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QPrintDialogPrivate Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for QPrintDialogPrivate:
QAbstractPrintDialogPrivate QAbstractPrintDialogPrivate QAbstractPrintDialogPrivate QAbstractPrintDialogPrivate QAbstractPrintDialogPrivate QDialogPrivate QDialogPrivate QDialogPrivate QDialogPrivate QDialogPrivate QWidgetPrivate QWidgetPrivate QWidgetPrivate QWidgetPrivate QWidgetPrivate QObjectPrivate QObjectPrivate QObjectPrivate QObjectPrivate QObjectPrivate QObjectData QObjectData QObjectData QObjectData QObjectData

Public Functions

void _q_btnBrowseClicked ()
void _q_btnBrowseClicked ()
void _q_btnPropertiesClicked ()
void _q_btnPropertiesClicked ()
void _q_chbPrintLastFirstToggled (bool)
void _q_chbPrintLastFirstToggled (bool)
void _q_chbPrintLastFirstToggled (bool)
void _q_checkFields ()
void _q_checkFields ()
void _q_collapseOrExpandDialog ()
void _q_colorModeSelected (QAbstractButton *)
void _q_fileNameEditChanged (const QString &text)
void _q_okClicked ()
void _q_orientSelected (int)
void _q_pageOrderSelected (int)
void _q_paperSizeChanged (int)
void _q_paperSizeChanged (int)
void _q_paperSizeSelected (int)
void _q_printerChanged (int)
void _q_printerChanged (int)
void _q_printerOrFileSelected (QAbstractButton *b)
void _q_printRangeSelected (int)
void _q_printToFileChanged (int)
void _q_printToFileChanged (int)
void _q_rbPrintRangeToggled (bool)
void _q_rbPrintRangeToggled (bool)
void _q_setFirstPage (int)
void _q_setLastPage (int)
void _q_setNumCopies (int)
void applyPrinterProperties (QPrinter *p)
 copy printer properties to the widget More...
void closeCarbonPrintPanel ()
void init ()
void init ()
void initBeforeRun ()
void openCarbonPrintPanel (Qt::WindowModality modality)
int openWindowsPrintDialogModally ()
QPrintDialogprintDialog ()
 QPrintDialogPrivate ()
 QPrintDialogPrivate ()
 QPrintDialogPrivate ()
void selectPrinter (QCUPSSupport *cups)
void setPrinter (QPrinter *p, bool pickUpSettings)
virtual void setTabs (const QList< QWidget *> &tabs)
void setupDestination ()
void setupOptions ()
void setupPaper ()
void setupPrinter ()
void setupPrinterSettings ()
void updateWidgets ()
 ~QPrintDialogPrivate ()
 ~QPrintDialogPrivate ()
- Public Functions inherited from QAbstractPrintDialogPrivate
 QAbstractPrintDialogPrivate ()
void setPrinter (QPrinter *newPrinter)
- Public Functions inherited from QDialogPrivate
void hideDefault ()
 Hides the default button indicator. More...
virtual void mac_nativeDialogModalHelp ()
 QDialogPrivate ()
void resetModalitySetByOpen ()
void setDefault (QPushButton *)
 This function is called by the push button pushButton when it becomes the default button. More...
void setMainDefault (QPushButton *)
 This function sets the default default push button to pushButton. More...
- Public Functions inherited from QWidgetPrivate
void _q_showIfNotHidden ()
virtual void aboutToDestroy ()
void activateChildLayoutsRecursively ()
QSize adjustedSize () const
void adjustQuitOnCloseAttribute ()
QInputContextassignedInputContext () const
QPainterbeginSharedPainter ()
QWidgetchildAt_helper (const QPoint &, bool) const
QWidgetchildAtRecursiveHelper (const QPoint &p, bool, bool includeFrame=false) const
QRect clipRect () const
QRegion clipRegion () const
void clipToEffectiveMask (QRegion &region) const
bool close_helper (CloseMode mode)
void create_sys (WId window, bool initializeWindow, bool destroyOldWindow)
QWindowSurfacecreateDefaultWindowSurface ()
QWindowSurfacecreateDefaultWindowSurface_sys ()
void createExtra ()
 Creates the widget extra data. More...
void createRecursively ()
void createSysExtra ()
void createTLExtra ()
void createTLSysExtra ()
void createWinId (WId id=0)
void deactivateWidgetCleanup ()
void deleteExtra ()
 Deletes the widget extra data. More...
void deleteSysExtra ()
void deleteTLSysExtra ()
void drawWidget (QPaintDevice *pdev, const QRegion &rgn, const QPoint &offset, int flags, QPainter *sharedPainter=0, QWidgetBackingStore *backingStore=0)
QWidgeteffectiveFocusWidget ()
QRect effectiveRectFor (const QRect &rect) const
bool endSharedPainter ()
void enforceNativeChildren ()
QWExtraextraData () const
QRect frameStrut () const
void getLayoutItemMargins (int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom) const
const QRegiongetOpaqueChildren () const
void handleSoftwareInputPanel (Qt::MouseButton button, bool clickCausedFocus)
virtual bool hasHeightForWidth () const
void hide_helper ()
void hide_sys ()
 Platform-specific part of QWidget::hide(). More...
void hideChildren (bool spontaneous)
void inheritStyle ()
void init (QWidget *desktopWidget, Qt::WindowFlags f)
QInputContextinputContext () const
void invalidateBuffer (const QRegion &)
 Invalidates the rgn (in widget's coordinates) of the backing store, i.e. More...
void invalidateBuffer (const QRect &)
 This function is equivalent to calling invalidateBuffer(QRegion(rect), ...), but is more efficient as it eliminates QRegion operations/allocations and can use the rect more precisely for additional cut-offs. More...
void invalidateBuffer_resizeHelper (const QPoint &oldPos, const QSize &oldSize)
 Invalidates the buffer when the widget is resized. More...
void invalidateGraphicsEffectsRecursively ()
bool isAboutToShow () const
bool isBackgroundInherited () const
bool isOverlapped (const QRect &) const
void lower_sys ()
QPoint mapFromGlobal (const QPoint &pos) const
QPoint mapToGlobal (const QPoint &pos) const
QWidgetBackingStoremaybeBackingStore () const
QTLWExtramaybeTopData () const
void moveRect (const QRect &, int dx, int dy)
bool nativeChildrenForced () const
QFont naturalWidgetFont (uint inheritedMask) const
QPalette naturalWidgetPalette (uint inheritedMask) const
 Returns the palette that the widget w inherits from its ancestors and QApplication::palette. More...
void paintBackground (QPainter *, const QRegion &, int flags=DrawAsRoot) const
bool paintOnScreen () const
void paintSiblingsRecursive (QPaintDevice *pdev, const QObjectList &children, int index, const QRegion &rgn, const QPoint &offset, int flags, QPainter *sharedPainter, QWidgetBackingStore *backingStore)
bool pointInsideRectAndMask (const QPoint &) const
QRegion prepareToRender (const QRegion &region, QWidget::RenderFlags renderFlags)
void propagatePaletteChange ()
 Propagate this widget's palette to all children, except style sheet widgets, and windows that don't enable window propagation (palettes don't normally propagate to windows). More...
 QWidgetPrivate (int version=QObjectPrivateVersion)
void raise_sys ()
QPaintDeviceredirected (QPoint *offset) const
void registerDropSite (bool)
void render (QPaintDevice *target, const QPoint &targetOffset, const QRegion &sourceRegion, QWidget::RenderFlags renderFlags, bool readyToRender)
void render_helper (QPainter *painter, const QPoint &targetOffset, const QRegion &sourceRegion, QWidget::RenderFlags renderFlags)
void repaint_sys (const QRegion &rgn)
void reparentFocusWidgets (QWidget *oldtlw)
void resolveFont ()
 Determine which font is implicitly imposed on this widget by its ancestors and QApplication::font, resolve this against its own font (attributes from the implicit font are copied over). More...
void resolveLayoutDirection ()
void resolveLocale ()
void resolvePalette ()
 Determine which palette is inherited from this widget's ancestors and QApplication::palette, resolve this against this widget's palette (attributes from the inherited palette are copied over this widget's palette). More...
void restoreRedirected ()
void scroll_sys (int dx, int dy)
void scroll_sys (int dx, int dy, const QRect &r)
void scrollChildren (int dx, int dy)
void scrollRect (const QRect &, int dx, int dy)
void sendPendingMoveAndResizeEvents (bool recursive=false, bool disableUpdates=false)
void sendStartupMessage (const char *message) const
 Platform-specific part of QWidget::show(). More...
void setConstraints_sys ()
void setCursor_sys (const QCursor &cursor)
void setDirtyOpaqueRegion ()
void setEnabled_helper (bool)
void setFocus_sys ()
void setFont_helper (const QFont &font)
void setGeometry_sys (int, int, int, int, bool)
void setLayoutDirection_helper (Qt::LayoutDirection)
void setLayoutItemMargins (int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
void setLayoutItemMargins (QStyle::SubElement element, const QStyleOption *opt=0)
void setLocale_helper (const QLocale &l, bool forceUpdate=false)
void setMask_sys (const QRegion &)
bool setMaximumSize_helper (int &maxw, int &maxh)
bool setMinimumSize_helper (int &minw, int &minh)
void setModal_sys ()
void setNetWmWindowTypes ()
void setOpaque (bool opaque)
void setPalette_helper (const QPalette &)
void setParent_sys (QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags)
void setRedirected (QPaintDevice *replacement, const QPoint &offset)
void setSharedPainter (QPainter *painter)
void setStyle_helper (QStyle *newStyle, bool propagate, bool metalHack=false)
void setUpdatesEnabled_helper (bool)
void setWindowFilePath_helper (const QString &filePath)
void setWindowIcon_helper ()
void setWindowIcon_sys (bool forceReset=false)
void setWindowIconText_helper (const QString &cap)
void setWindowIconText_sys (const QString &cap)
void setWindowOpacity_sys (qreal opacity)
void setWindowRole ()
void setWindowTitle_helper (const QString &cap)
void setWindowTitle_sys (const QString &cap)
void setWinId (WId)
QPaintersharedPainter () const
void show_helper ()
void show_recursive ()
 Makes the widget visible in the isVisible() meaning of the word. More...
void show_sys ()
 Platform-specific part of QWidget::show(). More...
void showChildren (bool spontaneous)
void stackUnder_sys (QWidget *)
void subtractOpaqueChildren (QRegion &rgn, const QRect &clipRect) const
void subtractOpaqueSiblings (QRegion &source, bool *hasDirtySiblingsAbove=0, bool alsoNonOpaque=false) const
void syncBackingStore ()
void syncBackingStore (const QRegion &region)
QTLWExtratopData () const
void unsetCursor_sys ()
void updateFont (const QFont &)
 Assign font to this widget, and propagate it to all children, except style sheet widgets (handled differently) and windows that don't enable window propagation. More...
void updateFrameStrut ()
 Computes the frame rectangle when needed. More...
void updateGeometry_helper (bool forceUpdate)
void updateIsOpaque ()
void updateIsTranslucent ()
void updateSystemBackground ()
void updateX11AcceptFocus ()
void x11UpdateIsOpaque ()
 ~QWidgetPrivate ()
- Public Functions inherited from QObjectPrivate
void _q_reregisterTimers (void *pointer)
void addConnection (int signal, Connection *c)
void cleanConnectionLists ()
void connectNotify (const char *signal)
void deleteChildren ()
void disconnectNotify (const char *signal)
bool isSender (const QObject *receiver, const char *signal) const
bool isSignalConnected (uint signalIdx) const
 Returns true if the signal with index signal_index from object sender is connected. More...
void moveToThread_helper ()
 QObjectPrivate (int version=QObjectPrivateVersion)
QObjectList receiverList (const char *signal) const
QObjectList senderList () const
void setParent_helper (QObject *)
void setThreadData_helper (QThreadData *currentData, QThreadData *targetData)
int signalIndex (const char *signalName) const
 Returns the signal index used in the internal connectionLists vector. More...
virtual ~QObjectPrivate ()
- Public Functions inherited from QObjectData
virtual ~QObjectData ()=0

Static Public Functions

static void printDialogSheetDoneCallback (PMPrintSession printSession, WindowRef, Boolean accepted)
- Static Public Functions inherited from QWidgetPrivate
static void adjustFlags (Qt::WindowFlags &flags, QWidget *w=0)
static QGraphicsProxyWidgetnearestGraphicsProxyWidget (const QWidget *origin)
 Finds the nearest widget embedded in a graphics proxy widget along the chain formed by this widget and its ancestors. More...
static int pointToRect (const QPoint &p, const QRect &r)
static QRect screenGeometry (const QWidget *widget)
- Static Public Functions inherited from QObjectPrivate
static void clearGuards (QObject *)
static QObjectPrivateget (QObject *o)
static void resetCurrentSender (QObject *receiver, Sender *currentSender, Sender *previousSender)
static SendersetCurrentSender (QObject *receiver, Sender *sender)
static void signalSignature (const QMetaMethod &signal, QVarLengthArray< char > *result)

Public Variables

QPrinter::ColorMode colorMode2
QString faxNum
QPrinter::PaperSize indexToPaperSize [QPrinter::NPaperSize]
int numCopies
Ui::QPrintSettingsOutput options
QPrinter::Orientation orientation
bool outputToFile
QPrinter::PageOrder pageOrder2
QPrinter::PaperSize pageSize
NSPrintPanel * printPanel
QUnixPrintWidget * top
PMSheetDoneUPP upp
- Public Variables inherited from QAbstractPrintDialogPrivate
QByteArray memberToDisconnectOnClose
bool ownsPrinter
QPointer< QObjectreceiverToDisconnectOnClose
- Public Variables inherited from QDialogPrivate
bool doShowExtension
QPointer< QEventLoopeventLoop
QPoint lastRMBPress
QPointer< QPushButtonmainDef
QSize max
QSize min
Qt::Orientation orientation
int rescode
int resetModalityTo
QSize size
bool sizeGripEnabled
bool wasModalitySet
- Public Variables inherited from QWidgetPrivate
QString accessibleDescription
QString accessibleName
QList< QAction * > actions
QPalette::ColorRole bg_role: 8
signed char bottomLayoutItemMargin
short bottommargin
QWidgetData data
QRegion dirty
uint dirtyOpaqueChildren: 1
QPalette::ColorRole fg_role: 8
QMap< Qt::GestureType, Qt::GestureFlags > gestureContext
uint high_attributes [4]
QPointer< QInputContextic
Qt::InputMethodHints imHints
uint inDirtyList: 1
uint inheritedFontResolveMask
uint inheritedPaletteResolveMask
uint inheritsInputMethodHints: 1
uint inSetParent: 1
uint isGLWidget: 1
uint isMoved: 1
uint isOpaque: 1
uint isScrolled: 1
signed char leftLayoutItemMargin
short leftmargin
QLocale locale
QRegion opaqueChildren
Qt::HANDLE picture
const QMetaObjectpolished
QPoint redirectOffset
signed char rightLayoutItemMargin
short rightmargin
QSizePolicy size_policy
QString statusTip
QString toolTip
signed char topLayoutItemMargin
short topmargin
uint usesDoubleBufferedGLContext: 1
QString whatsThis
QX11Info xinfo
- Public Variables inherited from QObjectPrivate
union {
   QObject *   currentChildBeingDeleted
   QAbstractDeclarativeData *   declarativeData
quint32 connectedSignals [2]
QList< QPointer< QObject > > eventFilters
QString objectName
QAtomicPointer< QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData > sharedRefcount
void * unused
- Public Variables inherited from QObjectData
uint blockSig: 1
QObjectList children
uint hasGuards: 1
uint inEventHandler: 1
uint inThreadChangeEvent: 1
uint isWidget: 1
uint ownObjectName: 1
uint pendTimer: 1
int postedEvents
uint receiveChildEvents: 1
uint sendChildEvents: 1
uint unused: 22
uint wasDeleted: 1

Static Public Variables

static QHash< PMPrintSession, QPrintDialogPrivate * > sheetCallbackMap
- Static Public Variables inherited from QWidgetPrivate
static QWidgetSetallWidgets = 0
static int instanceCounter = 0
static QWidgetkeyboardGrabber = 0
static QWidgetMappermapper = 0
static int maxInstances = 0
static QWidgetmouseGrabber = 0

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QWidgetPrivate
enum  CloseMode { CloseNoEvent, CloseWithEvent, CloseWithSpontaneousEvent }
enum  Direction { DirectionNorth = 0x01, DirectionEast = 0x10, DirectionSouth = 0x02, DirectionWest = 0x20 }
enum  DrawWidgetFlags {
  DrawAsRoot = 0x01, DrawPaintOnScreen = 0x02, DrawRecursive = 0x04, DrawInvisible = 0x08,
  DontSubtractOpaqueChildren = 0x10, DontSetCompositionMode = 0x20, DontDrawOpaqueChildren = 0x40, DontDrawNativeChildren = 0x80
- Public Types inherited from QObjectPrivate
typedef void(* StaticMetaCallFunction) (QObject *, QMetaObject::Call, int, void **)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 53 of file qabstractprintdialog.cpp.

Constructors and Destructors

◆ QPrintDialogPrivate() [1/3]

QPrintDialogPrivate::QPrintDialogPrivate ( )

Definition at line 59 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

Referenced by QPrintPropertiesDialog::addItemToOptions().

59  : ep(0), printPanel(0)
60 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
61  ,upp(0)
62 #endif
63  {}
QMacPrintEnginePrivate * ep
NSPrintPanel * printPanel

◆ ~QPrintDialogPrivate() [1/2]

QPrintDialogPrivate::~QPrintDialogPrivate ( )

Definition at line 65 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

Referenced by QPrintPropertiesDialog::addItemToOptions().

65  {
66  if (upp) {
67  DisposePMSheetDoneUPP(upp);
68  upp = 0;
69  }
71  while (it != sheetCallbackMap.end()) {
72  if (it.value() == this) {
73  it = sheetCallbackMap.erase(it);
74  } else {
75  ++it;
76  }
77  }
78  }
static QHash< PMPrintSession, QPrintDialogPrivate * > sheetCallbackMap
#define it(className, varName)
T & value() const
Returns a modifiable reference to the current item&#39;s value.
Definition: qhash.h:348
iterator end()
Returns an STL-style iterator pointing to the imaginary item after the last item in the hash...
Definition: qhash.h:467
The QHash::iterator class provides an STL-style non-const iterator for QHash and QMultiHash.
Definition: qhash.h:330
iterator begin()
Returns an STL-style iterator pointing to the first item in the hash.
Definition: qhash.h:464
iterator erase(iterator it)
Removes the (key, value) pair associated with the iterator pos from the hash, and returns an iterator...
Definition: qhash.h:827

◆ QPrintDialogPrivate() [2/3]

QPrintDialogPrivate::QPrintDialogPrivate ( )

◆ ~QPrintDialogPrivate() [2/2]

QPrintDialogPrivate::~QPrintDialogPrivate ( )

◆ QPrintDialogPrivate() [3/3]

QPrintDialogPrivate::QPrintDialogPrivate ( )

Definition at line 70 of file qprintdialog_win.cpp.

71  : ep(0)
72  {
73  }
QMacPrintEnginePrivate * ep


◆ _q_btnBrowseClicked() [1/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_btnBrowseClicked ( )

Definition at line 80 of file qprintdialog_win.cpp.

80 {}

◆ _q_btnBrowseClicked() [2/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_btnBrowseClicked ( )

Definition at line 110 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

110 {}

◆ _q_btnPropertiesClicked() [1/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_btnPropertiesClicked ( )

Definition at line 81 of file qprintdialog_win.cpp.

81 {}

◆ _q_btnPropertiesClicked() [2/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_btnPropertiesClicked ( )

Definition at line 111 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

111 {}

◆ _q_chbPrintLastFirstToggled() [1/3]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_chbPrintLastFirstToggled ( bool  )

Definition at line 78 of file qprintdialog_win.cpp.

78 {}

◆ _q_chbPrintLastFirstToggled() [2/3]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_chbPrintLastFirstToggled ( bool  checked)

Definition at line 108 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

Referenced by applyPrinterProperties().

108 {}

◆ _q_chbPrintLastFirstToggled() [3/3]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_chbPrintLastFirstToggled ( bool  )

◆ _q_checkFields() [1/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_checkFields ( )

Definition at line 106 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

Referenced by _q_collapseOrExpandDialog().

106 {}

◆ _q_checkFields() [2/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_checkFields ( )

◆ _q_collapseOrExpandDialog()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_collapseOrExpandDialog ( )

Definition at line 458 of file qprintdialog_unix.cpp.

459 {
460  int collapseHeight = 0;
461  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
462  QWidget *widgetToHide = bottom;
463  if (widgetToHide->isVisible()) {
464  collapseButton->setText(QPrintDialog::tr("&Options >>"));
465  collapseHeight = widgetToHide->y() + widgetToHide->height() - (top->y() + top->height());
466  }
467  else
468  collapseButton->setText(QPrintDialog::tr("&Options <<"));
469  widgetToHide->setVisible(! widgetToHide->isVisible());
470  if (! widgetToHide->isVisible()) { // make it shrink
471  q->layout()->activate();
472  q->resize( QSize(q->width(), q->height() - collapseHeight) );
473  }
474 }
void setText(const QString &text)
bool isVisible() const
Definition: qwidget.h:1005
The QWidget class is the base class of all user interface objects.
Definition: qwidget.h:150
QUnixPrintWidget * top
static QString tr(const char *sourceText, const char *comment=0, int n=-1)
QPushButton * collapseButton
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81
int height
the height of the widget excluding any window frame
Definition: qwidget.h:167
virtual void setVisible(bool visible)
Definition: qwidget.cpp:7991
int y
the y coordinate of the widget relative to its parent and including any window frame ...
Definition: qwidget.h:162
The QSize class defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision.
Definition: qsize.h:53

◆ _q_colorModeSelected()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_colorModeSelected ( QAbstractButton b)

Definition at line 227 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by setupPrinterSettings().

◆ _q_fileNameEditChanged()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_fileNameEditChanged ( const QString text)

Definition at line 262 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by _q_printerOrFileSelected(), and setupDestination().

263 {
264  Q_UNUSED(text);
265 }
#define Q_UNUSED(x)
Indicates to the compiler that the parameter with the specified name is not used in the body of a fun...
Definition: qglobal.h:1729

◆ _q_okClicked()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_okClicked ( )

Definition at line 142 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

143 {
144  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
145 #ifndef QT_NO_MESSAGEBOX
146  if (outputToFile && fileName->isModified() && QFileInfo(fileName->text()).exists()) {
147  int confirm = QMessageBox::warning(
148  q, QPrintDialog::tr("File exists"),
149  QPrintDialog::tr("<qt>Do you want to overwrite it?</qt>"),
151  if (confirm == QMessageBox::No)
152  return;
153  }
154 #endif // QT_NO_MESSAGEBOX
159  if (outputToFile) {
161  }
168  switch ((rangeCombo->itemData(rangeCombo->currentIndex())).toInt()){
169  case (int)QPrintDialog::AllPages:
170  q->setPrintRange(QPrintDialog::AllPages);
171  q->setFromTo(0, 0);
172  break;
173  case (int)QPrintDialog::Selection:
174  q->setPrintRange(QPrintDialog::Selection);
175  q->setFromTo(0, 0);
176  break;
177  case (int)QPrintDialog::PageRange:
178  q->setPrintRange(QPrintDialog::PageRange);
179  q->setFromTo(firstPage->value(), lastPage->value());
180  break;
181  case (int)QPrintDialog::CurrentPage:
182  q->setPrintRange(QPrintDialog::CurrentPage);
183  q->setFromTo(0, 0);
184  break;
185  }
186  q->accept();
187 }
QPrinter::ColorMode colorMode2
void setPageOrder(PageOrder)
Sets the page order to pageOrder.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1271
bool isModified() const
Definition: qlineedit.cpp:968
void interpretText()
This function interprets the text of the spin box.
QPrinter::Orientation orientation
static QString tr(const char *sourceText, const char *comment=0, int n=-1)
void setPaperSize(PaperSize)
Sets the printer paper size to newPaperSize if that size is supported.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1163
QPrinter::PageOrder pageOrder2
static StandardButton warning(QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &text, StandardButtons buttons=Ok, StandardButton defaultButton=NoButton)
Opens a warning message box with the given title and text in front of the specified parent widget...
void setOrientation(Orientation)
Sets the print orientation to orientation.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1122
QVariant itemData(int index, int role=Qt::UserRole) const
Returns the data for the given role in the given index in the combobox, or QVariant::Invalid if there...
Definition: qcombobox.cpp:2182
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
void setCopyCount(int)
Sets the number of copies to be printed to count.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1411
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81
QString text
the line edit&#39;s text
Definition: qlineedit.h:72
QPrinter::PaperSize pageSize
void setColorMode(ColorMode)
Sets the printer&#39;s color mode to newColorMode, which can be either Color or GrayScale.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1300
int value
the value of the spin box
Definition: qspinbox.h:66
int currentIndex
the index of the current item in the combobox.
Definition: qcombobox.h:71
The QFileInfo class provides system-independent file information.
Definition: qfileinfo.h:60
void setOutputFileName(const QString &)
Sets the name of the output file to fileName.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:976

◆ _q_orientSelected()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_orientSelected ( int  id)

Definition at line 217 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by setPrinter(), and setupPaper().

218 {
220 }
This enum type (not to be confused with Orientation) is used to specify each page&#39;s orientation...
Definition: qprinter.h:78
QPrinter::Orientation orientation

◆ _q_pageOrderSelected()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_pageOrderSelected ( int  id)

Definition at line 222 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by setupOptions().

223 {
225 }
QPrinter::PageOrder pageOrder2
This enum type is used by QPrinter to tell the application program how to print.
Definition: qprinter.h:97

◆ _q_paperSizeChanged() [1/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_paperSizeChanged ( int  )

Definition at line 79 of file qprintdialog_win.cpp.

79 {}

◆ _q_paperSizeChanged() [2/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_paperSizeChanged ( int  )

Definition at line 109 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

109 {}

◆ _q_paperSizeSelected()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_paperSizeSelected ( int  id)

Definition at line 211 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by setPrinter(), and setupPaper().

212 {
213  if (id < QPrinter::NPaperSize)
215 }
QPrinter::PaperSize indexToPaperSize[QPrinter::NPaperSize]
QPrinter::PaperSize pageSize
This enum type specifies what paper size QPrinter should use.
Definition: qprinter.h:91

◆ _q_printerChanged() [1/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_printerChanged ( int  )

Definition at line 77 of file qprintdialog_win.cpp.

77 {}

◆ _q_printerChanged() [2/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_printerChanged ( int  )

Definition at line 104 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

104 {}

◆ _q_printerOrFileSelected()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_printerOrFileSelected ( QAbstractButton b)

Definition at line 189 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by setupDestination().

190 {
192  if (outputToFile) {
194  if (!fileName->isModified() && fileName->text().isEmpty()) {
195  QString file = "print.tiff";
196  fileName->setText(file);
198  fileName->selectAll();
199  fileName->setModified(true); // confirm overwrite when OK clicked
201  }
202  fileName->setEnabled(true);
203  fileName->setFocus();
204  } else {
206  if (fileName->isEnabled())
207  fileName->setEnabled(false);
208  }
209 }
bool isModified() const
Definition: qlineedit.cpp:968
int length() const
Returns the number of characters in this string.
Definition: qstring.h:696
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
void setModified(bool)
Definition: qlineedit.cpp:974
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the string has no characters; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qstring.h:704
QString text
the line edit&#39;s text
Definition: qlineedit.h:72
void setEnabled(bool)
Definition: qwidget.cpp:3447
bool isEnabled() const
Definition: qwidget.h:948
void setText(const QString &)
Definition: qlineedit.cpp:401
void _q_fileNameEditChanged(const QString &text)
void setFocus()
Gives the keyboard input focus to this widget (or its focus proxy) if this widget or one of its paren...
Definition: qwidget.h:432
QRadioButton * printToFileButton
void setCursorPosition(int)
Definition: qlineedit.cpp:758
void selectAll()
Selects all the text (i.e.
Definition: qlineedit.cpp:1405

◆ _q_printRangeSelected()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_printRangeSelected ( int  id)

Definition at line 237 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by setupOptions().

238 {
239  bool enable = (rangeCombo->itemData(id).toInt() == (int)QPrintDialog::PageRange);
240  firstPage->setEnabled(enable);
241  lastPage->setEnabled(enable);
242 }
QVariant itemData(int index, int role=Qt::UserRole) const
Returns the data for the given role in the given index in the combobox, or QVariant::Invalid if there...
Definition: qcombobox.cpp:2182
int toInt(bool *ok=0) const
Returns the variant as an int if the variant has type() Int , Bool , ByteArray , Char ...
Definition: qvariant.cpp:2625
void setEnabled(bool)
Definition: qwidget.cpp:3447

◆ _q_printToFileChanged() [1/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_printToFileChanged ( int  )

Definition at line 75 of file qprintdialog_win.cpp.

75 {}

◆ _q_printToFileChanged() [2/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_printToFileChanged ( int  )

Definition at line 102 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

102 {}

◆ _q_rbPrintRangeToggled() [1/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_rbPrintRangeToggled ( bool  )

Definition at line 76 of file qprintdialog_win.cpp.

76 {}

◆ _q_rbPrintRangeToggled() [2/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_rbPrintRangeToggled ( bool  )

Definition at line 103 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

103 {}

◆ _q_setFirstPage()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_setFirstPage ( int  fp)

Definition at line 244 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by setupOptions().

245 {
246  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
247  if (printer) {
248  lastPage->setMinimum(fp);
249  lastPage->setMaximum(qMax(fp, q->maxPage()));
250  }
251 }
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR const T & qMax(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: qglobal.h:1217
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81
void setMinimum(int min)
Definition: qspinbox.cpp:425
void setMaximum(int max)
Definition: qspinbox.cpp:456

◆ _q_setLastPage()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_setLastPage ( int  lp)

Definition at line 253 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by setupOptions().

254 {
255  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
256  if (printer) {
257  firstPage->setMinimum(qMin(lp, q->minPage()));
258  firstPage->setMaximum(lp);
259  }
260 }
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR const T & qMin(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: qglobal.h:1215
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81
void setMinimum(int min)
Definition: qspinbox.cpp:425
void setMaximum(int max)
Definition: qspinbox.cpp:456

◆ _q_setNumCopies()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::_q_setNumCopies ( int  copies)

Definition at line 232 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by setPrinter(), and setupOptions().

233 {
234  numCopies = copies;
235 }

◆ applyPrinterProperties()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::applyPrinterProperties ( QPrinter p)

copy printer properties to the widget

Definition at line 427 of file qprintdialog_unix.cpp.

428 {
429  if (p->colorMode() == QPrinter::Color)
430  options.color->setChecked(true);
431  else
432  options.grayscale->setChecked(true);
434  switch(p->duplex()) {
436  options.noDuplex->setChecked(true); break;
439  options.duplexLong->setChecked(true); break;
441  options.duplexShort->setChecked(true); break;
442  }
443  options.copies->setValue(p->copyCount());
444  options.collate->setChecked(p->collateCopies());
445  options.reverse->setChecked(p->pageOrder() == QPrinter::LastPageFirst);
446  top->d->applyPrinterProperties(p);
447 }
DuplexMode duplex() const
Returns the current duplex mode.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1727
Ui::QPrintSettingsOutput options
QUnixPrintWidget * top
ColorMode colorMode() const
Returns the current color mode.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1314
bool collateCopies() const
Returns true if collation is turned on when multiple copies is selected.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1473
int copyCount() const
Returns the number of copies that will be printed.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1430
PageOrder pageOrder() const
Returns the current page order.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1286

◆ closeCarbonPrintPanel()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::closeCarbonPrintPanel ( )

Definition at line 250 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

Referenced by printDialogSheetDoneCallback(), QPrintDialog::setVisible(), and ~QPrintDialogPrivate().

251 {
252  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
254  if (q->result() == QDialog::Accepted) {
255  UInt32 frompage, topage;
256  PMGetFirstPage(ep->settings, &frompage);
257  PMGetLastPage(ep->settings, &topage);
258  topage = qMin(UInt32(INT_MAX), topage);
259  q->setFromTo(frompage, topage);
261  // OK, I need to map these values back let's see
262  // If from is 1 and to is INT_MAX, then print it all
263  // (Apologies to the folks with more than INT_MAX pages)
264  // ...that's a joke.
265  if (q->fromPage() == 1 && q->toPage() == INT_MAX) {
266  q->setPrintRange(QAbstractPrintDialog::AllPages);
267  q->setFromTo(0,0);
268  } else {
269  q->setPrintRange(QAbstractPrintDialog::PageRange); // In a way a lie, but it shouldn't hurt.
270  // Carbon hands us back a very large number here even for ALL, set it to max
271  // in that case to follow the behavior of the other print dialogs.
272  if (q->maxPage() < q->toPage())
273  q->setFromTo(q->fromPage(), q->maxPage());
274  }
275  // Keep us in sync with file output
276  PMDestinationType dest;
277  PMSessionGetDestinationType(ep->session, ep->settings, &dest);
278  if (dest == kPMDestinationFile) {
279  QCFType<CFURLRef> file;
280  PMSessionCopyDestinationLocation(ep->session, ep->settings, &file);
281  UInt8 localFile[2048]; // Assuming there's a POSIX file system here.
282  CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation(file, true, localFile, sizeof(localFile));
283  ep->outputFilename = QString::fromUtf8(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(localFile));
284  } else {
286  }
287  }
289 }
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR const T & qMin(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: qglobal.h:1215
int remove(const Key &key)
Removes all the items that have the key from the hash.
Definition: qhash.h:784
static QHash< PMPrintSession, QPrintDialogPrivate * > sheetCallbackMap
QMacPrintEnginePrivate * ep
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81
static QString fromUtf8(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size bytes of the UTF-8 string str.
Definition: qstring.cpp:4302
static bool native_modal_dialog_active
#define INT_MAX

◆ init() [1/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::init ( )

Definition at line 539 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by QPrintPropertiesDialog::addItemToOptions().

540 {
541  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
542  numCopies = 1;
545  (*_qt_print_dialog_creator)(q);
549  setupPaper();
550  setupOptions();
552  setPrinter(printer, true);
554  q->installEventFilter(q);
555 }
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81
void setPrinter(QPrinter *p, bool pickUpSettings)
Q_GUI_EXPORT QPrintDialogCreator _qt_print_dialog_creator

◆ init() [2/2]

void QPrintDialogPrivate::init ( )

◆ initBeforeRun()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::initBeforeRun ( )

Definition at line 201 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

Referenced by closeCarbonPrintPanel(), openCarbonPrintPanel(), and printDialogSheetDoneCallback().

202 {
203  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
204  // If someone is reusing a QPrinter object, the end released all our old
205  // information. In this case, we must reinitialize.
206  if (ep->session == 0)
207  ep->initialize();
210  // It seems the only way that PM lets you use all is if the minimum
211  // for the page range is 1. This _kind of_ makes sense if you think about
212  // it. However, calling PMSetFirstPage() or PMSetLastPage() always enforces
213  // the range.
214  PMSetPageRange(ep->settings, q->minPage(), q->maxPage());
215  if (q->printRange() == QAbstractPrintDialog::PageRange) {
216  PMSetFirstPage(ep->settings, q->fromPage(), false);
217  PMSetLastPage(ep->settings, q->toPage(), false);
218  }
219 }
QMacPrintEnginePrivate * ep
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81

◆ openCarbonPrintPanel()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::openCarbonPrintPanel ( Qt::WindowModality  modality)

Definition at line 223 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

Referenced by QPrintDialog::exec(), QPrintDialog::setVisible(), and ~QPrintDialogPrivate().

224 {
225  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
226  initBeforeRun();
228  if (modality == Qt::ApplicationModal) {
229  QWidget modal_widg(0, Qt::Window);
230  modal_widg.setObjectName(QLatin1String(__FILE__ "__modal_dlg"));
231  modal_widg.createWinId();
232  QApplicationPrivate::enterModal(&modal_widg);
234  Boolean acceptStatus;
235  PMSessionPrintDialog(ep->session, ep->settings, ep->format, &acceptStatus);
236  QApplicationPrivate::leaveModal(&modal_widg);
238  printDialogSheetDoneCallback(ep->session, 0, acceptStatus);
239  } else {
240  // Window Modal means that we use a sheet at the moment, there's no other way to do it correctly.
241  if (!upp)
243  PMSessionUseSheets(ep->session, qt_mac_window_for(q->parentWidget()), upp);
245  Boolean unused;
246  PMSessionPrintDialog(ep->session, ep->settings, ep->format, &unused);
247  }
248 }
static QHash< PMPrintSession, QPrintDialogPrivate * > sheetCallbackMap
QMacPrintEnginePrivate * ep
The QWidget class is the base class of all user interface objects.
Definition: qwidget.h:150
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Inserts a new item with the key and a value of value.
Definition: qhash.h:753
OSWindowRef qt_mac_window_for(const QWidget *)
Definition: qwidget_mac.mm:484
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
static void printDialogSheetDoneCallback(PMPrintSession printSession, WindowRef, Boolean accepted)
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81
void * unused
Definition: qobject_p.h:208
static bool native_modal_dialog_active
static void leaveModal(QWidget *)
static void enterModal(QWidget *)

◆ openWindowsPrintDialogModally()

int QPrintDialogPrivate::openWindowsPrintDialogModally ( )

Definition at line 221 of file qprintdialog_win.cpp.

Referenced by _q_btnPropertiesClicked().

222 {
223  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
224  QWidget *parent = q->parentWidget();
225  if (parent)
226  parent = parent->window();
227  else
228  parent = QApplication::activeWindow();
230  // If there is no window, fall back to the print dialog itself
231  if (parent == 0)
232  parent = q;
234  QWidget modal_widget;
235  modal_widget.setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoChildEventsForParent, true);
236  modal_widget.setParent(parent, Qt::Window);
237  QApplicationPrivate::enterModal(&modal_widget);
239  HGLOBAL *tempDevNames = ep->createDevNames();
241  bool done;
242  bool result;
243  bool doPrinting;
245  PRINTPAGERANGE pageRange;
247  memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(PRINTDLGEX));
248  pd.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLGEX);
249  pd.lpPageRanges = &pageRange;
250  qt_win_setup_PRINTDLGEX(&pd, parent, q, this, tempDevNames);
252  do {
253  done = true;
254  doPrinting = false;
255  result = (PrintDlgEx(&pd) == S_OK);
256  if (result && (pd.dwResultAction == PD_RESULT_PRINT
257  || pd.dwResultAction == PD_RESULT_APPLY))
258  {
259  doPrinting = (pd.dwResultAction == PD_RESULT_PRINT);
260  if ((pd.Flags & PD_PAGENUMS)
261  && (pd.lpPageRanges[0].nFromPage > pd.lpPageRanges[0].nToPage))
262  {
263  pd.lpPageRanges[0].nFromPage = 1;
264  pd.lpPageRanges[0].nToPage = 1;
265  done = false;
266  }
267  if (pd.hDC == 0)
268  result = false;
269  }
271  if (!done) {
273  QPrintDialog::tr("The 'From' value cannot be greater than the 'To' value."),
274  QPrintDialog::tr("OK"));
275  }
276  } while (!done);
278  QApplicationPrivate::leaveModal(&modal_widget);
282  // write values back...
283  if (result && (pd.dwResultAction == PD_RESULT_PRINT
284  || pd.dwResultAction == PD_RESULT_APPLY))
285  {
286  qt_win_read_back_PRINTDLGEX(&pd, q, this);
287  // update printer validity
288  printer->d_func()->validPrinter = !ep->name.isEmpty();
289  }
291  // Cleanup...
292  GlobalFree(tempDevNames);
294  q->done(result && doPrinting);
296  return result && doPrinting;
297 }
void setParent(QWidget *parent)
Sets the parent of the widget to parent, and resets the window flags.
Definition: qwidget.cpp:10479
QMacPrintEnginePrivate * ep
void qt_win_eatMouseMove()
static QWidget * activeWindow()
Returns the application top-level window that has the keyboard input focus, or 0 if no application wi...
The QWidget class is the base class of all user interface objects.
Definition: qwidget.h:150
static QString tr(const char *sourceText, const char *comment=0, int n=-1)
static void qt_win_read_back_PRINTDLGEX(PRINTDLGEX *pd, QPrintDialog *pdlg, QPrintDialogPrivate *d)
static StandardButton warning(QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &text, StandardButtons buttons=Ok, StandardButton defaultButton=NoButton)
Opens a warning message box with the given title and text in front of the specified parent widget...
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81
void setAttribute(Qt::WidgetAttribute, bool on=true)
Sets the attribute attribute on this widget if on is true; otherwise clears the attribute.
Definition: qwidget.cpp:11087
QWidget * window() const
Returns the window for this widget, i.e.
Definition: qwidget.cpp:4492
QObject * parent
Definition: qobject.h:92
static void leaveModal(QWidget *)
static void qt_win_setup_PRINTDLGEX(PRINTDLGEX *pd, QWidget *parent, QPrintDialog *pdlg, QPrintDialogPrivate *d, HGLOBAL *tempDevNames)
static void enterModal(QWidget *)

◆ printDialog()

QPrintDialog* QPrintDialogPrivate::printDialog ( )

Definition at line 100 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

100 { return q_func(); }

◆ printDialogSheetDoneCallback()

static void QPrintDialogPrivate::printDialogSheetDoneCallback ( PMPrintSession  printSession,
WindowRef  ,
Boolean  accepted 

Definition at line 84 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

Referenced by openCarbonPrintPanel().

84  {
86  if (!priv) {
87  qWarning("%s:%d: QPrintDialog::exec: Could not retrieve data structure, "
88  "you most likely now have an infinite loop", __FILE__, __LINE__);
89  return;
90  }
91  priv->q_func()->done(accepted ? QDialog::Accepted : QDialog::Rejected);
92  priv->closeCarbonPrintPanel();
93  }
static QHash< PMPrintSession, QPrintDialogPrivate * > sheetCallbackMap
const T value(const Key &key) const
Returns the value associated with the key.
Definition: qhash.h:606
Q_CORE_EXPORT void qWarning(const char *,...)
static const QMetaObjectPrivate * priv(const uint *data)

◆ selectPrinter()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::selectPrinter ( QCUPSSupport cups)

Definition at line 579 of file qprintdialog_unix.cpp.

Referenced by QUnixPrintWidgetPrivate::_q_printerChanged().

580 {
581  options.duplex->setEnabled(cups && cups->ppdOption("Duplex"));
582 }
const ppd_option_t * ppdOption(const char *key) const
Definition: qcups.cpp:237
Ui::QPrintSettingsOutput options

◆ setPrinter()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::setPrinter ( QPrinter p,
bool  pickUpSettings 

Definition at line 440 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by init().

441 {
442  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
443  printer = p;
445  if (p && pickUpSettings) {
446  // top to bottom in the old dialog.
447  // printer or file
448  outputToFile = !p->outputFileName().isEmpty() && q->isOptionEnabled(QPrintDialog::PrintToFile);
449  if (outputToFile)
451  else
455  // file name
456  if (q->isOptionEnabled(QPrintDialog::PrintToFile)) {
459  } else {
461  }
463  // orientation
467  // page size
468  int n = 0;
469  while (n < QPrinter::NPaperSize &&
470  indexToPaperSize[n] != p->pageSize())
471  n++;
475  // page order
476  pageOrder2 = p->pageOrder();
479  // color mode
480  colorMode2 = p->colorMode();
482  printColor->setChecked(true);
483  else
484  printGray->setChecked(true);
486  // number of copies
487  copies->setValue(p->copyCount());
489  }
491  if (p) {
492  if (!q->isOptionEnabled(QPrintDialog::PrintSelection)
495  if (!q->isOptionEnabled(QPrintDialog::PrintPageRange)
498  if (!q->isOptionEnabled(QPrintDialog::PrintCurrentPage)
502  switch (q->printRange()) {
505  break;
508  break;
511  break;
514  break;
515  }
516  }
518  if (p && q->maxPage()) {
519  int from = q->minPage();
520  int to = q->maxPage();
521  if (q->printRange() == QPrintDialog::PageRange) {
522  from = q->fromPage();
523  to = q->toPage();
524  }
525  firstPage->setRange(q->minPage(), to);
526  lastPage->setRange(from, q->maxPage());
527  firstPage->setValue(from);
528  lastPage->setValue(to);
529  }
530 }
QPrinter::ColorMode colorMode2
int findData(const QVariant &data, int role=Qt::UserRole, Qt::MatchFlags flags=static_cast< Qt::MatchFlags >(Qt::MatchExactly|Qt::MatchCaseSensitive)) const
Returns the index of the item containing the given data for the given role; otherwise returns -1...
Definition: qcombobox.cpp:1572
void setValue(int val)
Definition: qspinbox.cpp:268
void setCurrentIndex(int index)
Definition: qcombobox.cpp:2102
QPrinter::PageOrder pageOrder2
QString outputFileName() const
Returns the name of the output file.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:950
void setRange(int min, int max)
Convenience function to set the minimum, and maximum values with a single function call...
Definition: qspinbox.cpp:474
QPrinter::PaperSize indexToPaperSize[QPrinter::NPaperSize]
PageSize pageSize() const
Returns the printer page size.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1187
QRadioButton * printColor
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81
void setModified(bool)
Definition: qlineedit.cpp:974
QRadioButton * printToPrinterButton
Orientation orientation() const
Returns the orientation setting.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1098
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the string has no characters; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qstring.h:704
QString text
the line edit&#39;s text
Definition: qlineedit.h:72
ColorMode colorMode() const
Returns the current color mode.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1314
QRadioButton * printGray
void setEnabled(bool)
Definition: qwidget.cpp:3447
void setText(const QString &)
Definition: qlineedit.cpp:401
void removeItem(int index)
Removes the item at the given index from the combobox.
Definition: qcombobox.cpp:2337
int copyCount() const
Returns the number of copies that will be printed.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1430
QRadioButton * printToFileButton
PageOrder pageOrder() const
Returns the current page order.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1286

◆ setTabs()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::setTabs ( const QList< QWidget *> &  tabs)

Reimplemented from QAbstractPrintDialogPrivate.

Definition at line 565 of file qprintdialog_unix.cpp.

566 {
567  while(options.tabs->count() > 2)
568  delete options.tabs->widget(2);
570  QList<QWidget*>::ConstIterator iter = tabWidgets.begin();
571  while(iter != tabWidgets.constEnd()) {
572  QWidget *tab = *iter;
573  options.tabs->addTab(tab, tab->windowTitle());
574  ++iter;
575  }
576 }
Ui::QPrintSettingsOutput options
The QWidget class is the base class of all user interface objects.
Definition: qwidget.h:150
iterator begin()
Returns an STL-style iterator pointing to the first item in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:267
QString windowTitle
the window title (caption)
Definition: qwidget.h:198
The QList class is a template class that provides lists.
Definition: qdatastream.h:62
const_iterator constEnd() const
Returns a const STL-style iterator pointing to the imaginary item after the last item in the list...
Definition: qlist.h:272

◆ setupDestination()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::setupDestination ( )

Definition at line 267 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by init().

268 {
269  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
271  // print destinations
272  printerOrFile = new QButtonGroup(q);
276  printToPrinterButton = q->findChild<QRadioButton *>("printToPrinterButton");
278  printToFileButton = q->findChild<QRadioButton *>("printToFileButton");
281  // file name
282  fileName = q->findChild<QLineEdit *>("fileName");
283  QObject::connect(fileName, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)),
286  outputToFile = false;
287 }
The QAbstractButton class is the abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality commo...
#define SLOT(a)
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:226
QButtonGroup * printerOrFile
void addButton(QAbstractButton *)
Adds the given button to the end of the group&#39;s internal list of buttons.
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
#define SIGNAL(a)
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:227
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81
The QRadioButton widget provides a radio button with a text label.
Definition: qradiobutton.h:56
QRadioButton * printToPrinterButton
static bool connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType=Qt::AutoConnection)
Creates a connection of the given type from the signal in the sender object to the method in the rece...
Definition: qobject.cpp:2580
void _q_printerOrFileSelected(QAbstractButton *b)
T findChild(const QString &aName=QString()) const
Returns the child of this object that can be cast into type T and that is called name, or 0 if there is no such object.
Definition: qobject.h:158
void _q_fileNameEditChanged(const QString &text)
The QLineEdit widget is a one-line text editor.
Definition: qlineedit.h:66
QRadioButton * printToFileButton
The QButtonGroup class provides a container to organize groups of button widgets. ...
Definition: qbuttongroup.h:59

◆ setupOptions()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::setupOptions ( )

Definition at line 368 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by init().

369 {
370  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
372  // no. of copies
373  copies = q->findChild<QSpinBox *>("copies");
374  QObject::connect(copies, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
375  q, SLOT(_q_setNumCopies(int)));
377  // print range
378  rangeCombo = q->findChild<QComboBox *>("rangeCombo");
383  QObject::connect(rangeCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
384  q, SLOT(_q_printRangeSelected(int)));
386  // page range
387  firstPage = q->findChild<QSpinBox *>("firstPage");
388  firstPage->setRange(1, 9999);
389  firstPage->setValue(1);
390  QObject::connect(firstPage, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
391  q, SLOT(_q_setFirstPage(int)));
393  lastPage = q->findChild<QSpinBox *>("lastPage");
394  lastPage->setRange(1, 9999);
395  lastPage->setValue(1);
396  QObject::connect(lastPage, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
397  q, SLOT(_q_setLastPage(int)));
399  // print order
400  pageOrderCombo = q->findChild<QComboBox *>("pageOrderCombo");
401  QObject::connect(pageOrderCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
402  q, SLOT(_q_pageOrderSelected(int)));
403 }
#define SLOT(a)
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:226
static QString tr(const char *sourceText, const char *comment=0, int n=-1)
void setValue(int val)
Definition: qspinbox.cpp:268
void addItem(const QString &text, const QVariant &userData=QVariant())
Adds an item to the combobox with the given text, and containing the specified userData (stored in th...
Definition: qcombobox.h:323
void setRange(int min, int max)
Convenience function to set the minimum, and maximum values with a single function call...
Definition: qspinbox.cpp:474
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
#define SIGNAL(a)
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:227
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81
static bool connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType=Qt::AutoConnection)
Creates a connection of the given type from the signal in the sender object to the method in the rece...
Definition: qobject.cpp:2580
The QComboBox widget is a combined button and popup list.
Definition: qcombobox.h:62
T findChild(const QString &aName=QString()) const
Returns the child of this object that can be cast into type T and that is called name, or 0 if there is no such object.
Definition: qobject.h:158
The QSpinBox class provides a spin box widget.
Definition: qspinbox.h:56

◆ setupPaper()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::setupPaper ( )

Definition at line 314 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by init().

315 {
316  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
320  // paper orientation
321  orientationCombo = q->findChild<QComboBox *>("orientationCombo");
323  QObject::connect(orientationCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
324  q, SLOT(_q_orientSelected(int)));
326  // paper size
327  sizeCombo = q->findChild<QComboBox *>("sizeCombo");
329  int n;
330  for(n=0; n<QPrinter::NPaperSize; n++)
333  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("A0 (841 x 1189 mm)"), QPrinter::A0);
334  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("A1 (594 x 841 mm)"), QPrinter::A1);
335  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("A2 (420 x 594 mm)"), QPrinter::A2);
336  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("A3 (297 x 420 mm)"), QPrinter::A3);
337  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("A4 (210 x 297 mm, 8.26 x 11.7 inches)"), QPrinter::A4);
338  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("A5 (148 x 210 mm)"), QPrinter::A5);
339  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("A6 (105 x 148 mm)"), QPrinter::A6);
340  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("A7 (74 x 105 mm)"), QPrinter::A7);
341  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("A8 (52 x 74 mm)"), QPrinter::A8);
342  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("A9 (37 x 52 mm)"), QPrinter::A9);
343  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("B0 (1000 x 1414 mm)"), QPrinter::B0);
344  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("B1 (707 x 1000 mm)"), QPrinter::B1);
345  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("B2 (500 x 707 mm)"), QPrinter::B2);
346  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("B3 (353 x 500 mm)"), QPrinter::B3);
347  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("B4 (250 x 353 mm)"), QPrinter::B4);
348  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("B5 (176 x 250 mm, 6.93 x 9.84 inches)"), QPrinter::B5);
349  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("B6 (125 x 176 mm)"), QPrinter::B6);
350  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("B7 (88 x 125 mm)"), QPrinter::B7);
351  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("B8 (62 x 88 mm)"), QPrinter::B8);
352  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("B9 (44 x 62 mm)"), QPrinter::B9);
353  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("B10 (31 x 44 mm)"), QPrinter::B10);
354  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("C5E (163 x 229 mm)"), QPrinter::C5E);
355  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("DLE (110 x 220 mm)"), QPrinter::DLE);
356  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("Executive (7.5 x 10 inches, 191 x 254 mm)"), QPrinter::Executive);
357  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("Folio (210 x 330 mm)"), QPrinter::Folio);
358  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("Ledger (432 x 279 mm)"), QPrinter::Ledger);
359  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("Legal (8.5 x 14 inches, 216 x 356 mm)"), QPrinter::Legal);
360  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("Letter (8.5 x 11 inches, 216 x 279 mm)"), QPrinter::Letter);
361  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("Tabloid (279 x 432 mm)"), QPrinter::Tabloid);
362  isc(this, QPrintDialog::tr("US Common #10 Envelope (105 x 241 mm)"), QPrinter::Comm10E);
364  QObject::connect(sizeCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)),
365  q, SLOT(_q_paperSizeSelected(int)));
366 }
static void isc(QPrintDialogPrivate *d, const QString &text, QPrinter::PaperSize ps)
#define SLOT(a)
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:226
QPrinter::Orientation orientation
static QString tr(const char *sourceText, const char *comment=0, int n=-1)
QPrinter::PaperSize indexToPaperSize[QPrinter::NPaperSize]
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
#define SIGNAL(a)
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:227
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81
static bool connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType=Qt::AutoConnection)
Creates a connection of the given type from the signal in the sender object to the method in the rece...
Definition: qobject.cpp:2580
QPrinter::PaperSize pageSize
The QComboBox widget is a combined button and popup list.
Definition: qcombobox.h:62
T findChild(const QString &aName=QString()) const
Returns the child of this object that can be cast into type T and that is called name, or 0 if there is no such object.
Definition: qobject.h:158

◆ setupPrinter()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::setupPrinter ( )

Definition at line 485 of file qprintdialog_unix.cpp.

486 {
487  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
488  QPrinter* p = q->printer();
490  if (options.duplex->isEnabled()) {
491  if (options.noDuplex->isChecked())
493  else if (options.duplexLong->isChecked())
495  else
497  }
499  p->setColorMode( options.color->isChecked() ? QPrinter::Color : QPrinter::GrayScale );
501  // print range
502  if (options.printAll->isChecked()) {
504  p->setFromTo(0,0);
505  } else if (options.printSelection->isChecked()) {
507  p->setFromTo(0,0);
508  } else if (options.printCurrentPage->isChecked()) {
510  p->setFromTo(0,0);
511  } else if (options.printRange->isChecked()) {
513  p->setFromTo(options.from->value(), qMax(options.from->value(), options.to->value()));
514  }
516  // copies
517  p->setCopyCount(options.copies->value());
518  p->setCollateCopies(options.collate->isChecked());
520  top->d->setupPrinter();
521 }
void setDuplex(DuplexMode duplex)
Enables double sided printing based on the duplex mode.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1710
Ui::QPrintSettingsOutput options
QUnixPrintWidget * top
void setCollateCopies(bool collate)
Sets the default value for collation checkbox when the print dialog appears.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1493
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR const T & qMax(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: qglobal.h:1217
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
void setCopyCount(int)
Sets the number of copies to be printed to count.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1411
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81
The QPrinter class is a paint device that paints on a printer.
Definition: qprinter.h:66
void setPrintRange(PrintRange range)
Sets the print range option in to be range.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:2247
void setFromTo(int fromPage, int toPage)
Sets the range of pages to be printed to cover the pages with numbers specified by from and to...
Definition: qprinter.cpp:2222
void setColorMode(ColorMode)
Sets the printer&#39;s color mode to newColorMode, which can be either Color or GrayScale.
Definition: qprinter.cpp:1300

◆ setupPrinterSettings()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::setupPrinterSettings ( )

Definition at line 289 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by init().

290 {
291  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
293  // color mode
294  colorMode = new QButtonGroup(q);
298  printColor = q->findChild<QRadioButton *>("printColor");
300  printGray = q->findChild<QRadioButton *>("printGray");
302 }
The QAbstractButton class is the abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality commo...
void _q_colorModeSelected(QAbstractButton *)
#define SLOT(a)
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:226
void addButton(QAbstractButton *)
Adds the given button to the end of the group&#39;s internal list of buttons.
QRadioButton * printColor
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
#define SIGNAL(a)
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:227
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81
The QRadioButton widget provides a radio button with a text label.
Definition: qradiobutton.h:56
static bool connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType=Qt::AutoConnection)
Creates a connection of the given type from the signal in the sender object to the method in the rece...
Definition: qobject.cpp:2580
T findChild(const QString &aName=QString()) const
Returns the child of this object that can be cast into type T and that is called name, or 0 if there is no such object.
Definition: qobject.h:158
QRadioButton * printGray
QButtonGroup * colorMode
The QButtonGroup class provides a container to organize groups of button widgets. ...
Definition: qbuttongroup.h:59

◆ updateWidgets()

void QPrintDialogPrivate::updateWidgets ( )

Definition at line 523 of file qprintdialog_unix.cpp.

524 {
525  Q_Q(QPrintDialog);
526  options.gbPrintRange->setVisible(q->isOptionEnabled(QPrintDialog::PrintPageRange) ||
527  q->isOptionEnabled(QPrintDialog::PrintSelection) ||
528  q->isOptionEnabled(QPrintDialog::PrintCurrentPage));
530  options.printRange->setEnabled(q->isOptionEnabled(QPrintDialog::PrintPageRange));
531  options.printSelection->setVisible(q->isOptionEnabled(QPrintDialog::PrintSelection));
532  options.printCurrentPage->setVisible(q->isOptionEnabled(QPrintDialog::PrintCurrentPage));
533  options.collate->setVisible(q->isOptionEnabled(QPrintDialog::PrintCollateCopies));
535  switch (q->printRange()) {
537  options.printAll->setChecked(true);
538  break;
540  options.printSelection->setChecked(true);
541  break;
543  options.printRange->setChecked(true);
544  break;
546  if (q->isOptionEnabled(QPrintDialog::PrintCurrentPage))
547  options.printCurrentPage->setChecked(true);
548  break;
549  default:
550  break;
551  }
552  const int minPage = qMax(1, qMin(q->minPage() , q->maxPage()));
553  const int maxPage = qMax(1, q->maxPage() == INT_MAX ? 9999 : q->maxPage());
555  options.from->setMinimum(minPage);
556  options.to->setMinimum(minPage);
557  options.from->setMaximum(maxPage);
558  options.to->setMaximum(maxPage);
560  options.from->setValue(q->fromPage());
561  options.to->setValue(q->toPage());
562  top->d->updateWidget();
563 }
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR const T & qMin(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: qglobal.h:1215
Ui::QPrintSettingsOutput options
QUnixPrintWidget * top
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR const T & qMax(const T &a, const T &b)
Definition: qglobal.h:1217
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
The QPrintDialog class provides a dialog for specifying the printer&#39;s configuration.
Definition: qprintdialog.h:81
#define INT_MAX


◆ bottom

QWidget* QPrintDialogPrivate::bottom

Definition at line 138 of file qprintdialog_unix.cpp.

◆ buttons

QDialogButtonBox* QPrintDialogPrivate::buttons

Definition at line 139 of file qprintdialog_unix.cpp.

◆ collapseButton

QPushButton* QPrintDialogPrivate::collapseButton

Definition at line 140 of file qprintdialog_unix.cpp.

◆ colorMode

QButtonGroup* QPrintDialogPrivate::colorMode

Definition at line 95 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by setupPrinterSettings().

◆ colorMode2

QPrinter::ColorMode QPrintDialogPrivate::colorMode2

Definition at line 98 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by _q_colorModeSelected(), _q_okClicked(), and setPrinter().

◆ copies

QSpinBox* QPrintDialogPrivate::copies

Definition at line 104 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by _q_okClicked(), _q_setNumCopies(), setPrinter(), and setupOptions().

◆ ep [1/2]

QWin32PrintEnginePrivate* QPrintDialogPrivate::ep

Definition at line 84 of file qprintdialog_win.cpp.

◆ ep [2/2]

QMacPrintEnginePrivate* QPrintDialogPrivate::ep

◆ faxNum

QString QPrintDialogPrivate::faxNum

Definition at line 115 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

◆ fileName

QLineEdit* QPrintDialogPrivate::fileName

◆ firstPage

QSpinBox* QPrintDialogPrivate::firstPage

◆ indexToPaperSize

QPrinter::PaperSize QPrintDialogPrivate::indexToPaperSize[QPrinter::NPaperSize]

Definition at line 106 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by _q_paperSizeSelected(), isc(), setPrinter(), and setupPaper().

◆ lastPage

QSpinBox* QPrintDialogPrivate::lastPage

◆ numCopies

int QPrintDialogPrivate::numCopies

Definition at line 105 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by _q_okClicked(), _q_setNumCopies(), and init().

◆ options

Ui::QPrintSettingsOutput QPrintDialogPrivate::options

Definition at line 136 of file qprintdialog_unix.cpp.

◆ orientation

QPrinter::Orientation QPrintDialogPrivate::orientation

Definition at line 102 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by _q_okClicked(), _q_orientSelected(), and setupPaper().

◆ orientationCombo

QComboBox* QPrintDialogPrivate::orientationCombo

Definition at line 100 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by setPrinter(), and setupPaper().

◆ outputToFile

bool QPrintDialogPrivate::outputToFile

◆ pageOrder2

QPrinter::PageOrder QPrintDialogPrivate::pageOrder2

Definition at line 113 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by _q_okClicked(), _q_pageOrderSelected(), and setPrinter().

◆ pageOrderCombo

QComboBox* QPrintDialogPrivate::pageOrderCombo

Definition at line 112 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by setPrinter(), and setupOptions().

◆ pageSize

QPrinter::PaperSize QPrintDialogPrivate::pageSize

Definition at line 101 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by _q_okClicked(), _q_paperSizeSelected(), and setupPaper().

◆ printColor

QRadioButton* QPrintDialogPrivate::printColor

Definition at line 96 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by _q_colorModeSelected(), setPrinter(), and setupPrinterSettings().

◆ printerOrFile

QButtonGroup* QPrintDialogPrivate::printerOrFile

Definition at line 89 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by setupDestination().

◆ printGray

QRadioButton* QPrintDialogPrivate::printGray

Definition at line 97 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by setPrinter(), and setupPrinterSettings().

◆ printPanel

NSPrintPanel* QPrintDialogPrivate::printPanel

Definition at line 114 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

Referenced by closeCarbonPrintPanel(), and QPrintDialog::setVisible().

◆ printToFileButton

QRadioButton* QPrintDialogPrivate::printToFileButton

Definition at line 92 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by _q_printerOrFileSelected(), setPrinter(), and setupDestination().

◆ printToPrinterButton

QRadioButton* QPrintDialogPrivate::printToPrinterButton

Definition at line 91 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by setPrinter(), and setupDestination().

◆ rangeCombo

QComboBox* QPrintDialogPrivate::rangeCombo

◆ sheetCallbackMap

QHash< PMPrintSession, QPrintDialogPrivate * > QPrintDialogPrivate::sheetCallbackMap

◆ sizeCombo

QComboBox * QPrintDialogPrivate::sizeCombo

Definition at line 100 of file qprintdialog_qws.cpp.

Referenced by isc(), setPrinter(), and setupPaper().

◆ top

QUnixPrintWidget* QPrintDialogPrivate::top

Definition at line 137 of file qprintdialog_unix.cpp.

◆ upp

PMSheetDoneUPP QPrintDialogPrivate::upp

Definition at line 116 of file qprintdialog_mac.mm.

Referenced by openCarbonPrintPanel(), and ~QPrintDialogPrivate().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: