45 #include <QtGui/qwidget.h> 46 #include <QtGui/qabstractslider.h> 54 #ifndef QT_NO_SCROLLBAR 77 #ifndef QT_NO_CONTEXTMENU 86 QT3_SUPPORT_CONSTRUCTOR QScrollBar(
int minValue,
int maxValue,
int lineStep,
int pageStep,
88 inline QT3_SUPPORT
bool draggingSlider() {
return isSliderDown(); }
98 #endif // QT_NO_SCROLLBAR 104 #endif // QSCROLLBAR_H #define QT_END_NAMESPACE
This macro expands to.
virtual void sliderChange(SliderChange change)
Reimplement this virtual function to track slider changes such as SliderRangeChange ...
bool event(QEvent *e)
Reimplemented Function
#define Q_DISABLE_COPY(Class)
Disables the use of copy constructors and assignment operators for the given Class.
bool isSliderDown() const
This macro expands to.
The QHideEvent class provides an event which is sent after a widget is hidden.
The QMouseEvent class contains parameters that describe a mouse event.
The QAbstractSlider class provides an integer value within a range.
The QStyleOptionSlider class is used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a slider...
The QSize class defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision.
#define Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(Class)
The QPaintEvent class contains event parameters for paint events.
The QEvent class is the base class of all event classes.