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Qt 4.8
The QTextTableCellFormat class provides formatting information for table cells in a QTextDocument. More...
#include <qtextformat.h>
Public Functions | |
qreal | bottomPadding () const |
Gets the bottom padding of the table cell. More... | |
bool | isValid () const |
Returns true if this table cell format is valid; otherwise returns false. More... | |
qreal | leftPadding () const |
Gets the left padding of the table cell. More... | |
QTextTableCellFormat () | |
Constructs a new table cell format object. More... | |
qreal | rightPadding () const |
Gets the right padding of the table cell. More... | |
void | setBottomPadding (qreal padding) |
Sets the bottom padding of the table cell. More... | |
void | setLeftPadding (qreal padding) |
Sets the left padding of the table cell. More... | |
void | setPadding (qreal padding) |
Sets the left, right, top, and bottom padding of the table cell. More... | |
void | setRightPadding (qreal padding) |
Sets the right padding of the table cell. More... | |
void | setTopPadding (qreal padding) |
Sets the top padding of the table cell. More... | |
qreal | topPadding () const |
Gets the top padding of the table cell. More... | |
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QString | anchorHref () const |
Returns the text format's hypertext link, or an empty string if none has been set. More... | |
QString | anchorName () const |
This function is deprecated. More... | |
QStringList | anchorNames () const |
Returns the anchor names associated with this text format, or an empty string list if none has been set. More... | |
QFont | font () const |
Returns the font for this character format. More... | |
QFont::Capitalization | fontCapitalization () const |
Returns the current capitalization type of the font. More... | |
QString | fontFamily () const |
Returns the text format's font family. More... | |
bool | fontFixedPitch () const |
Returns true if the text format's font is fixed pitch; otherwise returns false. More... | |
QFont::HintingPreference | fontHintingPreference () const |
Returns the hinting preference set for this text format. More... | |
bool | fontItalic () const |
Returns true if the text format's font is italic; otherwise returns false. More... | |
bool | fontKerning () const |
Returns true if the font kerning is enabled. More... | |
qreal | fontLetterSpacing () const |
Returns the current letter spacing percentage. More... | |
bool | fontOverline () const |
Returns true if the text format's font is overlined; otherwise returns false. More... | |
qreal | fontPointSize () const |
Returns the font size used to display text in this format. More... | |
bool | fontStrikeOut () const |
Returns true if the text format's font is struck out (has a horizontal line drawn through it); otherwise returns false. More... | |
QFont::StyleHint | fontStyleHint () const |
Returns the font style hint. More... | |
QFont::StyleStrategy | fontStyleStrategy () const |
Returns the current font style strategy. More... | |
bool | fontUnderline () const |
Returns true if the text format's font is underlined; otherwise returns false. More... | |
int | fontWeight () const |
Returns the text format's font weight. More... | |
qreal | fontWordSpacing () const |
Returns the current word spacing value. More... | |
bool | isAnchor () const |
Returns true if the text is formatted as an anchor; otherwise returns false. More... | |
bool | isValid () const |
Returns true if this character format is valid; otherwise returns false. More... | |
QTextCharFormat () | |
Constructs a new character format object. More... | |
void | setAnchor (bool anchor) |
If anchor is true, text with this format represents an anchor, and is formatted in the appropriate way; otherwise the text is formatted normally. More... | |
void | setAnchorHref (const QString &value) |
Sets the hypertext link for the text format to the given value. More... | |
void | setAnchorName (const QString &name) |
This function is deprecated. More... | |
void | setAnchorNames (const QStringList &names) |
Sets the text format's anchor names. More... | |
void | setFont (const QFont &font) |
Sets the text format's font. More... | |
void | setFontCapitalization (QFont::Capitalization capitalization) |
Sets the capitalization of the text that apppears in this font to capitalization. More... | |
void | setFontFamily (const QString &family) |
Sets the text format's font family. More... | |
void | setFontFixedPitch (bool fixedPitch) |
If fixedPitch is true, sets the text format's font to be fixed pitch; otherwise a non-fixed pitch font is used. More... | |
void | setFontHintingPreference (QFont::HintingPreference hintingPreference) |
Sets the hinting preference of the text format's font to be hintingPreference. More... | |
void | setFontItalic (bool italic) |
If italic is true, sets the text format's font to be italic; otherwise the font will be non-italic. More... | |
void | setFontKerning (bool enable) |
Enables kerning for this font if enable is true; otherwise disables it. More... | |
void | setFontLetterSpacing (qreal spacing) |
Sets the letter spacing of this format to the given spacing, in percent. More... | |
void | setFontOverline (bool overline) |
If overline is true, sets the text format's font to be overlined; otherwise the font is displayed non-overlined. More... | |
void | setFontPointSize (qreal size) |
Sets the text format's font size. More... | |
void | setFontStrikeOut (bool strikeOut) |
If strikeOut is true, sets the text format's font with strike-out enabled (with a horizontal line through it); otherwise it is displayed without strikeout. More... | |
void | setFontStyleHint (QFont::StyleHint hint, QFont::StyleStrategy strategy=QFont::PreferDefault) |
Sets the font style hint and strategy. More... | |
void | setFontStyleStrategy (QFont::StyleStrategy strategy) |
Sets the font style strategy. More... | |
void | setFontUnderline (bool underline) |
If underline is true, sets the text format's font to be underlined; otherwise it is displayed non-underlined. More... | |
void | setFontWeight (int weight) |
Sets the text format's font weight to weight. More... | |
void | setFontWordSpacing (qreal spacing) |
Sets the word spacing of this format to the given spacing, in pixels. More... | |
void | setTableCellColumnSpan (int tableCellColumnSpan) |
If this character format is applied to characters in a table cell, the cell will span tableCellColumnSpan columns. More... | |
void | setTableCellRowSpan (int tableCellRowSpan) |
If this character format is applied to characters in a table cell, the cell will span tableCellRowSpan rows. More... | |
void | setTextOutline (const QPen &pen) |
Sets the pen used to draw the outlines of characters to the given pen. More... | |
void | setToolTip (const QString &tip) |
Sets the tool tip for a fragment of text to the given text. More... | |
void | setUnderlineColor (const QColor &color) |
Sets the underline color used for the characters with this format to the color specified. More... | |
void | setUnderlineStyle (UnderlineStyle style) |
Sets the style of underlining the text to style. More... | |
void | setVerticalAlignment (VerticalAlignment alignment) |
Sets the vertical alignment used for the characters with this format to the alignment specified. More... | |
int | tableCellColumnSpan () const |
If this character format is applied to characters in a table cell, this function returns the number of columns spanned by the text (this may be 1); otherwise it returns 1. More... | |
int | tableCellRowSpan () const |
If this character format is applied to characters in a table cell, this function returns the number of rows spanned by the text (this may be 1); otherwise it returns 1. More... | |
QPen | textOutline () const |
Returns the pen used to draw the outlines of characters in this format. More... | |
QString | toolTip () const |
Returns the tool tip that is displayed for a fragment of text. More... | |
QColor | underlineColor () const |
Returns the color used to underline the characters with this format. More... | |
UnderlineStyle | underlineStyle () const |
Returns the style of underlining the text. More... | |
VerticalAlignment | verticalAlignment () const |
Returns the vertical alignment used for characters with this format. More... | |
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QBrush | background () const |
Returns the brush used to paint the document's background. More... | |
bool | boolProperty (int propertyId) const |
Returns the value of the property specified by propertyId. More... | |
QBrush | brushProperty (int propertyId) const |
Returns the value of the property given by propertyId; if the property isn't of QVariant::Brush type, Qt::NoBrush is returned instead. More... | |
void | clearBackground () |
Clears the brush used to paint the document's background. More... | |
void | clearForeground () |
Clears the brush used to paint the document's foreground. More... | |
void | clearProperty (int propertyId) |
Clears the value of the property given by propertyId. More... | |
QColor | colorProperty (int propertyId) const |
Returns the value of the property given by propertyId; if the property isn't of QVariant::Color type, an invalid color is returned instead. More... | |
qreal | doubleProperty (int propertyId) const |
Returns the value of the property specified by propertyId. More... | |
QBrush | foreground () const |
Returns the brush used to render foreground details, such as text, frame outlines, and table borders. More... | |
bool | hasProperty (int propertyId) const |
Returns true if the text format has a property with the given propertyId; otherwise returns false. More... | |
int | intProperty (int propertyId) const |
Returns the value of the property specified by propertyId. More... | |
bool | isBlockFormat () const |
Returns true if this text format is a BlockFormat ; otherwise returns false. More... | |
bool | isCharFormat () const |
Returns true if this text format is a CharFormat ; otherwise returns false. More... | |
bool | isFrameFormat () const |
Returns true if this text format is a FrameFormat ; otherwise returns false. More... | |
bool | isImageFormat () const |
Returns true if this text format is an image format; otherwise returns false. More... | |
bool | isListFormat () const |
Returns true if this text format is a ListFormat ; otherwise returns false. More... | |
bool | isTableCellFormat () const |
Returns true if this text format is a TableCellFormat ; otherwise returns false. More... | |
bool | isTableFormat () const |
Returns true if this text format is a TableFormat ; otherwise returns false. More... | |
bool | isValid () const |
Returns true if the format is valid (i. More... | |
Qt::LayoutDirection | layoutDirection () const |
Returns the document's layout direction. More... | |
QTextLength | lengthProperty (int propertyId) const |
Returns the value of the property given by propertyId. More... | |
QVector< QTextLength > | lengthVectorProperty (int propertyId) const |
Returns the value of the property given by propertyId. More... | |
void | merge (const QTextFormat &other) |
Merges the other format with this format; where there are conflicts the other format takes precedence. More... | |
int | objectIndex () const |
Returns the index of the format object, or -1 if the format object is invalid. More... | |
int | objectType () const |
Returns the text format's object type. More... | |
operator QVariant () const | |
Returns the text format as a QVariant. More... | |
bool | operator!= (const QTextFormat &rhs) const |
Returns true if this text format is different from the other text format. More... | |
QTextFormat & | operator= (const QTextFormat &rhs) |
Assigns the other text format to this text format, and returns a reference to this text format. More... | |
bool | operator== (const QTextFormat &rhs) const |
Returns true if this text format is the same as the other text format. More... | |
QPen | penProperty (int propertyId) const |
Returns the value of the property given by propertyId; if the property isn't of QVariant::Pen type, Qt::NoPen is returned instead. More... | |
QMap< int, QVariant > | properties () const |
Returns a map with all properties of this text format. More... | |
QVariant | property (int propertyId) const |
Returns the property specified by the given propertyId. More... | |
int | propertyCount () const |
Returns the number of properties stored in the format. More... | |
QTextFormat () | |
Creates a new text format with an InvalidFormat . More... | |
QTextFormat (int type) | |
Creates a new text format of the given type. More... | |
QTextFormat (const QTextFormat &rhs) | |
Creates a new text format with the same attributes as the other text format. More... | |
void | setBackground (const QBrush &brush) |
Sets the brush use to paint the document's background to the brush specified. More... | |
void | setForeground (const QBrush &brush) |
Sets the foreground brush to the specified brush. More... | |
void | setLayoutDirection (Qt::LayoutDirection direction) |
Sets the document's layout direction to the specified direction. More... | |
void | setObjectIndex (int object) |
Sets the format object's object index. More... | |
void | setObjectType (int type) |
Sets the text format's object type to type. More... | |
void | setProperty (int propertyId, const QVariant &value) |
Sets the property specified by the propertyId to the given value. More... | |
void | setProperty (int propertyId, const QVector< QTextLength > &lengths) |
Sets the value of the property given by propertyId to value. More... | |
QString | stringProperty (int propertyId) const |
Returns the value of the property given by propertyId; if the property isn't of QVariant::String type, an empty string is returned instead. More... | |
QTextBlockFormat | toBlockFormat () const |
Returns this format as a block format. More... | |
QTextCharFormat | toCharFormat () const |
Returns this format as a character format. More... | |
QTextFrameFormat | toFrameFormat () const |
Returns this format as a frame format. More... | |
QTextImageFormat | toImageFormat () const |
Returns this format as an image format. More... | |
QTextListFormat | toListFormat () const |
Returns this format as a list format. More... | |
QTextTableCellFormat | toTableCellFormat () const |
Returns this format as a table cell format. More... | |
QTextTableFormat | toTableFormat () const |
Returns this format as a table format. More... | |
int | type () const |
Returns the type of this format. More... | |
~QTextFormat () | |
Destroys this text format. More... | |
Protected Functions | |
QTextTableCellFormat (const QTextFormat &fmt) | |
Creates a new table cell format with the same attributes as the given text format. More... | |
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QTextCharFormat (const QTextFormat &fmt) | |
Creates a new character format with the same attributes as the given text format. More... | |
Friends | |
class | QTextFormat |
The QTextTableCellFormat class provides formatting information for table cells in a QTextDocument.
The table cell format of a table cell in a document specifies the visual properties of the table cell.
The padding properties of a table cell are controlled by setLeftPadding(), setRightPadding(), setTopPadding(), and setBottomPadding(). All the paddings can be set at once using setPadding().
Definition at line 898 of file qtextformat.h.
QTextTableCellFormat::QTextTableCellFormat | ( | ) |
Constructs a new table cell format object.
Definition at line 3805 of file qtextformat.cpp.
explicitprotected |
Creates a new table cell format with the same attributes as the given text format.
Definition at line 3821 of file qtextformat.cpp.
inline |
Gets the bottom padding of the table cell.
Definition at line 939 of file qtextformat.h.
Referenced by QTextHtmlExporter::emitTable(), and QTextOdfWriter::writeTableCellFormat().
inline |
Returns true if this table cell format is valid; otherwise returns false.
Definition at line 903 of file qtextformat.h.
inline |
Gets the left padding of the table cell.
Definition at line 949 of file qtextformat.h.
Referenced by QTextHtmlExporter::emitTable(), and QTextOdfWriter::writeTableCellFormat().
inline |
Gets the right padding of the table cell.
Definition at line 959 of file qtextformat.h.
Referenced by QTextHtmlExporter::emitTable(), and QTextOdfWriter::writeTableCellFormat().
inline |
Sets the bottom padding of the table cell.
Definition at line 934 of file qtextformat.h.
Referenced by QTextHtmlImporter::processBlockNode().
inline |
Sets the left padding of the table cell.
Definition at line 944 of file qtextformat.h.
Referenced by QTextHtmlImporter::processBlockNode().
inline |
Sets the left, right, top, and bottom padding of the table cell.
Definition at line 964 of file qtextformat.h.
inline |
Sets the right padding of the table cell.
Definition at line 954 of file qtextformat.h.
Referenced by QTextHtmlImporter::processBlockNode().
inline |
Sets the top padding of the table cell.
Definition at line 924 of file qtextformat.h.
Referenced by QTextHtmlImporter::processBlockNode().
inline |
Gets the top padding of the table cell.
Definition at line 929 of file qtextformat.h.
Referenced by QTextHtmlExporter::emitTable(), and QTextOdfWriter::writeTableCellFormat().
friend |
Definition at line 921 of file qtextformat.h.