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Qt 4.8
The QTextEdit class provides a widget that is used to edit and display both plain and rich text. More...
#include <qtextedit.h>
Classes | |
class | ExtraSelection |
The QTextEdit::ExtraSelection structure provides a way of specifying a character format for a given selection in a document. More... | |
Public Types | |
enum | AutoFormattingFlag { AutoNone = 0, AutoBulletList = 0x00000001, AutoAll = 0xffffffff } |
enum | LineWrapMode { NoWrap, WidgetWidth, FixedPixelWidth, FixedColumnWidth } |
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enum | Shadow { Plain = 0x0010, Raised = 0x0020, Sunken = 0x0030 } |
This enum type defines the types of shadow that are used to give a 3D effect to frames. More... | |
enum | Shape { NoFrame = 0, Box = 0x0001, Panel = 0x0002, WinPanel = 0x0003, HLine = 0x0004, VLine = 0x0005, StyledPanel = 0x0006 } |
This enum type defines the shapes of frame available. More... | |
enum | StyleMask { Shadow_Mask = 0x00f0, Shape_Mask = 0x000f } |
This enum defines two constants that can be used to extract the two components of frameStyle(): More... | |
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enum | RenderFlag { DrawWindowBackground = 0x1, DrawChildren = 0x2, IgnoreMask = 0x4 } |
This enum describes how to render the widget when calling QWidget::render(). More... | |
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enum | PaintDeviceMetric { PdmWidth = 1, PdmHeight, PdmWidthMM, PdmHeightMM, PdmNumColors, PdmDepth, PdmDpiX, PdmDpiY, PdmPhysicalDpiX, PdmPhysicalDpiY } |
Public Slots | |
void | append (const QString &text) |
Appends a new paragraph with text to the end of the text edit. More... | |
void | clear () |
Deletes all the text in the text edit. More... | |
void | copy () |
Copies any selected text to the clipboard. More... | |
void | cut () |
Copies the selected text to the clipboard and deletes it from the text edit. More... | |
void | insertHtml (const QString &text) |
Convenience slot that inserts text which is assumed to be of html formatting at the current cursor position. More... | |
void | insertPlainText (const QString &text) |
Convenience slot that inserts text at the current cursor position. More... | |
void | paste () |
Pastes the text from the clipboard into the text edit at the current cursor position. More... | |
void | redo () |
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More... | |
void | scrollToAnchor (const QString &name) |
Scrolls the text edit so that the anchor with the given name is visible; does nothing if the name is empty, or is already visible, or isn't found. More... | |
void | selectAll () |
Selects all text. More... | |
void | setAlignment (Qt::Alignment a) |
Sets the alignment of the current paragraph to a. More... | |
void | setCurrentFont (const QFont &f) |
Sets the font of the current format to f. More... | |
void | setFontFamily (const QString &fontFamily) |
Sets the font family of the current format to fontFamily. More... | |
void | setFontItalic (bool b) |
If italic is true, sets the current format to italic; otherwise sets the current format to non-italic. More... | |
void | setFontPointSize (qreal s) |
Sets the point size of the current format to s. More... | |
void | setFontUnderline (bool b) |
If underline is true, sets the current format to underline; otherwise sets the current format to non-underline. More... | |
void | setFontWeight (int w) |
Sets the font weight of the current format to the given weight, where the value used is in the range defined by the QFont::Weight enum. More... | |
void | setHtml (const QString &text) |
void | setPlainText (const QString &text) |
Changes the text of the text edit to the string text. More... | |
void | setText (const QString &text) |
Sets the text edit's text. More... | |
void | setTextBackgroundColor (const QColor &c) |
Sets the text background color of the current format to c. More... | |
void | setTextColor (const QColor &c) |
Sets the text color of the current format to c. More... | |
void | undo () |
Undoes the last operation. More... | |
void | zoomIn (int range=1) |
Zooms in on the text by making the base font size range points larger and recalculating all font sizes to be the new size. More... | |
void | zoomOut (int range=1) |
Zooms out on the text by making the base font size range points smaller and recalculating all font sizes to be the new size. More... | |
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bool | close () |
Closes this widget. More... | |
void | hide () |
Hides the widget. More... | |
void | lower () |
Lowers the widget to the bottom of the parent widget's stack. More... | |
void | raise () |
Raises this widget to the top of the parent widget's stack. More... | |
void | repaint () |
Repaints the widget directly by calling paintEvent() immediately, unless updates are disabled or the widget is hidden. More... | |
void | setDisabled (bool) |
Disables widget input events if disable is true; otherwise enables input events. More... | |
void | setEnabled (bool) |
void | setFocus () |
Gives the keyboard input focus to this widget (or its focus proxy) if this widget or one of its parents is the active window. More... | |
void | setHidden (bool hidden) |
Convenience function, equivalent to setVisible(!hidden). More... | |
QT_MOC_COMPAT void | setShown (bool shown) |
Use setVisible(shown) instead. More... | |
void | setStyleSheet (const QString &styleSheet) |
virtual void | setVisible (bool visible) |
void | setWindowModified (bool) |
void | setWindowTitle (const QString &) |
void | show () |
Shows the widget and its child widgets. More... | |
void | showFullScreen () |
Shows the widget in full-screen mode. More... | |
void | showMaximized () |
Shows the widget maximized. More... | |
void | showMinimized () |
Shows the widget minimized, as an icon. More... | |
void | showNormal () |
Restores the widget after it has been maximized or minimized. More... | |
void | update () |
Updates the widget unless updates are disabled or the widget is hidden. More... | |
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void | deleteLater () |
Schedules this object for deletion. More... | |
Signals | |
void | copyAvailable (bool b) |
This signal is emitted when text is selected or de-selected in the text edit. More... | |
void | currentCharFormatChanged (const QTextCharFormat &format) |
This signal is emitted if the current character format has changed, for example caused by a change of the cursor position. More... | |
void | cursorPositionChanged () |
This signal is emitted whenever the position of the cursor changed. More... | |
void | redoAvailable (bool b) |
This signal is emitted whenever redo operations become available (available is true) or unavailable (available is false). More... | |
void | selectionChanged () |
This signal is emitted whenever the selection changes. More... | |
void | textChanged () |
This signal is emitted whenever the document's content changes; for example, when text is inserted or deleted, or when formatting is applied. More... | |
void | undoAvailable (bool b) |
This signal is emitted whenever undo operations become available (available is true) or unavailable (available is false). More... | |
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void | customContextMenuRequested (const QPoint &pos) |
This signal is emitted when the widget's contextMenuPolicy is Qt::CustomContextMenu, and the user has requested a context menu on the widget. More... | |
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void | destroyed (QObject *=0) |
This signal is emitted immediately before the object obj is destroyed, and can not be blocked. More... | |
Public Functions | |
bool | acceptRichText () const |
Qt::Alignment | alignment () const |
Returns the alignment of the current paragraph. More... | |
QString | anchorAt (const QPoint &pos) const |
Returns the reference of the anchor at position pos, or an empty string if no anchor exists at that point. More... | |
AutoFormatting | autoFormatting () const |
bool | canPaste () const |
Returns whether text can be pasted from the clipboard into the textedit. More... | |
QMenu * | createStandardContextMenu () |
This function creates the standard context menu which is shown when the user clicks on the text edit with the right mouse button. More... | |
QMenu * | createStandardContextMenu (const QPoint &position) |
This function creates the standard context menu which is shown when the user clicks on the text edit with the right mouse button. More... | |
QTextCharFormat | currentCharFormat () const |
Returns the char format that is used when inserting new text. More... | |
QFont | currentFont () const |
Returns the font of the current format. More... | |
QTextCursor | cursorForPosition (const QPoint &pos) const |
returns a QTextCursor at position pos (in viewport coordinates). More... | |
QRect | cursorRect (const QTextCursor &cursor) const |
returns a rectangle (in viewport coordinates) that includes the cursor. More... | |
QRect | cursorRect () const |
returns a rectangle (in viewport coordinates) that includes the cursor of the text edit. More... | |
int | cursorWidth () const |
QTextDocument * | document () const |
Returns a pointer to the underlying document. More... | |
QString | documentTitle () const |
void | ensureCursorVisible () |
Ensures that the cursor is visible by scrolling the text edit if necessary. More... | |
QList< ExtraSelection > | extraSelections () const |
Returns previously set extra selections. More... | |
bool | find (const QString &exp, QTextDocument::FindFlags options=0) |
Finds the next occurrence of the string, exp, using the given options. More... | |
QString | fontFamily () const |
Returns the font family of the current format. More... | |
bool | fontItalic () const |
Returns true if the font of the current format is italic; otherwise returns false. More... | |
qreal | fontPointSize () const |
Returns the point size of the font of the current format. More... | |
bool | fontUnderline () const |
Returns true if the font of the current format is underlined; otherwise returns false. More... | |
int | fontWeight () const |
Returns the font weight of the current format. More... | |
bool | isReadOnly () const |
bool | isUndoRedoEnabled () const |
int | lineWrapColumnOrWidth () const |
LineWrapMode | lineWrapMode () const |
virtual QVariant | loadResource (int type, const QUrl &name) |
Loads the resource specified by the given type and name. More... | |
void | mergeCurrentCharFormat (const QTextCharFormat &modifier) |
Merges the properties specified in modifier into the current character format by calling QTextCursor::mergeCharFormat on the editor's cursor. More... | |
void | moveCursor (QTextCursor::MoveOperation operation, QTextCursor::MoveMode mode=QTextCursor::MoveAnchor) |
Moves the cursor by performing the given operation. More... | |
bool | overwriteMode () const |
void | print (QPrinter *printer) const |
Convenience function to print the text edit's document to the given printer. More... | |
QTextEdit (QWidget *parent=0) | |
Constructs an empty QTextEdit with parent parent. More... | |
QTextEdit (const QString &text, QWidget *parent=0) | |
Constructs a QTextEdit with parent parent. More... | |
void | setAcceptRichText (bool accept) |
void | setAutoFormatting (AutoFormatting features) |
void | setCurrentCharFormat (const QTextCharFormat &format) |
Sets the char format that is be used when inserting new text to format by calling QTextCursor::setCharFormat() on the editor's cursor. More... | |
void | setCursorWidth (int width) |
void | setDocument (QTextDocument *document) |
Makes document the new document of the text editor. More... | |
void | setDocumentTitle (const QString &title) |
void | setExtraSelections (const QList< ExtraSelection > &selections) |
This function allows temporarily marking certain regions in the document with a given color, specified as selections. More... | |
void | setLineWrapColumnOrWidth (int w) |
void | setLineWrapMode (LineWrapMode mode) |
void | setOverwriteMode (bool overwrite) |
void | setReadOnly (bool ro) |
void | setTabChangesFocus (bool b) |
void | setTabStopWidth (int width) |
void | setTextCursor (const QTextCursor &cursor) |
Sets the visible cursor. More... | |
void | setTextInteractionFlags (Qt::TextInteractionFlags flags) |
void | setUndoRedoEnabled (bool enable) |
void | setWordWrapMode (QTextOption::WrapMode policy) |
bool | tabChangesFocus () const |
int | tabStopWidth () const |
QColor | textBackgroundColor () const |
Returns the text background color of the current format. More... | |
QColor | textColor () const |
Returns the text color of the current format. More... | |
QTextCursor | textCursor () const |
Returns a copy of the QTextCursor that represents the currently visible cursor. More... | |
Qt::TextInteractionFlags | textInteractionFlags () const |
QString | toHtml () const |
QString | toPlainText () const |
Returns the text of the text edit as plain text. More... | |
QTextOption::WrapMode | wordWrapMode () const |
the mode QTextEdit will use when wrapping text by words More... | |
virtual | ~QTextEdit () |
Destructor. More... | |
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void | addScrollBarWidget (QWidget *widget, Qt::Alignment alignment) |
Adds widget as a scroll bar widget in the location specified by alignment. More... | |
QWidget * | cornerWidget () const |
Returns the widget in the corner between the two scroll bars. More... | |
QScrollBar * | horizontalScrollBar () const |
Returns the horizontal scroll bar. More... | |
Qt::ScrollBarPolicy | horizontalScrollBarPolicy () const |
QSize | maximumViewportSize () const |
Returns the size of the viewport as if the scroll bars had no valid scrolling range. More... | |
QSize | minimumSizeHint () const |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
QAbstractScrollArea (QWidget *parent=0) | |
Constructs a viewport. More... | |
QWidgetList | scrollBarWidgets (Qt::Alignment alignment) |
Returns a list of the currently set scroll bar widgets. More... | |
void | setCornerWidget (QWidget *widget) |
Sets the widget in the corner between the two scroll bars to be widget. More... | |
void | setHorizontalScrollBar (QScrollBar *scrollbar) |
Replaces the existing horizontal scroll bar with scrollBar, and sets all the former scroll bar's slider properties on the new scroll bar. More... | |
void | setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarPolicy) |
void | setVerticalScrollBar (QScrollBar *scrollbar) |
Replaces the existing vertical scroll bar with scrollBar, and sets all the former scroll bar's slider properties on the new scroll bar. More... | |
void | setVerticalScrollBarPolicy (Qt::ScrollBarPolicy) |
void | setViewport (QWidget *widget) |
Sets the viewport to be the given widget. More... | |
QSize | sizeHint () const |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
QScrollBar * | verticalScrollBar () const |
Returns the vertical scroll bar. More... | |
Qt::ScrollBarPolicy | verticalScrollBarPolicy () const |
QWidget * | viewport () const |
Returns the viewport widget. More... | |
~QAbstractScrollArea () | |
Destroys the viewport. More... | |
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QRect | frameRect () const |
Shadow | frameShadow () const |
Shape | frameShape () const |
int | frameStyle () const |
Returns the frame style. More... | |
int | frameWidth () const |
int | lineWidth () const |
int | midLineWidth () const |
QFrame (QWidget *parent=0, Qt::WindowFlags f=0) | |
Constructs a frame widget with frame style NoFrame and a 1-pixel frame width. More... | |
void | setFrameRect (const QRect &) |
em>Reimplemented Function More... | |
void | setFrameShadow (Shadow) |
void | setFrameShape (Shape) |
void | setFrameStyle (int) |
Sets the frame style to style. More... | |
void | setLineWidth (int) |
void | setMidLineWidth (int) |
QSize | sizeHint () const |
em>Reimplemented Function More... | |
~QFrame () | |
Destroys the frame. More... | |
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bool | acceptDrops () const |
QString | accessibleDescription () const |
QString | accessibleName () const |
QList< QAction * > | actions () const |
Returns the (possibly empty) list of this widget's actions. More... | |
void | activateWindow () |
Sets the top-level widget containing this widget to be the active window. More... | |
void | addAction (QAction *action) |
Appends the action action to this widget's list of actions. More... | |
void | addActions (QList< QAction *> actions) |
Appends the actions actions to this widget's list of actions. More... | |
void | adjustSize () |
Adjusts the size of the widget to fit its contents. More... | |
bool | autoFillBackground () const |
QPalette::ColorRole | backgroundRole () const |
Returns the background role of the widget. More... | |
QSize | baseSize () const |
QWidget * | childAt (int x, int y) const |
Returns the visible child widget at the position ({x}, {y}) in the widget's coordinate system. More... | |
QWidget * | childAt (const QPoint &p) const |
Returns the visible child widget at point p in the widget's own coordinate system. More... | |
QRect | childrenRect () const |
QRegion | childrenRegion () const |
void | clearFocus () |
Takes keyboard input focus from the widget. More... | |
void | clearMask () |
Removes any mask set by setMask(). More... | |
QMargins | contentsMargins () const |
The contentsMargins function returns the widget's contents margins. More... | |
QRect | contentsRect () const |
Returns the area inside the widget's margins. More... | |
Qt::ContextMenuPolicy | contextMenuPolicy () const |
void | createWinId () |
QCursor | cursor () const |
int | devType () const |
WId | effectiveWinId () const |
Returns the effective window system identifier of the widget, i. More... | |
void | ensurePolished () const |
Ensures that the widget has been polished by QStyle (i.e., has a proper font and palette). More... | |
Qt::FocusPolicy | focusPolicy () const |
QWidget * | focusProxy () const |
Returns the focus proxy, or 0 if there is no focus proxy. More... | |
QWidget * | focusWidget () const |
Returns the last child of this widget that setFocus had been called on. More... | |
const QFont & | font () const |
QFontInfo | fontInfo () const |
Returns the font info for the widget's current font. More... | |
QFontMetrics | fontMetrics () const |
Returns the font metrics for the widget's current font. More... | |
QPalette::ColorRole | foregroundRole () const |
Returns the foreground role. More... | |
QRect | frameGeometry () const |
QSize | frameSize () const |
const QRect & | geometry () const |
void | getContentsMargins (int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom) const |
Returns the widget's contents margins for left, top, right, and bottom. More... | |
HDC | getDC () const |
Returns the window system handle of the widget, for low-level access. More... | |
void | grabGesture (Qt::GestureType type, Qt::GestureFlags flags=Qt::GestureFlags()) |
Subscribes the widget to a given gesture with specific flags. More... | |
void | grabKeyboard () |
Grabs the keyboard input. More... | |
void | grabMouse () |
Grabs the mouse input. More... | |
void | grabMouse (const QCursor &) |
int | grabShortcut (const QKeySequence &key, Qt::ShortcutContext context=Qt::WindowShortcut) |
Adds a shortcut to Qt's shortcut system that watches for the given key sequence in the given context. More... | |
QGraphicsEffect * | graphicsEffect () const |
The graphicsEffect function returns a pointer to the widget's graphics effect. More... | |
QGraphicsProxyWidget * | graphicsProxyWidget () const |
Returns the proxy widget for the corresponding embedded widget in a graphics view; otherwise returns 0. More... | |
bool | hasFocus () const |
bool | hasMouseTracking () const |
int | height () const |
virtual int | heightForWidth (int) const |
Returns the preferred height for this widget, given the width w. More... | |
QInputContext * | inputContext () |
This function returns the QInputContext for this widget. More... | |
Qt::InputMethodHints | inputMethodHints () const |
void | insertAction (QAction *before, QAction *action) |
Inserts the action action to this widget's list of actions, before the action before. More... | |
void | insertActions (QAction *before, QList< QAction *> actions) |
Inserts the actions actions to this widget's list of actions, before the action before. More... | |
WId | internalWinId () const |
Returns the window system identifier of the widget, or 0 if the widget is not created yet. More... | |
bool | isActiveWindow () const |
bool | isAncestorOf (const QWidget *child) const |
Returns true if this widget is a parent, (or grandparent and so on to any level), of the given child, and both widgets are within the same window; otherwise returns false. More... | |
bool | isEnabled () const |
bool | isEnabledTo (QWidget *) const |
Returns true if this widget would become enabled if ancestor is enabled; otherwise returns false. More... | |
bool | isEnabledToTLW () const |
This function is deprecated. More... | |
bool | isFullScreen () const |
bool | isHidden () const |
Returns true if the widget is hidden, otherwise returns false. More... | |
bool | isLeftToRight () const |
bool | isMaximized () const |
bool | isMinimized () const |
bool | isModal () const |
bool | isRightToLeft () const |
bool | isTopLevel () const |
Use isWindow() instead. More... | |
bool | isVisible () const |
bool | isVisibleTo (QWidget *) const |
Returns true if this widget would become visible if ancestor is shown; otherwise returns false. More... | |
bool | isWindow () const |
Returns true if the widget is an independent window, otherwise returns false. More... | |
bool | isWindowModified () const |
QLayout * | layout () const |
Returns the layout manager that is installed on this widget, or 0 if no layout manager is installed. More... | |
Qt::LayoutDirection | layoutDirection () const |
QLocale | locale () const |
Qt::HANDLE | macCGHandle () const |
Returns the CoreGraphics handle of the widget. More... | |
Qt::HANDLE | macQDHandle () const |
Returns the QuickDraw handle of the widget. More... | |
QPoint | mapFrom (QWidget *, const QPoint &) const |
Translates the widget coordinate pos from the coordinate system of parent to this widget's coordinate system. More... | |
QPoint | mapFromGlobal (const QPoint &) const |
Translates the global screen coordinate pos to widget coordinates. More... | |
QPoint | mapFromParent (const QPoint &) const |
Translates the parent widget coordinate pos to widget coordinates. More... | |
QPoint | mapTo (QWidget *, const QPoint &) const |
Translates the widget coordinate pos to the coordinate system of parent. More... | |
QPoint | mapToGlobal (const QPoint &) const |
Translates the widget coordinate pos to global screen coordinates. More... | |
QPoint | mapToParent (const QPoint &) const |
Translates the widget coordinate pos to a coordinate in the parent widget. More... | |
QRegion | mask () const |
Returns the mask currently set on a widget. More... | |
int | maximumHeight () const |
QSize | maximumSize () const |
int | maximumWidth () const |
int | minimumHeight () const |
QSize | minimumSize () const |
int | minimumWidth () const |
void | move (int x, int y) |
This corresponds to move(QPoint(x, y)). More... | |
void | move (const QPoint &) |
QWidget * | nativeParentWidget () const |
Returns the native parent for this widget, i. More... | |
QWidget * | nextInFocusChain () const |
Returns the next widget in this widget's focus chain. More... | |
QRect | normalGeometry () const |
void | overrideWindowFlags (Qt::WindowFlags type) |
Sets the window flags for the widget to flags, without telling the window system. More... | |
void | overrideWindowState (Qt::WindowStates state) |
QPaintEngine * | paintEngine () const |
Returns the widget's paint engine. More... | |
const QPalette & | palette () const |
QWidget * | parentWidget () const |
Returns the parent of this widget, or 0 if it does not have any parent widget. More... | |
QPoint | pos () const |
QWidget * | previousInFocusChain () const |
The previousInFocusChain function returns the previous widget in this widget's focus chain. More... | |
QWidget (QWidget *parent=0, Qt::WindowFlags f=0) | |
Constructs a widget which is a child of parent, with widget flags set to f. More... | |
QRect | rect () const |
void | releaseDC (HDC) const |
Releases the HDC hdc acquired by a previous call to getDC(). More... | |
void | releaseKeyboard () |
Releases the keyboard grab. More... | |
void | releaseMouse () |
Releases the mouse grab. More... | |
void | releaseShortcut (int id) |
Removes the shortcut with the given id from Qt's shortcut system. More... | |
void | removeAction (QAction *action) |
Removes the action action from this widget's list of actions. More... | |
void | render (QPaintDevice *target, const QPoint &targetOffset=QPoint(), const QRegion &sourceRegion=QRegion(), RenderFlags renderFlags=RenderFlags(DrawWindowBackground|DrawChildren)) |
Renders the sourceRegion of this widget into the target using renderFlags to determine how to render. More... | |
void | render (QPainter *painter, const QPoint &targetOffset=QPoint(), const QRegion &sourceRegion=QRegion(), RenderFlags renderFlags=RenderFlags(DrawWindowBackground|DrawChildren)) |
Renders the widget into the painter's QPainter::device(). More... | |
void | repaint (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
This version repaints a rectangle (x, y, w, h) inside the widget. More... | |
void | repaint (const QRect &) |
This version repaints a rectangle rect inside the widget. More... | |
void | repaint (const QRegion &) |
This version repaints a region rgn inside the widget. More... | |
void | resize (int w, int h) |
This corresponds to resize(QSize(w, h)). More... | |
void | resize (const QSize &) |
bool | restoreGeometry (const QByteArray &geometry) |
Restores the geometry and state top-level widgets stored in the byte array geometry. More... | |
QByteArray | saveGeometry () const |
Saves the current geometry and state for top-level widgets. More... | |
void | scroll (int dx, int dy) |
Scrolls the widget including its children dx pixels to the right and dy downward. More... | |
void | scroll (int dx, int dy, const QRect &) |
This version only scrolls r and does not move the children of the widget. More... | |
void | setAcceptDrops (bool on) |
void | setAccessibleDescription (const QString &description) |
void | setAccessibleName (const QString &name) |
void | setAttribute (Qt::WidgetAttribute, bool on=true) |
Sets the attribute attribute on this widget if on is true; otherwise clears the attribute. More... | |
void | setAutoFillBackground (bool enabled) |
void | setBackgroundRole (QPalette::ColorRole) |
Sets the background role of the widget to role. More... | |
void | setBaseSize (const QSize &) |
void | setBaseSize (int basew, int baseh) |
This corresponds to setBaseSize(QSize(basew, baseh)). More... | |
void | setContentsMargins (int left, int top, int right, int bottom) |
Sets the margins around the contents of the widget to have the sizes left, top, right, and bottom. More... | |
void | setContentsMargins (const QMargins &margins) |
The setContentsMargins function sets the margins around the widget's contents. More... | |
void | setContextMenuPolicy (Qt::ContextMenuPolicy policy) |
void | setCursor (const QCursor &) |
void | setFixedHeight (int h) |
Sets both the minimum and maximum heights of the widget to h without changing the widths. More... | |
void | setFixedSize (const QSize &) |
Sets both the minimum and maximum sizes of the widget to s, thereby preventing it from ever growing or shrinking. More... | |
void | setFixedSize (int w, int h) |
Sets the width of the widget to w and the height to h. More... | |
void | setFixedWidth (int w) |
Sets both the minimum and maximum width of the widget to w without changing the heights. More... | |
void | setFocus (Qt::FocusReason reason) |
Gives the keyboard input focus to this widget (or its focus proxy) if this widget or one of its parents is the active window. More... | |
void | setFocusPolicy (Qt::FocusPolicy policy) |
void | setFocusProxy (QWidget *) |
Sets the widget's focus proxy to widget w. More... | |
void | setFont (const QFont &) |
Use the single-argument overload instead. More... | |
void | setForegroundRole (QPalette::ColorRole) |
Sets the foreground role of the widget to role. More... | |
void | setGeometry (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.This corresponds to setGeometry(QRect(x, y, w, h)). More... | |
void | setGeometry (const QRect &) |
void | setGraphicsEffect (QGraphicsEffect *effect) |
The setGraphicsEffect function is for setting the widget's graphics effect. More... | |
void | setInputContext (QInputContext *) |
This function sets the input context context on this widget. More... | |
void | setInputMethodHints (Qt::InputMethodHints hints) |
void | setLayout (QLayout *) |
Sets the layout manager for this widget to layout. More... | |
void | setLayoutDirection (Qt::LayoutDirection direction) |
void | setLocale (const QLocale &locale) |
void | setMask (const QBitmap &) |
Causes only the pixels of the widget for which bitmap has a corresponding 1 bit to be visible. More... | |
void | setMask (const QRegion &) |
Causes only the parts of the widget which overlap region to be visible. More... | |
void | setMaximumHeight (int maxh) |
void | setMaximumSize (const QSize &) |
void | setMaximumSize (int maxw, int maxh) |
This function corresponds to setMaximumSize(QSize(maxw, maxh)). More... | |
void | setMaximumWidth (int maxw) |
void | setMinimumHeight (int minh) |
void | setMinimumSize (const QSize &) |
void | setMinimumSize (int minw, int minh) |
This function corresponds to setMinimumSize(QSize(minw, minh)). More... | |
void | setMinimumWidth (int minw) |
void | setMouseTracking (bool enable) |
void | setPalette (const QPalette &) |
Use the single-argument overload instead. More... | |
void | setParent (QWidget *parent) |
Sets the parent of the widget to parent, and resets the window flags. More... | |
void | setParent (QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) |
This function also takes widget flags, f as an argument. More... | |
void | setShortcutAutoRepeat (int id, bool enable=true) |
If enable is true, auto repeat of the shortcut with the given id is enabled; otherwise it is disabled. More... | |
void | setShortcutEnabled (int id, bool enable=true) |
If enable is true, the shortcut with the given id is enabled; otherwise the shortcut is disabled. More... | |
void | setSizeIncrement (const QSize &) |
void | setSizeIncrement (int w, int h) |
Sets the x (width) size increment to w and the y (height) size increment to h. More... | |
void | setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy) |
void | setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Policy horizontal, QSizePolicy::Policy vertical) |
Sets the size policy of the widget to horizontal and vertical, with standard stretch and no height-for-width. More... | |
void | setStatusTip (const QString &) |
void | setStyle (QStyle *) |
Sets the widget's GUI style to style. More... | |
void | setToolTip (const QString &) |
void | setUpdatesEnabled (bool enable) |
void | setupUi (QWidget *widget) |
Sets up the user interface for the specified widget. More... | |
void | setWhatsThis (const QString &) |
void | setWindowFilePath (const QString &filePath) |
void | setWindowFlags (Qt::WindowFlags type) |
void | setWindowIcon (const QIcon &icon) |
void | setWindowIconText (const QString &) |
void | setWindowModality (Qt::WindowModality windowModality) |
void | setWindowOpacity (qreal level) |
void | setWindowRole (const QString &) |
Sets the window's role to role. More... | |
void | setWindowState (Qt::WindowStates state) |
Sets the window state to windowState. More... | |
void | setWindowSurface (QWindowSurface *surface) |
Sets the window surface to be the surface specified. More... | |
QSize | size () const |
QSize | sizeIncrement () const |
QSizePolicy | sizePolicy () const |
void | stackUnder (QWidget *) |
Places the widget under w in the parent widget's stack. More... | |
QString | statusTip () const |
QStyle * | style () const |
QString | styleSheet () const |
bool | testAttribute (Qt::WidgetAttribute) const |
Returns true if attribute attribute is set on this widget; otherwise returns false. More... | |
QString | toolTip () const |
QWidget * | topLevelWidget () const |
bool | underMouse () const |
Returns true if the widget is under the mouse cursor; otherwise returns false. More... | |
void | ungrabGesture (Qt::GestureType type) |
Unsubscribes the widget from a given gesture type. More... | |
void | unsetCursor () |
void | unsetLayoutDirection () |
void | unsetLocale () |
void | update (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
This version updates a rectangle (x, y, w, h) inside the widget. More... | |
void | update (const QRect &) |
This version updates a rectangle rect inside the widget. More... | |
void | update (const QRegion &) |
This version repaints a region rgn inside the widget. More... | |
void | updateGeometry () |
Notifies the layout system that this widget has changed and may need to change geometry. More... | |
bool | updatesEnabled () const |
QRegion | visibleRegion () const |
Returns the unobscured region where paint events can occur. More... | |
QString | whatsThis () const |
int | width () const |
QWidget * | window () const |
Returns the window for this widget, i.e. More... | |
QString | windowFilePath () const |
Qt::WindowFlags | windowFlags () const |
Window flags are a combination of a type (e. More... | |
QIcon | windowIcon () const |
QString | windowIconText () const |
Qt::WindowModality | windowModality () const |
qreal | windowOpacity () const |
QString | windowRole () const |
Returns the window's role, or an empty string. More... | |
Qt::WindowStates | windowState () const |
Returns the current window state. More... | |
QWindowSurface * | windowSurface () const |
Returns the QWindowSurface this widget will be drawn into. More... | |
QString | windowTitle () const |
Qt::WindowType | windowType () const |
Returns the window type of this widget. More... | |
WId | winId () const |
Returns the window system identifier of the widget. More... | |
int | x () const |
const QX11Info & | x11Info () const |
Returns information about the configuration of the X display used to display the widget. More... | |
Qt::HANDLE | x11PictureHandle () const |
Returns the X11 Picture handle of the widget for XRender support. More... | |
int | y () const |
~QWidget () | |
Destroys the widget. More... | |
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bool | blockSignals (bool b) |
If block is true, signals emitted by this object are blocked (i.e., emitting a signal will not invoke anything connected to it). More... | |
const QObjectList & | children () const |
Returns a list of child objects. More... | |
bool | connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection) const |
bool | disconnect (const char *signal=0, const QObject *receiver=0, const char *member=0) |
bool | disconnect (const QObject *receiver, const char *member=0) |
void | dumpObjectInfo () |
Dumps information about signal connections, etc. More... | |
void | dumpObjectTree () |
Dumps a tree of children to the debug output. More... | |
QList< QByteArray > | dynamicPropertyNames () const |
Returns the names of all properties that were dynamically added to the object using setProperty(). More... | |
virtual bool | eventFilter (QObject *, QEvent *) |
Filters events if this object has been installed as an event filter for the watched object. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | findChild (const QString &aName=QString()) const |
Returns the child of this object that can be cast into type T and that is called name, or 0 if there is no such object. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
QList< T > | findChildren (const QString &aName=QString()) const |
Returns all children of this object with the given name that can be cast to type T, or an empty list if there are no such objects. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
QList< T > | findChildren (const QRegExp &re) const |
bool | inherits (const char *classname) const |
Returns true if this object is an instance of a class that inherits className or a QObject subclass that inherits className; otherwise returns false. More... | |
void | installEventFilter (QObject *) |
Installs an event filter filterObj on this object. More... | |
bool | isWidgetType () const |
Returns true if the object is a widget; otherwise returns false. More... | |
void | killTimer (int id) |
Kills the timer with timer identifier, id. More... | |
virtual const QMetaObject * | metaObject () const |
Returns a pointer to the meta-object of this object. More... | |
void | moveToThread (QThread *thread) |
Changes the thread affinity for this object and its children. More... | |
QString | objectName () const |
QObject * | parent () const |
Returns a pointer to the parent object. More... | |
QVariant | property (const char *name) const |
Returns the value of the object's name property. More... | |
Q_INVOKABLE | QObject (QObject *parent=0) |
Constructs an object with parent object parent. More... | |
void | removeEventFilter (QObject *) |
Removes an event filter object obj from this object. More... | |
void | setObjectName (const QString &name) |
void | setParent (QObject *) |
Makes the object a child of parent. More... | |
bool | setProperty (const char *name, const QVariant &value) |
Sets the value of the object's name property to value. More... | |
void | setUserData (uint id, QObjectUserData *data) |
bool | signalsBlocked () const |
Returns true if signals are blocked; otherwise returns false. More... | |
int | startTimer (int interval) |
Starts a timer and returns a timer identifier, or returns zero if it could not start a timer. More... | |
QThread * | thread () const |
Returns the thread in which the object lives. More... | |
QObjectUserData * | userData (uint id) const |
virtual | ~QObject () |
Destroys the object, deleting all its child objects. More... | |
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int | colorCount () const |
int | depth () const |
int | height () const |
int | heightMM () const |
int | logicalDpiX () const |
int | logicalDpiY () const |
QT_DEPRECATED int | numColors () const |
bool | paintingActive () const |
int | physicalDpiX () const |
int | physicalDpiY () const |
int | width () const |
int | widthMM () const |
virtual | ~QPaintDevice () |
Protected Functions | |
virtual bool | canInsertFromMimeData (const QMimeData *source) const |
This function returns true if the contents of the MIME data object, specified by source, can be decoded and inserted into the document. More... | |
virtual void | changeEvent (QEvent *e) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual void | contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent *e) |
Shows the standard context menu created with createStandardContextMenu(). More... | |
virtual QMimeData * | createMimeDataFromSelection () const |
This function returns a new MIME data object to represent the contents of the text edit's current selection. More... | |
virtual void | dragEnterEvent (QDragEnterEvent *e) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual void | dragLeaveEvent (QDragLeaveEvent *e) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual void | dragMoveEvent (QDragMoveEvent *e) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual void | dropEvent (QDropEvent *e) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual bool | event (QEvent *e) |
virtual void | focusInEvent (QFocusEvent *e) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual bool | focusNextPrevChild (bool next) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual void | focusOutEvent (QFocusEvent *e) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual void | inputMethodEvent (QInputMethodEvent *) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
QVariant | inputMethodQuery (Qt::InputMethodQuery property) const |
This method is only relevant for input widgets. More... | |
virtual void | insertFromMimeData (const QMimeData *source) |
This function inserts the contents of the MIME data object, specified by source, into the text edit at the current cursor position. More... | |
virtual void | keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *e) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual void | keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *e) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual void | mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *e) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual void | mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *e) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual void | mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *e) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual void | mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *e) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual void | paintEvent (QPaintEvent *e) |
This event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive paint events passed in event. More... | |
QTextEdit (QTextEditPrivate &dd, QWidget *parent) | |
virtual void | resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *e) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual void | scrollContentsBy (int dx, int dy) |
em>Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual void | showEvent (QShowEvent *) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
virtual void | timerEvent (QTimerEvent *e) |
virtual void | wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *e) |
Reimplemented Function More... | |
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QAbstractScrollArea (QAbstractScrollAreaPrivate &dd, QWidget *parent=0) | |
Creates a new QAbstractScrollAreaPrivate, dd with the given parent. More... | |
void | setViewportMargins (int left, int top, int right, int bottom) |
Sets the margins around the scrolling area to left, top, right and bottom. More... | |
void | setViewportMargins (const QMargins &margins) |
Sets margins around the scrolling area. More... | |
virtual bool | viewportEvent (QEvent *) |
The main event handler for the scrolling area (the viewport() widget). More... | |
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void | drawFrame (QPainter *) |
em>Reimplemented Function More... | |
QFrame (QFramePrivate &dd, QWidget *parent=0, Qt::WindowFlags f=0) | |
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virtual void | actionEvent (QActionEvent *) |
This event handler is called with the given event whenever the widget's actions are changed. More... | |
virtual void | closeEvent (QCloseEvent *) |
This event handler is called with the given event when Qt receives a window close request for a top-level widget from the window system. More... | |
void | create (WId=0, bool initializeWindow=true, bool destroyOldWindow=true) |
Creates a new widget window if window is 0, otherwise sets the widget's window to window. More... | |
void | destroy (bool destroyWindow=true, bool destroySubWindows=true) |
Frees up window system resources. More... | |
virtual void | enabledChange (bool) |
virtual void | enterEvent (QEvent *) |
This event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive widget enter events which are passed in the event parameter. More... | |
bool | focusNextChild () |
Finds a new widget to give the keyboard focus to, as appropriate for Tab, and returns true if it can find a new widget, or false if it can't. More... | |
bool | focusPreviousChild () |
Finds a new widget to give the keyboard focus to, as appropriate for Shift+Tab, and returns true if it can find a new widget, or false if it can't. More... | |
virtual void | fontChange (const QFont &) |
virtual void | hideEvent (QHideEvent *) |
This event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive widget hide events. More... | |
virtual void | languageChange () |
virtual void | leaveEvent (QEvent *) |
This event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive widget leave events which are passed in the event parameter. More... | |
virtual bool | macEvent (EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef) |
This special event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive native Macintosh events. More... | |
int | metric (PaintDeviceMetric) const |
Internal implementation of the virtual QPaintDevice::metric() function. More... | |
virtual void | moveEvent (QMoveEvent *) |
This event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive widget move events which are passed in the event parameter. More... | |
virtual void | paletteChange (const QPalette &) |
QWidget (QWidgetPrivate &d, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) | |
virtual bool | qwsEvent (QWSEvent *) |
This special event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive native Qt for Embedded Linux events which are passed in the event parameter. More... | |
void | resetInputContext () |
This function can be called on the widget that currently has focus to reset the input method operating on it. More... | |
virtual void | styleChange (QStyle &) |
virtual void | tabletEvent (QTabletEvent *) |
This event handler, for event event, can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive tablet events for the widget. More... | |
virtual void | windowActivationChange (bool) |
virtual bool | winEvent (MSG *message, long *result) |
This special event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive native Windows events which are passed in the message parameter. More... | |
virtual bool | x11Event (XEvent *) |
This special event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive native X11 events passed in the event parameter. More... | |
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virtual void | childEvent (QChildEvent *) |
This event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive child events. More... | |
virtual void | connectNotify (const char *signal) |
This virtual function is called when something has been connected to signal in this object. More... | |
virtual void | customEvent (QEvent *) |
This event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive custom events. More... | |
virtual void | disconnectNotify (const char *signal) |
This virtual function is called when something has been disconnected from signal in this object. More... | |
QObject (QObjectPrivate &dd, QObject *parent=0) | |
int | receivers (const char *signal) const |
Returns the number of receivers connected to the signal. More... | |
QObject * | sender () const |
Returns a pointer to the object that sent the signal, if called in a slot activated by a signal; otherwise it returns 0. More... | |
int | senderSignalIndex () const |
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QPaintDevice () | |
Properties | |
bool | acceptRichText |
whether the text edit accepts rich text insertions by the user More... | |
AutoFormatting | autoFormatting |
the enabled set of auto formatting features More... | |
int | cursorWidth |
This property specifies the width of the cursor in pixels. More... | |
QString | documentTitle |
the title of the document parsed from the text. More... | |
QString | html |
This property provides an HTML interface to the text of the text edit. More... | |
int | lineWrapColumnOrWidth |
the position (in pixels or columns depending on the wrap mode) where text will be wrapped More... | |
LineWrapMode | lineWrapMode |
the line wrap mode More... | |
bool | overwriteMode |
whether text entered by the user will overwrite existing text More... | |
QString | plainText |
This property gets and sets the text editor's contents as plain text. More... | |
bool | readOnly |
whether the text edit is read-only More... | |
bool | tabChangesFocus |
whether Tab changes focus or is accepted as input More... | |
int | tabStopWidth |
the tab stop width in pixels More... | |
Qt::TextInteractionFlags | textInteractionFlags |
Specifies how the widget should interact with user input. More... | |
bool | undoRedoEnabled |
whether undo and redo are enabled More... | |
Friends | |
class | QTextControl |
class | QTextDocument |
class | QTextEditControl |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static QWidget * | find (WId) |
Returns a pointer to the widget with window identifer/handle id. More... | |
static QWidget * | keyboardGrabber () |
Returns the widget that is currently grabbing the keyboard input. More... | |
static QWidget * | mouseGrabber () |
Returns the widget that is currently grabbing the mouse input. More... | |
static void | setTabOrder (QWidget *, QWidget *) |
Puts the second widget after the first widget in the focus order. More... | |
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static bool | connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType=Qt::AutoConnection) |
Creates a connection of the given type from the signal in the sender object to the method in the receiver object. More... | |
static bool | connect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method, Qt::ConnectionType type=Qt::AutoConnection) |
static bool | disconnect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *member) |
Disconnects signal in object sender from method in object receiver. More... | |
static bool | disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &member) |
static uint | registerUserData () |
static QString | tr (const char *sourceText, const char *comment=0, int n=-1) |
static QString | trUtf8 (const char *sourceText, const char *comment=0, int n=-1) |
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static QWSDisplay * | qwsDisplay () |
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static const QMetaObject | staticMetaObject |
This variable stores the meta-object for the class. More... | |
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void | setupViewport (QWidget *viewport) |
This slot is called by QAbstractScrollArea after setViewport(viewport) has been called. More... | |
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void | updateMicroFocus () |
Updates the widget's micro focus. More... | |
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QScopedPointer< QObjectData > | d_ptr |
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ushort | painters |
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static const QMetaObject | staticQtMetaObject |
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QWidgetList | |
WId | |
Platform dependent window identifier. More... | |
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T | qFindChildqFindChildren (const QObject *obj, const QString &name)() |
QList< T > | qFindChildrenqFindChildren (const QObject *obj, const QString &name)() |
QList< T > | qFindChildrenqFindChildren (const QObject *obj, const QRegExp ®Exp)() |
T * | qobject_cast (QObject *object) |
QObjectList | |
void * | qt_find_obj_child (QObject *parent, const char *type, const QString &name) |
Returns a pointer to the object named name that inherits type and with a given parent. More... | |
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const Q_GUI_EXPORT QX11Info * | qt_x11Info (const QPaintDevice *pd) |
Returns the QX11Info structure for the pd paint device. More... | |
The QTextEdit class provides a widget that is used to edit and display both plain and rich text.
QTextEdit is an advanced WYSIWYG viewer/editor supporting rich text formatting using HTML-style tags. It is optimized to handle large documents and to respond quickly to user input.
QTextEdit works on paragraphs and characters. A paragraph is a formatted string which is word-wrapped to fit into the width of the widget. By default when reading plain text, one newline signifies a paragraph. A document consists of zero or more paragraphs. The words in the paragraph are aligned in accordance with the paragraph's alignment. Paragraphs are separated by hard line breaks. Each character within a paragraph has its own attributes, for example, font and color.
QTextEdit can display images, lists and tables. If the text is too large to view within the text edit's viewport, scroll bars will appear. The text edit can load both plain text and HTML files (a subset of HTML 3.2 and 4).
If you just need to display a small piece of rich text use QLabel.
The rich text support in Qt is designed to provide a fast, portable and efficient way to add reasonable online help facilities to applications, and to provide a basis for rich text editors. If you find the HTML support insufficient for your needs you may consider the use of QtWebKit, which provides a full-featured web browser widget.
The shape of the mouse cursor on a QTextEdit is Qt::IBeamCursor by default. It can be changed through the viewport()'s cursor property.
QTextEdit can display a large HTML subset, including tables and images.
The text is set or replaced using setHtml() which deletes any existing text and replaces it with the text passed in the setHtml() call. If you call setHtml() with legacy HTML, and then call toHtml(), the text that is returned may have different markup, but will render the same. The entire text can be deleted with clear().
Text itself can be inserted using the QTextCursor class or using the convenience functions insertHtml(), insertPlainText(), append() or paste(). QTextCursor is also able to insert complex objects like tables or lists into the document, and it deals with creating selections and applying changes to selected text.
By default the text edit wraps words at whitespace to fit within the text edit widget. The setLineWrapMode() function is used to specify the kind of line wrap you want, or NoWrap if you don't want any wrapping. Call setLineWrapMode() to set a fixed pixel width FixedPixelWidth , or character column (e.g. 80 column) FixedColumnWidth with the pixels or columns specified with setLineWrapColumnOrWidth(). If you use word wrap to the widget's width WidgetWidth , you can specify whether to break on whitespace or anywhere with setWordWrapMode().
The find() function can be used to find and select a given string within the text.
If you want to limit the total number of paragraphs in a QTextEdit, as for example it is often useful in a log viewer, then you can use QTextDocument's maximumBlockCount property for that.
When QTextEdit is used read-only the key bindings are limited to navigation, and text may only be selected with the mouse:
Keypresses | Action |
Up | Moves one line up. |
Down | Moves one line down. |
Left | Moves one character to the left. |
Right | Moves one character to the right. |
PageUp | Moves one (viewport) page up. |
PageDown | Moves one (viewport) page down. |
Home | Moves to the beginning of the text. |
End | Moves to the end of the text. |
Alt+Wheel | Scrolls the page horizontally (the Wheel is the mouse wheel). |
Ctrl+Wheel | Zooms the text. |
Ctrl+A | Selects all text. |
The text edit may be able to provide some meta-information. For example, the documentTitle() function will return the text from within HTML <title>
All the information about using QTextEdit as a display widget also applies here.
The current char format's attributes are set with setFontItalic(), setFontWeight(), setFontUnderline(), setFontFamily(), setFontPointSize(), setTextColor() and setCurrentFont(). The current paragraph's alignment is set with setAlignment().
Selection of text is handled by the QTextCursor class, which provides functionality for creating selections, retrieving the text contents or deleting selections. You can retrieve the object that corresponds with the user-visible cursor using the textCursor() method. If you want to set a selection in QTextEdit just create one on a QTextCursor object and then make that cursor the visible cursor using setTextCursor(). The selection can be copied to the clipboard with copy(), or cut to the clipboard with cut(). The entire text can be selected using selectAll().
When the cursor is moved and the underlying formatting attributes change, the currentCharFormatChanged() signal is emitted to reflect the new attributes at the new cursor position.
QTextEdit holds a QTextDocument object which can be retrieved using the document() method. You can also set your own document object using setDocument(). QTextDocument emits a textChanged() signal if the text changes and it also provides a isModified() function which will return true if the text has been modified since it was either loaded or since the last call to setModified with false as argument. In addition it provides methods for undo and redo.
QTextEdit also supports custom drag and drop behavior. By default, QTextEdit will insert plain text, HTML and rich text when the user drops data of these MIME types onto a document. Reimplement canInsertFromMimeData() and insertFromMimeData() to add support for additional MIME types.
For example, to allow the user to drag and drop an image onto a QTextEdit, you could the implement these functions in the following way:
We add support for image MIME types by returning true. For all other MIME types, we use the default implementation.
We unpack the image from the QVariant held by the MIME source and insert it into the document as a resource.
The list of key bindings which are implemented for editing:
Keypresses | Action |
Backspace | Deletes the character to the left of the cursor. |
Delete | Deletes the character to the right of the cursor. |
Ctrl+C | Copy the selected text to the clipboard. |
Ctrl+Insert | Copy the selected text to the clipboard. |
Ctrl+K | Deletes to the end of the line. |
Ctrl+V | Pastes the clipboard text into text edit. |
Shift+Insert | Pastes the clipboard text into text edit. |
Ctrl+X | Deletes the selected text and copies it to the clipboard. |
Shift+Delete | Deletes the selected text and copies it to the clipboard. |
Ctrl+Z | Undoes the last operation. |
Ctrl+Y | Redoes the last operation. |
Left | Moves the cursor one character to the left. |
Ctrl+Left | Moves the cursor one word to the left. |
Right | Moves the cursor one character to the right. |
Ctrl+Right | Moves the cursor one word to the right. |
Up | Moves the cursor one line up. |
Down | Moves the cursor one line down. |
PageUp | Moves the cursor one page up. |
PageDown | Moves the cursor one page down. |
Home | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line. |
Ctrl+Home | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the text. |
End | Moves the cursor to the end of the line. |
Ctrl+End | Moves the cursor to the end of the text. |
Alt+Wheel | Scrolls the page horizontally (the Wheel is the mouse wheel). |
To select (mark) text hold down the Shift key whilst pressing one of the movement keystrokes, for example, Shift+Right will select the character to the right, and Shift+Ctrl+Right will select the word to the right, etc.
Definition at line 70 of file qtextedit.h.
Enumerator | |
AutoNone | |
AutoBulletList | |
AutoAll |
Definition at line 101 of file qtextedit.h.
Enumerator | |
NoWrap | |
WidgetWidth | |
FixedPixelWidth | |
FixedColumnWidth |
Definition at line 94 of file qtextedit.h.
explicit |
Constructs an empty QTextEdit with parent parent.
Definition at line 608 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QTextBrowser::QTextBrowser(), and QTextEdit().
Constructs a QTextEdit with parent parent.
The text edit will display the text text. The text is interpreted as html.
Definition at line 629 of file qtextedit.cpp.
virtual |
protected |
Definition at line 618 of file qtextedit.cpp.
bool QTextEdit::acceptRichText | ( | ) | const |
Referenced by setCursorWidth().
Qt::Alignment QTextEdit::alignment | ( | ) | const |
Returns the alignment of the current paragraph.
Definition at line 774 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Returns the reference of the anchor at position pos, or an empty string if no anchor exists at that point.
Definition at line 1901 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Appends a new paragraph with text to the end of the text edit.
Definition at line 2729 of file qtextedit.cpp.
AutoFormatting QTextEdit::autoFormatting | ( | ) | const |
Referenced by currentCharFormat().
protectedvirtual |
This function returns true if the contents of the MIME data object, specified by source, can be decoded and inserted into the document.
It is called for example when during a drag operation the mouse enters this widget and it is necessary to determine whether it is possible to accept the drag and drop operation.
Reimplement this function to enable drag and drop support for additional MIME types.
Definition at line 2093 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QTextEditControl::canInsertFromMimeData().
bool QTextEdit::canPaste | ( | ) | const |
Returns whether text can be pasted from the clipboard into the textedit.
Definition at line 2362 of file qtextedit.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QFrame.
Definition at line 1782 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Deletes all the text in the text edit.
Note that the undo/redo history is cleared by this function.
Definition at line 1050 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by timerEvent().
protectedvirtual |
Shows the standard context menu created with createStandardContextMenu().
If you do not want the text edit to have a context menu, you can set its contextMenuPolicy to Qt::NoContextMenu. If you want to customize the context menu, reimplement this function. If you want to extend the standard context menu, reimplement this function, call createStandardContextMenu() and extend the menu returned.
Information about the event is passed in the event object.
Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea.
Reimplemented in QMessageBoxDetailsText::TextEdit.
Definition at line 1651 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Copies any selected text to the clipboard.
Definition at line 1016 of file qtextedit.cpp.
signal |
This signal is emitted when text is selected or de-selected in the text edit.
When text is selected this signal will be emitted with yes set to true. If no text has been selected or if the selected text is de-selected this signal is emitted with yes set to false.
If yes is true then copy() can be used to copy the selection to the clipboard. If yes is false then copy() does nothing.
protectedvirtual |
This function returns a new MIME data object to represent the contents of the text edit's current selection.
It is called when the selection needs to be encapsulated into a new QMimeData object; for example, when a drag and drop operation is started, or when data is copyied to the clipboard.
If you reimplement this function, note that the ownership of the returned QMimeData object is passed to the caller. The selection can be retrieved by using the textCursor() function.
Definition at line 2078 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QTextEditControl::createMimeDataFromSelection().
QMenu * QTextEdit::createStandardContextMenu | ( | ) |
This function creates the standard context menu which is shown when the user clicks on the text edit with the right mouse button.
It is called from the default contextMenuEvent() handler. The popup menu's ownership is transferred to the caller.
We recommend that you use the createStandardContextMenu(QPoint) version instead which will enable the actions that are sensitive to where the user clicked.
Definition at line 1834 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QMessageBoxDetailsText::TextEdit::contextMenuEvent().
This function creates the standard context menu which is shown when the user clicks on the text edit with the right mouse button.
Definition at line 1853 of file qtextedit.cpp.
QTextCharFormat QTextEdit::currentCharFormat | ( | ) | const |
Returns the char format that is used when inserting new text.
Definition at line 2204 of file qtextedit.cpp.
signal |
This signal is emitted if the current character format has changed, for example caused by a change of the cursor position.
The new format is f.
QFont QTextEdit::currentFont | ( | ) | const |
Returns the font of the current format.
Definition at line 747 of file qtextedit.cpp.
QTextCursor QTextEdit::cursorForPosition | ( | const QPoint & | pos | ) | const |
returns a QTextCursor at position pos (in viewport coordinates).
Definition at line 1863 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QAccessibleTextEdit::childAt().
signal |
This signal is emitted whenever the position of the cursor changed.
QRect QTextEdit::cursorRect | ( | const QTextCursor & | cursor | ) | const |
returns a rectangle (in viewport coordinates) that includes the cursor.
Definition at line 1873 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QAccessibleTextEdit::scrollToSubstring().
QRect QTextEdit::cursorRect | ( | ) | const |
returns a rectangle (in viewport coordinates) that includes the cursor of the text edit.
Definition at line 1888 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by event().
int QTextEdit::cursorWidth | ( | ) | const |
Referenced by setTabStopWidth().
slot |
Copies the selected text to the clipboard and deletes it from the text edit.
If there is no selected text nothing happens.
Definition at line 1004 of file qtextedit.cpp.
QTextDocument * QTextEdit::document | ( | ) | const |
Returns a pointer to the underlying document.
Definition at line 804 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QAccessibleTextEdit::childCount(), keyPressEvent(), QSyntaxHighlighter::QSyntaxHighlighter(), QAccessibleTextEdit::rect(), QAccessibleTextEdit::scrollToSubstring(), and QAccessibleTextEdit::textDocument().
inline |
Definition at line 170 of file qtextedit.h.
Referenced by QTextBrowser::setSource().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea.
Definition at line 1661 of file qtextedit.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea.
Definition at line 1670 of file qtextedit.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea.
Definition at line 1680 of file qtextedit.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea.
Definition at line 1691 of file qtextedit.cpp.
void QTextEdit::ensureCursorVisible | ( | ) |
Ensures that the cursor is visible by scrolling the text edit if necessary.
Definition at line 2743 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by event(), inputMethodEvent(), mouseReleaseEvent(), and showEvent().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea.
Reimplemented in QTextBrowser.
Definition at line 1071 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QTextBrowser::event().
QList< QTextEdit::ExtraSelection > QTextEdit::extraSelections | ( | ) | const |
Returns previously set extra selections.
Definition at line 2062 of file qtextedit.cpp.
bool QTextEdit::find | ( | const QString & | exp, |
QTextDocument::FindFlags | options = 0 |
) |
Finds the next occurrence of the string, exp, using the given options.
Use the find() overload that takes a QTextDocument::FindFlags argument.
Returns true if exp was found and changes the cursor to select the match; otherwise returns false.
Definition at line 2518 of file qtextedit.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QWidget.
Definition at line 1746 of file qtextedit.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QWidget.
Reimplemented in QTextBrowser.
Definition at line 1627 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QTextBrowser::focusNextPrevChild().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QWidget.
Reimplemented in QTextBrowser.
Definition at line 1758 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QTextBrowser::focusOutEvent().
QString QTextEdit::fontFamily | ( | ) | const |
Returns the font family of the current format.
Definition at line 674 of file qtextedit.cpp.
bool QTextEdit::fontItalic | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if the font of the current format is italic; otherwise returns false.
Definition at line 709 of file qtextedit.cpp.
qreal QTextEdit::fontPointSize | ( | ) | const |
Returns the point size of the font of the current format.
Definition at line 663 of file qtextedit.cpp.
bool QTextEdit::fontUnderline | ( | ) | const |
Returns true if the font of the current format is underlined; otherwise returns false.
Definition at line 697 of file qtextedit.cpp.
int QTextEdit::fontWeight | ( | ) | const |
Returns the font weight of the current format.
Definition at line 685 of file qtextedit.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
em>Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QWidget.
Definition at line 1703 of file qtextedit.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
This method is only relevant for input widgets.
It is used by the input method to query a set of properties of the widget to be able to support complex input method operations as support for surrounding text and reconversions.
query specifies which property is queried.
Reimplemented from QWidget.
Definition at line 1728 of file qtextedit.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
This function inserts the contents of the MIME data object, specified by source, into the text edit at the current cursor position.
It is called whenever text is inserted as the result of a clipboard paste operation, or when the text edit accepts data from a drag and drop operation.
Reimplement this function to enable drag and drop support for additional MIME types.
Definition at line 2108 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QTextEditControl::insertFromMimeData().
slot |
Convenience slot that inserts text which is assumed to be of html formatting at the current cursor position.
It is equivalent to:
Definition at line 2265 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Convenience slot that inserts text at the current cursor position.
It is equivalent to
Definition at line 2245 of file qtextedit.cpp.
bool QTextEdit::isReadOnly | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2127 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by append(), mouseReleaseEvent(), and shouldEnableInputMethod().
inline |
Definition at line 173 of file qtextedit.h.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea.
Reimplemented in QTextBrowser.
Definition at line 1210 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QTextBrowser::keyPressEvent().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QWidget.
Definition at line 1365 of file qtextedit.cpp.
int QTextEdit::lineWrapColumnOrWidth | ( | ) | const |
Referenced by QTextEditPrivate::relayoutDocument(), and setLineWrapMode().
LineWrapMode QTextEdit::lineWrapMode | ( | ) | const |
Referenced by setTabChangesFocus().
Loads the resource specified by the given type and name.
This function is an extension of QTextDocument::loadResource().
Reimplemented in QTextBrowser.
Definition at line 1401 of file qtextedit.cpp.
void QTextEdit::mergeCurrentCharFormat | ( | const QTextCharFormat & | modifier | ) |
Merges the properties specified in modifier into the current character format by calling QTextCursor::mergeCharFormat on the editor's cursor.
If the editor has a selection then the properties of modifier are directly applied to the selection.
Definition at line 2183 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by setCurrentFont(), setFontFamily(), setFontItalic(), setFontPointSize(), setFontUnderline(), setFontWeight(), setTextBackgroundColor(), and setTextColor().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea.
Definition at line 1619 of file qtextedit.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea.
Reimplemented in QTextBrowser.
Definition at line 1587 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QTextBrowser::mouseMoveEvent(), and timerEvent().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea.
Reimplemented in QTextBrowser.
Definition at line 1575 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QTextBrowser::mousePressEvent().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea.
Reimplemented in QTextBrowser.
Definition at line 1604 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QTextBrowser::mouseReleaseEvent().
void QTextEdit::moveCursor | ( | QTextCursor::MoveOperation | operation, |
QTextCursor::MoveMode | mode = QTextCursor::MoveAnchor |
) |
Moves the cursor by performing the given operation.
If mode is QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, the cursor selects the text it moves over. This is the same effect that the user achieves when they hold down the Shift key and move the cursor with the cursor keys.
Definition at line 2349 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by setText().
bool QTextEdit::overwriteMode | ( | ) | const |
Referenced by anchorAt().
protectedvirtual |
This event handler can be reimplemented in a subclass to receive paint events passed in event.
It is usually unnecessary to reimplement this function in a subclass of QTextEdit.
Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea.
Reimplemented in QTextBrowser.
Definition at line 1539 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Pastes the text from the clipboard into the text edit at the current cursor position.
If there is no text in the clipboard nothing happens.
To change the behavior of this function, i.e. to modify what QTextEdit can paste and how it is being pasted, reimplement the virtual canInsertFromMimeData() and insertFromMimeData() functions.
Definition at line 1036 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QAccessibleTextEdit::pasteText().
void QTextEdit::print | ( | QPrinter * | printer | ) | const |
Convenience function to print the text edit's document to the given printer.
Definition at line 2380 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Redoes the last operation.
If there is no operation to redo, i.e. there is no redo step in the undo/redo history, nothing happens.
Definition at line 962 of file qtextedit.cpp.
signal |
This signal is emitted whenever redo operations become available (available is true) or unavailable (available is false).
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea.
Definition at line 1410 of file qtextedit.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
em>Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea.
Definition at line 1718 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Scrolls the text edit so that the anchor with the given name is visible; does nothing if the name is empty, or is already visible, or isn't found.
Definition at line 2277 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by showEvent().
slot |
Selects all text.
Definition at line 1063 of file qtextedit.cpp.
signal |
This signal is emitted whenever the selection changes.
void QTextEdit::setAcceptRichText | ( | bool | accept | ) |
Definition at line 2005 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Sets the alignment of the current paragraph to a.
Valid alignments are Qt::AlignLeft, Qt::AlignRight, Qt::AlignJustify and Qt::AlignCenter (which centers horizontally).
Definition at line 759 of file qtextedit.cpp.
void QTextEdit::setAutoFormatting | ( | AutoFormatting | features | ) |
Definition at line 2231 of file qtextedit.cpp.
void QTextEdit::setCurrentCharFormat | ( | const QTextCharFormat & | format | ) |
Sets the char format that is be used when inserting new text to format by calling QTextCursor::setCharFormat() on the editor's cursor.
If the editor has a selection then the char format is directly applied to the selection.
Definition at line 2195 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Sets the font of the current format to f.
Definition at line 936 of file qtextedit.cpp.
void QTextEdit::setCursorWidth | ( | int | width | ) |
Definition at line 1979 of file qtextedit.cpp.
void QTextEdit::setDocument | ( | QTextDocument * | document | ) |
Makes document the new document of the text editor.
The editor does not delete the current document, even if it is a child of the editor.
Definition at line 791 of file qtextedit.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 168 of file qtextedit.h.
void QTextEdit::setExtraSelections | ( | const QList< ExtraSelection > & | selections | ) |
This function allows temporarily marking certain regions in the document with a given color, specified as selections.
Definition at line 2047 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Sets the font family of the current format to fontFamily.
Definition at line 835 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
If italic is true, sets the current format to italic; otherwise sets the current format to non-italic.
Definition at line 895 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Sets the point size of the current format to s.
Note that if s is zero or negative, the behavior of this function is not defined.
Definition at line 850 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
If underline is true, sets the current format to underline; otherwise sets the current format to non-underline.
Definition at line 882 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Sets the font weight of the current format to the given weight, where the value used is in the range defined by the QFont::Weight enum.
Definition at line 869 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Definition at line 1200 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by setText().
void QTextEdit::setLineWrapColumnOrWidth | ( | int | w | ) |
Definition at line 2479 of file qtextedit.cpp.
void QTextEdit::setLineWrapMode | ( | LineWrapMode | mode | ) |
Definition at line 2445 of file qtextedit.cpp.
void QTextEdit::setOverwriteMode | ( | bool | overwrite | ) |
Definition at line 1931 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Changes the text of the text edit to the string text.
Any previous text is removed.
text is interpreted as plain text.
Note that the undo/redo history is cleared by this function.
Definition at line 1156 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QMessageBoxDetailsText::setText(), and setText().
void QTextEdit::setReadOnly | ( | bool | ro | ) |
Definition at line 2133 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QMessageBoxDetailsText::QMessageBoxDetailsText().
void QTextEdit::setTabChangesFocus | ( | bool | b | ) |
Definition at line 2405 of file qtextedit.cpp.
void QTextEdit::setTabStopWidth | ( | int | width | ) |
Definition at line 1954 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Sets the text edit's text.
The text can be plain text or HTML and the text edit will try to guess the right format.
Use setHtml() or setPlainText() directly to avoid text edit's guessing.
Definition at line 2591 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by DetailButton::setLabel(), and QAccessibleTextEdit::setText().
slot |
Sets the text background color of the current format to c.
Definition at line 924 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Sets the text color of the current format to c.
Definition at line 907 of file qtextedit.cpp.
void QTextEdit::setTextCursor | ( | const QTextCursor & | cursor | ) |
Sets the visible cursor.
Definition at line 813 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by keyReleaseEvent(), QAccessibleTextEdit::pasteText(), and QAccessibleTextEdit::setTextCursor().
void QTextEdit::setTextInteractionFlags | ( | Qt::TextInteractionFlags | flags | ) |
Definition at line 2163 of file qtextedit.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 175 of file qtextedit.h.
void QTextEdit::setWordWrapMode | ( | QTextOption::WrapMode | policy | ) |
Definition at line 2504 of file qtextedit.cpp.
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QWidget.
Definition at line 1767 of file qtextedit.cpp.
bool QTextEdit::tabChangesFocus | ( | ) | const |
Referenced by print().
int QTextEdit::tabStopWidth | ( | ) | const |
Referenced by setOverwriteMode().
QColor QTextEdit::textBackgroundColor | ( | ) | const |
Returns the text background color of the current format.
Definition at line 736 of file qtextedit.cpp.
signal |
This signal is emitted whenever the document's content changes; for example, when text is inserted or deleted, or when formatting is applied.
QColor QTextEdit::textColor | ( | ) | const |
Returns the text color of the current format.
Definition at line 720 of file qtextedit.cpp.
QTextCursor QTextEdit::textCursor | ( | ) | const |
Returns a copy of the QTextCursor that represents the currently visible cursor.
Note that changes on the returned cursor do not affect QTextEdit's cursor; use setTextCursor() to update the visible cursor.
Definition at line 824 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by QAccessibleTextEdit::invokeMethodEx(), QAccessibleTextEdit::pasteText(), and QAccessibleTextEdit::textCursor().
Qt::TextInteractionFlags QTextEdit::textInteractionFlags | ( | ) | const |
Referenced by setTextInteractionFlags().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from QObject.
Definition at line 1102 of file qtextedit.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 192 of file qtextedit.h.
inline |
Returns the text of the text edit as plain text.
Definition at line 189 of file qtextedit.h.
Referenced by QMessageBoxDetailsText::text(), and QAccessibleTextEdit::text().
slot |
Undoes the last operation.
Use the non-const overload instead.
If there is no operation to undo, i.e. there is no undo step in the undo/redo history, nothing happens.
Definition at line 956 of file qtextedit.cpp.
signal |
This signal is emitted whenever undo operations become available (available is true) or unavailable (available is false).
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented Function
Reimplemented from QAbstractScrollArea.
Definition at line 1806 of file qtextedit.cpp.
QTextOption::WrapMode QTextEdit::wordWrapMode | ( | ) | const |
the mode QTextEdit will use when wrapping text by words
By default, this property is set to QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere.
Definition at line 2498 of file qtextedit.cpp.
slot |
Zooms in on the text by making the base font size range points larger and recalculating all font sizes to be the new size.
This does not change the size of any images.
Definition at line 2307 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by wheelEvent(), and zoomOut().
slot |
Zooms out on the text by making the base font size range points smaller and recalculating all font sizes to be the new size.
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
This does not change the size of any images.
Definition at line 2331 of file qtextedit.cpp.
Referenced by wheelEvent().
friend |
Definition at line 419 of file qtextedit.h.
friend |
Definition at line 418 of file qtextedit.h.
friend |
Definition at line 417 of file qtextedit.h.
private |
whether the text edit accepts rich text insertions by the user
When this propery is set to false text edit will accept only plain text input from the user. For example through clipboard or drag and drop.
This property's default is true.
Definition at line 90 of file qtextedit.h.
private |
the enabled set of auto formatting features
The value can be any combination of the values in the AutoFormattingFlag enum. The default is AutoNone. Choose AutoAll to enable all automatic formatting.
Currently, the only automatic formatting feature provided is AutoBulletList; future versions of Qt may offer more.
Definition at line 76 of file qtextedit.h.
private |
This property specifies the width of the cursor in pixels.
The default value is 1.
Definition at line 91 of file qtextedit.h.
private |
the title of the document parsed from the text.
By default, for a newly-created, empty document, this property contains an empty string.
Definition at line 78 of file qtextedit.h.
private |
This property provides an HTML interface to the text of the text edit.
toHtml() returns the text of the text edit as html.
setHtml() changes the text of the text edit. Any previous text is removed and the undo/redo history is cleared. The input text is interpreted as rich text in html format.
By default, for a newly-created, empty document, this property contains text to describe an HTML 4.0 document with no body text.
Definition at line 85 of file qtextedit.h.
private |
the position (in pixels or columns depending on the wrap mode) where text will be wrapped
If the wrap mode is FixedPixelWidth, the value is the number of pixels from the left edge of the text edit at which text should be wrapped. If the wrap mode is FixedColumnWidth, the value is the column number (in character columns) from the left edge of the text edit at which text should be wrapped.
By default, this property contains a value of 0.
Definition at line 82 of file qtextedit.h.
private |
the line wrap mode
The default mode is WidgetWidth which causes words to be wrapped at the right edge of the text edit. Wrapping occurs at whitespace, keeping whole words intact. If you want wrapping to occur within words use setWordWrapMode(). If you set a wrap mode of FixedPixelWidth or FixedColumnWidth you should also call setLineWrapColumnOrWidth() with the width you want.
Definition at line 80 of file qtextedit.h.
private |
whether text entered by the user will overwrite existing text
As with many text editors, the text editor widget can be configured to insert or overwrite existing text with new text entered by the user.
If this property is true, existing text is overwritten, character-for-character by new text; otherwise, text is inserted at the cursor position, displacing existing text.
By default, this property is false (new text does not overwrite existing text).
Definition at line 88 of file qtextedit.h.
private |
This property gets and sets the text editor's contents as plain text.
Previous contents are removed and undo/redo history is reset when the property is set.
If the text edit has another content type, it will not be replaced by plain text if you call toPlainText(). The only exception to this is the non-break space, nbsp;, that will be converted into standard space.
By default, for an editor with no contents, this property contains an empty string.
Definition at line 87 of file qtextedit.h.
private |
whether the text edit is read-only
In a read-only text edit the user can only navigate through the text and select text; modifying the text is not possible.
This property's default is false.
Definition at line 83 of file qtextedit.h.
private |
whether Tab changes focus or is accepted as input
In some occasions text edits should not allow the user to input tabulators or change indentation using the Tab key, as this breaks the focus chain. The default is false.
Definition at line 77 of file qtextedit.h.
private |
the tab stop width in pixels
By default, this property contains a value of 80 pixels.
Definition at line 89 of file qtextedit.h.
private |
Specifies how the widget should interact with user input.
The default value depends on whether the QTextEdit is read-only or editable, and whether it is a QTextBrowser or not.
Definition at line 92 of file qtextedit.h.
private |
whether undo and redo are enabled
Users are only able to undo or redo actions if this property is true, and if there is an action that can be undone (or redone).
Definition at line 79 of file qtextedit.h.