Qt 4.8
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1 /****************************************************************************
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6 ** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
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29 ** GNU General Public License Usage
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37 **
39 **
40 ****************************************************************************/
42 /****************************************************************************
43  NB: This is not a header file, dispite the file name suffix. This file is
44  included directly into the source code of qcocoawindow_mac.mm and
45  qcocoapanel_mac.mm to avoid manually doing copy and paste of the exact
46  same code needed at both places. This solution makes it more difficult
47  to e.g fix a bug in qcocoawindow_mac.mm, but forget to do the same in
48  qcocoapanel_mac.mm.
49  The reason we need to do copy and paste in the first place, rather than
50  resolve to method overriding, is that QCocoaPanel needs to inherit from
51  NSPanel, while QCocoaWindow needs to inherit NSWindow rather than NSPanel).
52 ****************************************************************************/
54 // WARNING: Don't include any header files from within this file. Put them
55 // directly into qcocoawindow_mac_p.h and qcocoapanel_mac_p.h
58 extern Qt::MouseButton cocoaButton2QtButton(NSInteger buttonNum); // qcocoaview.mm
59 extern QPointer<QWidget> qt_button_down; //qapplication_mac.cpp
60 extern const QStringList& qEnabledDraggedTypes(); // qmime_mac.cpp
61 extern void qt_event_request_window_change(QWidget *); // qapplication_mac.mm
62 extern void qt_mac_send_posted_gl_updates(QWidget *widget); // qapplication_mac.mm
64 Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QPointer<QWidget>, currentDragTarget);
67 - (id)initWithContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect
68  styleMask:(NSUInteger)windowStyle
69  backing:(NSBackingStoreType)bufferingType
70  defer:(BOOL)deferCreation
71 {
72  self = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect styleMask:windowStyle
73  backing:bufferingType defer:deferCreation];
74  if (self) {
75  currentCustomDragTypes = 0;
76  }
77  return self;
78 }
80 - (void)dealloc
81 {
82  delete currentCustomDragTypes;
83  [super dealloc];
84 }
86 - (BOOL)canBecomeKeyWindow
87 {
88  QWidget *widget = [self QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(qt_qwidget)];
89  if (!widget)
90  return NO; // This should happen only for qt_root_win
92  return NO;
94  bool isToolTip = (widget->windowType() == Qt::ToolTip);
95  bool isPopup = (widget->windowType() == Qt::Popup);
96  return !(isPopup || isToolTip);
97 }
99 - (BOOL)canBecomeMainWindow
100 {
101  QWidget *widget = [self QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(qt_qwidget)];
102  if (!widget)
103  return NO; // This should happen only for qt_root_win
104  if ([self isSheet])
105  return NO;
107  bool isToolTip = (widget->windowType() == Qt::ToolTip);
108  bool isPopup = (widget->windowType() == Qt::Popup);
109  bool isTool = (widget->windowType() == Qt::Tool);
110  return !(isPopup || isToolTip || isTool);
111 }
113 - (void)becomeMainWindow
114 {
115  [super becomeMainWindow];
116  // Cocoa sometimes tell a hidden window to become the
117  // main window (and as such, show it). This can e.g
118  // happend when the application gets activated. If
119  // this is the case, we tell it to hide again:
120  if (![self isVisible])
121  [self orderOut:self];
122 }
124 - (void)toggleToolbarShown:(id)sender
125 {
127  [super toggleToolbarShown:sender];
128 }
130 - (void)flagsChanged:(NSEvent *)theEvent
131 {
132  qt_dispatchModifiersChanged(theEvent, [self QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(qt_qwidget)]);
133  [super flagsChanged:theEvent];
134 }
137 - (void)tabletProximity:(NSEvent *)tabletEvent
138 {
139  qt_dispatchTabletProximityEvent(tabletEvent);
140 }
142 - (void)terminate:(id)sender
143 {
144  // This function is called from the quit item in the menubar when this window
145  // is in the first responder chain (see also qtDispatcherToQAction above)
146  [NSApp terminate:sender];
147 }
149 - (void)setLevel:(NSInteger)windowLevel
150 {
151  // Cocoa will upon activating/deactivating applications level modal
152  // windows up and down, regardsless of any explicit set window level.
153  // To ensure that modal stays-on-top dialogs actually stays on top after
154  // the application is activated (and therefore stacks in front of
155  // other stays-on-top windows), we need to add this little special-case override:
156  QWidget *widget = [[QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(QCocoaWindowDelegate) sharedDelegate] qt_qwidgetForWindow:self];
157  if (widget && widget->isModal() && (widget->windowFlags() & Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint))
158  [super setLevel:NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel];
159  else
160  [super setLevel:windowLevel];
161 }
163 - (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)event
164 {
165  [self retain];
167  bool handled = false;
168  switch([event type]) {
169  case NSMouseMoved:
170  // Cocoa sends move events to a parent and all its children under the mouse, much
171  // like Qt handles hover events. But we only want to handle the move event once, so
172  // to optimize a bit (since we subscribe for move event for all views), we handle it
173  // here before this logic happends. Note: it might be tempting to do this shortcut for
174  // all mouse events. The problem is that Cocoa does more than just find the correct view
175  // when sending the event, like raising windows etc. So avoid it as much as possible:
176  handled = qt_mac_handleMouseEvent(event, QEvent::MouseMove, Qt::NoButton, 0);
177  break;
178  default:
179  break;
180  }
182  if (!handled) {
183  [super sendEvent:event];
184  qt_mac_handleNonClientAreaMouseEvent(self, event);
185  }
186  [self release];
187 }
189 - (void)setInitialFirstResponder:(NSView *)view
190 {
191  // This method is called the first time the window is placed on screen and
192  // is the earliest point in time we can connect OpenGL contexts to NSViews.
193  QWidget *qwidget = [[QT_MANGLE_NAMESPACE(QCocoaWindowDelegate) sharedDelegate] qt_qwidgetForWindow:self];
194  if (qwidget) {
197  }
199  [super setInitialFirstResponder:view];
200 }
202 - (BOOL)makeFirstResponder:(NSResponder *)responder
203 {
204  // For some reason Cocoa wants to flip the first responder
205  // when Qt doesn't want to, sorry, but "No" :-)
206  if (responder == nil && qApp->focusWidget())
207  return NO;
208  return [super makeFirstResponder:responder];
209 }
211 + (Class)frameViewClassForStyleMask:(NSUInteger)styleMask
212 {
213  if (styleMask & QtMacCustomizeWindow)
215  return [super frameViewClassForStyleMask:styleMask];
216 }
219 - (void)touchesBeganWithEvent:(NSEvent *)event;
220 {
221  QPoint qlocal, qglobal;
223  qt_mac_getTargetForMouseEvent(event, QEvent::Gesture, qlocal, qglobal, 0, &widgetToGetTouch);
224  if (!widgetToGetTouch)
225  return;
228  qt_translateRawTouchEvent(widgetToGetTouch, QTouchEvent::TouchPad, QCocoaTouch::getCurrentTouchPointList(event, all));
229 }
231 - (void)touchesMovedWithEvent:(NSEvent *)event;
232 {
233  QPoint qlocal, qglobal;
234  QWidget *widgetToGetTouch = 0;
235  qt_mac_getTargetForMouseEvent(event, QEvent::Gesture, qlocal, qglobal, 0, &widgetToGetTouch);
236  if (!widgetToGetTouch)
237  return;
239  bool all = widgetToGetTouch->testAttribute(Qt::WA_TouchPadAcceptSingleTouchEvents);
240  qt_translateRawTouchEvent(widgetToGetTouch, QTouchEvent::TouchPad, QCocoaTouch::getCurrentTouchPointList(event, all));
241 }
243 - (void)touchesEndedWithEvent:(NSEvent *)event;
244 {
245  QPoint qlocal, qglobal;
246  QWidget *widgetToGetTouch = 0;
247  qt_mac_getTargetForMouseEvent(event, QEvent::Gesture, qlocal, qglobal, 0, &widgetToGetTouch);
248  if (!widgetToGetTouch)
249  return;
251  bool all = widgetToGetTouch->testAttribute(Qt::WA_TouchPadAcceptSingleTouchEvents);
252  qt_translateRawTouchEvent(widgetToGetTouch, QTouchEvent::TouchPad, QCocoaTouch::getCurrentTouchPointList(event, all));
253 }
255 - (void)touchesCancelledWithEvent:(NSEvent *)event;
256 {
257  QPoint qlocal, qglobal;
258  QWidget *widgetToGetTouch = 0;
259  qt_mac_getTargetForMouseEvent(event, QEvent::Gesture, qlocal, qglobal, 0, &widgetToGetTouch);
260  if (!widgetToGetTouch)
261  return;
263  bool all = widgetToGetTouch->testAttribute(Qt::WA_TouchPadAcceptSingleTouchEvents);
264  qt_translateRawTouchEvent(widgetToGetTouch, QTouchEvent::TouchPad, QCocoaTouch::getCurrentTouchPointList(event, all));
265 }
268 -(void)registerDragTypes
269 {
270  // Calling registerForDraggedTypes below is slow, so only do
271  // it once for each window, or when the custom types change.
274  if (currentCustomDragTypes == 0 || *currentCustomDragTypes != customTypes) {
275  if (currentCustomDragTypes == 0)
276  currentCustomDragTypes = new QStringList();
277  *currentCustomDragTypes = customTypes;
278  const NSString* mimeTypeGeneric = @"com.trolltech.qt.MimeTypeName";
279  NSMutableArray *supportedTypes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:NSColorPboardType,
280  NSFilenamesPboardType, NSStringPboardType,
281  NSFilenamesPboardType, NSPostScriptPboardType, NSTIFFPboardType,
282  NSRTFPboardType, NSTabularTextPboardType, NSFontPboardType,
283  NSRulerPboardType, NSFileContentsPboardType, NSColorPboardType,
284  NSRTFDPboardType, NSHTMLPboardType, NSPICTPboardType,
285  NSURLPboardType, NSPDFPboardType, NSVCardPboardType,
286  NSFilesPromisePboardType, NSInkTextPboardType,
287  NSMultipleTextSelectionPboardType, mimeTypeGeneric, nil];
288  // Add custom types supported by the application.
289  for (int i = 0; i < customTypes.size(); i++) {
290  [supportedTypes addObject:qt_mac_QStringToNSString(customTypes[i])];
291  }
292  [self registerForDraggedTypes:supportedTypes];
293  }
294 }
296 - (void)removeDropData
297 {
298  if (dropData) {
299  delete dropData;
300  dropData = 0;
301  }
302 }
304 - (void)addDropData:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
305 {
306  [self removeDropData];
307  CFStringRef dropPasteboard = (CFStringRef) [[sender draggingPasteboard] name];
308  dropData = new QCocoaDropData(dropPasteboard);
309 }
311 - (void)changeDraggingCursor:(NSDragOperation)newOperation
312 {
313  static SEL action = nil;
314  static bool operationSupported = false;
315  if (action == nil) {
316  action = NSSelectorFromString(@"operationNotAllowedCursor");
317  if ([NSCursor respondsToSelector:action]) {
318  operationSupported = true;
319  }
320  }
321  if (operationSupported) {
322  NSCursor *notAllowedCursor = [NSCursor performSelector:action];
323  bool isNotAllowedCursor = ([NSCursor currentCursor] == notAllowedCursor);
324  if (newOperation == NSDragOperationNone && !isNotAllowedCursor) {
325  [notAllowedCursor push];
326  } else if (newOperation != NSDragOperationNone && isNotAllowedCursor) {
327  [notAllowedCursor pop];
328  }
330  }
331 }
333 - (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
334 {
335  // The user dragged something into the window. Send a draggingEntered message
336  // to the QWidget under the mouse. As the drag moves over the window, and over
337  // different widgets, we will handle enter and leave events from within
338  // draggingUpdated below. The reason why we handle this ourselves rather than
339  // subscribing for drag events directly in QCocoaView is that calling
340  // registerForDraggedTypes on the views will severly degrade initialization time
341  // for an application that uses a lot of drag subscribing widgets.
343  NSPoint nswindowPoint = [sender draggingLocation];
344  NSPoint nsglobalPoint = [[sender draggingDestinationWindow] convertBaseToScreen:nswindowPoint];
345  QPoint globalPoint = flipPoint(nsglobalPoint).toPoint();
347  QWidget *qwidget = QApplication::widgetAt(globalPoint);
348  *currentDragTarget() = qwidget;
349  if (!qwidget)
350  return NSDragOperationNone;
351  if (qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_DropSiteRegistered) == false)
352  return NSDragOperationNone;
354  [self addDropData:sender];
356  QMimeData *mimeData = dropData;
357  if (QDragManager::self()->source())
358  mimeData = QDragManager::self()->dragPrivate()->data;
360  NSDragOperation nsActions = [sender draggingSourceOperationMask];
361  Qt::DropActions qtAllowed = qt_mac_mapNSDragOperations(nsActions);
363  Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier;
365  if ([sender draggingSource] != nil) {
366  // modifier flags might have changed, update it here since we don't send any input events.
367  QApplicationPrivate::modifier_buttons = qt_cocoaModifiers2QtModifiers([[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags]);
368  modifiers = QApplication::keyboardModifiers();
369  } else {
370  // when the source is from another application the above technique will not work.
371  modifiers = qt_cocoaDragOperation2QtModifiers(nsActions);
372  }
374  // send the drag enter event to the widget.
375  QPoint localPoint(qwidget->mapFromGlobal(globalPoint));
376  QDragEnterEvent qDEEvent(localPoint, qtAllowed, mimeData, QApplication::mouseButtons(), modifiers);
377  QApplication::sendEvent(qwidget, &qDEEvent);
379  if (!qDEEvent.isAccepted()) {
380  // The enter event was not accepted. We mark this by removing
381  // the drop data so we don't send subsequent drag move events:
382  [self removeDropData];
383  [self changeDraggingCursor:NSDragOperationNone];
384  return NSDragOperationNone;
385  } else {
386  // Send a drag move event immediately after a drag enter event (as per documentation).
387  QDragMoveEvent qDMEvent(localPoint, qtAllowed, mimeData, QApplication::mouseButtons(), modifiers);
388  qDMEvent.setDropAction(qDEEvent.dropAction());
389  qDMEvent.accept(); // accept by default, since enter event was accepted.
390  QApplication::sendEvent(qwidget, &qDMEvent);
392  if (!qDMEvent.isAccepted() || qDMEvent.dropAction() == Qt::IgnoreAction) {
393  // Since we accepted the drag enter event, the widget expects
394  // future drage move events.
395  nsActions = NSDragOperationNone;
396  // Save as ignored in the answer rect.
398  } else {
399  nsActions = QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qt_mac_mapDropAction)(qDMEvent.dropAction());
400  }
403  [self changeDraggingCursor:nsActions];
404  return nsActions;
405  }
406  }
408 - (NSDragOperation)draggingUpdated:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
409 {
410  NSPoint nswindowPoint = [sender draggingLocation];
411  NSPoint nsglobalPoint = [[sender draggingDestinationWindow] convertBaseToScreen:nswindowPoint];
412  QPoint globalPoint = flipPoint(nsglobalPoint).toPoint();
414  QWidget *qwidget = QApplication::widgetAt(globalPoint);
415  if (!qwidget)
416  return NSDragOperationNone;
418  // First, check if the widget under the mouse has changed since the
419  // last drag move events. If so, we need to change target, and dispatch
420  // syntetic drag enter/leave events:
421  if (qwidget != *currentDragTarget()) {
422  if (*currentDragTarget() && dropData) {
423  QDragLeaveEvent de;
424  QApplication::sendEvent(*currentDragTarget(), &de);
425  [self removeDropData];
426  }
427  return [self draggingEntered:sender];
428  }
430  if (qwidget->testAttribute(Qt::WA_DropSiteRegistered) == false)
431  return NSDragOperationNone;
433  // If we have no drop data (which will be assigned inside draggingEntered), it means
434  // that the current drag target did not accept the enter event. If so, we ignore
435  // subsequent move events as well:
436  if (dropData == 0) {
437  [self changeDraggingCursor:NSDragOperationNone];
438  return NSDragOperationNone;
439  }
441  // If the mouse is still within the accepted rect (provided by
442  // the application on a previous event), we follow the optimization
443  // and just return the answer given at that point:
444  NSDragOperation nsActions = [sender draggingSourceOperationMask];
445  QPoint localPoint(qwidget->mapFromGlobal(globalPoint));
446  if (qt_mac_mouse_inside_answer_rect(localPoint)
448  NSDragOperation operation = QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qt_mac_mapDropActions)(QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qt_mac_dnd_answer_rec.lastAction));
449  [self changeDraggingCursor:operation];
450  return operation;
451  }
454  Qt::DropActions qtAllowed = QT_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(qt_mac_mapNSDragOperations)(nsActions);
455  Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier;
457  // Update modifiers:
458  if ([sender draggingSource] != nil) {
459  QApplicationPrivate::modifier_buttons = qt_cocoaModifiers2QtModifiers([[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags]);
460  modifiers = QApplication::keyboardModifiers();
461  } else {
462  modifiers = qt_cocoaDragOperation2QtModifiers(nsActions);
463  }
465  QMimeData *mimeData = dropData;
466  if (QDragManager::self()->source())
467  mimeData = QDragManager::self()->dragPrivate()->data;
469  // Insert the same drop action on the event according to
470  // what the application told us it should be on the previous event:
471  QDragMoveEvent qDMEvent(localPoint, qtAllowed, mimeData, QApplication::mouseButtons(), modifiers);
477  // Now, end the drag move event to the widget:
478  qDMEvent.accept();
479  QApplication::sendEvent(qwidget, &qDMEvent);
481  NSDragOperation operation = qt_mac_mapDropAction(qDMEvent.dropAction());
482  if (!qDMEvent.isAccepted() || qDMEvent.dropAction() == Qt::IgnoreAction) {
483  // Ignore this event (we will still receive further
484  // notifications), save as ignored in the answer rect:
485  operation = NSDragOperationNone;
487  }
489  qt_mac_copy_answer_rect(qDMEvent);
490  [self changeDraggingCursor:operation];
492  return operation;
493 }
495 - (void)draggingExited:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
496 {
497  NSPoint nswindowPoint = [sender draggingLocation];
498  NSPoint nsglobalPoint = [[sender draggingDestinationWindow] convertBaseToScreen:nswindowPoint];
499  QPoint globalPoint = flipPoint(nsglobalPoint).toPoint();
501  QWidget *qwidget = *currentDragTarget();
502  if (!qwidget)
503  return;
505  if (dropData) {
506  QDragLeaveEvent de;
507  QApplication::sendEvent(qwidget, &de);
508  [self removeDropData];
509  }
511  // Clean-up:
512  [self removeDropData];
513  *currentDragTarget() = 0;
514  [self changeDraggingCursor:NSDragOperationEvery];
515 }
517 - (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
518 {
519  QWidget *qwidget = *currentDragTarget();
520  if (!qwidget)
521  return NO;
523  *currentDragTarget() = 0;
524  NSPoint nswindowPoint = [sender draggingLocation];
525  NSPoint nsglobalPoint = [[sender draggingDestinationWindow] convertBaseToScreen:nswindowPoint];
526  QPoint globalPoint = flipPoint(nsglobalPoint).toPoint();
528  [self addDropData:sender];
530  NSDragOperation nsActions = [sender draggingSourceOperationMask];
531  Qt::DropActions qtAllowed = qt_mac_mapNSDragOperations(nsActions);
532  QMimeData *mimeData = dropData;
534  if (QDragManager::self()->source())
535  mimeData = QDragManager::self()->dragPrivate()->data;
536  if (QDragManager::self()->object)
537  QDragManager::self()->dragPrivate()->target = qwidget;
539  QPoint localPoint(qwidget->mapFromGlobal(globalPoint));
540  QDropEvent de(localPoint, qtAllowed, mimeData,
542  QApplication::sendEvent(qwidget, &de);
544  if (QDragManager::self()->object)
545  QDragManager::self()->dragPrivate()->executed_action = de.dropAction();
547  return de.isAccepted();
548 }
550 // This is a hack and it should be removed once we find the real cause for
551 // the painting problems.
552 // We have a static variable that signals if we have been called before or not.
553 static bool firstDrawingInvocation = true;
555 // The method below exists only as a workaround to draw/not draw the baseline
556 // in the title bar. This is to support unifiedToolbar look.
558 // This method is very special. To begin with, it is a
559 // method that will get called only if we enable documentMode.
560 // Furthermore, it won't get called as a normal method, we swap
561 // this method with the normal implementation of drawRect in
562 // _NSThemeFrame. When this method is active, its mission is to
563 // first call the original drawRect implementation so the widget
564 // gets proper painting. After that, it needs to detect if there
565 // is a toolbar or not, in order to decide how to handle the unified
566 // look. The distinction is important since the presence and
567 // visibility of a toolbar change the way we enter into unified mode.
568 // When there is a toolbar and that toolbar is visible, the problem
569 // is as simple as to tell the toolbar not to draw its baseline.
570 // However when there is not toolbar or the toolbar is not visible,
571 // we need to draw a line on top of the baseline, because the baseline
572 // in that case will belong to the title. For this case we need to draw
573 // a line on top of the baseline.
574 // As usual, there is a special case. When we first are called, we might
575 // need to repaint ourselves one more time. We only need that if we
576 // didn't get the activation, i.e. when we are launched via the command
577 // line. And this only if the toolbar is visible from the beginning,
578 // so we have a special flag that signals if we need to repaint or not.
579 - (void)drawRectSpecial:(NSRect)rect
580 {
581  // Call the original drawing method.
582  [id(self) drawRectOriginal:rect];
583  NSWindow *window = [id(self) window];
584  NSToolbar *toolbar = [window toolbar];
585  if(!toolbar) {
586  // There is no toolbar, we have to draw a line on top of the line drawn by Cocoa.
587  macDrawRectOnTop((void *)window);
588  } else {
589  if([toolbar isVisible]) {
590  // We tell Cocoa to avoid drawing the line at the end.
591  if(firstDrawingInvocation) {
592  firstDrawingInvocation = false;
593  macSyncDrawingOnFirstInvocation((void *)window);
594  } else
595  [toolbar setShowsBaselineSeparator:NO];
596  } else {
597  // There is a toolbar but it is not visible so
598  // we have to draw a line on top of the line drawn by Cocoa.
599  macDrawRectOnTop((void *)window);
600  }
601  }
602 }
604 - (void)drawRectOriginal:(NSRect)rect
605 {
606  Q_UNUSED(rect)
607  // This method implementation is here to silenct the compiler.
608  // See drawRectSpecial for information.
609 }
bool isModal() const
Definition: qwidget.h:951
const struct __CFString * CFStringRef
const QStringList & customTypes
bool qt_mac_mouse_inside_answer_rect(QPoint mouse)
Definition: qdnd_mac.mm:328
int type
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
This macro expands to.
Definition: qglobal.h:90
EventRef event
QPointer< QWidget > widget
bool isPopup
Use windowType() == Qt::Popup instead.
void qt_dispatchTabletProximityEvent(const ::TabletProximityRec &proxRec)
static Qt::MouseButtons buttons
The QWidget class is the base class of all user interface objects.
Definition: qwidget.h:150
void setDropAction(Qt::DropAction action)
Sets the action to be performed on the data by the target.
Definition: qevent.cpp:2746
Qt::DropAction dropAction() const
Returns the action to be performed on the data by the target.
Definition: qevent.h:494
QWidget * target
Definition: qdnd_p.h:178
const QStringList & qEnabledDraggedTypes()
Definition: qmime_mac.cpp:114
void accept()
Calls QDropEvent::accept().
Definition: qevent.h:539
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QPointer< QWidget >, currentDragTarget)
QPointF flipPoint(const NSPoint &p)
QPointer< QWidget > qt_button_down
The QDragMoveEvent class provides an event which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progress...
Definition: qevent.h:530
Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyboardModifiers() const
Returns the modifier keys that are pressed.
Definition: qevent.h:488
void touchesCancelledWithEvent
NSToolbar * toolbar
Qt::KeyboardModifiers qt_cocoaModifiers2QtModifiers(ulong modifierFlags)
QWidget * source() const
Definition: qdnd_p.h:230
void macSendToolbarChangeEvent(QWidget *widget)
static QWidget * widgetAt(const QPoint &p)
Returns the widget at global screen position point, or 0 if there is no Qt widget there...
NSWindow * window
void qt_dispatchModifiersChanged(void *flagsChangedEvent, QWidget *widgetToGetEvent)
This macro expands to.
Definition: qglobal.h:89
bool isAccepted() const
Definition: qcoreevent.h:307
static QCursorData * currentCursor
Definition: qcursor_mac.mm:106
bool testAttribute(Qt::WidgetAttribute) const
Returns true if attribute attribute is set on this widget; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qwidget.h:1041
#define qApp
const char * name
The QStringList class provides a list of strings.
Definition: qstringlist.h:66
This macro qualifies identifier with the full namespace.
Definition: qglobal.h:87
static bool sendEvent(QObject *receiver, QEvent *event)
Sends event event directly to receiver receiver, using the notify() function.
The QDragLeaveEvent class provides an event that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leav...
Definition: qevent.h:577
The QMimeData class provides a container for data that records information about its MIME type...
Definition: qmimedata.h:57
qt_translateRawTouchEvent(widgetToGetTouch, QTouchEvent::TouchPad, QCocoaTouch::getCurrentTouchPointList(event, all))
void qt_mac_copy_answer_rect(const QDragMoveEvent &event)
Definition: qdnd_mac.mm:318
Qt::KeyboardModifiers qt_cocoaDragOperation2QtModifiers(uint dragOperations)
static QDragManager * self()
Definition: qdnd.cpp:163
Qt::MouseButtons mouseButtons() const
Returns the mouse buttons that are pressed.
Definition: qevent.h:487
QMacDndAnswerRecord qt_mac_dnd_answer_rec
Definition: qdnd_mac.mm:67
The QDropEvent class provides an event which is sent when a drag and drop action is completed...
Definition: qevent.h:476
static Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyboardModifiers()
Returns the current state of the modifier keys on the keyboard.
static Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifier_buttons
static bool isBlockedByModal(QWidget *widget)
Returns true if widget is blocked by a modal window.
unsigned int lastOperation
Definition: qt_mac_p.h:271
QMimeData * data
Definition: qdnd_p.h:179
QPoint toPoint() const
Rounds the coordinates of this point to the nearest integer, and returns a QPoint object with the rou...
Definition: qpoint.h:376
Definition: qglobal.h:106
Qt::DropAction executed_action
Definition: qdnd_p.h:183
struct CGPoint NSPoint
The QDragEnterEvent class provides an event which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action ent...
Definition: qevent.h:555
The QPoint class defines a point in the plane using integer precision.
Definition: qpoint.h:53
int size() const
Returns the number of items in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:137
if(void) toggleToolbarShown
QPoint mapFromGlobal(const QPoint &) const
Translates the global screen coordinate pos to widget coordinates.
Qt::DropAction lastAction
Definition: qt_mac_p.h:270
void qt_event_request_window_change(QWidget *)
Qt::WindowType windowType() const
Returns the window type of this widget.
Definition: qwidget.h:937
static Qt::MouseButtons mouseButtons()
Returns the current state of the buttons on the mouse.
Qt::MouseButton cocoaButton2QtButton(NSInteger buttonNum)
Qt::WindowFlags windowFlags() const
Window flags are a combination of a type (e.
Definition: qwidget.h:939
void qt_mac_send_posted_gl_updates(QWidget *widget)
QWidget * widgetToGetTouch
QDragPrivate * dragPrivate() const
Definition: qdnd_p.h:231
#define Q_UNUSED(x)
Indicates to the compiler that the parameter with the specified name is not used in the body of a fun...
Definition: qglobal.h:1729
qt_mac_getTargetForMouseEvent(event, QEvent::Gesture, qlocal, qglobal, 0, &widgetToGetTouch)
Definition: qnamespace.h:150