Qt 4.8
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1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
4 ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal
5 **
6 ** This file is part of the QtDeclarative module of the Qt Toolkit.
7 **
9 ** Commercial License Usage
10 ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
11 ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
12 ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
13 ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and
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17 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
18 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
19 ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
20 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
21 ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
22 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
23 ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
24 **
25 ** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional
26 ** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception
27 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
28 **
29 ** GNU General Public License Usage
30 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
31 ** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
32 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
33 ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
34 ** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
35 ** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
36 **
37 **
39 **
40 ****************************************************************************/
42 #include "private/qdeclarativeenginedebugservice_p.h"
44 #include "private/qdeclarativeboundsignal_p.h"
45 #include "qdeclarativeengine.h"
46 #include "private/qdeclarativemetatype_p.h"
47 #include "qdeclarativeproperty.h"
48 #include "private/qdeclarativeproperty_p.h"
49 #include "private/qdeclarativebinding_p.h"
50 #include "private/qdeclarativecontext_p.h"
51 #include "private/qdeclarativewatcher_p.h"
52 #include "private/qdeclarativevaluetype_p.h"
53 #include "private/qdeclarativevmemetaobject_p.h"
54 #include "private/qdeclarativeexpression_p.h"
55 #include "private/qdeclarativepropertychanges_p.h"
57 #include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
58 #include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
62 Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QDeclarativeEngineDebugService, qmlEngineDebugService);
65 {
66  return qmlEngineDebugService();
67 }
70 : QDeclarativeDebugService(QLatin1String("DeclarativeDebugger"), parent),
71  m_watch(new QDeclarativeWatcher(this))
72 {
74  this, SLOT(propertyChanged(int,int,QMetaProperty,QVariant)));
75 }
79 {
80  ds << data.url << data.lineNumber << data.columnNumber << data.idString
81  << data.objectName << data.objectType << data.objectId << data.contextId
82  << data.parentId;
83  return ds;
84 }
88 {
89  ds >> data.url >> data.lineNumber >> data.columnNumber >> data.idString
90  >> data.objectName >> data.objectType >> data.objectId >> data.contextId
91  >> data.parentId;
92  return ds;
93 }
97 {
98  ds << (int)data.type << data.name << data.value << data.valueTypeName
99  << data.binding << data.hasNotifySignal;
100  return ds;
101 }
105 {
106  int type;
107  ds >> type >> data.name >> data.value >> data.valueTypeName
108  >> data.binding >> data.hasNotifySignal;
110  return ds;
111 }
113 static inline bool isSignalPropertyName(const QString &signalName)
114 {
115  // see QmlCompiler::isSignalPropertyName
116  return signalName.length() >= 3 && signalName.startsWith(QLatin1String("on")) &&
117  signalName.at(2).isLetter() && signalName.at(2).isUpper();
118 }
120 static bool hasValidSignal(QObject *object, const QString &propertyName)
121 {
122  if (!isSignalPropertyName(propertyName))
123  return false;
125  QString signalName = propertyName.mid(2);
126  signalName[0] = signalName.at(0).toLower();
128  int sigIdx = QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::findSignalByName(object->metaObject(), signalName.toLatin1()).methodIndex();
130  if (sigIdx == -1)
131  return false;
133  return true;
134 }
138 {
141  QMetaProperty prop = obj->metaObject()->property(propIdx);
145  rv.name = QString::fromUtf8(prop.name());
146  rv.hasNotifySignal = prop.hasNotifySignal();
147  QDeclarativeAbstractBinding *binding =
149  if (binding)
150  rv.binding = binding->expression();
154  } else if (QDeclarativeMetaType::isQObject(prop.userType())) {
156  } else if (QDeclarativeMetaType::isList(prop.userType())) {
158  } else if (prop.userType() == QMetaType::QVariant) {
160  }
162  QVariant value;
163  if (rv.type != QDeclarativeObjectProperty::Unknown && prop.userType() != 0) {
164  value = prop.read(obj);
165  }
166  rv.value = valueContents(value);
168  return rv;
169 }
172 {
173  int userType = value.userType();
175  if (value.type() == QVariant::List) {
176  QVariantList contents;
177  QVariantList list = value.toList();
178  int count = list.size();
179  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
180  contents << valueContents(list.at(i));
181  return contents;
182  }
184  if (value.type() == QVariant::Map) {
185  QVariantMap contents;
186  QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> i(value.toMap());
187  while (i.hasNext()) {
188  i.next();
189  contents.insert(i.key(), valueContents(i.value()));
190  }
191  return contents;
192  }
195  return value;
197  if (QDeclarativeMetaType::isQObject(userType)) {
199  if (o) {
200  QString name = o->objectName();
201  if (name.isEmpty())
202  name = QLatin1String("<unnamed object>");
203  return name;
204  }
205  }
207  return QLatin1String("<unknown value>");
208 }
211  QObject *object, bool recur, bool dumpProperties)
212 {
213  message << objectData(object);
215  QObjectList children = object->children();
217  int childrenCount = children.count();
218  for (int ii = 0; ii < children.count(); ++ii) {
219  if (qobject_cast<QDeclarativeContext*>(children[ii]) || QDeclarativeBoundSignal::cast(children[ii]))
220  --childrenCount;
221  }
223  message << childrenCount << recur;
225  QList<QDeclarativeObjectProperty> fakeProperties;
227  for (int ii = 0; ii < children.count(); ++ii) {
228  QObject *child = children.at(ii);
229  if (qobject_cast<QDeclarativeContext*>(child))
230  continue;
231  if (!QDeclarativeBoundSignal::cast(child)) {
232  if (recur)
233  buildObjectDump(message, child, recur, dumpProperties);
234  else
235  message << objectData(child);
236  }
237  }
239  if (!dumpProperties) {
240  message << 0;
241  return;
242  }
244  QList<int> propertyIndexes;
245  for (int ii = 0; ii < object->metaObject()->propertyCount(); ++ii) {
246  if (object->metaObject()->property(ii).isScriptable())
247  propertyIndexes << ii;
248  }
250  for (int ii = 0; ii < children.count(); ++ii) {
251  QObject *child = children.at(ii);
252  if (qobject_cast<QDeclarativeContext*>(child))
253  continue;
255  if (signal) {
258  prop.hasNotifySignal = false;
259  QDeclarativeExpression *expr = signal->expression();
260  if (expr) {
261  prop.value = expr->expression();
262  QObject *scope = expr->scopeObject();
263  if (scope) {
264  QString sig = QLatin1String(scope->metaObject()->method(signal->index()).signature());
265  int lparen = sig.indexOf(QLatin1Char('('));
266  if (lparen >= 0) {
267  QString methodName = sig.mid(0, lparen);
268  prop.name = QLatin1String("on") + methodName[0].toUpper()
269  + methodName.mid(1);
270  }
271  }
272  }
273  fakeProperties << prop;
274  }
275  }
277  message << propertyIndexes.size() + fakeProperties.count();
279  for (int ii = 0; ii < propertyIndexes.size(); ++ii)
280  message << propertyData(object, propertyIndexes.at(ii));
282  for (int ii = 0; ii < fakeProperties.count(); ++ii)
283  message << fakeProperties[ii];
284 }
287 {
288  qmlExecuteDeferred(obj);
290  QObjectList children = obj->children();
291  for (int ii = 0; ii < children.count(); ++ii) {
292  QObject *child = children.at(ii);
293  prepareDeferredObjects(child);
294  }
296 }
299 {
302  QString ctxtName = ctxt->objectName();
303  int ctxtId = QDeclarativeDebugService::idForObject(ctxt);
305  message << ctxtName << ctxtId;
307  int count = 0;
310  while (child) {
311  ++count;
312  child = child->nextChild;
313  }
315  message << count;
317  child = p->childContexts;
318  while (child) {
319  buildObjectList(message, child->asQDeclarativeContext());
320  child = child->nextChild;
321  }
323  // Clean deleted objects
325  for (int ii = 0; ii < ctxtPriv->instances.count(); ++ii) {
326  if (!ctxtPriv->instances.at(ii)) {
327  ctxtPriv->instances.removeAt(ii);
328  --ii;
329  }
330  }
332  message << ctxtPriv->instances.count();
333  for (int ii = 0; ii < ctxtPriv->instances.count(); ++ii) {
334  message << objectData(ctxtPriv->instances.at(ii));
335  }
336 }
339 {
340  if (cleanList)
341  m_allStates.clear();
344  for (int ii = 0; ii < ctxtPriv->instances.count(); ++ii) {
345  buildStatesList(ctxtPriv->instances.at(ii));
346  }
349  while (child) {
350  buildStatesList(child->asQDeclarativeContext());
351  child = child->nextChild;
352  }
353 }
356 {
357  if (QDeclarativeState *state = qobject_cast<QDeclarativeState *>(obj)) {
358  m_allStates.append(state);
359  }
361  QObjectList children = obj->children();
362  for (int ii = 0; ii < children.count(); ++ii) {
363  buildStatesList(children.at(ii));
364  }
365 }
369 {
370  QDeclarativeData *ddata = QDeclarativeData::get(object);
372  if (ddata && ddata->outerContext) {
373  rv.url = ddata->outerContext->url;
374  rv.lineNumber = ddata->lineNumber;
375  rv.columnNumber = ddata->columnNumber;
376  } else {
377  rv.lineNumber = -1;
378  rv.columnNumber = -1;
379  }
381  QDeclarativeContext *context = qmlContext(object);
382  if (context) {
384  if (cdata)
385  rv.idString = cdata->findObjectId(object);
386  }
388  rv.objectName = object->objectName();
394  if (type) {
395  QString typeName = QLatin1String(type->qmlTypeName());
396  int lastSlash = typeName.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/'));
397  rv.objectType = lastSlash < 0 ? typeName : typeName.mid(lastSlash+1);
398  } else {
400  int marker = rv.objectType.indexOf(QLatin1String("_QMLTYPE_"));
401  if (marker != -1)
402  rv.objectType = rv.objectType.left(marker);
403  }
405  return rv;
406 }
409 {
410  QDataStream ds(message);
412  int queryId;
414  ds >> type >> queryId;
416  QByteArray reply;
417  QDataStream rs(&reply, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
419  if (type == "LIST_ENGINES") {
421  rs << QByteArray("LIST_ENGINES_R");
422  rs << queryId << m_engines.count();
424  for (int ii = 0; ii < m_engines.count(); ++ii) {
425  QDeclarativeEngine *engine = m_engines.at(ii);
427  QString engineName = engine->objectName();
428  int engineId = QDeclarativeDebugService::idForObject(engine);
429  rs << engineName << engineId;
430  }
432  } else if (type == "LIST_OBJECTS") {
433  int engineId = -1;
434  ds >> engineId;
436  QDeclarativeEngine *engine =
439  rs << QByteArray("LIST_OBJECTS_R") << queryId;
441  if (engine) {
442  buildObjectList(rs, engine->rootContext());
443  buildStatesList(engine->rootContext(), true);
444  }
446  } else if (type == "FETCH_OBJECT") {
447  int objectId;
448  bool recurse;
449  bool dumpProperties = true;
451  ds >> objectId >> recurse >> dumpProperties;
455  rs << QByteArray("FETCH_OBJECT_R") << queryId;
457  if (object) {
458  if (recurse)
459  prepareDeferredObjects(object);
460  buildObjectDump(rs, object, recurse, dumpProperties);
461  }
463  } else if (type == "WATCH_OBJECT") {
464  int objectId;
466  ds >> objectId;
467  bool ok = m_watch->addWatch(queryId, objectId);
469  rs << QByteArray("WATCH_OBJECT_R") << queryId << ok;
471  } else if (type == "WATCH_PROPERTY") {
472  int objectId;
475  ds >> objectId >> property;
476  bool ok = m_watch->addWatch(queryId, objectId, property);
478  rs << QByteArray("WATCH_PROPERTY_R") << queryId << ok;
480  } else if (type == "WATCH_EXPR_OBJECT") {
481  int debugId;
482  QString expr;
484  ds >> debugId >> expr;
485  bool ok = m_watch->addWatch(queryId, debugId, expr);
487  rs << QByteArray("WATCH_EXPR_OBJECT_R") << queryId << ok;
489  } else if (type == "NO_WATCH") {
491  m_watch->removeWatch(queryId);
492  } else if (type == "EVAL_EXPRESSION") {
493  int objectId;
494  QString expr;
496  ds >> objectId >> expr;
499  QDeclarativeContext *context = qmlContext(object);
500  QVariant result;
501  if (object && context) {
502  QDeclarativeExpression exprObj(context, object, expr);
503  bool undefined = false;
504  QVariant value = exprObj.evaluate(&undefined);
505  if (undefined)
506  result = QLatin1String("<undefined>");
507  else
508  result = valueContents(value);
509  } else {
510  result = QLatin1String("<unknown context>");
511  }
513  rs << QByteArray("EVAL_EXPRESSION_R") << queryId << result;
515  } else if (type == "SET_BINDING") {
516  int objectId;
517  QString propertyName;
518  QVariant expr;
519  bool isLiteralValue;
520  QString filename;
521  int line;
522  ds >> objectId >> propertyName >> expr >> isLiteralValue;
523  if (!ds.atEnd()) { // backward compatibility from 2.1, 2.2
524  ds >> filename >> line;
525  }
526  setBinding(objectId, propertyName, expr, isLiteralValue, filename, line);
528  rs << QByteArray("SET_BINDING_R") << queryId;
530  } else if (type == "RESET_BINDING") {
531  int objectId;
532  QString propertyName;
533  ds >> objectId >> propertyName;
534  resetBinding(objectId, propertyName);
536  rs << QByteArray("SET_BINDING_R") << queryId;
538  } else if (type == "SET_METHOD_BODY") {
539  int objectId;
541  QString methodBody;
542  ds >> objectId >> methodName >> methodBody;
543  setMethodBody(objectId, methodName, methodBody);
545  rs << QByteArray("SET_BINDING_R") << queryId;
546  }
547  sendMessage(reply);
548 }
551  const QString &propertyName,
552  const QVariant &expression,
553  bool isLiteralValue,
554  QString filename,
555  int line)
556 {
557  QObject *object = objectForId(objectId);
558  QDeclarativeContext *context = qmlContext(object);
560  if (object && context) {
561  QDeclarativeProperty property(object, propertyName, context);
562  if (property.isValid()) {
564  bool inBaseState = true;
566  foreach(QWeakPointer<QDeclarativeState> statePointer, m_allStates) {
567  if (QDeclarativeState *state = statePointer.data()) {
568  // here we assume that the revert list on itself defines the base state
569  if (state->isStateActive() && state->containsPropertyInRevertList(object, propertyName)) {
570  inBaseState = false;
572  QDeclarativeBinding *newBinding = 0;
573  if (!isLiteralValue) {
574  newBinding = new QDeclarativeBinding(expression.toString(), object, context);
575  newBinding->setTarget(property);
576  newBinding->setNotifyOnValueChanged(true);
577  newBinding->setSourceLocation(filename, line);
578  }
580  state->changeBindingInRevertList(object, propertyName, newBinding);
582  if (isLiteralValue)
583  state->changeValueInRevertList(object, propertyName, expression);
584  }
585  }
586  }
588  if (inBaseState) {
589  if (isLiteralValue) {
590  property.write(expression);
591  } else if (hasValidSignal(object, propertyName)) {
592  QDeclarativeExpression *declarativeExpression = new QDeclarativeExpression(context, object, expression.toString());
593  QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::setSignalExpression(property, declarativeExpression);
594  declarativeExpression->setSourceLocation(filename, line);
595  } else if (property.isProperty()) {
596  QDeclarativeBinding *binding = new QDeclarativeBinding(expression.toString(), object, context);
597  binding->setTarget(property);
598  binding->setSourceLocation(filename, line);
599  binding->setNotifyOnValueChanged(true);
601  if (oldBinding)
602  oldBinding->destroy();
603  binding->update();
604  } else {
605  qWarning() << "QDeclarativeEngineDebugService::setBinding: unable to set property" << propertyName << "on object" << object;
606  }
607  }
609  } else {
610  // not a valid property
611  if (QDeclarativePropertyChanges *propertyChanges = qobject_cast<QDeclarativePropertyChanges *>(object)) {
612  if (isLiteralValue) {
613  propertyChanges->changeValue(propertyName, expression);
614  } else {
615  propertyChanges->changeExpression(propertyName, expression.toString());
616  }
617  } else {
618  qWarning() << "QDeclarativeEngineDebugService::setBinding: unable to set property" << propertyName << "on object" << object;
619  }
620  }
621  }
622 }
624 void QDeclarativeEngineDebugService::resetBinding(int objectId, const QString &propertyName)
625 {
626  QObject *object = objectForId(objectId);
627  QDeclarativeContext *context = qmlContext(object);
629  if (object && context) {
630  if (object->property(propertyName.toLatin1()).isValid()) {
631  QDeclarativeProperty property(object, propertyName);
633  if (oldBinding) {
635  if (oldBinding)
636  oldBinding->destroy();
637  }
638  if (property.isResettable()) {
639  // Note: this will reset the property in any case, without regard to states
640  // Right now almost no QDeclarativeItem has reset methods for its properties (with the
641  // notable exception of QDeclarativeAnchors), so this is not a big issue
642  // later on, setBinding does take states into account
643  property.reset();
644  } else {
645  // overwrite with default value
646  if (QDeclarativeType *objType = QDeclarativeMetaType::qmlType(object->metaObject())) {
647  if (QObject *emptyObject = objType->create()) {
648  if (emptyObject->property(propertyName.toLatin1()).isValid()) {
649  QVariant defaultValue = QDeclarativeProperty(emptyObject, propertyName).read();
650  if (defaultValue.isValid()) {
651  setBinding(objectId, propertyName, defaultValue, true);
652  }
653  }
654  delete emptyObject;
655  }
656  }
657  }
658  } else if (hasValidSignal(object, propertyName)) {
659  QDeclarativeProperty property(object, propertyName, context);
661  } else {
662  if (QDeclarativePropertyChanges *propertyChanges = qobject_cast<QDeclarativePropertyChanges *>(object)) {
663  propertyChanges->removeProperty(propertyName);
664  }
665  }
666  }
667 }
669 void QDeclarativeEngineDebugService::setMethodBody(int objectId, const QString &method, const QString &body)
670 {
671  QObject *object = objectForId(objectId);
672  QDeclarativeContext *context = qmlContext(object);
673  if (!object || !context || !context->engine())
674  return;
676  if (!contextData)
677  return;
681  QDeclarativePropertyCache::property(context->engine(), object, method, dummy);
684  return;
686  QMetaMethod metaMethod = object->metaObject()->method(prop->coreIndex);
687  QList<QByteArray> paramNames = metaMethod.parameterNames();
689  QString paramStr;
690  for (int ii = 0; ii < paramNames.count(); ++ii) {
691  if (ii != 0) paramStr.append(QLatin1String(","));
692  paramStr.append(QString::fromUtf8(paramNames.at(ii)));
693  }
695  QString jsfunction = QLatin1String("(function ") + method + QLatin1String("(") + paramStr +
696  QLatin1String(") {");
697  jsfunction += body;
698  jsfunction += QLatin1String("\n})");
700  QDeclarativeVMEMetaObject *vmeMetaObject =
702  Q_ASSERT(vmeMetaObject); // the fact we found the property above should guarentee this
704  int lineNumber = vmeMetaObject->vmeMethodLineNumber(prop->coreIndex);
705  vmeMetaObject->setVmeMethod(prop->coreIndex, QDeclarativeExpressionPrivate::evalInObjectScope(contextData, object, jsfunction, contextData->url.toString(), lineNumber, 0));
706 }
708 void QDeclarativeEngineDebugService::propertyChanged(int id, int objectId, const QMetaProperty &property, const QVariant &value)
709 {
710  QByteArray reply;
711  QDataStream rs(&reply, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
713  rs << QByteArray("UPDATE_WATCH") << id << objectId << QByteArray(property.name()) << valueContents(value);
715  sendMessage(reply);
716 }
719 {
720  Q_ASSERT(engine);
721  Q_ASSERT(!m_engines.contains(engine));
723  m_engines.append(engine);
724 }
727 {
728  Q_ASSERT(engine);
729  Q_ASSERT(m_engines.contains(engine));
731  m_engines.removeAll(engine);
732 }
735 {
736  Q_ASSERT(engine);
737  Q_ASSERT(m_engines.contains(engine));
739  int engineId = QDeclarativeDebugService::idForObject(engine);
740  int objectId = QDeclarativeDebugService::idForObject(object);
741  int parentId = QDeclarativeDebugService::idForObject(object->parent());
743  QByteArray reply;
744  QDataStream rs(&reply, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
746  rs << QByteArray("OBJECT_CREATED") << -1 << engineId << objectId << parentId;
747  sendMessage(reply);
748 }
QDeclarativeContextData * outerContext
The QVariant class acts like a union for the most common Qt data types.
Definition: qvariant.h:92
static QObject * toQObject(const QVariant &, bool *ok=0)
static QDeclarativeData * get(const QObject *object, bool create=false)
int type
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
bool isLetter() const
Returns true if the character is a letter (Letter_* categories); otherwise returns false...
Definition: qchar.cpp:653
bool isScriptable(const QObject *obj=0) const
Returns true if the property is scriptable for the given object; otherwise returns false...
bool isResettable() const
Returns true if the property is resettable, otherwise false.
This macro expands to.
Definition: qglobal.h:90
static QObject * objectForId(int)
Returns the object for unique id.
void buildStatesList(QDeclarativeContext *, bool)
const QChar at(int i) const
Returns the character at the given index position in the string.
Definition: qstring.h:698
QMap< QString, QVariant > toMap() const
Returns the variant as a QMap<QString, QVariant> if the variant has type() Map ; otherwise returns an...
Definition: qvariant.cpp:2281
QString toString(FormattingOptions options=None) const
Returns the human-displayable string representation of the URL.
Definition: qurl.cpp:5896
QString objectName
the name of this object
Definition: qobject.h:114
static QDeclarativeBoundSignal * cast(QObject *)
bool atEnd() const
Returns true if the I/O device has reached the end position (end of the stream or file) or if there i...
The QByteArray class provides an array of bytes.
Definition: qbytearray.h:135
int length() const
Returns the number of characters in this string.
Definition: qstring.h:696
static QMetaMethod findSignalByName(const QMetaObject *mo, const QByteArray &)
Return the signal corresponding to name.
QString toUpper() const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Returns an uppercase copy of the string.
Definition: qstring.cpp:5483
QVariant valueContents(const QVariant &defaultValue) const
#define SLOT(a)
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:226
QDataStream & operator>>(QDataStream &ds, QDeclarativeEngineDebugService::QDeclarativeObjectData &data)
void setTarget(const QDeclarativeProperty &)
virtual void destroy(DestroyMode mode=DisconnectBinding)
Destroy the binding.
static QDeclarativeAbstractBinding * binding(QObject *, int coreIndex, int valueTypeIndex)
QString toString() const
Returns the variant as a QString if the variant has type() String , Bool , ByteArray ...
Definition: qvariant.cpp:2270
static QDeclarativeType * qmlType(const QByteArray &, int, int)
Returns the type (if any) of URI-qualified named name in version specified by version_major and versi...
bool startsWith(const QString &s, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) const
Returns true if the string starts with s; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qstring.cpp:3734
QList< QVariant > toList() const
Returns the variant as a QVariantList if the variant has type() List or StringList ; otherwise return...
Definition: qvariant.cpp:2751
QVariant evaluate(bool *valueIsUndefined=0)
Evaulates the expression, returning the result of the evaluation, or an invalid QVariant if the expre...
int count(const T &t) const
Returns the number of occurrences of value in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:891
void setVmeMethod(int index, const QScriptValue &)
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
T * qobject_cast(QObject *object)
Definition: qobject.h:375
#define Q_ASSERT(cond)
Definition: qglobal.h:1823
The QObject class is the base class of all Qt objects.
Definition: qobject.h:111
Q_DECLARATIVE_EXPORT QDeclarativeContext * qmlContext(const QObject *)
bool isValid() const
Returns true if the QDeclarativeProperty refers to a valid property, otherwise false.
T * data() const
static QObjectPrivate * get(QObject *o)
Definition: qobject_p.h:177
bool addWatch(int id, quint32 objectId)
void setNotifyOnValueChanged(bool)
Sets whether the valueChanged() signal is emitted when the expression&#39;s evaluated value changes...
void propertyChanged(int id, int objectId, const QMetaProperty &property, const QVariant &value)
void buildObjectList(QDataStream &, QDeclarativeContext *)
#define SIGNAL(a)
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:227
void append(const T &t)
Inserts value at the end of the list.
Definition: qlist.h:507
This macro expands to.
Definition: qglobal.h:89
QBool contains(const T &t) const
Returns true if the list contains an occurrence of value; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qlist.h:880
QDeclarativeObjectProperty propertyData(QObject *, int)
virtual void update(QDeclarativePropertyPrivate::WriteFlags flags)
static QScriptValue evalInObjectScope(QDeclarativeContextData *, QObject *, const QString &, const QString &, int, QScriptValue *)
QList< QByteArray > parameterNames() const
Returns a list of parameter names.
int userType() const
Returns this property&#39;s user type.
QString left(int n) const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Returns a substring that contains the n leftmost characters of the string.
Definition: qstring.cpp:3664
const char * typeName
Definition: qmetatype.cpp:239
QDeclarativeObjectData objectData(QObject *)
static bool hasValidSignal(QObject *object, const QString &propertyName)
static bool connect(const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType=Qt::AutoConnection)
Creates a connection of the given type from the signal in the sender object to the method in the rece...
Definition: qobject.cpp:2580
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the string has no characters; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qstring.h:704
Q_DECLARATIVE_EXPORT void qmlExecuteDeferred(QObject *)
const T & at(int i) const
Returns the item at index position i in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:468
Data * property(const QScriptDeclarativeClass::Identifier &id) const
QDeclarativeContextData * nextChild
static QString fromUtf8(const char *, int size=-1)
Returns a QString initialized with the first size bytes of the UTF-8 string str.
Definition: qstring.cpp:4302
Q_CORE_EXPORT void qWarning(const char *,...)
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QDeclarativeEngineDebugService, qmlEngineDebugService)
QDeclarativeContext * rootContext() const
Returns the engine&#39;s root context.
static const char * data(const QByteArray &arr)
int indexOf(QChar c, int from=0, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) const
Definition: qstring.cpp:2838
The QLatin1String class provides a thin wrapper around an US-ASCII/Latin-1 encoded string literal...
Definition: qstring.h:654
static QMetaMethod metaMethod(const QMetaObject *meta, QMetaMethod::MethodType type, int index)
QByteArray toLatin1() const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Returns a Latin-1 representation of the string as a QByteArray.
Definition: qstring.cpp:3993
void clear()
Removes all items from the list.
Definition: qlist.h:764
static QDeclarativeAbstractBinding * setBinding(QObject *, int coreIndex, int valueTypeIndex, QDeclarativeAbstractBinding *, WriteFlags flags=DontRemoveBinding)
virtual void messageReceived(const QByteArray &)
QDeclarativeExpression * expression() const
Returns the signal expression.
void resetBinding(int objectId, const QString &propertyName)
bool isUpper() const
Returns true if the character is an uppercase letter, i.
Definition: qchar.h:273
QList< QPointer< QObject > > instances
QString findObjectId(const QObject *obj) const
QString expression() const
Returns the expression string.
static QDeclarativeContextPrivate * get(QDeclarativeContext *context)
static int idForObject(QObject *)
Returns a unique id for object.
QString mid(int position, int n=-1) const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Returns a string that contains n characters of this string, starting at the specified position index...
Definition: qstring.cpp:3706
int userType() const
Returns the storage type of the value stored in the variant.
Definition: qvariant.cpp:1913
QString & append(QChar c)
Definition: qstring.cpp:1777
QObject * scopeObject() const
Returns the expression&#39;s scope object, if provided, otherwise 0.
void setBinding(int objectId, const QString &propertyName, const QVariant &expression, bool isLiteralValue, QString filename=QString(), int line=-1)
const char * name() const
Returns this property&#39;s name.
The QDeclarativeEngine class provides an environment for instantiating QML components.
int lastIndexOf(QChar c, int from=-1, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) const
Definition: qstring.cpp:3000
Type type() const
Returns the storage type of the value stored in the variant.
Definition: qvariant.cpp:1901
static QDeclarativeEngineDebugService * instance()
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
Inserts a new item with the key key and a value of value.
Definition: qmap.h:559
QDeclarativeContext * asQDeclarativeContext()
QObject * parent() const
Returns a pointer to the parent object.
Definition: qobject.h:273
virtual QString expression() const
int size() const
Returns the number of items in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:137
const char * className() const
Returns the class name.
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:491
static QByteArray methodName(const char *signature, int nameLength)
Makes a deep copy of the first nameLength characters of the given method signature and returns the co...
QMetaObject * metaObject
Definition: qobject.h:107
QString objectName() const
QDataStream & operator<<(QDataStream &ds, const QDeclarativeEngineDebugService::QDeclarativeObjectData &data)
QVariant read(const QObject *obj) const
Reads the property&#39;s value from the given object.
void setMethodBody(int objectId, const QString &method, const QString &body)
const QObjectList & children() const
Returns a list of child objects.
Definition: qobject.h:197
The QDeclarativeContext class defines a context within a QML engine.
void setSourceLocation(const QString &fileName, int line)
Set the location of this expression to line of url.
void objectCreated(QDeclarativeEngine *, QObject *)
QVariant property(const char *name) const
Returns the value of the object&#39;s name property.
Definition: qobject.cpp:3807
QDeclarativeEngine * engine() const
Return the context&#39;s QDeclarativeEngine, or 0 if the context has no QDeclarativeEngine or the QDeclar...
static bool isSignalPropertyName(const QString &signalName)
The QDeclarativeProperty class abstracts accessing properties on objects created from QML...
QMetaMethod method(int index) const
Returns the meta-data for the method with the given index.
The QMetaProperty class provides meta-data about a property.
Definition: qmetaobject.h:176
static QDeclarativeExpression * setSignalExpression(const QDeclarativeProperty &that, QDeclarativeExpression *)
Set the signal expression associated with this signal property to expr.
The QDataStream class provides serialization of binary data to a QIODevice.
Definition: qdatastream.h:71
The QDeclarativeExpression class evaluates JavaScript in a QML context.
bool isValid() const
Returns true if the storage type of this variant is not QVariant::Invalid; otherwise returns false...
Definition: qvariant.h:485
bool hasNotifySignal() const
Returns true if this property has a corresponding change notify signal; otherwise returns false...
QChar toLower() const
Returns the lowercase equivalent if the character is uppercase or titlecase; otherwise returns the ch...
Definition: qchar.cpp:1239
const char * typeName() const
Returns the name of this property&#39;s type.
The QLatin1Char class provides an 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character.
Definition: qchar.h:55
The QMetaMethod class provides meta-data about a member function.
Definition: qmetaobject.h:56
virtual const QMetaObject * metaObject() const
Returns a pointer to the meta-object of this object.
QMetaProperty property(int index) const
Returns the meta-data for the property with the given index.
void sendMessage(const QByteArray &)
The QWeakPointer class holds a weak reference to a shared pointer.
bool isProperty() const
Returns true if this QDeclarativeProperty represents a regular Qt property.
QList< QWeakPointer< QDeclarativeState > > m_allStates
QVariant read() const
Returns the property value.
void buildObjectDump(QDataStream &, QObject *, bool, bool)
int removeAll(const T &t)
Removes all occurrences of value in the list and returns the number of entries removed.
Definition: qlist.h:770
QDeclarativeContextData * childContexts
static QDeclarativeContextData * get(QDeclarativeContext *context)
void removeAt(int i)
Removes the item at index position i.
Definition: qlist.h:480