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1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
4 ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal
5 **
6 ** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
7 **
9 ** Commercial License Usage
10 ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
11 ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
12 ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
13 ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and
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17 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
18 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
19 ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
20 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
21 ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
22 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
23 ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
24 **
25 ** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional
26 ** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception
27 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
28 **
29 ** GNU General Public License Usage
30 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
31 ** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
32 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
33 ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
34 ** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
35 ** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
36 **
37 **
39 **
40 ****************************************************************************/
42 //
43 // W A R N I N G
44 // -------------
45 //
46 // This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists for the convenience
47 // of qapplication_*.cpp, qwidget*.cpp, qcolor_x11.cpp, qfiledialog.cpp
48 // and many other. This header file may change from version to version
49 // without notice, or even be removed.
50 //
51 // We mean it.
52 //
54 // Private AppKit class (dumped from classdump).
56 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
57 #import "qnsframeview_mac_p.h"
61 {
63  id fileButton; /* NSDocumentDragButton* */
64  NSSize titleCellSize;
65 }
67 + (float)_windowBorderThickness:(unsigned int)fp8;
68 + (float)_minXWindowBorderWidth:(unsigned int)fp8;
69 + (float)_maxXWindowBorderWidth:(unsigned int)fp8;
70 + (float)_minYWindowBorderHeight:(unsigned int)fp8;
71 + (char)_resizeFromEdge;
72 + (NSRect)frameRectForContentRect:(NSRect)fp8 styleMask:(unsigned int)fp24;
73 + (NSRect)contentRectForFrameRect:(NSRect)fp8 styleMask:(unsigned int)fp24;
74 + (struct _NSSize)minFrameSizeForMinContentSize:(struct _NSSize)fp8 styleMask:(unsigned int)fp16;
75 + (struct _NSSize)minContentSizeForMinFrameSize:(struct _NSSize)fp8 styleMask:(unsigned int)fp16;
76 + (float)minFrameWidthWithTitle:fp8 styleMask:(unsigned int)fp12;
77 + (struct _NSSize)_titleCellSizeForTitle:fp8 styleMask:(unsigned int)fp12;
78 + (float)_titleCellHeight:(unsigned int)fp8;
79 + (float)_windowTitlebarTitleMinHeight:(unsigned int)fp8;
80 + (float)_titlebarHeight:(unsigned int)fp8;
81 + (struct _NSSize)sizeOfTitlebarButtons:(unsigned int)fp8;
82 + (float)windowTitlebarLinesSpacingWidth:(unsigned int)fp8;
83 + (float)windowTitlebarTitleLinesSpacingWidth:(unsigned int)fp8;
84 + (float)_contentToFrameMinXWidth:(unsigned int)fp8;
85 + (float)_contentToFrameMaxXWidth:(unsigned int)fp8;
86 + (float)_contentToFrameMinYHeight:(unsigned int)fp8;
87 + (float)_contentToFrameMaxYHeight:(unsigned int)fp8;
88 - initWithFrame:(NSRect)fp8 styleMask:(unsigned int)fp24 owner:fp28;
89 - (void)dealloc;
90 - (void)setIsClosable:(char)fp8;
91 - (void)setIsResizable:(char)fp8;
92 - (void)_resetTitleFont;
93 - (void)_setUtilityWindow:(char)fp8;
94 - (char)isOpaque;
95 - (char)worksWhenModal;
96 - (void)propagateFrameDirtyRects:(NSRect)fp8;
97 - (void)_showDrawRect:(NSRect)fp8;
98 - (void)_drawFrameInterior:(NSRect *)fp8 clip:(NSRect)fp12;
99 - (void)drawFrame:(NSRect)fp8;
100 - (void)_drawFrameRects:(NSRect)fp8;
101 - (void)_drawTitlebar:(NSRect)fp8;
102 - (void)_drawTitlebarPattern:(int)fp8 inRect:(NSRect)fp12 clippedByRect:(NSRect)fp28 forKey:(char)fp44 alignment:(int)fp48;
103 - (void)_drawTitlebarLines:(int)fp8 inRect:(NSRect)fp12 clippedByRect:(NSRect)fp28;
106 - (void)setFrameSize:(struct _NSSize)fp8;
107 - (void)setFrameOrigin:(struct _NSPoint)fp8;
108 - (void)tileAndSetWindowShape:(char)fp8;
109 - (void)tile;
110 - (void)_tileTitlebar;
111 - (void)setTitle:fp8;
113 - (void)setRepresentedFilename:fp8;
114 - (void)_drawTitleStringIn:(NSRect)fp8 withColor:fp24;
115 - titleFont;
116 - (void)_drawResizeIndicators:(NSRect)fp8;
117 - titleButtonOfClass:(Class)fp8;
118 - initTitleButton:fp8;
120 - newZoomButton;
122 - newFileButton;
123 - fileButton;
124 - (void)_removeButtons;
125 - (void)_updateButtons;
126 - (char)_eventInTitlebar:fp8;
127 - (char)acceptsFirstMouse:fp8;
128 - (void)mouseDown:fp8;
129 - (void)mouseUp:fp8;
130 - (void)rightMouseDown:fp8;
131 - (void)rightMouseUp:fp8;
132 - (int)resizeEdgeForEvent:fp8;
133 - (struct _NSSize)_resizeDeltaFromPoint:(struct _NSPoint)fp8 toEvent:fp16;
134 - (NSRect)_validFrameForResizeFrame:(NSRect)fp8 fromResizeEdge:(int)fp24;
135 - (NSRect)frame:(NSRect)fp8 resizedFromEdge:(int)fp24 withDelta:(struct _NSSize)fp28;
136 - (char)constrainResizeEdge:(int *)fp8 withDelta:(struct _NSSize)fp12 elapsedTime:(float)fp20;
137 - (void)resizeWithEvent:fp8;
138 - (int)resizeFlags;
139 - (void)resetCursorRects;
140 - (void)setDocumentEdited:(char)fp8;
141 - (struct _NSSize)miniaturizedSize;
142 - (struct _NSSize)minFrameSize;
143 - (float)_windowBorderThickness;
147 - (float)_minXWindowBorderWidth;
148 - (float)_maxXWindowBorderWidth;
149 - (float)_minYWindowBorderHeight;
152 - (float)_titleCellHeight;
153 - (struct _NSSize)_titleCellSize;
154 - (float)_titlebarHeight;
155 - (NSRect)titlebarRect;
156 - (NSRect)_maxTitlebarTitleRect;
157 - (NSRect)_titlebarTitleRect;
159 - (NSRect)dragRectForFrameRect:(NSRect)fp8;
160 - (struct _NSSize)sizeOfTitlebarButtons;
161 - (struct _NSSize)_sizeOfTitlebarFileButton;
168 - (float)_minLinesWidthWithSpace;
169 - (NSRect)_minXTitlebarLinesRectWithTitleCellRect:(NSRect)fp8;
170 - (NSRect)_maxXTitlebarLinesRectWithTitleCellRect:(NSRect)fp8;
173 - (struct _NSPoint)_closeButtonOrigin;
174 - (struct _NSPoint)_zoomButtonOrigin;
175 - (struct _NSPoint)_collapseButtonOrigin;
176 - (struct _NSPoint)_fileButtonOrigin;
177 - (float)_maxYTitlebarDragHeight;
178 - (float)_minXTitlebarDragWidth;
179 - (float)_maxXTitlebarDragWidth;
180 - (float)_contentToFrameMinXWidth;
181 - (float)_contentToFrameMaxXWidth;
184 - (NSRect)contentRect;
186 - (NSRect)_minYResizeRect;
187 - (NSRect)_minYminXResizeRect;
188 - (NSRect)_minYmaxXResizeRect;
189 - (NSRect)_minXResizeRect;
190 - (NSRect)_minXminYResizeRect;
191 - (NSRect)_minXmaxYResizeRect;
192 - (NSRect)_maxYResizeRect;
193 - (NSRect)_maxYminXResizeRect;
194 - (NSRect)_maxYmaxXResizeRect;
195 - (NSRect)_maxXResizeRect;
196 - (NSRect)_maxXminYResizeRect;
197 - (NSRect)_maxXmaxYResizeRect;
198 - (NSRect)_minXTitlebarResizeRect;
199 - (NSRect)_maxXTitlebarResizeRect;
200 - (NSRect)_minXBorderRect;
201 - (NSRect)_maxXBorderRect;
202 - (NSRect)_maxYBorderRect;
203 - (NSRect)_minYBorderRect;
205 @end
float _windowTitlebarTitleMinHeight()
struct _NSPoint _zoomButtonOrigin()
void _updateButtons()
float _windowBorderThickness()
char worksWhenModal()
struct _NSSize _titleCellSize()
float _minYWindowBorderHeight()
void _invalidateTitleCellSize()
NSRect _maxYBorderRect()
NSRect _minYResizeRect()
char _shouldRepresentFilename()
NSRect _minXResizeRect()
float _contentToFrameMinXWidth()
id newMiniaturizeButton()
NSRect _minYmaxXResizeRect()
float _windowTitlebarYResizeBorderThickness()
void _invalidateTitleCellWidth()
void _resetTitleFont()
NSRect _maxYminXResizeRect()
float _titleCellHeight()
float _maxYTitlebarDragHeight()
NSRect _maxXBorderRect()
NSRect _maxXResizeRect()
NSRect _minYminXResizeRect()
struct _NSPoint _collapseButtonOrigin()
id frameHighlightColor()
float _windowResizeBorderThickness()
void _tileTitlebar()
NSRect _minYBorderRect()
NSRect _maxXmaxYResizeRect()
float windowTitlebarLinesSpacingWidth()
NSRect _minXTitlebarResizeRect()
NSRect titlebarRect()
NSRect _minXminYResizeRect()
NSRect _minXBorderRect()
struct _NSSize miniaturizedSize()
NSRect _minXmaxYResizeRect()
NSRect _maxXTitlebarResizeRect()
struct _NSSize _sizeOfTitlebarFileButton()
float _windowTitlebarXResizeBorderThickness()
float _minXTitlebarDragWidth()
float _maxXTitlebarButtonsWidth()
struct _NSPoint _fileButtonOrigin()
float _contentToFrameMaxXWidth()
float _maxXTitlebarDragWidth()
NSRect contentRect()
float _contentToFrameMaxYHeight()
NSRect _maxTitlebarTitleRect()
float _windowResizeCornerThickness()
struct _NSSize sizeOfTitlebarButtons()
struct _NSPoint _closeButtonOrigin()
NSRect _maxYmaxXResizeRect()
float _minXTitlebarDecorationMinWidth()
float _contentToFrameMinYHeight()
float _minXWindowBorderWidth()
float _maxXTitlebarDecorationMinWidth()
struct _NSSize minFrameSize()
float windowTitlebarTitleLinesSpacingWidth()
float _minLinesWidthWithSpace()
float _titlebarHeight()
char _resizeFromEdge()
float _maxXWindowBorderWidth()
void resetCursorRects()
int _numberOfTitlebarLines()
float _windowTitlebarButtonSpacingWidth()
float _minXTitlebarButtonsWidth()
NSRect _maxYResizeRect()
NSRect _titlebarTitleRect()
void _removeButtons()
NSRect _maxXminYResizeRect()