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QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser Class Reference

Implements the parsing of XML schema file. More...

#include <qxsdschemaparser_p.h>

Inheritance diagram for QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser:
QPatternist::MaintainingReader< XsdSchemaToken, XsdTagScope::Type > QXmlStreamReader XsdSchemaToken

Public Types

typedef QSet< QUrlNamespaceSet
enum  ParserType { TopLevelParser, IncludeParser, ImportParser, RedefineParser }
- Public Types inherited from QXmlStreamReader
enum  Error {
  NoError, UnexpectedElementError, CustomError, NotWellFormedError,
 This enum specifies different error cases. More...
enum  ReadElementTextBehaviour { ErrorOnUnexpectedElement, IncludeChildElements, SkipChildElements }
 This enum specifies the different behaviours of readElementText(). More...
enum  TokenType {
  NoToken = 0, Invalid, StartDocument, EndDocument,
  StartElement, EndElement, Characters, Comment,
  DTD, EntityReference, ProcessingInstruction
 This enum specifies the type of token the reader just read. More...

Public Functions

void addImportedSchemas (const NamespaceSet &schemas)
void addIncludedSchemas (const NamespaceSet &schemas)
void addRedefinedSchemas (const NamespaceSet &schemas)
QUrl documentURI () const
bool isAnyAttributeAllowed () const
bool parse (ParserType parserType=TopLevelParser)
void setDocumentURI (const QUrl &uri)
void setImportedSchemas (const NamespaceSet &schemas)
void setIncludedSchemas (const NamespaceSet &schemas)
void setRedefinedSchemas (const NamespaceSet &schemas)
void setTargetNamespace (const QString &targetNamespace)
 XsdSchemaParser (const XsdSchemaContext::Ptr &context, const XsdSchemaParserContext::Ptr &parserContext, QIODevice *device)
- Public Functions inherited from QXmlStreamReader
void addData (const QByteArray &data)
 Adds more data for the reader to read. More...
void addData (const QString &data)
 Adds more data for the reader to read. More...
void addData (const char *data)
 Adds more data for the reader to read. More...
void addExtraNamespaceDeclaration (const QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration &extraNamespaceDeclaraction)
 Adds an extraNamespaceDeclaration. More...
void addExtraNamespaceDeclarations (const QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations &extraNamespaceDeclaractions)
 Adds a vector of declarations specified by extraNamespaceDeclarations. More...
bool atEnd () const
 Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred and reading has been aborted. More...
QXmlStreamAttributes attributes () const
 Returns the attributes of a StartElement. More...
qint64 characterOffset () const
 Returns the current character offset, starting with 0. More...
void clear ()
 Removes any device() or data from the reader and resets its internal state to the initial state. More...
qint64 columnNumber () const
 Returns the current column number, starting with 0. More...
QIODevicedevice () const
 Returns the current device associated with the QXmlStreamReader, or 0 if no device has been assigned. More...
QStringRef documentEncoding () const
 If the state() is StartDocument , this function returns the encoding string as specified in the XML declaration. More...
QStringRef documentVersion () const
 If the state() is StartDocument , this function returns the version string as specified in the XML declaration. More...
QStringRef dtdName () const
 If the state() is DTD , this function returns the DTD's name. More...
QStringRef dtdPublicId () const
 If the state() is DTD , this function returns the DTD's public identifier. More...
QStringRef dtdSystemId () const
 If the state() is DTD , this function returns the DTD's system identifier. More...
QXmlStreamEntityDeclarations entityDeclarations () const
 If the state() is DTD , this function returns the DTD's unparsed (external) entity declarations. More...
QXmlStreamEntityResolverentityResolver () const
 Returns the entity resolver, or 0 if there is no entity resolver. More...
Error error () const
 Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred. More...
QString errorString () const
 Returns the error message that was set with raiseError(). More...
bool hasError () const
 Returns true if an error has occurred, otherwise false. More...
bool isCDATA () const
 Returns true if the reader reports characters that stem from a CDATA section; otherwise returns false. More...
bool isCharacters () const
 Returns true if tokenType() equals Characters ; otherwise returns false. More...
bool isComment () const
 Returns true if tokenType() equals Comment ; otherwise returns false. More...
bool isDTD () const
 Returns true if tokenType() equals DTD ; otherwise returns false. More...
bool isEndDocument () const
 Returns true if tokenType() equals EndDocument ; otherwise returns false. More...
bool isEndElement () const
 Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false. More...
bool isEntityReference () const
 Returns true if tokenType() equals EntityReference ; otherwise returns false. More...
bool isProcessingInstruction () const
 Returns true if tokenType() equals ProcessingInstruction ; otherwise returns false. More...
bool isStandaloneDocument () const
 Returns true if this document has been declared standalone in the XML declaration; otherwise returns false. More...
bool isStartDocument () const
 Returns true if tokenType() equals StartDocument ; otherwise returns false. More...
bool isStartElement () const
 Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false. More...
bool isWhitespace () const
 Returns true if the reader reports characters that only consist of white-space; otherwise returns false. More...
qint64 lineNumber () const
 Returns the current line number, starting with 1. More...
QStringRef name () const
 Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference. More...
QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations namespaceDeclarations () const
 If the state() is StartElement , this function returns the element's namespace declarations. More...
bool namespaceProcessing () const
 This property controls whether or not the stream reader processes namespaces. More...
QStringRef namespaceUri () const
 Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement. More...
QXmlStreamNotationDeclarations notationDeclarations () const
 If the state() is DTD , this function returns the DTD's notation declarations. More...
QStringRef prefix () const
 Returns the prefix of a StartElement or EndElement. More...
QStringRef processingInstructionData () const
 Returns the data of a ProcessingInstruction. More...
QStringRef processingInstructionTarget () const
 Returns the target of a ProcessingInstruction. More...
QStringRef qualifiedName () const
 Returns the qualified name of a StartElement or EndElement;. More...
 QXmlStreamReader ()
 Constructs a stream reader. More...
 QXmlStreamReader (QIODevice *device)
 Creates a new stream reader that reads from device. More...
 QXmlStreamReader (const QByteArray &data)
 Creates a new stream reader that reads from data. More...
 QXmlStreamReader (const QString &data)
 Creates a new stream reader that reads from data. More...
 QXmlStreamReader (const char *data)
 Creates a new stream reader that reads from data. More...
void raiseError (const QString &message=QString())
 Raises a custom error with an optional error message. More...
QString readElementText (ReadElementTextBehaviour behaviour)
 Convenience function to be called in case a StartElement was read. More...
QString readElementText ()
TokenType readNext ()
 Reads the next token and returns its type. More...
bool readNextStartElement ()
 Reads until the next start element within the current element. More...
void setDevice (QIODevice *device)
 Sets the current device to device. More...
void setEntityResolver (QXmlStreamEntityResolver *resolver)
 Makes resolver the new entityResolver(). More...
void setNamespaceProcessing (bool)
void skipCurrentElement ()
 Reads until the end of the current element, skipping any child nodes. More...
QStringRef text () const
 Returns the text of Characters , Comment , DTD , or EntityReference. More...
QString tokenString () const
 Returns the reader's current token as string. More...
TokenType tokenType () const
 Returns the type of the current token. More...
 ~QXmlStreamReader ()
 Destructs the reader. More...

Private Types

enum  XPathType { XPath20, XPathSelector, XPathField }

Private Functions

void addAnonymousType (const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
void addAttribute (const XsdAttribute::Ptr &attribute)
void addAttributeGroup (const XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr &group)
void addElement (const XsdElement::Ptr &element)
void addElementGroup (const XsdModelGroup::Ptr &group)
void addFacet (const XsdFacet::Ptr &facet, XsdFacet::Hash &facets, const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
void addIdentityConstraint (const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &constraint)
void addNotation (const XsdNotation::Ptr &notation)
void addType (const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
void attributeContentError (const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
void convertName (const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation () const
virtual void error (const QString &msg)
bool isSchemaTag (XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseAll (const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
XsdAlternative::Ptr parseAlternative ()
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation ()
XsdWildcard::Ptr parseAny (const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
XsdWildcard::Ptr parseAnyAttribute ()
XsdApplicationInformation::Ptr parseAppInfo ()
XsdAssertion::Ptr parseAssertion (const XsdSchemaToken::NodeName &nodeName, const XsdTagScope::Type &tag)
XsdFacet::Ptr parseAssertionFacet ()
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseChoice (const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
void parseComplexContent (const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType, bool *mixed)
void parseComplexContentExtension (const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType)
void parseComplexContentRestriction (const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType)
void parseDefaultOpenContent ()
XsdDocumentation::Ptr parseDocumentation ()
XsdFacet::Ptr parseEnumerationFacet ()
void parseField (const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &ptr)
XsdFacet::Ptr parseFractionDigitsFacet ()
XsdAttribute::Ptr parseGlobalAttribute ()
XsdComplexType::Ptr parseGlobalComplexType ()
XsdElement::Ptr parseGlobalElement ()
XsdSimpleType::Ptr parseGlobalSimpleType ()
void parseImport ()
void parseInclude ()
XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr parseKey ()
XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr parseKeyRef (const XsdElement::Ptr &element)
XsdFacet::Ptr parseLengthFacet ()
void parseList (const XsdSimpleType::Ptr &ptr)
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalAll (const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseLocalAttribute (const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalChoice (const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
XsdComplexType::Ptr parseLocalComplexType ()
XsdTerm::Ptr parseLocalElement (const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalSequence (const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
XsdSimpleType::Ptr parseLocalSimpleType ()
XsdFacet::Ptr parseMaxExclusiveFacet ()
XsdFacet::Ptr parseMaxInclusiveFacet ()
XsdFacet::Ptr parseMaxLengthFacet ()
XsdFacet::Ptr parseMinExclusiveFacet ()
XsdFacet::Ptr parseMinInclusiveFacet ()
XsdFacet::Ptr parseMinLengthFacet ()
bool parseMinMaxConstraint (const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const char *tagName)
XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr parseNamedAttributeGroup ()
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseNamedGroup ()
XsdNotation::Ptr parseNotation ()
XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr parseOpenContent ()
XsdFacet::Ptr parsePatternFacet ()
void parseRedefine ()
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseReferredAttributeGroup ()
XsdTerm::Ptr parseReferredGroup (const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
void parseSchema (ParserType parserType)
void parseSelector (const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &ptr)
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseSequence (const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
void parseSimpleContent (const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType)
void parseSimpleContentExtension (const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType)
void parseSimpleContentRestriction (const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType)
void parseSimpleRestriction (const XsdSimpleType::Ptr &ptr)
XsdFacet::Ptr parseTotalDigitsFacet ()
void parseUnion (const XsdSimpleType::Ptr &ptr)
XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr parseUnique ()
void parseUnknown ()
void parseUnknownDocumentation ()
XsdFacet::Ptr parseWhiteSpaceFacet ()
NamedSchemaComponent::BlockingConstraints readBlockingConstraintAttribute (const NamedSchemaComponent::BlockingConstraints &allowedConstraints, const char *elementName)
SchemaType::DerivationConstraints readDerivationConstraintAttribute (const SchemaType::DerivationConstraints &allowedConstraints, const char *elementName)
QString readNameAttribute (const char *elementName)
QString readNamespaceAttribute (const QString &attributeName, const char *elementName)
QString readQNameAttribute (const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
QString readXPathAttribute (const QString &attributeName, XPathType type, const char *elementName)
XsdXPathExpression::Ptr readXPathExpression (const char *elementName)
void resolveComplexContentType (const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType, bool effectiveMixed)
void setTargetNamespaceExtended (const QString &targetNamespace)
void setupBuiltinTypeNames ()
void setupStateMachines ()
void validateIdAttribute (const char *elementName)


QString m_attributeFormDefault
QString m_blockDefault
QSet< QXmlNamem_builtinTypeNames
ComponentLocationHash m_componentLocationHash
QXmlName m_defaultAttributes
XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr m_defaultOpenContent
bool m_defaultOpenContentAppliesToEmpty
QUrl m_documentURI
QString m_elementFormDefault
QString m_finalDefault
XsdIdCache::Ptr m_idCache
NamespaceSet m_importedSchemas
NamespaceSet m_includedSchemas
NamespaceSupport m_namespaceSupport
NamespaceSet m_redefinedSchemas
QHash< XsdTagScope::Type, XsdStateMachine< XsdSchemaToken::NodeName > > m_stateMachines
QString m_targetNamespace
QString m_xpathDefaultNamespace


class ElementNamespaceHandler
class TagValidationHandler

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from XsdSchemaToken
enum  NodeName {
  NoKeyword, Abstract, All, Alternative,
  Annotation, Any, AnyAttribute, Appinfo,
  AppliesToEmpty, Assert, Assertion, Attribute,
  AttributeFormDefault, AttributeGroup, Base, Block,
  BlockDefault, Choice, Collapse, ComplexContent,
  ComplexType, Default, DefaultAttributes, DefaultAttributesApply,
  DefaultOpenContent, Documentation, Element, ElementFormDefault,
  Enumeration, Extension, Field, Final,
  FinalDefault, Fixed, Form, FractionDigits,
  Group, Id, Import, Include,
  ItemType, Key, Keyref, Length,
  List, MaxExclusive, MaxInclusive, MaxLength,
  MaxOccurs, MemberTypes, MinExclusive, MinInclusive,
  MinLength, MinOccurs, Mixed, Mode,
  Name, Namespace, Nillable, NotNamespace,
  NotQName, Notation, OpenContent, Override,
  Pattern, Preserve, ProcessContents, Public,
  Redefine, Ref, Refer, Replace,
  Restriction, Schema, SchemaLocation, Selector,
  Sequence, SimpleContent, SimpleType, Source,
  SubstitutionGroup, System, TargetNamespace, Test,
  TotalDigits, Type, Union, Unique,
  Use, Value, Version, WhiteSpace,
  XML_NS_SCHEMA_URI, XPathDefaultNamespace, XmlLanguage, Xpath
- Protected Functions inherited from QPatternist::MaintainingReader< XsdSchemaToken, XsdTagScope::Type >
XsdSchemaToken ::NodeName currentElementName () const
void error (const QString &message, const ReportContext::ErrorCode code) const
 Convenience function for calling ReportContext::error(). More...
bool hasAttribute (const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
 Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is localName. More...
bool hasAttribute (const QString &localName) const
 Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose local name is localName and namespace URI is null. More...
bool isWhitespace () const
 MaintainingReader (const typename ElementDescription< XsdSchemaToken, XsdTagScope::Type >::Hash &elementDescriptions, const QSet< typename XsdSchemaToken ::NodeName > &standardAttributes, const ReportContext::Ptr &context, QIODevice *const queryDevice)
QString readAttribute (const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
 Returns the value for attribute by name name. More...
TokenType readNext ()
void validateElement (const XsdTagScope::Type name) const
void warning (const QString &message) const
 Convenience function for calling ReportContext::warning(). More...
virtual ~MaintainingReader ()
- Static Protected Functions inherited from XsdSchemaToken
static QString toString (NodeName token)
static NodeName toToken (const QString &value)
static NodeName toToken (const QStringRef &value)
static NodeName toToken (const QChar *data, int length)
- Protected Variables inherited from QPatternist::MaintainingReader< XsdSchemaToken, XsdTagScope::Type >
QXmlStreamAttributes m_currentAttributes
bool m_hasHandledStandardAttributes
QStack< bool > m_stripWhitespace

Detailed Description

Implements the parsing of XML schema file.

This class parses a XML schema in XML presentation from an QIODevice and returns object representation as XsdSchema.

Tobias Koenig tobia.nosp@m.s.ko.nosp@m.enig@.nosp@m.noki.nosp@m.a.com

Definition at line 91 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.


◆ NamespaceSet

Describes a set of namespace URIs

Definition at line 120 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.


◆ ParserType

◆ XPathType

Describes the type of XPath that is allowed by the readXPathAttribute method.


Definition at line 628 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.

Constructors and Destructors

◆ XsdSchemaParser()

XsdSchemaParser::XsdSchemaParser ( const XsdSchemaContext::Ptr context,
const XsdSchemaParserContext::Ptr parserContext,
QIODevice device 

Creates a new schema parser object.

Definition at line 252 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

254  , m_context(context.data())
255  , m_parserContext(parserContext.data())
258 {
265 }
XsdSchemaResolver::Ptr resolver() const
XsdSchemaParserContext * m_parserContext
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdIdCache > Ptr
Definition: qxsdidcache_p.h:77
T * data() const
Returns a pointer to the shared data object.
Definition: qshareddata.h:145
ElementDescription< XsdSchemaToken, XsdTagScope::Type >::Hash elementDescriptions() const
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
Helper class for keeping track of all existing IDs in a schema.
Definition: qxsdidcache_p.h:74


◆ addAnonymousType()

void XsdSchemaParser::addAnonymousType ( const SchemaType::Ptr type)

Adds an anonymous type to the schema and checks for duplicated entries.

Definition at line 6052 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAlternative(), parseGlobalAttribute(), parseGlobalElement(), parseList(), parseLocalAttribute(), parseLocalElement(), parseRedefine(), parseSimpleContentRestriction(), parseSimpleRestriction(), and parseUnion().

6053 {
6054  m_schema->addAnonymousType(type);
6055  if (type->isSimpleType())
6057  else
6059 }
virtual bool isSimpleType() const
Definition: qschematype.cpp:56
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Inserts a new item with the key and a value of value.
Definition: qhash.h:753
ComponentLocationHash m_componentLocationHash
void addAnonymousType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:168

◆ addAttribute()

void XsdSchemaParser::addAttribute ( const XsdAttribute::Ptr attribute)

Adds an attribute to the schema and checks for duplicated entries.

Definition at line 6023 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseRedefine(), and parseSchema().

6024 {
6025  const QXmlName objectName = attribute->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool));
6026  if (m_schema->attribute(objectName)) {
6027  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Attribute %1 already defined.").arg(formatAttribute(m_namePool->displayName(objectName))));
6028  } else {
6029  m_schema->addAttribute(attribute);
6031  }
6032 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
QString displayName(const QXmlName qName) const
Definition: qnamepool.cpp:347
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Inserts a new item with the key and a value of value.
Definition: qhash.h:753
ComponentLocationHash m_componentLocationHash
virtual QXmlName name(const NamePool::Ptr &namePool) const
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
XsdAttribute::Ptr attribute(const QXmlName &name) const
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:103
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
void addAttribute(const XsdAttribute::Ptr &attribute)
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:96

◆ addAttributeGroup()

void XsdSchemaParser::addAttributeGroup ( const XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr group)

Adds an attribute group to the schema and checks for duplicated entries.

Definition at line 6061 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseRedefine(), and parseSchema().

6062 {
6063  const QXmlName objectName = group->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool));
6064  if (m_schema->attributeGroup(objectName)) {
6065  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Attribute group %1 already defined.").arg(formatKeyword(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool), objectName)));
6066  } else {
6067  m_schema->addAttributeGroup(group);
6069  }
6070 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr attributeGroup(const QXmlName name) const
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:195
QString formatKeyword(const QString &keyword)
void addAttributeGroup(const XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr &group)
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:188
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Inserts a new item with the key and a value of value.
Definition: qhash.h:753
ComponentLocationHash m_componentLocationHash
virtual QXmlName name(const NamePool::Ptr &namePool) const
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58

◆ addElement()

void XsdSchemaParser::addElement ( const XsdElement::Ptr element)

Adds an element to the schema and checks for duplicated entries.

Definition at line 6012 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseRedefine(), and parseSchema().

6013 {
6014  const QXmlName objectName = element->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool));
6015  if (m_schema->element(objectName)) {
6016  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Element %1 already defined.").arg(formatElement(m_namePool->displayName(objectName))));
6017  } else {
6018  m_schema->addElement(element);
6020  }
6021 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
void addElement(const XsdElement::Ptr &element)
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:75
QString displayName(const QXmlName qName) const
Definition: qnamepool.cpp:347
XsdElement::Ptr element(const QXmlName &name) const
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:82
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Inserts a new item with the key and a value of value.
Definition: qhash.h:753
ComponentLocationHash m_componentLocationHash
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
virtual QXmlName name(const NamePool::Ptr &namePool) const
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58

◆ addElementGroup()

void XsdSchemaParser::addElementGroup ( const XsdModelGroup::Ptr group)

Adds an element group to the schema and checks for duplicated entries.

Definition at line 6072 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseRedefine(), and parseSchema().

6073 {
6074  const QXmlName objectName = group->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool));
6075  if (m_schema->elementGroup(objectName)) {
6076  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Element group %1 already defined.").arg(formatKeyword(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool), objectName)));
6077  } else {
6078  m_schema->addElementGroup(group);
6080  }
6081 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
QString formatKeyword(const QString &keyword)
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Inserts a new item with the key and a value of value.
Definition: qhash.h:753
ComponentLocationHash m_componentLocationHash
XsdModelGroup::Ptr elementGroup(const QXmlName &name) const
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:216
virtual QXmlName name(const NamePool::Ptr &namePool) const
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
void addElementGroup(const XsdModelGroup::Ptr &group)
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:209

◆ addFacet()

void XsdSchemaParser::addFacet ( const XsdFacet::Ptr facet,
XsdFacet::Hash facets,
const SchemaType::Ptr type 

Adds the facet to the list of facets for type and checks for duplicates.

Definition at line 6105 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContentRestriction(), and parseSimpleRestriction().

6106 {
6107  // @see http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#src-single-facet-value
6108  if (facets.contains(facet->type())) {
6109  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Duplicated facets in simple type %1.").arg(formatType(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool), type)));
6110  return;
6111  }
6113  facets.insert(facet->type(), facet);
6114 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
QString formatType(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const T &type)
Formats ItemType and SequenceType.
bool contains(const Key &key) const
Returns true if the hash contains an item with the key; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qhash.h:872
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Inserts a new item with the key and a value of value.
Definition: qhash.h:753

◆ addIdentityConstraint()

void XsdSchemaParser::addIdentityConstraint ( const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr constraint)

Adds an identity constraint to the schema and checks for duplicated entries.

Definition at line 6094 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseKey(), parseKeyRef(), and parseUnique().

6095 {
6096  const QXmlName objectName = constraint->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool));
6097  if (m_schema->identityConstraint(objectName)) {
6098  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Identity constraint %1 already defined.").arg(formatKeyword(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool), objectName)));
6099  } else {
6100  m_schema->addIdentityConstraint(constraint);
6102  }
6103 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
QString formatKeyword(const QString &keyword)
XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr identityConstraint(const QXmlName &name) const
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:258
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Inserts a new item with the key and a value of value.
Definition: qhash.h:753
void addIdentityConstraint(const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &constraint)
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:251
ComponentLocationHash m_componentLocationHash
virtual QXmlName name(const NamePool::Ptr &namePool) const
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58

◆ addImportedSchemas()

void XsdSchemaParser::addImportedSchemas ( const NamespaceSet schemas)

Adds schemas to the list of already imported schemas, so the parser can detect multiple imports of the same schema.

Definition at line 277 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseImport(), parseInclude(), and parseRedefine().

278 {
279  m_importedSchemas += schemas;
280 }

◆ addIncludedSchemas()

void XsdSchemaParser::addIncludedSchemas ( const NamespaceSet schemas)

Adds schemas to the list of already included schemas, so the parser can detect multiple includes of the same schema.

Definition at line 267 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseImport(), parseInclude(), and parseRedefine().

268 {
269  m_includedSchemas += schemas;
270 }

◆ addNotation()

void XsdSchemaParser::addNotation ( const XsdNotation::Ptr notation)

Adds a notation to the schema and checks for duplicated entries.

Definition at line 6083 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseRedefine(), and parseSchema().

6084 {
6085  const QXmlName objectName = notation->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool));
6086  if (m_schema->notation(objectName)) {
6087  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Notation %1 already defined.").arg(formatKeyword(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool), objectName)));
6088  } else {
6089  m_schema->addNotation(notation);
6091  }
6092 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
QString formatKeyword(const QString &keyword)
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Inserts a new item with the key and a value of value.
Definition: qhash.h:753
ComponentLocationHash m_componentLocationHash
void addNotation(const XsdNotation::Ptr &notation)
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:230
XsdNotation::Ptr notation(const QXmlName &name) const
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:237
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58

◆ addRedefinedSchemas()

void XsdSchemaParser::addRedefinedSchemas ( const NamespaceSet schemas)

Adds schemas to the list of already redefined schemas, so the parser can detect multiple redefines of the same schema.

Definition at line 287 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseImport(), parseInclude(), and parseRedefine().

288 {
289  m_redefinedSchemas += schemas;
290 }

◆ addType()

void XsdSchemaParser::addType ( const SchemaType::Ptr type)

Adds a type to the schema and checks for duplicated entries.

Definition at line 6034 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseRedefine(), and parseSchema().

6035 {
6036  // we don't import redefinitions of builtin types, that just causes problems
6038  return;
6040  const QXmlName objectName = type->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool));
6041  if (m_schema->type(objectName)) {
6042  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Type %1 already defined.").arg(formatType(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool), objectName)));
6043  } else {
6044  m_schema->addType(type);
6045  if (type->isSimpleType())
6047  else
6049  }
6050 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
virtual bool isSimpleType() const
Definition: qschematype.cpp:56
QString formatType(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const T &type)
Formats ItemType and SequenceType.
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Inserts a new item with the key and a value of value.
Definition: qhash.h:753
ComponentLocationHash m_componentLocationHash
bool contains(const T &value) const
Definition: qset.h:91
SchemaType::Ptr type(const QXmlName &name) const
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:124
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
void addType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:117
virtual QXmlName name(const NamePool::Ptr &np) const =0
Returns the name of the type.

◆ attributeContentError()

void XsdSchemaParser::attributeContentError ( const char *  attributeName,
const char *  elementName,
const QString value,
const SchemaType::Ptr type = SchemaType::Ptr() 

Definition at line 361 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAny(), parseAnyAttribute(), parseAppInfo(), parseComplexContent(), parseDefaultOpenContent(), parseDocumentation(), parseEnumerationFacet(), parseFractionDigitsFacet(), parseGlobalComplexType(), parseGlobalElement(), parseLengthFacet(), parseLocalAttribute(), parseLocalComplexType(), parseLocalElement(), parseMaxExclusiveFacet(), parseMaxInclusiveFacet(), parseMaxLengthFacet(), parseMinExclusiveFacet(), parseMinInclusiveFacet(), parseMinLengthFacet(), parseMinMaxConstraint(), parseNotation(), parseOpenContent(), parsePatternFacet(), parseSchema(), parseTotalDigitsFacet(), parseWhiteSpaceFacet(), readBlockingConstraintAttribute(), readDerivationConstraintAttribute(), readNameAttribute(), readNamespaceAttribute(), readQNameAttribute(), readXPathAttribute(), readXPathExpression(), and validateIdAttribute().

362 {
363  if (type) {
364  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3} is not a value of type %4.")
365  .arg(formatAttribute(attributeName))
366  .arg(formatElement(elementName))
367  .arg(formatData(value))
368  .arg(formatType(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool), type)));
369  } else {
370  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3}.")
371  .arg(formatAttribute(attributeName))
372  .arg(formatElement(elementName))
373  .arg(formatData(value)));
374  }
375 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
QString formatType(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const T &type)
Formats ItemType and SequenceType.
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
static QString formatData(const QString &data)
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.

◆ convertName()

void XsdSchemaParser::convertName ( const QString qualified,
NamespaceSupport::NameType  type,
QXmlName name 

Converts a qualified name into a QXmlName name and does some error handling.

Definition at line 5738 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAlternative(), parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseGlobalAttribute(), parseGlobalElement(), parseKeyRef(), parseList(), parseLocalAttribute(), parseLocalElement(), parseReferredAttributeGroup(), parseReferredGroup(), parseSchema(), parseSimpleContentExtension(), parseSimpleContentRestriction(), parseSimpleRestriction(), and parseUnion().

5739 {
5740  bool result = m_namespaceSupport.processName(qualifiedName, type, name);
5741  if (!result) {
5742  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Prefix of qualified name %1 is not defined.").arg(formatKeyword(qualifiedName)));
5743  }
5744 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
int type
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
QString formatKeyword(const QString &keyword)
QStringRef qualifiedName() const
Returns the qualified name of a StartElement or EndElement;.
bool processName(const QString &qualifiedName, NameType type, QXmlName &name) const

◆ currentSourceLocation()

QSourceLocation XsdSchemaParser::currentSourceLocation ( ) const

Returnes an source location for the current position.

Definition at line 5728 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by addAnonymousType(), addAttribute(), addAttributeGroup(), addElement(), addElementGroup(), addIdentityConstraint(), addNotation(), addType(), parseAlternative(), parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseGlobalAttribute(), parseGlobalElement(), parseKeyRef(), parseList(), parseLocalAttribute(), parseLocalElement(), parseReferredAttributeGroup(), parseReferredGroup(), parseSimpleContentExtension(), parseSimpleContentRestriction(), parseSimpleRestriction(), and parseUnion().

5729 {
5731  location.setLine(lineNumber());
5732  location.setColumn(columnNumber());
5733  location.setUri(m_documentURI);
5735  return location;
5736 }
qint64 lineNumber() const
Returns the current line number, starting with 1.
void setUri(const QUrl &newUri)
Sets the URI to newUri.
void setLine(qint64 newLine)
Sets the line number to newLine.
void setColumn(qint64 newColumn)
Sets the column number to newColumn.
The QSourceLocation class identifies a location in a resource by URI, line, and column.
qint64 columnNumber() const
Returns the current column number, starting with 0.
static QTestResult::TestLocation location
Definition: qtestresult.cpp:63

◆ documentURI()

QUrl XsdSchemaParser::documentURI ( ) const

Returns the document URI of the schema to parse.

Implements QPatternist::MaintainingReader< XsdSchemaToken, XsdTagScope::Type >.

Definition at line 318 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

319 {
320  return m_documentURI;
321 }

◆ error()

void XsdSchemaParser::error ( const QString msg)

Used internally to report any kind of parsing error or schema inconsistency.

Definition at line 356 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by QPatternist::TagValidationHandler::finalize(), and QPatternist::TagValidationHandler::validate().

357 {
359 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.

◆ isAnyAttributeAllowed()

bool XsdSchemaParser::isAnyAttributeAllowed ( ) const

Reimplemented from MaintainingReader, always returns false.

Implements QPatternist::MaintainingReader< XsdSchemaToken, XsdTagScope::Type >.

Definition at line 323 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

324 {
325  return false;
326 }

◆ isSchemaTag()

bool XsdSchemaParser::isSchemaTag ( XsdSchemaToken::NodeName  tag,
XsdSchemaToken::NodeName  token,
XsdSchemaToken::NodeName  namespaceToken 
) const

Checks whether the given tag is equal to the given token and the given namespaceToken is the XML Schema namespace.

Definition at line 6007 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parse(), parseAll(), parseAlternative(), parseAnnotation(), parseAny(), parseAnyAttribute(), parseAssertion(), parseChoice(), parseComplexContent(), parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseDefaultOpenContent(), parseEnumerationFacet(), parseField(), parseFractionDigitsFacet(), parseGlobalAttribute(), parseGlobalComplexType(), parseGlobalElement(), parseGlobalSimpleType(), parseImport(), parseInclude(), parseKey(), parseKeyRef(), parseLengthFacet(), parseList(), parseLocalAll(), parseLocalAttribute(), parseLocalChoice(), parseLocalComplexType(), parseLocalElement(), parseLocalSequence(), parseLocalSimpleType(), parseMaxExclusiveFacet(), parseMaxInclusiveFacet(), parseMaxLengthFacet(), parseMinExclusiveFacet(), parseMinInclusiveFacet(), parseMinLengthFacet(), parseNamedAttributeGroup(), parseNamedGroup(), parseNotation(), parseOpenContent(), parsePatternFacet(), parseRedefine(), parseReferredAttributeGroup(), parseReferredGroup(), parseSchema(), parseSelector(), parseSequence(), parseSimpleContent(), parseSimpleContentExtension(), parseSimpleContentRestriction(), parseSimpleRestriction(), parseTotalDigitsFacet(), parseUnion(), parseUnique(), and parseWhiteSpaceFacet().

6008 {
6009  return ((tag == token) && (namespaceToken == XsdSchemaToken::XML_NS_SCHEMA_URI));
6010 }

◆ parse()

bool XsdSchemaParser::parse ( ParserType  parserType = TopLevelParser)

Parses the XML schema file.

true on success, false if the schema is somehow invalid.

Definition at line 328 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by QXmlSchemaPrivate::load(), parseImport(), and parseRedefine().

329 {
332  while (!atEnd()) {
333  readNext();
335  if (isStartElement()) {
339  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Schema, token, namespaceToken)) {
340  parseSchema(parserType);
341  } else {
342  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Document is not a XML schema."));
343  }
344  }
345  }
351  error(errorString());
353  return true;
354 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
void clear()
Removes all items from the hash.
Definition: qhash.h:574
void parseSchema(ParserType parserType)
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
void setDefaultOpenContent(const XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr &openContent, bool appliesToEmpty)
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
ComponentLocationHash m_componentLocationHash
XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr m_defaultOpenContent
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
void addComponentLocationHash(const QHash< NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr, QSourceLocation > &hash)
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
QString errorString() const
Returns the error message that was set with raiseError().
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseAll()

XsdModelGroup::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseAll ( const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr parent)

This method is called for parsing an all object as child of a top-level group object.

parentThe schema component the all object is part of.

Definition at line 3594 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseNamedGroup().

3595 {
3596  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::All, this);
3600  const XsdModelGroup::Ptr modelGroup(new XsdModelGroup());
3601  modelGroup->setCompositor(XsdModelGroup::AllCompositor);
3603  validateIdAttribute("all");
3607  XsdParticle::List particles;
3608  while (!atEnd()) {
3609  readNext();
3611  if (isEndElement())
3612  break;
3614  if (isStartElement()) {
3618  tagValidator.validate(token);
3620  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
3621  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
3622  modelGroup->addAnnotation(annotation);
3623  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Element, token, namespaceToken)) {
3624  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3625  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalElement(particle, parent);
3626  particle->setTerm(term);
3628  if (particle->maximumOccursUnbounded() || particle->maximumOccurs() > 1) {
3629  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 attribute of %2 element must be %3 or %4.")
3630  .arg(formatAttribute("maxOccurs"))
3631  .arg(formatElement("all"))
3632  .arg(formatData("0"))
3633  .arg(formatData("1")));
3634  return modelGroup;
3635  }
3637  particles.append(particle);
3638  } else {
3639  parseUnknown();
3640  }
3641  }
3642  }
3644  modelGroup->setParticles(particles);
3646  tagValidator.finalize();
3648  return modelGroup;
3649 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
XsdTerm::Ptr parseLocalElement(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
Represents a XSD model group object.
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The model group contains elements only.
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void append(const T &t)
Inserts value at the end of the list.
Definition: qlist.h:507
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
Represents a XSD particle object.
static QString formatData(const QString &data)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseAlternative()

XsdAlternative::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseAlternative ( )

This method is called for parsing an alternative object inside an element object.

Definition at line 5239 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseGlobalElement(), and parseLocalElement().

5240 {
5241  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Alternative, this);
5245  const XsdAlternative::Ptr alternative(new XsdAlternative());
5247  bool hasTypeSpecified = false;
5249  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("test"))) {
5250  const XsdXPathExpression::Ptr expression = readXPathExpression("alternative");
5252  const QString test = readXPathAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("test"), XPath20, "alternative");
5253  expression->setExpression(test);
5255  alternative->setTest(expression);
5256  }
5258  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("type"))) {
5259  const QString type = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("type"), "alternative");
5261  convertName(type, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, typeName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
5262  m_schemaResolver->addAlternativeType(alternative, typeName, currentSourceLocation()); // add to resolver
5264  hasTypeSpecified = true;
5265  }
5267  validateIdAttribute("alternative");
5271  while (!atEnd()) {
5272  readNext();
5274  if (isEndElement())
5275  break;
5277  if (isStartElement()) {
5281  tagValidator.validate(token);
5283  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
5284  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
5285  alternative->addAnnotation(annotation);
5286  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, token, namespaceToken)) {
5288  alternative->setType(type);
5290  // add it to list of anonymous types as well
5291  addAnonymousType(type);
5293  hasTypeSpecified = true;
5294  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, token, namespaceToken)) {
5296  alternative->setType(type);
5298  // add it to list of anonymous types as well
5299  addAnonymousType(type);
5301  hasTypeSpecified = true;
5302  } else {
5303  parseUnknown();
5304  }
5305  }
5306  }
5308  tagValidator.finalize();
5310  if (!hasTypeSpecified) {
5311  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must have either %2 attribute or %3 or %4 as child element.")
5312  .arg(formatElement("alternative"))
5313  .arg(formatAttribute("type"))
5314  .arg(formatElement("simpleType"))
5315  .arg(formatElement("complexType")));
5316  return alternative;
5317  }
5319  return alternative;
5320 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
int type
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
QString readXPathAttribute(const QString &attributeName, XPathType type, const char *elementName)
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
XsdComplexType::Ptr parseLocalComplexType()
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
const char * typeName
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
void setExpression(const QString &expression)
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
QString readQNameAttribute(const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
void addAnonymousType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
XsdSimpleType::Ptr parseLocalSimpleType()
Represents a XSD alternative object.
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
XsdXPathExpression::Ptr readXPathExpression(const char *elementName)
void addAlternativeType(const XsdAlternative::Ptr &alternative, const QXmlName &typeName, const QSourceLocation &location)
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseAnnotation()

XsdAnnotation::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseAnnotation ( )

This method is called for parsing any annotation object everywhere in the schema.

Definition at line 1185 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAll(), parseAlternative(), parseAny(), parseAnyAttribute(), parseAssertion(), parseChoice(), parseComplexContent(), parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseDefaultOpenContent(), parseEnumerationFacet(), parseField(), parseFractionDigitsFacet(), parseGlobalAttribute(), parseGlobalComplexType(), parseGlobalElement(), parseGlobalSimpleType(), parseImport(), parseInclude(), parseKey(), parseKeyRef(), parseLengthFacet(), parseList(), parseLocalAll(), parseLocalAttribute(), parseLocalChoice(), parseLocalComplexType(), parseLocalElement(), parseLocalSequence(), parseLocalSimpleType(), parseMaxExclusiveFacet(), parseMaxInclusiveFacet(), parseMaxLengthFacet(), parseMinExclusiveFacet(), parseMinInclusiveFacet(), parseMinLengthFacet(), parseNamedAttributeGroup(), parseNamedGroup(), parseNotation(), parseOpenContent(), parsePatternFacet(), parseRedefine(), parseReferredAttributeGroup(), parseReferredGroup(), parseSchema(), parseSelector(), parseSequence(), parseSimpleContent(), parseSimpleContentExtension(), parseSimpleContentRestriction(), parseSimpleRestriction(), parseTotalDigitsFacet(), parseUnion(), parseUnique(), and parseWhiteSpaceFacet().

1186 {
1187  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, this);
1191  // parse attributes
1192  validateIdAttribute("annotation");
1196  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation(new XsdAnnotation());
1198  while (!atEnd()) {
1199  readNext();
1201  if (isEndElement())
1202  break;
1204  if (isStartElement()) {
1208  tagValidator.validate(token);
1210  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Appinfo, token, namespaceToken)) {
1212  annotation->addApplicationInformation(info);
1213  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Documentation, token, namespaceToken)) {
1214  const XsdDocumentation::Ptr documentation = parseDocumentation();
1215  annotation->addDocumentation(documentation);
1216  } else {
1217  parseUnknown();
1218  }
1219  }
1220  }
1222  tagValidator.finalize();
1224  return annotation;
1225 }
static mach_timebase_info_data_t info
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
XsdDocumentation::Ptr parseDocumentation()
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
XsdApplicationInformation::Ptr parseAppInfo()
Represents a XSD annotation object.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseAny()

XsdWildcard::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseAny ( const XsdParticle::Ptr particle)

This method is called for parsing an any object somewhere in the schema.

particleThe particle the any object belongs to.

Definition at line 5410 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseChoice(), parseDefaultOpenContent(), parseLocalChoice(), parseLocalSequence(), parseOpenContent(), and parseSequence().

5411 {
5412  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Any, this);
5416  const XsdWildcard::Ptr wildcard(new XsdWildcard());
5418  // parse attributes
5419  if (!parseMinMaxConstraint(particle, "any")) {
5420  return wildcard;
5421  }
5423  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("namespace"))) {
5425  if ((values.contains(QString::fromLatin1("##any")) || values.contains(QString::fromLatin1("##other"))) && values.count() != 1) {
5426  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 attribute of %2 element must contain %3, %4 or a list of URIs.")
5427  .arg(formatAttribute("namespace"))
5428  .arg(formatElement("any"))
5429  .arg(formatData("##any"))
5430  .arg(formatData("##other")));
5431  return wildcard;
5432  }
5434  if (values.contains(QString::fromLatin1("##any"))) {
5435  wildcard->namespaceConstraint()->setVariety(XsdWildcard::NamespaceConstraint::Any);
5436  } else if (values.contains(QString::fromLatin1("##other"))) {
5437  wildcard->namespaceConstraint()->setVariety(XsdWildcard::NamespaceConstraint::Not);
5438  if (!m_targetNamespace.isEmpty())
5439  wildcard->namespaceConstraint()->setNamespaces(QSet<QString>() << m_targetNamespace);
5440  else
5441  wildcard->namespaceConstraint()->setNamespaces(QSet<QString>() << XsdWildcard::absentNamespace());
5442  } else {
5443  wildcard->namespaceConstraint()->setVariety(XsdWildcard::NamespaceConstraint::Enumeration);
5444  QStringList newValues = values.toList();
5446  // replace the ##targetNamespace entry
5447  for (int i = 0; i < newValues.count(); ++i) {
5448  if (newValues.at(i) == QString::fromLatin1("##targetNamespace")) {
5449  if (!m_targetNamespace.isEmpty())
5450  newValues[i] = m_targetNamespace;
5451  else
5452  newValues[i] = XsdWildcard::absentNamespace();
5453  } else if (newValues.at(i) == QString::fromLatin1("##local")) {
5454  newValues[i] = XsdWildcard::absentNamespace();
5455  }
5456  }
5458  // check for invalid URIs
5459  for (int i = 0; i < newValues.count(); ++i) {
5460  const QString stringValue = newValues.at(i);
5461  if (stringValue == XsdWildcard::absentNamespace())
5462  continue;
5464  if (!isValidUri(stringValue)) {
5465  attributeContentError("namespace", "any", stringValue, BuiltinTypes::xsAnyURI);
5466  return wildcard;
5467  }
5468  }
5470  wildcard->namespaceConstraint()->setNamespaces(newValues.toSet());
5471  }
5472  } else {
5473  wildcard->namespaceConstraint()->setVariety(XsdWildcard::NamespaceConstraint::Any);
5474  }
5476  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("processContents"))) {
5477  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("processContents"));
5478  if (value != QString::fromLatin1("lax") &&
5479  value != QString::fromLatin1("skip") &&
5480  value != QString::fromLatin1("strict")) {
5481  attributeContentError("processContents", "any", value);
5482  return wildcard;
5483  }
5485  if (value == QString::fromLatin1("lax")) {
5486  wildcard->setProcessContents(XsdWildcard::Lax);
5487  } else if (value == QString::fromLatin1("skip")) {
5488  wildcard->setProcessContents(XsdWildcard::Skip);
5489  } else if (value == QString::fromLatin1("strict")) {
5490  wildcard->setProcessContents(XsdWildcard::Strict);
5491  }
5492  } else {
5493  wildcard->setProcessContents(XsdWildcard::Strict);
5494  }
5496  validateIdAttribute("any");
5500  while (!atEnd()) {
5501  readNext();
5503  if (isEndElement())
5504  break;
5506  if (isStartElement()) {
5510  tagValidator.validate(token);
5512  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
5513  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
5514  wildcard->addAnnotation(annotation);
5515  } else {
5516  parseUnknown();
5517  }
5518  }
5519  }
5521  tagValidator.finalize();
5523  return wildcard;
5524 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
static QString absentNamespace()
static bool isValidUri(const QString &string)
QSet< T > toSet() const
Returns a QSet object with the data contained in this QList.
Definition: qset.h:309
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
Represents a XSD wildcard object.
int count(const T &t) const
Returns the number of occurrences of value in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:891
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
No constraints at all: the item must simply be well-formed XML.
There must be a top-level declaration for the item available, or the item must have an xsi:type...
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
Namespaces in the namespaces set are not allowed.
bool contains(const T &value) const
Definition: qset.h:91
QList< T > toList() const
Definition: qset.h:296
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the string has no characters; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qstring.h:704
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool parseMinMaxConstraint(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const char *tagName)
const T & at(int i) const
Returns the item at index position i in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:468
The QStringList class provides a list of strings.
Definition: qstringlist.h:66
int count() const
Definition: qset.h:178
quint16 values[128]
static QString formatData(const QString &data)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
QStringList split(const QString &sep, SplitBehavior behavior=KeepEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Splits the string into substrings wherever sep occurs, and returns the list of those strings...
Definition: qstring.cpp:6526
Namespaces in the namespaces set are allowed.
If the item has a uniquely determined declaration available, it must be valid with respect to that de...
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
The QLatin1Char class provides an 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character.
Definition: qchar.h:55
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsAnyURI
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseAnyAttribute()

XsdWildcard::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseAnyAttribute ( )

This method is called for parsing an anyAttribute object somewhere in the schema.

Definition at line 5526 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseGlobalComplexType(), parseLocalComplexType(), parseNamedAttributeGroup(), parseSimpleContentExtension(), and parseSimpleContentRestriction().

5527 {
5528  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, this);
5532  const XsdWildcard::Ptr wildcard(new XsdWildcard());
5534  // parse attributes
5535  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("namespace"))) {
5537  if ((values.contains(QString::fromLatin1("##any")) || values.contains(QString::fromLatin1("##other"))) && values.count() != 1) {
5538  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 attribute of %2 element must contain %3, %4 or a list of URIs.")
5539  .arg(formatAttribute("namespace"))
5540  .arg(formatElement("anyAttribute"))
5541  .arg(formatData("##any"))
5542  .arg(formatData("##other")));
5543  return wildcard;
5544  }
5546  if (values.contains(QString::fromLatin1("##any"))) {
5547  wildcard->namespaceConstraint()->setVariety(XsdWildcard::NamespaceConstraint::Any);
5548  } else if (values.contains(QString::fromLatin1("##other"))) {
5549  wildcard->namespaceConstraint()->setVariety(XsdWildcard::NamespaceConstraint::Not);
5550  if (!m_targetNamespace.isEmpty())
5551  wildcard->namespaceConstraint()->setNamespaces(QSet<QString>() << m_targetNamespace);
5552  else
5553  wildcard->namespaceConstraint()->setNamespaces(QSet<QString>() << XsdWildcard::absentNamespace());
5554  } else {
5555  wildcard->namespaceConstraint()->setVariety(XsdWildcard::NamespaceConstraint::Enumeration);
5556  QStringList newValues = values.toList();
5558  // replace the ##targetNamespace entry
5559  for (int i = 0; i < newValues.count(); ++i) {
5560  if (newValues.at(i) == QString::fromLatin1("##targetNamespace")) {
5561  if (!m_targetNamespace.isEmpty())
5562  newValues[i] = m_targetNamespace;
5563  else
5564  newValues[i] = XsdWildcard::absentNamespace();
5565  } else if (newValues.at(i) == QString::fromLatin1("##local")) {
5566  newValues[i] = XsdWildcard::absentNamespace();
5567  }
5568  }
5570  // check for invalid URIs
5571  for (int i = 0; i < newValues.count(); ++i) {
5572  const QString stringValue = newValues.at(i);
5573  if (stringValue == XsdWildcard::absentNamespace())
5574  continue;
5576  if (!isValidUri(stringValue)) {
5577  attributeContentError("namespace", "anyAttribute", stringValue, BuiltinTypes::xsAnyURI);
5578  return wildcard;
5579  }
5580  }
5582  wildcard->namespaceConstraint()->setNamespaces(newValues.toSet());
5583  }
5584  } else {
5585  wildcard->namespaceConstraint()->setVariety(XsdWildcard::NamespaceConstraint::Any);
5586  }
5588  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("processContents"))) {
5589  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("processContents"));
5590  if (value != QString::fromLatin1("lax") &&
5591  value != QString::fromLatin1("skip") &&
5592  value != QString::fromLatin1("strict")) {
5593  attributeContentError("processContents", "anyAttribute", value);
5594  return wildcard;
5595  }
5597  if (value == QString::fromLatin1("lax")) {
5598  wildcard->setProcessContents(XsdWildcard::Lax);
5599  } else if (value == QString::fromLatin1("skip")) {
5600  wildcard->setProcessContents(XsdWildcard::Skip);
5601  } else if (value == QString::fromLatin1("strict")) {
5602  wildcard->setProcessContents(XsdWildcard::Strict);
5603  }
5604  } else {
5605  wildcard->setProcessContents(XsdWildcard::Strict);
5606  }
5608  validateIdAttribute("anyAttribute");
5612  while (!atEnd()) {
5613  readNext();
5615  if (isEndElement())
5616  break;
5618  if (isStartElement()) {
5622  tagValidator.validate(token);
5624  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
5625  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
5626  wildcard->addAnnotation(annotation);
5627  } else {
5628  parseUnknown();
5629  }
5630  }
5631  }
5633  tagValidator.finalize();
5635  return wildcard;
5636 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
static QString absentNamespace()
static bool isValidUri(const QString &string)
QSet< T > toSet() const
Returns a QSet object with the data contained in this QList.
Definition: qset.h:309
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
Represents a XSD wildcard object.
int count(const T &t) const
Returns the number of occurrences of value in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:891
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
No constraints at all: the item must simply be well-formed XML.
There must be a top-level declaration for the item available, or the item must have an xsi:type...
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
Namespaces in the namespaces set are not allowed.
bool contains(const T &value) const
Definition: qset.h:91
QList< T > toList() const
Definition: qset.h:296
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the string has no characters; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qstring.h:704
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
const T & at(int i) const
Returns the item at index position i in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:468
The QStringList class provides a list of strings.
Definition: qstringlist.h:66
int count() const
Definition: qset.h:178
quint16 values[128]
static QString formatData(const QString &data)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
QStringList split(const QString &sep, SplitBehavior behavior=KeepEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Splits the string into substrings wherever sep occurs, and returns the list of those strings...
Definition: qstring.cpp:6526
Namespaces in the namespaces set are allowed.
If the item has a uniquely determined declaration available, it must be valid with respect to that de...
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
The QLatin1Char class provides an 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character.
Definition: qchar.h:55
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsAnyURI
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseAppInfo()

XsdApplicationInformation::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseAppInfo ( )

This method is called for parsing an appinfo object as child of an annotation object.

Definition at line 1227 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAnnotation().

1228 {
1229  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Appinfo, this);
1235  // parse attributes
1236  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("source"))) {
1237  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("source"));
1239  if (!isValidUri(value)) {
1240  attributeContentError("source", "appinfo", value, BuiltinTypes::xsAnyURI);
1241  return info;
1242  }
1244  if (!value.isEmpty()) {
1245  const AnyURI::Ptr source = AnyURI::fromLexical(value);
1246  info->setSource(source);
1247  }
1248  }
1250  while (!atEnd()) { //EVAL: can be anything... what to do?
1251  readNext();
1253  if (isEndElement())
1254  break;
1256  if (isStartElement())
1258  }
1260  return info;
1261 }
static mach_timebase_info_data_t info
static bool isValidUri(const QString &string)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the string has no characters; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qstring.h:704
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static AnyURI::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &value, const TReportContext &context, const SourceLocationReflection *const r)
Constructs a xs:anyURI value from the lexical representation value.
Definition: qanyuri_p.h:153
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsAnyURI

◆ parseAssertion()

XsdAssertion::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseAssertion ( const XsdSchemaToken::NodeName nodeName,
const XsdTagScope::Type tag 

This method is called for parsing an assert object as child of a complexType or parsing a assertion facet object as child of a simpleType.

nodeNameEither XsdSchemaToken::Assert or XsdSchemaToken::Assertion.
tagEither XsdTagScope::Assert or XsdTagScope::Assertion.

Definition at line 3383 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAssertionFacet(), parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseGlobalComplexType(), parseLocalComplexType(), parseSimpleContentExtension(), and parseSimpleContentRestriction().

3384 {
3385  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(nodeName, this);
3387  validateElement(tag);
3389  const XsdAssertion::Ptr assertion(new XsdAssertion());
3391  // parse attributes
3393  const XsdXPathExpression::Ptr expression = readXPathExpression("assertion");
3394  assertion->setTest(expression);
3396  const QString test = readXPathAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("test"), XPath20, "assertion");
3397  expression->setExpression(test);
3399  validateIdAttribute("assertion");
3401  TagValidationHandler tagValidator(tag, this, NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool));
3403  while (!atEnd()) {
3404  readNext();
3406  if (isEndElement())
3407  break;
3409  if (isStartElement()) {
3413  tagValidator.validate(token);
3415  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
3416  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
3417  assertion->addAnnotation(annotation);
3418  } else {
3419  parseUnknown();
3420  }
3421  }
3422  }
3424  tagValidator.finalize();
3426  return assertion;
3427 }
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
QString readXPathAttribute(const QString &attributeName, XPathType type, const char *elementName)
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void setExpression(const QString &expression)
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
XsdXPathExpression::Ptr readXPathExpression(const char *elementName)
Represents a XSD assertion object.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseAssertionFacet()

XsdFacet::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseAssertionFacet ( )

This method is called for parsing an assertion object as child of a restriction object.

Definition at line 2548 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContentRestriction(), and parseSimpleRestriction().

2549 {
2550  // this is just a wrapper function around the parseAssertion() method
2554  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = XsdFacet::Ptr(new XsdFacet());
2555  facet->setType(XsdFacet::Assertion);
2556  facet->setAssertions(XsdAssertion::List() << assertion);
2558  return facet;
2559 }
Match an assertion (Assertion Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:116
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdFacet > Ptr
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:96
XsdAssertion::Ptr parseAssertion(const XsdSchemaToken::NodeName &nodeName, const XsdTagScope::Type &tag)

◆ parseChoice()

XsdModelGroup::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseChoice ( const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr parent)

This method is called for parsing a choice object as child of a top-level group object.

parentThe schema component the choice object is part of.

Definition at line 3728 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseNamedGroup().

3729 {
3730  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Choice, this);
3734  const XsdModelGroup::Ptr modelGroup(new XsdModelGroup());
3735  modelGroup->setCompositor(XsdModelGroup::ChoiceCompositor);
3737  validateIdAttribute("choice");
3739  XsdParticle::List particles;
3743  while (!atEnd()) {
3744  readNext();
3746  if (isEndElement())
3747  break;
3749  if (isStartElement()) {
3753  tagValidator.validate(token);
3755  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
3756  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
3757  modelGroup->addAnnotation(annotation);
3758  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Element, token, namespaceToken)) {
3759  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3760  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalElement(particle, parent);
3761  particle->setTerm(term);
3762  particles.append(particle);
3763  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Group, token, namespaceToken)) {
3764  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3765  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseReferredGroup(particle);
3767  particle->setTerm(term);
3768  particles.append(particle);
3769  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Choice, token, namespaceToken)) {
3770  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3771  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalChoice(particle, parent);
3772  particle->setTerm(term);
3773  particles.append(particle);
3774  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, token, namespaceToken)) {
3775  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3776  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalSequence(particle, parent);
3777  particle->setTerm(term);
3778  particles.append(particle);
3779  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Any, token, namespaceToken)) {
3780  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3781  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseAny(particle);
3782  particle->setTerm(term);
3783  particles.append(particle);
3784  } else {
3785  parseUnknown();
3786  }
3787  }
3788  }
3790  modelGroup->setParticles(particles);
3792  tagValidator.finalize();
3794  return modelGroup;
3795 }
XsdTerm::Ptr parseLocalElement(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalSequence(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
Represents a XSD model group object.
XsdTerm::Ptr parseReferredGroup(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void append(const T &t)
Inserts value at the end of the list.
Definition: qlist.h:507
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
void addAllGroupCheck(const XsdReference::Ptr &reference)
Represents a XSD particle object.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
XsdWildcard::Ptr parseAny(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalChoice(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)

◆ parseComplexContent()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseComplexContent ( const XsdComplexType::Ptr complexType,
bool *  mixed 

This method is called for parsing a complexContent object as child of a complexType object.

complexTypeThe complex type the complex content belongs to.
mixedThe output parameter for the mixed value.

Definition at line 3155 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseGlobalComplexType(), and parseLocalComplexType().

3156 {
3157  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::ComplexContent, this);
3161  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::ElementOnly);
3163  // parse attributes
3164  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("mixed"))) {
3165  const QString mixedStr = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("mixed"));
3167  const Boolean::Ptr value = Boolean::fromLexical(mixedStr);
3168  if (value->hasError()) {
3169  attributeContentError("mixed", "complexType", mixedStr, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
3170  return;
3171  }
3173  *mixed = value->as<Boolean>()->value();
3174  } else {
3175  *mixed = false;
3176  }
3178  validateIdAttribute("complexContent");
3182  while (!atEnd()) {
3183  readNext();
3185  if (isEndElement())
3186  break;
3188  if (isStartElement()) {
3192  tagValidator.validate(token);
3194  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
3195  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
3196  complexType->addAnnotation(annotation);
3197  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Restriction, token, namespaceToken)) {
3198  parseComplexContentRestriction(complexType);
3199  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Extension, token, namespaceToken)) {
3200  parseComplexContentExtension(complexType);
3201  } else {
3202  parseUnknown();
3203  }
3204  }
3205  }
3207  tagValidator.finalize();
3208 }
void parseComplexContentExtension(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType)
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
ContentType::Ptr contentType() const
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
const TCastTarget * as() const
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
void parseComplexContentRestriction(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType)
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
The complex type has further elements or attributes but no text as content.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseComplexContentExtension()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseComplexContentExtension ( const XsdComplexType::Ptr complexType)

This method is called for parsing an extension object as child of a complexContent object.

Definition at line 3296 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseComplexContent().

3297 {
3298  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Extension, this);
3304  // parse attributes
3305  const QString baseType = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("base"), "extension");
3307  convertName(baseType, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, typeName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
3308  m_schemaResolver->addComplexBaseType(complexType, typeName, currentSourceLocation()); // add to resolver
3310  validateIdAttribute("extension");
3314  bool hasContent = false;
3315  while (!atEnd()) {
3316  readNext();
3318  if (isEndElement())
3319  break;
3321  if (isStartElement()) {
3325  tagValidator.validate(token);
3327  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
3328  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
3329  complexType->addAnnotation(annotation);
3330  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::OpenContent, token, namespaceToken)) {
3331  const XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr openContent = parseOpenContent();
3332  complexType->contentType()->setOpenContent(openContent);
3333  hasContent = true;
3334  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Group, token, namespaceToken)) {
3335  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3336  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseReferredGroup(particle);
3337  particle->setTerm(term);
3338  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
3339  hasContent = true;
3340  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::All, token, namespaceToken)) {
3341  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3342  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalAll(particle, complexType);
3343  particle->setTerm(term);
3344  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
3345  hasContent = true;
3346  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Choice, token, namespaceToken)) {
3347  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3348  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalChoice(particle, complexType);
3349  particle->setTerm(term);
3350  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
3351  hasContent = true;
3352  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, token, namespaceToken)) {
3353  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3354  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalSequence(particle, complexType);
3355  particle->setTerm(term);
3356  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
3357  hasContent = true;
3358  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, token, namespaceToken)) {
3359  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse = parseLocalAttribute(complexType);
3360  complexType->addAttributeUse(attributeUse);
3361  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, token, namespaceToken)) {
3362  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse = parseReferredAttributeGroup();
3363  complexType->addAttributeUse(attributeUse);
3364  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, token, namespaceToken)) {
3365  const XsdWildcard::Ptr wildcard = parseAnyAttribute();
3366  complexType->setAttributeWildcard(wildcard);
3367  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Assert, token, namespaceToken)) {
3369  complexType->addAssertion(assertion);
3370  } else {
3371  parseUnknown();
3372  }
3373  }
3374  }
3376  if (!hasContent)
3377  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::Empty);
3379  tagValidator.finalize();
3380 }
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalSequence(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
XsdWildcard::Ptr parseAnyAttribute()
XsdTerm::Ptr parseReferredGroup(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr parseOpenContent()
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseLocalAttribute(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
ContentType::Ptr contentType() const
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseReferredAttributeGroup()
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
const char * typeName
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
QString readQNameAttribute(const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
Represents a XSD particle object.
void setDerivationMethod(DerivationMethod method)
void addAttributeUse(const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr &use)
void addComplexBaseType(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType, const QXmlName &baseName, const QSourceLocation &location, const XsdFacet::Hash &facets=XsdFacet::Hash())
void addAssertion(const XsdAssertion::Ptr &assertion)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void setAttributeWildcard(const XsdWildcard::Ptr &wildcard)
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
XsdAssertion::Ptr parseAssertion(const XsdSchemaToken::NodeName &nodeName, const XsdTagScope::Type &tag)
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalAll(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
The complex type has no further content.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalChoice(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)

◆ parseComplexContentRestriction()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseComplexContentRestriction ( const XsdComplexType::Ptr complexType)

This method is called for parsing a restriction object as child of a complexContent object.

Definition at line 3210 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseComplexContent().

3211 {
3212  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Restriction, this);
3218  // parse attributes
3219  const QString baseType = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("base"), "restriction");
3221  convertName(baseType, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, typeName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
3222  m_schemaResolver->addComplexBaseType(complexType, typeName, currentSourceLocation()); // add to resolver
3224  validateIdAttribute("restriction");
3228  bool hasContent = false;
3229  while (!atEnd()) {
3230  readNext();
3232  if (isEndElement())
3233  break;
3235  if (isStartElement()) {
3239  tagValidator.validate(token);
3241  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
3242  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
3243  complexType->addAnnotation(annotation);
3244  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::OpenContent, token, namespaceToken)) {
3245  const XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr openContent = parseOpenContent();
3246  complexType->contentType()->setOpenContent(openContent);
3247  hasContent = true;
3248  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Group, token, namespaceToken)) {
3249  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3250  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseReferredGroup(particle);
3251  particle->setTerm(term);
3252  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
3253  hasContent = true;
3254  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::All, token, namespaceToken)) {
3255  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3256  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalAll(particle, complexType);
3257  particle->setTerm(term);
3258  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
3259  hasContent = true;
3260  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Choice, token, namespaceToken)) {
3261  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3262  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalChoice(particle, complexType);
3263  particle->setTerm(term);
3264  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
3265  hasContent = true;
3266  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, token, namespaceToken)) {
3267  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3268  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalSequence(particle, complexType);
3269  particle->setTerm(term);
3270  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
3271  hasContent = true;
3272  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, token, namespaceToken)) {
3273  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse = parseLocalAttribute(complexType);
3274  complexType->addAttributeUse(attributeUse);
3275  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, token, namespaceToken)) {
3276  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse = parseReferredAttributeGroup();
3277  complexType->addAttributeUse(attributeUse);
3278  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, token, namespaceToken)) {
3279  const XsdWildcard::Ptr wildcard = parseAnyAttribute();
3280  complexType->setAttributeWildcard(wildcard);
3281  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Assert, token, namespaceToken)) {
3283  complexType->addAssertion(assertion);
3284  } else {
3285  parseUnknown();
3286  }
3287  }
3288  }
3290  if (!hasContent)
3291  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::Empty);
3293  tagValidator.finalize();
3294 }
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalSequence(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
XsdWildcard::Ptr parseAnyAttribute()
XsdTerm::Ptr parseReferredGroup(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr parseOpenContent()
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseLocalAttribute(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
ContentType::Ptr contentType() const
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseReferredAttributeGroup()
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
const char * typeName
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
QString readQNameAttribute(const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
Represents a XSD particle object.
void setDerivationMethod(DerivationMethod method)
void addAttributeUse(const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr &use)
void addComplexBaseType(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType, const QXmlName &baseName, const QSourceLocation &location, const XsdFacet::Hash &facets=XsdFacet::Hash())
void addAssertion(const XsdAssertion::Ptr &assertion)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void setAttributeWildcard(const XsdWildcard::Ptr &wildcard)
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
XsdAssertion::Ptr parseAssertion(const XsdSchemaToken::NodeName &nodeName, const XsdTagScope::Type &tag)
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalAll(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
The complex type has no further content.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalChoice(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)

◆ parseDefaultOpenContent()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseDefaultOpenContent ( )

This method is called for parsing a defaultOpenContent object.

Definition at line 1309 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSchema().

1310 {
1311  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::DefaultOpenContent, this);
1317  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("appliesToEmpty"))) {
1318  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("appliesToEmpty"));
1319  const Boolean::Ptr appliesToEmpty = Boolean::fromLexical(value);
1320  if (appliesToEmpty->hasError()) {
1321  attributeContentError("appliesToEmpty", "defaultOpenContent", value, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
1322  return;
1323  }
1325  m_defaultOpenContentAppliesToEmpty = appliesToEmpty->as<Boolean>()->value();
1326  } else {
1328  }
1330  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("mode"))) {
1331  const QString mode = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("mode"));
1333  if (mode == QString::fromLatin1("interleave")) {
1335  } else if (mode == QString::fromLatin1("suffix")) {
1337  } else {
1338  attributeContentError("mode", "defaultOpenContent", mode);
1339  return;
1340  }
1341  } else {
1343  }
1345  validateIdAttribute("defaultOpenContent");
1349  while (!atEnd()) {
1350  readNext();
1352  if (isEndElement())
1353  break;
1355  if (isStartElement()) {
1359  tagValidator.validate(token);
1361  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
1362  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
1363  m_defaultOpenContent->addAnnotation(annotation);
1364  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Any, token, namespaceToken)) {
1365  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle;
1366  const XsdWildcard::Ptr wildcard = parseAny(particle);
1367  m_defaultOpenContent->setWildcard(wildcard);
1368  } else {
1369  parseUnknown();
1370  }
1371  }
1372  }
1374  tagValidator.finalize();
1375 }
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
const TCastTarget * as() const
XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr m_defaultOpenContent
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< OpenContent > Ptr
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
XsdWildcard::Ptr parseAny(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
Describes the open content object of a complex type.

◆ parseDocumentation()

XsdDocumentation::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseDocumentation ( )

This method is called for parsing a documentation object as child of an annotation object.

Definition at line 1263 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAnnotation().

1264 {
1265  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Documentation, this);
1269  const XsdDocumentation::Ptr documentation(new XsdDocumentation());
1271  // parse attributes
1272  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("source"))) {
1273  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("source"));
1275  if (!isValidUri(value)) {
1276  attributeContentError("source", "documentation", value, BuiltinTypes::xsAnyURI);
1277  return documentation;
1278  }
1280  if (!value.isEmpty()) {
1281  const AnyURI::Ptr source = AnyURI::fromLexical(value);
1282  documentation->setSource(source);
1283  }
1284  }
1289  const QRegExp exp(QString::fromLatin1("[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*"));
1290  if (!exp.exactMatch(value)) {
1291  attributeContentError("xml:lang", "documentation", value);
1292  return documentation;
1293  }
1294  }
1296  while (!atEnd()) { //EVAL: can by any... what to do?
1297  readNext();
1299  if (isEndElement())
1300  break;
1302  if (isStartElement())
1304  }
1306  return documentation;
1307 }
static bool isValidUri(const QString &string)
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions.
Definition: qregexp.h:61
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the string has no characters; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qstring.h:704
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
const QLatin1String XML("http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static AnyURI::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &value, const TReportContext &context, const SourceLocationReflection *const r)
Constructs a xs:anyURI value from the lexical representation value.
Definition: qanyuri_p.h:153
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
Represents a XSD documentation object.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsAnyURI

◆ parseEnumerationFacet()

XsdFacet::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseEnumerationFacet ( )

This method is called for parsing an enumeration object as child of a restriction object.

Definition at line 2368 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContentRestriction(), and parseSimpleRestriction().

2369 {
2370  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Enumeration, this);
2374  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = XsdFacet::Ptr(new XsdFacet());
2375  facet->setType(XsdFacet::Enumeration);
2377  // parse attributes
2378  facet->setFixed(false); // not defined in schema, but can't hurt
2380  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("value"));
2382  // as enumeration can have a value of type anySimpleType, we just read
2383  // the string here and store it for later intepretation
2385  if (string->hasError()) {
2386  attributeContentError("value", "enumeration", value);
2387  return facet;
2388  } else {
2389  AtomicValue::List multiValue;
2390  multiValue << string;
2391  facet->setMultiValue(multiValue);
2392  }
2395  validateIdAttribute("enumeration");
2399  while (!atEnd()) {
2400  readNext();
2402  if (isEndElement())
2403  break;
2405  if (isStartElement()) {
2409  tagValidator.validate(token);
2411  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
2412  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
2413  facet->addAnnotation(annotation);
2414  } else {
2415  parseUnknown();
2416  }
2417  }
2418  }
2420  tagValidator.finalize();
2422  return facet;
2423 }
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
Match an enumeration (Enumeration Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:115
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdFacet > Ptr
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:96
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
Represents instances of derived xs:string types, such as xs:normalizedString.
void addEnumerationFacetValue(const AtomicValue::Ptr &facetValue, const NamespaceSupport &namespaceSupport)
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QString &lexical)

◆ parseField()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseField ( const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr ptr)

This method is called for parsing a field object as child of an unique object, key object or keyref object,

ptrThe identity constraint it belongs to.

Definition at line 5197 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseKey(), parseKeyRef(), and parseUnique().

5198 {
5199  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Field, this);
5203  // parse attributes
5204  const XsdXPathExpression::Ptr expression = readXPathExpression("field");
5206  const QString xpath = readXPathAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("xpath"), XPathField, "field");
5207  expression->setExpression(xpath);
5209  ptr->addField(expression);
5211  validateIdAttribute("field");
5215  while (!atEnd()) {
5216  readNext();
5218  if (isEndElement())
5219  break;
5221  if (isStartElement()) {
5225  tagValidator.validate(token);
5227  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
5228  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
5229  expression->addAnnotation(annotation);
5230  } else {
5231  parseUnknown();
5232  }
5233  }
5234  }
5236  tagValidator.finalize();
5237 }
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
QString readXPathAttribute(const QString &attributeName, XPathType type, const char *elementName)
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
void addField(const XsdXPathExpression::Ptr &field)
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
void setExpression(const QString &expression)
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
XsdXPathExpression::Ptr readXPathExpression(const char *elementName)
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseFractionDigitsFacet()

XsdFacet::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseFractionDigitsFacet ( )

This method is called for parsing a fractionDigits object as child of a restriction object.

Definition at line 2120 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContentRestriction(), and parseSimpleRestriction().

2121 {
2122  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::FractionDigits, this);
2126  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = XsdFacet::Ptr(new XsdFacet());
2127  facet->setType(XsdFacet::FractionDigits);
2129  // parse attributes
2130  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
2131  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"));
2132  const Boolean::Ptr fixed = Boolean::fromLexical(value);
2133  if (fixed->hasError()) {
2134  attributeContentError("fixed", "fractionDigits", value, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
2135  return facet;
2136  }
2138  facet->setFixed(fixed->as<Boolean>()->value());
2139  } else {
2140  facet->setFixed(false); // the default value
2141  }
2143  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("value"));
2145  if (integer->hasError()) {
2146  attributeContentError("value", "fractionDigits", value, BuiltinTypes::xsNonNegativeInteger);
2147  return facet;
2148  } else {
2149  facet->setValue(integer);
2150  }
2152  validateIdAttribute("fractionDigits");
2156  while (!atEnd()) {
2157  readNext();
2159  if (isEndElement())
2160  break;
2162  if (isStartElement()) {
2166  tagValidator.validate(token);
2168  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
2169  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
2170  facet->addAnnotation(annotation);
2171  } else {
2172  parseUnknown();
2173  }
2174  }
2175  }
2177  tagValidator.finalize();
2179  return facet;
2180 }
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QString &strNumeric)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream & fixed(QTextStream &s)
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
const TCastTarget * as() const
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool value() const
Definition: qboolean_p.h:109
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdFacet > Ptr
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:96
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsNonNegativeInteger
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
Match some double digits (Fraction Digits Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:114
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
Represents instances of derived xs:integer types, such as xs:byte.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseGlobalAttribute()

XsdAttribute::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseGlobalAttribute ( )

This method is called for parsing any top-level attribute object.

Definition at line 4014 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSchema().

4015 {
4016  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, this);
4020  const XsdAttribute::Ptr attribute(new XsdAttribute());
4021  attribute->setScope(XsdAttribute::Scope::Ptr(new XsdAttribute::Scope()));
4022  attribute->scope()->setVariety(XsdAttribute::Scope::Global);
4024  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("default")) && hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
4025  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.")
4026  .arg(formatElement("attribute"))
4027  .arg(formatAttribute("default"))
4028  .arg(formatAttribute("fixed")));
4029  return attribute;
4030  }
4032  // parse attributes
4033  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("default"))) {
4034  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("default"));
4035  attribute->setValueConstraint(XsdAttribute::ValueConstraint::Ptr(new XsdAttribute::ValueConstraint()));
4036  attribute->valueConstraint()->setVariety(XsdAttribute::ValueConstraint::Default);
4037  attribute->valueConstraint()->setValue(value);
4038  } else if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
4039  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"));
4040  attribute->setValueConstraint(XsdAttribute::ValueConstraint::Ptr(new XsdAttribute::ValueConstraint()));
4041  attribute->valueConstraint()->setVariety(XsdAttribute::ValueConstraint::Fixed);
4042  attribute->valueConstraint()->setValue(value);
4043  }
4045  const QXmlName objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(m_targetNamespace, readNameAttribute("attribute"));
4046  if ((objectName.namespaceURI() == StandardNamespaces::xsi) &&
4047  (m_namePool->stringForLocalName(objectName.localName()) != QString::fromLatin1("type")) &&
4048  (m_namePool->stringForLocalName(objectName.localName()) != QString::fromLatin1("nil")) &&
4049  (m_namePool->stringForLocalName(objectName.localName()) != QString::fromLatin1("schemaLocation")) &&
4050  (m_namePool->stringForLocalName(objectName.localName()) != QString::fromLatin1("noNamespaceSchemaLocation"))) {
4052  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Content of %1 attribute of %2 element must not be from namespace %3.")
4053  .arg(formatAttribute("name"))
4054  .arg(formatElement("attribute"))
4056  return attribute;
4057  }
4058  if (m_namePool->stringForLocalName(objectName.localName()) == QString::fromLatin1("xmlns")) {
4059  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 attribute of %2 element must not be %3.")
4060  .arg(formatAttribute("name"))
4061  .arg(formatElement("attribute"))
4062  .arg(formatData("xmlns")));
4063  return attribute;
4064  }
4065  attribute->setName(objectName);
4067  bool hasTypeAttribute = false;
4068  bool hasTypeSpecified = false;
4070  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("type"))) {
4071  hasTypeAttribute = true;
4073  const QString type = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("type"), "attribute");
4075  convertName(type, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, typeName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
4076  m_schemaResolver->addAttributeType(attribute, typeName, currentSourceLocation()); // add to resolver
4077  hasTypeSpecified = true;
4078  }
4080  validateIdAttribute("attribute");
4084  while (!atEnd()) {
4085  readNext();
4087  if (isEndElement())
4088  break;
4090  if (isStartElement()) {
4094  tagValidator.validate(token);
4096  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
4097  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
4098  attribute->addAnnotation(annotation);
4099  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, token, namespaceToken)) {
4100  if (hasTypeAttribute) {
4101  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.")
4102  .arg(formatElement("attribute"))
4103  .arg(formatElement("simpleType"))
4104  .arg(formatAttribute("type")));
4105  break;
4106  }
4109  type->setContext(attribute);
4110  attribute->setType(type);
4111  hasTypeSpecified = true;
4113  // add it to list of anonymous types as well
4114  addAnonymousType(type);
4115  } else {
4116  parseUnknown();
4117  }
4118  }
4119  }
4121  if (!hasTypeSpecified) {
4122  attribute->setType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnySimpleType); // default value
4123  return attribute;
4124  }
4126  tagValidator.finalize();
4128  return attribute;
4129 }
const QString & stringForLocalName(const QXmlName::LocalNameCode code) const
Definition: qnamepool_p.h:168
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
int type
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
Represents a XSD attribute object.
The attribute has a default value set.
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
const QLatin1String XSI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance")
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
const char * typeName
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
QString readQNameAttribute(const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
Describes the value constraint of an attribute.
static QString formatData(const QString &data)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
void setContext(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &component)
QString localName(const QXmlNamePool &query) const
Returns the local name.
Definition: qxmlname.cpp:387
NamespaceCode namespaceURI() const
Definition: qnamepool_p.h:503
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
QString readNameAttribute(const char *elementName)
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
static const SchemaType::Ptr xsAnySimpleType
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
Describes the scope of an attribute.
void addAnonymousType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
QXmlName allocateQName(const QString &uri, const QString &localName, const QString &prefix=QString())
Definition: qnamepool.cpp:251
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
void addAttributeType(const XsdAttribute::Ptr &attribute, const QXmlName &typeName, const QSourceLocation &location)
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
static QString formatURI(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QXmlName::NamespaceCode &uri)
Formats uri, that&#39;s considered to be a URI, for display.
Definition: qanyuri_p.h:202
XsdSimpleType::Ptr parseLocalSimpleType()
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
The attribute has a fixed value set.
The attribute is defined globally as child of the schema object.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseGlobalComplexType()

XsdComplexType::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseGlobalComplexType ( )

This method is called for parsing any top-level complexType object.

Definition at line 2561 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseRedefine(), and parseSchema().

2562 {
2563  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, this);
2567  bool hasTypeSpecified = false;
2568  bool hasComplexContent = false;
2570  const XsdComplexType::Ptr complexType(new XsdComplexType());
2572  // parse attributes
2573  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("abstract"))) {
2574  const QString abstract = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("abstract"));
2576  const Boolean::Ptr value = Boolean::fromLexical(abstract);
2577  if (value->hasError()) {
2578  attributeContentError("abstract", "complexType", abstract, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
2579  return complexType;
2580  }
2582  complexType->setIsAbstract(value->as<Boolean>()->value());
2583  } else {
2584  complexType->setIsAbstract(false); // default value
2585  }
2588  complexType->setDerivationConstraints(readDerivationConstraintAttribute(SchemaType::ExtensionConstraint | SchemaType::RestrictionConstraint, "complexType"));
2590  const QXmlName objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(m_targetNamespace, readNameAttribute("complexType"));
2591  complexType->setName(objectName);
2593  bool effectiveMixed = false;
2594  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("mixed"))) {
2595  const QString mixed = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("mixed"));
2597  const Boolean::Ptr value = Boolean::fromLexical(mixed);
2598  if (value->hasError()) {
2599  attributeContentError("mixed", "complexType", mixed, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
2600  return complexType;
2601  }
2603  effectiveMixed = value->as<Boolean>()->value();
2604  }
2606  validateIdAttribute("complexType");
2610  while (!atEnd()) {
2611  readNext();
2613  if (isEndElement())
2614  break;
2616  if (isStartElement()) {
2620  tagValidator.validate(token);
2622  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
2623  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
2624  complexType->addAnnotation(annotation);
2625  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleContent, token, namespaceToken)) {
2626  if (effectiveMixed) {
2627  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.")
2628  .arg(formatElement("complexType"))
2629  .arg(formatElement("simpleContent"))
2630  .arg(formatAttribute("mixed")));
2631  return complexType;
2632  }
2634  parseSimpleContent(complexType);
2635  hasTypeSpecified = true;
2636  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::ComplexContent, token, namespaceToken)) {
2637  bool mixed;
2638  parseComplexContent(complexType, &mixed);
2639  hasTypeSpecified = true;
2641  effectiveMixed = (effectiveMixed || mixed);
2642  hasComplexContent = true;
2643  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::OpenContent, token, namespaceToken)) {
2644  const XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr openContent = parseOpenContent();
2645  complexType->contentType()->setOpenContent(openContent);
2646  hasComplexContent = true;
2647  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Group, token, namespaceToken)) {
2648  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
2649  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseReferredGroup(particle);
2650  particle->setTerm(term);
2651  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
2653  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2654  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::ElementOnly);
2655  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2656  hasComplexContent = true;
2657  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::All, token, namespaceToken)) {
2658  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
2659  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalAll(particle, complexType);
2660  particle->setTerm(term);
2661  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
2663  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2664  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::ElementOnly);
2665  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2666  hasComplexContent = true;
2667  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Choice, token, namespaceToken)) {
2668  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
2669  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalChoice(particle, complexType);
2670  particle->setTerm(term);
2671  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
2673  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2674  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::ElementOnly);
2675  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2676  hasComplexContent = true;
2677  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, token, namespaceToken)) {
2678  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
2679  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalSequence(particle, complexType);
2680  particle->setTerm(term);
2681  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
2683  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2684  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::ElementOnly);
2685  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2686  hasComplexContent = true;
2687  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, token, namespaceToken)) {
2688  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse = parseLocalAttribute(complexType);
2689  complexType->addAttributeUse(attributeUse);
2691  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2692  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::ElementOnly);
2693  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2694  hasComplexContent = true;
2695  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, token, namespaceToken)) {
2696  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse = parseReferredAttributeGroup();
2697  complexType->addAttributeUse(attributeUse);
2699  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2700  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::ElementOnly);
2701  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2702  hasComplexContent = true;
2703  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, token, namespaceToken)) {
2704  const XsdWildcard::Ptr wildcard = parseAnyAttribute();
2705  complexType->setAttributeWildcard(wildcard);
2707  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2708  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::ElementOnly);
2709  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2710  hasComplexContent = true;
2711  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Assert, token, namespaceToken)) {
2713  complexType->addAssertion(assertion);
2714  } else {
2715  parseUnknown();
2716  }
2717  }
2718  }
2720  tagValidator.finalize();
2722  if (!hasTypeSpecified) {
2723  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2724  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2725  hasComplexContent = true;
2726  }
2728  if (hasComplexContent == true) {
2729  resolveComplexContentType(complexType, effectiveMixed);
2730  }
2732  return complexType;
2733 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalSequence(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
XsdWildcard::Ptr parseAnyAttribute()
XsdTerm::Ptr parseReferredGroup(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr parseOpenContent()
void parseSimpleContent(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
Represents a XSD complexType object.
NamedSchemaComponent::BlockingConstraints readBlockingConstraintAttribute(const NamedSchemaComponent::BlockingConstraints &allowedConstraints, const char *elementName)
void resolveComplexContentType(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType, bool effectiveMixed)
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseLocalAttribute(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
static const SchemaType::Ptr xsAnyType
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void parseComplexContent(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType, bool *mixed)
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseReferredAttributeGroup()
const TCastTarget * as() const
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
Represents a XSD particle object.
bool value() const
Definition: qboolean_p.h:109
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
QString readNameAttribute(const char *elementName)
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
XsdAssertion::Ptr parseAssertion(const XsdSchemaToken::NodeName &nodeName, const XsdTagScope::Type &tag)
QXmlName allocateQName(const QString &uri, const QString &localName, const QString &prefix=QString())
Definition: qnamepool.cpp:251
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
The complex type has further elements or attributes but no text as content.
SchemaType::DerivationConstraints readDerivationConstraintAttribute(const SchemaType::DerivationConstraints &allowedConstraints, const char *elementName)
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalAll(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalChoice(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)

◆ parseGlobalElement()

XsdElement::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseGlobalElement ( )

This method is called for parsing any top-level element object.

Definition at line 4471 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSchema().

4472 {
4473  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Element, this);
4477  const XsdElement::Ptr element(new XsdElement());
4478  element->setScope(XsdElement::Scope::Ptr(new XsdElement::Scope()));
4479  element->scope()->setVariety(XsdElement::Scope::Global);
4481  bool hasTypeAttribute = false;
4482  bool hasTypeSpecified = false;
4483  bool hasSubstitutionGroup = false;
4485  // parse attributes
4486  const QXmlName objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(m_targetNamespace, readNameAttribute("element"));
4487  element->setName(objectName);
4489  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("abstract"))) {
4490  const QString abstract = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("abstract"));
4492  const Boolean::Ptr value = Boolean::fromLexical(abstract);
4493  if (value->hasError()) {
4494  attributeContentError("abstract", "element", abstract, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
4495  return element;
4496  }
4498  element->setIsAbstract(value->as<Boolean>()->value());
4499  } else {
4500  element->setIsAbstract(false); // the default value
4501  }
4503  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("default")) && hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
4504  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.")
4505  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4506  .arg(formatAttribute("default"))
4507  .arg(formatAttribute("fixed")));
4508  return element;
4509  }
4511  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("default"))) {
4512  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("default"));
4513  element->setValueConstraint(XsdElement::ValueConstraint::Ptr(new XsdElement::ValueConstraint()));
4514  element->valueConstraint()->setVariety(XsdElement::ValueConstraint::Default);
4515  element->valueConstraint()->setValue(value);
4516  } else if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
4517  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"));
4518  element->setValueConstraint(XsdElement::ValueConstraint::Ptr(new XsdElement::ValueConstraint()));
4519  element->valueConstraint()->setVariety(XsdElement::ValueConstraint::Fixed);
4520  element->valueConstraint()->setValue(value);
4521  }
4524  element->setSubstitutionGroupExclusions(readDerivationConstraintAttribute(SchemaType::ExtensionConstraint | SchemaType::RestrictionConstraint, "element"));
4526  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("nillable"))) {
4527  const QString nillable = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("nillable"));
4529  const Boolean::Ptr value = Boolean::fromLexical(nillable);
4530  if (value->hasError()) {
4531  attributeContentError("nillable", "element", nillable, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
4532  return element;
4533  }
4535  element->setIsNillable(value->as<Boolean>()->value());
4536  } else {
4537  element->setIsNillable(false); // the default value
4538  }
4540  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("type"))) {
4541  const QString type = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("type"), "element");
4543  convertName(type, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, typeName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
4544  m_schemaResolver->addElementType(element, typeName, currentSourceLocation()); // add to resolver
4546  hasTypeAttribute = true;
4547  hasTypeSpecified = true;
4548  }
4550  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("substitutionGroup"))) {
4551  QList<QXmlName> elementNames;
4553  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("substitutionGroup"));
4554  const QStringList substitutionGroups = value.split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
4555  if (substitutionGroups.isEmpty()) {
4556  attributeContentError("substitutionGroup", "element", value, BuiltinTypes::xsQName);
4557  return element;
4558  }
4560  for (int i = 0; i < substitutionGroups.count(); ++i) {
4561  const QString value = substitutionGroups.at(i).simplified();
4562  if (!XPathHelper::isQName(value)) {
4563  attributeContentError("substitutionGroup", "element", value, BuiltinTypes::xsQName);
4564  return element;
4565  }
4567  QXmlName elementName;
4568  convertName(value, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, elementName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
4569  elementNames.append(elementName);
4570  }
4572  m_schemaResolver->addSubstitutionGroupAffiliation(element, elementNames, currentSourceLocation()); // add to resolver
4574  hasSubstitutionGroup = true;
4575  }
4577  validateIdAttribute("element");
4579  XsdAlternative::List alternatives;
4583  while (!atEnd()) {
4584  readNext();
4586  if (isEndElement())
4587  break;
4589  if (isStartElement()) {
4593  tagValidator.validate(token);
4595  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
4596  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
4597  element->addAnnotation(annotation);
4598  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, token, namespaceToken)) {
4599  if (hasTypeAttribute) {
4600  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.")
4601  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4602  .arg(formatElement("simpleType"))
4603  .arg(formatAttribute("type")));
4604  return element;
4605  }
4608  type->setContext(element);
4609  element->setType(type);
4611  // add it to list of anonymous types as well
4612  addAnonymousType(type);
4614  hasTypeSpecified = true;
4615  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, token, namespaceToken)) {
4616  if (hasTypeAttribute) {
4617  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.")
4618  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4619  .arg(formatElement("complexType"))
4620  .arg(formatAttribute("type")));
4621  return element;
4622  }
4625  type->setContext(element);
4626  element->setType(type);
4628  // add it to list of anonymous types as well
4629  addAnonymousType(type);
4631  hasTypeSpecified = true;
4632  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Alternative, token, namespaceToken)) {
4633  const XsdAlternative::Ptr alternative = parseAlternative();
4634  alternatives.append(alternative);
4635  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Unique, token, namespaceToken)) {
4636  const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr constraint = parseUnique();
4637  element->addIdentityConstraint(constraint);
4638  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Key, token, namespaceToken)) {
4639  const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr constraint = parseKey();
4640  element->addIdentityConstraint(constraint);
4641  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Keyref, token, namespaceToken)) {
4642  const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr constraint = parseKeyRef(element);
4643  element->addIdentityConstraint(constraint);
4644  } else {
4645  parseUnknown();
4646  }
4647  }
4648  }
4650  tagValidator.finalize();
4652  if (!hasTypeSpecified) {
4653  if (hasSubstitutionGroup)
4655  else
4656  element->setType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
4657  }
4659  if (!alternatives.isEmpty()) {
4660  element->setTypeTable(XsdElement::TypeTable::Ptr(new XsdElement::TypeTable()));
4662  for (int i = 0; i < alternatives.count(); ++i) {
4663  if (alternatives.at(i)->test())
4664  element->typeTable()->addAlternative(alternatives.at(i));
4666  if (i == (alternatives.count() - 1)) { // the final one
4667  if (!alternatives.at(i)->test()) {
4668  element->typeTable()->setDefaultTypeDefinition(alternatives.at(i));
4669  } else {
4670  const XsdAlternative::Ptr alternative(new XsdAlternative());
4671  if (element->type())
4672  alternative->setType(element->type());
4673  else
4674  m_schemaResolver->addAlternativeType(alternative, element); // add to resolver
4676  element->typeTable()->setDefaultTypeDefinition(alternative);
4677  }
4678  }
4679  }
4680  }
4682  return element;
4683 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
int type
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
void addSubstitutionGroupAffiliation(const XsdElement::Ptr &element, const QList< QXmlName > &elementName, const QSourceLocation &location)
Represents a XSD element object.
Definition: qxsdelement_p.h:83
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
void setContext(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &component)
XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr parseKey()
XsdComplexType::Ptr parseLocalComplexType()
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
int count(const T &t) const
Returns the number of occurrences of value in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:891
NamedSchemaComponent::BlockingConstraints readBlockingConstraintAttribute(const NamedSchemaComponent::BlockingConstraints &allowedConstraints, const char *elementName)
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr parseKeyRef(const XsdElement::Ptr &element)
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the list contains no items; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qlist.h:152
The element has a default value set.
static const SchemaType::Ptr xsAnyType
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void append(const T &t)
Inserts value at the end of the list.
Definition: qlist.h:507
const TCastTarget * as() const
const char * typeName
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
QString readQNameAttribute(const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
const T & at(int i) const
Returns the item at index position i in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:468
The QStringList class provides a list of strings.
Definition: qstringlist.h:66
The element has a fixed value set.
XsdXPathExpression::Ptr test() const
bool value() const
Definition: qboolean_p.h:109
void addSubstitutionGroupType(const XsdElement::Ptr &element)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
void setContext(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &component)
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsQName
QString readNameAttribute(const char *elementName)
XsdAlternative::Ptr parseAlternative()
QString simplified() const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Returns a string that has whitespace removed from the start and the end, and that has each sequence o...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4415
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
void addAnonymousType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
QXmlName allocateQName(const QString &uri, const QString &localName, const QString &prefix=QString())
Definition: qnamepool.cpp:251
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
The element is defined globally as child of the schema object.
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
QStringList split(const QString &sep, SplitBehavior behavior=KeepEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Splits the string into substrings wherever sep occurs, and returns the list of those strings...
Definition: qstring.cpp:6526
void addElementType(const XsdElement::Ptr &element, const QXmlName &typeName, const QSourceLocation &location)
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
Represents a XSD alternative object.
XsdSimpleType::Ptr parseLocalSimpleType()
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
static bool isQName(const QString &qName)
void setType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
void addAlternativeType(const XsdAlternative::Ptr &alternative, const QXmlName &typeName, const QSourceLocation &location)
SchemaType::DerivationConstraints readDerivationConstraintAttribute(const SchemaType::DerivationConstraints &allowedConstraints, const char *elementName)
The QLatin1Char class provides an 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character.
Definition: qchar.h:55
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr parseUnique()

◆ parseGlobalSimpleType()

XsdSimpleType::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseGlobalSimpleType ( )

This method is called for parsing any top-level simpleType object.

Definition at line 1377 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseRedefine(), and parseSchema().

1378 {
1379  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, this);
1383  const XsdSimpleType::Ptr simpleType(new XsdSimpleType());
1384  simpleType->setCategory(XsdSimpleType::SimpleTypeAtomic); // just to make sure it's not invalid
1386  // parse attributes
1387  const SchemaType::DerivationConstraints allowedConstraints(SchemaType::ExtensionConstraint | SchemaType::RestrictionConstraint | SchemaType::ListConstraint | SchemaType::UnionConstraint);
1388  simpleType->setDerivationConstraints(readDerivationConstraintAttribute(allowedConstraints, "simpleType"));
1390  const QXmlName objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(m_targetNamespace, readNameAttribute("simpleType"));
1391  simpleType->setName(objectName);
1393  validateIdAttribute("simpleType");
1397  while (!atEnd()) {
1398  readNext();
1400  if (isEndElement())
1401  break;
1403  if (isStartElement()) {
1407  tagValidator.validate(token);
1409  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
1410  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
1411  simpleType->addAnnotation(annotation);
1412  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Restriction, token, namespaceToken)) {
1413  parseSimpleRestriction(simpleType);
1414  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::List, token, namespaceToken)) {
1415  parseList(simpleType);
1416  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Union, token, namespaceToken)) {
1417  parseUnion(simpleType);
1418  } else {
1419  parseUnknown();
1420  }
1421  }
1422  }
1424  tagValidator.finalize();
1426  return simpleType;
1427 }
Represents a XSD simpleType object.
void parseList(const XsdSimpleType::Ptr &ptr)
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
QString readNameAttribute(const char *elementName)
QXmlName allocateQName(const QString &uri, const QString &localName, const QString &prefix=QString())
Definition: qnamepool.cpp:251
void parseSimpleRestriction(const XsdSimpleType::Ptr &ptr)
void parseUnion(const XsdSimpleType::Ptr &ptr)
SchemaType::DerivationConstraints readDerivationConstraintAttribute(const SchemaType::DerivationConstraints &allowedConstraints, const char *elementName)
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseImport()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseImport ( )

This method is called for parsing any top-level import object.

Definition at line 652 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSchema().

653 {
659  // parse attributes
660  QString importNamespace;
661  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("namespace"))) {
662  importNamespace = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("namespace"));
663  if (importNamespace == m_targetNamespace) {
664  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element is not allowed to have the same %2 attribute value as the target namespace %3.")
665  .arg(formatElement("import"))
666  .arg(formatAttribute("namespace"))
668  return;
669  }
670  } else {
671  if (m_targetNamespace.isEmpty()) {
672  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element without %2 attribute is not allowed inside schema without target namespace.")
673  .arg(formatElement("import"))
674  .arg(formatAttribute("namespace")));
675  return;
676  }
677  }
679  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("schemaLocation"))) {
680  const QString schemaLocation = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("schemaLocation"));
682  QUrl url(schemaLocation);
683  if (url.isRelative()) {
686  url = m_documentURI.resolved(url);
687  }
689  if (m_importedSchemas.contains(url)) {
690  // we have imported that file already, according to the schema spec we are
691  // allowed to silently skip it.
692  } else {
695  // as it is possible that well known schemas (e.g. XSD for XML) are only referenced by
696  // namespace we should add it as well
697  m_importedSchemas.insert(importNamespace);
701  if (reply) {
702  // parse the included schema by a different parser but with the same context
704  parser.setDocumentURI(url);
705  parser.setTargetNamespace(importNamespace);
706  parser.setIncludedSchemas(m_includedSchemas);
707  parser.setImportedSchemas(m_importedSchemas);
708  parser.setRedefinedSchemas(m_redefinedSchemas);
709  if (!parser.parse(XsdSchemaParser::ImportParser)) {
710  return;
711  } else {
712  // add indirectly loaded schemas to the list of already loaded ones
713  addIncludedSchemas(parser.m_includedSchemas);
714  addImportedSchemas(parser.m_importedSchemas);
715  addRedefinedSchemas(parser.m_redefinedSchemas);
716  }
717  }
718  }
719  } else {
720  // check whether it is a known namespace we have a builtin schema for
721  if (!importNamespace.isEmpty()) {
722  if (!m_importedSchemas.contains(importNamespace)) {
723  m_importedSchemas.insert(importNamespace);
725  QFile file(QString::fromLatin1(":") + importNamespace);
726  if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
728  parser.setDocumentURI(importNamespace);
729  parser.setTargetNamespace(importNamespace);
730  parser.setIncludedSchemas(m_includedSchemas);
731  parser.setImportedSchemas(m_importedSchemas);
732  parser.setRedefinedSchemas(m_redefinedSchemas);
733  if (!parser.parse(XsdSchemaParser::ImportParser)) {
734  return;
735  } else {
736  // add indirectly loaded schemas to the list of already loaded ones
737  addIncludedSchemas(parser.m_includedSchemas);
738  addImportedSchemas(parser.m_importedSchemas);
739  addRedefinedSchemas(parser.m_redefinedSchemas);
740  }
741  }
742  }
743  } else {
744  // we don't import anything... that is valid according to the schema
745  }
746  }
748  validateIdAttribute("import");
752  while (!atEnd()) {
753  readNext();
755  if (isEndElement())
756  break;
758  if (isStartElement()) {
762  tagValidator.validate(token);
764  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
765  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
766  m_schema->addAnnotation(annotation);
767  } else {
768  parseUnknown();
769  }
770  }
771  }
773  tagValidator.finalize();
774 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
virtual QNetworkAccessManager * networkAccessManager() const
bool isValid() const
Returns true if the URL is valid; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qurl.cpp:4303
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
A smart pointer very similar to std::auto_ptr.
Definition: qautoptr_p.h:73
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QUrl class provides a convenient interface for working with URLs.
Definition: qurl.h:61
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
#define Q_ASSERT(cond)
Definition: qglobal.h:1823
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
XsdSchemaParserContext * m_parserContext
void addIncludedSchemas(const NamespaceSet &schemas)
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdSchemaContext > Ptr
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
T * data() const
Returns a pointer to the shared data object.
Definition: qshareddata.h:145
void addImportedSchemas(const NamespaceSet &schemas)
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
bool contains(const T &value) const
Definition: qset.h:91
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the string has no characters; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qstring.h:704
The resource loader will report no error and return an empty QNetworkReply.
const_iterator insert(const T &value)
Definition: qset.h:179
void addRedefinedSchemas(const NamespaceSet &schemas)
void setDocumentURI(const QUrl &uri)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static QNetworkReply * load(const QUrl &uri, QNetworkAccessManager *const networkManager, const ReportContext::Ptr &context, ErrorHandling handling=FailOnError)
Helper function that do NetworkAccessDelegator::get(), but does it blocked.
The QFile class provides an interface for reading from and writing to files.
Definition: qfile.h:65
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
Implements the parsing of XML schema file.
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static QString formatURI(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QXmlName::NamespaceCode &uri)
Formats uri, that&#39;s considered to be a URI, for display.
Definition: qanyuri_p.h:202
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
QUrl resolved(const QUrl &relative) const
Returns the result of the merge of this URL with relative.
Definition: qurl.cpp:5819
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseInclude()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseInclude ( )

This method is called for parsing any top-level include object.

Definition at line 580 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSchema().

581 {
587  // parse attributes
588  const QString schemaLocation = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("schemaLocation"));
590  QUrl url(schemaLocation);
591  if (url.isRelative()) {
594  url = m_documentURI.resolved(url);
595  }
597  if (m_includedSchemas.contains(url)) {
598  // we have included that file already, according to the schema spec we are
599  // allowed to silently skip it.
600  } else {
605  if (reply) {
606  // parse the included schema by a different parser but with the same context
608  parser.setDocumentURI(url);
609  parser.setTargetNamespaceExtended(m_targetNamespace);
610  parser.setIncludedSchemas(m_includedSchemas);
611  parser.setImportedSchemas(m_importedSchemas);
612  parser.setRedefinedSchemas(m_redefinedSchemas);
613  if (!parser.parse(XsdSchemaParser::IncludeParser)) {
614  return;
615  } else {
616  // add indirectly loaded schemas to the list of already loaded ones
617  addIncludedSchemas(parser.m_includedSchemas);
618  addImportedSchemas(parser.m_importedSchemas);
619  addRedefinedSchemas(parser.m_redefinedSchemas);
620  }
621  }
622  }
624  validateIdAttribute("include");
628  while (!atEnd()) {
629  readNext();
631  if (isEndElement())
632  break;
634  if (isStartElement()) {
638  tagValidator.validate(token);
640  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
641  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
642  m_schema->addAnnotation(annotation);
643  } else {
644  parseUnknown();
645  }
646  }
647  }
649  tagValidator.finalize();
650 }
virtual QNetworkAccessManager * networkAccessManager() const
bool isValid() const
Returns true if the URL is valid; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qurl.cpp:4303
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
A smart pointer very similar to std::auto_ptr.
Definition: qautoptr_p.h:73
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QUrl class provides a convenient interface for working with URLs.
Definition: qurl.h:61
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
#define Q_ASSERT(cond)
Definition: qglobal.h:1823
XsdSchemaParserContext * m_parserContext
void addIncludedSchemas(const NamespaceSet &schemas)
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdSchemaContext > Ptr
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
T * data() const
Returns a pointer to the shared data object.
Definition: qshareddata.h:145
void addImportedSchemas(const NamespaceSet &schemas)
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
bool contains(const T &value) const
Definition: qset.h:91
The resource loader will report no error and return an empty QNetworkReply.
const_iterator insert(const T &value)
Definition: qset.h:179
void addRedefinedSchemas(const NamespaceSet &schemas)
void setDocumentURI(const QUrl &uri)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static QNetworkReply * load(const QUrl &uri, QNetworkAccessManager *const networkManager, const ReportContext::Ptr &context, ErrorHandling handling=FailOnError)
Helper function that do NetworkAccessDelegator::get(), but does it blocked.
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
Implements the parsing of XML schema file.
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
QUrl resolved(const QUrl &relative) const
Returns the result of the merge of this URL with relative.
Definition: qurl.cpp:5819
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseKey()

XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseKey ( )

This method is called for parsing a key object as child of an element object.

Definition at line 5050 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseGlobalElement(), and parseLocalElement().

5051 {
5052  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Key, this);
5056  const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr constraint(new XsdIdentityConstraint());
5057  constraint->setCategory(XsdIdentityConstraint::Key);
5059  // parse attributes
5061  constraint->setName(objectName);
5063  validateIdAttribute("key");
5067  while (!atEnd()) {
5068  readNext();
5070  if (isEndElement())
5071  break;
5073  if (isStartElement()) {
5077  tagValidator.validate(token);
5079  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
5080  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
5081  constraint->addAnnotation(annotation);
5082  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Selector, token, namespaceToken)) {
5083  parseSelector(constraint);
5084  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Field, token, namespaceToken)) {
5085  parseField(constraint);
5086  } else {
5087  parseUnknown();
5088  }
5089  }
5090  }
5092  // add constraint to schema for further checking
5093  addIdentityConstraint(constraint);
5095  tagValidator.finalize();
5097  return constraint;
5098 }
Represents a XSD identity constraint object.
void parseSelector(const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &ptr)
void addIdentityConstraint(const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &constraint)
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
QString readNameAttribute(const char *elementName)
QXmlName allocateQName(const QString &uri, const QString &localName, const QString &prefix=QString())
Definition: qnamepool.cpp:251
void parseField(const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &ptr)
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
The constraint is a key constraint.

◆ parseKeyRef()

XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseKeyRef ( const XsdElement::Ptr element)

This method is called for parsing a keyref object as child of an element object.

Definition at line 5100 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseGlobalElement(), and parseLocalElement().

5101 {
5102  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Keyref, this);
5106  const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr constraint(new XsdIdentityConstraint());
5107  constraint->setCategory(XsdIdentityConstraint::KeyReference);
5109  // parse attributes
5110  const QXmlName objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(m_targetNamespace, readNameAttribute("keyref"));
5111  constraint->setName(objectName);
5113  const QString refer = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("refer"), "keyref");
5114  QXmlName referenceName;
5115  convertName(refer, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, referenceName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
5116  m_schemaResolver->addKeyReference(element, constraint, referenceName, currentSourceLocation()); // add to resolver
5118  validateIdAttribute("keyref");
5122  while (!atEnd()) {
5123  readNext();
5125  if (isEndElement())
5126  break;
5128  if (isStartElement()) {
5132  tagValidator.validate(token);
5134  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
5135  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
5136  constraint->addAnnotation(annotation);
5137  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Selector, token, namespaceToken)) {
5138  parseSelector(constraint);
5139  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Field, token, namespaceToken)) {
5140  parseField(constraint);
5141  } else {
5142  parseUnknown();
5143  }
5144  }
5145  }
5147  // add constraint to schema for further checking
5148  addIdentityConstraint(constraint);
5150  tagValidator.finalize();
5152  return constraint;
5153 }
Represents a XSD identity constraint object.
void parseSelector(const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &ptr)
void addIdentityConstraint(const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &constraint)
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
void addKeyReference(const XsdElement::Ptr &element, const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &keyRef, const QXmlName &name, const QSourceLocation &location)
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
QString readQNameAttribute(const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
QString readNameAttribute(const char *elementName)
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
QXmlName allocateQName(const QString &uri, const QString &localName, const QString &prefix=QString())
Definition: qnamepool.cpp:251
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
void parseField(const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &ptr)
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseLengthFacet()

XsdFacet::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseLengthFacet ( )

This method is called for parsing a length object as child of a restriction object.

Definition at line 2182 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContentRestriction(), and parseSimpleRestriction().

2183 {
2184  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Length, this);
2188  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = XsdFacet::Ptr(new XsdFacet());
2189  facet->setType(XsdFacet::Length);
2191  // parse attributes
2192  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
2193  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"));
2194  const Boolean::Ptr fixed = Boolean::fromLexical(value);
2195  if (fixed->hasError()) {
2196  attributeContentError("fixed", "length", value, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
2197  return facet;
2198  }
2200  facet->setFixed(fixed->as<Boolean>()->value());
2201  } else {
2202  facet->setFixed(false); // the default value
2203  }
2205  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("value"));
2207  if (integer->hasError()) {
2208  attributeContentError("value", "length", value, BuiltinTypes::xsNonNegativeInteger);
2209  return facet;
2210  } else {
2211  facet->setValue(integer);
2212  }
2214  validateIdAttribute("length");
2218  while (!atEnd()) {
2219  readNext();
2221  if (isEndElement())
2222  break;
2224  if (isStartElement()) {
2228  tagValidator.validate(token);
2230  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
2231  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
2232  facet->addAnnotation(annotation);
2233  } else {
2234  parseUnknown();
2235  }
2236  }
2237  }
2239  tagValidator.finalize();
2241  return facet;
2242 }
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QString &strNumeric)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream & fixed(QTextStream &s)
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
const TCastTarget * as() const
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool value() const
Definition: qboolean_p.h:109
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdFacet > Ptr
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:96
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsNonNegativeInteger
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
Match the exact length (Length Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:104
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
Represents instances of derived xs:integer types, such as xs:byte.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseList()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseList ( const XsdSimpleType::Ptr ptr)

This method is called for parsing a list object as child of a simpleType object.

Definition at line 1635 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseGlobalSimpleType(), and parseLocalSimpleType().

1636 {
1637  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::List, this);
1645  // The itemType attribute and simpleType member are mutually exclusive,
1646  // so we keep track of that
1647  bool hasItemTypeAttribute = false;
1648  bool hasItemTypeSpecified = false;
1650  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("itemType"))) {
1651  const QString itemType = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("itemType"), "list");
1653  convertName(itemType, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, typeName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
1654  m_schemaResolver->addSimpleListType(ptr, typeName, currentSourceLocation()); // add to resolver
1656  hasItemTypeAttribute = true;
1657  hasItemTypeSpecified = true;
1658  }
1660  validateIdAttribute("list");
1664  while (!atEnd()) {
1665  readNext();
1667  if (isEndElement())
1668  break;
1670  if (isStartElement()) {
1674  tagValidator.validate(token);
1676  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
1677  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
1678  ptr->addAnnotation(annotation);
1679  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, token, namespaceToken)) {
1680  if (hasItemTypeAttribute) {
1681  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element is not allowed inside %2 element if %3 attribute is present.")
1682  .arg(formatElement("simpleType"))
1683  .arg(formatElement("list"))
1684  .arg(formatAttribute("itemType")));
1685  return;
1686  }
1689  type->setContext(ptr);
1690  ptr->setItemType(type);
1692  hasItemTypeSpecified = true;
1694  // add it to list of anonymous types as well
1695  addAnonymousType(type);
1696  } else {
1697  parseUnknown();
1698  }
1699  }
1700  }
1702  if (!hasItemTypeSpecified) {
1703  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element has neither %2 attribute nor %3 child element.")
1704  .arg(formatElement("list"))
1705  .arg(formatAttribute("itemType"))
1706  .arg(formatElement("simpleType")));
1707  return;
1708  }
1710  tagValidator.finalize();
1712  // add the default white space facet that every simple type with list derivation has
1713  const XsdFacet::Ptr defaultFacet(new XsdFacet());
1714  defaultFacet->setType(XsdFacet::WhiteSpace);
1715  defaultFacet->setFixed(true);
1717  XsdFacet::Hash facets;
1718  facets.insert(defaultFacet->type(), defaultFacet);
1719  ptr->setFacets(facets);
1720 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
int type
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
void setItemType(const AnySimpleType::Ptr &type)
void addSimpleListType(const XsdSimpleType::Ptr &simpleType, const QXmlName &typeName, const QSourceLocation &location)
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
static QString toString(NodeName token)
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
void setDerivationMethod(DerivationMethod method)
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Inserts a new item with the key and a value of value.
Definition: qhash.h:753
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
void setFacets(const XsdFacet::Hash &facets)
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
const char * typeName
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
void setWxsSuperType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
QString readQNameAttribute(const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
Match a whitespace rule (White Space Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:108
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
void setContext(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &component)
Represents instances of derived xs:string types, such as xs:normalizedString.
void setCategory(TypeCategory category)
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
static const SchemaType::Ptr xsAnySimpleType
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
void addAnonymousType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
XsdSimpleType::Ptr parseLocalSimpleType()
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseLocalAll()

XsdModelGroup::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseLocalAll ( const XsdParticle::Ptr particle,
const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr parent 

This method is called for parsing an all object as descendant of a complexType object.

particleThe particle the all object belongs to.
parentThe schema component the all object is part of.

Definition at line 3651 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseGlobalComplexType(), and parseLocalComplexType().

3652 {
3653  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::All, this);
3657  const XsdModelGroup::Ptr modelGroup(new XsdModelGroup());
3658  modelGroup->setCompositor(XsdModelGroup::AllCompositor);
3660  // parse attributes
3661  if (!parseMinMaxConstraint(particle, "all")) {
3662  return modelGroup;
3663  }
3664  if (particle->maximumOccursUnbounded() || particle->maximumOccurs() != 1) {
3665  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3.")
3666  .arg(formatAttribute("maxOccurs"))
3667  .arg(formatElement("all"))
3668  .arg(formatData("1")));
3669  return modelGroup;
3670  }
3671  if (particle->minimumOccurs() != 0 && particle->minimumOccurs() != 1) {
3672  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3 or %4.")
3673  .arg(formatAttribute("minOccurs"))
3674  .arg(formatElement("all"))
3675  .arg(formatData("0"))
3676  .arg(formatData("1")));
3677  return modelGroup;
3678  }
3680  validateIdAttribute("all");
3684  XsdParticle::List particles;
3685  while (!atEnd()) {
3686  readNext();
3688  if (isEndElement())
3689  break;
3691  if (isStartElement()) {
3695  tagValidator.validate(token);
3697  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
3698  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
3699  modelGroup->addAnnotation(annotation);
3700  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Element, token, namespaceToken)) {
3701  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3702  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalElement(particle, parent);
3703  particle->setTerm(term);
3705  if (particle->maximumOccursUnbounded() || particle->maximumOccurs() > 1) {
3706  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3 or %4.")
3707  .arg(formatAttribute("maxOccurs"))
3708  .arg(formatElement("all"))
3709  .arg(formatData("0"))
3710  .arg(formatData("1")));
3711  return modelGroup;
3712  }
3714  particles.append(particle);
3715  } else {
3716  parseUnknown();
3717  }
3718  }
3719  }
3721  modelGroup->setParticles(particles);
3723  tagValidator.finalize();
3725  return modelGroup;
3726 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
XsdTerm::Ptr parseLocalElement(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
Represents a XSD model group object.
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The model group contains elements only.
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void append(const T &t)
Inserts value at the end of the list.
Definition: qlist.h:507
unsigned int maximumOccurs() const
unsigned int minimumOccurs() const
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool parseMinMaxConstraint(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const char *tagName)
Represents a XSD particle object.
void setTerm(const XsdTerm::Ptr &term)
static QString formatData(const QString &data)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
bool maximumOccursUnbounded() const
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseLocalAttribute()

XsdAttributeUse::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseLocalAttribute ( const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr parent)

This method is called for parsing any non-top-level attribute object as a descendant of a complexType object or an attributeGroup object.

parentThe parent component the attribute object is part of.

Definition at line 4131 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseGlobalComplexType(), parseLocalComplexType(), parseNamedAttributeGroup(), parseSimpleContentExtension(), and parseSimpleContentRestriction().

4132 {
4133  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, this);
4137  bool hasRefAttribute = false;
4138  bool hasTypeAttribute = false;
4139  bool hasTypeSpecified = false;
4141  XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse;
4142  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("ref"))) {
4144  reference->setType(XsdAttributeReference::AttributeUse);
4145  reference->setSourceLocation(currentSourceLocation());
4147  attributeUse = reference;
4148  hasRefAttribute = true;
4149  } else {
4150  attributeUse = XsdAttributeUse::Ptr(new XsdAttributeUse());
4151  }
4153  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("default")) && hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
4154  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.")
4155  .arg(formatElement("attribute"))
4156  .arg(formatAttribute("default"))
4157  .arg(formatAttribute("fixed")));
4158  return attributeUse;
4159  }
4161  if (hasRefAttribute) {
4162  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("form"))) {
4163  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.")
4164  .arg(formatElement("attribute"))
4165  .arg(formatAttribute("ref"))
4166  .arg(formatAttribute("form")));
4167  return attributeUse;
4168  }
4169  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("name"))) {
4170  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.")
4171  .arg(formatElement("attribute"))
4172  .arg(formatAttribute("ref"))
4173  .arg(formatAttribute("name")));
4174  return attributeUse;
4175  }
4176  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("type"))) {
4177  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.")
4178  .arg(formatElement("attribute"))
4179  .arg(formatAttribute("ref"))
4180  .arg(formatAttribute("type")));
4181  return attributeUse;
4182  }
4183  }
4185  // parse attributes
4187  // default, fixed and use are handled by both, attribute use and attribute reference
4188  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("default"))) {
4189  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("default"));
4190  attributeUse->setValueConstraint(XsdAttributeUse::ValueConstraint::Ptr(new XsdAttributeUse::ValueConstraint()));
4191  attributeUse->valueConstraint()->setVariety(XsdAttributeUse::ValueConstraint::Default);
4192  attributeUse->valueConstraint()->setValue(value);
4193  } else if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
4194  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"));
4195  attributeUse->setValueConstraint(XsdAttributeUse::ValueConstraint::Ptr(new XsdAttributeUse::ValueConstraint()));
4196  attributeUse->valueConstraint()->setVariety(XsdAttributeUse::ValueConstraint::Fixed);
4197  attributeUse->valueConstraint()->setValue(value);
4198  }
4200  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("use"))) {
4201  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("use"));
4202  if (value != QString::fromLatin1("optional") &&
4203  value != QString::fromLatin1("prohibited") &&
4204  value != QString::fromLatin1("required")) {
4205  attributeContentError("use", "attribute", value);
4206  return attributeUse;
4207  }
4209  if (value == QString::fromLatin1("optional"))
4210  attributeUse->setUseType(XsdAttributeUse::OptionalUse);
4211  else if (value == QString::fromLatin1("prohibited"))
4212  attributeUse->setUseType(XsdAttributeUse::ProhibitedUse);
4213  else if (value == QString::fromLatin1("required"))
4214  attributeUse->setUseType(XsdAttributeUse::RequiredUse);
4216  if (attributeUse->valueConstraint() && attributeUse->valueConstraint()->variety() == XsdAttributeUse::ValueConstraint::Default && value != QString::fromLatin1("optional")) {
4217  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 attribute of %2 element must have the value %3 because the %4 attribute is set.")
4218  .arg(formatAttribute("use"))
4219  .arg(formatElement("attribute"))
4220  .arg(formatData("optional"))
4221  .arg(formatElement("default")));
4222  return attributeUse;
4223  }
4224  }
4226  const XsdAttribute::Ptr attribute(new XsdAttribute());
4228  attributeUse->setAttribute(attribute);
4231  attribute->setScope(XsdAttribute::Scope::Ptr(new XsdAttribute::Scope()));
4232  attribute->scope()->setVariety(XsdAttribute::Scope::Local);
4233  attribute->scope()->setParent(parent);
4235  // now make a difference between attribute reference and attribute use
4236  if (hasRefAttribute) {
4237  const QString reference = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("ref"), "attribute");
4238  QXmlName referenceName;
4239  convertName(reference, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, referenceName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
4241  const XsdAttributeReference::Ptr attributeReference = attributeUse;
4242  attributeReference->setReferenceName(referenceName);
4243  } else {
4244  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("name"))) {
4245  const QString attributeName = readNameAttribute("attribute");
4247  QXmlName objectName;
4248  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("form"))) {
4249  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("form"));
4250  if (value != QString::fromLatin1("qualified") && value != QString::fromLatin1("unqualified")) {
4251  attributeContentError("form", "attribute", value);
4252  return attributeUse;
4253  }
4255  if (value == QString::fromLatin1("qualified")) {
4256  objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(m_targetNamespace, attributeName);
4257  } else {
4258  objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(QString(), attributeName);
4259  }
4260  } else {
4261  if (m_attributeFormDefault == QString::fromLatin1("qualified")) {
4262  objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(m_targetNamespace, attributeName);
4263  } else {
4264  objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(QString(), attributeName);
4265  }
4266  }
4268  if ((objectName.namespaceURI() == StandardNamespaces::xsi) &&
4269  (m_namePool->stringForLocalName(objectName.localName()) != QString::fromLatin1("type")) &&
4270  (m_namePool->stringForLocalName(objectName.localName()) != QString::fromLatin1("nil")) &&
4271  (m_namePool->stringForLocalName(objectName.localName()) != QString::fromLatin1("schemaLocation")) &&
4272  (m_namePool->stringForLocalName(objectName.localName()) != QString::fromLatin1("noNamespaceSchemaLocation"))) {
4274  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Content of %1 attribute of %2 element must not be from namespace %3.")
4275  .arg(formatAttribute("name"))
4276  .arg(formatElement("attribute"))
4278  return attributeUse;
4279  }
4280  if (m_namePool->stringForLocalName(objectName.localName()) == QString::fromLatin1("xmlns")) {
4281  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 attribute of %2 element must not be %3.")
4282  .arg(formatAttribute("name"))
4283  .arg(formatElement("attribute"))
4284  .arg(formatData("xmlns")));
4285  return attributeUse;
4286  }
4288  attribute->setName(objectName);
4289  }
4291  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("type"))) {
4292  hasTypeAttribute = true;
4294  const QString type = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("type"), "attribute");
4296  convertName(type, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, typeName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
4297  m_schemaResolver->addAttributeType(attribute, typeName, currentSourceLocation()); // add to resolver
4298  hasTypeSpecified = true;
4299  }
4301  if (attributeUse->valueConstraint()) {
4302  //TODO: check whether assigning the value constraint of the attribute use to the attribute is correct
4303  if (!attribute->valueConstraint())
4304  attribute->setValueConstraint(XsdAttribute::ValueConstraint::Ptr(new XsdAttribute::ValueConstraint()));
4306  attribute->valueConstraint()->setVariety((XsdAttribute::ValueConstraint::Variety)attributeUse->valueConstraint()->variety());
4307  attribute->valueConstraint()->setValue(attributeUse->valueConstraint()->value());
4308  attribute->valueConstraint()->setLexicalForm(attributeUse->valueConstraint()->lexicalForm());
4309  }
4310  }
4312  validateIdAttribute("attribute");
4316  while (!atEnd()) {
4317  readNext();
4319  if (isEndElement())
4320  break;
4322  if (isStartElement()) {
4326  tagValidator.validate(token);
4328  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
4329  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
4330  attribute->addAnnotation(annotation);
4331  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, token, namespaceToken)) {
4332  if (hasTypeAttribute) {
4333  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.")
4334  .arg(formatElement("attribute"))
4335  .arg(formatElement("simpleType"))
4336  .arg(formatAttribute("type")));
4337  break;
4338  }
4339  if (hasRefAttribute) {
4340  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.")
4341  .arg(formatElement("attribute"))
4342  .arg(formatElement("simpleType"))
4343  .arg(formatAttribute("ref")));
4344  break;
4345  }
4348  type->setContext(attribute);
4349  attribute->setType(type);
4350  hasTypeSpecified = true;
4352  // add it to list of anonymous types as well
4353  addAnonymousType(type);
4354  } else {
4355  parseUnknown();
4356  }
4357  }
4358  }
4360  if (!hasTypeSpecified) {
4361  attribute->setType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnySimpleType); // default value
4362  }
4364  tagValidator.finalize();
4366  return attributeUse;
4367 }
const QString & stringForLocalName(const QXmlName::LocalNameCode code) const
Definition: qnamepool_p.h:168
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
int type
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
Represents a XSD attribute object.
The attribute use has a fixed value set.
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
The attribute is not allowed to be there.
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
The attribute can be there but doesn&#39;t need to.
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
const QLatin1String XSI("http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance")
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdAttributeUse > Ptr
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
The attribute use has a default value set.
A helper class for attribute reference resolving.
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Inserts a new item with the key and a value of value.
Definition: qhash.h:753
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
ComponentLocationHash m_componentLocationHash
const char * typeName
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
QString readQNameAttribute(const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
Describes the value constraint of an attribute.
static QString formatData(const QString &data)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
void setContext(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &component)
QString localName(const QXmlNamePool &query) const
Returns the local name.
Definition: qxmlname.cpp:387
NamespaceCode namespaceURI() const
Definition: qnamepool_p.h:503
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
The reference points to an attribute use.
QString readNameAttribute(const char *elementName)
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
static const SchemaType::Ptr xsAnySimpleType
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
Describes the scope of an attribute.
Represents a XSD attribute use object.
void addAnonymousType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
QXmlName allocateQName(const QString &uri, const QString &localName, const QString &prefix=QString())
Definition: qnamepool.cpp:251
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
void addAttributeType(const XsdAttribute::Ptr &attribute, const QXmlName &typeName, const QSourceLocation &location)
The attribute is defined locally as child of a complex type or attribute group definition.
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
static QString formatURI(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QXmlName::NamespaceCode &uri)
Formats uri, that&#39;s considered to be a URI, for display.
Definition: qanyuri_p.h:202
XsdSimpleType::Ptr parseLocalSimpleType()
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdAttributeReference > Ptr
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseLocalChoice()

XsdModelGroup::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseLocalChoice ( const XsdParticle::Ptr particle,
const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr parent 

This method is called for parsing a choice object as descendant of a complexType object or a choice object.

particleThe particle the choice object belongs to.
parentThe schema component the choice object is part of.

Definition at line 3797 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseChoice(), parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseGlobalComplexType(), parseLocalComplexType(), parseLocalSequence(), and parseSequence().

3798 {
3799  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Choice, this);
3803  const XsdModelGroup::Ptr modelGroup(new XsdModelGroup());
3804  modelGroup->setCompositor(XsdModelGroup::ChoiceCompositor);
3806  // parse attributes
3807  if (!parseMinMaxConstraint(particle, "choice")) {
3808  return modelGroup;
3809  }
3811  validateIdAttribute("choice");
3813  XsdParticle::List particles;
3817  while (!atEnd()) {
3818  readNext();
3820  if (isEndElement())
3821  break;
3823  if (isStartElement()) {
3827  tagValidator.validate(token);
3829  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
3830  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
3831  modelGroup->addAnnotation(annotation);
3832  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Element, token, namespaceToken)) {
3833  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3834  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalElement(particle, parent);
3835  particle->setTerm(term);
3836  particles.append(particle);
3837  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Group, token, namespaceToken)) {
3838  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3839  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseReferredGroup(particle);
3841  particle->setTerm(term);
3842  particles.append(particle);
3843  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Choice, token, namespaceToken)) {
3844  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3845  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalChoice(particle, parent);
3846  particle->setTerm(term);
3847  particles.append(particle);
3848  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, token, namespaceToken)) {
3849  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3850  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalSequence(particle, parent);
3851  particle->setTerm(term);
3852  particles.append(particle);
3853  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Any, token, namespaceToken)) {
3854  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3855  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseAny(particle);
3856  particle->setTerm(term);
3857  particles.append(particle);
3858  } else {
3859  parseUnknown();
3860  }
3861  }
3862  }
3864  modelGroup->setParticles(particles);
3866  tagValidator.finalize();
3868  return modelGroup;
3869 }
XsdTerm::Ptr parseLocalElement(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalSequence(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
Represents a XSD model group object.
XsdTerm::Ptr parseReferredGroup(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void append(const T &t)
Inserts value at the end of the list.
Definition: qlist.h:507
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
void addAllGroupCheck(const XsdReference::Ptr &reference)
bool parseMinMaxConstraint(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const char *tagName)
Represents a XSD particle object.
void setTerm(const XsdTerm::Ptr &term)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
XsdWildcard::Ptr parseAny(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalChoice(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)

◆ parseLocalComplexType()

XsdComplexType::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseLocalComplexType ( )

This method is called for parsing any complexType object as descendant of an element object.

Definition at line 2735 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAlternative(), parseGlobalElement(), and parseLocalElement().

2736 {
2737  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, this);
2741  bool hasTypeSpecified = false;
2742  bool hasComplexContent = true;
2744  const XsdComplexType::Ptr complexType(new XsdComplexType());
2745  complexType->setName(m_parserContext->createAnonymousName(m_targetNamespace));
2747  // parse attributes
2748  bool effectiveMixed = false;
2749  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("mixed"))) {
2750  const QString mixed = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("mixed"));
2752  const Boolean::Ptr value = Boolean::fromLexical(mixed);
2753  if (value->hasError()) {
2754  attributeContentError("mixed", "complexType", mixed, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
2755  return complexType;
2756  }
2758  effectiveMixed = value->as<Boolean>()->value();
2759  }
2761  validateIdAttribute("complexType");
2765  while (!atEnd()) {
2766  readNext();
2768  if (isEndElement())
2769  break;
2771  if (isStartElement()) {
2775  tagValidator.validate(token);
2777  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
2778  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
2779  complexType->addAnnotation(annotation);
2780  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleContent, token, namespaceToken)) {
2781  parseSimpleContent(complexType);
2782  hasTypeSpecified = true;
2783  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::ComplexContent, token, namespaceToken)) {
2784  bool mixed;
2785  parseComplexContent(complexType, &mixed);
2786  hasTypeSpecified = true;
2788  effectiveMixed = (effectiveMixed || mixed);
2789  hasComplexContent = true;
2790  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::OpenContent, token, namespaceToken)) {
2791  const XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr openContent = parseOpenContent();
2792  complexType->contentType()->setOpenContent(openContent);
2793  hasComplexContent = true;
2794  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Group, token, namespaceToken)) {
2795  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
2796  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseReferredGroup(particle);
2797  particle->setTerm(term);
2798  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
2800  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2801  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::ElementOnly);
2802  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2803  hasComplexContent = true;
2804  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::All, token, namespaceToken)) {
2805  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
2806  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalAll(particle, complexType);
2807  particle->setTerm(term);
2808  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
2810  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2811  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::ElementOnly);
2812  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2813  hasComplexContent = true;
2814  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Choice, token, namespaceToken)) {
2815  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
2816  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalChoice(particle, complexType);
2817  particle->setTerm(term);
2818  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
2820  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2821  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::ElementOnly);
2822  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2823  hasComplexContent = true;
2824  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, token, namespaceToken)) {
2825  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
2826  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalSequence(particle, complexType);
2827  particle->setTerm(term);
2828  complexType->contentType()->setParticle(particle);
2830  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2831  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::ElementOnly);
2832  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2833  hasComplexContent = true;
2834  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, token, namespaceToken)) {
2835  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse = parseLocalAttribute(complexType);
2836  complexType->addAttributeUse(attributeUse);
2838  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2839  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::ElementOnly);
2840  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2841  hasComplexContent = true;
2842  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, token, namespaceToken)) {
2843  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse = parseReferredAttributeGroup();
2844  complexType->addAttributeUse(attributeUse);
2846  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2847  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::ElementOnly);
2848  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2849  hasComplexContent = true;
2850  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, token, namespaceToken)) {
2851  const XsdWildcard::Ptr wildcard = parseAnyAttribute();
2852  complexType->setAttributeWildcard(wildcard);
2854  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2855  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::ElementOnly);
2856  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2857  hasComplexContent = true;
2858  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Assert, token, namespaceToken)) {
2860  complexType->addAssertion(assertion);
2861  } else {
2862  parseUnknown();
2863  }
2864  }
2865  }
2867  tagValidator.finalize();
2869  if (!hasTypeSpecified) {
2870  complexType->setWxsSuperType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
2871  complexType->setDerivationMethod(XsdComplexType::DerivationRestriction);
2872  hasComplexContent = true;
2873  }
2875  if (hasComplexContent == true) {
2876  resolveComplexContentType(complexType, effectiveMixed);
2877  }
2879  return complexType;
2880 }
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalSequence(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
XsdWildcard::Ptr parseAnyAttribute()
XsdTerm::Ptr parseReferredGroup(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr parseOpenContent()
void parseSimpleContent(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
Represents a XSD complexType object.
void resolveComplexContentType(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType, bool effectiveMixed)
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
QXmlName createAnonymousName(const QString &targetNamespace) const
XsdSchemaParserContext * m_parserContext
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseLocalAttribute(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
static const SchemaType::Ptr xsAnyType
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void parseComplexContent(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType, bool *mixed)
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseReferredAttributeGroup()
const TCastTarget * as() const
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
Represents a XSD particle object.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
XsdAssertion::Ptr parseAssertion(const XsdSchemaToken::NodeName &nodeName, const XsdTagScope::Type &tag)
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
The complex type has further elements or attributes but no text as content.
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalAll(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalChoice(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)

◆ parseLocalElement()

XsdTerm::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseLocalElement ( const XsdParticle::Ptr particle,
const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr parent 

This method is called for parsing any non-top-level element object as a descendant of a complexType object or a group object.

particleThe particle the element object belongs to.
parentThe parent component the element object is part of.

Definition at line 4685 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAll(), parseChoice(), parseLocalAll(), parseLocalChoice(), parseLocalSequence(), and parseSequence().

4686 {
4687  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Element, this);
4691  bool hasRefAttribute = false;
4692  bool hasTypeAttribute = false;
4693  bool hasTypeSpecified = false;
4695  XsdTerm::Ptr term;
4696  XsdElement::Ptr element;
4697  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("ref"))) {
4698  term = XsdReference::Ptr(new XsdReference());
4699  hasRefAttribute = true;
4700  } else {
4701  term = XsdElement::Ptr(new XsdElement());
4702  element = term;
4703  }
4705  if (hasRefAttribute) {
4706  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("name"))) {
4707  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.")
4708  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4709  .arg(formatAttribute("ref"))
4710  .arg(formatAttribute("name")));
4711  return term;
4712  } else if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("block"))) {
4713  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.")
4714  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4715  .arg(formatAttribute("ref"))
4716  .arg(formatAttribute("block")));
4717  return term;
4718  } else if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("nillable"))) {
4719  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.")
4720  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4721  .arg(formatAttribute("ref"))
4722  .arg(formatAttribute("nillable")));
4723  return term;
4724  } else if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("default"))) {
4725  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.")
4726  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4727  .arg(formatAttribute("ref"))
4728  .arg(formatAttribute("default")));
4729  return term;
4730  } else if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
4731  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.")
4732  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4733  .arg(formatAttribute("ref"))
4734  .arg(formatAttribute("fixed")));
4735  return term;
4736  } else if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("form"))) {
4737  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.")
4738  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4739  .arg(formatAttribute("ref"))
4740  .arg(formatAttribute("form")));
4741  return term;
4742  } else if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("type"))) {
4743  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.")
4744  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4745  .arg(formatAttribute("ref"))
4746  .arg(formatAttribute("type")));
4747  return term;
4748  }
4749  }
4751  // parse attributes
4752  if (!parseMinMaxConstraint(particle, "element")) {
4753  return element;
4754  }
4757  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must have either %2 or %3 attribute.")
4758  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4759  .arg(formatAttribute("name"))
4760  .arg(formatAttribute("ref")));
4761  return element;
4762  }
4764  if (hasRefAttribute) {
4765  const QString ref = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("ref"), "element");
4766  QXmlName referenceName;
4767  convertName(ref, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, referenceName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
4769  const XsdReference::Ptr reference = term;
4770  reference->setReferenceName(referenceName);
4771  reference->setType(XsdReference::Element);
4772  reference->setSourceLocation(currentSourceLocation());
4773  } else {
4775  element->scope()->setVariety(XsdElement::Scope::Local);
4776  element->scope()->setParent(parent);
4778  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("name"))) {
4779  const QString elementName = readNameAttribute("element");
4781  QXmlName objectName;
4782  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("form"))) {
4783  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("form"));
4784  if (value != QString::fromLatin1("qualified") && value != QString::fromLatin1("unqualified")) {
4785  attributeContentError("form", "element", value);
4786  return element;
4787  }
4789  if (value == QString::fromLatin1("qualified")) {
4790  objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(m_targetNamespace, elementName);
4791  } else {
4792  objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(QString(), elementName);
4793  }
4794  } else {
4795  if (m_elementFormDefault == QString::fromLatin1("qualified")) {
4796  objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(m_targetNamespace, elementName);
4797  } else {
4798  objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(QString(), elementName);
4799  }
4800  }
4802  element->setName(objectName);
4803  }
4805  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("nillable"))) {
4806  const QString nillable = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("nillable"));
4808  const Boolean::Ptr value = Boolean::fromLexical(nillable);
4809  if (value->hasError()) {
4810  attributeContentError("nillable", "element", nillable, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
4811  return term;
4812  }
4814  element->setIsNillable(value->as<Boolean>()->value());
4815  } else {
4816  element->setIsNillable(false); // the default value
4817  }
4819  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("default")) && hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
4820  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together.")
4821  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4822  .arg(formatAttribute("default"))
4823  .arg(formatAttribute("fixed")));
4824  return element;
4825  }
4827  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("default"))) {
4828  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("default"));
4830  element->valueConstraint()->setVariety(XsdElement::ValueConstraint::Default);
4831  element->valueConstraint()->setValue(value);
4832  } else if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
4833  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"));
4835  element->valueConstraint()->setVariety(XsdElement::ValueConstraint::Fixed);
4836  element->valueConstraint()->setValue(value);
4837  }
4839  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("type"))) {
4840  const QString type = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("type"), "element");
4842  convertName(type, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, typeName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
4843  m_schemaResolver->addElementType(element, typeName, currentSourceLocation()); // add to resolver
4845  hasTypeAttribute = true;
4846  hasTypeSpecified = true;
4847  }
4850  }
4852  validateIdAttribute("element");
4854  XsdAlternative::List alternatives;
4858  while (!atEnd()) {
4859  readNext();
4861  if (isEndElement())
4862  break;
4864  if (isStartElement()) {
4868  tagValidator.validate(token);
4870  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
4871  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
4872  term->addAnnotation(annotation);
4873  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, token, namespaceToken)) {
4874  if (hasRefAttribute) {
4875  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.")
4876  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4877  .arg(formatElement("simpleType"))
4878  .arg(formatAttribute("ref")));
4879  return term;
4880  } else if (hasTypeAttribute) {
4881  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.")
4882  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4883  .arg(formatElement("simpleType"))
4884  .arg(formatAttribute("type")));
4885  return term;
4886  }
4889  type->setContext(element);
4890  element->setType(type);
4892  // add it to list of anonymous types as well
4893  addAnonymousType(type);
4895  hasTypeSpecified = true;
4896  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, token, namespaceToken)) {
4897  if (hasRefAttribute) {
4898  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.")
4899  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4900  .arg(formatElement("complexType"))
4901  .arg(formatAttribute("ref")));
4902  return term;
4903  } else if (hasTypeAttribute) {
4904  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.")
4905  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4906  .arg(formatElement("complexType"))
4907  .arg(formatAttribute("type")));
4908  return term;
4909  }
4912  type->setContext(element);
4913  element->setType(type);
4915  // add it to list of anonymous types as well
4916  addAnonymousType(type);
4918  hasTypeSpecified = true;
4919  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Alternative, token, namespaceToken)) {
4920  if (hasRefAttribute) {
4921  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.")
4922  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4923  .arg(formatElement("alternative"))
4924  .arg(formatAttribute("ref")));
4925  return term;
4926  }
4928  const XsdAlternative::Ptr alternative = parseAlternative();
4929  alternatives.append(alternative);
4930  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Unique, token, namespaceToken)) {
4931  if (hasRefAttribute) {
4932  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.")
4933  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4934  .arg(formatElement("unique"))
4935  .arg(formatAttribute("ref")));
4936  return term;
4937  }
4939  const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr constraint = parseUnique();
4940  element->addIdentityConstraint(constraint);
4941  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Key, token, namespaceToken)) {
4942  if (hasRefAttribute) {
4943  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.")
4944  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4945  .arg(formatElement("key"))
4946  .arg(formatAttribute("ref")));
4947  return term;
4948  }
4950  const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr constraint = parseKey();
4951  element->addIdentityConstraint(constraint);
4952  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Keyref, token, namespaceToken)) {
4953  if (hasRefAttribute) {
4954  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute.")
4955  .arg(formatElement("element"))
4956  .arg(formatElement("keyref"))
4957  .arg(formatAttribute("ref")));
4958  return term;
4959  }
4961  const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr constraint = parseKeyRef(element);
4962  element->addIdentityConstraint(constraint);
4963  } else {
4964  parseUnknown();
4965  }
4966  }
4967  }
4969  tagValidator.finalize();
4971  if (!hasTypeSpecified && !hasRefAttribute)
4972  element->setType(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyType);
4974  if (!hasRefAttribute && !alternatives.isEmpty()) {
4977  for (int i = 0; i < alternatives.count(); ++i) {
4978  if (alternatives.at(i)->test())
4979  element->typeTable()->addAlternative(alternatives.at(i));
4981  if (i == (alternatives.count() - 1)) { // the final one
4982  if (!alternatives.at(i)->test()) {
4983  element->typeTable()->setDefaultTypeDefinition(alternatives.at(i));
4984  } else {
4985  const XsdAlternative::Ptr alternative(new XsdAlternative());
4986  if (element->type())
4987  alternative->setType(element->type());
4988  else
4989  m_schemaResolver->addAlternativeType(alternative, element); // add to resolver
4991  element->typeTable()->setDefaultTypeDefinition(alternative);
4992  }
4993  }
4994  }
4995  }
4997  return term;
4998 }
TypeTable::Ptr typeTable() const
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
int type
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
Represents a XSD element object.
Definition: qxsdelement_p.h:83
virtual bool hasError() const
The element is defined locally as child of a complex type or model group definition.
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
void setContext(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &component)
XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr parseKey()
XsdComplexType::Ptr parseLocalComplexType()
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
void addIdentityConstraint(const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &constraint)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
int count(const T &t) const
Returns the number of occurrences of value in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:891
NamedSchemaComponent::BlockingConstraints readBlockingConstraintAttribute(const NamedSchemaComponent::BlockingConstraints &allowedConstraints, const char *elementName)
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr parseKeyRef(const XsdElement::Ptr &element)
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the list contains no items; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qlist.h:152
SchemaType::Ptr type() const
The element has a default value set.
static const SchemaType::Ptr xsAnyType
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void append(const T &t)
Inserts value at the end of the list.
Definition: qlist.h:507
const TCastTarget * as() const
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
const char * typeName
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool parseMinMaxConstraint(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const char *tagName)
QString readQNameAttribute(const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
const T & at(int i) const
Returns the item at index position i in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:468
The element has a fixed value set.
XsdXPathExpression::Ptr test() const
bool value() const
Definition: qboolean_p.h:109
void setType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
void setContext(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &component)
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
void setDisallowedSubstitutions(const BlockingConstraints &substitutions)
QString readNameAttribute(const char *elementName)
void setIsNillable(bool nillable)
XsdAlternative::Ptr parseAlternative()
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
void setScope(const Scope::Ptr &scope)
void addAnonymousType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
QXmlName allocateQName(const QString &uri, const QString &localName, const QString &prefix=QString())
Definition: qnamepool.cpp:251
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
ValueConstraint::Ptr valueConstraint() const
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdElement > Ptr
Definition: qxsdelement_p.h:86
A helper class for element and group reference resolving.
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
void addElementType(const XsdElement::Ptr &element, const QXmlName &typeName, const QSourceLocation &location)
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdReference > Ptr
Represents a XSD alternative object.
XsdSimpleType::Ptr parseLocalSimpleType()
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
void setType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
void addAlternativeType(const XsdAlternative::Ptr &alternative, const QXmlName &typeName, const QSourceLocation &location)
void setTypeTable(const TypeTable::Ptr &table)
The reference points to an element.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
void setValueConstraint(const ValueConstraint::Ptr &constraint)
XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr parseUnique()
Scope::Ptr scope() const

◆ parseLocalSequence()

XsdModelGroup::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseLocalSequence ( const XsdParticle::Ptr particle,
const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr parent 

This method is called for parsing a sequence object as descendant of a complexType object or a sequence object.

particleThe particle the sequence object belongs to.
parentThe schema component the sequence object is part of.

Definition at line 3940 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseChoice(), parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseGlobalComplexType(), parseLocalChoice(), parseLocalComplexType(), and parseSequence().

3941 {
3942  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, this);
3946  const XsdModelGroup::Ptr modelGroup(new XsdModelGroup());
3947  modelGroup->setCompositor(XsdModelGroup::SequenceCompositor);
3949  // parse attributes
3950  if (!parseMinMaxConstraint(particle, "sequence")) {
3951  return modelGroup;
3952  }
3954  validateIdAttribute("sequence");
3956  XsdParticle::List particles;
3960  while (!atEnd()) {
3961  readNext();
3963  if (isEndElement())
3964  break;
3966  if (isStartElement()) {
3970  tagValidator.validate(token);
3972  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
3973  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
3974  modelGroup->addAnnotation(annotation);
3975  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Element, token, namespaceToken)) {
3976  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3977  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalElement(particle, parent);
3978  particle->setTerm(term);
3979  particles.append(particle);
3980  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Group, token, namespaceToken)) {
3981  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3982  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseReferredGroup(particle);
3984  particle->setTerm(term);
3985  particles.append(particle);
3986  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Choice, token, namespaceToken)) {
3987  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3988  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalChoice(particle, parent);
3989  particle->setTerm(term);
3990  particles.append(particle);
3991  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, token, namespaceToken)) {
3992  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3993  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalSequence(particle, parent);
3994  particle->setTerm(term);
3995  particles.append(particle);
3996  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Any, token, namespaceToken)) {
3997  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3998  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseAny(particle);
3999  particle->setTerm(term);
4000  particles.append(particle);
4001  } else {
4002  parseUnknown();
4003  }
4004  }
4005  }
4007  modelGroup->setParticles(particles);
4009  tagValidator.finalize();
4011  return modelGroup;
4012 }
XsdTerm::Ptr parseLocalElement(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalSequence(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
Represents a XSD model group object.
XsdTerm::Ptr parseReferredGroup(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void append(const T &t)
Inserts value at the end of the list.
Definition: qlist.h:507
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
void addAllGroupCheck(const XsdReference::Ptr &reference)
bool parseMinMaxConstraint(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const char *tagName)
Represents a XSD particle object.
void setTerm(const XsdTerm::Ptr &term)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
XsdWildcard::Ptr parseAny(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalChoice(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)

◆ parseLocalSimpleType()

XsdSimpleType::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseLocalSimpleType ( )

This method is called for parsing any simpleType object as descendant of an element or complexType object.

Definition at line 1429 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAlternative(), parseGlobalAttribute(), parseGlobalElement(), parseList(), parseLocalAttribute(), parseLocalElement(), parseSimpleContentRestriction(), parseSimpleRestriction(), and parseUnion().

1430 {
1431  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, this);
1435  const XsdSimpleType::Ptr simpleType(new XsdSimpleType());
1436  simpleType->setCategory(XsdSimpleType::SimpleTypeAtomic); // just to make sure it's not invalid
1437  simpleType->setName(m_parserContext->createAnonymousName(m_targetNamespace));
1439  validateIdAttribute("simpleType");
1443  while (!atEnd()) {
1444  readNext();
1446  if (isEndElement())
1447  break;
1449  if (isStartElement()) {
1453  tagValidator.validate(token);
1455  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
1456  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
1457  simpleType->addAnnotation(annotation);
1458  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Restriction, token, namespaceToken)) {
1459  parseSimpleRestriction(simpleType);
1460  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::List, token, namespaceToken)) {
1461  parseList(simpleType);
1462  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Union, token, namespaceToken)) {
1463  parseUnion(simpleType);
1464  } else {
1465  parseUnknown();
1466  }
1467  }
1468  }
1470  tagValidator.finalize();
1472  return simpleType;
1473 }
Represents a XSD simpleType object.
void parseList(const XsdSimpleType::Ptr &ptr)
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
QXmlName createAnonymousName(const QString &targetNamespace) const
XsdSchemaParserContext * m_parserContext
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
void parseSimpleRestriction(const XsdSimpleType::Ptr &ptr)
void parseUnion(const XsdSimpleType::Ptr &ptr)
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseMaxExclusiveFacet()

XsdFacet::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseMaxExclusiveFacet ( )

This method is called for parsing a maxExclusive object as child of a restriction object.

Definition at line 1930 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContentRestriction(), and parseSimpleRestriction().

1931 {
1932  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::MaxExclusive, this);
1936  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = XsdFacet::Ptr(new XsdFacet());
1937  facet->setType(XsdFacet::MaximumExclusive);
1939  // parse attributes
1940  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
1941  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"));
1942  const Boolean::Ptr fixed = Boolean::fromLexical(value);
1943  if (fixed->hasError()) {
1944  attributeContentError("fixed", "maxExclusive", value, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
1945  return facet;
1946  }
1948  facet->setFixed(fixed->as<Boolean>()->value());
1949  } else {
1950  facet->setFixed(false); // the default value
1951  }
1953  // as maxExclusive can have a value of type anySimpleType, we just read
1954  // the string here and store it for later intepretation
1955  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("value"));
1957  if (string->hasError()) {
1958  attributeContentError("value", "maxExclusive", value, BuiltinTypes::xsAnySimpleType);
1959  return facet;
1960  } else {
1961  facet->setValue(string);
1962  }
1964  validateIdAttribute("maxExclusive");
1968  while (!atEnd()) {
1969  readNext();
1971  if (isEndElement())
1972  break;
1974  if (isStartElement()) {
1978  tagValidator.validate(token);
1980  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
1981  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
1982  facet->addAnnotation(annotation);
1983  } else {
1984  parseUnknown();
1985  }
1986  }
1987  }
1989  tagValidator.finalize();
1991  return facet;
1992 }
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
Match a maximum exclusive (Maximum Exclusive Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:110
Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream & fixed(QTextStream &s)
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
const TCastTarget * as() const
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool value() const
Definition: qboolean_p.h:109
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdFacet > Ptr
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:96
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
Represents instances of derived xs:string types, such as xs:normalizedString.
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
static const SchemaType::Ptr xsAnySimpleType
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QString &lexical)

◆ parseMaxInclusiveFacet()

XsdFacet::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseMaxInclusiveFacet ( )

This method is called for parsing a maxInclusive object as child of a restriction object.

Definition at line 1994 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContentRestriction(), and parseSimpleRestriction().

1995 {
1996  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::MaxInclusive, this);
2000  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = XsdFacet::Ptr(new XsdFacet());
2001  facet->setType(XsdFacet::MaximumInclusive);
2003  // parse attributes
2004  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
2005  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"));
2006  const Boolean::Ptr fixed = Boolean::fromLexical(value);
2007  if (fixed->hasError()) {
2008  attributeContentError("fixed", "maxInclusive", value, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
2009  return facet;
2010  }
2012  facet->setFixed(fixed->as<Boolean>()->value());
2013  } else {
2014  facet->setFixed(false); // the default value
2015  }
2017  // as maxInclusive can have a value of type anySimpleType, we just read
2018  // the string here and store it for later intepretation
2019  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("value"));
2021  if (string->hasError()) {
2022  attributeContentError("value", "maxInclusive", value, BuiltinTypes::xsAnySimpleType);
2023  return facet;
2024  } else {
2025  facet->setValue(string);
2026  }
2028  validateIdAttribute("maxInclusive");
2032  while (!atEnd()) {
2033  readNext();
2035  if (isEndElement())
2036  break;
2038  if (isStartElement()) {
2042  tagValidator.validate(token);
2044  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
2045  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
2046  facet->addAnnotation(annotation);
2047  } else {
2048  parseUnknown();
2049  }
2050  }
2051  }
2053  tagValidator.finalize();
2055  return facet;
2056 }
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream & fixed(QTextStream &s)
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
const TCastTarget * as() const
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool value() const
Definition: qboolean_p.h:109
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdFacet > Ptr
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:96
Match a maximum inclusive (Maximum Inclusive Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:109
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
Represents instances of derived xs:string types, such as xs:normalizedString.
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
static const SchemaType::Ptr xsAnySimpleType
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QString &lexical)

◆ parseMaxLengthFacet()

XsdFacet::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseMaxLengthFacet ( )

This method is called for parsing a maxLength object as child of a restriction object.

Definition at line 2306 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContentRestriction(), and parseSimpleRestriction().

2307 {
2308  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::MaxLength, this);
2312  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = XsdFacet::Ptr(new XsdFacet());
2313  facet->setType(XsdFacet::MaximumLength);
2315  // parse attributes
2316  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
2317  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"));
2318  const Boolean::Ptr fixed = Boolean::fromLexical(value);
2319  if (fixed->hasError()) {
2320  attributeContentError("fixed", "maxLength", value, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
2321  return facet;
2322  }
2324  facet->setFixed(fixed->as<Boolean>()->value());
2325  } else {
2326  facet->setFixed(false); // the default value
2327  }
2329  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("value"));
2331  if (integer->hasError()) {
2332  attributeContentError("value", "maxLength", value, BuiltinTypes::xsNonNegativeInteger);
2333  return facet;
2334  } else {
2335  facet->setValue(integer);
2336  }
2338  validateIdAttribute("maxLength");
2342  while (!atEnd()) {
2343  readNext();
2345  if (isEndElement())
2346  break;
2348  if (isStartElement()) {
2352  tagValidator.validate(token);
2354  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
2355  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
2356  facet->addAnnotation(annotation);
2357  } else {
2358  parseUnknown();
2359  }
2360  }
2361  }
2363  tagValidator.finalize();
2365  return facet;
2366 }
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QString &strNumeric)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream & fixed(QTextStream &s)
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
const TCastTarget * as() const
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool value() const
Definition: qboolean_p.h:109
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdFacet > Ptr
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:96
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsNonNegativeInteger
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
Represents instances of derived xs:integer types, such as xs:byte.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
Match the maximum length (Maximum Length Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:106

◆ parseMinExclusiveFacet()

XsdFacet::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseMinExclusiveFacet ( )

This method is called for parsing a minExclusive object as child of a restriction object.

Definition at line 1802 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContentRestriction(), and parseSimpleRestriction().

1803 {
1804  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::MinExclusive, this);
1808  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = XsdFacet::Ptr(new XsdFacet());
1809  facet->setType(XsdFacet::MinimumExclusive);
1811  // parse attributes
1812  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
1813  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"));
1814  const Boolean::Ptr fixed = Boolean::fromLexical(value);
1815  if (fixed->hasError()) {
1816  attributeContentError("fixed", "minExclusive", value, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
1817  return facet;
1818  }
1820  facet->setFixed(fixed->as<Boolean>()->value());
1821  } else {
1822  facet->setFixed(false); // the default value
1823  }
1825  // as minExclusive can have a value of type anySimpleType, we just read
1826  // the string here and store it for later intepretation
1827  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("value"));
1829  if (string->hasError()) {
1830  attributeContentError("value", "minExclusive", value, BuiltinTypes::xsAnySimpleType);
1831  return facet;
1832  } else {
1833  facet->setValue(string);
1834  }
1836  validateIdAttribute("minExclusive");
1840  while (!atEnd()) {
1841  readNext();
1843  if (isEndElement())
1844  break;
1846  if (isStartElement()) {
1850  tagValidator.validate(token);
1852  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
1853  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
1854  facet->addAnnotation(annotation);
1855  } else {
1856  parseUnknown();
1857  }
1858  }
1859  }
1861  tagValidator.finalize();
1863  return facet;
1864 }
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream & fixed(QTextStream &s)
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
const TCastTarget * as() const
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool value() const
Definition: qboolean_p.h:109
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdFacet > Ptr
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:96
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
Represents instances of derived xs:string types, such as xs:normalizedString.
Match a minimum exclusive (Minimum Exclusive Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:112
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
static const SchemaType::Ptr xsAnySimpleType
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QString &lexical)

◆ parseMinInclusiveFacet()

XsdFacet::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseMinInclusiveFacet ( )

This method is called for parsing a minInclusive object as child of a restriction object.

Definition at line 1866 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContentRestriction(), and parseSimpleRestriction().

1867 {
1868  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::MinInclusive, this);
1872  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = XsdFacet::Ptr(new XsdFacet());
1873  facet->setType(XsdFacet::MinimumInclusive);
1875  // parse attributes
1876  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
1877  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"));
1878  const Boolean::Ptr fixed = Boolean::fromLexical(value);
1879  if (fixed->hasError()) {
1880  attributeContentError("fixed", "minInclusive", value, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
1881  return facet;
1882  }
1884  facet->setFixed(fixed->as<Boolean>()->value());
1885  } else {
1886  facet->setFixed(false); // the default value
1887  }
1889  // as minInclusive can have a value of type anySimpleType, we just read
1890  // the string here and store it for later intepretation
1891  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("value"));
1893  if (string->hasError()) {
1894  attributeContentError("value", "minInclusive", value, BuiltinTypes::xsAnySimpleType);
1895  return facet;
1896  } else {
1897  facet->setValue(string);
1898  }
1900  validateIdAttribute("minInclusive");
1904  while (!atEnd()) {
1905  readNext();
1907  if (isEndElement())
1908  break;
1910  if (isStartElement()) {
1914  tagValidator.validate(token);
1916  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
1917  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
1918  facet->addAnnotation(annotation);
1919  } else {
1920  parseUnknown();
1921  }
1922  }
1923  }
1925  tagValidator.finalize();
1927  return facet;
1928 }
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
Match a minimum inclusive (Minimum Inclusive Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:111
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream & fixed(QTextStream &s)
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
const TCastTarget * as() const
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool value() const
Definition: qboolean_p.h:109
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdFacet > Ptr
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:96
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
Represents instances of derived xs:string types, such as xs:normalizedString.
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
static const SchemaType::Ptr xsAnySimpleType
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QString &lexical)

◆ parseMinLengthFacet()

XsdFacet::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseMinLengthFacet ( )

This method is called for parsing a minLength object as child of a restriction object.

Definition at line 2244 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContentRestriction(), and parseSimpleRestriction().

2245 {
2246  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::MinLength, this);
2250  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = XsdFacet::Ptr(new XsdFacet());
2251  facet->setType(XsdFacet::MinimumLength);
2253  // parse attributes
2254  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
2255  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"));
2256  const Boolean::Ptr fixed = Boolean::fromLexical(value);
2257  if (fixed->hasError()) {
2258  attributeContentError("fixed", "minLength", value, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
2259  return facet;
2260  }
2262  facet->setFixed(fixed->as<Boolean>()->value());
2263  } else {
2264  facet->setFixed(false); // the default value
2265  }
2267  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("value"));
2269  if (integer->hasError()) {
2270  attributeContentError("value", "minLength", value, BuiltinTypes::xsNonNegativeInteger);
2271  return facet;
2272  } else {
2273  facet->setValue(integer);
2274  }
2276  validateIdAttribute("minLength");
2280  while (!atEnd()) {
2281  readNext();
2283  if (isEndElement())
2284  break;
2286  if (isStartElement()) {
2290  tagValidator.validate(token);
2292  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
2293  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
2294  facet->addAnnotation(annotation);
2295  } else {
2296  parseUnknown();
2297  }
2298  }
2299  }
2301  tagValidator.finalize();
2303  return facet;
2304 }
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QString &strNumeric)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream & fixed(QTextStream &s)
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
const TCastTarget * as() const
Match the minimum length (Minimum Length Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:105
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool value() const
Definition: qboolean_p.h:109
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdFacet > Ptr
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:96
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsNonNegativeInteger
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
Represents instances of derived xs:integer types, such as xs:byte.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseMinMaxConstraint()

bool XsdSchemaParser::parseMinMaxConstraint ( const XsdParticle::Ptr particle,
const char *  tagName 

A helper method that parses the minOccurs and maxOccurs constraints for the given particle that has the given tagName.

Definition at line 5679 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAny(), parseLocalAll(), parseLocalChoice(), parseLocalElement(), parseLocalSequence(), and parseReferredGroup().

5680 {
5681  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("minOccurs"))) {
5682  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("minOccurs"));
5685  if (integer->hasError()) {
5686  attributeContentError("minOccurs", elementName, value, BuiltinTypes::xsNonNegativeInteger);
5687  return false;
5688  } else {
5690  }
5691  } else {
5692  particle->setMinimumOccurs(1);
5693  }
5695  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("maxOccurs"))) {
5696  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("maxOccurs"));
5698  if (value == QString::fromLatin1("unbounded")) {
5699  particle->setMaximumOccursUnbounded(true);
5700  } else {
5701  particle->setMaximumOccursUnbounded(false);
5703  if (integer->hasError()) {
5704  attributeContentError("maxOccurs", elementName, value, BuiltinTypes::xsNonNegativeInteger);
5705  return false;
5706  } else {
5708  }
5709  }
5710  } else {
5711  particle->setMaximumOccursUnbounded(false);
5712  particle->setMaximumOccurs(1);
5713  }
5715  if (!particle->maximumOccursUnbounded()) {
5716  if (particle->maximumOccurs() < particle->minimumOccurs()) {
5717  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 attribute of %2 element has larger value than %3 attribute.")
5718  .arg(formatAttribute("minOccurs"))
5719  .arg(formatElement(elementName))
5720  .arg(formatAttribute("maxOccurs")));
5721  return false;
5722  }
5723  }
5725  return true;
5726 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
virtual bool hasError() const
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QString &strNumeric)
StorageType storedValue() const
void setMinimumOccurs(unsigned int occurrence)
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
void setMaximumOccurs(unsigned int occurrence)
unsigned int maximumOccurs() const
unsigned int minimumOccurs() const
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsNonNegativeInteger
bool maximumOccursUnbounded() const
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
Represents instances of derived xs:integer types, such as xs:byte.
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
void setMaximumOccursUnbounded(bool unbounded)

◆ parseNamedAttributeGroup()

XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseNamedAttributeGroup ( )

This method is called for parsing a top-level attributeGroup object.

Definition at line 4369 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseRedefine(), and parseSchema().

4370 {
4371  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, this);
4375  const XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr attributeGroup(new XsdAttributeGroup());
4377  // parse attributes
4378  const QXmlName objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(m_targetNamespace, readNameAttribute("attributeGroup"));
4379  attributeGroup->setName(objectName);
4381  validateIdAttribute("attributeGroup");
4385  while (!atEnd()) {
4386  readNext();
4388  if (isEndElement())
4389  break;
4391  if (isStartElement()) {
4395  tagValidator.validate(token);
4397  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
4398  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
4399  attributeGroup->addAnnotation(annotation);
4400  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, token, namespaceToken)) {
4401  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse = parseLocalAttribute(attributeGroup);
4403  if (attributeUse->useType() == XsdAttributeUse::ProhibitedUse) {
4404  warning(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Specifying use='prohibited' inside an attribute group has no effect."));
4405  } else {
4406  attributeGroup->addAttributeUse(attributeUse);
4407  }
4408  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, token, namespaceToken)) {
4409  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse = parseReferredAttributeGroup();
4410  attributeGroup->addAttributeUse(attributeUse);
4411  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, token, namespaceToken)) {
4412  const XsdWildcard::Ptr wildcard = parseAnyAttribute();
4413  attributeGroup->setWildcard(wildcard);
4414  } else {
4415  parseUnknown();
4416  }
4417  }
4418  }
4420  tagValidator.finalize();
4422  return attributeGroup;
4423 }
void warning(const QString &message) const
Convenience function for calling ReportContext::warning().
XsdWildcard::Ptr parseAnyAttribute()
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
The attribute is not allowed to be there.
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseLocalAttribute(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseReferredAttributeGroup()
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
Represents the XSD attributeGroup object.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
QString readNameAttribute(const char *elementName)
QXmlName allocateQName(const QString &uri, const QString &localName, const QString &prefix=QString())
Definition: qnamepool.cpp:251
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseNamedGroup()

XsdModelGroup::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseNamedGroup ( )

This method is called for parsing a top-level group object.

Definition at line 3488 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseRedefine(), and parseSchema().

3489 {
3490  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Group, this);
3494  const XsdModelGroup::Ptr modelGroup(new XsdModelGroup());
3495  XsdModelGroup::Ptr group;
3497  QXmlName objectName;
3498  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("name"))) {
3500  }
3502  validateIdAttribute("group");
3506  XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation;
3508  while (!atEnd()) {
3509  readNext();
3511  if (isEndElement())
3512  break;
3514  if (isStartElement()) {
3518  tagValidator.validate(token);
3520  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
3521  annotation = parseAnnotation();
3522  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::All, token, namespaceToken)) {
3523  group = parseAll(modelGroup);
3524  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Choice, token, namespaceToken)) {
3525  group = parseChoice(modelGroup);
3526  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, token, namespaceToken)) {
3527  group = parseSequence(modelGroup);
3528  } else {
3529  parseUnknown();
3530  }
3531  }
3532  }
3534  tagValidator.finalize();
3536  group->setName(objectName);
3538  if (annotation)
3539  group->addAnnotation(annotation);
3541  return group;
3542 }
Represents a XSD model group object.
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseChoice(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
QString readNameAttribute(const char *elementName)
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
QXmlName allocateQName(const QString &uri, const QString &localName, const QString &prefix=QString())
Definition: qnamepool.cpp:251
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseAll(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseSequence(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseNotation()

XsdNotation::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseNotation ( )

This method is called for parsing a top-level notation object.

Definition at line 5322 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSchema().

5323 {
5324  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Notation, this);
5328  const XsdNotation::Ptr notation(new XsdNotation());
5330  // parse attributes
5331  const QXmlName objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(m_targetNamespace, readNameAttribute("notation"));
5332  notation->setName(objectName);
5334  bool hasOptionalAttribute = false;
5336  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("public"))) {
5337  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("public"));
5338  if (!value.isEmpty()) {
5340  if (publicId->hasError()) {
5341  attributeContentError("public", "notation", value, BuiltinTypes::xsToken);
5342  return notation;
5343  }
5344  notation->setPublicId(publicId);
5345  }
5347  hasOptionalAttribute = true;
5348  }
5350  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("system"))) {
5351  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("system"));
5352  if (!isValidUri(value)) {
5353  attributeContentError("system", "notation", value, BuiltinTypes::xsAnyURI);
5354  return notation;
5355  }
5357  if (!value.isEmpty()) {
5358  const AnyURI::Ptr systemId = AnyURI::fromLexical(value);
5359  notation->setSystemId(systemId);
5360  }
5362  hasOptionalAttribute = true;
5363  }
5365  if (!hasOptionalAttribute) {
5366  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element requires either %2 or %3 attribute.")
5367  .arg(formatElement("notation"))
5368  .arg(formatAttribute("public"))
5369  .arg(formatAttribute("system")));
5370  return notation;
5371  }
5373  validateIdAttribute("notation");
5377  while (!atEnd()) {
5378  readNext();
5380  if (isEndElement())
5381  break;
5383  if (isCharacters() || isEntityReference()) {
5384  if (!text().toString().trimmed().isEmpty()) {
5385  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Text or entity references not allowed inside %1 element").arg(formatElement("notation.")));
5386  return notation;
5387  }
5388  }
5390  if (isStartElement()) {
5394  tagValidator.validate(token);
5396  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
5397  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
5398  notation->addAnnotation(annotation);
5399  } else {
5400  parseUnknown();
5401  }
5402  }
5403  }
5405  tagValidator.finalize();
5407  return notation;
5408 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
static bool isValidUri(const QString &string)
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
static QString toString(NodeName token)
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
bool isCharacters() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals Characters ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:339
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
static bool isEmpty(const char *str)
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the string has no characters; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qstring.h:704
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool isEntityReference() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EntityReference ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:344
Represents a XSD notation object, which should not be confused with the atomic type xs:NOTATION...
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static AnyURI::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &value, const TReportContext &context, const SourceLocationReflection *const r)
Constructs a xs:anyURI value from the lexical representation value.
Definition: qanyuri_p.h:153
Represents instances of derived xs:string types, such as xs:normalizedString.
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
QString trimmed(QString source)
Definition: generator.cpp:233
QString readNameAttribute(const char *elementName)
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
QXmlName allocateQName(const QString &uri, const QString &localName, const QString &prefix=QString())
Definition: qnamepool.cpp:251
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
QStringRef text() const
Returns the text of Characters , Comment , DTD , or EntityReference.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsAnyURI
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsToken
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QString &lexical)

◆ parseOpenContent()

XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseOpenContent ( )

This method is called for parsing an openContent object.

Definition at line 3429 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseGlobalComplexType(), and parseLocalComplexType().

3430 {
3431  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::OpenContent, this);
3437  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("mode"))) {
3438  const QString mode = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("mode"));
3440  if (mode == QString::fromLatin1("none")) {
3442  } else if (mode == QString::fromLatin1("interleave")) {
3444  } else if (mode == QString::fromLatin1("suffix")) {
3446  } else {
3447  attributeContentError("mode", "openContent", mode);
3448  return openContent;
3449  }
3450  } else {
3451  openContent->setMode(XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Interleave);
3452  }
3454  validateIdAttribute("openContent");
3458  while (!atEnd()) {
3459  readNext();
3461  if (isEndElement())
3462  break;
3464  if (isStartElement()) {
3468  tagValidator.validate(token);
3470  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
3471  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
3472  openContent->addAnnotation(annotation);
3473  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Any, token, namespaceToken)) {
3474  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle;
3475  const XsdWildcard::Ptr wildcard = parseAny(particle);
3476  openContent->setWildcard(wildcard);
3477  } else {
3478  parseUnknown();
3479  }
3480  }
3481  }
3483  tagValidator.finalize();
3485  return openContent;
3486 }
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr m_defaultOpenContent
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
XsdWildcard::Ptr parseAny(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
Describes the open content object of a complex type.

◆ parsePatternFacet()

XsdFacet::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parsePatternFacet ( )

This method is called for parsing a pattern object as child of a restriction object.

Definition at line 2494 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContentRestriction(), and parseSimpleRestriction().

2495 {
2496  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Pattern, this);
2500  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = XsdFacet::Ptr(new XsdFacet());
2501  facet->setType(XsdFacet::Pattern);
2503  // parse attributes
2505  // as pattern can have a value of type anySimpleType, we just read
2506  // the string here and store it for later intepretation
2507  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("value"));
2509  if (string->hasError()) {
2510  attributeContentError("value", "pattern", value);
2511  return facet;
2512  } else {
2513  AtomicValue::List multiValue;
2514  multiValue << string;
2515  facet->setMultiValue(multiValue);
2516  }
2518  validateIdAttribute("pattern");
2522  while (!atEnd()) {
2523  readNext();
2525  if (isEndElement())
2526  break;
2528  if (isStartElement()) {
2532  tagValidator.validate(token);
2534  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
2535  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
2536  facet->addAnnotation(annotation);
2537  } else {
2538  parseUnknown();
2539  }
2540  }
2541  }
2543  tagValidator.finalize();
2545  return facet;
2546 }
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdFacet > Ptr
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:96
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
Represents instances of derived xs:string types, such as xs:normalizedString.
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
Match a regular expression (Pattern Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:107
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QString &lexical)

◆ parseRedefine()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseRedefine ( )

This method is called for parsing any top-level redefine object.

Definition at line 776 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSchema().

777 {
783  // parse attributes
784  validateIdAttribute("redefine");
786  const QString schemaLocation = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("schemaLocation"));
790  XsdSimpleType::List redefinedSimpleTypes;
791  XsdComplexType::List redefinedComplexTypes;
792  XsdModelGroup::List redefinedGroups;
793  XsdAttributeGroup::List redefinedAttributeGroups;
795  while (!atEnd()) {
796  readNext();
798  if (isEndElement())
799  break;
801  if (isStartElement()) {
805  tagValidator.validate(token);
807  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
808  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
809  m_schema->addAnnotation(annotation);
810  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, token, namespaceToken)) {
812  redefinedSimpleTypes.append(type);
814  const QXmlName baseTypeName = m_parserContext->resolver()->baseTypeNameOfType(type);
815  if (baseTypeName != type->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool))) {
816  error(QString::fromLatin1("redefined simple type %1 must have itself as base type").arg(formatType(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool), type)));
817  return;
818  }
819  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, token, namespaceToken)) {
821  redefinedComplexTypes.append(type);
823  // @see http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#src-redefine
825  // 5
826  const QXmlName baseTypeName = m_parserContext->resolver()->baseTypeNameOfType(type);
827  if (baseTypeName != type->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool))) {
828  error(QString::fromLatin1("redefined complex type %1 must have itself as base type").arg(formatType(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool), type)));
829  return;
830  }
831  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Group, token, namespaceToken)) {
832  const XsdModelGroup::Ptr group = parseNamedGroup();
833  redefinedGroups.append(group);
834  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, token, namespaceToken)) {
836  redefinedAttributeGroups.append(group);
838  } else {
839  parseUnknown();
840  }
841  }
842  }
844  bool locationMustResolve = false;
845  if (!redefinedSimpleTypes.isEmpty() || !redefinedComplexTypes.isEmpty() ||
846  !redefinedGroups.isEmpty() || !redefinedAttributeGroups.isEmpty()) {
847  locationMustResolve = true;
848  }
850  QUrl url(schemaLocation);
851  if (url.isRelative()) {
854  url = m_documentURI.resolved(url);
855  }
857  // we parse the schema given in the redefine tag into its own context
860  if (m_redefinedSchemas.contains(url)) {
861  // we have redefined that file already, according to the schema spec we are
862  // allowed to silently skip it.
863  } else {
868  if (reply) {
869  // parse the included schema by a different parser but with the same context
870  XsdSchemaParser parser(XsdSchemaContext::Ptr(m_context), redefinedContext, reply);
871  parser.setDocumentURI(url);
872  parser.setTargetNamespaceExtended(m_targetNamespace);
873  parser.setIncludedSchemas(m_includedSchemas);
874  parser.setImportedSchemas(m_importedSchemas);
875  parser.setRedefinedSchemas(m_redefinedSchemas);
876  if (!parser.parse(XsdSchemaParser::RedefineParser)) {
877  return;
878  } else {
879  // add indirectly loaded schemas to the list of already loaded ones
880  addIncludedSchemas(parser.m_includedSchemas);
881  addImportedSchemas(parser.m_importedSchemas);
882  addRedefinedSchemas(parser.m_redefinedSchemas);
883  }
885  delete reply;
886  }
887  }
889  XsdSimpleType::List contextSimpleTypes = redefinedContext->schema()->simpleTypes();
890  XsdComplexType::List contextComplexTypes = redefinedContext->schema()->complexTypes();
891  XsdModelGroup::List contextGroups = redefinedContext->schema()->elementGroups();
892  XsdAttributeGroup::List contextAttributeGroups = redefinedContext->schema()->attributeGroups();
894  // now we do the actual redefinition:
896  // iterate over all redefined simple types
897  for (int i = 0; i < redefinedSimpleTypes.count(); ++i) {
898  XsdSimpleType::Ptr redefinedType = redefinedSimpleTypes.at(i);
900  //TODONEXT: validation
902  // search the definition they override in the context types
903  bool found = false;
904  for (int j = 0; j < contextSimpleTypes.count(); ++j) {
905  XsdSimpleType::Ptr contextType = contextSimpleTypes.at(j);
907  if (redefinedType->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool)) == contextType->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool))) { // we found the right type
908  found = true;
910  // 1) set name of context type to empty name
913  // 2) set the context type as base type for the redefined type
914  redefinedType->setWxsSuperType(contextType);
916  // 3) remove the base type resolving job from the resolver as
917  // we have set the base type here explicitly
920  // 4) add the redefined type to the schema
921  addType(redefinedType);
923  // 5) add the context type as anonymous type, so the resolver
924  // can resolve it further.
925  addAnonymousType(contextType);
927  // 6) remove the context type from the list
928  contextSimpleTypes.removeAt(j);
930  break;
931  }
932  }
934  if (!found) {
935  error(QString::fromLatin1("no matching type found to redefine simple type %1").arg(formatType(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool), redefinedType)));
936  return;
937  }
938  }
940  // add all remaining context simple types to the schema
941  for (int i = 0; i < contextSimpleTypes.count(); ++i) {
942  addType(contextSimpleTypes.at(i));
943  }
945  // iterate over all redefined complex types
946  for (int i = 0; i < redefinedComplexTypes.count(); ++i) {
947  XsdComplexType::Ptr redefinedType = redefinedComplexTypes.at(i);
949  //TODONEXT: validation
951  // search the definition they override in the context types
952  bool found = false;
953  for (int j = 0; j < contextComplexTypes.count(); ++j) {
954  XsdComplexType::Ptr contextType = contextComplexTypes.at(j);
956  if (redefinedType->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool)) == contextType->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool))) { // we found the right type
957  found = true;
959  // 1) set name of context type to empty name
962  // 2) set the context type as base type for the redefined type
963  redefinedType->setWxsSuperType(contextType);
965  // 3) remove the base type resolving job from the resolver as
966  // we have set the base type here explicitly
969  // 4) add the redefined type to the schema
970  addType(redefinedType);
972  // 5) add the context type as anonymous type, so the resolver
973  // can resolve its attribute uses etc.
974  addAnonymousType(contextType);
976  // 6) remove the context type from the list
977  contextComplexTypes.removeAt(j);
979  break;
980  }
981  }
983  if (!found) {
984  error(QString::fromLatin1("no matching type found to redefine complex type %1").arg(formatType(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool), redefinedType)));
985  return;
986  }
987  }
989  // iterate over all redefined element groups
990  for (int i = 0; i < redefinedGroups.count(); ++i) {
991  const XsdModelGroup::Ptr group(redefinedGroups.at(i));
993  // @see http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#src-redefine
995  // 6
996  const XsdParticle::List particles = collectGroupRef(group);
997  XsdParticle::Ptr referencedParticle;
998  int sameNameCounter = 0;
999  for (int i = 0; i < particles.count(); ++i) {
1000  const XsdReference::Ptr ref(particles.at(i)->term());
1001  if (ref->referenceName() == group->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool))) {
1002  referencedParticle = particles.at(i);
1004  if (referencedParticle->minimumOccurs() != 1 || referencedParticle->maximumOccurs() != 1 || referencedParticle->maximumOccursUnbounded()) { // 6.1.2
1005  error(QString::fromLatin1("redefined group %1 can not contain reference to itself with minOccurs or maxOccurs != 1").arg(formatKeyword(group->displayName(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool)))));
1006  return;
1007  }
1008  sameNameCounter++;
1009  }
1010  }
1012  // 6.1.1
1013  if (sameNameCounter > 1) {
1014  error(QString::fromLatin1("redefined group %1 can not contain multiple references to itself").arg(formatKeyword(group->displayName(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool)))));
1015  return;
1016  }
1018  // search the group definition in the included schema (S2)
1019  XsdModelGroup::Ptr contextGroup;
1020  for (int j = 0; j < contextGroups.count(); ++j) {
1021  if (group->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool)) == contextGroups.at(j)->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool))) {
1022  contextGroup = contextGroups.at(j);
1023  break;
1024  }
1025  }
1027  if (!contextGroup) { // 6.2.1
1028  error(QString::fromLatin1("redefined group %1 has no occurrence in included schema").arg(formatKeyword(group->displayName(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool)))));
1029  return;
1030  }
1032  if (sameNameCounter == 1) {
1033  // there was a self reference in the redefined group, so use the
1034  // group from the included schema
1036  // set a anonymous name to the group of the included schema
1039  // replace the self-reference with the group from the included schema
1040  referencedParticle->setTerm(contextGroup);
1042  addElementGroup(group);
1044  addElementGroup(contextGroup);
1045  contextGroups.removeAll(contextGroup);
1046  } else {
1047  // there was no self reference in the redefined group
1049  // just add the redefined group...
1050  addElementGroup(group);
1052  // we have to add them, otherwise it is not resolved and we can't validate it later
1054  addElementGroup(contextGroup);
1056  m_schemaResolver->addRedefinedGroups(group, contextGroup);
1058  // ...and forget about the group from the included schema
1059  contextGroups.removeAll(contextGroup);
1060  }
1061  }
1063  // iterate over all redefined attribute groups
1064  for (int i = 0; i < redefinedAttributeGroups.count(); ++i) {
1065  const XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr group(redefinedAttributeGroups.at(i));
1067  // @see http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#src-redefine
1069  // 7
1071  // 7.1
1072  int sameNameCounter = 0;
1073  for (int j = 0; j < group->attributeUses().count(); ++j) {
1074  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse(group->attributeUses().at(j));
1075  if (attributeUse->isReference()) {
1076  const XsdAttributeReference::Ptr reference(attributeUse);
1077  if (reference->type() == XsdAttributeReference::AttributeGroup) {
1078  if (group->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool)) == reference->referenceName())
1079  sameNameCounter++;
1080  }
1081  }
1082  }
1083  if (sameNameCounter > 1) {
1084  error(QString::fromLatin1("redefined attribute group %1 can not contain multiple references to itself").arg(formatKeyword(group->displayName(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool)))));
1085  return;
1086  }
1088  // search the attribute group definition in the included schema (S2)
1089  XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr baseGroup;
1090  for (int j = 0; j < contextAttributeGroups.count(); ++j) {
1091  const XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr contextGroup(contextAttributeGroups.at(j));
1092  if (group->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool)) == contextGroup->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool))) {
1093  baseGroup = contextGroup;
1094  break;
1095  }
1096  }
1098  if (!baseGroup) { // 7.2.1
1099  error(QString::fromLatin1("redefined attribute group %1 has no occurrence in included schema").arg(formatKeyword(group->displayName(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool)))));
1100  return;
1101  }
1103  if (sameNameCounter == 1) {
1105  // first set an anonymous name to the attribute group from the included
1106  // schema
1109  // iterate over the attribute uses of the redefined attribute group
1110  // and replace the self-reference with the attribute group from the
1111  // included schema
1112  for (int j = 0; j < group->attributeUses().count(); ++j) {
1113  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse(group->attributeUses().at(j));
1114  if (attributeUse->isReference()) {
1115  const XsdAttributeReference::Ptr reference(attributeUse);
1116  if (reference->type() == XsdAttributeReference::AttributeGroup) {
1117  if (group->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool)) == reference->referenceName()) {
1118  reference->setReferenceName(baseGroup->name(NamePool::Ptr(m_namePool)));
1119  break;
1120  }
1121  }
1122  }
1123  }
1125  // add both groups to the target schema
1126  addAttributeGroup(baseGroup);
1127  addAttributeGroup(group);
1129  contextAttributeGroups.removeAll(baseGroup);
1130  }
1132  if (sameNameCounter == 0) { // 7.2
1134  // we have to add them, otherwise it is not resolved and we can't validate it later
1136  addAttributeGroup(baseGroup);
1138  m_schemaResolver->addRedefinedAttributeGroups(group, baseGroup);
1140  // just add the redefined attribute group to the target schema...
1141  addAttributeGroup(group);
1143  // ... and forget about the one from the included schema
1144  contextAttributeGroups.removeAll(baseGroup);
1145  }
1146  }
1148  // add all remaining context complex types to the schema
1149  for (int i = 0; i < contextComplexTypes.count(); ++i) {
1150  addType(contextComplexTypes.at(i));
1151  }
1153  // add all remaining context element groups to the schema
1154  for (int i = 0; i < contextGroups.count(); ++i) {
1155  addElementGroup(contextGroups.at(i));
1156  }
1158  // add all remaining context attribute groups to the schema
1159  for (int i = 0; i < contextAttributeGroups.count(); ++i) {
1160  addAttributeGroup(contextAttributeGroups.at(i));
1161  }
1163  // copy all elements, attributes and notations
1164  const XsdElement::List contextElements = redefinedContext->schema()->elements();
1165  for (int i = 0; i < contextElements.count(); ++i) {
1166  addElement(contextElements.at(i));
1167  }
1169  const XsdAttribute::List contextAttributes = redefinedContext->schema()->attributes();
1170  for (int i = 0; i < contextAttributes.count(); ++i) {
1171  addAttribute(contextAttributes.at(i));
1172  }
1174  const XsdNotation::List contextNotations = redefinedContext->schema()->notations();
1175  for (int i = 0; i < contextNotations.count(); ++i) {
1176  addNotation(contextNotations.at(i));
1177  }
1179  // push all data to resolve from the context resolver to our resolver
1180  redefinedContext->resolver()->copyDataTo(m_parserContext->resolver());
1182  tagValidator.finalize();
1183 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
void addType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
void setName(const QXmlName &name)
void addAttribute(const XsdAttribute::Ptr &attribute)
virtual QNetworkAccessManager * networkAccessManager() const
int type
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
bool isValid() const
Returns true if the URL is valid; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qurl.cpp:4303
QString formatKeyword(const QString &keyword)
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
void addRedefinedAttributeGroups(const XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr &redefinedGroup, const XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr &group)
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
QString formatType(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const T &type)
Formats ItemType and SequenceType.
The QNetworkReply class contains the data and headers for a request sent with QNetworkAccessManager.
Definition: qnetworkreply.h:65
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
XsdSchemaResolver::Ptr resolver() const
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
int count(const T &t) const
Returns the number of occurrences of value in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:891
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QUrl class provides a convenient interface for working with URLs.
Definition: qurl.h:61
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
#define Q_ASSERT(cond)
Definition: qglobal.h:1823
QXmlName createAnonymousName(const QString &targetNamespace) const
XsdSchemaParserContext * m_parserContext
The reference points to an attribute group.
void addIncludedSchemas(const NamespaceSet &schemas)
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the list contains no items; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qlist.h:152
void addElement(const XsdElement::Ptr &element)
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdSchemaContext > Ptr
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
static XsdParticle::List collectGroupRef(const XsdModelGroup::Ptr &group)
void append(const T &t)
Inserts value at the end of the list.
Definition: qlist.h:507
unsigned int maximumOccurs() const
void addRedefinedGroups(const XsdModelGroup::Ptr &redefinedGroup, const XsdModelGroup::Ptr &group)
void addImportedSchemas(const NamespaceSet &schemas)
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
unsigned int minimumOccurs() const
bool contains(const T &value) const
Definition: qset.h:91
void setWxsSuperType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
The resource loader will report no error and return an empty QNetworkReply.
const T & at(int i) const
Returns the item at index position i in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:468
virtual QString displayName(const NamePool::Ptr &namePool) const
const_iterator insert(const T &value)
Definition: qset.h:179
void setTerm(const XsdTerm::Ptr &term)
void addRedefinedSchemas(const NamespaceSet &schemas)
QXmlName baseTypeNameOfType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type) const
virtual QXmlName name(const NamePool::Ptr &namePool) const
void setWxsSuperType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static QNetworkReply * load(const QUrl &uri, QNetworkAccessManager *const networkManager, const ReportContext::Ptr &context, ErrorHandling handling=FailOnError)
Helper function that do NetworkAccessDelegator::get(), but does it blocked.
void addElementGroup(const XsdModelGroup::Ptr &group)
XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr parseNamedAttributeGroup()
NamespaceCode namespaceURI() const
Definition: qnamepool_p.h:503
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseNamedGroup()
bool maximumOccursUnbounded() const
XsdComplexType::Ptr parseGlobalComplexType()
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
XsdSimpleType::Ptr parseGlobalSimpleType()
QList< AnySimpleType::Ptr > List
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void removeSimpleRestrictionBase(const XsdSimpleType::Ptr &type)
Implements the parsing of XML schema file.
const QString & stringForNamespace(const QXmlName::NamespaceCode code) const
Definition: qnamepool_p.h:180
void addAnonymousType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
QList< SchemaType::Ptr > List
Definition: qschematype_p.h:84
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
void addNotation(const XsdNotation::Ptr &notation)
QUrl resolved(const QUrl &relative) const
Returns the result of the merge of this URL with relative.
Definition: qurl.cpp:5819
The resource loader will report the error via the report context.
void removeComplexBaseType(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &type)
void addAttributeGroup(const XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr &group)
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
virtual QXmlName name(const NamePool::Ptr &namePool) const
The QList class is a template class that provides lists.
Definition: qdatastream.h:62
int removeAll(const T &t)
Removes all occurrences of value in the list and returns the number of entries removed.
Definition: qlist.h:770

◆ parseReferredAttributeGroup()

XsdAttributeUse::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseReferredAttributeGroup ( )

This method is called for parsing a non-top-level attributeGroup object that contains a ref attribute.

Definition at line 4425 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseGlobalComplexType(), parseLocalComplexType(), parseNamedAttributeGroup(), parseSimpleContentExtension(), and parseSimpleContentRestriction().

4426 {
4427  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, this);
4431  const XsdAttributeReference::Ptr attributeReference(new XsdAttributeReference());
4432  attributeReference->setType(XsdAttributeReference::AttributeGroup);
4433  attributeReference->setSourceLocation(currentSourceLocation());
4435  // parse attributes
4436  const QString reference = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("ref"), "attributeGroup");
4437  QXmlName referenceName;
4438  convertName(reference, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, referenceName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
4439  attributeReference->setReferenceName(referenceName);
4441  validateIdAttribute("attributeGroup");
4445  while (!atEnd()) {
4446  readNext();
4448  if (isEndElement())
4449  break;
4451  if (isStartElement()) {
4455  tagValidator.validate(token);
4457  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
4458  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
4459  attributeReference->addAnnotation(annotation);
4460  } else {
4461  parseUnknown();
4462  }
4463  }
4464  }
4466  tagValidator.finalize();
4468  return attributeReference;
4469 }
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
A helper class for attribute reference resolving.
The reference points to an attribute group.
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
QString readQNameAttribute(const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseReferredGroup()

XsdTerm::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseReferredGroup ( const XsdParticle::Ptr particle)

This method is called for parsing a non-top-level group object that contains a ref attribute.

Definition at line 3544 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseChoice(), parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseGlobalComplexType(), parseLocalChoice(), parseLocalComplexType(), parseLocalSequence(), and parseSequence().

3545 {
3546  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Group, this);
3550  const XsdReference::Ptr reference(new XsdReference());
3551  reference->setType(XsdReference::ModelGroup);
3552  reference->setSourceLocation(currentSourceLocation());
3554  // parse attributes
3555  if (!parseMinMaxConstraint(particle, "group")) {
3556  return reference;
3557  }
3559  const QString value = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("ref"), "group");
3560  QXmlName referenceName;
3561  convertName(value, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, referenceName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
3562  reference->setReferenceName(referenceName);
3564  validateIdAttribute("group");
3568  while (!atEnd()) {
3569  readNext();
3571  if (isEndElement())
3572  break;
3574  if (isStartElement()) {
3578  tagValidator.validate(token);
3580  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
3581  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
3582  reference->addAnnotation(annotation);
3583  } else {
3584  parseUnknown();
3585  }
3586  }
3587  }
3589  tagValidator.finalize();
3591  return reference;
3592 }
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
The reference points to a model group.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool parseMinMaxConstraint(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const char *tagName)
QString readQNameAttribute(const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
A helper class for element and group reference resolving.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseSchema()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseSchema ( ParserType  parserType)

This method is called for parsing the top-level schema object.

Definition at line 377 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parse().

378 {
379  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Schema, this);
383  // parse attributes
385  if (parserType == TopLevelParser) {
386  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("targetNamespace"))) {
387  m_targetNamespace = readNamespaceAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("targetNamespace"), "schema");
388  }
389  } else if (parserType == IncludeParser) {
390  // m_targetNamespace is set to the target namespace of the including schema at this point
392  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("targetNamespace"))) {
393  const QString targetNamespace = readNamespaceAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("targetNamespace"), "schema");
395  if (m_targetNamespace != targetNamespace) {
396  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Target namespace %1 of included schema is different from the target namespace %2 as defined by the including schema.")
397  .arg(formatURI(targetNamespace)).arg(formatURI(m_targetNamespace)));
398  return;
399  }
400  }
401  } else if (parserType == ImportParser) {
402  // m_targetNamespace is set to the target namespace from the namespace attribute of the <import> tag at this point
404  QString targetNamespace;
405  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("targetNamespace"))) {
406  targetNamespace = readNamespaceAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("targetNamespace"), "schema");
407  }
409  if (m_targetNamespace != targetNamespace) {
410  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Target namespace %1 of imported schema is different from the target namespace %2 as defined by the importing schema.")
411  .arg(formatURI(targetNamespace)).arg(formatURI(m_targetNamespace)));
412  return;
413  }
414  } else if (parserType == RedefineParser) {
415  // m_targetNamespace is set to the target namespace of the redefining schema at this point
417  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("targetNamespace"))) {
418  const QString targetNamespace = readNamespaceAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("targetNamespace"), "schema");
420  if (m_targetNamespace != targetNamespace) {
421  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Target namespace %1 of imported schema is different from the target namespace %2 as defined by the importing schema.")
422  .arg(formatURI(targetNamespace)).arg(formatURI(m_targetNamespace)));
423  return;
424  }
425  }
426  }
428  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("attributeFormDefault"))) {
429  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("attributeFormDefault"));
430  if (value != QString::fromLatin1("qualified") && value != QString::fromLatin1("unqualified")) {
431  attributeContentError("attributeFormDefault", "schema", value);
432  return;
433  }
435  m_attributeFormDefault = value;
436  } else {
438  }
440  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("elementFormDefault"))) {
441  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("elementFormDefault"));
442  if (value != QString::fromLatin1("qualified") && value != QString::fromLatin1("unqualified")) {
443  attributeContentError("elementFormDefault", "schema", value);
444  return;
445  }
447  m_elementFormDefault = value;
448  } else {
449  m_elementFormDefault = QString::fromLatin1("unqualified");
450  }
452  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("blockDefault"))) {
453  const QString blockDefault = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("blockDefault"));
454  const QStringList blockDefaultList = blockDefault.split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
455  for (int i = 0; i < blockDefaultList.count(); ++i) {
456  const QString value = blockDefaultList.at(i);
457  if (value != QString::fromLatin1("#all") &&
458  value != QString::fromLatin1("extension") &&
459  value != QString::fromLatin1("restriction") &&
460  value != QString::fromLatin1("substitution")) {
461  attributeContentError("blockDefault", "schema", value);
462  return;
463  }
464  }
466  m_blockDefault = blockDefault;
467  }
469  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("finalDefault"))) {
470  const QString finalDefault = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("finalDefault"));
471  const QStringList finalDefaultList = finalDefault.split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
472  for (int i = 0; i < finalDefaultList.count(); ++i) {
473  const QString value = finalDefaultList.at(i);
474  if (value != QString::fromLatin1("#all") &&
475  value != QString::fromLatin1("extension") &&
476  value != QString::fromLatin1("restriction") &&
477  value != QString::fromLatin1("list") &&
478  value != QString::fromLatin1("union")) {
479  attributeContentError("finalDefault", "schema", value);
480  return;
481  }
482  }
484  m_finalDefault = finalDefault;
485  }
487  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("xpathDefaultNamespace"))) {
488  const QString xpathDefaultNamespace = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("xpathDefaultNamespace"));
489  if (xpathDefaultNamespace != QString::fromLatin1("##defaultNamespace") &&
490  xpathDefaultNamespace != QString::fromLatin1("##targetNamespace") &&
491  xpathDefaultNamespace != QString::fromLatin1("##local")) {
492  if (!isValidUri(xpathDefaultNamespace)) {
493  attributeContentError("xpathDefaultNamespace", "schema", xpathDefaultNamespace);
494  return;
495  }
496  }
497  m_xpathDefaultNamespace = xpathDefaultNamespace;
498  } else {
500  }
502  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("defaultAttributes"))) {
503  const QString attrGroupName = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("defaultAttributes"), "schema");
504  convertName(attrGroupName, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, m_defaultAttributes); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
505  }
507  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("version"))) {
508  const QString version = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("version"));
509  }
514  const QRegExp exp(QString::fromLatin1("[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*"));
515  if (!exp.exactMatch(value)) {
516  attributeContentError("xml:lang", "schema", value);
517  return;
518  }
519  }
521  validateIdAttribute("schema");
525  while (!atEnd()) {
526  readNext();
528  if (isEndElement())
529  break;
531  if (isStartElement()) {
535  tagValidator.validate(token);
537  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Include, token, namespaceToken)) {
538  parseInclude();
539  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Import, token, namespaceToken)) {
540  parseImport();
541  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Redefine, token, namespaceToken)) {
542  parseRedefine();
543  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
544  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
545  m_schema->addAnnotation(annotation);
546  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::DefaultOpenContent, token, namespaceToken)) {
548  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, token, namespaceToken)) {
550  addType(type);
551  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, token, namespaceToken)) {
553  addType(type);
554  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Group, token, namespaceToken)) {
555  const XsdModelGroup::Ptr group = parseNamedGroup();
556  addElementGroup(group);
557  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, token, namespaceToken)) {
559  addAttributeGroup(attributeGroup);
560  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Element, token, namespaceToken)) {
561  const XsdElement::Ptr element = parseGlobalElement();
562  addElement(element);
563  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, token, namespaceToken)) {
564  const XsdAttribute::Ptr attribute = parseGlobalAttribute();
565  addAttribute(attribute);
566  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Notation, token, namespaceToken)) {
567  const XsdNotation::Ptr notation = parseNotation();
568  addNotation(notation);
569  } else {
570  parseUnknown();
571  }
572  }
573  }
575  tagValidator.finalize();
578 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
void addType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
void addAttribute(const XsdAttribute::Ptr &attribute)
int type
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
static bool isValidUri(const QString &string)
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions.
Definition: qregexp.h:61
XsdAttribute::Ptr parseGlobalAttribute()
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
int count(const T &t) const
Returns the number of occurrences of value in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:891
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
void addElement(const XsdElement::Ptr &element)
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
QString readQNameAttribute(const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
const T & at(int i) const
Returns the item at index position i in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:468
const QLatin1String XML("http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace")
The QStringList class provides a list of strings.
Definition: qstringlist.h:66
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
void addElementGroup(const XsdModelGroup::Ptr &group)
XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr parseNamedAttributeGroup()
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseNamedGroup()
XsdComplexType::Ptr parseGlobalComplexType()
XsdSimpleType::Ptr parseGlobalSimpleType()
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
void setTargetNamespace(const QString &targetNamespace)
Definition: qxsdschema.cpp:65
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
QStringList split(const QString &sep, SplitBehavior behavior=KeepEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Splits the string into substrings wherever sep occurs, and returns the list of those strings...
Definition: qstring.cpp:6526
void addNotation(const XsdNotation::Ptr &notation)
static QString formatURI(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QXmlName::NamespaceCode &uri)
Formats uri, that&#39;s considered to be a URI, for display.
Definition: qanyuri_p.h:202
QString readNamespaceAttribute(const QString &attributeName, const char *elementName)
void addAttributeGroup(const XsdAttributeGroup::Ptr &group)
The QLatin1Char class provides an 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character.
Definition: qchar.h:55
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseSelector()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseSelector ( const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr ptr)

This method is called for parsing a selector object as child of an unique object, key object or keyref object,

ptrThe identity constraint it belongs to.

Definition at line 5155 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseKey(), parseKeyRef(), and parseUnique().

5156 {
5157  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Selector, this);
5161  // parse attributes
5162  const XsdXPathExpression::Ptr expression = readXPathExpression("selector");
5164  const QString xpath = readXPathAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("xpath"), XPathSelector, "selector");
5165  expression->setExpression(xpath);
5167  ptr->setSelector(expression);
5169  validateIdAttribute("selector");
5173  while (!atEnd()) {
5174  readNext();
5176  if (isEndElement())
5177  break;
5179  if (isStartElement()) {
5183  tagValidator.validate(token);
5185  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
5186  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
5187  expression->addAnnotation(annotation);
5188  } else {
5189  parseUnknown();
5190  }
5191  }
5192  }
5194  tagValidator.finalize();
5195 }
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
QString readXPathAttribute(const QString &attributeName, XPathType type, const char *elementName)
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
void setSelector(const XsdXPathExpression::Ptr &selector)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
void setExpression(const QString &expression)
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
XsdXPathExpression::Ptr readXPathExpression(const char *elementName)
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseSequence()

XsdModelGroup::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseSequence ( const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr parent)

This method is called for parsing a sequence object as child of a top-level group object.

parentThe schema component the sequence object is part of.

Definition at line 3871 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseNamedGroup().

3872 {
3873  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, this);
3877  const XsdModelGroup::Ptr modelGroup(new XsdModelGroup());
3878  modelGroup->setCompositor(XsdModelGroup::SequenceCompositor);
3880  validateIdAttribute("sequence");
3882  XsdParticle::List particles;
3886  while (!atEnd()) {
3887  readNext();
3889  if (isEndElement())
3890  break;
3892  if (isStartElement()) {
3896  tagValidator.validate(token);
3898  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
3899  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
3900  modelGroup->addAnnotation(annotation);
3901  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Element, token, namespaceToken)) {
3902  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3903  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalElement(particle, parent);
3904  particle->setTerm(term);
3905  particles.append(particle);
3906  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Group, token, namespaceToken)) {
3907  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3908  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseReferredGroup(particle);
3910  particle->setTerm(term);
3911  particles.append(particle);
3912  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Choice, token, namespaceToken)) {
3913  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3914  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalChoice(particle, parent);
3915  particle->setTerm(term);
3916  particles.append(particle);
3917  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, token, namespaceToken)) {
3918  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3919  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseLocalSequence(particle, parent);
3920  particle->setTerm(term);
3921  particles.append(particle);
3922  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Any, token, namespaceToken)) {
3923  const XsdParticle::Ptr particle(new XsdParticle());
3924  const XsdTerm::Ptr term = parseAny(particle);
3925  particle->setTerm(term);
3926  particles.append(particle);
3927  } else {
3928  parseUnknown();
3929  }
3930  }
3931  }
3933  modelGroup->setParticles(particles);
3935  tagValidator.finalize();
3937  return modelGroup;
3938 }
XsdTerm::Ptr parseLocalElement(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalSequence(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
Represents a XSD model group object.
XsdTerm::Ptr parseReferredGroup(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void append(const T &t)
Inserts value at the end of the list.
Definition: qlist.h:507
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
void addAllGroupCheck(const XsdReference::Ptr &reference)
Represents a XSD particle object.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
XsdWildcard::Ptr parseAny(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle)
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
XsdModelGroup::Ptr parseLocalChoice(const XsdParticle::Ptr &particle, const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)

◆ parseSimpleContent()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseSimpleContent ( const XsdComplexType::Ptr complexType)

This method is called for parsing a simpleContent object as child of a complexType object.

Definition at line 2915 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseGlobalComplexType(), and parseLocalComplexType().

2916 {
2917  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleContent, this);
2921  complexType->contentType()->setVariety(XsdComplexType::ContentType::Simple);
2923  // parse attributes
2924  validateIdAttribute("simpleContent");
2928  while (!atEnd()) {
2929  readNext();
2931  if (isEndElement())
2932  break;
2934  if (isStartElement()) {
2938  tagValidator.validate(token);
2940  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
2941  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
2942  complexType->addAnnotation(annotation);
2943  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Restriction, token, namespaceToken)) {
2944  parseSimpleContentRestriction(complexType);
2945  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Extension, token, namespaceToken)) {
2946  parseSimpleContentExtension(complexType);
2947  } else {
2948  parseUnknown();
2949  }
2950  }
2951  }
2953  tagValidator.finalize();
2954 }
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
ContentType::Ptr contentType() const
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
void parseSimpleContentExtension(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType)
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
The complex type has only simple type content (e.g. text, number etc.)
void parseSimpleContentRestriction(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType)
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseSimpleContentExtension()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseSimpleContentExtension ( const XsdComplexType::Ptr complexType)

This method is called for parsing an extension object as child of a simpleContent object.

Definition at line 3101 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContent().

3102 {
3103  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Extension, this);
3109  // parse attributes
3110  const QString baseType = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("base"), "extension");
3112  convertName(baseType, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, typeName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
3113  m_schemaResolver->addComplexBaseType(complexType, typeName, currentSourceLocation()); // add to resolver
3115  validateIdAttribute("extension");
3119  while (!atEnd()) {
3120  readNext();
3122  if (isEndElement())
3123  break;
3125  if (isStartElement()) {
3129  tagValidator.validate(token);
3131  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
3132  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
3133  complexType->addAnnotation(annotation);
3134  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, token, namespaceToken)) {
3135  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse = parseLocalAttribute(complexType);
3136  complexType->addAttributeUse(attributeUse);
3137  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, token, namespaceToken)) {
3138  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse = parseReferredAttributeGroup();
3139  complexType->addAttributeUse(attributeUse);
3140  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, token, namespaceToken)) {
3141  const XsdWildcard::Ptr wildcard = parseAnyAttribute();
3142  complexType->setAttributeWildcard(wildcard);
3143  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Assert, token, namespaceToken)) {
3145  complexType->addAssertion(assertion);
3146  } else {
3147  parseUnknown();
3148  }
3149  }
3150  }
3152  tagValidator.finalize();
3153 }
XsdWildcard::Ptr parseAnyAttribute()
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseLocalAttribute(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseReferredAttributeGroup()
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
const char * typeName
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
QString readQNameAttribute(const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
void setDerivationMethod(DerivationMethod method)
void addAttributeUse(const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr &use)
void addComplexBaseType(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType, const QXmlName &baseName, const QSourceLocation &location, const XsdFacet::Hash &facets=XsdFacet::Hash())
void addAssertion(const XsdAssertion::Ptr &assertion)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void setAttributeWildcard(const XsdWildcard::Ptr &wildcard)
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
XsdAssertion::Ptr parseAssertion(const XsdSchemaToken::NodeName &nodeName, const XsdTagScope::Type &tag)
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseSimpleContentRestriction()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseSimpleContentRestriction ( const XsdComplexType::Ptr complexType)

This method is called for parsing a restriction object as child of a simpleContent object.

Definition at line 2956 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContent().

2957 {
2958  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Restriction, this);
2964  // parse attributes
2965  const QString baseType = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("base"), "restriction");
2967  convertName(baseType, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, typeName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
2969  validateIdAttribute("restriction");
2971  XsdFacet::Hash facets;
2972  QList<XsdFacet::Ptr> patternFacets;
2973  QList<XsdFacet::Ptr> enumerationFacets;
2974  QList<XsdFacet::Ptr> assertionFacets;
2978  while (!atEnd()) {
2979  readNext();
2981  if (isEndElement())
2982  break;
2984  if (isStartElement()) {
2988  tagValidator.validate(token);
2990  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
2991  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
2992  complexType->addAnnotation(annotation);
2993  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, token, namespaceToken)) {
2995  type->setContext(complexType); //TODO: investigate what the schema spec really wants here?!?
2996  complexType->contentType()->setSimpleType(type);
2998  // add it to list of anonymous types as well
2999  addAnonymousType(type);
3000  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::MinExclusive, token, namespaceToken)) {
3001  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseMinExclusiveFacet();
3002  addFacet(facet, facets, complexType);
3003  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::MinInclusive, token, namespaceToken)) {
3004  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseMinInclusiveFacet();
3005  addFacet(facet, facets, complexType);
3006  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::MaxExclusive, token, namespaceToken)) {
3007  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseMaxExclusiveFacet();
3008  addFacet(facet, facets, complexType);
3009  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::MaxInclusive, token, namespaceToken)) {
3010  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseMaxInclusiveFacet();
3011  addFacet(facet, facets, complexType);
3012  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::TotalDigits, token, namespaceToken)) {
3013  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseTotalDigitsFacet();
3014  addFacet(facet, facets, complexType);
3015  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::FractionDigits, token, namespaceToken)) {
3016  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseFractionDigitsFacet();
3017  addFacet(facet, facets, complexType);
3018  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Length, token, namespaceToken)) {
3019  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseLengthFacet();
3020  addFacet(facet, facets, complexType);
3021  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::MinLength, token, namespaceToken)) {
3022  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseMinLengthFacet();
3023  addFacet(facet, facets, complexType);
3024  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::MaxLength, token, namespaceToken)) {
3025  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseMaxLengthFacet();
3026  addFacet(facet, facets, complexType);
3027  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Enumeration, token, namespaceToken)) {
3028  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseEnumerationFacet();
3029  enumerationFacets.append(facet);
3030  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::WhiteSpace, token, namespaceToken)) {
3031  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseWhiteSpaceFacet();
3032  addFacet(facet, facets, complexType);
3033  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Pattern, token, namespaceToken)) {
3034  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parsePatternFacet();
3035  patternFacets.append(facet);
3036  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Assertion, token, namespaceToken)) {
3037  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseAssertionFacet();
3038  assertionFacets.append(facet);
3039  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, token, namespaceToken)) {
3040  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse = parseLocalAttribute(complexType);
3041  complexType->addAttributeUse(attributeUse);
3042  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, token, namespaceToken)) {
3043  const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr attributeUse = parseReferredAttributeGroup();
3044  complexType->addAttributeUse(attributeUse);
3045  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, token, namespaceToken)) {
3046  const XsdWildcard::Ptr wildcard = parseAnyAttribute();
3047  complexType->setAttributeWildcard(wildcard);
3048  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Assert, token, namespaceToken)) {
3050  complexType->addAssertion(assertion);
3051  } else {
3052  parseUnknown();
3053  }
3054  }
3055  }
3057  tagValidator.finalize();
3059  // merge all pattern facets into one multi value facet
3060  if (!patternFacets.isEmpty()) {
3061  const XsdFacet::Ptr patternFacet(new XsdFacet());
3062  patternFacet->setType(XsdFacet::Pattern);
3064  AtomicValue::List multiValue;
3065  for (int i = 0; i < patternFacets.count(); ++i)
3066  multiValue << patternFacets.at(i)->multiValue();
3068  patternFacet->setMultiValue(multiValue);
3069  addFacet(patternFacet, facets, complexType);
3070  }
3072  // merge all enumeration facets into one multi value facet
3073  if (!enumerationFacets.isEmpty()) {
3074  const XsdFacet::Ptr enumerationFacet(new XsdFacet());
3075  enumerationFacet->setType(XsdFacet::Enumeration);
3077  AtomicValue::List multiValue;
3078  for (int i = 0; i < enumerationFacets.count(); ++i)
3079  multiValue << enumerationFacets.at(i)->multiValue();
3081  enumerationFacet->setMultiValue(multiValue);
3082  addFacet(enumerationFacet, facets, complexType);
3083  }
3085  // merge all assertion facets into one facet
3086  if (!assertionFacets.isEmpty()) {
3087  const XsdFacet::Ptr assertionFacet(new XsdFacet());
3088  assertionFacet->setType(XsdFacet::Assertion);
3090  XsdAssertion::List assertions;
3091  for (int i = 0; i < assertionFacets.count(); ++i)
3092  assertions << assertionFacets.at(i)->assertions();
3094  assertionFacet->setAssertions(assertions);
3095  addFacet(assertionFacet, facets, complexType);
3096  }
3098  m_schemaResolver->addComplexBaseType(complexType, typeName, currentSourceLocation(), facets); // add to resolver
3099 }
Match an assertion (Assertion Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:116
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
XsdWildcard::Ptr parseAnyAttribute()
int type
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
int count(const T &t) const
Returns the number of occurrences of value in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:891
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseLocalAttribute(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &parent)
ContentType::Ptr contentType() const
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the list contains no items; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qlist.h:152
Match an enumeration (Enumeration Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:115
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void append(const T &t)
Inserts value at the end of the list.
Definition: qlist.h:507
XsdAttributeUse::Ptr parseReferredAttributeGroup()
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
const char * typeName
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
QString readQNameAttribute(const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
const T & at(int i) const
Returns the item at index position i in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:468
void setDerivationMethod(DerivationMethod method)
void addAttributeUse(const XsdAttributeUse::Ptr &use)
void addComplexBaseType(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType, const QXmlName &baseName, const QSourceLocation &location, const XsdFacet::Hash &facets=XsdFacet::Hash())
void addAssertion(const XsdAssertion::Ptr &assertion)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
void setContext(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &component)
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
Match a regular expression (Pattern Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:107
void setAttributeWildcard(const XsdWildcard::Ptr &wildcard)
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
XsdAssertion::Ptr parseAssertion(const XsdSchemaToken::NodeName &nodeName, const XsdTagScope::Type &tag)
void addAnonymousType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
void addFacet(const XsdFacet::Ptr &facet, XsdFacet::Hash &facets, const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
XsdSimpleType::Ptr parseLocalSimpleType()
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
The QList class is a template class that provides lists.
Definition: qdatastream.h:62

◆ parseSimpleRestriction()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseSimpleRestriction ( const XsdSimpleType::Ptr ptr)

This method is called for parsing a restriction object as child of a simpleType object.

Definition at line 1475 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseGlobalSimpleType(), and parseLocalSimpleType().

1476 {
1477  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Restriction, this);
1483  // The base attribute and simpleType member are mutually exclusive,
1484  // so we keep track of that
1485  bool hasBaseAttribute = false;
1486  bool hasBaseTypeSpecified = false;
1488  QXmlName baseName;
1489  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("base"))) {
1490  const QString base = readQNameAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("base"), "restriction");
1491  convertName(base, NamespaceSupport::ElementName, baseName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
1492  m_schemaResolver->addSimpleRestrictionBase(ptr, baseName, currentSourceLocation()); // add to resolver
1494  hasBaseAttribute = true;
1495  hasBaseTypeSpecified = true;
1496  }
1497  validateIdAttribute("restriction");
1499  XsdFacet::Hash facets;
1500  QList<XsdFacet::Ptr> patternFacets;
1501  QList<XsdFacet::Ptr> enumerationFacets;
1502  QList<XsdFacet::Ptr> assertionFacets;
1506  while (!atEnd()) {
1507  readNext();
1509  if (isEndElement())
1510  break;
1512  if (isStartElement()) {
1516  tagValidator.validate(token);
1518  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
1519  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
1520  ptr->addAnnotation(annotation);
1521  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, token, namespaceToken)) {
1522  if (hasBaseAttribute) {
1523  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element is not allowed inside %2 element if %3 attribute is present.")
1524  .arg(formatElement("simpleType"))
1525  .arg(formatElement("restriction"))
1526  .arg(formatAttribute("base")));
1527  return;
1528  }
1531  type->setContext(ptr);
1532  ptr->setWxsSuperType(type);
1533  ptr->setCategory(type->category());
1534  hasBaseTypeSpecified = true;
1536  // add it to list of anonymous types as well
1537  addAnonymousType(type);
1538  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::MinExclusive, token, namespaceToken)) {
1539  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseMinExclusiveFacet();
1540  addFacet(facet, facets, ptr);
1541  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::MinInclusive, token, namespaceToken)) {
1542  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseMinInclusiveFacet();
1543  addFacet(facet, facets, ptr);
1544  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::MaxExclusive, token, namespaceToken)) {
1545  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseMaxExclusiveFacet();
1546  addFacet(facet, facets, ptr);
1547  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::MaxInclusive, token, namespaceToken)) {
1548  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseMaxInclusiveFacet();
1549  addFacet(facet, facets, ptr);
1550  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::TotalDigits, token, namespaceToken)) {
1551  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseTotalDigitsFacet();
1552  addFacet(facet, facets, ptr);
1553  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::FractionDigits, token, namespaceToken)) {
1554  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseFractionDigitsFacet();
1555  addFacet(facet, facets, ptr);
1556  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Length, token, namespaceToken)) {
1557  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseLengthFacet();
1558  addFacet(facet, facets, ptr);
1559  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::MinLength, token, namespaceToken)) {
1560  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseMinLengthFacet();
1561  addFacet(facet, facets, ptr);
1562  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::MaxLength, token, namespaceToken)) {
1563  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseMaxLengthFacet();
1564  addFacet(facet, facets, ptr);
1565  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Enumeration, token, namespaceToken)) {
1566  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseEnumerationFacet();
1567  enumerationFacets.append(facet);
1568  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::WhiteSpace, token, namespaceToken)) {
1569  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseWhiteSpaceFacet();
1570  addFacet(facet, facets, ptr);
1571  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Pattern, token, namespaceToken)) {
1572  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parsePatternFacet();
1573  patternFacets.append(facet);
1574  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Assertion, token, namespaceToken)) {
1575  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = parseAssertionFacet();
1576  assertionFacets.append(facet);
1577  } else {
1578  parseUnknown();
1579  }
1580  }
1581  }
1583  if (!hasBaseTypeSpecified) {
1584  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element has neither %2 attribute nor %3 child element.")
1585  .arg(formatElement("restriction"))
1586  .arg(formatAttribute("base"))
1587  .arg(formatElement("simpleType")));
1588  return;
1589  }
1591  // merge all pattern facets into one multi value facet
1592  if (!patternFacets.isEmpty()) {
1593  const XsdFacet::Ptr patternFacet(new XsdFacet());
1594  patternFacet->setType(XsdFacet::Pattern);
1596  AtomicValue::List multiValue;
1597  for (int i = 0; i < patternFacets.count(); ++i)
1598  multiValue << patternFacets.at(i)->multiValue();
1600  patternFacet->setMultiValue(multiValue);
1601  addFacet(patternFacet, facets, ptr);
1602  }
1604  // merge all enumeration facets into one multi value facet
1605  if (!enumerationFacets.isEmpty()) {
1606  const XsdFacet::Ptr enumerationFacet(new XsdFacet());
1607  enumerationFacet->setType(XsdFacet::Enumeration);
1609  AtomicValue::List multiValue;
1610  for (int i = 0; i < enumerationFacets.count(); ++i)
1611  multiValue << enumerationFacets.at(i)->multiValue();
1613  enumerationFacet->setMultiValue(multiValue);
1614  addFacet(enumerationFacet, facets, ptr);
1615  }
1617  // merge all assertion facets into one facet
1618  if (!assertionFacets.isEmpty()) {
1619  const XsdFacet::Ptr assertionFacet(new XsdFacet());
1620  assertionFacet->setType(XsdFacet::Assertion);
1622  XsdAssertion::List assertions;
1623  for (int i = 0; i < assertionFacets.count(); ++i)
1624  assertions << assertionFacets.at(i)->assertions();
1626  assertionFacet->setAssertions(assertions);
1627  addFacet(assertionFacet, facets, ptr);
1628  }
1630  ptr->setFacets(facets);
1632  tagValidator.finalize();
1633 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
Match an assertion (Assertion Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:116
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
int type
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
virtual TypeCategory category() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
int count(const T &t) const
Returns the number of occurrences of value in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:891
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
static const uint base
Definition: qurl.cpp:268
void setDerivationMethod(DerivationMethod method)
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the list contains no items; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qlist.h:152
Match an enumeration (Enumeration Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:115
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void append(const T &t)
Inserts value at the end of the list.
Definition: qlist.h:507
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
void setFacets(const XsdFacet::Hash &facets)
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
void setWxsSuperType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
QString readQNameAttribute(const QString &typeAttribute, const char *elementName)
const T & at(int i) const
Returns the item at index position i in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:468
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
void setContext(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &component)
void setCategory(TypeCategory category)
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
Match a regular expression (Pattern Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:107
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
void addAnonymousType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
void addFacet(const XsdFacet::Ptr &facet, XsdFacet::Hash &facets, const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
XsdSimpleType::Ptr parseLocalSimpleType()
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
The QList class is a template class that provides lists.
Definition: qdatastream.h:62
void addSimpleRestrictionBase(const XsdSimpleType::Ptr &simpleType, const QXmlName &baseName, const QSourceLocation &location)

◆ parseTotalDigitsFacet()

XsdFacet::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseTotalDigitsFacet ( )

This method is called for parsing a totalDigits object as child of a restriction object.

Definition at line 2058 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContentRestriction(), and parseSimpleRestriction().

2059 {
2060  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::TotalDigits, this);
2064  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = XsdFacet::Ptr(new XsdFacet());
2065  facet->setType(XsdFacet::TotalDigits);
2067  // parse attributes
2068  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
2069  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"));
2070  const Boolean::Ptr fixed = Boolean::fromLexical(value);
2071  if (fixed->hasError()) {
2072  attributeContentError("fixed", "totalDigits", value, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
2073  return facet;
2074  }
2076  facet->setFixed(fixed->as<Boolean>()->value());
2077  } else {
2078  facet->setFixed(false); // the default value
2079  }
2081  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("value"));
2083  if (integer->hasError()) {
2084  attributeContentError("value", "totalDigits", value, BuiltinTypes::xsPositiveInteger);
2085  return facet;
2086  } else {
2087  facet->setValue(integer);
2088  }
2090  validateIdAttribute("totalDigits");
2094  while (!atEnd()) {
2095  readNext();
2097  if (isEndElement())
2098  break;
2100  if (isStartElement()) {
2104  tagValidator.validate(token);
2106  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
2107  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
2108  facet->addAnnotation(annotation);
2109  } else {
2110  parseUnknown();
2111  }
2112  }
2113  }
2115  tagValidator.finalize();
2117  return facet;
2118 }
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QString &strNumeric)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream & fixed(QTextStream &s)
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
const TCastTarget * as() const
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool value() const
Definition: qboolean_p.h:109
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdFacet > Ptr
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:96
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
Match some integer digits (Total Digits Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:113
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsPositiveInteger
Represents instances of derived xs:integer types, such as xs:byte.
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseUnion()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseUnion ( const XsdSimpleType::Ptr ptr)

This method is called for parsing a union object as child of a simpleType object.

Definition at line 1722 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseGlobalSimpleType(), and parseLocalSimpleType().

1723 {
1724  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Union, this);
1732  // The memberTypes attribute is not allowed to be empty,
1733  // so we keep track of that
1734  bool hasMemberTypesSpecified = false;
1736  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("memberTypes"))) {
1737  const QStringList memberTypes = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("memberTypes")).split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
1738  QList<QXmlName> typeNames;
1740  for (int i = 0; i < memberTypes.count(); ++i) {
1742  convertName(memberTypes.at(i), NamespaceSupport::ElementName, typeName); // translate qualified name into QXmlName
1743  typeNames.append(typeName);
1744  }
1746  if (!typeNames.isEmpty()) {
1747  m_schemaResolver->addSimpleUnionTypes(ptr, typeNames, currentSourceLocation()); // add to resolver
1748  hasMemberTypesSpecified = true;
1749  }
1750  }
1752  validateIdAttribute("union");
1754  AnySimpleType::List memberTypes;
1758  while (!atEnd()) {
1759  readNext();
1761  if (isEndElement())
1762  break;
1764  if (isStartElement()) {
1768  tagValidator.validate(token);
1770  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
1771  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
1772  ptr->addAnnotation(annotation);
1773  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, token, namespaceToken)) {
1775  type->setContext(ptr);
1776  memberTypes.append(type);
1778  // add it to list of anonymous types as well
1779  addAnonymousType(type);
1780  } else {
1781  parseUnknown();
1782  }
1783  }
1784  }
1786  if (!memberTypes.isEmpty()) {
1787  ptr->setMemberTypes(memberTypes);
1788  hasMemberTypesSpecified = true;
1789  }
1791  if (!hasMemberTypesSpecified) {
1792  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element has neither %2 attribute nor %3 child element.")
1793  .arg(formatElement("union"))
1794  .arg(formatAttribute("memberTypes"))
1795  .arg(formatElement("simpleType")));
1796  return;
1797  }
1799  tagValidator.finalize();
1800 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
int type
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
int count(const T &t) const
Returns the number of occurrences of value in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:891
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
QSourceLocation currentSourceLocation() const
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
void setDerivationMethod(DerivationMethod method)
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the list contains no items; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qlist.h:152
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
void append(const T &t)
Inserts value at the end of the list.
Definition: qlist.h:507
void addAnnotation(const XsdAnnotation::Ptr &annotation)
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
const char * typeName
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
void setWxsSuperType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
const T & at(int i) const
Returns the item at index position i in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:468
The QStringList class provides a list of strings.
Definition: qstringlist.h:66
void setMemberTypes(const AnySimpleType::List &types)
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
void setContext(const NamedSchemaComponent::Ptr &component)
void setCategory(TypeCategory category)
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
static const SchemaType::Ptr xsAnySimpleType
void convertName(const QString &qualified, NamespaceSupport::NameType type, QXmlName &name)
void addAnonymousType(const SchemaType::Ptr &type)
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
QStringList split(const QString &sep, SplitBehavior behavior=KeepEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Splits the string into substrings wherever sep occurs, and returns the list of those strings...
Definition: qstring.cpp:6526
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
XsdSimpleType::Ptr parseLocalSimpleType()
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
void addSimpleUnionTypes(const XsdSimpleType::Ptr &simpleType, const QList< QXmlName > &typeNames, const QSourceLocation &location)
The QLatin1Char class provides an 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character.
Definition: qchar.h:55
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseUnique()

XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseUnique ( )

This method is called for parsing a unique object as child of an element object.

Definition at line 5000 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseGlobalElement(), and parseLocalElement().

5001 {
5002  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::Unique, this);
5006  const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr constraint(new XsdIdentityConstraint());
5007  constraint->setCategory(XsdIdentityConstraint::Unique);
5009  // parse attributes
5010  const QXmlName objectName = m_namePool->allocateQName(m_targetNamespace, readNameAttribute("unique"));
5011  constraint->setName(objectName);
5013  validateIdAttribute("unique");
5017  while (!atEnd()) {
5018  readNext();
5020  if (isEndElement())
5021  break;
5023  if (isStartElement()) {
5027  tagValidator.validate(token);
5029  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
5030  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
5031  constraint->addAnnotation(annotation);
5032  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Selector, token, namespaceToken)) {
5033  parseSelector(constraint);
5034  } else if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Field, token, namespaceToken)) {
5035  parseField(constraint);
5036  } else {
5037  parseUnknown();
5038  }
5039  }
5040  }
5042  // add constraint to schema for further checking
5043  addIdentityConstraint(constraint);
5045  tagValidator.finalize();
5047  return constraint;
5048 }
Represents a XSD identity constraint object.
void parseSelector(const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &ptr)
void addIdentityConstraint(const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &constraint)
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
The constraint is an unique constraint.
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
QString readNameAttribute(const char *elementName)
QXmlName allocateQName(const QString &uri, const QString &localName, const QString &prefix=QString())
Definition: qnamepool.cpp:251
void parseField(const XsdIdentityConstraint::Ptr &ptr)
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const

◆ parseUnknown()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseUnknown ( )

This method is called for parsing unknown object in the schema.

Definition at line 5658 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAll(), parseAlternative(), parseAnnotation(), parseAny(), parseAnyAttribute(), parseAssertion(), parseChoice(), parseComplexContent(), parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseDefaultOpenContent(), parseEnumerationFacet(), parseField(), parseFractionDigitsFacet(), parseGlobalAttribute(), parseGlobalComplexType(), parseGlobalElement(), parseGlobalSimpleType(), parseImport(), parseInclude(), parseKey(), parseKeyRef(), parseLengthFacet(), parseList(), parseLocalAll(), parseLocalAttribute(), parseLocalChoice(), parseLocalComplexType(), parseLocalElement(), parseLocalSequence(), parseLocalSimpleType(), parseMaxExclusiveFacet(), parseMaxInclusiveFacet(), parseMaxLengthFacet(), parseMinExclusiveFacet(), parseMinInclusiveFacet(), parseMinLengthFacet(), parseNamedAttributeGroup(), parseNamedGroup(), parseNotation(), parseOpenContent(), parsePatternFacet(), parseRedefine(), parseReferredAttributeGroup(), parseReferredGroup(), parseSchema(), parseSelector(), parseSequence(), parseSimpleContent(), parseSimpleContentExtension(), parseSimpleContentRestriction(), parseSimpleRestriction(), parseTotalDigitsFacet(), parseUnion(), parseUnique(), and parseWhiteSpaceFacet().

5659 {
5664  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 element is not allowed in this context.").arg(formatElement(name().toString())));
5666  while (!atEnd()) {
5667  readNext();
5669  if (isEndElement())
5670  break;
5672  if (isStartElement())
5673  parseUnknown();
5674  }
5677 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
static QString toString(NodeName token)
#define Q_ASSERT(cond)
Definition: qglobal.h:1823
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations namespaceDeclarations() const
If the state() is StartElement , this function returns the element&#39;s namespace declarations.
void setPrefixes(const QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations &declarations)

◆ parseUnknownDocumentation()

void XsdSchemaParser::parseUnknownDocumentation ( )

This method is called for parsing unknown object as descendant of the annotation object.

Definition at line 5639 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAppInfo(), and parseDocumentation().

5640 {
5645  while (!atEnd()) {
5646  readNext();
5648  if (isEndElement())
5649  break;
5651  if (isStartElement())
5653  }
5656 }
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
#define Q_ASSERT(cond)
Definition: qglobal.h:1823
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations namespaceDeclarations() const
If the state() is StartElement , this function returns the element&#39;s namespace declarations.
void setPrefixes(const QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclarations &declarations)

◆ parseWhiteSpaceFacet()

XsdFacet::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::parseWhiteSpaceFacet ( )

This method is called for parsing a whiteSpace object as child of a restriction object.

Definition at line 2425 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSimpleContentRestriction(), and parseSimpleRestriction().

2426 {
2427  const ElementNamespaceHandler namespaceHandler(XsdSchemaToken::WhiteSpace, this);
2431  const XsdFacet::Ptr facet = XsdFacet::Ptr(new XsdFacet());
2432  facet->setType(XsdFacet::WhiteSpace);
2434  // parse attributes
2435  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"))) {
2436  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("fixed"));
2437  const Boolean::Ptr fixed = Boolean::fromLexical(value);
2438  if (fixed->hasError()) {
2439  attributeContentError("fixed", "whiteSpace", value, BuiltinTypes::xsBoolean);
2440  return facet;
2441  }
2443  facet->setFixed(fixed->as<Boolean>()->value());
2444  } else {
2445  facet->setFixed(false); // the default value
2446  }
2448  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("value"));
2452  attributeContentError("value", "whiteSpace", value);
2453  return facet;
2454  } else {
2456  if (string->hasError()) {
2457  attributeContentError("value", "whiteSpace", value);
2458  return facet;
2459  } else {
2460  facet->setValue(string);
2461  }
2462  }
2464  validateIdAttribute("whiteSpace");
2468  while (!atEnd()) {
2469  readNext();
2471  if (isEndElement())
2472  break;
2474  if (isStartElement()) {
2478  tagValidator.validate(token);
2480  if (isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, token, namespaceToken)) {
2481  const XsdAnnotation::Ptr annotation = parseAnnotation();
2482  facet->addAnnotation(annotation);
2483  } else {
2484  parseUnknown();
2485  }
2486  }
2487  }
2489  tagValidator.finalize();
2491  return facet;
2492 }
Represents a XSD facet object.
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:93
virtual bool hasError() const
XsdAnnotation::Ptr parseAnnotation()
static NodeName toToken(const QString &value)
bool isEndElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals EndElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:338
void validateIdAttribute(const char *elementName)
The QExplicitlySharedDataPointer class represents a pointer to an explicitly shared object...
Definition: qshareddata.h:136
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the reader has read until the end of the XML document, or if an error() has occurred ...
Definition: qxmlstream.cpp:590
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
static QString toString(NodeName token)
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream & fixed(QTextStream &s)
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &val)
Definition: qboolean.cpp:120
QStringRef namespaceUri() const
Returns the namespaceUri of a StartElement or EndElement.
const TCastTarget * as() const
A helper class for automatically handling namespace scopes of elements.
bool value() const
Definition: qboolean_p.h:109
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdFacet > Ptr
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:96
Match a whitespace rule (White Space Definition)
Definition: qxsdfacet_p.h:108
bool isStartElement() const
Returns true if tokenType() equals StartElement ; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qxmlstream.h:337
Implements the value instance of the xs:boolean type.
Definition: qboolean_p.h:69
Represents instances of derived xs:string types, such as xs:normalizedString.
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
bool isSchemaTag(XsdSchemaToken::NodeName tag, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName token, XsdSchemaToken::NodeName namespaceToken) const
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QString &lexical)

◆ readBlockingConstraintAttribute()

NamedSchemaComponent::BlockingConstraints XsdSchemaParser::readBlockingConstraintAttribute ( const NamedSchemaComponent::BlockingConstraints &  allowedConstraints,
const char *  elementName 

A helper method that reads the block attribute and does correct handling of schema default definitions.

Definition at line 5842 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseGlobalComplexType(), parseGlobalElement(), and parseLocalElement().

5843 {
5844  // first convert the flags into strings for easier comparison
5845  QSet<QString> allowedContent;
5846  if (allowedConstraints & NamedSchemaComponent::RestrictionConstraint)
5847  allowedContent.insert(QString::fromLatin1("restriction"));
5848  if (allowedConstraints & NamedSchemaComponent::ExtensionConstraint)
5849  allowedContent.insert(QString::fromLatin1("extension"));
5850  if (allowedConstraints & NamedSchemaComponent::SubstitutionConstraint)
5851  allowedContent.insert(QString::fromLatin1("substitution"));
5853  // read content from the attribute if available, otherwise use the default definitions from the schema tag
5854  QString content;
5855  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("block"))) {
5856  content = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("block"));
5858  // split string into list to validate the content of the attribute
5860  for (int i = 0; i < values.count(); i++) {
5861  const QString value = values.at(i);
5862  if (!allowedContent.contains(value) && (value != QString::fromLatin1("#all"))) {
5863  attributeContentError("block", elementName, value);
5864  return NamedSchemaComponent::BlockingConstraints();
5865  }
5867  if ((value == QString::fromLatin1("#all")) && values.count() != 1) {
5868  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 attribute of %2 element must either contain %3 or the other values.")
5869  .arg(formatAttribute("block"))
5870  .arg(formatElement(elementName))
5871  .arg(formatData("#all")));
5872  return NamedSchemaComponent::BlockingConstraints();
5873  }
5874  }
5875  } else {
5876  // content of the default value has been validated in parseSchema already
5877  content = m_blockDefault;
5878  }
5880  QSet<QString> contentSet = content.split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts).toSet();
5882  // if the '#all' tag is defined, we return all allowed values
5883  if (contentSet.contains(QString::fromLatin1("#all"))) {
5884  return allowedConstraints;
5885  } else { // return the values from content set that intersects with the allowed values
5886  contentSet.intersect(allowedContent);
5888  NamedSchemaComponent::BlockingConstraints constraints;
5890  if (contentSet.contains(QString::fromLatin1("restriction")))
5891  constraints |= NamedSchemaComponent::RestrictionConstraint;
5892  if (contentSet.contains(QString::fromLatin1("extension")))
5893  constraints |= NamedSchemaComponent::ExtensionConstraint;
5894  if (contentSet.contains(QString::fromLatin1("substitution")))
5895  constraints |= NamedSchemaComponent::SubstitutionConstraint;
5897  return constraints;
5898  }
5899 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
QSet< T > toSet() const
Returns a QSet object with the data contained in this QList.
Definition: qset.h:309
int count(const T &t) const
Returns the number of occurrences of value in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:891
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
QSet< T > & intersect(const QSet< T > &other)
Definition: qset.h:256
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
bool contains(const T &value) const
Definition: qset.h:91
const T & at(int i) const
Returns the item at index position i in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:468
The QStringList class provides a list of strings.
Definition: qstringlist.h:66
const_iterator insert(const T &value)
Definition: qset.h:179
quint16 values[128]
static QString formatData(const QString &data)
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
QStringList split(const QString &sep, SplitBehavior behavior=KeepEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Splits the string into substrings wherever sep occurs, and returns the list of those strings...
Definition: qstring.cpp:6526
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
The QLatin1Char class provides an 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character.
Definition: qchar.h:55

◆ readDerivationConstraintAttribute()

SchemaType::DerivationConstraints XsdSchemaParser::readDerivationConstraintAttribute ( const SchemaType::DerivationConstraints &  allowedConstraints,
const char *  elementName 

A helper method that reads the final attribute and does correct handling of schema default definitions.

Definition at line 5779 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseGlobalComplexType(), parseGlobalElement(), and parseGlobalSimpleType().

5780 {
5781  // first convert the flags into strings for easier comparison
5782  QSet<QString> allowedContent;
5783  if (allowedConstraints & SchemaType::RestrictionConstraint)
5784  allowedContent.insert(QString::fromLatin1("restriction"));
5785  if (allowedConstraints & SchemaType::ExtensionConstraint)
5786  allowedContent.insert(QString::fromLatin1("extension"));
5787  if (allowedConstraints & SchemaType::ListConstraint)
5788  allowedContent.insert(QString::fromLatin1("list"));
5789  if (allowedConstraints & SchemaType::UnionConstraint)
5790  allowedContent.insert(QString::fromLatin1("union"));
5792  // read content from the attribute if available, otherwise use the default definitions from the schema tag
5793  QString content;
5794  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("final"))) {
5795  content = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("final"));
5797  // split string into list to validate the content of the attribute
5799  for (int i = 0; i < values.count(); i++) {
5800  const QString value = values.at(i);
5801  if (!allowedContent.contains(value) && (value != QString::fromLatin1("#all"))) {
5802  attributeContentError("final", elementName, value);
5803  return SchemaType::DerivationConstraints();
5804  }
5806  if ((value == QString::fromLatin1("#all")) && values.count() != 1) {
5807  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 attribute of %2 element must either contain %3 or the other values.")
5808  .arg(formatAttribute("final"))
5809  .arg(formatElement(elementName))
5810  .arg(formatData("#all")));
5811  return SchemaType::DerivationConstraints();
5812  }
5813  }
5814  } else {
5815  // content of the default value has been validated in parseSchema already
5816  content = m_finalDefault;
5817  }
5819  QSet<QString> contentSet = content.split(QLatin1Char(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts).toSet();
5821  // if the '#all' tag is defined, we return all allowed values
5822  if (contentSet.contains(QString::fromLatin1("#all"))) {
5823  return allowedConstraints;
5824  } else { // return the values from content set that intersects with the allowed values
5825  contentSet.intersect(allowedContent);
5827  SchemaType::DerivationConstraints constraints;
5829  if (contentSet.contains(QString::fromLatin1("restriction")))
5830  constraints |= SchemaType::RestrictionConstraint;
5831  if (contentSet.contains(QString::fromLatin1("extension")))
5832  constraints |= SchemaType::ExtensionConstraint;
5833  if (contentSet.contains(QString::fromLatin1("list")))
5834  constraints |= SchemaType::ListConstraint;
5835  if (contentSet.contains(QString::fromLatin1("union")))
5836  constraints |= SchemaType::UnionConstraint;
5838  return constraints;
5839  }
5840 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
QSet< T > toSet() const
Returns a QSet object with the data contained in this QList.
Definition: qset.h:309
int count(const T &t) const
Returns the number of occurrences of value in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:891
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
QSet< T > & intersect(const QSet< T > &other)
Definition: qset.h:256
static QString formatElement(const QString &element)
Formats element name.
bool contains(const T &value) const
Definition: qset.h:91
const T & at(int i) const
Returns the item at index position i in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:468
The QStringList class provides a list of strings.
Definition: qstringlist.h:66
const_iterator insert(const T &value)
Definition: qset.h:179
quint16 values[128]
static QString formatData(const QString &data)
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
QStringList split(const QString &sep, SplitBehavior behavior=KeepEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Splits the string into substrings wherever sep occurs, and returns the list of those strings...
Definition: qstring.cpp:6526
static QString formatAttribute(const QString &attribute)
Formats attribute name.
The QLatin1Char class provides an 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character.
Definition: qchar.h:55

◆ readNameAttribute()

QString XsdSchemaParser::readNameAttribute ( const char *  elementName)

A helper method that reads in a 'name' attribute and checks it for syntactic errors.

Definition at line 5746 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseGlobalAttribute(), parseGlobalComplexType(), parseGlobalElement(), parseGlobalSimpleType(), parseKey(), parseKeyRef(), parseLocalAttribute(), parseLocalElement(), parseNamedAttributeGroup(), parseNamedGroup(), parseNotation(), and parseUnique().

5747 {
5748  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("name")).simplified();
5749  if (!QXmlUtils::isNCName(value)) {
5750  attributeContentError("name", elementName, value, BuiltinTypes::xsNCName);
5751  return QString();
5752  } else {
5753  return value;
5754  }
5755 }
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QString simplified() const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Returns a string that has whitespace removed from the start and the end, and that has each sequence o...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4415
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsNCName
static bool isNCName(const QStringRef &ncName)
Determines whether c is a valid instance of production [4]NCName in the XML 1.0 Namespaces specificat...
Definition: qxmlutils.cpp:377

◆ readNamespaceAttribute()

QString XsdSchemaParser::readNamespaceAttribute ( const QString attributeName,
const char *  elementName 

A helper method that reads in a namespace attribute and checks for syntactic errors.

Definition at line 5768 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseSchema().

5769 {
5770  const QString value = readAttribute(attributeName);
5771  if (value.isEmpty()) {
5772  attributeContentError(attributeName.toLatin1(), elementName, value, BuiltinTypes::xsAnyURI);
5773  return QString();
5774  }
5776  return value;
5777 }
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the string has no characters; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qstring.h:704
QByteArray toLatin1() const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Returns a Latin-1 representation of the string as a QByteArray.
Definition: qstring.cpp:3993
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsAnyURI

◆ readQNameAttribute()

QString XsdSchemaParser::readQNameAttribute ( const QString typeAttribute,
const char *  elementName 

A helper method that reads in an attribute that contains an QName and checks it for syntactic errors.

Definition at line 5757 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAlternative(), parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseGlobalAttribute(), parseGlobalElement(), parseKeyRef(), parseList(), parseLocalAttribute(), parseLocalElement(), parseReferredAttributeGroup(), parseReferredGroup(), parseSchema(), parseSimpleContentExtension(), parseSimpleContentRestriction(), and parseSimpleRestriction().

5758 {
5759  const QString value = readAttribute(typeAttribute).simplified();
5760  if (!XPathHelper::isQName(value)) {
5761  attributeContentError(typeAttribute.toLatin1(), elementName, value, BuiltinTypes::xsQName);
5762  return QString();
5763  } else {
5764  return value;
5765  }
5766 }
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QByteArray toLatin1() const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Returns a Latin-1 representation of the string as a QByteArray.
Definition: qstring.cpp:3993
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsQName
QString simplified() const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Returns a string that has whitespace removed from the start and the end, and that has each sequence o...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4415
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static bool isQName(const QString &qName)

◆ readXPathAttribute()

QString XsdSchemaParser::readXPathAttribute ( const QString attributeName,
XPathType  type,
const char *  elementName 

A helper method that reads an attribute that represents a xpath query and does basic validation.

Definition at line 5955 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAlternative(), parseAssertion(), parseField(), and parseSelector().

5956 {
5957  const QString value = readAttribute(attributeName);
5958  if (value.isEmpty() || value.startsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) {
5959  attributeContentError(attributeName.toLatin1(), elementName, value);
5960  return QString();
5961  }
5966  switch (type) {
5967  case XPath20: language = QXmlQuery::XPath20; break;
5970  };
5972  QXmlQuery query(language, namePool);
5973  QXmlQueryPrivate *queryPrivate = query.d;
5975  const QList<QXmlName> namespaceBindings = m_namespaceSupport.namespaceBindings();
5976  for (int i = 0; i < namespaceBindings.count(); ++i) {
5977  if (!namespaceBindings.at(i).prefix() == StandardPrefixes::empty)
5978  queryPrivate->addAdditionalNamespaceBinding(namespaceBindings.at(i));
5979  }
5981  query.setQuery(value, m_documentURI);
5982  if (!query.isValid()) {
5983  attributeContentError(attributeName.toLatin1(), elementName, value);
5984  return QString();
5985  }
5987  return value;
5988 }
int type
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
Specifies whether you want QXmlQuery to interpret the input to setQuery() as an XQuery or as an XSLT ...
Definition: qxmlquery.h:82
bool startsWith(const QString &s, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) const
Returns true if the string starts with s; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qstring.cpp:3734
int count(const T &t) const
Returns the number of occurrences of value in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:891
void addAdditionalNamespaceBinding(const QXmlName &binding)
Definition: qxmlquery_p.h:272
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
QString prefix(const QXmlNamePool &query) const
Returns the prefix.
Definition: qxmlname.cpp:370
The QXmlNamePool class is a table of shared strings referenced by instances of QXmlName.
Definition: qxmlnamepool.h:69
QLocale::Language language
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the string has no characters; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qstring.h:704
const T & at(int i) const
Returns the item at index position i in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:468
static const char * data(const QByteArray &arr)
QByteArray toLatin1() const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Returns a Latin-1 representation of the string as a QByteArray.
Definition: qstring.cpp:3993
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
QList< QXmlName > namespaceBindings() const
The QLatin1Char class provides an 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character.
Definition: qchar.h:55
The QXmlQuery class performs XQueries on XML data, or on non-XML data modeled to look like XML...
Definition: qxmlquery.h:79

◆ readXPathExpression()

XsdXPathExpression::Ptr XsdSchemaParser::readXPathExpression ( const char *  elementName)

A helper method that reads all components for a xpath expression for the current scope.

Definition at line 5901 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAlternative(), parseAssertion(), parseField(), and parseSelector().

5902 {
5903  const XsdXPathExpression::Ptr expression(new XsdXPathExpression());
5905  const QList<QXmlName> namespaceBindings = m_namespaceSupport.namespaceBindings();
5906  QXmlName emptyName;
5907  for (int i = 0; i < namespaceBindings.count(); ++i) {
5908  if (namespaceBindings.at(i).prefix() == StandardPrefixes::empty)
5909  emptyName = namespaceBindings.at(i);
5910  }
5912  expression->setNamespaceBindings(namespaceBindings);
5914  QString xpathDefaultNamespace;
5915  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("xpathDefaultNamespace"))) {
5916  xpathDefaultNamespace = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("xpathDefaultNamespace"));
5917  if (xpathDefaultNamespace != QString::fromLatin1("##defaultNamespace") &&
5918  xpathDefaultNamespace != QString::fromLatin1("##targetNamespace") &&
5919  xpathDefaultNamespace != QString::fromLatin1("##local")) {
5920  if (!isValidUri(xpathDefaultNamespace)) {
5921  attributeContentError("xpathDefaultNamespace", elementName, xpathDefaultNamespace, BuiltinTypes::xsAnyURI);
5922  return expression;
5923  }
5924  }
5925  } else {
5926  xpathDefaultNamespace = m_xpathDefaultNamespace;
5927  }
5929  AnyURI::Ptr namespaceURI;
5930  if (xpathDefaultNamespace == QString::fromLatin1("##defaultNamespace")) {
5931  if (!emptyName.isNull())
5932  namespaceURI = AnyURI::fromLexical(m_namePool->stringForNamespace(emptyName.namespaceURI()));
5933  } else if (xpathDefaultNamespace == QString::fromLatin1("##targetNamespace")) {
5934  if (!m_targetNamespace.isEmpty())
5935  namespaceURI = AnyURI::fromLexical(m_targetNamespace);
5936  } else if (xpathDefaultNamespace == QString::fromLatin1("##local")) {
5937  // it is absent
5938  } else {
5939  namespaceURI = AnyURI::fromLexical(xpathDefaultNamespace);
5940  }
5941  if (namespaceURI) {
5942  if (namespaceURI->hasError()) {
5943  attributeContentError("xpathDefaultNamespace", elementName, xpathDefaultNamespace, BuiltinTypes::xsAnyURI);
5944  return expression;
5945  }
5947  expression->setDefaultNamespace(namespaceURI);
5948  }
5950  //TODO: read the base uri if qmaintaining reader support it
5952  return expression;
5953 }
static bool isValidUri(const QString &string)
virtual bool hasError() const
int count(const T &t) const
Returns the number of occurrences of value in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:891
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
QString prefix(const QXmlNamePool &query) const
Returns the prefix.
Definition: qxmlname.cpp:370
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the string has no characters; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qstring.h:704
Represents a XSD assertion object.
const T & at(int i) const
Returns the item at index position i in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:468
static AnyURI::Ptr fromLexical(const QString &value, const TReportContext &context, const SourceLocationReflection *const r)
Constructs a xs:anyURI value from the lexical representation value.
Definition: qanyuri_p.h:153
NamespaceCode namespaceURI() const
Definition: qnamepool_p.h:503
The QXmlName class represents the name of an XML node, in an efficient, namespace-aware way...
Definition: qxmlname.h:58
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
const QString & stringForNamespace(const QXmlName::NamespaceCode code) const
Definition: qnamepool_p.h:180
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
QList< QXmlName > namespaceBindings() const
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsAnyURI
bool isNull() const
Returns true if this QXmlName is not initialized with a valid combination of {namespace URI}...
Definition: qxmlname.cpp:224

◆ resolveComplexContentType()

void XsdSchemaParser::resolveComplexContentType ( const XsdComplexType::Ptr complexType,
bool  effectiveMixed 

This method resolves the content type of the complexType for the given effectiveMixed value.

Definition at line 2882 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseGlobalComplexType(), and parseLocalComplexType().

2883 {
2884  // @see http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#dcl.ctd.ctcc.common
2886  // 1
2887  // the effectiveMixed contains the effective mixed value
2889  // 2
2890  bool hasEmptyContent = false;
2891  if (!complexType->contentType()->particle()) {
2892  hasEmptyContent = true; // 2.1.1
2893  } else {
2894  if (complexType->contentType()->particle()->term()->isModelGroup()) {
2895  const XsdModelGroup::Ptr group = complexType->contentType()->particle()->term();
2897  if (group->particles().isEmpty())
2898  hasEmptyContent = true; // 2.1.2
2899  } else if (group->compositor() == XsdModelGroup::ChoiceCompositor) {
2900  if ((complexType->contentType()->particle()->minimumOccurs() == 0) && group->particles().isEmpty())
2901  hasEmptyContent = true; // 2.1.3
2902  }
2904  if ((complexType->contentType()->particle()->maximumOccursUnbounded() == false) && (complexType->contentType()->particle()->maximumOccurs() == 0))
2905  hasEmptyContent = true; // 2.1.4
2906  }
2907  }
2909  const XsdParticle::Ptr explicitContent = (hasEmptyContent ? XsdParticle::Ptr() : complexType->contentType()->particle());
2911  // do all the other work (3, 4, 5 and 6) in the resolver, as they need access to the base type object
2912  m_schemaResolver->addComplexContentType(complexType, explicitContent, effectiveMixed);
2913 }
The model group contains elements only.
ContentType::Ptr contentType() const
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the list contains no items; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qlist.h:152
XsdParticle::List particles() const
QExplicitlySharedDataPointer< XsdParticle > Ptr
XsdSchemaResolver * m_schemaResolver
ModelCompositor compositor() const
void addComplexContentType(const XsdComplexType::Ptr &complexType, const XsdParticle::Ptr &content, bool mixed)

◆ setDocumentURI()

void XsdSchemaParser::setDocumentURI ( const QUrl uri)

Sets the document URI of the schema to parse.

Definition at line 308 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by QXmlSchemaPrivate::load(), parseImport(), parseInclude(), and parseRedefine().

309 {
310  m_documentURI = uri;
312  // prevent to get included/imported/redefined twice
316 }
const_iterator insert(const T &value)
Definition: qset.h:179

◆ setImportedSchemas()

void XsdSchemaParser::setImportedSchemas ( const NamespaceSet schemas)

Sets which schemas have been imported already, so the parser can detect circular imports.

Definition at line 282 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseImport(), and parseRedefine().

283 {
284  m_importedSchemas = schemas;
285 }

◆ setIncludedSchemas()

void XsdSchemaParser::setIncludedSchemas ( const NamespaceSet schemas)

Sets which schemas have been included already, so the parser can detect multiple includes of the same schema.

Definition at line 272 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseImport(), and parseRedefine().

273 {
274  m_includedSchemas = schemas;
275 }

◆ setRedefinedSchemas()

void XsdSchemaParser::setRedefinedSchemas ( const NamespaceSet schemas)

Sets which schemas have been redefined already, so the parser can detect multiple redefines of the same schema.

Definition at line 292 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseImport(), and parseRedefine().

293 {
294  m_redefinedSchemas = schemas;
295 }

◆ setTargetNamespace()

void XsdSchemaParser::setTargetNamespace ( const QString targetNamespace)

Sets the target namespace of the schema to parse.

Definition at line 297 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by QXmlSchemaPrivate::load(), and parseImport().

298 {
299  m_targetNamespace = targetNamespace;
300 }

◆ setTargetNamespaceExtended()

void XsdSchemaParser::setTargetNamespaceExtended ( const QString targetNamespace)

Sets the target namespace of the schema to parse.

Definition at line 302 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseRedefine().

303 {
304  m_targetNamespace = targetNamespace;
306 }
QXmlName::NamespaceCode allocateNamespace(const QString &uri)
Definition: qnamepool_p.h:202
void setTargetNamespace(const QXmlName::NamespaceCode code)

◆ setupBuiltinTypeNames()

void XsdSchemaParser::setupBuiltinTypeNames ( )

Sets up a list of names of known builtin types.

Definition at line 846 of file qxsdschemaparser_setup.cpp.

Referenced by XsdSchemaParser().

847 {
848  NamePool::Ptr namePool(m_namePool);
899 }
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBase64Binary
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsID
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsDayTimeDuration
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsInt
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsShort
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsNegativeInteger
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsByte
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsDuration
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsGYearMonth
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsNormalizedString
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsGMonthDay
QStringRef name() const
Returns the local name of a StartElement, EndElement, or an EntityReference.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsYearMonthDuration
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsName
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsUnsignedByte
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsIDREF
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsString
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsNMTOKEN
static const SchemaType::Ptr xsAnyType
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsGDay
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsDateTime
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsUnsignedInt
const_iterator insert(const T &value)
Definition: qset.h:179
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsDouble
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsENTITY
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsGYear
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsUntypedAtomic
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsNonNegativeInteger
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsQName
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsNonPositiveInteger
static const SchemaType::Ptr xsAnySimpleType
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsFloat
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsInteger
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsTime
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsUnsignedShort
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsDecimal
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsBoolean
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsNCName
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsAnyAtomicType
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsPositiveInteger
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsDate
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsLanguage
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsLong
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsNOTATION
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsGMonth
static const SchemaType::Ptr xsUntyped
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsHexBinary
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsUnsignedLong
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsAnyURI
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsToken
void reserve(int size)
Definition: qset.h:241

◆ setupStateMachines()

void XsdSchemaParser::setupStateMachines ( )

Sets up the state machines for validating the right occurrence of xml elements.

Definition at line 50 of file qxsdschemaparser_setup.cpp.

Referenced by XsdSchemaParser().

51 {
52  NamePool::Ptr namePool(m_namePool);
53  {
56  // setup state machine for (annotation?, simpleType?) : attribute
61  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
62  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s2);
63  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s2);
67  }
69  {
72  // setup state machine for (annotation?, ((simpleType | complexType)?, alternative*, (unique | key | keyref)*)) : element
79  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
80  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s2);
81  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, s2);
82  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Alternative, s3);
83  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Unique, s4);
84  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Key, s4);
85  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Keyref, s4);
87  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s2);
88  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, s2);
89  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Alternative, s3);
90  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Unique, s4);
91  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Key, s4);
92  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Keyref, s4);
94  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Alternative, s3);
95  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Unique, s4);
96  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Key, s4);
97  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Keyref, s4);
99  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Alternative, s3);
100  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Unique, s4);
101  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Key, s4);
102  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Keyref, s4);
104  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::Unique, s4);
105  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::Key, s4);
106  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::Keyref, s4);
110  }
112  {
115  // setup state machine for (annotation?, (simpleContent | complexContent | (openContent?, (group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?), assert*))) : complexType
125  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
126  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleContent, s2);
127  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexContent, s2);
128  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::OpenContent, s3);
129  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s4);
130  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::All, s4);
131  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Choice, s4);
132  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, s4);
133  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s5);
134  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s5);
135  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s6);
136  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s7);
138  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleContent, s2);
139  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexContent, s2);
140  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::OpenContent, s3);
141  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s4);
142  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::All, s4);
143  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Choice, s4);
144  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, s4);
145  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s5);
146  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s5);
147  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s6);
148  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s7);
150  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s4);
151  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::All, s4);
152  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Choice, s4);
153  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, s4);
154  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s5);
155  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s5);
156  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s6);
157  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s7);
159  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s5);
160  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s5);
161  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s6);
162  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s7);
164  machine.addTransition(s5, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s5);
165  machine.addTransition(s5, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s5);
166  machine.addTransition(s5, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s6);
167  machine.addTransition(s5, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s7);
169  machine.addTransition(s6, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s7);
171  machine.addTransition(s7, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s7);
175  }
177  {
180  // setup state machine for (annotation?, (restriction | extension)) : simpleContent/complexContent
185  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
186  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Restriction, s2);
187  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Extension, s2);
189  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Restriction, s2);
190  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Extension, s2);
194  }
196  {
199  // setup state machine for (annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern | assertion)*)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?), assert*) : simpleContent restriction
208  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
209  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s2);
210  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::MinExclusive, s3);
211  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::MinInclusive, s3);
212  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::MaxExclusive, s3);
213  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::MaxInclusive, s3);
214  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::TotalDigits, s3);
215  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::FractionDigits, s3);
216  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Length, s3);
217  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::MinLength, s3);
218  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::MaxLength, s3);
219  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Enumeration, s3);
220  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::WhiteSpace, s3);
221  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Pattern, s3);
222  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Assertion, s3);
223  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
224  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
225  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s5);
226  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s6);
228  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s2);
229  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::MinExclusive, s3);
230  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::MinInclusive, s3);
231  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::MaxExclusive, s3);
232  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::MaxInclusive, s3);
233  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::TotalDigits, s3);
234  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::FractionDigits, s3);
235  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Length, s3);
236  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::MinLength, s3);
237  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::MaxLength, s3);
238  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Enumeration, s3);
239  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::WhiteSpace, s3);
240  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Pattern, s3);
241  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Assertion, s3);
242  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
243  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
244  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s5);
245  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s6);
247  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::MinExclusive, s3);
248  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::MinInclusive, s3);
249  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::MaxExclusive, s3);
250  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::MaxInclusive, s3);
251  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::TotalDigits, s3);
252  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::FractionDigits, s3);
253  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Length, s3);
254  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::MinLength, s3);
255  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::MaxLength, s3);
256  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Enumeration, s3);
257  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::WhiteSpace, s3);
258  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Pattern, s3);
259  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Assertion, s3);
260  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
261  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
262  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s5);
263  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s6);
265  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::MinExclusive, s3);
266  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::MinInclusive, s3);
267  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::MaxExclusive, s3);
268  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::MaxInclusive, s3);
269  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::TotalDigits, s3);
270  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::FractionDigits, s3);
271  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Length, s3);
272  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::MinLength, s3);
273  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::MaxLength, s3);
274  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Enumeration, s3);
275  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::WhiteSpace, s3);
276  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Pattern, s3);
277  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Assertion, s3);
278  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
279  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
280  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s5);
281  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s6);
283  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
284  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
285  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s5);
286  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s6);
288  machine.addTransition(s5, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s6);
290  machine.addTransition(s6, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s6);
293  }
295  {
298  // setup state machine for (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?), assert*) : simple content extension
305  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
306  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s2);
307  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s2);
308  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s3);
309  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s4);
311  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s2);
312  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s2);
313  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s3);
314  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s4);
316  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s2);
317  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s2);
318  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s3);
319  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s4);
321  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s4);
323  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s4);
326  }
328  {
331  // setup state machine for (annotation?, openContent?, ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?), assert*)) : complex content restriction/complex content extension
340  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
341  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::OpenContent, s2);
342  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s3);
343  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::All, s3);
344  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Choice, s3);
345  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, s3);
346  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
347  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
348  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s5);
349  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s6);
351  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::OpenContent, s2);
352  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s3);
353  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::All, s3);
354  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Choice, s3);
355  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, s3);
356  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
357  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
358  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s5);
359  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s6);
361  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s3);
362  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::All, s3);
363  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Choice, s3);
364  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, s3);
365  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
366  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
367  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s5);
368  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s6);
370  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
371  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
372  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s5);
373  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s6);
375  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
376  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
377  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s5);
378  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s6);
380  machine.addTransition(s5, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s6);
382  machine.addTransition(s6, XsdSchemaToken::Assert, s6);
386  }
388  {
391  // setup state machine for (annotation?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)) : named attribute group
397  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
398  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s2);
399  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s2);
400  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s3);
402  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s2);
403  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s2);
404  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s3);
406  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s2);
407  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s2);
408  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::AnyAttribute, s3);
411  }
413  {
416  // setup state machine for (annotation?, (all | choice | sequence)?) : group
421  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
422  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::All, s2);
423  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Choice, s2);
424  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, s2);
426  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::All, s2);
427  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Choice, s2);
428  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, s2);
430  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::NamedGroup, machine);
432  }
434  {
437  // setup state machine for (annotation?, (element | any)*) : all
442  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
443  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Element, s2);
444  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Any, s2);
446  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Element, s2);
447  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Any, s2);
449  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Element, s2);
450  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Any, s2);
452  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::All, machine);
453  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::LocalAll, machine);
454  }
456  {
459  // setup state machine for (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*) : choice sequence
464  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
465  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Element, s2);
466  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s2);
467  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Choice, s2);
468  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, s2);
469  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Any, s2);
471  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Element, s2);
472  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s2);
473  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Choice, s2);
474  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, s2);
475  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Any, s2);
477  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Element, s2);
478  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s2);
479  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Choice, s2);
480  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Sequence, s2);
481  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Any, s2);
483  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Choice, machine);
484  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::LocalChoice, machine);
485  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Sequence, machine);
487  }
489  {
492  // setup state machine for (annotation?) : any/selector/field/notation/include/import/referred attribute group/anyAttribute/all facets/assert
496  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
498  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Any, machine);
499  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Selector, machine);
500  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Field, machine);
501  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Notation, machine);
502  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Include, machine);
503  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Import, machine);
512  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::LengthFacet, machine);
518  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Assert, machine);
519  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Assertion, machine);
520  }
522  {
525  // setup state machine for (annotation?, (selector, field+)) : unique/key/keyref
531  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
532  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Selector, s2);
534  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Selector, s2);
535  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Field, s3);
536  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Field, s3);
538  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Unique, machine);
539  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Key, machine);
540  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::KeyRef, machine);
541  }
543  {
546  // setup state machine for (annotation?, (simpleType | complexType)?) : alternative
551  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
552  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s2);
553  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, s2);
555  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s2);
556  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, s2);
558  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Alternative, machine);
559  }
561  {
564  // setup state machine for (appinfo | documentation)* : annotation
568  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Appinfo, s1);
569  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Documentation, s1);
571  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Appinfo, s1);
572  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Documentation, s1);
574  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Annotation, machine);
575  }
577  {
580  // setup state machine for (annotation?, (restriction | list | union)) : simpleType
585  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
586  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Restriction, s2);
587  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::List, s2);
588  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Union, s2);
590  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Restriction, s2);
591  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::List, s2);
592  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Union, s2);
596  }
598  {
601  // setup state machine for (annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern | assertion)*)) : simple type restriction
607  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
608  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s2);
609  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::MinExclusive, s3);
610  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::MinInclusive, s3);
611  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::MaxExclusive, s3);
612  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::MaxInclusive, s3);
613  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::TotalDigits, s3);
614  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::FractionDigits, s3);
615  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Length, s3);
616  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::MinLength, s3);
617  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::MaxLength, s3);
618  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Enumeration, s3);
619  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::WhiteSpace, s3);
620  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Pattern, s3);
621  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Assertion, s3);
623  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s2);
624  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::MinExclusive, s3);
625  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::MinInclusive, s3);
626  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::MaxExclusive, s3);
627  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::MaxInclusive, s3);
628  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::TotalDigits, s3);
629  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::FractionDigits, s3);
630  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Length, s3);
631  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::MinLength, s3);
632  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::MaxLength, s3);
633  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Enumeration, s3);
634  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::WhiteSpace, s3);
635  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Pattern, s3);
636  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Assertion, s3);
638  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::MinExclusive, s3);
639  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::MinInclusive, s3);
640  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::MaxExclusive, s3);
641  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::MaxInclusive, s3);
642  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::TotalDigits, s3);
643  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::FractionDigits, s3);
644  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Length, s3);
645  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::MinLength, s3);
646  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::MaxLength, s3);
647  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Enumeration, s3);
648  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::WhiteSpace, s3);
649  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Pattern, s3);
650  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Assertion, s3);
652  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::MinExclusive, s3);
653  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::MinInclusive, s3);
654  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::MaxExclusive, s3);
655  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::MaxInclusive, s3);
656  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::TotalDigits, s3);
657  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::FractionDigits, s3);
658  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Length, s3);
659  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::MinLength, s3);
660  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::MaxLength, s3);
661  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Enumeration, s3);
662  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::WhiteSpace, s3);
663  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Pattern, s3);
664  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Assertion, s3);
667  }
669  {
672  // setup state machine for (annotation?, simpleType?) : list
677  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
678  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s2);
680  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s2);
682  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::List, machine);
683  }
685  {
688  // setup state machine for (annotation?, simpleType*) : union
693  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
694  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s2);
696  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s2);
697  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s2);
699  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Union, machine);
700  }
702  {
705  // setup state machine for ((include | import | redefine |i override | annotation)*, (defaultOpenContent, annotation*)?, (((simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup) | element | attribute | notation), annotation*)*) : schema
713  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Include, s1);
714  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Import, s1);
715  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Redefine, s1);
716  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Override, s1);
717  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
718  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::DefaultOpenContent, s2);
719  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s4);
720  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, s4);
721  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s4);
722  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
723  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Element, s4);
724  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
725  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Notation, s4);
727  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Include, s1);
728  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Import, s1);
729  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Redefine, s1);
730  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Override, s1);
731  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
732  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::DefaultOpenContent, s2);
733  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s4);
734  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, s4);
735  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s4);
736  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
737  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Element, s4);
738  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
739  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Notation, s4);
741  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s3);
742  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s4);
743  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, s4);
744  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s4);
745  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
746  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Element, s4);
747  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
748  machine.addTransition(s2, XsdSchemaToken::Notation, s4);
750  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s4);
751  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, s4);
752  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s4);
753  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
754  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Element, s4);
755  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
756  machine.addTransition(s3, XsdSchemaToken::Notation, s4);
758  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s4);
759  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, s4);
760  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s4);
761  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
762  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::Element, s4);
763  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
764  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::Notation, s4);
765  machine.addTransition(s4, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s5);
767  machine.addTransition(s5, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s4);
768  machine.addTransition(s5, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, s4);
769  machine.addTransition(s5, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s4);
770  machine.addTransition(s5, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s4);
771  machine.addTransition(s5, XsdSchemaToken::Element, s4);
772  machine.addTransition(s5, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s4);
773  machine.addTransition(s5, XsdSchemaToken::Notation, s4);
774  machine.addTransition(s5, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s5);
776  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Schema, machine);
777  }
779  {
782  // setup state machine for (annotation?, any) : defaultOpenContent
787  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
788  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Any, s2);
790  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Any, s2);
793  }
795  {
798  // setup state machine for (annotation | (simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup))* : redefine
802  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
803  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s1);
804  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, s1);
805  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s1);
806  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s1);
808  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
809  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s1);
810  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, s1);
811  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s1);
812  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s1);
814  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Redefine, machine);
815  }
817  {
820  // setup state machine for (annotation | (simpleType | complexType | group | attributeGroup | element | attribute | notation))* : override
824  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
825  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s1);
826  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, s1);
827  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s1);
828  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s1);
829  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Element, s1);
830  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s1);
831  machine.addTransition(startState, XsdSchemaToken::Notation, s1);
833  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Annotation, s1);
834  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::SimpleType, s1);
835  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::ComplexType, s1);
836  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Group, s1);
837  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::AttributeGroup, s1);
838  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Element, s1);
839  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Attribute, s1);
840  machine.addTransition(s1, XsdSchemaToken::Notation, s1);
842  m_stateMachines.insert(XsdTagScope::Override, machine);
843  }
844 }
QHash< XsdTagScope::Type, XsdStateMachine< XsdSchemaToken::NodeName > > m_stateMachines
StateId addState(StateType type)

◆ validateIdAttribute()

void XsdSchemaParser::validateIdAttribute ( const char *  elementName)

A helper method that reads in an "id" attribute, checks it for syntactic errors and tests whether a component with the same id has already been parsed.

Definition at line 5990 of file qxsdschemaparser.cpp.

Referenced by parseAll(), parseAlternative(), parseAnnotation(), parseAny(), parseAnyAttribute(), parseAssertion(), parseChoice(), parseComplexContent(), parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseDefaultOpenContent(), parseEnumerationFacet(), parseField(), parseFractionDigitsFacet(), parseGlobalAttribute(), parseGlobalComplexType(), parseGlobalElement(), parseGlobalSimpleType(), parseImport(), parseInclude(), parseKey(), parseKeyRef(), parseLengthFacet(), parseList(), parseLocalAll(), parseLocalAttribute(), parseLocalChoice(), parseLocalComplexType(), parseLocalElement(), parseLocalSequence(), parseLocalSimpleType(), parseMaxExclusiveFacet(), parseMaxInclusiveFacet(), parseMaxLengthFacet(), parseMinExclusiveFacet(), parseMinInclusiveFacet(), parseMinLengthFacet(), parseNamedAttributeGroup(), parseNamedGroup(), parseNotation(), parseOpenContent(), parsePatternFacet(), parseRedefine(), parseReferredAttributeGroup(), parseReferredGroup(), parseSchema(), parseSelector(), parseSequence(), parseSimpleContent(), parseSimpleContentExtension(), parseSimpleContentRestriction(), parseSimpleRestriction(), parseTotalDigitsFacet(), parseUnion(), parseUnique(), and parseWhiteSpaceFacet().

5991 {
5992  if (hasAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("id"))) {
5993  const QString value = readAttribute(QString::fromLatin1("id"));
5995  if (id->hasError()) {
5996  attributeContentError("id", elementName, value, BuiltinTypes::xsID);
5997  } else {
5998  if (m_idCache->hasId(value)) {
5999  error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Component with ID %1 has been defined previously.").arg(formatData(value)));
6000  } else {
6001  m_idCache->addId(value);
6002  }
6003  }
6004  }
6005 }
Error error() const
Returns the type of the current error, or NoError if no error occurred.
static const AtomicType::Ptr xsID
virtual bool hasError() const
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
bool hasAttribute(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName) const
Returns true if the current element has an attribute whose name is namespaceURI and local name is loc...
void addId(const QString &id)
Definition: qxsdidcache.cpp:51
static QString formatData(const QString &data)
Represents instances of derived xs:string types, such as xs:normalizedString.
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size characters of the Latin-1 string str...
Definition: qstring.cpp:4188
void attributeContentError(const char *attributeName, const char *elementName, const QString &value, const SchemaType::Ptr &type=SchemaType::Ptr())
bool hasId(const QString &id) const
Definition: qxsdidcache.cpp:59
QString readAttribute(const QString &localName, const QString &namespaceURI=QString()) const
Returns the value for attribute by name name.
static AtomicValue::Ptr fromLexical(const NamePool::Ptr &np, const QString &lexical)

Friends and Related Functions

◆ ElementNamespaceHandler

Definition at line 93 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.

◆ TagValidationHandler

friend class TagValidationHandler

Definition at line 94 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.


◆ m_attributeFormDefault

QString QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_attributeFormDefault

Definition at line 715 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.

Referenced by parseLocalAttribute(), and parseSchema().

◆ m_blockDefault

QString QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_blockDefault

Definition at line 717 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.

Referenced by parseSchema(), and readBlockingConstraintAttribute().

◆ m_builtinTypeNames

QSet<QXmlName> QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_builtinTypeNames

Definition at line 731 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.

Referenced by addType(), and setupBuiltinTypeNames().

◆ m_componentLocationHash

ComponentLocationHash QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_componentLocationHash

◆ m_context

XsdSchemaContext* QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_context

Definition at line 707 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.

Referenced by parseImport(), parseInclude(), and parseRedefine().

◆ m_defaultAttributes

QXmlName QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_defaultAttributes

Definition at line 720 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.

Referenced by parseSchema().

◆ m_defaultOpenContent

XsdComplexType::OpenContent::Ptr QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_defaultOpenContent

Definition at line 721 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.

Referenced by parse(), parseDefaultOpenContent(), and parseOpenContent().

◆ m_defaultOpenContentAppliesToEmpty

bool QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_defaultOpenContentAppliesToEmpty

Definition at line 722 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.

Referenced by parse(), and parseDefaultOpenContent().

◆ m_documentURI

QUrl QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_documentURI

◆ m_elementFormDefault

QString QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_elementFormDefault

Definition at line 716 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.

Referenced by parseLocalElement(), and parseSchema().

◆ m_finalDefault

QString QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_finalDefault

Definition at line 718 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.

Referenced by parseSchema(), and readDerivationConstraintAttribute().

◆ m_idCache

XsdIdCache::Ptr QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_idCache

Definition at line 728 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.

Referenced by validateIdAttribute(), and XsdSchemaParser().

◆ m_importedSchemas

NamespaceSet QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_importedSchemas

◆ m_includedSchemas

NamespaceSet QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_includedSchemas

◆ m_namePool

NamePool* QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_namePool

Definition at line 709 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.

Referenced by addAttribute(), addAttributeGroup(), addElement(), addElementGroup(), addFacet(), addIdentityConstraint(), addNotation(), addType(), attributeContentError(), parseAll(), parseAlternative(), parseAnnotation(), parseAny(), parseAnyAttribute(), parseAssertion(), parseChoice(), parseComplexContent(), parseComplexContentExtension(), parseComplexContentRestriction(), parseDefaultOpenContent(), parseEnumerationFacet(), parseField(), parseFractionDigitsFacet(), parseGlobalAttribute(), parseGlobalComplexType(), parseGlobalElement(), parseGlobalSimpleType(), parseImport(), parseInclude(), parseKey(), parseKeyRef(), parseLengthFacet(), parseList(), parseLocalAll(), parseLocalAttribute(), parseLocalChoice(), parseLocalComplexType(), parseLocalElement(), parseLocalSequence(), parseLocalSimpleType(), parseMaxExclusiveFacet(), parseMaxInclusiveFacet(), parseMaxLengthFacet(), parseMinExclusiveFacet(), parseMinInclusiveFacet(), parseMinLengthFacet(), parseMinMaxConstraint(), parseNamedAttributeGroup(), parseNamedGroup(), parseNotation(), parseOpenContent(), parsePatternFacet(), parseRedefine(), parseReferredAttributeGroup(), parseReferredGroup(), parseSchema(), parseSelector(), parseSequence(), parseSimpleContent(), parseSimpleContentExtension(), parseSimpleContentRestriction(), parseSimpleRestriction(), parseTotalDigitsFacet(), parseUnion(), parseUnique(), parseWhiteSpaceFacet(), readXPathAttribute(), readXPathExpression(), setTargetNamespaceExtended(), setupBuiltinTypeNames(), setupStateMachines(), and validateIdAttribute().

◆ m_namespaceSupport

NamespaceSupport QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_namespaceSupport

◆ m_parserContext

XsdSchemaParserContext* QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_parserContext

◆ m_redefinedSchemas

NamespaceSet QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_redefinedSchemas

◆ m_schema

XsdSchema* QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_schema

◆ m_schemaResolver

XsdSchemaResolver* QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_schemaResolver

◆ m_stateMachines

QHash<XsdTagScope::Type, XsdStateMachine<XsdSchemaToken::NodeName> > QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_stateMachines

◆ m_targetNamespace

QString QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_targetNamespace

◆ m_xpathDefaultNamespace

QString QPatternist::XsdSchemaParser::m_xpathDefaultNamespace

Definition at line 719 of file qxsdschemaparser_p.h.

Referenced by parseSchema(), and readXPathExpression().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: