42 #ifndef QDECLARATIVECONTEXT_P_H 43 #define QDECLARATIVECONTEXT_P_H 58 #include "private/qdeclarativedata_p.h" 59 #include "private/qdeclarativeintegercache_p.h" 60 #include "private/qdeclarativetypenamecache_p.h" 61 #include "private/qdeclarativenotifier_p.h" 63 #include "private/qdeclarativeparser_p.h" 65 #include <QtCore/qhash.h> 66 #include <QtScript/qscriptvalue.h> 67 #include <QtCore/qset.h> 69 #include <private/qobject_p.h> 70 #include "private/qdeclarativeguard_p.h" 128 void refreshExpressions();
187 void setIdProperty(
QObject *);
239 : m_contextData(0), m_next(0), m_prev(0)
292 #endif // QDECLARATIVECONTEXT_P_H QDeclarativeGuardedContextData()
This macro expands to.
QDeclarativeEngine * engine
QDeclarativeContext * publicContext
QDeclarativeComponentAttached * componentAttached
QDeclarativeContextData * context
static void clear(QVariant::Private *d)
QList< QVariant > propertyValues
static int context_count(QDeclarativeListProperty< QObject > *)
QDeclarativeAbstractExpression * expressions
The QUrl class provides a convenient interface for working with URLs.
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
void setContextData(QDeclarativeContextData *)
QDeclarativeContextData * linkedContext
QDeclarativeContextData * parent
QDeclarativeContextData * m_contextData
The QObject class is the base class of all Qt objects.
static QObjectPrivate * get(QObject *o)
QDeclarativeGuardedContextData * m_next
QDeclarativeTypeNameCache * imports
QDeclarativeGuard< T > & operator=(const QDeclarativeGuard< T > &o)
This macro expands to.
QDeclarativeContextData * data
QDeclarativeGuardedContextData & operator=(QDeclarativeContextData *d)
ContextGuard & operator=(QObject *obj)
QDeclarativeContextData * nextChild
static const char * data(const QByteArray &arr)
QDeclarativeData * contextObjects
Q_CORE_EXPORT int QT_FASTCALL script(uint ucs4)
QDeclarativeIntegerCache * propertyNames
QList< QPointer< QObject > > instances
QDeclarativeNotifier bindings
static QDeclarativeContextPrivate * get(QDeclarativeContext *context)
virtual void objectDestroyed(QObject *)
QDeclarativeContextData * operator->() const
#define Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(Class)
The QDeclarativeEngine class provides an environment for instantiating QML components.
QDeclarativeContextData ** prevChild
QDeclarativeGuardedContextData ** m_prev
The QDeclarativeContext class defines a context within a QML engine.
static QObject * context_at(QDeclarativeListProperty< QObject > *, int)
QDeclarativeContextData * contextData()
QDeclarativeCompiledBindings * optimizedBindings
The QDeclarativeExpression class evaluates JavaScript in a QML context.
QList< QScriptValue > importedScripts
QDeclarativeGuardedContextData * contextGuards
QDeclarativeContextData * childContexts