75 return cp >= begin->
83 return cp >= begin->
85 while (begin != end) {
86 int delta = (end - begin) / 2;
91 else if (mid->
max < cp)
107 {0x0041, 0x005A}, {0x0061, 0x007A}, {0x00C0, 0x00D6}, {0x00D8, 0x00F6}, {0x00F8, 0x00FF},
108 {0x0100, 0x0131}, {0x0134, 0x013E}, {0x0141, 0x0148}, {0x014A, 0x017E}, {0x0180, 0x01C3},
109 {0x01CD, 0x01F0}, {0x01F4, 0x01F5}, {0x01FA, 0x0217}, {0x0250, 0x02A8}, {0x02BB, 0x02C1},
110 {0x0386, 0x0386}, {0x0388, 0x038A}, {0x038C, 0x038C}, {0x038E, 0x03A1}, {0x03A3, 0x03CE},
111 {0x03D0, 0x03D6}, {0x03DA, 0x03DA}, {0x03DC, 0x03DC}, {0x03DE, 0x03DE}, {0x03E0, 0x03E0},
112 {0x03E2, 0x03F3}, {0x0401, 0x040C}, {0x040E, 0x044F}, {0x0451, 0x045C}, {0x045E, 0x0481},
113 {0x0490, 0x04C4}, {0x04C7, 0x04C8}, {0x04CB, 0x04CC}, {0x04D0, 0x04EB}, {0x04EE, 0x04F5},
114 {0x04F8, 0x04F9}, {0x0531, 0x0556}, {0x0559, 0x0559}, {0x0561, 0x0586}, {0x05D0, 0x05EA},
115 {0x05F0, 0x05F2}, {0x0621, 0x063A}, {0x0641, 0x064A}, {0x0671, 0x06B7}, {0x06BA, 0x06BE},
116 {0x06C0, 0x06CE}, {0x06D0, 0x06D3}, {0x06D5, 0x06D5}, {0x06E5, 0x06E6}, {0x0905, 0x0939},
117 {0x093D, 0x093D}, {0x0958, 0x0961}, {0x0985, 0x098C}, {0x098F, 0x0990}, {0x0993, 0x09A8},
118 {0x09AA, 0x09B0}, {0x09B2, 0x09B2}, {0x09B6, 0x09B9}, {0x09DC, 0x09DD}, {0x09DF, 0x09E1},
119 {0x09F0, 0x09F1}, {0x0A05, 0x0A0A}, {0x0A0F, 0x0A10}, {0x0A13, 0x0A28}, {0x0A2A, 0x0A30},
120 {0x0A32, 0x0A33}, {0x0A35, 0x0A36}, {0x0A38, 0x0A39}, {0x0A59, 0x0A5C}, {0x0A5E, 0x0A5E},
121 {0x0A72, 0x0A74}, {0x0A85, 0x0A8B}, {0x0A8D, 0x0A8D}, {0x0A8F, 0x0A91}, {0x0A93, 0x0AA8},
122 {0x0AAA, 0x0AB0}, {0x0AB2, 0x0AB3}, {0x0AB5, 0x0AB9}, {0x0ABD, 0x0ABD}, {0x0AE0, 0x0AE0},
123 {0x0B05, 0x0B0C}, {0x0B0F, 0x0B10}, {0x0B13, 0x0B28}, {0x0B2A, 0x0B30}, {0x0B32, 0x0B33},
124 {0x0B36, 0x0B39}, {0x0B3D, 0x0B3D}, {0x0B5C, 0x0B5D}, {0x0B5F, 0x0B61}, {0x0B85, 0x0B8A},
125 {0x0B8E, 0x0B90}, {0x0B92, 0x0B95}, {0x0B99, 0x0B9A}, {0x0B9C, 0x0B9C}, {0x0B9E, 0x0B9F},
126 {0x0BA3, 0x0BA4}, {0x0BA8, 0x0BAA}, {0x0BAE, 0x0BB5}, {0x0BB7, 0x0BB9}, {0x0C05, 0x0C0C},
127 {0x0C0E, 0x0C10}, {0x0C12, 0x0C28}, {0x0C2A, 0x0C33}, {0x0C35, 0x0C39}, {0x0C60, 0x0C61},
128 {0x0C85, 0x0C8C}, {0x0C8E, 0x0C90}, {0x0C92, 0x0CA8}, {0x0CAA, 0x0CB3}, {0x0CB5, 0x0CB9},
129 {0x0CDE, 0x0CDE}, {0x0CE0, 0x0CE1}, {0x0D05, 0x0D0C}, {0x0D0E, 0x0D10}, {0x0D12, 0x0D28},
130 {0x0D2A, 0x0D39}, {0x0D60, 0x0D61}, {0x0E01, 0x0E2E}, {0x0E30, 0x0E30}, {0x0E32, 0x0E33},
131 {0x0E40, 0x0E45}, {0x0E81, 0x0E82}, {0x0E84, 0x0E84}, {0x0E87, 0x0E88}, {0x0E8A, 0x0E8A},
132 {0x0E8D, 0x0E8D}, {0x0E94, 0x0E97}, {0x0E99, 0x0E9F}, {0x0EA1, 0x0EA3}, {0x0EA5, 0x0EA5},
133 {0x0EA7, 0x0EA7}, {0x0EAA, 0x0EAB}, {0x0EAD, 0x0EAE}, {0x0EB0, 0x0EB0}, {0x0EB2, 0x0EB3},
134 {0x0EBD, 0x0EBD}, {0x0EC0, 0x0EC4}, {0x0F40, 0x0F47}, {0x0F49, 0x0F69}, {0x10A0, 0x10C5},
135 {0x10D0, 0x10F6}, {0x1100, 0x1100}, {0x1102, 0x1103}, {0x1105, 0x1107}, {0x1109, 0x1109},
136 {0x110B, 0x110C}, {0x110E, 0x1112}, {0x113C, 0x113C}, {0x113E, 0x113E}, {0x1140, 0x1140},
137 {0x114C, 0x114C}, {0x114E, 0x114E}, {0x1150, 0x1150}, {0x1154, 0x1155}, {0x1159, 0x1159},
138 {0x115F, 0x1161}, {0x1163, 0x1163}, {0x1165, 0x1165}, {0x1167, 0x1167}, {0x1169, 0x1169},
139 {0x116D, 0x116E}, {0x1172, 0x1173}, {0x1175, 0x1175}, {0x119E, 0x119E}, {0x11A8, 0x11A8},
140 {0x11AB, 0x11AB}, {0x11AE, 0x11AF}, {0x11B7, 0x11B8}, {0x11BA, 0x11BA}, {0x11BC, 0x11C2},
141 {0x11EB, 0x11EB}, {0x11F0, 0x11F0}, {0x11F9, 0x11F9}, {0x1E00, 0x1E9B}, {0x1EA0, 0x1EF9},
142 {0x1F00, 0x1F15}, {0x1F18, 0x1F1D}, {0x1F20, 0x1F45}, {0x1F48, 0x1F4D}, {0x1F50, 0x1F57},
143 {0x1F59, 0x1F59}, {0x1F5B, 0x1F5B}, {0x1F5D, 0x1F5D}, {0x1F5F, 0x1F7D}, {0x1F80, 0x1FB4},
144 {0x1FB6, 0x1FBC}, {0x1FBE, 0x1FBE}, {0x1FC2, 0x1FC4}, {0x1FC6, 0x1FCC}, {0x1FD0, 0x1FD3},
145 {0x1FD6, 0x1FDB}, {0x1FE0, 0x1FEC}, {0x1FF2, 0x1FF4}, {0x1FF6, 0x1FFC}, {0x2126, 0x2126},
146 {0x212A, 0x212B}, {0x212E, 0x212E}, {0x2180, 0x2182}, {0x3041, 0x3094}, {0x30A1, 0x30FA},
147 {0x3105, 0x312C}, {0xAC00, 0xD7A3}
153 {0x3007, 0x3007}, {0x3021, 0x3029}, {0x4E00, 0x9FA5}
159 return rangeContains(g_ideographic_begin, g_ideographic_end, c);
164 {0x0300, 0x0345}, {0x0360, 0x0361}, {0x0483, 0x0486}, {0x0591, 0x05A1}, {0x05A3, 0x05B9},
165 {0x05BB, 0x05BD}, {0x05BF, 0x05BF}, {0x05C1, 0x05C2}, {0x05C4, 0x05C4}, {0x064B, 0x0652},
166 {0x0670, 0x0670}, {0x06D6, 0x06DC}, {0x06DD, 0x06DF}, {0x06E0, 0x06E4}, {0x06E7, 0x06E8},
167 {0x06EA, 0x06ED}, {0x0901, 0x0903}, {0x093C, 0x093C}, {0x093E, 0x094C}, {0x094D, 0x094D},
168 {0x0951, 0x0954}, {0x0962, 0x0963}, {0x0981, 0x0983}, {0x09BC, 0x09BC}, {0x09BE, 0x09BE},
169 {0x09BF, 0x09BF}, {0x09C0, 0x09C4}, {0x09C7, 0x09C8}, {0x09CB, 0x09CD}, {0x09D7, 0x09D7},
170 {0x09E2, 0x09E3}, {0x0A02, 0x0A02}, {0x0A3C, 0x0A3C}, {0x0A3E, 0x0A3E}, {0x0A3F, 0x0A3F},
171 {0x0A40, 0x0A42}, {0x0A47, 0x0A48}, {0x0A4B, 0x0A4D}, {0x0A70, 0x0A71}, {0x0A81, 0x0A83},
172 {0x0ABC, 0x0ABC}, {0x0ABE, 0x0AC5}, {0x0AC7, 0x0AC9}, {0x0ACB, 0x0ACD}, {0x0B01, 0x0B03},
173 {0x0B3C, 0x0B3C}, {0x0B3E, 0x0B43}, {0x0B47, 0x0B48}, {0x0B4B, 0x0B4D}, {0x0B56, 0x0B57},
174 {0x0B82, 0x0B83}, {0x0BBE, 0x0BC2}, {0x0BC6, 0x0BC8}, {0x0BCA, 0x0BCD}, {0x0BD7, 0x0BD7},
175 {0x0C01, 0x0C03}, {0x0C3E, 0x0C44}, {0x0C46, 0x0C48}, {0x0C4A, 0x0C4D}, {0x0C55, 0x0C56},
176 {0x0C82, 0x0C83}, {0x0CBE, 0x0CC4}, {0x0CC6, 0x0CC8}, {0x0CCA, 0x0CCD}, {0x0CD5, 0x0CD6},
177 {0x0D02, 0x0D03}, {0x0D3E, 0x0D43}, {0x0D46, 0x0D48}, {0x0D4A, 0x0D4D}, {0x0D57, 0x0D57},
178 {0x0E31, 0x0E31}, {0x0E34, 0x0E3A}, {0x0E47, 0x0E4E}, {0x0EB1, 0x0EB1}, {0x0EB4, 0x0EB9},
179 {0x0EBB, 0x0EBC}, {0x0EC8, 0x0ECD}, {0x0F18, 0x0F19}, {0x0F35, 0x0F35}, {0x0F37, 0x0F37},
180 {0x0F39, 0x0F39}, {0x0F3E, 0x0F3E}, {0x0F3F, 0x0F3F}, {0x0F71, 0x0F84}, {0x0F86, 0x0F8B},
181 {0x0F90, 0x0F95}, {0x0F97, 0x0F97}, {0x0F99, 0x0FAD}, {0x0FB1, 0x0FB7}, {0x0FB9, 0x0FB9},
182 {0x20D0, 0x20DC}, {0x20E1, 0x20E1}, {0x302A, 0x302F}, {0x3099, 0x3099}, {0x309A, 0x309A}
188 return rangeContains(g_combining_begin, g_combining_end, c);
194 {0x0030, 0x0039}, {0x0660, 0x0669}, {0x06F0, 0x06F9}, {0x0966, 0x096F}, {0x09E6, 0x09EF},
195 {0x0A66, 0x0A6F}, {0x0AE6, 0x0AEF}, {0x0B66, 0x0B6F}, {0x0BE7, 0x0BEF}, {0x0C66, 0x0C6F},
196 {0x0CE6, 0x0CEF}, {0x0D66, 0x0D6F}, {0x0E50, 0x0E59}, {0x0ED0, 0x0ED9}, {0x0F20, 0x0F29}
202 return rangeContains(g_digit_begin, g_digit_end, c);
208 {0x00B7, 0x00B7}, {0x02D0, 0x02D0}, {0x02D1, 0x02D1}, {0x0387, 0x0387}, {0x0640, 0x0640},
209 {0x0E46, 0x0E46}, {0x0EC6, 0x0EC6}, {0x3005, 0x3005}, {0x3031, 0x3035}, {0x309D, 0x309E},
216 return rangeContains(g_extender_begin, g_extender_end, c);
221 return rangeContains(g_base_begin, g_base_end, c);
258 return isBaseChar(c) || isIdeographic(c);
299 || isCombiningChar(c)
318 const int len = candidate.
320 for(
int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
324 if ((cp >=
'a' && cp <=
325 || (cp >=
'A' && cp <=
326 || (cp >=
'0' && cp <=
382 const QChar first(ncName.
387 const int len = ncName.
388 for(
int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
static bool isBaseChar(const QChar c)
This macro expands to.
static bool rangeContains(RangeIter begin, RangeIter end, const QChar c)
Performs a binary search between begin and end inclusive, to check whether c is contained.
const QChar at(int i) const
Returns the character at the given index position in the string.
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions.
ushort unicode() const
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function o...
static const QXmlCharRange g_combining_begin[]
#define at(className, varName)
int length() const
Returns the number of characters in this string.
static bool isExtender(const QChar c)
static bool isChar(const QChar c)
Determines whether c is a valid instance of production [2]Char in the XML 1.0 specification.
static const QXmlCharRange g_digit_begin[]
static const QXmlCharRange g_ideographic_begin[]
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
static const QXmlCharRange g_extender_begin[]
The QChar class provides a 16-bit Unicode character.
bool isValid() const
Returns true if the regular expression is valid; otherwise returns false.
int size() const
Returns the number of characters referred to by the string reference.
This macro expands to.
static const RangeIter g_extender_end
static const RangeIter g_base_end
const QXmlCharRange * RangeIter
static bool isNameChar(const QChar c)
Determines whether c is a valid instance of production [4]NameChar in the XML 1.0 specification...
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the string reference has no characters; otherwise returns false.
static bool isDigit(ushort ch)
The QStringRef class provides a thin wrapper around QString substrings.
static bool isIdeographic(const QChar c)
static bool isDigit(const QChar c)
static bool isLetter(const QChar c)
Determines whether c is a valid instance of production [84]Letter in the XML 1.0 specification.
static const RangeIter g_digit_end
bool exactMatch(const QString &str) const
Returns true if str is matched exactly by this regular expression; otherwise returns false...
static bool isCombiningChar(const QChar c)
static const QXmlCharRange g_base_begin[]
static const KeyPair *const end
static const RangeIter g_combining_end
static bool isPublicID(const QString &candidate)
Determines whether c is a valid instance of production [12] PubidLiteral in the XML 1...
static bool isNCName(const QStringRef &ncName)
Determines whether c is a valid instance of production [4]NCName in the XML 1.0 Namespaces specificat...
The QLatin1Char class provides an 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character.
const QChar at(int i) const
Returns the character at the given index position in the string reference.
static bool isEncName(const QString &encName)
Determines whether encName is a valid instance of production [81]EncName in the XML 1...
static const RangeIter g_ideographic_end