48 #include <QtGui/QPlatformWindow> 50 #include <screen/screen.h> 137 #endif // QBBWINDOW_H
This macro expands to.
void setScreen(QBBScreen *platformScreen)
virtual void lower()
Reimplement to be able to let Qt lower windows to the bottom of the desktop.
QBBWindow(QWidget *window, screen_context_t context, QBBScreen *screen)
virtual void requestActivateWindow()
Reimplement to let Qt be able to request activation/focus for a window.
virtual void setParent(const QPlatformWindow *window)
This function is called to enable native child widgets in QPA.
void offset(const QPoint &offset)
void updateVisibility(bool parentVisible)
void setBufferSize(const QSize &size)
This macro expands to.
QList< QBBWindow * > mChildren
QBBScreen * screen() const
void post(const QRegion &dirty)
The QRegion class specifies a clip region for a painter.
static int platformWindowFormatToNativeFormat(const QPlatformWindowFormat &format)
const QList< QBBWindow * > & children() const
virtual void setVisible(bool visible)
Reimplemented in subclasses to show the surface if visible is true, and hide it if visible is false...
QBBBuffer & renderBuffer()
virtual void setGeometry(const QRect &rect)
This function is called by Qt whenever a window is moved or the window is resized.
The QPlatformGLContext class provides an abstraction for native GL contexts.
void scroll(const QRegion ®ion, int dx, int dy, bool flush=false)
void copyBack(const QRegion ®ion, int dx, int dy, bool flush=false)
virtual WId winId() const
Reimplement in subclasses to return a handle to the native window.
QBBBuffer & buffer(QBBWindow::Buffer bufferIndex)
virtual QPlatformGLContext * glContext() const
Reimplement to return the glContext associated with the window.
The QPoint class defines a point in the plane using integer precision.
screen_context_t mContext
void updateZorder(int &topZorder)
The QRect class defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision.
QBBBuffer & frontBuffer()
Q_CORE_EXPORT QTextStream & flush(QTextStream &s)
The QSize class defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision.
virtual void setOpacity(qreal level)
Reimplement to be able to let Qt set the opacity level of a window.
QBBWindow * findWindow(screen_window_t windowHandle)
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if either of the width and height is less than or equal to 0; otherwise returns false...
QBBGLContext * mPlatformGlContext
The QList class is a template class that provides lists.