Qt 4.8
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** Copyright (C) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
4 ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal
5 **
6 ** This file is part of the QtOpenGL module of the Qt Toolkit.
7 **
9 ** Commercial License Usage
10 ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
11 ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
12 ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
13 ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and
14 ** conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information
15 ** use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us.
16 **
17 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
18 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
19 ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
20 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
21 ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
22 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
23 ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
24 **
25 ** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional
26 ** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception
27 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
28 **
29 ** GNU General Public License Usage
30 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
31 ** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
32 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
33 ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
34 ** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
35 ** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
36 **
37 **
39 **
40 ****************************************************************************/
42 #include "qgl.h"
44 // There are functions that are deprecated in 10.5, but really there's no way around them
45 // for Carbon, so just undefine them.
48 #if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
49 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
50 #ifdef qDebug
51 # undef qDebug
52 # include <AGL/agl.h>
53 # include <AGL/aglRenderers.h>
54 # include <OpenGL/gl.h>
55 # ifdef QT_NO_DEBUG
56 # define qDebug qt_noop(),1?(void)0:qDebug
57 # endif
58 #else
59 # include <AGL/agl.h>
60 # include <AGL/aglRenderers.h>
61 # include <OpenGL/gl.h>
62 #endif
63 #else
64 #include <private/qcocoaview_mac_p.h>
65 #endif
68 #include <OpenGL/gl.h>
69 #include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
70 #include <private/qfont_p.h>
71 #include <private/qfontengine_p.h>
72 #include <private/qgl_p.h>
73 #include <private/qpaintengine_opengl_p.h>
74 #include <private/qt_mac_p.h>
75 #include <qpixmap.h>
76 #include <qtimer.h>
77 #include <qapplication.h>
78 #include <qstack.h>
79 #include <qdesktopwidget.h>
80 #include <qdebug.h>
83 #ifdef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
92 void *qt_current_nsopengl_context()
93 {
94  return [NSOpenGLContext currentContext];
95 }
97 static GLint attribValue(NSOpenGLPixelFormat *fmt, NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attrib)
98 {
99  GLint res;
100  [fmt getValues:&res forAttribute:attrib forVirtualScreen:0];
101  return res;
102 }
104 static int def(int val, int defVal)
105 {
106  return val != -1 ? val : defVal;
107 }
108 #else
110 #endif
112 extern quint32 *qt_mac_pixmap_get_base(const QPixmap *);
113 extern int qt_mac_pixmap_get_bytes_per_line(const QPixmap *);
114 extern RgnHandle qt_mac_get_rgn(); //qregion_mac.cpp
115 extern void qt_mac_dispose_rgn(RgnHandle); //qregion_mac.cpp
116 extern QRegion qt_mac_convert_mac_region(RgnHandle); //qregion_mac.cpp
118 /*
119  QGLTemporaryContext implementation
120 */
123 {
124 public:
125 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
126  AGLContext ctx;
127 #else
128  NSOpenGLContext *ctx;
129 #endif
130 };
134 {
135  d->ctx = 0;
136 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
137  GLint attribs[] = {AGL_RGBA, AGL_NONE};
138  AGLPixelFormat fmt = aglChoosePixelFormat(0, 0, attribs);
139  if (!fmt) {
140  qDebug("QGLTemporaryContext: Couldn't find any RGB visuals");
141  return;
142  }
143  d->ctx = aglCreateContext(fmt, 0);
144  if (!d->ctx)
145  qDebug("QGLTemporaryContext: Unable to create context");
146  else
147  aglSetCurrentContext(d->ctx);
148  aglDestroyPixelFormat(fmt);
149 #else
151  NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attribs[] = { 0 };
152  NSOpenGLPixelFormat *fmt = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attribs];
153  if (!fmt) {
154  qWarning("QGLTemporaryContext: Cannot find any visuals");
155  return;
156  }
158  d->ctx = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:fmt shareContext:0];
159  if (!d->ctx)
160  qWarning("QGLTemporaryContext: Cannot create context");
161  else
162  [d->ctx makeCurrentContext];
163  [fmt release];
164 #endif
165 }
168 {
169  if (d->ctx) {
170 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
171  aglSetCurrentContext(0);
172  aglDestroyContext(d->ctx);
173 #else
174  [NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext];
175  [d->ctx release];
176 #endif
177  }
178 }
181 {
182  return true;
183 }
186 {
187  return false;
188 }
190 bool QGLContext::chooseContext(const QGLContext *shareContext)
191 {
193  Q_D(QGLContext);
194  d->cx = 0;
195  d->vi = chooseMacVisual(0);
196  if (!d->vi)
197  return false;
199 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
200  AGLPixelFormat fmt = (AGLPixelFormat)d->vi;
201  GLint res;
202  aglDescribePixelFormat(fmt, AGL_LEVEL, &res);
203  d->glFormat.setPlane(res);
204  if (deviceIsPixmap())
205  res = 0;
206  else
207  aglDescribePixelFormat(fmt, AGL_DOUBLEBUFFER, &res);
208  d->glFormat.setDoubleBuffer(res);
209  aglDescribePixelFormat(fmt, AGL_DEPTH_SIZE, &res);
210  d->glFormat.setDepth(res);
211  if (d->glFormat.depth())
212  d->glFormat.setDepthBufferSize(res);
213  aglDescribePixelFormat(fmt, AGL_RGBA, &res);
214  d->glFormat.setRgba(res);
215  aglDescribePixelFormat(fmt, AGL_RED_SIZE, &res);
216  d->glFormat.setRedBufferSize(res);
217  aglDescribePixelFormat(fmt, AGL_GREEN_SIZE, &res);
218  d->glFormat.setGreenBufferSize(res);
219  aglDescribePixelFormat(fmt, AGL_BLUE_SIZE, &res);
220  d->glFormat.setBlueBufferSize(res);
221  aglDescribePixelFormat(fmt, AGL_ALPHA_SIZE, &res);
222  d->glFormat.setAlpha(res);
223  if (d->glFormat.alpha())
224  d->glFormat.setAlphaBufferSize(res);
225  aglDescribePixelFormat(fmt, AGL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE, &res);
226  // Bug in Apple OpenGL (rdr://5015603), when we don't have an accumulation
227  // buffer, it still claims that we have a 16-bit one (which is pretty rare).
228  // So, we just assume we can never have a buffer that small.
229  d->glFormat.setAccum(res > 5);
230  if (d->glFormat.accum())
231  d->glFormat.setAccumBufferSize(res);
232  aglDescribePixelFormat(fmt, AGL_STENCIL_SIZE, &res);
233  d->glFormat.setStencil(res);
234  if (d->glFormat.stencil())
235  d->glFormat.setStencilBufferSize(res);
236  aglDescribePixelFormat(fmt, AGL_STEREO, &res);
237  d->glFormat.setStereo(res);
238  aglDescribePixelFormat(fmt, AGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB, &res);
239  d->glFormat.setSampleBuffers(res);
240  if (d->glFormat.sampleBuffers()) {
241  aglDescribePixelFormat(fmt, AGL_SAMPLES_ARB, &res);
242  d->glFormat.setSamples(res);
243  }
244 #else
245  NSOpenGLPixelFormat *fmt = static_cast<NSOpenGLPixelFormat *>(d->vi);
247  d->glFormat = QGLFormat();
249  // ### make sure to reset other options
250  d->glFormat.setDoubleBuffer(attribValue(fmt, NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer));
252  int depthSize = attribValue(fmt, NSOpenGLPFADepthSize);
253  d->glFormat.setDepth(depthSize > 0);
254  if (depthSize > 0)
255  d->glFormat.setDepthBufferSize(depthSize);
257  int alphaSize = attribValue(fmt, NSOpenGLPFAAlphaSize);
258  d->glFormat.setAlpha(alphaSize > 0);
259  if (alphaSize > 0)
260  d->glFormat.setAlphaBufferSize(alphaSize);
262  int accumSize = attribValue(fmt, NSOpenGLPFAAccumSize);
263  d->glFormat.setAccum(accumSize > 0);
264  if (accumSize > 0)
265  d->glFormat.setAccumBufferSize(accumSize);
267  int stencilSize = attribValue(fmt, NSOpenGLPFAStencilSize);
268  d->glFormat.setStencil(stencilSize > 0);
269  if (stencilSize > 0)
270  d->glFormat.setStencilBufferSize(stencilSize);
272  d->glFormat.setStereo(attribValue(fmt, NSOpenGLPFAStereo));
274  int sampleBuffers = attribValue(fmt, NSOpenGLPFASampleBuffers);
275  d->glFormat.setSampleBuffers(sampleBuffers);
276  if (sampleBuffers > 0)
277  d->glFormat.setSamples(attribValue(fmt, NSOpenGLPFASamples));
278 #endif
279  if (shareContext && (!shareContext->isValid() || !shareContext->d_func()->cx)) {
280  qWarning("QGLContext::chooseContext: Cannot share with invalid context");
281  shareContext = 0;
282  }
284  // sharing between rgba and color-index will give wrong colors
285  if (shareContext && (format().rgba() != shareContext->format().rgba()))
286  shareContext = 0;
288 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
289  AGLContext ctx = aglCreateContext(fmt, (AGLContext) (shareContext ? shareContext->d_func()->cx : 0));
290 #else
291  NSOpenGLContext *ctx = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:fmt
292  shareContext:(shareContext ? static_cast<NSOpenGLContext *>(shareContext->d_func()->cx)
293  : 0)];
294 #endif
295  if (!ctx) {
296 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
297  GLenum err = aglGetError();
298  if (err == AGL_BAD_MATCH || err == AGL_BAD_CONTEXT) {
299  if (shareContext && shareContext->d_func()->cx) {
300  qWarning("QGLContext::chooseContext(): Context sharing mismatch!");
301  if (!(ctx = aglCreateContext(fmt, 0)))
302  return false;
303  shareContext = 0;
304  }
305  }
306 #else
307  if (shareContext) {
308  ctx = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:fmt shareContext:0];
309  if (ctx) {
310  qWarning("QGLContext::chooseContext: Context sharing mismatch");
311  shareContext = 0;
312  }
313  }
314 #endif
315  if (!ctx) {
316  qWarning("QGLContext::chooseContext: Unable to create QGLContext");
317  return false;
318  }
319  }
320  d->cx = ctx;
321  if (shareContext && shareContext->d_func()->cx) {
322  QGLContext *share = const_cast<QGLContext *>(shareContext);
323  d->sharing = true;
324  share->d_func()->sharing = true;
325  }
326  if (deviceIsPixmap())
327  updatePaintDevice();
329  // vblank syncing
330  GLint interval = d->reqFormat.swapInterval();
331  if (interval != -1) {
332 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
333  aglSetInteger((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_SWAP_INTERVAL, &interval);
334  if (interval != 0)
335  aglEnable((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_SWAP_INTERVAL);
336  else
337  aglDisable((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_SWAP_INTERVAL);
338 #else
339  [ctx setValues:&interval forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval];
340 #endif
341  }
342 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
343  aglGetInteger((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_SWAP_INTERVAL, &interval);
344 #else
345  [ctx getValues:&interval forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval];
346 #endif
347  d->glFormat.setSwapInterval(interval);
348  return true;
349 }
352 {
353  static const int Max = 40;
354 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
355  GLint attribs[Max], cnt = 0;
356  bool device_is_pixmap = (paintDevice->devType() == QInternal::Pixmap);
358  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_RGBA;
359  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_BUFFER_SIZE;
360  attribs[cnt++] = device_is_pixmap ? static_cast<QPixmap *>(paintDevice)->depth() : 32;
361  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_LEVEL;
362  attribs[cnt++] = format.plane();
364  if (format.redBufferSize() != -1) {
365  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_RED_SIZE;
366  attribs[cnt++] = format.redBufferSize();
367  }
368  if (format.greenBufferSize() != -1) {
369  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_GREEN_SIZE;
370  attribs[cnt++] = format.greenBufferSize();
371  }
372  if (format.blueBufferSize() != -1) {
373  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_BLUE_SIZE;
374  attribs[cnt++] = format.blueBufferSize();
375  }
376  if (device_is_pixmap) {
377  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_PIXEL_SIZE;
378  attribs[cnt++] = static_cast<QPixmap *>(paintDevice)->depth();
379  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_OFFSCREEN;
380  if (!format.alpha()) {
381  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_ALPHA_SIZE;
382  attribs[cnt++] = 8;
383  }
384  } else {
385  if (format.doubleBuffer())
386  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_DOUBLEBUFFER;
387  }
389  if (format.stereo())
390  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_STEREO;
391  if (format.alpha()) {
392  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_ALPHA_SIZE;
393  attribs[cnt++] = format.alphaBufferSize() == -1 ? 8 : format.alphaBufferSize();
394  }
395  if (format.stencil()) {
396  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_STENCIL_SIZE;
397  attribs[cnt++] = format.stencilBufferSize() == -1 ? 8 : format.stencilBufferSize();
398  }
399  if (format.depth()) {
400  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_DEPTH_SIZE;
401  attribs[cnt++] = format.depthBufferSize() == -1 ? 32 : format.depthBufferSize();
402  }
403  if (format.accum()) {
404  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE;
405  attribs[cnt++] = format.accumBufferSize() == -1 ? 1 : format.accumBufferSize();
406  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE;
407  attribs[cnt++] = format.accumBufferSize() == -1 ? 1 : format.accumBufferSize();
408  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE;
409  attribs[cnt++] = format.accumBufferSize() == -1 ? 1 : format.accumBufferSize();
410  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE;
411  attribs[cnt++] = format.accumBufferSize() == -1 ? 1 : format.accumBufferSize();
412  }
413  if (format.sampleBuffers()) {
414  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB;
415  attribs[cnt++] = 1;
416  attribs[cnt++] = AGL_SAMPLES_ARB;
417  attribs[cnt++] = format.samples() == -1 ? 4 : format.samples();
418  }
420  attribs[cnt] = AGL_NONE;
421  Q_ASSERT(cnt < Max);
422  return aglChoosePixelFormat(0, 0, attribs);
423 #else
424  NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attribs[Max];
425  int cnt = 0;
426  int devType = paintDevice->devType();
427  bool device_is_pixmap = (devType == QInternal::Pixmap);
428  int depth = device_is_pixmap ? static_cast<QPixmap *>(paintDevice)->depth() : 32;
430  attribs[cnt++] = NSOpenGLPFAColorSize;
431  attribs[cnt++] = depth;
433  if (device_is_pixmap) {
434  attribs[cnt++] = NSOpenGLPFAOffScreen;
435  } else {
436  if (format.doubleBuffer())
437  attribs[cnt++] = NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer;
438  }
439  if (glFormat.stereo())
440  attribs[cnt++] = NSOpenGLPFAStereo;
441  if (device_is_pixmap || format.alpha()) {
442  attribs[cnt++] = NSOpenGLPFAAlphaSize;
443  attribs[cnt++] = def(format.alphaBufferSize(), 8);
444  }
445  if (format.stencil()) {
446  attribs[cnt++] = NSOpenGLPFAStencilSize;
447  attribs[cnt++] = def(format.stencilBufferSize(), 8);
448  }
449  if (format.depth()) {
450  attribs[cnt++] = NSOpenGLPFADepthSize;
451  attribs[cnt++] = def(format.depthBufferSize(), 32);
452  }
453  if (format.accum()) {
454  attribs[cnt++] = NSOpenGLPFAAccumSize;
455  attribs[cnt++] = def(format.accumBufferSize(), 1);
456  }
457  if (format.sampleBuffers()) {
458  attribs[cnt++] = NSOpenGLPFASampleBuffers;
459  attribs[cnt++] = 1;
460  attribs[cnt++] = NSOpenGLPFASamples;
461  attribs[cnt++] = def(format.samples(), 4);
462  }
464  if (devType == QInternal::Pbuffer)
465  attribs[cnt++] = NSOpenGLPFAPixelBuffer;
467  attribs[cnt] = 0;
468  Q_ASSERT(cnt < Max);
469  return [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attribs];
470 #endif
471 }
474 {
475  [static_cast<NSOpenGLContext *>(cx) clearDrawable];
476 }
493 {
494  Q_D(QGLContext);
496  void *fmt = d->tryFormat(d->glFormat);
497  if (!fmt && d->glFormat.stereo()) {
498  d->glFormat.setStereo(false);
499  fmt = d->tryFormat(d->glFormat);
500  }
501  if (!fmt && d->glFormat.sampleBuffers()) {
502  d->glFormat.setSampleBuffers(false);
503  fmt = d->tryFormat(d->glFormat);
504  }
505  if (!fmt)
506  qWarning("QGLContext::chooseMacVisual: Unable to choose a pixel format");
507  return fmt;
508 }
510 void QGLContext::reset()
511 {
512  Q_D(QGLContext);
513  if (!d->valid)
514  return;
515  d->cleanup();
516  doneCurrent();
517 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
518  if (d->cx)
519  aglDestroyContext((AGLContext)d->cx);
520 #else
522  [static_cast<NSOpenGLContext *>(d->cx) release];
523 #endif
524  d->cx = 0;
525 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
526  if (d->vi)
527  aglDestroyPixelFormat((AGLPixelFormat)d->vi);
528 #else
529  [static_cast<NSOpenGLPixelFormat *>(d->vi) release];
530 #endif
531  d->vi = 0;
532  d->crWin = false;
533  d->sharing = false;
534  d->valid = false;
535  d->transpColor = QColor();
536  d->initDone = false;
538 }
541 {
542  Q_D(QGLContext);
544  if (!d->valid) {
545  qWarning("QGLContext::makeCurrent: Cannot make invalid context current");
546  return;
547  }
548 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
549  aglSetCurrentContext((AGLContext)d->cx);
550  if (d->update)
551  updatePaintDevice();
552 #else
553  [static_cast<NSOpenGLContext *>(d->cx) makeCurrentContext];
554 #endif
556 }
558 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
559 /*
560  Returns the effective scale factor for a widget. For this value to be
561  different than 1, the following must be true:
562  - The system scale factor must be greater than 1.
563  - The widget window must have WA_MacFrameworkScaled set.
564 */
566 {
567  if (!widget | !widget->window())
568  return 1;
570  if (widget->window()->testAttribute(Qt::WA_MacFrameworkScaled) == false)
571  return 1;
573  float systemScale = QSysInfo::MacintoshVersion >= QSysInfo::MV_10_4 ? HIGetScaleFactor() : 1;
574  if (systemScale == float(1))
575  return 1;
577  return systemScale;
578 }
579 #endif
584 {
585  Q_D(QGLContext);
586 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
587  d->update = false;
588  if (d->paintDevice->devType() == QInternal::Widget) {
589  //get control information
590  QWidget *w = (QWidget *)d->paintDevice;
591  HIViewRef hiview = (HIViewRef)w->winId();
592  WindowRef window = HIViewGetWindow(hiview);
594  static int serial_no_gl = 0;
595  qDebug("[%d] %p setting on %s::%s %p/%p [%s]", ++serial_no_gl, w,
597  hiview, window, w->handle() ? "Inside" : "Outside");
598 #endif
600  //update drawable
601  if (0 && w->isWindow() && w->isFullScreen()) {
602  aglSetDrawable((AGLContext)d->cx, 0);
603  aglSetFullScreen((AGLContext)d->cx, w->width(), w->height(), 0, QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(w));
604  w->hide();
605  } else {
606  AGLDrawable old_draw = aglGetDrawable((AGLContext)d->cx), new_draw = GetWindowPort(window);
607  if (old_draw != new_draw)
608  aglSetDrawable((AGLContext)d->cx, new_draw);
609  }
611  float scale = qt_mac_get_scale_factor(w);
613  if (!w->isWindow()) {
614  QRegion clp = qt_mac_get_widget_rgn(w); //get drawable area
617  if (clp.isEmpty()) {
618  qDebug(" Empty area!");
619  } else {
620  QVector<QRect> rs = clp.rects();
621  for(int i = 0; i < rs.count(); i++)
622  qDebug(" %d %d %d %d", rs[i].x(), rs[i].y(), rs[i].width(), rs[i].height());
623  }
624 #endif
625  //update the clip
626  if (!aglIsEnabled((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_BUFFER_RECT))
627  aglEnable((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_BUFFER_RECT);
628  if (clp.isEmpty()) {
629  GLint offs[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
630  aglSetInteger((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_BUFFER_RECT, offs);
631  if (aglIsEnabled((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_CLIP_REGION))
632  aglDisable((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_CLIP_REGION);
633  } else {
634  HIPoint origin = { 0., 0. };
635  HIViewConvertPoint(&origin, HIViewRef(w->winId()), 0);
636  const GLint offs[4] = { qRound(origin.x),
637  w->window()->frameGeometry().height() * scale
638  - (qRound(origin.y) + w->height() * scale),
639  w->width() * scale, w->height() * scale};
641  RgnHandle region = clp.handle(true);
643  if (scale != float(1)) {
644  // Sacle the clip region by the scale factor
645  Rect regionBounds;
646  GetRegionBounds(region, &regionBounds);
647  Rect regionBoundsDest = regionBounds;
648  regionBoundsDest.bottom *= scale;
649  regionBoundsDest.right *= scale;
650  MapRgn(region, &regionBounds, &regionBoundsDest);
651  }
653  aglSetInteger((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_BUFFER_RECT, offs);
654  aglSetInteger((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_CLIP_REGION, (const GLint *)region);
655  if (!aglIsEnabled((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_CLIP_REGION))
656  aglEnable((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_CLIP_REGION);
657  }
658  } else {
659  // Set the buffer rect for top-level gl contexts when scaled.
660  if (scale != float(1)) {
661  aglEnable((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_BUFFER_RECT);
662  const GLint offs[4] = { 0, 0, w->width() * scale , w->height() * scale};
663  aglSetInteger((AGLContext)d->cx, AGL_BUFFER_RECT, offs);
664  }
665  }
666  } else if (d->paintDevice->devType() == QInternal::Pixmap) {
667  QPixmap *pm = reinterpret_cast<QPixmap *>(d->paintDevice);
669  unsigned long qdformat = k32ARGBPixelFormat;
670  if (QSysInfo::ByteOrder == QSysInfo::LittleEndian)
671  qdformat = k32BGRAPixelFormat;
672  Rect rect;
673  SetRect(&rect, 0, 0, pm->width(), pm->height());
675  GWorldPtr gworld;
676  NewGWorldFromPtr(&gworld, qdformat, &rect, 0, 0, 0,
677  reinterpret_cast<char *>(qt_mac_pixmap_get_base(pm)),
680  PixMapHandle pixmapHandle = GetGWorldPixMap(gworld);
681  aglSetOffScreen(reinterpret_cast<AGLContext>(d->cx), pm->width(), pm->height(),
682  GetPixRowBytes(pixmapHandle), GetPixBaseAddr(pixmapHandle));
683  } else {
684  qWarning("QGLContext::updatePaintDevice(): Not sure how to render OpenGL on this device!");
685  }
686  aglUpdateContext((AGLContext)d->cx);
688 #else
691  if (d->paintDevice->devType() == QInternal::Widget) {
692  //get control information
693  QWidget *w = (QWidget *)d->paintDevice;
694  NSView *view = qt_mac_nativeview_for(w);
696  // Trying to attach the GL context to the NSView will fail with
697  // "invalid drawable" if done too soon, but we have to make sure
698  // the connection is made before the first paint event. Using
699  // the NSView do to this check fails as the NSView is visible
700  // before it's safe to connect, and using the NSWindow fails as
701  // the NSWindow will become visible after the first paint event.
702  // This leaves us with the QWidget, who's visible state seems
703  // to match the point in time when it's safe to connect.
704  if (!w || !w->isVisible())
705  return; // Not safe to attach GL context to view yet
707  if ([static_cast<NSOpenGLContext *>(d->cx) view] != view && ![view isHidden])
708  [static_cast<NSOpenGLContext *>(d->cx) setView:view];
709  } else if (d->paintDevice->devType() == QInternal::Pixmap) {
710  const QPixmap *pm = static_cast<const QPixmap *>(d->paintDevice);
711  [static_cast<NSOpenGLContext *>(d->cx) setOffScreen:qt_mac_pixmap_get_base(pm)
712  width:pm->width()
713  height:pm->height()
714  rowbytes:qt_mac_pixmap_get_bytes_per_line(pm)];
715  } else {
716  qWarning("QGLContext::updatePaintDevice: Not sure how to render OpenGL on this device");
717  }
718  [static_cast<NSOpenGLContext *>(d->cx) update];
719 #endif
720 }
723 {
725  if (
726 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
727  aglGetCurrentContext() != (AGLContext) d_func()->cx
728 #else
729  [NSOpenGLContext currentContext] != d_func()->cx
730 #endif
731  )
732  return;
735 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
736  aglSetCurrentContext(0);
737 #else
738  [NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext];
739 #endif
740 }
742 void QGLContext::swapBuffers() const
743 {
744  Q_D(const QGLContext);
745  if (!d->valid)
746  return;
747 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
748  aglSwapBuffers((AGLContext)d->cx);
749 #else
750  [static_cast<NSOpenGLContext *>(d->cx) flushBuffer];
751 #endif
752 }
755 {
756  return QColor(0, 0, 0); // Invalid color
757 }
759 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
760 static QColor cmap[256];
761 static bool cmap_init = false;
762 #endif
763 uint QGLContext::colorIndex(const QColor &c) const
764 {
765 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
766  int ret = -1;
767  if(!cmap_init) {
768  cmap_init = true;
769  for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
770  cmap[i] = QColor();
771  } else {
772  for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
773  if(cmap[i].isValid() && cmap[i] == c) {
774  ret = i;
775  break;
776  }
777  }
778  }
779  if(ret == -1) {
780  for(ret = 0; ret < 256; ret++)
781  if(!cmap[ret].isValid())
782  break;
783  if(ret == 256) {
784  ret = -1;
785  qWarning("QGLContext::colorIndex(): Internal error!");
786  } else {
787  cmap[ret] = c;
789  GLint vals[4];
790  vals[0] = ret;
791  vals[1] = c.red();
792  vals[2] = c.green();
793  vals[3] = c.blue();
794  aglSetInteger((AGLContext)d_func()->cx, AGL_COLORMAP_ENTRY, vals);
795  }
796  }
797  return (uint)(ret == -1 ? 0 : ret);
798 #else
799  Q_UNUSED(c);
800  return 0;
801 #endif
802 }
804 void QGLContext::generateFontDisplayLists(const QFont & /* fnt */, int /* listBase */)
805 {
806 }
808 static CFBundleRef qt_getOpenGLBundle()
809 {
810  CFBundleRef bundle = 0;
811  CFStringRef urlString = QCFString::toCFStringRef(QLatin1String("/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework"));
812  QCFType<CFURLRef> url = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath(kCFAllocatorDefault,
813  urlString, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, false);
814  if (url)
815  bundle = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, url);
816  CFRelease(urlString);
817  return bundle;
818 }
820 void *QGLContext::getProcAddress(const QString &proc) const
821 {
822  CFStringRef procName = QCFString(proc).toCFStringRef(proc);
823  void *result = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(QCFType<CFBundleRef>(qt_getOpenGLBundle()),
824  procName);
825  CFRelease(procName);
826  return result;
827 }
828 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
829 /*****************************************************************************
830  QGLWidget AGL-specific code
831  *****************************************************************************/
833 /****************************************************************************
834  Hacks to glue AGL to an HIView
835  ***************************************************************************/
837 {
838  if(!widget->isVisible() || widget->isMinimized())
839  return QRegion();
840  const QRect wrect = QRect(qt_mac_posInWindow(widget), widget->size());
841  if(!wrect.isValid())
842  return QRegion();
844  RgnHandle macr = qt_mac_get_rgn();
845  GetControlRegion((HIViewRef)widget->winId(), kControlStructureMetaPart, macr);
846  OffsetRgn(macr, wrect.x(), wrect.y());
849  QPoint clip_pos = wrect.topLeft();
850  for(const QWidget *last_clip = 0, *clip = widget; clip; last_clip = clip, clip = clip->parentWidget()) {
851  if(clip != widget) {
852  GetControlRegion((HIViewRef)clip->winId(), kControlStructureMetaPart, macr);
853  OffsetRgn(macr, clip_pos.x(), clip_pos.y());
854  ret &= qt_mac_convert_mac_region(macr);
855  }
856  const QObjectList &children = clip->children();
857  for(int i = children.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
858  if(QWidget *child = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(children.at(i))) {
859  if(child == last_clip)
860  break;
862  // This check may seem weird, but when we are using a unified toolbar
863  // The widget is actually being owned by that toolbar and not by Qt.
864  // This means that the geometry it reports will be wrong
865  // and will accidentally cause problems when calculating the region
866  // So, it is better to skip these widgets since they aren't the hierarchy
867  // anyway.
868  if (HIViewGetSuperview(HIViewRef(child->winId())) != HIViewRef(clip->winId()))
869  continue;
871  if(child->isVisible() && !child->isMinimized() && !child->isTopLevel()) {
872  const QRect childRect = QRect(clip_pos+child->pos(), child->size());
873  if(childRect.isValid() && wrect.intersects(childRect)) {
874  GetControlRegion((HIViewRef)child->winId(), kControlStructureMetaPart, macr);
875  OffsetRgn(macr, childRect.x(), childRect.y());
876  ret -= qt_mac_convert_mac_region(macr);
877  }
878  }
879  }
880  }
881  if(clip->isWindow())
882  break;
883  clip_pos -= clip->pos();
884  }
885  qt_mac_dispose_rgn(macr);
886  return ret;
887 }
889 #endif
891 void QGLWidget::setMouseTracking(bool enable)
892 {
894 }
897 {
898  Q_D(QGLWidget);
899  if (!isValid())
900  return;
901 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
902  if (!isWindow())
903  d->glcx->d_func()->update = true;
904 #endif
905  makeCurrent();
906  if (!d->glcx->initialized())
907  glInit();
908 #ifdef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
909  d->glcx->updatePaintDevice();
910 #endif
911 #ifndef QT_MAC_USE_COCOA
912  float scale = qt_mac_get_scale_factor(this);
913  resizeGL(width() * scale, height() * scale);
914 #else
915  resizeGL(width(), height());
916 #endif
917 }
920 {
921  return 0;
922 }
925 {
926 }
929 {
930 }
932 void QGLWidget::setContext(QGLContext *context, const QGLContext* shareContext, bool deleteOldContext)
933 {
934  Q_D(QGLWidget);
935  if (context == 0) {
936  qWarning("QGLWidget::setContext: Cannot set null context");
937  return;
938  }
940  if (d->glcx)
941  d->glcx->doneCurrent();
942  QGLContext* oldcx = d->glcx;
943  d->glcx = context;
944  if (!d->glcx->isValid())
945  d->glcx->create(shareContext ? shareContext : oldcx);
946  if (deleteOldContext && oldcx)
947  delete oldcx;
948 }
950 void QGLWidgetPrivate::init(QGLContext *context, const QGLWidget *shareWidget)
951 {
952  Q_Q(QGLWidget);
954  initContext(context, shareWidget);
956  QWidget *current = q;
957  while (current) {
958  qt_widget_private(current)->glWidgets.append(QWidgetPrivate::GlWidgetInfo(q));
959  if (current->isWindow())
960  break;
961  current = current->parentWidget();
962  }
963 }
966 {
967  return false;
968 }
971 {
972 }
975 {
976  return d_func()->cmap;
977 }
980 {
981 }
983 void QGLWidgetPrivate::updatePaintDevice()
984 {
985  Q_Q(QGLWidget);
986  glcx->updatePaintDevice();
987  q->update();
988 }
990 #endif
The QColor class provides colors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values.
Definition: qcolor.h:67
double d
Definition: qnumeric_p.h:62
virtual void swapBuffers() const
Swaps the screen contents with an off-screen buffer.
Definition: qgl_egl.cpp:287
const struct __CFString * CFStringRef
QWidget * parentWidget() const
Returns the parent of this widget, or 0 if it does not have any parent widget.
Definition: qwidget.h:1035
bool rgba() const
Returns true if RGBA color mode is set.
Definition: qgl.h:623
unsigned char c[8]
Definition: qnumeric_p.h:62
This macro expands to.
Definition: qglobal.h:90
int width() const
Returns the width of the pixmap.
Definition: qpixmap.cpp:630
float qt_mac_get_scale_factor(QWidget *widget)
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:565
QPointer< QWidget > widget
QScopedPointer< QGLTemporaryContextPrivate > d
Definition: qgl_p.h:335
int greenBufferSize() const
Returns the green buffer size.
Definition: qgl.cpp:1070
int width
the width of the widget excluding any window frame
Definition: qwidget.h:166
static void setCurrentContext(QGLContext *context)
Definition: qgl.cpp:3577
bool isWindow() const
Returns true if the widget is an independent window, otherwise returns false.
Definition: qwidget.h:945
int count(const T &t) const
Returns the number of occurrences of value in the vector.
Definition: qvector.h:742
struct OpaqueWindowPtr * WindowRef
bool isVisible() const
Definition: qwidget.h:1005
The QWidget class is the base class of all user interface objects.
Definition: qwidget.h:150
static QColor cmap[256]
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:760
QRect frameGeometry
geometry of the widget relative to its parent including any window frame
Definition: qwidget.h:159
static CFStringRef toCFStringRef(const QString &str)
Definition: qcore_mac.cpp:69
QColor overlayTransparentColor() const
If this context is a valid context in an overlay plane, returns the plane&#39;s transparent color...
Definition: qgl_egl.cpp:362
void * getProcAddress(const QString &proc) const
Returns a function pointer to the GL extension function passed in proc.
Definition: qgl_egl.cpp:379
ushort red
Returns the red color component of this color.
Definition: qcolor.h:243
int height() const
Returns the height of the rectangle.
Definition: qrect.h:306
The QString class provides a Unicode character string.
Definition: qstring.h:83
void init(QGLContext *context, const QGLWidget *shareWidget)
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:950
void clearDrawable()
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:473
static void removeShare(const QGLContext *context)
Definition: qgl.cpp:5867
#define Q_ASSERT(cond)
Definition: qglobal.h:1823
void updatePaintDevice()
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:583
int redBufferSize() const
Returns the red buffer size.
Definition: qgl.cpp:1035
RgnHandle qt_mac_get_rgn()
#define Q_D(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2482
QRegion qt_mac_get_widget_rgn(const QWidget *widget)
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:836
#define Q_Q(Class)
Definition: qglobal.h:2483
Q_CORE_EXPORT void qDebug(const char *,...)
bool sampleBuffers() const
Returns true if multisample buffer support is enabled; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qgl.h:658
Definition: qglobal.h:95
NSWindow * window
int plane() const
Returns the plane of this format.
Definition: qgl.cpp:924
int alphaBufferSize() const
Returns the alpha buffer size.
Definition: qgl.cpp:1132
This macro expands to.
Definition: qglobal.h:89
bool depth() const
Returns true if the depth buffer is enabled; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qgl.h:618
void generateFontDisplayLists(const QFont &fnt, int listBase)
Generates a set of 256 display lists for the 256 first characters in the font font.
Definition: qgl_egl.cpp:373
QGLFormat format() const
Returns the frame buffer format that was obtained (this may be a subset of what was requested)...
Definition: qgl.cpp:3495
int accumBufferSize() const
Returns the accumulation buffer size.
Definition: qgl.cpp:1159
The QGLFormat class specifies the display format of an OpenGL rendering context.
Definition: qgl.h:175
The QGLContext class encapsulates an OpenGL rendering context.
Definition: qgl.h:310
int height
the height of the widget excluding any window frame
Definition: qwidget.h:167
bool testAttribute(Qt::WidgetAttribute) const
Returns true if attribute attribute is set on this widget; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qwidget.h:1041
bool isEmpty() const
Returns true if the region is empty; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qregion.cpp:4098
int depthBufferSize() const
Returns the depth buffer size.
Definition: qgl.cpp:1000
const T & at(int i) const
Returns the item at index position i in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:468
struct OpaqueControlRef * HIViewRef
QRegion qt_mac_convert_mac_region(RgnHandle)
bool stencil() const
Returns true if the stencil buffer is enabled; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qgl.h:638
The QResizeEvent class contains event parameters for resize events.
Definition: qevent.h:349
Q_CORE_EXPORT void qWarning(const char *,...)
static bool hasOpenGL()
Returns true if the window system has any OpenGL support; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qgl_egl.cpp:186
unsigned int uint
Definition: qglobal.h:996
static bool cmap_init
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:761
The QRegion class specifies a clip region for a painter.
Definition: qregion.h:68
QSize size
the size of the widget excluding any window frame
Definition: qwidget.h:165
QByteArray toLatin1() const Q_REQUIRED_RESULT
Returns a Latin-1 representation of the string as a QByteArray.
Definition: qstring.cpp:3993
bool accum() const
Returns true if the accumulation buffer is enabled; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qgl.h:633
struct OpaqueRgnHandle * RgnHandle
The QGLColormap class is used for installing custom colormaps into a QGLWidget.
Definition: qglcolormap.h:54
void hide()
Hides the widget.
Definition: qwidget.h:501
void setMouseTracking(bool enable)
Definition: qwidget.h:990
static CFBundleRef qt_getOpenGLBundle()
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:808
static QDesktopWidget * desktop()
Returns the desktop widget (also called the root window).
void qt_mac_dispose_rgn(RgnHandle)
const char * constData() const
Returns a pointer to the data stored in the byte array.
Definition: qbytearray.h:433
void reset()
Resets the context and makes it invalid.
Definition: qgl_egl.cpp:191
void * tryFormat(const QGLFormat &format)
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:351
The QGLWidget class is a widget for rendering OpenGL graphics.
Definition: qgl.h:474
virtual bool chooseContext(const QGLContext *shareContext=0)
This semi-internal function is called by create().
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:190
ushort blue
Returns the blue color component of this color.
Definition: qcolor.h:245
int qt_mac_pixmap_get_bytes_per_line(const QPixmap *)
Definition: qpixmap_mac.cpp:83
static bool hasOpenGLOverlays()
Returns true if the window system supports OpenGL overlays; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:185
unsigned int GLenum
Definition: main.cpp:50
bool isValid() const
Returns true if a GL rendering context has been successfully created; otherwise returns false...
Definition: qgl.cpp:3477
The QFont class specifies a font used for drawing text.
Definition: qfont.h:64
int y() const
Returns the y-coordinate of the rectangle&#39;s top edge.
Definition: qrect.h:255
int x() const
Returns the x-coordinate of the rectangle&#39;s left edge.
Definition: qrect.h:252
#define ctx
Definition: qgl.cpp:6094
virtual void doneCurrent()
Makes no GL context the current context.
Definition: qgl_egl.cpp:277
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
Handles resize events that are passed in the event parameter.
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:896
The QPoint class defines a point in the plane using integer precision.
Definition: qpoint.h:53
QVector< QRect > rects() const
Returns an array of non-overlapping rectangles that make up the region.
Definition: qregion.cpp:4412
bool isFullScreen() const
Definition: qwidget.cpp:3153
const QGLContext * overlayContext() const
Returns the overlay context of this widget, or 0 if this widget has no overlay.
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:919
unsigned int quint32
Definition: qglobal.h:938
int size() const
Returns the number of items in the list.
Definition: qlist.h:137
void makeOverlayCurrent()
Makes the overlay context of this widget current.
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:924
const char * className() const
Returns the class name.
Definition: qobjectdefs.h:491
bool alpha() const
Returns true if the alpha buffer in the framebuffer is enabled; otherwise returns false...
Definition: qgl.h:628
QString objectName() const
The QRect class defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision.
Definition: qrect.h:58
virtual void makeCurrent()
Makes this context the current OpenGL rendering context.
Definition: qgl_egl.cpp:213
OSViewRef qt_mac_nativeview_for(const QWidget *)
Definition: qwidget_mac.mm:419
int blueBufferSize() const
Returns the blue buffer size.
Definition: qgl.cpp:1105
QGLTemporaryContext(bool directRendering=true, QWidget *parent=0)
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:132
bool doubleBuffer() const
Returns true if double buffering is enabled; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qgl.h:613
int y() const
Returns the y coordinate of this point.
Definition: qpoint.h:131
quint32 * qt_mac_pixmap_get_base(const QPixmap *)
Definition: qpixmap_mac.cpp:75
bool isMinimized() const
Definition: qwidget.cpp:3027
QWidget * window() const
Returns the window for this widget, i.e.
Definition: qwidget.cpp:4492
The QPixmap class is an off-screen image representation that can be used as a paint device...
Definition: qpixmap.h:71
typedef GLint
Definition: glfunctions.h:67
uint colorIndex(const QColor &c) const
Returns a colormap index for the color c, in ColorIndex mode.
Definition: qgl_egl.cpp:367
int height() const
Returns the height of the pixmap.
Definition: qpixmap.cpp:645
static const MacVersion MacintoshVersion
the version of the Macintosh operating system on which the application is run (Mac only)...
Definition: qglobal.h:1646
int screenNumber(const QWidget *widget=0) const
WId winId() const
Returns the window system identifier of the widget.
Definition: qwidget.cpp:2557
bool intersects(const QRect &r) const
Returns true if this rectangle intersects with the given rectangle (i.
Definition: qrect.cpp:1429
int x() const
Returns the x coordinate of this point.
Definition: qpoint.h:128
virtual void updateOverlayGL()
Updates the widget&#39;s overlay (if any).
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:928
static QHash< QString, QVariant > getValues(const QString &prefix)
Definition: proxyconf.cpp:200
Q_GUI_EXPORT QWidgetPrivate * qt_widget_private(QWidget *widget)
Definition: qwidget.cpp:12920
const QGLColormap & colormap() const
Returns the colormap for this widget.
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:974
void setColormap(const QGLColormap &map)
Set the colormap for this widget to cmap.
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:979
Q_GUI_EXPORT QPoint qt_mac_posInWindow(const QWidget *w)
Definition: qwidget_mac.mm:380
bool isValid() const
Returns true if the rectangle is valid, otherwise returns false.
Definition: qrect.h:237
void setMouseTracking(bool enable)
If enable is true then mouse tracking is enabled; otherwise it is disabled.
Definition: qgl_egl.cpp:357
int stencilBufferSize() const
Returns the stencil buffer size.
Definition: qgl.cpp:1185
bool stereo() const
Returns true if stereo buffering is enabled; otherwise returns false.
Definition: qgl.h:643
#define Q_UNUSED(x)
Indicates to the compiler that the parameter with the specified name is not used in the body of a fun...
Definition: qglobal.h:1729
ushort green
Returns the green color component of this color.
Definition: qcolor.h:244
int samples() const
Returns the number of samples per pixel when multisampling is enabled.
Definition: qgl.cpp:824
virtual void * chooseMacVisual(GDHandle)
Mac OS X only: This virtual function tries to find a visual that matches the format, reducing the demands if the original request cannot be met.
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:492
GDPtr * GDHandle
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR int qRound(qreal d)
Definition: qglobal.h:1203
virtual const QMetaObject * metaObject() const
Returns a pointer to the meta-object of this object.
Handle handle() const
Returns a platform-specific region handle.
void setContext(QGLContext *context, const QGLContext *shareContext=0, bool deleteOldContext=true)
Sets a new QGLContext, context, for this QGLWidget, using the shared context, shareContext.
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:932
bool renderCxPm(QPixmap *pixmap)
Definition: qgl_egl.cpp:384
QPoint topLeft() const
Returns the position of the rectangle&#39;s top-left corner.
Definition: qrect.h:288
void cleanupColormaps()
Free up any allocated colormaps.
Definition: qgl_mac.mm:970