Qt 4.8
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QAccessibleComboBox Class Reference

The QAccessibleComboBox class implements the QAccessibleInterface for editable and read-only combo boxes. More...

#include <complexwidgets.h>

Inheritance diagram for QAccessibleComboBox:
QAccessibleWidgetEx QAccessibleObjectEx QAccessibleInterfaceEx QAccessibleInterface QAccessible

Public Types

enum  ComboBoxElements { ComboBoxSelf = 0, CurrentText, OpenList, PopupList }
- Public Types inherited from QAccessible
enum  Action {
  DefaultAction = 0, Press = -1, FirstStandardAction = Press, SetFocus = -2,
  Increase = -3, Decrease = -4, Accept = -5, Cancel = -6,
  Select = -7, ClearSelection = -8, RemoveSelection = -9, ExtendSelection = -10,
  AddToSelection = -11, LastStandardAction = AddToSelection
 This enum describes the possible types of action that can occur. More...
enum  Event {
  SoundPlayed = 0x0001, Alert = 0x0002, ForegroundChanged = 0x0003, MenuStart = 0x0004,
  MenuEnd = 0x0005, PopupMenuStart = 0x0006, PopupMenuEnd = 0x0007, ContextHelpStart = 0x000C,
  ContextHelpEnd = 0x000D, DragDropStart = 0x000E, DragDropEnd = 0x000F, DialogStart = 0x0010,
  DialogEnd = 0x0011, ScrollingStart = 0x0012, ScrollingEnd = 0x0013, MenuCommand = 0x0018,
  ActionChanged = 0x0101, ActiveDescendantChanged = 0x0102, AttributeChanged = 0x0103, DocumentContentChanged = 0x0104,
  DocumentLoadComplete = 0x0105, DocumentLoadStopped = 0x0106, DocumentReload = 0x0107, HyperlinkEndIndexChanged = 0x0108,
  HyperlinkNumberOfAnchorsChanged = 0x0109, HyperlinkSelectedLinkChanged = 0x010A, HypertextLinkActivated = 0x010B, HypertextLinkSelected = 0x010C,
  HyperlinkStartIndexChanged = 0x010D, HypertextChanged = 0x010E, HypertextNLinksChanged = 0x010F, ObjectAttributeChanged = 0x0110,
  PageChanged = 0x0111, SectionChanged = 0x0112, TableCaptionChanged = 0x0113, TableColumnDescriptionChanged = 0x0114,
  TableColumnHeaderChanged = 0x0115, TableModelChanged = 0x0116, TableRowDescriptionChanged = 0x0117, TableRowHeaderChanged = 0x0118,
  TableSummaryChanged = 0x0119, TextAttributeChanged = 0x011A, TextCaretMoved = 0x011B, TextColumnChanged = 0x011D,
  TextInserted = 0x011E, TextRemoved = 0x011F, TextUpdated = 0x0120, TextSelectionChanged = 0x0121,
  VisibleDataChanged = 0x0122, ObjectCreated = 0x8000, ObjectDestroyed = 0x8001, ObjectShow = 0x8002,
  ObjectHide = 0x8003, ObjectReorder = 0x8004, Focus = 0x8005, Selection = 0x8006,
  SelectionAdd = 0x8007, SelectionRemove = 0x8008, SelectionWithin = 0x8009, StateChanged = 0x800A,
  LocationChanged = 0x800B, NameChanged = 0x800C, DescriptionChanged = 0x800D, ValueChanged = 0x800E,
  ParentChanged = 0x800F, HelpChanged = 0x80A0, DefaultActionChanged = 0x80B0, AcceleratorChanged = 0x80C0
 This enum type defines accessible event types. More...
typedef QAccessibleInterface *(* InterfaceFactory) (const QString &key, QObject *)
 This is a typedef for a pointer to a function with the following signature: More...
enum  Method {
  ListSupportedMethods = 0, SetCursorPosition = 1, GetCursorPosition = 2, ForegroundColor = 3,
  BackgroundColor = 4
 This enum describes the possible types of methods that can be invoked on an accessible object. More...
enum  RelationFlag {
  Unrelated = 0x00000000, Self = 0x00000001, Ancestor = 0x00000002, Child = 0x00000004,
  Descendent = 0x00000008, Sibling = 0x00000010, HierarchyMask = 0x000000ff, Up = 0x00000100,
  Down = 0x00000200, Left = 0x00000400, Right = 0x00000800, Covers = 0x00001000,
  Covered = 0x00002000, GeometryMask = 0x0000ff00, FocusChild = 0x00010000, Label = 0x00020000,
  Labelled = 0x00040000, Controller = 0x00080000, Controlled = 0x00100000, LogicalMask = 0x00ff0000
 This enum type defines bit flags that can be combined to indicate the relationship between two accessible objects. More...
enum  Role {
  NoRole = 0x00000000, TitleBar = 0x00000001, MenuBar = 0x00000002, ScrollBar = 0x00000003,
  Grip = 0x00000004, Sound = 0x00000005, Cursor = 0x00000006, Caret = 0x00000007,
  AlertMessage = 0x00000008, Window = 0x00000009, Client = 0x0000000A, PopupMenu = 0x0000000B,
  MenuItem = 0x0000000C, ToolTip = 0x0000000D, Application = 0x0000000E, Document = 0x0000000F,
  Pane = 0x00000010, Chart = 0x00000011, Dialog = 0x00000012, Border = 0x00000013,
  Grouping = 0x00000014, Separator = 0x00000015, ToolBar = 0x00000016, StatusBar = 0x00000017,
  Table = 0x00000018, ColumnHeader = 0x00000019, RowHeader = 0x0000001A, Column = 0x0000001B,
  Row = 0x0000001C, Cell = 0x0000001D, Link = 0x0000001E, HelpBalloon = 0x0000001F,
  Assistant = 0x00000020, List = 0x00000021, ListItem = 0x00000022, Tree = 0x00000023,
  TreeItem = 0x00000024, PageTab = 0x00000025, PropertyPage = 0x00000026, Indicator = 0x00000027,
  Graphic = 0x00000028, StaticText = 0x00000029, EditableText = 0x0000002A, PushButton = 0x0000002B,
  CheckBox = 0x0000002C, RadioButton = 0x0000002D, ComboBox = 0x0000002E, ProgressBar = 0x00000030,
  Dial = 0x00000031, HotkeyField = 0x00000032, Slider = 0x00000033, SpinBox = 0x00000034,
  Canvas = 0x00000035, Animation = 0x00000036, Equation = 0x00000037, ButtonDropDown = 0x00000038,
  ButtonMenu = 0x00000039, ButtonDropGrid = 0x0000003A, Whitespace = 0x0000003B, PageTabList = 0x0000003C,
  Clock = 0x0000003D, Splitter = 0x0000003E, LayeredPane = 0x0000003F, Terminal = 0x00000040,
  Desktop = 0x00000041, UserRole = 0x0000ffff
 This enum defines the role of an accessible object. More...
typedef void(* RootObjectHandler) (QObject *)
 A function pointer type. More...
enum  StateFlag {
  Normal = 0x00000000, Unavailable = 0x00000001, Selected = 0x00000002, Focused = 0x00000004,
  Pressed = 0x00000008, Checked = 0x00000010, Mixed = 0x00000020, ReadOnly = 0x00000040,
  HotTracked = 0x00000080, DefaultButton = 0x00000100, Expanded = 0x00000200, Collapsed = 0x00000400,
  Busy = 0x00000800, Marqueed = 0x00002000, Animated = 0x00004000, Invisible = 0x00008000,
  Offscreen = 0x00010000, Sizeable = 0x00020000, Movable = 0x00040000, SelfVoicing = 0x00080000,
  Focusable = 0x00100000, Selectable = 0x00200000, Linked = 0x00400000, Traversed = 0x00800000,
  MultiSelectable = 0x01000000, ExtSelectable = 0x02000000, Protected = 0x20000000, HasPopup = 0x40000000,
  Modal = 0x80000000, HasInvokeExtension = 0x10000000
 This enum type defines bit flags that can be combined to indicate the state of an accessible object. More...
enum  Text {
  Name = 0, Description, Value, Help,
  Accelerator, UserText = 0x0000ffff
 This enum specifies string information that an accessible object returns. More...
typedef void(* UpdateHandler) (QObject *, int who, Event reason)
 A function pointer type. More...

Public Functions

QString actionText (int action, Text t, int child) const
 Returns the text property t of the action action supported by the object, or of the object's child if child is not 0. More...
int childAt (int x, int y) const
 Reimplemented Function More...
int childCount () const
 Reimplemented Function More...
bool doAction (int action, int child, const QVariantList &params)
 Reimplemented Function More...
int indexOfChild (const QAccessibleInterface *child) const
 Reimplemented Function More...
int navigate (RelationFlag rel, int entry, QAccessibleInterface **target) const
 Reimplemented Function More...
 QAccessibleComboBox (QWidget *w)
 Constructs a QAccessibleComboBox object for w. More...
QRect rect (int child) const
 Reimplemented Function More...
Role role (int child) const
 Reimplemented Function More...
State state (int child) const
 Reimplemented Function More...
QString text (Text t, int child) const
 Reimplemented Function More...
- Public Functions inherited from QAccessibleWidgetEx
QVariant invokeMethodEx (Method method, int child, const QVariantList &params)
 QAccessibleWidgetEx (QWidget *o, Role r=Client, const QString &name=QString())
Relation relationTo (int child, const QAccessibleInterface *other, int otherChild) const
Returns the relationship between this object's \a child and the \a
other object's \a otherChild.
- Public Functions inherited from QAccessibleObjectEx
bool isValid () const
 Returns true if all the data necessary to use this interface implementation is valid (e. More...
QObjectobject () const
 Returns a pointer to the QObject this interface implementation provides information for. More...
 QAccessibleObjectEx (QObject *object)
void setText (Text t, int child, const QString &text)
 Sets the text property t of the object, or of the object's child if child is not 0, to text. More...
int userActionCount (int child) const
 Returns the number of custom actions of the object, or of the object's child if child is not 0. More...
- Public Functions inherited from QAccessibleInterfaceEx
virtual QAccessible2Interfaceinterface_cast (QAccessible2::InterfaceType)
virtual QVariant virtual_hook (const QVariant &data)
- Public Functions inherited from QAccessibleInterface
QAccessibleActionInterfaceactionInterface ()
QColor backgroundColor ()
QAccessibleEditableTextInterfaceeditableTextInterface ()
QColor foregroundColor ()
QAccessibleImageInterfaceimageInterface ()
QVariant invokeMethod (Method method, int child=0, const QVariantList &params=QVariantList())
 Invokes a method on child with the given parameters params and returns the result of the operation as QVariant. More...
QSet< MethodsupportedMethods ()
 Returns a QSet of QAccessible::Method that are supported by this accessible interface. More...
QAccessibleTable2Interfacetable2Interface ()
QAccessibleTableInterfacetableInterface ()
QAccessibleTextInterfacetextInterface ()
QAccessibleValueInterfacevalueInterface ()
virtual ~QAccessibleInterface ()
 Destroys the object. More...

Protected Functions

QComboBoxcomboBox () const
 Returns the combobox. More...
- Protected Functions inherited from QAccessibleWidgetEx
void addControllingSignal (const QString &signal)
QObjectparentObject () const
void setAccelerator (const QString &accel)
void setDescription (const QString &desc)
void setHelp (const QString &help)
void setValue (const QString &value)
QWidgetwidget () const
 ~QAccessibleWidgetEx ()
- Protected Functions inherited from QAccessibleObjectEx
virtual ~QAccessibleObjectEx ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Functions inherited from QAccessible
static void cleanup ()
static void initialize ()
static void installFactory (InterfaceFactory)
 Installs the InterfaceFactory factory. More...
static RootObjectHandler installRootObjectHandler (RootObjectHandler)
 Installs the given handler as the function to be used by setRootObject(), and returns the previously installed handler. More...
static UpdateHandler installUpdateHandler (UpdateHandler)
 Installs the given handler as the function to be used by updateAccessibility(), and returns the previously installed handler. More...
static bool isActive ()
 Returns true if an accessibility implementation has been requested during the runtime of the application; otherwise returns false. More...
static QAccessibleInterfacequeryAccessibleInterface (QObject *)
 If a QAccessibleInterface implementation exists for the given object, this function returns a pointer to the implementation; otherwise it returns 0. More...
static void removeFactory (InterfaceFactory)
 Removes factory from the list of installed InterfaceFactories. More...
static void setRootObject (QObject *)
 Sets the root accessible object of this application to object. More...
static void updateAccessibility (QObject *, int who, Event reason)
 Notifies accessibility clients about a change in object's accessibility information. More...

Detailed Description

The QAccessibleComboBox class implements the QAccessibleInterface for editable and read-only combo boxes.

This function is not part of the public interface.

Definition at line 262 of file complexwidgets.h.


◆ ComboBoxElements

This function is not part of the public interface.
  • ComboBoxSelf
  • CurrentText
  • OpenList
  • PopupList

Definition at line 268 of file complexwidgets.h.

Constructors and Destructors

◆ QAccessibleComboBox()

QAccessibleComboBox::QAccessibleComboBox ( QWidget w)

Constructs a QAccessibleComboBox object for w.

Definition at line 1739 of file complexwidgets.cpp.

1741 {
1742  Q_ASSERT(comboBox());
1743 }
#define Q_ASSERT(cond)
Definition: qglobal.h:1823
QComboBox * comboBox() const
Returns the combobox.
QAccessibleWidgetEx(QWidget *o, Role r=Client, const QString &name=QString())


◆ actionText()

QString QAccessibleComboBox::actionText ( int  action,
Text  t,
int  child 
) const

Returns the text property t of the action action supported by the object, or of the object's child if child is not 0.

See also
text(), userActionCount()

Reimplemented from QAccessibleWidgetEx.

Definition at line 1920 of file complexwidgets.cpp.

1921 {
1922  QString text;
1923  if (child == 2 && t == Name && (action == DefaultAction || action == Press))
1924  text = comboBox()->view()->isVisible() ? QComboBox::tr("Close") : QComboBox::tr("Open");
1925  return text;
1926 }
bool isVisible() const
Definition: qwidget.h:1005
static QString tr(const char *sourceText, const char *comment=0, int n=-1)
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QString text(Text t, int child) const
Reimplemented Function
The QComboBox widget is a combined button and popup list.
Definition: qcombobox.h:62
QAbstractItemView * view() const
Returns the list view used for the combobox popup.
Definition: qcombobox.cpp:2385
QComboBox * comboBox() const
Returns the combobox.

◆ childAt()

int QAccessibleComboBox::childAt ( int  x,
int  y 
) const

Reimplemented Function

Reimplemented from QAccessibleWidgetEx.

Definition at line 1824 of file complexwidgets.cpp.

1825 {
1826  if (!comboBox()->isVisible())
1827  return -1;
1828  QPoint gp = widget()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0));
1829  if (!QRect(gp.x(), gp.y(), widget()->width(), widget()->height()).contains(x, y))
1830  return -1;
1832  // a complex control
1833  for (int i = 1; i < PopupList; ++i) {
1834  if (rect(i).contains(x, y))
1835  return i;
1836  }
1837  return 0;
1838 }
QRect rect(int child) const
Reimplemented Function
int width
the width of the widget excluding any window frame
Definition: qwidget.h:166
int height
the height of the widget excluding any window frame
Definition: qwidget.h:167
bool contains(const QPoint &p, bool proper=false) const
Returns true if the given point is inside or on the edge of the rectangle, otherwise returns false...
Definition: qrect.cpp:1101
QWidget * widget() const
The QPoint class defines a point in the plane using integer precision.
Definition: qpoint.h:53
The QRect class defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision.
Definition: qrect.h:58
int y() const
Returns the y coordinate of this point.
Definition: qpoint.h:131
QComboBox * comboBox() const
Returns the combobox.
int x() const
Returns the x coordinate of this point.
Definition: qpoint.h:128
QPoint mapToGlobal(const QPoint &) const
Translates the widget coordinate pos to global screen coordinates.

◆ childCount()

int QAccessibleComboBox::childCount ( ) const

Reimplemented Function

Reimplemented from QAccessibleWidgetEx.

Definition at line 1818 of file complexwidgets.cpp.

1819 {
1820  return comboBox()->view() ? PopupList : OpenList;
1821 }
QAbstractItemView * view() const
Returns the list view used for the combobox popup.
Definition: qcombobox.cpp:2385
QComboBox * comboBox() const
Returns the combobox.

◆ comboBox()

QComboBox * QAccessibleComboBox::comboBox ( ) const

Returns the combobox.

Definition at line 1748 of file complexwidgets.cpp.

Referenced by actionText(), childAt(), childCount(), doAction(), indexOfChild(), navigate(), QAccessibleComboBox(), rect(), role(), and text().

1749 {
1750  return qobject_cast<QComboBox*>(object());
1751 }
T qobject_cast(QObject *object)
Definition: qobject.h:375
QObject * object() const
Returns a pointer to the QObject this interface implementation provides information for...
The QComboBox widget is a combined button and popup list.
Definition: qcombobox.h:62

◆ doAction()

bool QAccessibleComboBox::doAction ( int  action,
int  child,
const QVariantList params 

Reimplemented Function

Reimplemented from QAccessibleWidgetEx.

Definition at line 1907 of file complexwidgets.cpp.

1908 {
1909  if (child == 2 && (action == DefaultAction || action == Press)) {
1910  if (comboBox()->view()->isVisible()) {
1911  comboBox()->hidePopup();
1912  } else {
1913  comboBox()->showPopup();
1914  }
1915  return true;
1916  }
1917  return false;
1918 }
virtual void showPopup()
Displays the list of items in the combobox.
Definition: qcombobox.cpp:2447
QComboBox * comboBox() const
Returns the combobox.
virtual void hidePopup()
Hides the list of items in the combobox if it is currently visible and resets the internal state...
Definition: qcombobox.cpp:2685

◆ indexOfChild()

int QAccessibleComboBox::indexOfChild ( const QAccessibleInterface child) const

Reimplemented Function

Reimplemented from QAccessibleWidgetEx.

Definition at line 1841 of file complexwidgets.cpp.

1842 {
1843  QObject *viewParent = comboBox()->view() ? comboBox()->view()->parentWidget() : 0;
1844  if (child->object() == viewParent)
1845  return PopupList;
1846  return -1;
1847 }
QWidget * parentWidget() const
Returns the parent of this widget, or 0 if it does not have any parent widget.
Definition: qwidget.h:1035
virtual QObject * object() const =0
Returns a pointer to the QObject this interface implementation provides information for...
The QObject class is the base class of all Qt objects.
Definition: qobject.h:111
QAbstractItemView * view() const
Returns the list view used for the combobox popup.
Definition: qcombobox.cpp:2385
QComboBox * comboBox() const
Returns the combobox.

◆ navigate()

int QAccessibleComboBox::navigate ( RelationFlag  rel,
int  entry,
QAccessibleInterface **  target 
) const

Reimplemented Function

Reimplemented from QAccessibleWidgetEx.

Definition at line 1787 of file complexwidgets.cpp.

1788 {
1789  *target = 0;
1790  if (entry > ComboBoxSelf) switch (rel) {
1791  case Child:
1792  if (entry == CurrentText && comboBox()->isEditable()) {
1793  *target = QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(comboBox()->lineEdit());
1794  return *target ? 0 : -1;
1795  } else if (entry < PopupList) {
1796  return entry;
1797  } else if (entry == PopupList) {
1798  QAbstractItemView *view = comboBox()->view();
1799  QWidget *parent = view ? view->parentWidget() : 0;
1800  *target = QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(parent);
1801  return *target ? 0 : -1;
1802  }
1803  case QAccessible::Left:
1804  return entry == OpenList ? CurrentText : -1;
1805  case QAccessible::Right:
1806  return entry == CurrentText ? OpenList : -1;
1807  case QAccessible::Up:
1808  return -1;
1809  case QAccessible::Down:
1810  return -1;
1811  default:
1812  break;
1813  }
1814  return QAccessibleWidgetEx::navigate(rel, entry, target);
1815 }
QWidget * parentWidget() const
Returns the parent of this widget, or 0 if it does not have any parent widget.
Definition: qwidget.h:1035
The QWidget class is the base class of all user interface objects.
Definition: qwidget.h:150
static QAccessibleInterface * queryAccessibleInterface(QObject *)
If a QAccessibleInterface implementation exists for the given object, this function returns a pointer...
The QAbstractItemView class provides the basic functionality for item view classes.
QAbstractItemView * view() const
Returns the list view used for the combobox popup.
Definition: qcombobox.cpp:2385
QComboBox * comboBox() const
Returns the combobox.
int navigate(RelationFlag rel, int entry, QAccessibleInterface **target) const
Navigates from this object to an object that has a relationship relation to this object, and returns the respective object in target.

◆ rect()

QRect QAccessibleComboBox::rect ( int  child) const

Reimplemented Function

Reimplemented from QAccessibleWidgetEx.

Definition at line 1754 of file complexwidgets.cpp.

Referenced by childAt().

1755 {
1756  QPoint tp;
1757  QStyle::SubControl sc;
1758  QRect r;
1759  switch (child) {
1760  case CurrentText:
1761  if (comboBox()->isEditable()) {
1762  tp = comboBox()->lineEdit()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0));
1763  r = comboBox()->lineEdit()->rect();
1764  sc = QStyle::SC_None;
1765  } else {
1766  tp = comboBox()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0));
1768  }
1769  break;
1770  case OpenList:
1771  tp = comboBox()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0));
1773  break;
1774  default:
1775  return QAccessibleWidgetEx::rect(child);
1776  }
1778  if (sc != QStyle::SC_None) {
1779  QStyleOptionComboBox option;
1780  option.initFrom(comboBox());
1781  r = comboBox()->style()->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &option, sc, comboBox());
1782  }
1783  return QRect(tp.x() + r.x(), tp.y() + r.y(), r.width(), r.height());
1784 }
This enum describes the available sub controls.
Definition: qstyle.h:402
virtual QRect subControlRect(ComplexControl cc, const QStyleOptionComplex *opt, SubControl sc, const QWidget *widget=0) const =0
Returns the rectangle containing the specified subControl of the given complex control (with the styl...
int width() const
Returns the width of the rectangle.
Definition: qrect.h:303
int height() const
Returns the height of the rectangle.
Definition: qrect.h:306
QStyle * style() const
Definition: qwidget.cpp:2742
QRect rect(int child) const
Returns the geometry of the object, or of the object&#39;s child if child is not 0.
void initFrom(const QWidget *w)
Definition: qstyleoption.h:99
QRect rect() const
int y() const
Returns the y-coordinate of the rectangle&#39;s top edge.
Definition: qrect.h:255
int x() const
Returns the x-coordinate of the rectangle&#39;s left edge.
Definition: qrect.h:252
The QPoint class defines a point in the plane using integer precision.
Definition: qpoint.h:53
The QStyleOptionComboBox class is used to describe the parameter for drawing a combobox.
Definition: qstyleoption.h:796
The QRect class defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision.
Definition: qrect.h:58
int y() const
Returns the y coordinate of this point.
Definition: qpoint.h:131
QComboBox * comboBox() const
Returns the combobox.
int x() const
Returns the x coordinate of this point.
Definition: qpoint.h:128
QLineEdit * lineEdit() const
Returns the line edit used to edit items in the combobox, or 0 if there is no line edit...
Definition: qcombobox.cpp:1858
QPoint mapToGlobal(const QPoint &) const
Translates the widget coordinate pos to global screen coordinates.

◆ role()

QAccessible::Role QAccessibleComboBox::role ( int  child) const

Reimplemented Function

Reimplemented from QAccessibleWidgetEx.

Definition at line 1884 of file complexwidgets.cpp.

1885 {
1886  switch (child) {
1887  case CurrentText:
1888  if (comboBox()->isEditable())
1889  return EditableText;
1890  return StaticText;
1891  case OpenList:
1892  return PushButton;
1893  case PopupList:
1894  return List;
1895  default:
1896  return ComboBox;
1897  }
1898 }
QComboBox * comboBox() const
Returns the combobox.

◆ state()

QAccessible::State QAccessibleComboBox::state ( int  child) const

Reimplemented Function

Reimplemented from QAccessibleWidgetEx.

Definition at line 1901 of file complexwidgets.cpp.

1902 {
1903  return QAccessibleWidgetEx::state(0);
1904 }
State state(int child) const
Returns the current state of the object, or of the object&#39;s child if child is not 0...

◆ text()

QString QAccessibleComboBox::text ( Text  t,
int  child 
) const

Reimplemented Function

Reimplemented from QAccessibleWidgetEx.

Definition at line 1850 of file complexwidgets.cpp.

Referenced by actionText().

1851 {
1852  QString str;
1854  switch (t) {
1855  case Name:
1856 #ifndef Q_WS_X11 // on Linux we use relations for this, name is text (fall through to Value)
1857  if (child == OpenList)
1858  str = QComboBox::tr("Open");
1859  else
1860  str = QAccessibleWidgetEx::text(t, 0);
1861  break;
1862 #endif
1863  case Value:
1864  if (comboBox()->isEditable())
1865  str = comboBox()->lineEdit()->text();
1866  else
1867  str = comboBox()->currentText();
1868  break;
1869 #ifndef QT_NO_SHORTCUT
1870  case Accelerator:
1871  if (child == OpenList)
1873  break;
1874 #endif
1875  default:
1876  break;
1877  }
1878  if (str.isEmpty())
1879  str = QAccessibleWidgetEx::text(t, 0);
1880  return str;
1881 }
QString text(Text t, int child) const
Returns the value of the text property t of the object, or of the object&#39;s child if child is not 0...
static QString tr(const char *sourceText, const char *comment=0, int n=-1)
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the string has no characters; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qstring.h:704
QString text
the line edit&#39;s text
Definition: qlineedit.h:72
The QKeySequence class encapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcuts.
Definition: qkeysequence.h:72
QString currentText
the current text
Definition: qcombobox.h:70
QComboBox * comboBox() const
Returns the combobox.
QLineEdit * lineEdit() const
Returns the line edit used to edit items in the combobox, or 0 if there is no line edit...
Definition: qcombobox.cpp:1858

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: