semaphore
 CQSequentialAnimationGroupSequential group of animations
 CQSessionManagerAccess to the session manager
 CQSettingsPersistent platform-independent application settings
 CQSharedDataBase class for shared data objects
 CQSharedDataPointerThe QSharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an implicitly shared object
 CQSharedMemoryAccess to a shared memory segment
 CQSharedMemoryLockerHelper class
 CQSharedPointerThe QSharedPointer class holds a strong reference to a shared pointer
 CQShortcutUsed to create keyboard shortcuts
 CQShortcutEventEvent which is generated when the user presses a key combination
 CQShowEventEvent that is sent when a widget is shown
 CQSignalMapperBundles signals from identifiable senders
 CQSignalTransitionTransition based on a Qt signal
 CQSimplexLinear Programming problem solver based on the two-phase simplex method
 CQSimpleXmlNodeModelImplementation of QAbstractXmlNodeModel sufficient for many common cases
 CQSizeDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision
 CQSizeFDefines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precision
 CQSizeGripResize handle for resizing top-level windows
 CQSliderVertical or horizontal slider
 CQSocketNotifierSupport for monitoring activity on a file descriptor
 CQSortFilterProxyModelSupport for sorting and filtering data passed between another model and a view
 CQSoundAccess to the platform audio facilities
 CQSourceLocationIdentifies a location in a resource by URI, line, and column
 CQSpacerItemBlank space in a layout
 CQSpinBoxSpin box widget
 CQSplashScreenSplash screen that can be shown during application startup
 CQSplitterImplements a splitter widget
 CQSplitterHandleHandle functionality of the splitter
 CQSqlDatabaseConnection to a database
 CQSqlDriverAbstract base class for accessing specific SQL databases
 CQSqlDriverCreatorThe QSqlDriverCreator class is a template class that provides a SQL driver factory for a specific driver type
 CQSqlDriverCreatorBaseBase class for SQL driver factories
 CQSqlDriverPluginAbstract base for custom QSqlDriver plugins
 CQSqlErrorSQL database error information
 CQSqlFieldManipulates the fields in SQL database tables and views
 CQSqlIndexFunctions to manipulate and describe database indexes
 CQSqlQueryMeans of executing and manipulating SQL statements
 CQSqlQueryModelRead-only data model for SQL result sets
 CQSqlRecordEncapsulates a database record
 CQSqlRelationStores information about an SQL foreign key
 CQSqlRelationalDelegateDelegate that is used to display and edit data from a QSqlRelationalTableModel
 CQSqlRelationalTableModelEditable data model for a single database table, with foreign key support
 CQSqlResultAbstract interface for accessing data from specific SQL databases
 CQSqlTableModelEditable data model for a single database table
 CQSslCertificateConvenient API for an X509 certificate
 CQSslCipherSSL cryptographic cipher
 CQSslConfigurationHolds the configuration and state of an SSL connection
 CQSslErrorSSL error
 CQSslKeyInterface for private and public keys
 CQSslSocketSSL encrypted socket for both clients and servers
 CQStackThe QStack class is a template class that provides a stack
 CQStackedLayoutStack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time
 CQStackedWidgetStack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time
 CQStandardItemItem for use with the QStandardItemModel class
 CQStandardItemEditorCreatorThe QStandardItemEditorCreator class provides the possibility to register widgets without having to subclass QItemEditorCreatorBase
 CQStandardItemModelGeneric model for storing custom data
 CQStateGeneral-purpose state for QStateMachine
 CQStateMachineHierarchical finite state machine
 CQStaticTextEnables optimized drawing of text when the text and its layout is updated rarely
 CQStatusBarHorizontal bar suitable for presenting status information
 CQStatusTipEventEvent that is used to show messages in a status bar
 CQStringUnicode character string
 CQStringBuilderThe QStringBuilder class is a template class that provides a facility to build up QStrings from smaller chunks
 CQStringBuilder< QByteArray, QByteArray >
 CQStringBuilder< QString, QString >
 CQStringListList of strings
 CQStringListModelModel that supplies strings to views
 CQStringMatcherHolds a sequence of characters that can be quickly matched in a Unicode string
 CQStringRefThin wrapper around QString substrings
 CQStyleAbstract base class that encapsulates the look and feel of a GUI
 CQStyledItemDelegateDisplay and editing facilities for data items from a model
 CQStyleFactoryCreates QStyle objects
 CQStyleHintReturnStyle hints that return more than basic data types
 CQStyleHintReturnMaskStyle hints that return a QRegion
 CQStyleHintReturnVariantStyle hints that return a QVariant
 CQStyleOptionStores the parameters used by QStyle functions
 CQStyleOptionButtonUsed to describe the parameters for drawing buttons
 CQStyleOptionComboBoxUsed to describe the parameter for drawing a combobox
 CQStyleOptionComplexUsed to hold parameters that are common to all complex controls
 CQStyleOptionDockWidgetUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a dock widget
 CQStyleOptionFocusRectUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a focus rectangle with QStyle
 CQStyleOptionFrameUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a frame
 CQStyleOptionFrameV2Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.1 or above
 CQStyleOptionFrameV3Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.1 or above
 CQStyleOptionGraphicsItemUsed to describe the parameters needed to draw a QGraphicsItem
 CQStyleOptionGroupBoxDescribes the parameters for drawing a group box
 CQStyleOptionHeaderUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a header
 CQStyleOptionMenuItemUsed to describe the parameter necessary for drawing a menu item
 CQStyleOptionProgressBarUsed to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a progress bar
 CQStyleOptionProgressBarV2Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a progress bar in Qt 4.1 or above
 CQStyleOptionQ3DockWindowUsed to describe the parameters for drawing various parts of a Q3DockWindow
 CQStyleOptionQ3ListViewUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a Q3ListView
 CQStyleOptionQ3ListViewItemUsed to describe an item drawn in a Q3ListView
 CQStyleOptionRubberBandUsed to describe the parameters needed for drawing a rubber band
 CQStyleOptionSizeGripUsed to describe the parameter for drawing a size grip
 CQStyleOptionSliderUsed to describe the parameters needed for drawing a slider
 CQStyleOptionSpinBoxUsed to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a spin box
 CQStyleOptionTabUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a tab bar
 CQStyleOptionTabBarBaseUsed to describe the base of a tab bar, i.e
 CQStyleOptionTabBarBaseV2Used to describe the base of a tab bar, i.e
 CQStyleOptionTabV2Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a tabs in Qt 4.1 or above
 CQStyleOptionTabV3Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a tabs in Qt 4.5 or above
 CQStyleOptionTabWidgetFrameUsed to describe the parameters for drawing the frame around a tab widget
 CQStyleOptionTabWidgetFrameV2Used to describe the parameters for drawing the frame around a tab widget
 CQStyleOptionTitleBarUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a title bar
 CQStyleOptionToolBarUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a toolbar
 CQStyleOptionToolBoxUsed to describe the parameters needed for drawing a tool box
 CQStyleOptionToolBoxV2Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.3 or above
 CQStyleOptionToolButtonUsed to describe the parameters for drawing a tool button
 CQStyleOptionViewItemUsed to describe the parameters used to draw an item in a view widget
 CQStyleOptionViewItemV2Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.2 or above
 CQStyleOptionViewItemV3Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.3 or above
 CQStyleOptionViewItemV4Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.4 or above
 CQStylePainterConvenience class for drawing QStyle elements inside a widget
 CQStylePluginAbstract base for custom QStyle plugins
 CQSupportedWritingSystemsUsed when registering fonts with the internal Qt fontdatabase
 CQSvgGeneratorPaint device that is used to create SVG drawings
 CQSvgRendererUsed to draw the contents of SVG files onto paint devices
 CQSvgWidgetWidget that is used to display the contents of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files
 CQSwipeGestureDescribes a swipe gesture made by the user
 CQSyntaxHighlighterAllows you to define syntax highlighting rules, and in addition you can use the class to query a document's current formatting or user data
 CQSysInfoInformation about the system
 CQSystemSemaphoreGeneral counting system semaphore
 CQSystemTrayIconIcon for an application in the system tray
 CQTabBarTab bar, e.g
 CQTabletEventParameters that describe a Tablet event
 CQTableViewDefault model/view implementation of a table view
 CQTableWidgetItem-based table view with a default model
 CQTableWidgetItemItem for use with the QTableWidget class
 CQTableWidgetSelectionRangeWay to interact with selection in a model without using model indexes and a selection model
 CQTabWidgetStack of tabbed widgets
 CQTapAndHoldGestureDescribes a tap-and-hold (aka LongTap) gesture made by the user
 CQTapGestureDescribes a tap gesture made by the user
 CQTcpServerTCP-based server
 CQTcpSocketTCP socket
 CQTemporaryFileI/O device that operates on temporary files
 CQTextBlockContainer for text fragments in a QTextDocument
 CQTextBlockFormatFormatting information for blocks of text in a QTextDocument
 CQTextBlockGroupContainer for text blocks within a QTextDocument
 CQTextBlockUserDataUsed to associate custom data with blocks of text
 CQTextBoundaryFinderWay of finding Unicode text boundaries in a string
 CQTextBrowserRich text browser with hypertext navigation
 CQTextCharFormatFormatting information for characters in a QTextDocument
 CQTextCodecConversions between text encodings
 CQTextCodecPluginAbstract base for custom QTextCodec plugins
 CQTextCursorOffers an API to access and modify QTextDocuments
 CQTextDecoderState-based decoder
 CQTextDocumentHolds formatted text that can be viewed and edited using a QTextEdit
 CQTextDocumentFragmentPiece of formatted text from a QTextDocument
 CQTextDocumentWriterFormat-independent interface for writing a QTextDocument to files or other devices
 CQTextEditWidget that is used to edit and display both plain and rich text
 CQTextEncoderState-based encoder
 CQTextFormatFormatting information for a QTextDocument
 CQTextFragmentHolds a piece of text in a QTextDocument with a single QTextCharFormat
 CQTextFrameFrame in a QTextDocument
 CQTextFrameFormatFormatting information for frames in a QTextDocument
 CQTextImageFormatFormatting information for images in a QTextDocument
 CQTextInlineObjectInline object in a QTextLayout
 CQTextItemAll the information required to draw text in a custom paint engine
 CQTextItemIntInternal QTextItem
 CQTextLayoutUsed to lay out and render text
 CQTextLengthEncapsulates the different types of length used in a QTextDocument
 CQTextLineLine of text inside a QTextLayout
 CQTextListDecorated list of items in a QTextDocument
 CQTextListFormatFormatting information for lists in a QTextDocument
 CQTextObjectBase class for different kinds of objects that can group parts of a QTextDocument together
 CQTextObjectInterfaceAllows drawing of custom text objects in QTextDocument
 CQTextOptionDescription of general rich text properties
 CQTextStreamConvenient interface for reading and writing text
 CQTextTableTable in a QTextDocument
 CQTextTableCellProperties of a cell in a QTextTable
 CQTextTableCellFormatFormatting information for table cells in a QTextDocument
 CQTextTableFormatFormatting information for tables in a QTextDocument
 CQThreadPlatform-independent way to manage threads
 CQThreadPoolManages a collection of QThreads
 CQThreadStorageThe QThreadStorage class provides per-thread data storage
 CQtIcoHandlerSupport for the ICO image format
 CQTileRulesHolds the rules used to draw a pixmap or image split into nine segments, similar to [CSS3 border-images](http://www
 CQTimeClock time functions
 CQTimeEditWidget for editing times based on the QDateTimeEdit widget
 CQTimeLineTimeline for controlling animations
 CQTimerRepetitive and single-shot timers
 CQTimerEventParameters that describe a timer event
 CQtObjectThe QtObject element is the most basic element in QML
 CQToolBarMovable panel that contains a set of controls
 CQToolBarChangeEventEvent that is sent whenever a the toolbar button is clicked on Mac OS X
 CQToolBoxColumn of tabbed widget items
 CQToolButtonQuick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar
 CQToolTipTool tips (balloon help) for any widget
 CQTouchEventParameters that describe a touch event
 CQTransform2D transformations of a coordinate system
 CQTransformedScreenImplements a screen driver for a transformed screen
 CQTranslatorInternationalization support for text output
 CQTransportAuthAuthenticate a message transport
 CQTreeViewDefault model/view implementation of a tree view
 CQTreeWidgetTree view that uses a predefined tree model
 CQTreeWidgetItemItem for use with the QTreeWidget convenience class
 CQTreeWidgetItemIteratorWay to iterate over the items in a QTreeWidget instance
 CQTypeInfo< T * >
 CQUdpSocketUDP socket
 CQUndoCommandBase class of all commands stored on a QUndoStack
 CQUndoGroupGroup of QUndoStack objects
 CQUndoStackStack of QUndoCommand objects
 CQUndoViewDisplays the contents of a QUndoStack
 CQUnixSocketUnix domain socket
 CQUnixSocketMessageEncapsulates a message sent or received through the QUnixSocket class
 CQUnixSocketRightsEncapsulates QUnixSocket rights data
 CQUnixSocketServerUnix domain socket based server
 CQUrlConvenient interface for working with URLs
 CQUrlInfoStores information about URLs
 CQUuidStores a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
 CQValidatorValidation of input text
 CQVariantActs like a union for the most common Qt data types
 CQVariantAnimationAbstract base class for animations
 CQVBoxLayoutLines up widgets vertically
 CQVectorThe QVector class is a template class that provides a dynamic array
 CQVector2DVector or vertex in 2D space
 CQVector3DVector or vertex in 3D space
 CQVector4DVector or vertex in 4D space
 CQVFbScreenImplements a screen driver for the virtual framebuffer
 CQVideoFrameRepresentation of a frame of video data
 CQVideoSurfaceFormatStream format of a video presentation surface
 CQVNCScreenImplements a screen driver for VNC servers
 CQWeakPointerThe QWeakPointer class holds a weak reference to a shared pointer
 CQWhatsThisSimple description of any widget, i.e
 CQWhatsThisClickedEventEvent that can be used to handle hyperlinks in a "What's This?" text
 CQWheelEventParameters that describe a wheel event
 CQWidgetBase class of all user interface objects
 CQWidgetActionExtends QAction by an interface for inserting custom widgets into action based containers, such as toolbars
 CQWidgetBackingStoreTrackerClass which allows tracking of which widgets are using a given backing store
 CQWidgetItemLayout item that represents a widget
 CQWindowsMimeMaps open-standard MIME to Window Clipboard formats
 CQWindowsStyleMicrosoft Windows-like look and feel
 CQWindowStateChangeEventWindow state before a window state change
 CQWindowSurfaceDrawing area for top-level windows
 CQWindowsVistaStyleLook and feel suitable for applications on Microsoft Windows Vista
 CQWindowsXPStyleMicrosoft Windows XP-like look and feel
 CQWizardFramework for wizards
 CQWizardPageBase class for wizard pages
 CQWorkspaceWorkspace window that can be used in an MDI application
 CQWriteLockerConvenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking read-write locks for write access
 CQWSCalibratedMouseHandlerMouse calibration and noise reduction in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQWSClientEncapsulates a client process in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQWSDisplayDisplay for QWS; it is an internal class
 CQWSEmbedWidgetEnables embedded top-level widgets in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQWSEventEncapsulates an event in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQWSGLWindowSurfaceDrawing area for top-level windows with Qt for Embedded Linux on EGL/OpenGL ES
 CQWSInputMethodInternational input methods in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQWSKeyboardHandlerBase class for keyboard drivers in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQWSMouseHandlerBase class for mouse drivers in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQWSPointerCalibrationDataContainer for mouse calibration data in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQWSQnxKeyboardHandlerImplements a keyboard driver for the QNX devi-hid input manager
 CQWSScreenSaverBase class for screensavers in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQWSServerEncapsulates a server process in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQWSTslibMouseHandlerImplements a mouse driver for the Universal Touch Screen Library, tslib
 CQWSWindowEncapsulates a top-level window in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQWSWindowSurfaceDrawing area for top-level windows in Qt for Embedded Linux
 CQX11EmbedContainerXEmbed container widget
 CQX11EmbedWidgetXEmbed client widget
 CQX11InfoInformation about the X display configuration
 CQXmlAttributesXML attributes
 CQXmlContentHandlerInterface to report the logical content of XML data
 CQXmlDeclHandlerInterface to report declaration content of XML data
 CQXmlDefaultHandlerDefault implementation of all the XML handler classes
 CQXmlDTDHandlerInterface to report DTD content of XML data
 CQXmlEntityResolverInterface to resolve external entities contained in XML data
 CQXmlErrorHandlerInterface to report errors in XML data
 CQXmlFormatterImplementation of QXmlSerializer for transforming XQuery output into formatted XML
 CQXmlInputSourceInput data for the QXmlReader subclasses
 CQXmlItemEither an XML node or an atomic value
 CQXmlLexicalHandlerInterface to report the lexical content of XML data
 CQXmlLocatorXML handler classes with information about the parsing position within a file
 CQXmlNameName of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way
 CQXmlNamePoolTable of shared strings referenced by instances of QXmlName
 CQXmlNamespaceSupportHelper class for XML readers which want to include namespace support
 CQXmlNodeModelIndexIdentifies a node in an XML node model subclassed from QAbstractXmlNodeModel
 CQXmlParseExceptionUsed to report errors with the QXmlErrorHandler interface
 CQXmlQueryPerforms XQueries on XML data, or on non-XML data modeled to look like XML
 CQXmlReaderInterface for XML readers (i.e
 CQXmlResultItemsIterates through the results of evaluating an XQuery in QXmlQuery
 CQXmlSchemaLoading and validation of a W3C XML Schema
 CQXmlSchemaValidatorValidates XML instance documents against a W3C XML Schema
 CQXmlSerializerImplementation of QAbstractXmlReceiver for transforming XQuery output into unformatted XML
 CQXmlSimpleReaderImplementation of a simple XML parser
 CQXmlStreamAttributeSingle XML attribute
 CQXmlStreamAttributesVector of QXmlStreamAttribute
 CQXmlStreamEntityDeclarationDTD entity declaration
 CQXmlStreamEntityResolverEntity resolver for a QXmlStreamReader
 CQXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarationNamespace declaration
 CQXmlStreamNotationDeclarationDTD notation declaration
 CQXmlStreamReaderFast parser for reading well-formed XML via a simple streaming API
 CQXmlStreamWriterXML writer with a simple streaming API
 CQXmlUtilsThis class contains helper functions related to XML, for validating character classes, productions in the XML specification, and so on
 CQZipReaderQZipReader class provides a way to inspect the contents of a zip archive and extract individual files from it
 CQZipWriterQZipWriter class provides a way to create a new zip archive
 CRectangleThe Rectangle item provides a filled rectangle with an optional border
 CRegExpValidatorThis element provides a validator, which counts as valid any string which matches a specified regular expression
 CRepeaterThe Repeater element allows you to repeat an Item-based component using a model
 CRotationThe Rotation object provides a way to rotate an Item
 CRotationAnimationThe RotationAnimation element animates changes in rotation values
 CRowThe Row item arranges its children horizontally
 CScaleThe Scale element provides a way to scale an Item
 CScriptActionThe ScriptAction element allows scripts to be run during an animation
 CSequentialAnimationThe SequentialAnimation element allows animations to be run sequentially
 CShaderEffectItemThe ShaderEffectItem object alters the output of given item with OpenGL shaders
 CShaderEffectSourceThe ShaderEffectSource object encapsulates the source content for the ShaderEffectItem
 CSmoothedAnimationThe SmoothedAnimation element allows a property to smoothly track a value
 CSpringAnimationThe SpringAnimation element allows a property to track a value in a spring-like motion
 CStateThe State element defines configurations of objects and properties
 CStateChangeScriptThe StateChangeScript element allows you to run a script in a state
 CStateGroupThe StateGroup element provides state support for non-Item elements
 CStringSplitterHelper class for IdFN
 CSystemPaletteThe SystemPalette element provides access to the Qt palettes
 CTextThe Text item allows you to add formatted text to a scene
 CTextEditThe TextEdit item displays multiple lines of editable formatted text
 CTextInputThe TextInput item displays an editable line of text
 CTimerThe Timer item triggers a handler at a specified interval
 CTransformThe Transform elements provide a way of building advanced transformations on Items
 CTransitionThe Transition element defines animated transitions that occur on state changes
 CTranslateThe Translate object provides a way to move an Item without changing its x or y properties
 Cusr_key_entryThis comes from the SXE kernel patch file include/linux/lidsif
 CVector3dAnimationThe Vector3dAnimation element animates changes in QVector3d values
 CVisualDataModelThe VisualDataModel encapsulates a model and delegate
 CVisualItemModelThe VisualItemModel allows items to be provided to a view
 CWorkerScriptThe WorkerScript element enables the use of threads in QML
 CXmlListModelThe XmlListModel element is used to specify a read-only model using XPath expressions
 CXmlRoleThe XmlRole element allows you to specify a role for an XmlListModel