52 #ifndef Patternist_StaticCompatibilityStore_H 53 #define Patternist_StaticCompatibilityStore_H #define QT_END_NAMESPACE
This macro expands to.
virtual SequenceType::Ptr staticType() const
StaticCompatibilityStore(const Expression::Ptr &operand)
virtual ExpressionVisitorResult::Ptr accept(const ExpressionVisitor::Ptr &visitor) const
virtual SequenceType::List expectedOperandTypes() const
This macro expands to.
The namespace for the internal API of QtXmlPatterns.
A compile time only AST node that changes the backwareds compatibility mode. Used for XSL-T 2...
virtual Expression::Ptr typeCheck(const StaticContext::Ptr &context, const SequenceType::Ptr &reqType)
The QList class is a template class that provides lists.
Base class for expressions that has exactly one operand.